TH 13 PAPER PLEASS KOTICE. We win toegladtorecelTO communlcatlo every evening, Sundays excepted SH. T. JAMES, Editor uA n?F; . .- from our frlend3 on any pnd ftll snfrject general lnterest,l)ut " . Six montiis $2.00. Three ontns- $i-oa one month, 35 cents. , - ... will toe delivered by carriers, free t papc . - ' .., m any part of the city, at the above T3ie name of tna writer must always be fur nlsned to tne Editor. A " - A ? communications must be written" only on one side of tne paper.- , Personalities must be avoided. ; And it is especially and particularly under L or 10 Q per week- : "l&X rates iowanaineraL r ,. iTmbscrfDerswill please report any and stood tnat tne Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents anless so. stated VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1888. NO 223. nresi'" J " " . In the editorial columns. , rp i I . t iM-y .'.-Vi i ...ncel whon .we sud-UH-.nnoiw:ii?o that -wo possess a 1 ti.l arruiurtment called "fcimiic4i. !ih!fvl!h it lsskwi ioltthroiitrh or.en pro live Sisl ixwcr uutl a bl'WniKtcii!ierament ..i.u.. t ir Sink If rn civic tin; thrifts. vvai;(li'h!;matichuva Constipation, Jjethe tliiu uud nervousaie abandoned jjouiy f-r!dlPT. Some dyspeptics jVondi-iilty I-' . .. ful; others have 'jtlrrHttbUUy oi' U'i..wr. -tjateviT fT.i lJy"iH.-psi;i may take, 0tbiu 13 certain". . ftc mulerlyluz cause is , r in the X.Z9S1Z, i'on'c IHtxu: mnro Is. equally certain, no jiVl rvnialn a dyiei:io who will o It will correct Aridity of the Stomach, Expel foal rases, --yiJ4 Asit Digestion, ) :jiUanrt at the same ; time ttnrl'ih? ZAVSt to cor2eingf troubles v. :f. . f"f"ir'-c .'-: r-cptic. Some 1 1 f : r-.miiki t.iver i..: !. : t" rn f it has .'.-t r -. 1 rhU t.l ara- r t ' .:.!c ( her s .i.v.-r :it l I feel 1: will - '.Y j:V i ' " - iMlpliia, Iu ensat j.n. MT38tclstpdJtwiy ff. A. Martin & Co., iSonb Water Street, Wilmlugton, N. a. Manufacturers of Iival Stores, Venice and Ink Turpentine, Lubricating Oil. Leather Dress ins: Oils and ReadyMixed Pains.all Colors BEEWSTER'S PITCH A SPECIALTY. Correspondence solicited. Address BOX B75. KM .- "STOELEY'S 99 WE ARE KOW PRE- pared to accommodate who may call upon us with the Tinest Oysters be had on the Coast. We have made special jreparatlons for the Season. Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters tways on hand. Rjle desired. Served promptly and in any W. II. STOKLEY. Wrightsvllle, octlOtf No. 10. milll fflLMGIM SEACOAST E. L Trja'Wllmington, 7.-00 a. m 9030 a. m t. 2-30 p. m From Hummocks. Leave 7:45 a. m. Leave 1025 a. m. Leave:...... 5:10p.m. J. IL CHADBOURN, JR., JWli tf General Manager. CAUTIOR3 ef Fraud, as my name and the prlea Jamped on the bottom of all rot advertised .-woeiore leaving the factory: whl r."?818 &auuthiga. prices ana Jute lch protect 2V?eroaers W. L Donsias BOoes rwpnee, or says he has them -wjthout WJ nam wprlce stamped on the bottom; put aim down M . L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE. roit ' - GENTLEMEN. ki70,7 calf S3 SEABfLESS Shoe sroootn AOTACKS or WAX TlIlU&A.a to e&av as hand-siwed: xnd ' V liX. I. SI KTTOT? the original jSJT toad-sewed welt $4 shoe. Equals cthk ??CQLAS S30 POLICE SHOE. S3.50 SHOE Is unexcelled lH)DOLAS WORKINO. v aai snoe ior me price. ri vi2-. yyu uiiA .25 working feo?UOIS U the best In the world to hi nTr?ta tne world. ' Lilies no twi will liavu th same j - , pi Q EFFECT OCTOBER 15. 1888,AT47 A. M. . M- A nrB,i tA hurt . - - sismeodip ril. VONGLAHN, WUmlngton. N.fc. , The Illinois Democrats will "git thar." They claim that the State will go Democratic by 7,000 ina jority. . .,' . Raleigh has organized a "Me chanics' and Business Men's Demo cratic Association. A hint for Wil President Cleveland will visit New York on Saturday and will review a big Democratic parade. It is said that there will be 75,000 men in line. Instead of a 15,000 majority in Brooklyn the Democrats are now talking of 20,000. They have nomi nated a splendid county ticket. It is a positive fact, which we commend to the attention of some of our friends of little faith, that a bet of $100 to $90 was made in New York on Monday night that Cleve land would carry Illinois. Q jay's colonization tactics are being exposed in the newspapers. He intends, it is said, to throw a large number of illegal voters into the Southern tier of counties in New York. But it won't work. The Democratic Committee have made arrangements to nleet this . move. The supervisors of election will all be Democrats and the penitentiary will throw wide its doors to welcome those detected in this crime. If the interest which is taken in the campaign in the Central and Western parts of the State is any Indication of the result then North Carolina will go overwhelmingly Democratic. The Democratic speak ers have large and enthusiastic crowds, while very few turn out to hear Dockery and his crew and there seems a woful lack of life in that few. Mary Abbott, of Stockton, Cal, pretty and only 16 years old, wants to be a cowboy or is it cowboyess? She was captured at Trowbridge on Saturday night after an exciting chase. She is the victim of dime novels, and says she wishes to be a cowboy. Her father says Mary de clared her intention to become a cowboy while en route to California. Two or three times she had arisen at night, saddled a pony and with provisions, a camping outfit and a pistol, started for the mountains. She has, however, each time been brought back by neighbors. On Saturday Mary started out again, first going to her father's barn armed with two pistols. She re mained there several hours, and when discovered fired a shot, scat1 tering her pursuers. A - clergyman ventured into the barn, hoping to quiet the girl, but she thrust a pis tol into his face and he retired. Mary soon ran out of the ham and made for the river. The crowd start ed after her. - At length a constable fired two shots over her head, which startled her, and she sprang into some bushes. This stopped her progress aad she was captured. There are soiue Democrats who seem to think that Connecticut will go for Harrison. These, however, are not located in that State. Read the following special from New Haven to the Now York $tqr; The Democrats of tins city are greatly elated over the amazing in crease snown Here in ine applica tions of new voters "to be made" as f compared with four years ago. The total tnis year iujev uaven ismore than forty-seven hundred, or about two thousand more than in October, 1884. Of these the Democrats claim fully two-thirds, and the great ins crease in the Democratic wards goes far to confirm their claim. Thus in the Seventh Ward ut of 514 appli cations the Democrats allow the Re publicans only 55. In the Fourth Ward there are 614 ippl.icati6rrs,: o whom the Democrats clahn 450, Id tin Third Ward, also a; Democratic stronghold, the Democrats concede to their opponents only thirty-five applications out of 400. They claim also a decided majority of reyr vot ers in the other ward? of the city, even those that are Republican, a"hd fix 3,50JO as the lowest majority the city will give President Cleveland. Republicans,- while disputing some of these figures, concede th general Democratic increase In the nev vot ing distriots. Reports from all over the State sly iuch the same amazing in observers here a,re, at a loss to ac-! count for the outside belief that the ' ; f ?tA ,e s.hly to f?,r Harnson, as I the indications for Cleveland, seein , . much mora favoraUle tha.thev were; t l m !... -i four yeftrs igo SOB IS "GRATEFUL." "I wivfnl the life of niv little rrirl VHeTv.'li iLK y Prompt use of Dr. Acker Eng. toftZT??' MASS, , I hsh Remedy for Consumption. V Mrs. Wm. V. Harriman, New York. ington. Munds Bros., druggists, LOCAL 3STE-WS. Ixdbx to Nkw Advertisements. I Shriek Special Sale Munds BROS Pharmacists Grand Tableaux Vivants Hkinsbergeb Schools Books . Geo R French & Sons Booming IIcske & Draper Announcement Notice To Whom It may Concern W J Penny New Dry Goods Store M M Katz Fall and Winter Goods Attention Rook & Ladder Co- No 1 Mrs E B Wiggins Attention Ladles. F C Miller Pint and White Gossamer The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 998 bales. Window Glass, by the box or light. Save moneyJ)y buying from Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Fishermen will find the cheapest place for Gill Twine, Rope, etc., is at Jacobi's' Hdw. Depot. t Very few oysters get here now. Even the old women from the Sound are on hand seini-occasionally only. The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been accom plished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it. Sold by all druererists. All kinds of School Books and School Supplies - can be bought cheapestjat Heinsberger's. t , - ., , ... If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select from. t Mr. I. Shrier will sell to-morrow, and only to-morrow, another lot of those famous white shirts. See ad in this issue. A large stock of Heating and Cooking Stoves can be seen at Jaco bi's Hardware Depot. He has Stoves at prices that will astonish you. t The city authorities have received 30 new belts for the police force xne oia unnorms nave oeen over hauled and renovated and now look first rate. Barque Margarethe, Supplies, cleared to day for Antwerp, Belgl urn, with 2,200 casks spirits and 1,043 barrels rosin, valued at $47,607, ship ped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. Mr. W. E. Thigpen, of Chadbourn, paid us a very pleasant visit this forenoon. He brought us good news. from Columbus county. He says that the white jiien in that county are simply solid for Cleveland and Fowle and looks for an increased majority next month. The County" Campaign will open in Brunswick to-norrqw- Mr. Gfeo. H. Bellamy, Chairman, of the Exe cutive Committee, who was in the city to-day, says that we may look for a good report from the old county on the first Tuesday in No vember. Mr. W. J. Penny, who has recent ly returned from the Northern ;uar kets, has now in. store, as pretty and stylish fi stpek of goods as can be found in a month of Sundavs. He has full lines of clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, &c, to which, attention is invited. He is located at No. 25 Market street, thircl door he'ow Mr. Bellamy's drug store, Tableaux YYHt9i The grand tableaux vivants given so successfully at" a recent date in the Luther Memorial Building will be repeated on Thursday, November 8th, in response to a general desire on the part of our people. The pro ceeds are for a good cause . and the rates of admission are very o,w-r only 15 cents for aduU and. 10 cents r -I'll i ior cnuuren, Th Parade To-BIorrow. Ti:S white firemen of this city wil1 appear on parade tompjiow, to welcome into the department the handsome new truck recently pur chased for Wilmington Hook ancl Ladder Co. No. 1. The line, of aiar,jh has, already been published by us. The Mayor will present it at the. City all ito tjl?.e Company. It will be received, by Chief OJden.bvtteJ, who will then turn. Jt oyer to the Hook and Ladder Company, ilr. E. "H "Frppiuan. in bfhalf nf tliA om of christening the new truck will be performed by Masters Clayton Giles, jr,, and Arthur Relden. Parmele in behalf of rmeiet in nV' o .ntvc mil I than tt the other Minnanips will then deliver an ad- w.. ipf-, w . 1 - - - ; dross of welcome and congratulation ! to the Hook and Ladder Company. i - i Happiness supreme. This is the condition of all who have been wise and purchased Stoves at Jacobi's Hdwv Depot. . Low neck dresses are going to be very popular with the lovely young dudines, because if they should catch cold wearing them, haven't they got Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup to cure them?. . Carolina Oil and Creosote Company. The annual meeting of the stock holders of this Company was held at the office in this city . yesterday; Dr. A. J. DeRosset was called to the chair and Mr. J. N. Sebreil was requested to act as secretary. After a very satisfactory report as to the condition of the Company, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year., viz: Presidentj-W.P- Canailay. General Manager J. N. Sebreil. Secretary and Treasurer Wm. Mahone, Jr. Directors William Mahone, of Virginia; Warner Miller, of New York; M. C. Butler, of South Caro lina; George West, of New York; J. F. Divine, R. E. Heide, W. P. Canaday, J. N. Sebreil, of Wilming ton, N. C. ; E. R. Brink, of Fernan- dina, Fla. JanauscheK. The largest audience of the season last night greeted Madame Janaus chek and her really admirable com pany on their appearance" at the Opera House. Those who expected a splendid representation were not disappointed. Mada'me Janauschek as Lady Macbeth was superb; it is said to be one of her best persona tions. She was well sustained by Mr. Chaplin as Macbeth and Mr, Stuart as Macduff, and the entire caste, w hich was all very good. To-night, the last of the short sea son, Meg Merrilies will be presented, with Mr. Chaplin as Dandy Din mont,Mr. Stuart as Henry Bertram, Mr. Crawford as Guy Mannering and Mr. Power as Dominie Samp son, while Miss Barron will person ate Julia Mannering; Miss Bur roughs. Lucy Bertram; Mrs. Craw ford, Mrs. McCandish, and Miss Cor- tez, Flora. . The play will be given in its entirety, as the troupe will not leave Wilmington to night, b.ut wil remain over here and take the train for Charlotte jct-war-row morning Board of Aldermen. A called meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held yesterday after noon to consider a proposed amend ment to the Market Ordinance. All the members of the Board were present and Mayor Fowler presided. Alderman Ricaud, Chairman of the Committee on Markets, stated the necessity for amending the ordi nance concerning markets, and read the following, which had been pre pared by the City Attorney: That section six of aaid ordinance be amended so, to read as follows: It shall not be lawful for any person q sefl or expose or offer for sale, any fresh meats, beef, pork, mutton goat or venison in any quantity less than quarters at an,y other place within the corporate limits of the city of "WM1".0011 than the stalls of the pub,Uc market houses of said cHy; "or shall it be lawlnl to sell or expose or offer for sale until after 40 o'dlock a., m-i my fresh meats, hep, pork, WVtftan, goat or venter y quarters, or any fishl crabs, terra pins, turtles, oysters or other shell fish, or any vegetables at any place within the limits of the city, except at the markets on Front and Water streets (between Dock and Orange streets) and on Fourth and Camp bell streets, and such other places as are or may Ue established by the Board o Aldermen as pub lic iiiaevi; nor shall it be lawful ior any huckster to expose any of the above n'uned articles fox sale from any cart or other- vehicles, standing on any street, alley or va cant lot, excent such articles as are of his own production; nor shall it b& lawful for any person bringing into said city for salo, in carts, wagons or, other vehicles, any fresh meats, beef pork, mutton, game, fish, oysters, clams, garden trucks or farm products, to sell or expose or offer the same for saj. in. any other carti wagon, or vehicle, than that in which the said .articles are so brought to, market. Any person violating any of the foregoing pro visions shall forfeit and pay or eacl1 offense fifty dollars. This ordinance shall be in force from and after the 24th day of Octo ber, 1888, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are- hereby repealed. Alderman Rioand explained the purport of the proposed amendment, which was to prohibit the sale, ab solutely, of any cut meats outside the city market houses until after ten o'clock in the morning. After debate, Alderman King; moved that the ordinance as, read. Ije. adopted. The ino.tlOA second- ed by Alderman AKerWatf'-Ltumey "offered an amendment, to strike out 10 o'clock and insert 8.30 a. m. ' Alderman Fishblate moved to table the amend ment, and the motion being put to a vote, was carried. Alderman Dud- ey claimed that this disposed of the whole matter, but the chair ruled otherwise. Alderman Sampson offered as an amendment to make the time '9 o'clock, and this was adopted. After further debate the question Was called and the ordinance as amended by Alderman Sampson was adopted. At the suggestion of the Mayor it was ordered that a. special meeting of the Board be held on the first ThuandVernberat 7.80 p. m., to avoid the necessity of a session of the Board on the first Monday the day preceding the general election. Steadman in the West. Maj. Stedman spoke in Raleigh last night. He has been West and has been doing a good work there. He was in Winston Saturday night and spoke to a big crowd. We copy the report of the occasion from the Raleigh Ncius and Observer-. Never in the history of this place has a man received such an ovation as that accorded Hon. Charles M. Stedman Saturday night. Brown s Opera House was filled with people who went there expect ing to near an unusually erood speech, but few of them anticipated cue magnincieni oration that en thused to the marrow of his back bone every Democrat within the sound of the gallant Stedman's voice. It was the most fitting and alto gether the best political speech to which I ever listened, and I have heard some of the best speakers 'in America talk. Before Governor Stedman had spoken five minutes the audience began to warm up. In ten minutes they were at fever heat. In thirty minutes, when Stedman annealed to the white men of the State to stand by the white man's party, they had arrived at blood heat. From there on there were rapid explosions of cheers, yells and whoops such as were never heard in the city of 'Winston before. They would applaud, and as the appiuusa uieu away, ic wouui again and again be taken up, lasting as it aia, on ten or twelve occasions, for nearly live consecutive minutes. The Democrats of Forsyth may have been slow to wake up, but let me tell yon we are thoroughly aroused here now. When Mai. Stedman concluded his speech, which was of one and one-half hours' duration, the people went wild with enthusiastic ap plause. They refused to leave the hall until they could shake hands with "the hnest orator in North Carolina." One man sang out: "We want to buy yon and keep you here!" An other exclaimed: "You are the only man I ever saw whom I wanted to hug!" I tell you it is the unanimous opin ion of the Democracy of this section that the princely Stedman is "alto gether lovely and the fairest among ten thousand." And we have already nailed this ticket to our masthead: To be unanimously nom'nated in For Governor: Charles M. Stedman, Of New Hanover. Gov. Vance will be here Wednes day and we will have a big torchlight procession. Notice boys ! You can get a Bracket Saw Frame with. Saw com plete, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, for 15 cents. f Headquarters for Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Ammunition of all kinds is at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. Shells loaded at a moment's notice. - Rock Crystal Spectacles and ISyeglasses Advice to old and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more, magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye.' Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Wilmington District, Methodist E. Church South, fourth round of Quarterly Meetings: Brunswick Mission, Oct. 17, 18 and 19. Brunswick ct., at Shallotte Camp Oct. 20 and 21. Magnolia ct., at Carlton., (a. 21 and 28. Bladen St. Mission Ov& 28 and 29. Kenansville ct., CJpiy, 31; . Onslow ct, Coyl S and 4. Cokes.bjyfypat., Nov. 10 and 11. Blfcdiu ct.- Nov. 17 and 18. ElitfaVieth ct,, Nov. 24 and -2, T. W. Guthrik. Pi PL ' For people to live happy-together the real secret is that they should i not live too much together. NEW AD VJBRTIS EfiLENTS n rand Tableaiix Vivants, - AT -Vv: . . LUTHER MEMORIAL BUILDING, Thursday, Nov. 8th. Admission-rAdnlts, 15c. Children, 10c ' 2tOCt24 nov8 Kill Fonr Corns, Warts mJ Molci. lis Biiik 1 nave the COKN KILLEK that does the work. Wilmington Hook & Ladder TTENTION MEMREKS: You arc hereby notined to appear at your Truck House In full uniform, with fatigue caps, on Thursday, the 35th Inst., at 3 p. m. for parade. : By order of the Foreman. W, IIAERISS NORTHROP, JR., . Secretary. Honorary members resDectfullv Invited to attend and participate In the parade and chris tening ceremonies, oct 24 It New Dry Goods Store, At No. 25 Market St. JEWAND STYLISH GOODS, ALL FRESH from the factory. I have Just returned from the Northern Markets, where I nave toeea to choose my own Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, koois, snoes, uats, caps, sc. They were bought for CASH and I will sell them Cheap for Cash. , ive me a call and examine my Stock and be convinced.. - No. 25 Market St. Third Door West of Bellamy's Drug Store, oct 24 tf - of - E3EI3E2.irJD:fH3 S I. SHRIEK "y ILL SELL FOR ONE DAY ONLY, : WED NESDAY, Oct. 25th, White Unlaundried Rein forced Front and Back Linen Bosom Shirts for 33 cents worth 85 cents. f ! I. SHRIER, 16 North Front SC.;' ' oct 24 it sign of Golden Arm. NOTICE. To Wh om it May Concern. Yu WILL PLEASE TAK E NOTICE THAT the unpref erred creditors of ABRAHAM -SHRIER claim that they themselvesare the owners of all the Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats, which have been obtained from them by said Shrier for his Fall Stock within the last ninety days or prior thereto, and that no title to such goods has passed to Marsden Bellamy by the Deed of Assignment which has been recorded In the County of New Hanover, and hence that said Bellamy has no right to sell such goods to you, or any other person, who may buy after notice of this claim.: Should he make sales to you, or any other person, with notice, the unpreferred creditors wlH pursue the goods In the hands of such purchasers. Yours truly, : " P. L. RUSSELL, RICAUD & WEILL, J. I. MACKS, Attorneys for Creditors. oct 24 It Ml MRS. E. A. LTJMSDEN has Just returned from the North with ahne assortment of , ; Fall and Winter Goods. Ladles are Invited to calL PressmakiDs a Specialty; oct 22 tf 110 North Front Street. BOOMING ! Our Trade is Booming! simply Because We Give Our . Customers Better Shoec for the money than can be obUUned elsewhere. Come and SeeusthisEvening and we will gire you prices that WILL 0PENY0TJR EYES Respectfully. , j , , Geo. R.rrencliYi Sons, oct 108 Worth Front Ct. 1 elicit ScwLD''. crd parties' arid C'hlJ J Third street, will j

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