ILOO-A-XiJST JbJ w s. Wilmington District, - Methodist E. Church South, fourth round of Quarterly Meetings: Elizabeth ct., Nov. 3 and 4, Kenansville ct., Nov. 23. Onsloc ct., No24 and 25. T. WTCrUTHRIK. P. E. TEItltlliLlk. Two thirds of all-deaths in New York City are from consumption or pneumonia. The same proportion holds for most other cities. Delays are danrerous. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption will al ways relieve, and mav save your life. Munds Bros., druggists. personal. We were pleased to receive a visit this morning from Mr. Robert Iien ning, formerly of this city,, but now of Richmond, who is here on a brief visit. This is what Mr. Henning still calls "home." as do nearly all of the exiled Wilmingtoniaus. He expresses himself as highly pleased TMs powaer never vanes, a marvel or pu. Ut t he signs of a healthy prosperity ecoa-1 whifh li fituU nn pvprv hand and . . -. - - j thinks we are destined to a glorious Rock Crystal Spectacles and EyeglMWi j Advice to old' and young: ! lecting spectacles you should be can-1 tious not'to take more magnifying vawer than has been lost to the eve J as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause youmrther injury to the eye. Using j glasses of stronger power than is ne-; cessary is the daily cause of prema" ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. WHY WOMEN SA1)E. "Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their life. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption is an absolute cure for colds. Munds Bros , druggists. MISCELLANEOUS. a Trade COMMEKCIAL NEWS. mi Absolutely Pure. nt7,strengtii ana wnoiesomeness. lie? omlcal man the ordinary kinds, and caifnot be sold In competition with the multitude or low test, short weight alum or ahosph ate powders. Sola only in cans. KUYAL. UAKim CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. Oct 28 dJtwly ten 4thpd 3rdpvr AKHKi POWDER commercial future. Tae IDsdly Horiow. SATURDAY. OCT. 37. 1888. STATE NEWS. Newton J'Jnterprisc: There is as much money to be made from rais- Stedman at Goldaboro. Lt. Gov. Stedman has been doing some, verv effective work in this W T 1 A campaign, ne uraws out immense crowds wherever he has spoken and has been received everywhere with unbounded enthusiasm: lie makes telling speeches for Judge Fowle ing apples right here in Catewba and has won for him many votes. He county as in the mountains or anv where else. Capt. R. P. Reinlmrdt this week has gathered 150 bushels of "leather coats1' from eight tree, and about 50 bushels had beei gathered from the same treex. They reauny onng ov cents a oiunej. Goldsboro- Argus: The county canvass is progressing with ever brightening cheer for theDemocra tic ticket, while the Republicans themselves are even so hopeless ;.s to confess openly, many T theiu, that they have made a mistake in their candidates that they should have nominated straight out Rep ublicans and not a "turn coat" ere ' who are Republicans for spoils only, Raleigh News and Observer: The Secretary of State has sent blanks for election returns to the Register of Deeds of the several counties. If any have failed to receive that hkr arc requested to make it kaw. The splendid new thr sand dollar pipe organ wkitk has been oruereu ror fluent wrrstt Methodist church is expeid t ar rive next month. An annex is Wing built in the rear of the kurch t accommodate the organ which will be a large and magnificient instru ment. Durham Recorder: About twelve months ago Mr. J. T. Wilkins, of this place, saw an advertisement in a matrimonial paper, by a young lady in Troy, Vt., and he answered it. Friendly letters were passed be tween them! Photograghs were ex changed. The correspondence ripen ed into mutual love and to-day we chronicle the result. They had not seen each other, but it was mutually agreed that they should meet at the Richmond Exposition. Tkey did so, Mr. Wilkins leaving here Sunday. They met and both being satisfied with their choice, they will be mar ried to-night. Wilson Advance: Mr. Ctorge P. Sugg, who has had considerable ex perience in curing pea vine hay, gives us the following directions for successfully curing this valuable forage: Cut pine poles, 7 feet long, burying 1 foot deep, tack two slats cross ways each other 12 inches from the ground. Pack the pea vines n this with a pitchfork immediately after it has been cut before the sun shines on it long. Grass an be cured the same way except that it should be sunned one day. Peas should be cut when a few of the Sods are beginning to turn Lr. Sugg says he made 10,000 pounds of this forage at a cost of only $7.U5 after paying for everything. It i undoubtedly an exceedingly cheap food for cattle. Rockingham Rocket: Harvey Quick, colored, and one of the 11-10 t intelligent men of his race in this State, has written a book entitled "Negro Stars in all Ages of the World." He is now negotiating for its publication. Mrs. Louise Powell died at her home near Lit tie's Mills, in this county, on the 16th inst., aged about 82 years. Her maiden name was Manly, & name distinguished in NorthCarolina hit- toiy. She was a sister of the late ex Gov. Charles Manly. Rev CAN. Grandison, a colored Prohibi tton orator, made a speecu here cm Wednesday night of last week. He made a splendid speech in which he told the colored people sonif might plain truths. We are mXoriHeti by Mr. Dowdy, living near Lamrin : burg, that he had picked, packed and marketed this season 18 bales of cotton averaging more than 500 pounds to the bale, and that he would gather two bale more mak ing out twenty bales to one mule crop. His grain crop will turn out a sufficient year s support, oesioes. On 3 acres, from which he took a crop of oats in June, he planted the Red Ripper pea which yielded SO one horse loads of peavine nay Pretty good for a bad crop year. 15UCkicn iriiica Salv The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Spres, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For gale by Win. H. Greeo. spoke in Goldsboro on Wednesday night and the Aigus says: The large'crowd that gathered at the Court House in this city Wed nesday night to hear Lieur. Gov. Chas. M. Stedman, was perhaps the most representative gathering of our citizens that has come together on a like occasion during this cam paign. White and black, Demo crats and Republicans, were there, and the earnest, patriotic, con vincing words of the speaker were as much applauded ly one ele ment as the other. In fact, lis effect upon his large audience was electrical. He carried tiieiu to a mau with him as he led them haek and forth through the political his tory of our country and State and compared .the records of the t wo opposing parties that are to be voted for in the coming election, and so did he hold them up, both in their true light, that we venture there was not a Republican in his hearing that did not feel his cheek tinge with v hnnifl aw hie louiT l-nfTicmMil t.lit ! justice of the peerless Stedinatfs scathing arraignment of that, party for its unbroken record of corrup tion in all things. WILMINGTON MARKET. Oct. 27. 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 42 cents. Sales of receipts at 42 cents. ROSIN Firm at 70 cents for strained and 75 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at .$1.30 for hard, $2.10 for yellow dip and virgin. ' i COTTON Steady. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary, 6 5-1 G; good " ordinary, 7$; low middlings 15 lG;middling9 7-16; good middling Of. Receipts to-day: Spirits, 132;rosin, 58; tar, 15G; crude, G7; cotton. 1,319. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison,. Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. CLEARED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Our Handsome Stock of Ladies' DBESSG00DS Can be found in the Corner Store. This apartment is devoted exclusive ly to the sale of LADIES' GOODS. The assortment is complete. We have possiblv the Largest Stock of DRESS GOODS in the city. We name a few Special BARGAINS. -o - - Notice. jyTR. W". A. MCGO WAN will collect sufcscrip innj (Tno TTTTJ . T A TT.Y HE VTEW and SOlltlL .-new suDscnoera. - , u Democratic Convention. The convention of the Democratic party in New Hanover county met at the Court House this morning at 11:15 o'clock in adjourned session. In the absence of Mr. Ricaud, the Chairman, the Convention was call ed to order by Mr. ,lno. D. Bellamy Jr.. who nominated Mr. Samuel Bear, Jr., as temporary Chairman. On motion of Mr. W. B. McKoy, Mr.Bear was made permanent Chair Mian, and on motion or Mr. 11. aicLi. Green, Capt. J. M. McGowan was made Seeretary. Mr. McKoy stated that the Ex ucutlve Committee thought it was best for a call of the Convention to be made to take into consideration the matter of nominating a county ticket and moved that the matter be left to the Executive Committee xvutli power to act. Mr. J. C. Ste venson offered as an ameudinent that the committee have power to nominate a ticket with the excep tion of Sheriff. The amendment was accepted and the motion adopted as amended. Mr. Bellamy appealed to all good citizens to aid the Executive Com mittee in procuring funds. On motion the Convention ad journed. Creoote Lumber anil Construction Co. The Board of Directors of the Creosote, Lumber and Construction Company met here yesterday. The Board consists of Gen. Win. . Ma hone, of Petersburg, Va.: Mr. A. A. Thomas, of Washington, D. C; Col. H. R. Duval, of New York; Senator M. C. Butler, of South Carolina; Capt. Jno. F. Divine, Mr. J. N. Seb rell, Mr. Geo. W. Kidder, Mr. R. G. Ross, and Col. W. P. Cauaday, of Wilmington, N.;C.jCol. E. R.JBrink, of Florida, is Secretary id.nd Treas urer, and Col. W. P. Canaday, President of the company. The report of the Executive Com mittee, of which Capt. J. F. Divine is chairman, shows that the affairs of the company are prosperous and its finances in splendid condition. The plant of this company is lo cated at Fernandina, Fla., and has a capacity of 25,000 feet per day. The company is an outgrowth of ,the Carolina Oil and Creosote Com pany of this city. Altogether they ar. doing an immense business, and have the largest and best equipped works in the world for th business in which they are engaged. Besides the? works the company liavn com menced the construction of an ex tensive plant on the Pacific Coast i at Seattle, Washington Territory, known as the Puget Sound Creosote Company. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND OCT. 26, 1888. Spirits ashore, 2,520; afloat, 392; total. 2.912. Rosin ashore. 83,458: afloat, 3,021; total, 80,497. Tar ashore, 1,2.10; afloat, 395: total. 1,051. Crude ashore, 430. Cotton ashore. 9,063; aOoat, 8,060; total, 18,.'J23. RKCF.IPTS FROM OCT. 19 TO OCT. 2G. Cotton. 10,397; spirits, 1,051; rosih; 2, 285; tar, 1,498; crude, 492, EXPORTS FROM OCT; 19 TO OCT. 26. DOMESTIC. Cotton; 1.813; spirits, 992; rosin, 320: tar, 1,823; crude, 504. FOREIGN. Spirits, 3,550; cotton, 4,811; rosin, 7, 004. Pink and White Gossamer 'piTLOW'S SWEET SIXTEEN AND SWAN Down Face Povders. Also a full line of Drugs, chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toliet Articles, Perfumes, etc., at F. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store. i Comer Fourth and Nun Sts.. P. s. Prescriptions tilled at all hours, day or nlffht. sept 11 tf All Wool Henrietta, 40 inches wide, in best Shades, of su per quality, at SOe. per yard, would be cheap at 75c. French Flannel, 54 inches wide, at 355c. worth a dol lar if a! cent. v fiXT Ri QUALITY V. Pretty Colors 1 . 1 5 'per. . yard. TiiE Bargain of the Season. , -Embroidered. Rlws, In neweststyles. Many have already been sold, though we receive .a new supply weekly and will be always able to offer something NEW. Announcemen ft -o- mill i mm, C L0AKS I -o We havejust opened the larg est assortment ever shown in this market ! -o- Silk Plush h Silk Plush Wraps, Silk Plush Walking Jackets ! Cheap Grades of ress Flannels, Trimmings & Velvets, with everything else to be found in a well ordered Dress Goods Department. o Housekeeping Goods, MiKCKLLAH EODB A TV" i' AJ II 3) CWJ Jin DRY GOODS AND CIRPejj I am sending forward from Ner York mnnV, egnKt Tilings, which will be received dnr; Un El : next few Vda'r.ff.Ae.'" The writer is in New York selectine the Styles in Fashionable, WmsembradrWl' selection a p-reat vnn'fr; , in the I v"-v-.; in New and Elegant Styles are being selected forghipro-enttj I ' --. - j . Ms,8sijfif.. put on sale. oet 20 I Ik ST Tf T rmy friends and Tvpyt, tJ ..the Purest Drugs oftfcaeilA?3" Aif FULLY r city. Also a line aortJ1 Wnai" r I Brushes and vomrZr$& ?S?J t O WE WILL OPEN ON 0 Jl! i nrr tt r ttj fl.NH 'H of Mffars andCi?att Jtttterr I JOriUfinDo,!'.. ' 11CJ MAIJKET STIfclCETY - N.W. corrffiPTOst. ' . . Re m ovedf lYflmingtoa Savings 4 Tristan' H AVE KEMOVED TO lftt I after totXfiiir ! OCt ltf . . TOOSlun j : ' Ifrft't DRESS GOODS !,i"2Df!?- Monday, October 22&, the most recent production and latest Novel ties or Home and Forefgn Manufacturers. ! ilackflfess jOOOS -o- Liidh' Nowmarkf is ! in all tne Most Fashionable Shapes. o V- Ladies' Walking Jackets, Children's Newmarkets, Children's Cloaks. COME AND SEE THEM, Huske f Draper, No. Ill Market St., oct 23 Towels, Napkins, Fringed Table Cloths, with Napkins to match. o WE SELL THE BEST One D llar Kid Glove In the South. It is FOSTER'S Five Button Length, in Colors and Black. None better made. Every pair warranted. Ladies' MftrlnoVest9, Hosiery,Handkerchiefs &c. o In the adjoiningapartinent we have concentrated our Stock of Cents' Goods. where can be found a splendid stock of French, Scotch and English Suitings, ALL WOOL AUBI0N GA8SIHUS, direct from the Mills in Pennsyl vania. Dicksev'sMarylandKerseys, and a great variety of goods for Boys' Wear. Gent8af-0use9 Merino and Camel's Hair Under shirts and Drawers.Collars'and Cuffs, Scarfs and Neckties &c. The success we have had heretofore in. catering to the tastes of Gentlemen is a good proof of what we can now do with such largely increased facilities. ; We also offer a large stock of Do mestic Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Sheet ings.and Shirtings. Our 8c. Bleach ing is a wonder. With a determination to greatly increase our rapidly growing busi ness, we have made attractive prices that must command the attention of all buyers. Jno.J.Hedrick, ioi & 103 Market St.. oct 15 1 & '3 N. Front St. Just Received. a FINK LOT OP BANANAS, ORANGES, Apples,. c. day. i sept 17 tf Fresh Home-Made Candy every ANTONIO FANTOPDLA, - . - ; 116 South Front st. Armour, Pyrenees, French Stripes and Cheeks. Monde, Drap Sevastopol, . O'Alma, Series, 'Piaconal. I'ekln, Henriettas.- - 4(t -inch Ail-Wool CASIIMliltES, worth 65o for ."(,. 40 Inch AU-Wool CASHMERES, worth 75C for (Uc. ' : 4minch All-Wool CAS1LMKKES, worth 90c for f;5c. 40-1 nch A 11-Wool CASH MERES, worth $1.00 for R5o. . v U"st uuick Enffilsli Crepes very cheap. La dies' Jackets. Dollmans, New Markets, Rag lans. Silk j'lush .Motijeskas and sacques and Children:s Wraps very low. Glorl t silk Parasols and L'mhreilas $1.75, 2.00 and $3.30 Shawls, Skirts and Jerseys very cheap. .Me rino Underwear for Ladies and Misses and cents. Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Housekeeping Goods, Towels, Naplr'.ns, Damasks, Marseilles Spreads. Lace curtains at prices unsurpassed. Handkerchiefs for Men's .and Boy's wear. Sta ple and Fancy Dress Goods. Have not the space to enumerate our large assortment and prices, hut can assure you we can sell you as low at home as any of the Northern Retail Houses, and save you ex penses. Samples sent on application, orders filled promptly and freight paid on all orders over $8.00 We study to please at the CASH HOUSE of - , 116 Market St., WILMINGTON, N. ,C. Oct 33 air Sewing Machines, Musical iSSf, :c. as well as : Furniture, wi ." give estimates or, probable cost atr come and see me, ... y . BLACK SILKS, 75C, ftil.OO. SI. 25. S1.50 hRuro to me and I Will renal ir S1.75. ail 20 per cent, below regular prices. at low prices. ywupnji FAILLE FRANCAISK, ail shades, worth I propose to make my living thu . " ' I 81.50 for si. 10. . will do the work: well and win I13 SURKAIIS. all shades, worth si.oo for 75c. ' much fordoing It. Call and se iftmTw,t Black ratziniek and armour silks, repairs I have already niade.?1?.0' i, . . l . ... I ' 1 . . . . niu Isn . BLACK ANDCOlOKED SILK VELVETS. C 20-lnch SILK PLUSHES, all shades, worth S1.50 tor 95c. x FRENCH DRESS KOBVS. worth S12.00 for S8.25. STRIPED SILK VELVETS, worth 81.40 for SILK FINISHED HENRIETTAS, worth 85c for 65C. - r Ladles' 54-inch ALL WOOL CLOTn. worth 85C for 65c. Ladies' 34-lnch HABIT CLOTH. worth 81.25 for 85C. - Double width SUITING, worth 40c for 20c. Double width :ic inch SUITING, worth soc for 250 Double width ;UMnch TRICOTS, worth soc for lir.r. , 3G-inch ENGLISH HEN HI ETTA, worth 40C for 250. DANISH CLOTH, worth 2O0f0r 12 1-2C. . All-Wool PLAIDS, w rth GOc for 27 1-2C. All-Wool -10-ineh PLAIDS, worth sue for coc All-Wool 54-inc!i PLAIDS, worth -81.25 for 75C. octS IaL IAI - . "' - Munn werner WOULD RESPBOTFULLY ' ANNorsr J to his rrtends and the public that he is now back at his old Sf K Market - street, which naa been tSonSv, overhauled, repaired and refurniahWL in patroneTf theTubuIf Ladk' Enipuiri M GUARANTEELT TO OUTWEAR ANY CUSTOM-MADE1 CORSET mayer; STROUSE & CO. ATTRS.-4I2 BROADWAY. At. V. Is Extended to the Ladiei, AND THE v Public Cenorallyi TO CALL AND EXAMINE Our Stock, whicK will be open ed arid displayed at our FALL OPI which will take place oa f Oct 1 4w H. CItONENBERG, TII13 FHOTOGK4PHEK. v GIVK HIM A TLHAhl All Work Guaranteed. ' Pictures taken Single or, In Groups, sept 2-1 tf School Books. gCHOOL BOOKS, For Private and Public Schools. ALL NEW STOCK CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAP- EST AT HEINSBERGER'S. IVJ u I es Wanted . jyjULES-ONE PAIR WANTED. LAEGE, Young and First Class In all respects. J. A. SPRINGER, oct 5 . Central Wood ana CoalY axfl. ( Pictures and Cards fjpo ORNAMENT YOUR ROOMS, ALSO Brackets of every description. For sale cheap at HEINSBEBGER'S. Blank Books, f.-t 25th,26thi&27tliinst,f . Wait and see oim-STYLES and PRICES before ttffof you r purchases elsewHere and you will not regret it Very respectfully MRS.E.B.WIC!G1N 115 r.7ar!iot 0t WILMINGTON, N- & OCt 28 pecial 0' PAPER, ENVELOPES, INK, STEEL PENS, 1 fVAKDXN HOSE, VOQ,,COU f . Pencils and Paper Bags J Mowers, Flshlngr Tacwc f . . .. . . - - - Cheap at " , ' ' Loa sad . " . i at them.. We have thBgooas w I xnyUtf lirwntfitHWii2 HEINSBERGER'S 0Ct5 - '-, ''- -

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