"TTHIS PAPER ' eVery evefllng.StiiKlaya excepted - v One month, 35 cents. ' perWHl be deUverediy carriers, free i in any of the city, at the above rng rates lownllnerair .; v f lLacrtpers wlU.plese report any ' and i r4ea to receive their paper regularly. pOreLy vegetable. .Uh'idri-n4ry tffleaoy oa jlli Li , and Bowels.- f";omj-.lAlnt, ' jjtelijiu Slidnlu ts Without K, in:ii)v an li:.ur oi suu.i.Tiii-;a'j.. i&HS LIYSIi EES -JMTOB J l: JJ i-ei JviUtno wi . . . ' l'AICK. 81.00. cn sat . !Y. A. Martin & Co , I5arch Water Street, Wllmlugton, N. c. Manufacturera of IitaI Stores, Veutce and ItiK Turpentine. Lubricxitine: Oils, Leattier ; Dress X Ins: Oils and leadyMixed Pains,all Colors BREWSTER'S PTTCn A SPECIALTY. Correspondence solicited. iUres3 ' ' BOX 575. t3JLVFJU.JJXiX X ft AWB.ARB HOW PKE V J pared to accommodate iiia may call upon us witli the .V. Finest Oysters : had on tne coast. We tiave made special Tparauons tor tne season. lyrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters ttiys on hand. Served promptly and in any Wtf - , . wngntsniie. ,10. 7 : . -I-v -' EE WILMINGTON SBACOAST R. L RmtCT OCTOBER 15, 1888,AT47 A. M. loaviiaangton, From llummocKs. . 7.-00 a. m Iave .7:45 a.m. Leave.. Kh25a.m: Lea?e....... fylqp. m. ?-p.m J.JL CHADBOUKN, Jb., jttKtf - m, r General Manager. Sew Tort & WiiminK c 8teanisbip Co EASTRiyER, .NEW YORK between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. .At 3ociock, P. 51. , actor;;: v.;.. Saturday, Nov. '3 ....-. Wednesday.. Nor. , 7 ....Saturday, Nov. 10 FROM WJLMJNGTQN- Tuesday. Not. tt ..fTiaay, not. g trough Bills Lading and Xowest Thro' fuarantped to and from points In North CaroUna""" . ; , ' - J height or Passage apply to 11 0. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N t?o.e.eqek. Traffic Manager. ' ; - , Jjf P. CLYDE & CO. Genl Agents. j K Broadway, New York. Prescriptions KATELY COMPOUNDED. PATENT Prises reason - Am - mm .iV-rlAHESC.MUKbs'Agt ' ,.Vil".'-,.TVl" 2j VOL XII. WILMINGTON, KC. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1888. NO 230. It costs $22,000,000 to run- a -Presi-1 The receipts of cotton at this port dential campaign. to day foot up 1,885 bales. The' women of America expend j We have It now, a razor that will $8,000000 annually for paint -and j shave you clean and make you hap po wder for their faces. Pv- Every one warranted. Jacobi's .... IHdw Depot. The oldest and largest tree in the , ' !i 0wnt npnr tl.P foot, of The Fire Light Open Gr&te Stove Mount Etna. The circumference of j the inain trunk is 212 feet Old Davy Crockett's famous ex. pression "Be sure you're right, then go ahead" is a good motto for the American people. President Cleve land acts up to this to the letter. He never goes ahead until he is sure he is rtghtrarid then let everybody stand out of the way. The summary dismissal for it amounts to a dis missalof the British minister for his unwarrantable interference in the domestic polity of this country is a case In point. The offense was one. which coula not be conaonea and the righteous act of the Admin istration will be endorsed and ap plauded by every true patriot in the land. A curious case lias just been de cided ipon appeal in a Scottish Court. A young womau brought an action of breach of promise against a young man who admitted having been entraged to her. His defence was that she objected to his smoking and finally said: "Choose between your cigar and me." He made the "choice promptly in favor of the weed, and when she sued him the Judge held that by offering the alternative she was responsible for the swain's desertion, and the Su preme Court sustained "the decision. Our local politicians are making active arrangements for the next campaign. They ordered a box of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and feel confident and happy. LOCAL 3STEWS. Index to Nkw advertisements. I Shbieb A Card M T Davis Notice ; Jas W Sidb UK Y Notice Kino & Sixes Dissolution MtTNDS Bros Pharmacists Gat's Mfo House Wanted "A Fantopula Just Kecelvel llKINSBEKGER SChOOlS BOOkS J F Gabkell Another Carload Huskb & Dbafeb Announcement W&SCRR Change of Schedule M M Katz Fall and Winter Goods - Mbs E li Wiggins Attention Ladles. F C Miixkb Plnlr and White Gossamer Geo R Fbench & Sons Special Bargains Change of Sailing Days N Y & Wll S S Line ......... - .We lose this month 47 minutes of daylight. This month has and five Fridays. five Thursdays yCol. B. R. Moore was registered in Raleigh on Tuesday. Hot bed glass aud sash for vour hot houses is constantly to be had at Jacpbi's Hdw Depot. t A few lqqcking bird cages left which we wish to close out at re duced prices. Jacobi's HdwDepot, t -WJe have a job lot of fluting ma chines which we are offering below factory cost. Jacobi's Hdw Depot. Hood's Sarparilla is a purely vege table preparation, being free from injurious ingredients. . It is peculiar in its curative power. If you want a picture framed go to Heirisberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select fromr' , t- We now have stove boards to go under your stoves, of beautiful de signs, that ire guaranteed not to tarnish Jacobi's Hdw Depot. t meteorological Summary. The following meteorological sum mary of thex month of October, for Wilmington, is furnished by the XL $. Sjnal Office: Monthly vayefage. blir6mei"erVs6.059; highest barqnie ter, 30.33 on the , 3lst; lowest ba rometer, 29.45 on the llth. Average temperature, 59.7; highest tempera ture, 79.2on the th; lowest tempera ture, 44.7 on the 15tn. Month lj range of temperature, 34.5; greatest daily range, 25.7 on the 19th; least, C.8 on the 25th; average percent of humidity, 8.1.& Total rainfall for the month, 5.05 inches; : greatest aally ralrrfall. 2.83 inches on the llth ! Prevailihg winds, northeast; high- east; On the llth; monthly move- j menfe- of wind 4,747 miles. There j rain elljeaVy frctst the ,i5thf thuqder -storm on the 2L ' t " - v"""" ccu"u- my ana eneeriuiness. sola only by the Factory's Agent, NathTJacobi. ' r " Indication. For -North Carolina, fair and warmer in the interior and station ary temperature on the coast. Hon. Edward Cantwell, formerly of this city, is conducting as prin cipal, a flourishing school" for boys and young men at Clinton, N. Y. It is called Kirkland Hall. Messrs. King & Sikes, who have been doing business at stall No. 4, Front street jmarket, have dissolved, and Mr. King will hereafter con tinue the business in his own name. See ad. in this issue. Drs. S. S. Satchwell and E. Porter and Mr. W. B. Hocut, of Rocky Point, were in the city to day. They tell us that the Democrats are mak ing a hot fight in Pender county and hope to win this time. Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burgaw, was in the city to-day aud paid us a visit this forenoon.. He says that every body in Pender county now is work ed up on politics and that the Dem ocrats are making a gallant fight. The management of the Seacoast R. R. will run three trains to-morrow afternoon for the benefit of the public who may desire to go down to attend the big Democratic, de monstration at Capt. Manning's place. It is a very convenient sched ule and will probably be . taken ad vantage of by many. A Large Increjisc. The oyster trade from Wrightsville Sound, always large,has been great ly increased this Fall, by the facil ities offered by the Seacoast R. R. Some estimates are that nearly twice as many are brought here as was the case last . Winter. & great many oysters are brought toWrights ville, by boats, from other sounds. Another Illegal Voter. Jas. Beasly, colored, charged with illegal registration in , the First Ward, was before the Mayor this morning: The charge is that he has been disqualified, as he was convict ed of larceny in Duplin county in the year 1878. He served his term in the Work House and has since been in Wilmington. He was com mitted, in default of bail, for his ap pearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. Fifth Ward Hook and Ladder. The Fifth Ward Hook and Ladder Company reorganized) last night, with the following officers; President Richard Smith- Vice-President Walter Ketchum- Secretary M. (t. Silyey. Treasurer J. T, Eafert. Foreman Jas. Cf. Swan, First Asst, J. Caoaday. Second Asst. Marcus Q rey, First Axeman Wi T-. Harker. . Second Axeman T. Dowllng. Third Axeman Walter Hudson. Fourth Axeman Archie Marine. This company, as it now exists, is composed of excellent material and wiU do good service, whenever call ed upon. They should be hand somely equipped with a "machine" by the city. Young Men's Christian Association. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation opens its new rooms in the building of the Jian.k of New' Han over toay. A partial pr-qgraraine of the month's work has been arranged, which U as follows; Nov. Oth Business meeting of the Association. 9th Directors' meeting. llth to 17th Week of prayer- for young men. Meetings each eyRhig at 8 o'clock, ' M ' The pastors of the various church es jvavelieep requested to present a I speoial sermon to young men on the nth. 20th Regular youn men ne .d Leatum y Dr. T. ard.' Qu&U$z' 'Naples, H,v Pritcli Vesuvius 4 PpmpeUj other 'lahs are in preparation for the month,' but are not yet ready to.be announced. .1 ' City Conrt. There was a slim crowd gathered at the City Court this morning and a small docket, there beinar onlv two cases, which were disposed of as follows: " Florence Snow, disorderly duet, $10 or 20 days. Jas.-Beasly, perl urv,- bound con- over ni.t in ua o f inn i.,tK bond. Repudiated by Signers. We publUh elsewhere a. "circu lar" which was found on the streets to-dayv We - want every decent white man whose name appears therein to give it a careful squint. There are a number of names there which we know have no business there and which appear through a misapprehension. Mr. I. Shrier and Mr. M. T. Davis publish cards in this issue relative to theirs. The name of J. T. James is found In the list. It is not intended, we suppose, for the editor of this paper, who does not write his name in this fashion. But the fact remains that there is no other white man in New Hanover county whose name is J. T, James. There ar-e G7 names on the list. It is probable that four-fifths of these will repudiate the publi cation of their names in the connec tion with which it is used. They had some sympathy with the pro jectors on the market question but none with them in their unjustifiable abuse of the Democratic party. They signed heedlessly and either without reading the paper or with out having given the proper atten tion to its purport. They are Dem ocrats and will vote the Democratic ticket. And that is about all there is in this fizzle. To the Public. This is the title of a circular sheet which has found its way into circulation very recently. It con sists first of an extract from the market ordinance recently adopted by, the Board of JUdermenv whieli it is unnecessary to publish now, as it has already been published in all of the papers, and then continues as follows: Dear Frienils and Voter is of (his Free Country: Are we to stand by aud see such Democratic oppression and misrule as this and make no effort to put a stop to it? The Morning Star an nounced that this ordinance'settIed the butchering business." We think that if such men as these are elect ed to make laws for this country, they will not only settle the butch ering business, but also settle each and every business in whicl very poor man tries to make an honest living. We dvo think thatif "we" voters are not nore earful in selecting men to ill! the public offices, that it won't be very long before soniti Board of Aldermen will come together and pass art ordinance abolishing the homestead law antl the Constitution of the Uu.ited States. These political bosses don't car for the people. Why should they? The people am not allowed to select the men. who rule over them, In the counties they are appointed by the Democratic committee. In the city they are appointed by "General Gerrymander," who is not only a tyrant, but a cheat aud a fraud also. Wq have been Democrats and don't like the Republican party. But if the Republicans did steal money out of the Treawryv they did.not steal our right and liber ties. Anyhovx tv change, a shaking up, a new deal, will make us, who are not politicians, feel better. If we have got to fiddle for these pol iticians to dance, let us once in awhile make them "swing corners." You Farmers who are prohibited from selling your pAoduee except under these restrictions, better vote for men, who, a,re not so anxious about fee. 'trade, for foreigners, but wtVo'dd not want free trade at home, j Signed. I Thomas Ennett, J. F. Thompson, X T. Edens, J. W. Branch, C. H. Edens, H. Moore, B. F. Mills, R. F. Rowan, Silas Sneeden, John D. Sid bury, S. L. Smith, E. L,. EnneU, William Salmon, John W. Gaytor, John J. Melton, William, Sinclair, A. J. Shephard, & H. Bat son, Isaac SJUrier, James R. Rogers, F Butterien, J. W. FaiLH. H. Meiton.A. G. Garrison. M. f , "Davis, W. E. Davis, J. H. Hines,W. B. Larkms, A. F. Davis, D. M, wtl lan, Levi Melton. Charles Bonham, H.osea' Shepherd, Archie Marine J A. Wilson. J. T. Jaiu.es, Thomas K. : Mayer, Stephen, Sneeden, k. N. Wistpril': Kpf fltflp Edens, Mills, J P. Murrill, S. j CSlCrilfl, V JtSCei yaiUe Bordeaux, T.J, Tartt, WT.Croom, " iaia keeping up the supply but it not al II. Konham, f . W. Howard, Henry wayseasy to do so. I compete with Richmond HarrisMl W P Kerr T S Harri-ss. "'an Baltimore in price and sell tor nearly 50 t w RoS w.iii". rf V V less. But I am bound to continue tbe J.- W. Barton, David Wilhauonk Supply of Good Beef to my customers. E. G. Brown, W. R. MurravT B. To-morrow, Friday, anil Saturday I will have ni.rnev A. K Wpssell W. Crooui. one of the best markets of the sea5on. Beef, TY rv fipr T .tones. W. II Burnett, Jauiea Mills, Ie wis Todd, Willie MeHojL.JL Bv Melton, Jessie T. Cumb'er, J. H. Pepper, O. R. Hoi- $ngswroxthv William Piver. j A few lady friends of the steamer Bessie at Southport made and j presented her with a white flag with ia black nnnv hanflsnm the center. . . ' . j x ne steamer jscssie orougnt up i f roni Southport this morning the ! first Democratic Excui"sion of the the r,nnr.s.-r. Tl 1 T J. 1 told whole Party of ladies and gentlemen .were solid for Cleveland. Wrally at Kightsville. Capt. J. C. Morrison, Chief Mar shal, has issued the, following bul letin for the Democratic Rally at Capt. Manning's' place (Atlantic View) on Wrightsville to-morrow afternoon and evening. He hopes that there will be a large turnout on that occasion: Hkad Quartkrs Young - Men's Democratic Club of Wilmington. You are hereby notifled that the Club will take charge of- a Demo cratic Rallv at Wrightsville Sound Friday, Nov. 2nd, 1888. The speak ing will be held at Capt. E. W. Man ning's, (Atlantic View). You are, therefore, requested to meet at the depot of the S. C. R. R., 10th and Princess streets, at 0.45 p. m. The train will lei, ve at 7 p. in. Return ing from the sound at 10.30 p. m. There will be a train to leave the city at 4.30 p. iu., to take all down who are .desirous of attending the day speaking which 'commences at 5.30 p. m. Speaking at night will start at 8.15 p. m. Arrangements have been made with the S. O. It, authorities by which the fare the round trip will be 25 cents. for J. C Morrison, Chief Marshal. J. T, Medlin, Second Asst. All Saints Day. This being All Saints Day, joint services of the parishes of St. James, St. John's and St. Paul's were held cii x i ni i it in oi. jiimes ijnurcn inis morning, Rev. Mr. Arnold preaching the ser mon. The church was tastefully and appropriately decorated with our gray moss and with flowers. Many beautiful lloral designs were sent to the church in loving remem brance of those who had passed away, and were carried this after noon to the cemetery and placed upon the graves of those for whom they were designed. An interest luy service was new at 4 o clocK m 11 -a tne lodge ot the cemetery, conduct ed by the Rev, Dr. Carmichael, Rev Mr. Strange and Rev. Mr. Arnold. A roster of the dead of the past year was called and It was noted that death the reaper had been unusually vigilant, particularly among the aged. Seven had exceeded the three score and ten years, about as many more had passed, as Victor Hugo expresses it, the youth of old age, 50 years, while others had been- cut down in the full glory of their youth and manhood and womanhood. Of the lambs five have been sheltered in the everlasting fold. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." N15W ADV15KTISEMKNTS. New Oandy & Fruit Stand JUST KEOEIVED, A FINE LOT OF BA- nanas, Floriaa Drangespples, Nuts, Malaga Grapes and French Candles. A good supply of Uome Made Candy always on hand. ANTONIO FANTOrULA, , nov 1 us 8. Front St., near New Market. A Card. " SIGNED A CERTAIN CIRCULAR. GOT . out-by some parties, entirely under a mis apprehension of its contents. I was very busy and raslily signed without reading. I am a Democrat, have always voted the Democratic tlcket,;North as well as South, and I never ex pect to vote any other. Respectfully, nOV 1 It I. UR1ER, Notice. riWm PUDLIC WILL PLEASE NOTE THE i fact that the M. T. Davis whose name is attached to the butcher's circalar is not Martin T. Davis, the Real Estate Agent, but that he has several Mouses for Rent ana two for sale very cheap. . MARTIN T. DAVIS, Real Estate Agent, nov 1 3t 119 Princess St. 1874-1888 We .Guarantee fJHE MELAROMA TOILET SOAP TO BE perfeetly pure, at a reasonable price. MUND3 BROTHERS. . 104 N. Front St., 601 N. Fourth St. nov. i Another Carload. "DECEIVED THIS DAY ANOTHER CAR- I -Lit Ve.uiPo' Sv- Ieave orders early. J. Jb GARRELL, StaUai & 2 Front St. Market, South SiCe. navist , ' 1 .We vrni tsgiaato rccciva; cc-iiimicitia from our fxlenoa on any ' ana tU subject ' general interest, but . v . . - r The rQf tbr writer must always be fur nlshed'tb.tliemtor.J - :( - Communications must be written only on one side of the paper. ;'vv. J ; x Pereonalitles must be avoided. , ; And it is especially ana particularly unfier stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated In the editorial columns.. : .: NEWADVERTISEMKlfTS TJotice. " f J'H'b BUSINESS HERETOFORE CONDUCT- ed In Froiittreet Market under the name and style of KING & SIKES has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. AU accounts due the- Ann must be paid to T. P. sikes, and all. puis due,, by the nrm must be presented to him for pasTnent, ( . rr , ;. .;. v' '.V T'- rKINp October 27, 1888.. ., -.. , rnilE; UNDERSIGNED WILL i CONTINUE x?e pasless at Stall No. 4, .in" 5 Front Street Ot KING&STKRA onri roeniuffiillv,iiAlln(fii v, ucitiHMK iiiiiiii li i mi nrrnp 13tp nrm COntlnUanPf) nf .thp natmnina Yn-atra. or. Ill, eraily bestowed on the old firm promising to "uv 1 " ' J. KING. ' tu UCOCI J . , SAL E O F; L ArJD . ryo SATIFY THE MORTGAGE DEBT DUE to the subscriber of one ' hundred dollars and interest thereon at six per cent, per annum from April 4th. 188L, and In pursuance of pow ers given him by a deed of mortgage to him from William M. Hansley and wife, Hannah A. Hansiey, bearing date the "4th of A pril. joot, aiiu rt-gi&ujreu in me omce or Register ot Deeds of Pendercounty, in Book 44E," page 56, the undersigned will sell, for cash, to the high est bidder. On 1 llf nrpmlKPS . In (irant IViu n ship, in said County, at the site of a cart house tWCCn the hours Of 11 n'ftlnrJf L cm anrtSn'rJnelr p. m. on the first day of December, A. D. 1888, acres arijolning the lands ofthe late it. M. King and others, being part of the Petit land and whereon the mortgagees lately resided, the other of about 13 acres, adjoining the said King land and bounded In part by Brick Yard Branch. . . "... For a fill! rtftSTrinf inn nf tvlifTi lanrta rafAi. ence is made to said mortgage deed. JAMES W. SIDB URY, Nixon & Galloway, Goldsboro, N. C- Attor? neys for Mortgagee. - . October, 1888. ' dnovl3wnov291823 Trains on the Seacoast R. R;, November 2. From Wilmington, f From Wrightsville.. Leave;........ 7:00 a. m Leave 9:30 a. m Iieave... . 9-ain. m- iave..... 7:45 a. m. Leave. ......10:25 a. m. Leave..MM. 3:30 p.m. Leave 4:30 p. m I Iieave....M. 5:30 p. m. Leave .... 7:00 p. m 1 Leave,.... ..10:30 p. m. nov I2t " . . r ; SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- I W E WILL SELL A LOT OF MENS' .FINE calf and KIP booths at the following prices: FINE CALF BOOTS at $3.00 worth 2.50 FINE CALF BOOTS at $3.50 worth $3.00 MNE CALF BOOTS at $3.00 worth $3Ji0 - ki p boots; MENS' KIP BOOTS at $1.50 worth $2.00 MENS' KIP BOOTS at $3.00 worth $2.50 MENS' KIP BOOTS at $2.50 worth $3.00, MENS' FINE P. CALF BOOTS at $3 worth $3.50 Note t hese prices and come and ask to see a pair. You can get a pair of BOOTS for the price of a pair of SHOES. Come early and se cure a pair before they are sold. Geo. It. French 6 Sons, oct 31 tf 108 North Front St. SUJ I L L I C1ERY. FANCY GOODS ! jyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GENER- aiiy are respectfully notified that I have ' re moved to ; t - No. 213 Market Street, (Next door East of McJEachern's Grainary.) where I am now onenlnsr a New and Select ' Stock of t ,.-'."." Mil l ihery and Fancy Goods, suitable for this market, I have made arrange ments with a resident buyer In New York city who will select each week New and Sty lis li Goods and forward them direct to me. I will bR nhlR tn Rhnw nnfl nf fhn nnpftloat. an1 mnct desirable stocks in the city. A call and inspec tion is respectfully solicited. - - . , ' On UVirlnir TVAxr 9 nil' :. I vlll show a Large Invoice selected especlafl for this season's sales. - " , .". Respectfully, V ; M1SH HATTIK J. FOX, OCt 31 3t , PennyJs Priceo. Look at Our Low Price. Gcatlf raea's Cassimtre Sails from $519 ft ,$1!.59 " hfi Siits Irta $1.75 1$6.73. JQOVN WITH HIGH PRICES. 7 WE PAY 1U0 cents on the dollar for mrr finnrld nn thtn sell Cheaper than those who claim to sell at cost to deceive the public Give me acall and let my LOW PRICES convince you of this fact. oct 156 tf No. 110 3Iarket st. WANTKIK-An Intelligent, Earnest Man to represent, in his own State, a larjre responsible house. A remunerative salary to right party. Steady growing position. Ucfcr enoes exchanged. GAY'S mfg. iiousi;. nov.l4wt ' Lock Box i:,,n. iv

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