1 . , . . . ;ZZZ this paper -v ; ,, -jsjied every evening, Swidays excepted, Tosfl. T. JAMES. Editor ana Prop.- ' ' SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: ioaSix months $2J0O. Throe & rear' . Bjontlis. $1.00. One month, 35 cents.. ntwr will be delivered- toy carriers, free in any part of the city, at the above cellars6' m rnt.s rer weefc " . " - . -s,' " ... Advertlslng rates low ana uDerai. -snbsalbers will please report any and ,n f-iimres to receive their; paper regularly. .'. IU peculiar efficacy li dtie as much to the process and KOTHINQ . skill in compounding as to i ir rir be ingredients themselves. UKE i r Take it in time. It checks -a i tn.tm vntcof nr If teybe advanced will prove a potent cure. I) Heme slionlft lis Without It M takes the place of Z'jSttXo&'Si . FOB WHOSI .Tre tor Indigestion, 7?9tion. V Headache, Biliousness, iETJad Mental" Depression. No loss v toe, no interference with business fhtaklnj. For children it IS most in and harmless. No danger from fissure after taking. Cures .Colic, I ,JZt, Vowel Com plaints. -Feverishly, nd Feverish Colds. Invalids and fnate persons will find It the mildest i nerient and Tonic they can use. A little ttken at night insures refreshing sleep tnd a natural evacuation of the bowels. Alittle taken in the morning sharpens tw appetite cleanses the stomach and nreetens the ibreath. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. 1 "I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would. Eke Simmons Lirer Regulator, promptly tad effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative power of the system." i L M. Hinton, m.d., Washington, Ark. Harks of Genuineness Look for the red Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the jje&l and Signature of J. H.Zeilia 6 Co., m d, on the side. Take no other. - nov 36 tc lstp d&wly ensat ff. A, Ulartin & Co,, 111 North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, Manufacturers of Naval Store?. Venice and Ink Turpentine. Lubricating Oils. Leather Dress ins: Oils and ReadyMixed Pains,all Colors BREWSTER'S PITCII A SPECIALTY. Correspondence solicited. ; Address - BOX 575. 12tf ' - "STOKLEY'S." A ARE NOW PRE- y pared to accommodate an who may call upon us with tne Finest Oysters to be had on the Coast. We have made special preparations for the Season. Myrtle Grove, Middle aod Stump Sound Oysters always on hand. Served promptly and in any sryle desired. W. II. STOKLEY, octiotf Wrightsville.- NOTICE. Mattresses Renovated ! Mattresses for Sale! -P.P. Pillows, Feather Pillows, Cushions Springs. (Oppssite City Hall.) nov 2 CAUTflOW Beware of Fraud, as my- name and the price f stamped on the bottom of all my advertised woes before. leaving the factory, which protect y wearers against high prices and inferior Roods, if a dealer offers WTjU. JDouglas shoes at a,re duced price, or says he has them without my name na Price stamped on the bottom, put him down as VJ. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. GENTLEMEN. .The only calf S3 SEAMI.ESS Shoe smooth tosUe. NO TACKS or WAX THREAD to wrt the feet, easy as hand-sewed and AVIL.I. W. L. DOUGLAS S4 SHOE, the original only hand-sewed welt $4 shoe. Equals cus- lmnade shoes costing from $6 to $9. . BW. L. DOUGLAS POLICE SHOE. Ulromd Men and Letter Carriers all wear them. fpoth Inside as a Hand-Sewed Shoe. Ho Tacks rx Thread to hurt the feet. t W. L, DOUGLAS 82JS0 SHOE is unexcelled U!I7 weir' Bt Calf Shoe for the price. WlJJ001701-8 WORKING A1TS SHOE Is the best In the world for a wear ; one pair oapht to wear a man a rear. kW. L. DOUGLAS SJ2 SHOE FOE. BOYS ie best School Shoe In the world. " JW.L. DOUGLAS 81.75 YOUTH'S School lTe? the small Boys -a chance to war the t boes in the world. - -J1 made in Confess, Battoa and Lace.-It not 5r51f&-Jrekr'r ,wrlr I DOUGLAS. fnOCTQN. MASS- ' w ; or salejg; : : ' an. . IHf VONQLAHN. auj si 3m eod lp VftmYnstpo, N.fc r 1 VOL XII. The Pope has received jubilee gifts of money to the amount of $5, 750,000. France hits been the most liberal clonof of cash, while the smallest offering came from Spain, Portugal and Poland. The first school census taken in Georgia since 1882 ha just been completed. It gives the total num ber of children of school age as 560, 231, against 508,722 in 1882, and shows that in the country dictricts the boys outnumber the girls, while in the cities and towns the girls pre dominate. . -. , A curious ferry boat is building for the Riv?r Clyde at Glasgow. In stead of requiring movable landing stages or bridges to meet the rise and fall of the tide, the deck of the boat itself will be movable, as it will rest on six hydraulic elevators, by which it can be raised or lower ed. The boat will be a double ender, 150 feet long, of 55 feet beam, and 12 feet 6 inches draught. There is as yet'no news of any de cisive importance from the elections. Our paper closes before the polls close and therefore we cannot indi cate the result from the actual vote anywhere. If it is close it may take several days to ascertain the actual result. This we do not an ticipate, however. We think that North Carolina has surely gone Dem ocratic and that by a majority not less than 25,000, while we feel equal ly sure that Cleveland is elected by a larger vote in the Electoral Col lege than was given him in 1884. Oui estimate is that he can surely count on 210 votes . and probably more than that. James G. Blaine, Sr., has at last mustered up courage to defy his wife. He has set about to bring on a reconciliation between James G. Blaine, Jr., and his pretty wife. A careful investigation, it is claimed, has been made into the whole affair. Including the numerous evidences of his son's improvidence. In all this, it is said, nothing was found to show that his son's wife had been any thing but a loving,faithful helpmeet and mother. The publicity of the affair greatly annoyed Mr. Blainef but he found that his daughter-in-law was in nowise to blame for that, and that she still loves her husband devotedly. Young Blaine is heavi" ly in debt, but the old man will fix that. Mrs. Blaine, Sr., was called to New York by telegraph for a family conference. Intimate friends of the family say that all is now at peace. Let's see, you can't make wrong, right, or darkness, sunshine. Of course not, but one bottle of Salva tion Oil can change a half-frantic victim of rhematism, into a very dove of gentleness. LOCAL USTJB-rerS, Index to Nw advertisements. M M Katz Special Bargains Jcmbo At No 17 Market St Heinsbebger Schools Books nrsKE' & Drapek Announcement Mrs E B Wigins Attention Ladies. F C Milxer Pink- and White Gossamer Geo It French & Sons Special Bargains A vfew mocking bird cages left which We wish to close out at re duced prices. Jacobi's HdwDepot. t We have a job lot of fluting ma chines which we are offering below factory cost. Jacobi's Hdw Depot, t The worst feature about catarrh is its dangerous tendency to consump tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures ca tarrh by purifying the blood. If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select from. t We now have stove boards to go under your stoves, of beautiful de signs, that nre guaranteed not to tarnish. Jacobi's Hdw Depo. t We have it now, a razor that will shave you clean and make you hap py. Every one warranted. Jacobi's Hdw Depot. The Fire Light Open Grate Stove is without equal for comfort, econo my and cheerfulness. Sold only by the Factorv's Agent, Nath'l Jacobi. y- t The net gain for the Democratic party in New Hanover, by the elec tion to-day, will be nearly 'Vote's nccor5tips-to'.ir& gltoft'jiL If all of the-i;e vfi dq'as ell Cleve land and Fowle. wjl hav; fmm 40 f 30 to 50,QQg majority. -I, .... . tiM J ... W I LM INGTON, N. C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 944 bales. Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritshard will preach to night at the Baptist Chap el, corner Fifth and Wooster streets, at 8 o'clock. ' All quiet along the Carolina Cen tral to-day. No disturbance what ever has been reported from either Richmond or Mecklenburg counties. Hon. A. "M. Waddell returned to the city this morning, after some most arduous work in his canvass of the State, but work that has count ed for some magnificent results for the Democratic party at the polls to-day. There are five young men in Ma sonboro township who cast their maiden votes to-day for Cleveland and Thurman. One of these is the son of a Republican and the other was raised by his uncle, who is aRe publican. ' Jumbo, not Barnuin's Jumbo, but another equally marvelous, is in the city and on exhibition! This Jumbo is a man and weighs 649 pounds, although he is but 25 years old. He is on exhibition at No. 17 Market street. See ad in this issue. We close at 4 o'clock and at that hour the voting is progressing quiet ly. The Democrats are polling their full strength. A great deal of in terest centers oh Mr. Johnson for Sheriff, for whom the Democrats are voting largely. The indications now are that Mr. Johnson will run pret ty close to Sheriff Manning. Hurrah for Columbus. Information was received this afternoon to the effect Columbus county will give here that 1,250 Democmtic majority and may pos sibly do even better than that. This information comes to us from one of the most prominent and reliable gentlemen in that county, bus gave over 900 majority for the Democratic ticket. Colum-- in 1884 liefflstratlon. The following is the total regis tration in the five city wards: Whites. Colored First Ward 1st Division 162 538 2nd Division 123 482 3rd Division ,. 55 317 Second Ward 406 S3 Third Ward ; 399 136 Fourth Ward 330 114 Fifth Ward- 1st Division 245 346 2nd Division 91 346 Total 1817 The vote in these wards in was: J)em. First Ward 236 Second Ward 366 Third Ward , 340 Fourth Ward 281 Fifth Ward 286 Total 1509 2362 1884 Hep. 1257 106 150 128 657 2208 Audit antl Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular session yesterday afternoon. Present: R. J. Jones, Esq., chairman; Mr. Wm. Calder, and Mr. W. I. Gore. On motion, the order adopted by the Board of Aldermen to. furnish the police force with pistols and holsters, was concurred in. Seven coupons for $125, re.dee.med and cancelled, were burned in the presence of the Board. Alderman Pearsall, of the Com mittee on Streets and Wharves of the Board of Aldermen, was present at the meeting for the purpose of conferring with the JJoa-rd in regard to the matter of pontin ipug the paying of North Front street beyond Mulberry. Mr. Calder and Mr. Gore favored the continuation of the WOirk on North Front street, while Mr. Jones advocated stopping the work on Jforth Front street and paying Market street, between Front and Second, Finally, Mr, Calder sub mitted a motion, "that it is the sense of this Board that the-Coin raittee on Streete and Wharves should prosecute and complete the paving of Front street, north of Mulberry, as speedily as possible," This motion , pre vailed Messrs. Calder and Gore voting in the ar firaiative and Mr. Jones in the v$f& tive. . 'fr audited and approved afdilovVs; ' Current expenses, 6Cq;33; cpapops, $125; retupdedtai Hot bed glass aud sash for your hot houses is constantly to be had at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. t All kinds of School Books-and School Supplies can be bought cheapest at Heinsberger's. t November Sun antl Meteors. - The sun rose on the 1st at 6h. 18m. a m., and set at 4h. 40m. . m., mak ing the length of the ay lOh. 22:u. The sun rises on the 30th at Gh. 52m. a. m. and sets at 4h. Cm. p. m., mak ing the length of the day 9h. .23m. The decrease in the length of the day during the month is 59m. The decrease in the morning is 35m. and in the evening it is 24m. The day at the close of November is 5h. 48m., shorter than it was on June 22d. The earttf plunges through the gigantic meteor-zone on the 13th, and stray meteors caught in the con cussion with the earth's atmosphere will be visible on the nights of the 12th, 13th and 14th. There will probably be only an ordinary dis play, but it is well to be on the watch, for no one can tell what may happen. The November meteor zone is made up of a collection of meteors, following in the track of TempeFs comet. Its perihelion rests on the earth's orbit, and its aphe lion is beyond the orbit of Uranus- Alltlie Way From lirazil. A queer looking little craft put in at South port on Sunday night. She is about 30 feet long, sharp at both ends, and has three masts. She is from some por. in Brazil arid is manned by a man and his wife and his son and they were 20 days in making this port. We did not learn her name, or that of the skip per, but it seems that ht was in command of a vessel which was lost somewhere on the coast of Bra zil. He managed to get ashore with his wife and son .and there -he built this boat of cedar and mahogany Her masts, gaffs and booms are made of Brazilian cane and cane is lashed all around the little craft to make her bouyant and upright. The party intend to proceed from this place to Washington and from thence to New York, in the small craft. This reads somewhat like a chap ter - from one of Mayne1 Reade's works or the Swiss Family Robinson To morrow. we may be able to give further particulars, The Lu&t ltally. The demonstration iit the Opera House last night was the fitting close to a most brilliant canvass. 1 was one of the grandest things known in the political history of our city. The young men certainly "whooped 'em up." The torchlight parade was a very large one and the "cavalary" mounted nearly a hundred horses. It was a beautiful, pieasant night and the streets wore thronged with ladies and children who had come out to witness the crowning act of the campaign. Fire works blazed in the air and some of the houses on the line of march were handsomely illuminated. The line was from the headquar ters of the Young Men's Democratic Club on Front street, do wn Front to Market and on Market to Lt. Gov. Stedman's, where that gentleman was received, "4'ho line was then reformed and proceeded to the Opera House, which had already been well filled with a large number of ladies and gentlemen, who had gathered there in, advance o! the arrival of the procession,. Maj. Stedman, was very happily presented to the audience by Mr Spl. C. Weill and then that gentle man arose aud proceeded to address the vast assemblage. We cannot follow him through the intricacies of his speech and if we could would despair of reproducing any of it in a way that could give any one an idea of its magpiOcent presentation. The distinguished gentleman liter ally excelled even his own previous effqrts. It was one of the very best political addresses ever delivered in this city and has never been excelled here even by Senator Ransom, or Senator VTance. those masters of logic and- eloquence. This is the verdict of all who heard hni ?.s night. Maj. Stedman included by predicting t giorkU victory for otlV ans, bp t.h State and Fedra, and UlfrVVrop)ie0y wil literally ful filled. . Wiiounftt11 District, Methodist E. Church South, fourth tround of Quarterly Meetings: Elizabeth ct., Nov. 3 and 4, . Kenansvi I le et. , 2i o y, 22. Onslow ct.; Nov. 24 and 25. -' T. W. Guthrik, P. E. 6, 1888. NO 234. Hoard of Commissioners. , The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular monthly ses sion at the Court House yesterday. Present: H. A. Bagg, Esq., chair man, and Messrs. Roger Moore, E. L. Pearce and Jas. A. Montgomery. The Treasurer's report, submitted and ordered filed, shows a balance orrhand to the credit of the general fund, amounting to $11,140.85, and to the educational fund, $10,687.27. The monthly report of the Regis ter of Deeds showed $11.40 received and paid over to the County Txeas urer on account of marriage licenses issued in October. W. B. Bowden, registrar of the Second Ward, -having resigned, S. W Vick was appointed to fill the vacancy. S. VanAuiringe and C. H. Surrett having declined to serve as poU holders in the Second Ward, L. G. Vincent and Jno. G. Norwood were appointed in their place. G. W. Branch and Fred Rhew, ap pointed poll holders for the First Division of the Fifth Ward, having declined to serve, C. H. Stemmer- man and W. J. Reaves were ap pointed to iill the vacancies. Wm. May, S. S. Mints and Wm.H. Bishop were relieved from payment of poll tax. License was ordered granted to the following persons to retail spir ituous liquors: John Smith, at 703 North Fourth street; Isaiah Moseley &Bro., corner Fourth and Harriett streets; J. O. Ramsey, South Front street. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at fhrn (Jity Post office as t'ollovs: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 11. 00 P. M Northern through and way mails. . . s. 00 A. M N. C. and A. & N. G. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M. Ralolgh & i'ayettev:e, (5.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Southern way mails 2.00 P. M. Southern through mails. 9.15 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. x Western mails (C. C. Hallway). . .... fi.30 A. M, Cape Fear & Y v it 11 and points sup plied therefrom 6.30 A. M. Ealeigh & Ilralet K. li. and points suppuci therefrom . (5.3O A. M SrftitSvnle - 2.00 P. M. wrcgntsvme 8.30 A. M. Clinton, special,.,,,., 3.15P.M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C U. and intermediate offi ces...., 6.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River, S. C, and intermediate offices ux)A. M. Cape I ear River mail 1.00 P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way malls 8.30 P. y. Northern through mail, late 11.00 P. M, southern mails k.;mA. m. Southernway mails 9.30 A. M. Carolina Contral li. R. 9.00 P.M. Mails collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M. and 4.45 P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A. M. General delivery open rrom 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.20 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. 10 A. and 1 to 7 P. M. NKW AOVBimSEMENTi. Now on Exhibition, At tor No.' 17 Market Street, JUMBO, The Largest Man in the World, aged 25 years weighs 04tt pounds. Admission 10 cents. Open from 1 to. 5 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m.. except Saturdays, when open all day. nov 6 2t Established 15 Years. yy RIGHT'S EXTRACT MARY STUART IS the Finest Perfume yoit ean buy. In small bottles or In bult, of ' nov 6 MUNDS BROTHERS. School Books. gCHOOL BOOKS, For Private and Public Schools. ALL NEW STOCK CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAP EST AT HEINSBERGER'S. Pi caii un.fs aii d Cards rpo ORNAMENT YOUR ROOMS, ALSO A Brackets ot every description. For sale cheap at - , HKINSBEBGER'S; Blank Books, JpAPER, ENVELOPES, INK, STEEL. PENS, Pencils aud Paper Bags Cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. oct 5 - Som e t hi n g Ft! e w . JJUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER FINE AS j sortment ot CALICOS, FLAHNJELS, snEET- 1NGS and DRESS GOOD to generaL Also, a fine lot 04 SHAWLS and Ladies and ' Gents' UNDER WEAR whieh I will sell Cheap I for Caatu - ' css'titve mc a call and examine my Stock is .all I ask. - - I No. 25 Market St. - ! TniTTf iinnr wpst nr Kpfinmra lime smr-p octJ tf ' .. . . PLEASE NOTICH . , We . will. fce giaa to receive ccmEnmlcatlo Iroia our friends pa any ' ana ail Eutjcct general interest, but " ". . The name of the writer must always fce fur nlshed to tno Editor. communications must be written only on one side of the paper.: . Personalities must be avrjideA. - . And lt is especially: ana particularly uncer stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents anless ' scr stated In the editorial columns. N EW AD VEKTIS EM KNT8. TU IS WJELEK AT i ml, 0ASH HOUSE. Double Width C.a srrMu,-m?c nmrfh xv- 12xc per yard. l " fXSr PHESS FLANNEL, worth 40c for 20c per yard. ; - A Cut in Roman Clicclis. . -v. ' 40-inches wide, warranted all WooL worth 75c foi 390 per yard. SPECIAL BAR&AINS in - Black Coodo. :j-inch HENRIETTAS wrnrt.ti 1V fnr np yard. . 40-inchSTT,K TriKTsnwii TnrNrwTuT a nmh 90c for (596 per yard. , , 4lnS? SfLK. FINISHED HENHIETTA, worth $1.45 for 80c per yard. Ladies' Underwear,; One Lot worth 75c for 49c each " " " $L90 ' 75C " " " " 15 90C " " " " L40 ' $1.00 One Jxt ' AllstmHan Wnnl , VTTQTQ ami HltAvVEKS, worth $1.75 for $1.25. . " - liWJAU: kjiio iioi ijaaies' aiiSliiSUi FLANNEL VESTS, worth $3.00 for $L49, . ; -O- Cnildrons' Flannel Underwear 20 cents . and upward. ' V Uonts' Flannel Underwear. one Lot worth 90c for 49c each. In this department we feave what la known as the Scotch Wool Shrunk Finish Garment, which sells resrularlv at Ma. suit? wfnfrr tnr only $3.98 this week. . '. . , Great Slausnter of Blankets. One Lot 104 worth $1.50 for' 95c. " " " " 4.50 $3.50 -One Lot 104 Scarlet Blankets, worth $&00 tor $3.75, , A fine AUSTRALIANS WOOL BLANKET, worth $7.00 for $4.75. . : m. m. mm 116 aiarket Gt., WILMINGTON, K. C. nov 5 . , ; ;.' t" Cabbage Plants. 10 000 PLANTS 3MPEOVED VARIE TIES. Apply to " ' ' ' nov 5 lw T. St SOUTIIERLaND. New dandy & Fruit Stand JUST RECEIVED, A FINE LOT OF BA- nanas, Florida Oranges, Apples, Nuts, Malaga Grapes and French Candles. A good supply ot Home Made Candy always on hand. ANTONIO FANTOPULA, nov l 118 s. Front St., near New Market. SPECIAL BARGAINS "yyE WILL SELL A LOT OP-MENS' FINE CALF and KIP boots at the following prices: FINE CALF BOOTS at $2.00 worth $2.50 FINE CALF BOOTS at $2.50 worth $:i00 INE CALF BOOTS at $3.00 worth $3.50 KIP BOOTC. , MENS' kip Boots at $ijw worth $2.00 MENS' KIP BOOTS at $2.00 worth $3.50 MENS' KIP B0OT8 at $2.50 worth $3.00 MENS' FINE P. CALF BOOTS at $3 worth $3.50 Note these prices and come and ask to see a pair. You can get a pair - of BOOTS for the price of a pair of SHOES. Come early and se cure a pair before they are sold. - Geo. French & Sons, oct 31 tf 108 North Front Ct, Prescriptions ' JJCCUR AT ELY COMPOUNDED. PATENT Medicines, Toilet Articles, &cT Prices reason able. A trial is asked. - - JAMES C. MUNDS, Agt, ' - Dru?,-ist, oct 22 Princess St., bet. Front & tecond XJotice. T PUBLIC WILL PLEASE NOTE THE -fact that the M.T- Davis whose namei . attached to tte butclier's circular is not m an l u T. Daia,-the Keal .Estate Afrent, who L; several "Houses for t(cnt and two for zid : very cheap. . MARTIN T. DA vis. - , Real Estate A-cnr, nOT 1 tt 113 Princess zz. Special Bargains Ik r -i rr nrr -