II i . J Li U n u cm Absolutely Pure I IThta powder never vanes. A marvel of pu Htv strength and whoiesomeness. M ore econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be wild In competition with the multitude of low fXt snort weight alum or phosphate powders. incogs. KOYAL BAKING POWDfiU CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. , oct SO Otwly tenrm 4thpd srdpw rr?nrA'7rrrirq,Fo) FRIDAY, NOV. 1G. 1888. STATE NEWS. Rnckinfrham Rocket: Tlie official vote of Montgomery county, as pub lished in tbe Vidette, shows that the entire Republican ticket was elected by an average majority of about 100. The majority for Mr. A M. Logan, Republican candidate for the Senate from this county and Montgomery, is 10G, but. ttnsis over come by the majority for Mr. Le Grandin this county, leaving the latter a net majority of 11. Monroe inquirer: Mr. Jos. Broom brought into our office yesterday a beat which measured 10 inches in length and 21 in circumference and -weighed 11 pounds. It was of the Long Blood Red variety, grown fronl Buist's seeds. On Tuesday, about 12 o'clock, Mr. John C. Austin s cot ton trin, located at his mills, just be- lOW IDc rttlirtmu ui iul, """n" ... ' The alarm was given and the Acme Steam Fire Company and the Hook and Ladder Company proceeded to the fire as soon as possible, but ar rived too late to save the bdildmg, which was destroyed, together with tween two and three bales of cotton and a lot of cotton seed. The totol loss amounted to about $1,000, with no insusance. The fire originated r.m o nnt.Mi which had trotten in 11U1U M JUH."". "- the seed cotton. Tjoinjh TWpina and. Observer: It is stated that in January the Pullman . palace cars will be discontinued on all the lines of the Richmond & Danville road and that the Mann boudoir will be substituted. For weeks past society has been on tlie alert, and public interest lias oeen thoroughly aroused by the jm nouncement of the approaching marriage of Mr. John m. wmuer iu Miss Florence P. Tucker, the ac complished daughter of Maj. K. b. Tucker, all of this city. Both par ties are favorites, not only in this their home, but wherever tney known. The brilliancy of the bride, the elegant courtesy of the groom orwi V.ia imminence in business cir- sill combined to make ones to town yesterday. One, raised bv DM. Uarnett, wen-new . ri u" and 9 ounces, and measured 2j inches. The other was raised by 1. W. Urumler; weighed 5 pounds and measured 24 inches. The richest specimens of sold ore that -have Ieen seen in una unwu .u ... J, day were exhibited yesterday by Esquire John P. Hunter, of Mallard Creek township. He had a peck measure full of rocks, and virgin -o!d tairly honev-combed the rocks. Old miners say that it is the richest ore ever seen in this State. Mr. Hunter found the ore on his farm, and if a good vein is developed his fortune is made. Mr. it. Zl Lm- nev sat down to a nice dish at a ban quet in Tavlorsville the other night. Hi friends" gave him a 'possum sup per, in honor of Harrison's election, and somebody took occasion to play a mean trick on him. A big fat cat was killed and baked and slyly sub stituted for one of the 'possums, and it happened that the substitute was placed in front of Mr. Linney. The animal was a little tough, but no one at the table knew its true character until after the feast. 1 he party who is responsible for the trick is not known, and it is proba bly good for his health that such is the ease. It is reported that both Mr. Linney and Will Boger dined on the cat. Wadesboro Messenger: R. E. Lit tle, Esq., who will represent the 7th Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Anson and Union, in the next General Assembly, will be the best elected Senator in that body. His majority in Anson is 1,35a, and he beats his opponent in Union 1,259, making his majority 2 The residence of Mr. Thomas Trull, who lives on the plantation of Mr. D. Maske, m Lanesboro township, was burned last .Thursday night, together with the household and kitchen furniture and about a bale of cotton. In the Kiime township, last Monday morn ing the dwelling of Mr. Lawton Allen was burned. There was no one at the house at the time, and r.Aihinn' vcn snved but one feather bed. The fire is supposed to have caught from the chimney. J'isr Thursdav night, while the Demo crats of Ansonville were celebrating the victory of their party in the count v and State, some fiend ap plied the torch to fhe house of Mr. H. M. Kason, which was occupied by Mr. C. A. Smith and his mother. There was no one in the building when the lire was 'discovered, and betore assistance could be procured the fire had gained such headway that nothing was saved but one feather bed aud a quilt or two. As the fire was discovered in a portion of the building in which there had been no fire for some time, it was un doubtedly the work of an incen diarv, and it is generally believed by the good people of that section to have been the work of some Repub lican negro. The building and fur niture were both insured. - isuck'pir Arnica aaive The Best oaive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, uicers, oan Rheum, Fever Sores, letter, nui - oed Hands, Chilblains, uorns, anuuu Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisiaction, or money refunded. Price 2o cents per box. For sale by wm. n.vxreeii. coaraiEitciAi I : WILMINGTON. MARKET. ; - ' , - Y : Nov. 1C 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 43 cents. Sales, of receipts at 43 cents. I -'-l.'"'- ": li.- . , ROSIN Firm at 75 cents for strained and 80 cents for good strained. TAR Finn at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.35 for hard, $2.25 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Firm. The following are the official Quotations: Ordinary, 6 5-16; good oidinary, 7; low middling, 8 15-16 ;middling 9 7-16;good middling 9J. . Receipts to-day: Spirits, 143;rosin, 302;tar, 97; crude, 54; cotton, 1.197. MARINE NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF TIIE WILMINGTON WELDON B. H. CO., WiumiGTON, N. a,Nov. 6th, 18S3. ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay etteville, AVoody & Currie. t Br steamship John Nixon, Welsh, New York, C P Mebane. CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay etteville. Woody & Currie. Schr Luella A Snow, Webster, Cape Haytien, S & W H Northrop. EXPoTlTsT THE FIFTY-THRID ANNUAL, MllETrNG of me Stockholders of the Wllmln-ton weldon Kallroad Company wlU toe held at the office of the company. In Wllmlnn. N. X.. u?Novemher. 18S8.. rl iiov 8lw a Secretary W. & W. K. R. Co. 1889. Harper's Bazar, ILLUSTRATED. UltiC LL u no n mccr.LL,ia:onk DRY GOODS AWD o I am sending fprward from New York many NeW linrfpi esaiitThiD, which will be received dunno- tU IT next few.days. 3HS The writer is in New York selecting the; Newest anTb OtVlCS a a.miuiiuuiu w "l'f -iiiuiai:iIlg m selection f a great vanetAC ; : est FORKICiN. Cape Haytien Schr Luella A Snow 140,001 ft lumber. oo. WW , WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND NOV. 10, 1S88 Spirits ashore, 2,617; afloat,' total. 2,639. Rosir ashore, 81,190: afloat, 2,6 total, 83,868. A A , Tar ashore, 1,288; afloat, 150; total, 1,438. Crude ashore, 403. Cotton ashore. 13,357; afloat, 4,928; total, 18,285. RECEIPTS FROM NOV. 9 TO NOV. 16. Cotton. 8,749; spirits, 1,093; rosin, 3, 059; tar, 630; crude, 541. EXPORTS FROM NOV. 9 TO NOV. 16. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 3,205: spirits, (.95; rosin, iv.k tar, 805; crude, 475. Ueneral Itonraiii Week AT M.M.katz, i, . T,T,'c. . t i w win nontlnue to maintain ;,Zraa on unpniiaiifidfamUy lournaL Its mustraUoATare of the highest o'rder, its ,LA"ii.,Ttir?oVr tho ounioest. kind, and Its Fash- ion and Household departments of the most practical and economical . j tf.r.,.shppt suDOlements and fashion plates alone will save its readers ten times tne cost of the subscription, and Its articles on deca tive art social etiquette, house-keeping, cooic erV ?tc make it indispensable to every house holh. its bright short stories and timely es sSs aramoSg the best published; and not a line is admitted to Its columns that could of fend the most fastidious taste. Amoneljfi at tractions of the new volume will be serial to nes bv Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, airs. lexader William Black and Thomas Hardy, aid Series oi : pape on nursery management by Mrs. Christine Terhune Hcrrlck. HARPER'S PERIODICALS PER YEAR: HARPEIl'S BAZAR.. ft 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE i 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to (ill subscribers in the United Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. . The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order Bound volumes of Harper's Bazar for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent bvmail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per vplmne. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ewspairs are not to copy this aavertLterneiU without she express order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPER & BROTHERS, novis ew orl oct 20 w and Elegant Styles are being fleeted forfihiprnentbyfirsig v ' During the coming week a.great variety or IUESMUO(iii! u3. r1clhti,v 7 Jm in Ne rSTD pat on salt. CASH HOUSE. -o- IS OUR Dress Goods Department we will 'display the Latest Novelties in DRESS GOODS 1889. Harper's Weekly illustrated; Til ""i-GEHTS'T BEST FITTING CORSETt'he WORLD f OR SALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. MAYER. STR0USE&:C0.J urns -412 BROADWAY. NjY. OCt 9 4W No. 10 SfllUlULK WILBUfi IIJ?SK'(ltsr ?,8.i Iu our Annex can bp fouou ) most Complete Stock ot ; the r ar.-..vu. .-.it.. IN EFFECT NOV. 4,1888, AT 7145 A. M. From Wilmington, Leave Leave. Leave. Leave. nov 3 tf . 7:35 a. m . 2:30 p. m . 6:00 p. m From Hummocks. Leave. Leave. Leave. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. .. 2:30 p. m Leave 8:10 a. m. 5:10 p. m. 8.00 p. m. --- -- ' ' 5:00 p. m. CHAD BOURN. JR., General M;mager. uon't Doiay- END OUli BROKEN OR INJURED FUR- 8 ANO them universal favorites. The happy ArAn- iroa onnfinmtiiateu last even- in in nhrisr. Church, in this cit. wi .Poi,r Vm that edifice been ouu wi-tj .more densely thronged. GreenviUe Reflector: Only -a jittle over two weeks now and the (ourt House will be swept entirely clean of 1 nhA havp SO lOHLT niicu A A,nMn1ioi1 Pitt COUIltV lOlltlCS At 6 o'clock tins mornm- i residence of Mr.H. A. Sutton, father of the bride,Mr. D. J. Whichard edi tor of the Reflector, was married to Miss Hennie VV. Sutton, Rev. J. Vf. .Wildman officiating. Immediately after the ceremonv the bride and -room left for Richmond to attend the exposition. Vhen Mr.'D. H. . James was nominated as the Demo cratic candidate for Register of Deeds, Mr. L. H. Wilson, the Repub lican candidate, was heard to re mark: "Icanstayhomeandnotgo out ofiuv house during the cam n'A hnf him bv a bic: majori- 7" Trt the contrary, he worked as ' ' hard as ever a man worked, and Mr. James' majority was just 141. bo it tnm out that Wilson waited until nftAr the election to do his staying : home. nholl.fim Ueonrd: At 2 o'clock Oil last Tuesday the Baptist church at tt.Unlnf A was crowded with an eaj;- prlv exnectant congregation to wit ness the marriage of Mws f lora T7.,nA tho lflprdautrhter ofblieriu f Brewer to Mr. W. R. Hunter, the ii.n oo-or.t hre. We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. w t tj.,?q urViinh occurred at Iiih residence near Gulf, on last I rulay. On the Monday preceeding, while . ' trvinff to get into his wagon, he ac ifi Voii-,r fil on the wason tongue. m thV effects of the fall t,tMi of firct was not considered Lihft died the following Pri- V On lost. Suiidav the cor r, of this county held an inquest .mon the bodv of an unknown man. ...i ,0 f.inrl flPid in Deep river. Wliu "tto ; , . - i nearGfulf. but no information wum; be obtained as to who the man was or what caused his death. The corpse was seen on Saturday float ing down Deep river at Gulf, and was found the same day between : there and Egypt. ."PP? cd to be a tramp, the right leg am putated below the knee, one of the Srnis tattooed, and the body scan tily clad, and had beeh in the water several days. ii Charlotte ChronicUi Big turnips i voof -wf h farmers this . t T Wallace, of East field, this county, brought two LKMOS KLIXIK Its AVonderfih Effect on tlie Liver, Stom acli, Iiowels, Kidney and Blood. Ttr Molev's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lembn drink that positively j cures all rJiiuousne, vuusuhwv, Indicestion, Healache, Malaria, Kidnev Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss 6f Appetite, Fevers, Chills Blocthes, Pimples,Pain in Back, 1 al pitatiou of Henrt and all other dis eases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases, lifty cents and one dollar per bottle Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta. Ga. LliMON HOT HIIOFS. For coughsand coltLs, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrn,xaie Lemon Hot Drops. For throat "and lung diseases, taKe Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists. 2.5 cents per bottle. Prepared by ti. aioziey, iu. D., Atlanta, Ga. m thsat. TR IMMINGS -o Double Width Ladies' Cloth, . wortn 40c for 20c per yard. Hindsome All-Wool Ro iian Checksj 40-lnclies wide, worth 75c lor 39c per yard. -o- One Lot Separable Braidings, in all shades, for 33c per yard. o- Uouseboicl Ciod8 Greatly Keduced. THE MAILS. fhe malls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: CLOSJS. Vnrtliorn thrnnrrh mnlls fSt 11. Ul) M ilUl LIU IU " "O " , - Northern through and way malls. . . 8.0U a. m N. c. and A. & S. c. Railroads and routes supplied thererrom n.w -tv. i. Kalelh s: b ayettev e, G.00 l. m. anu a. -j. Southern way malls -W f(- southern through malls i DAILY EXtJEPT SUNDAY, wvstrn malls (C. C. Kallway). &30 A. M. Cape Fear & Y v 11 it and points sup- , puea inereirom alelsrh & Hamlet R. li. and points -o IIabfeu's Weekly has a well-estahllshed place as the leading illustrated newspaper In The ffiimpss of its editorial com ments on current politics has earnedfor it the respect and conhdence of all Impartial read ers; and the variety and excellence of Its lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, nt it for the perusal of people of the widest ranse of tastes and pifrsuits. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense Is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history A new work of fiction from the pen of Vllliam Dean Ilowells, and one by Charles King, will be among the leading features of the Weekly lor 1889. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER year: ' UAKPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE. HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1.,... 2 00 Postage Free to all subscriDers in. tfte United States, Canada, or Mexteo. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. WThen no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, ' for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be wnt. hv mail. Dostasro naid. or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per voL Cloth Cases for eacn volume, suiutui lvi binding, will be sent by man, pjst-yaiu, ui receipt oi si uu eaun. Tfomittanftfis should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draf t, to avoid chance of loss. newspapers are noi w copy ulis uu,l-i ikhkh wititout the express order of Harper & Brothers Address uakjsis uitoixiJ3-jo, novJ5 JJewrork nlture to me and I will repair It promptly an at low prices. I propose to make my living this way and will do tlie work well and will not charge too mnrnfordoinerit. call and see some tit the rpnnirs T hae already made. I will also re pair Sewing Machines, Musical Instruments, &c, as well as Furniture. Will cheerfully o-ive estimates or probable cost of repairs. come and see me. ,.,. , . J. 1J. FAUKAIL - NO. 11 N. Second su oct2i n oo 4 00 . 4 00 1889 Harper's Young PeoDie. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. G en t s U n dp rvear froiii Lowest to Highest Qualities At Reasonable Prices, Ge:as -Half Hose; Hanger- g h i f , ' "o 1 1 h n a w Cuffs and the Best . One Dollar UnW dried hirt sold.' . " " Also a Large Supply Collars and Cuffc. Collars 10c.t Cuffs 16c.," The same gold much higher else where. . . Jno.J.Hedrici, 101 & 103 Market St.. nov9 1 & 8 N. FroutRt. Hakpeb's Youkg People begins its tenth volume with the first Number in No ember. Durin-r the year It will contain five serial sto ries, including "Dorymates," by Kirk Munroe; "The Ked Mustang," by W. O. Stoddard; and -A Davln Waxland;"by K. K. MunklttUck; "NelsThurlow s Tilal," by J. T. Tiowbrittge; he Three W ishts," by F. Anstry and Gran der Matthews; a series of fairy tales written and illustrated by Howard Pyle; "home Stud ies in Natural History." by Dr. Felix L. Os wald; - Little Exptriments," by Sopniaiv Iler-rick- "Glimpses of Child-life from Dickens," rv Margaret J. Sansfsten articles on various sports and pastimes, short stories by the best writer anri humorous DaDers- and ooems, "With many hundreds of illustrations of excel lent quality. Every line in tne papur is uy- lectea to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order tuat noininjj iiaiuiiui uiiijf w- umns. ' FULL SIZE, worth $1.25 for 98c. " " . 1.50 " $1.19 2,00 1.39 EXTUA " " 3.00 " 1.69 GreatSlaughter of Blankets. ! 10-4 Blankets, worth $1.50 forOc. niu snarlet Medicated, worth 5.00 for $3.75 i 11-4 Extra heavy Lamb's Wool Blankets, i worth $.00 for $4.50. Kalels sivpplied therefrom. Smith vllle Vrightsille.i Clinton, special MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Onslow C. U. and intermediate oni- Ladies' Gent's and Children's FLANNEL UNDEUQAKMENTS 25 per cent, below regu lar value. - The M 6.30 A. M 2.00 P. M. 8.30 A. M. 3.15 P. M M. Dont week at miss the opportunities offered this hicr ces . - ; - -.V-00 A- Little River, S. C, and Intermediate offices. 1 6.90 A. Al. Cape Fear River mall - 1-00 P . M. OPEN FOR DELIVHRY. Northern and way mails 8.30 P. M. Nortliern through mail, late 11.00 P. m. niitlirh mails: 6.30 A. M. Kmit.hprnwav mails "J.30 A. M. CaroUna Central R. li. y-wr.1 Malls collected irom street ooxes in uifsmeaa portion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M. and 4.4? r. M. and from other points of tecjty at 5 P. M, and 4 A.M. ' General delivery open irom u.uu a, m.w y.w p M and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.20 A- M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 n -msn A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M 10 A. u-aall to 7 P. M. r , 1 " " 1 1 There is economy in using a good heating stove and in buying same from Jacobi's Hdw Depot. t M. M. Katz: tA8HU0UE. 116 Market St., nov 13 WILMINGTON, N.C. AMERICAN AGAZINE. Beautifully Illostrated. 25 cts., $3 a Year tts siiopk. THE AMERICAN MAGA 7iTE crivftsnreference to national topics and B,-nM and its literature and art are of the highest standard. Famous American writers tin its nasres with a wide variety of lnterest- mo- stitches of travel and adventure, serial ami snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and.ln short this Magazine is rrittnrtivelY Renresentatlve of Aimfiiinan Thouerht and Progress. Tt is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the high-class monthlies. Lime. Lime. An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. uosun Courier. , ' - A weekly feast or good tnings 10 tne wjo and girls in every family wnicn it . visits. Brooklyn Union. . . - It is wondeif ul in its weaitn or pictures, m- formation and Interest. Christian Aactcaie N Y' '. . ' , - ' Terms - Postage Trepaid, $3 pr year. Vol. X begins jsoventoer l, iks. - Spetimen stamp. Copy sent on receipt of two-cent Single Number, Five Cents each. - TjomittMws should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chancfe of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this adversisemcnt without tlw. express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER & BROTHERS. ' New York. Address nov 15 INVENTIONS - among the wonders of Inventive progress is method and system of work that ci x be per. rormed all over the country withou ; separa ting the workers from their homes, -Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, young or old; no special ability required. .Cab ltal not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great vaiue ana mipurtajicc w you, that win start you in business, which Will Dnng you in mure muuc iiguuinj , v. anything else in the world. Grand outju free' Address true s. i u., auusLa uuv, nov22 6mdlyw 1 SELP-BISING BUCKWHEAT, - - - v ".. , IN 3 AND 6 LBS. PACKAGES. V N INVALUABLE ARTICLE FOB W duclng In a few minutes, by the aMtios ff cold water or milk,' most dellclota ' Bttctwlieat Cates. -0 ' ' ' MAPLE SYRUP. EITHER IN BULK ORIN GALL0K0B 'X GALLON CASS! .V ' , ' Fresh Vegetables and Fruit ;- By every steamer - ' University o North Carolina jLIJIE in exchange or Llilfi ' -V. LIME " 1 LIME " 44 LI-MJJ LIME " 44 ; FUENOH sept PROVISIONS. GIIpCERJES, DRY GOODS HARDWARE, LUMBER. CASH. BK08M Rocky Point. Tiit.pt,ni A Specimen Number,wlth HI Dlrilllli TiiiiSrrftffid Premium List, ! and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to ciud Kaisers, v.iu ue bc" ceipt of 15c., If this paper is mentioned. tsr- Responsible and energetic persons want ed to soUcit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. Address, y THE AilERlCAN MAGAZINE CO., feb - 749 Broadway. New York. TJotice K. W. A. McGO wax wui couect snDsenp- M UonsdueTHE DAILY KEYEEW new 8ubscriDers.j and solicit Ghapel Hill, N. 0. rpHE NEXT SESSION BE JINS AUGUST 30. Tuition reduced to no a half year. Poor Stu dents may give notes. Faculty of Fifteen Toachers. Three full courses of study leading to degrees., Three short courses for the train ing of business men, teachers, physicians and pharmacists. .. - Law School fully equipped. Write Jor Catalogue - tfx . . ' Preserves aid IltS ' ' , BY THE PO55" For sale by ' " ' Jno, L-BoaWrigK KUBSERIU noTt7 POMONA ' POMONA,0" TWO and a Half Miles West of GR& p. jj. r ' For Sale. qLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUR OW5gP3ttat ' KEYIEW OFFICE: n'he maln line of theR. throughj ine ouic twice dally eachj nut and Fruit Gro to inspect .this, 'ittES tt ' . State, ana hub v pUS, r-z : rstock. consists Wlicc -1 Ki.ro' Wftsnherries. GOOSew' iu- PlantrErigllsh WalflfcW;;:; . Strawberries, Roses, A??ii&Ue' ' It I berries, noses, . - , &c AU the new V netr cata1 the old ones, which my oew. , win show.- - n myatMfl 7. Give your orders to .... order direct from the 'fetrl . correspondence boW? Z. logue free to applicants. . . - . t . - aaaress . . - - - POMONA, ut- t- Eeuable 'aSZcBBa&& I County. . A good paying cu: i fii'.r.s i

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