ii mnTQ PAPEK edereri evening; sonoays excepted, t4vm Editor and Prop. X TBSCRIPTI0NS. POSTAGE -PAID: fi.oo. six months m. THree tie3X' ,n month" 35 cents. . Uoniw-1-" ina dc delivered by carriers, treo nf the city, at the above Liiiawr ' .nt? per weefc. .." - lrUsiiisrate3lu"0"v r bribers wUl please report: any and Y .nrpreive their paper regularly. -flares tRESTLSSKESS I UBTL5 FAMIUT MEDICI PHILADELPHIA Pria. ONE Dollar- i & mxlority of the ills of the liummn . WrarUe from a diseased Liter. . Slm- Liver Regulator has been the means Cnrtoring more people to health, and. Cfpies by giving them o healthy Lwihaa any other agency on earth. JaiJUI VOO GET THX9 GEKTJZNE tar u isip Jiwiy ca sub - MADE TO ORDER Or Renovated. i Jew FEATHERS on hands, Nice and Up. cushions, Springs, Pillows, Bolsters, L lor sale. Howell & Cummins:, (Oppssite City Hall.) P.s.-Cail or drop us a postal card nov 9 Plmpleg, Sores, Aches and Pains. Wen a hundred bottles of sarsaparllla or Lr pretentious specifics fall to eradicate ln- nserotnlaor contagious blood poison, re 5er that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) h jained many thousand victories, in ag Lij seemingly incurable instances, send to Blood Balnt Co.. Atlanta, Ga., for Book of alers," and be convinced. It is the only CI BLOOD PCRIFIEB. iW.Messar, Howell's X Roads, Ga., writes. was afflicted nine years with sores. All w medicine I could take did me no good. I $ tried B. B. B. and 8 bottles cured me -ad." Ilk A .n. f 1 llOUU. illUUUbtuu, A .cw, htes: "A lady friend oi mine was troubled i Dumps and pimples on her face and necic took tnree bottles of B. B B., and her skin :t soft and smooth, pimples disappeared and -r Health Improved greatly." to L Bosworth, Atlanta. Ga, writes: xsne years ago I contracted blood poison. I J no appetite, my digestion was ruined. ramausm drew up my limbs so I couia nara filt mv throat was cauterized five times. fpnnssgaveme no benefit, and my life aone of torture until T crave B. B. B. a trial. M. suTDrlsInsr as It mav seem, the use of live Ptles cured me," nov 10 ly eod&w 11. CIlOlfENBEUG, 1'HE PliOTOGliAPIIEK. GIVE II I M A TiUAL! All woric Guaranteed. . RcturC3 taken Single or In Groups. ptatt . . - - CAOTBOW "B Of Vrinr? ma wrttr viamo anil tKlk rtrlWt r2?eloa the bottom f ll var advertised r"ar leaving; the. lactory,' which protect J: L. DOUGLAS FOB GENTXEMEN. fMfw'.13 SEA cxlf 3 SEA3ri.ESS Shoe fmooth IT 1 Uy faA n WAX THKEAUW band-sewed and W1LJ tay-ped welt t4 shoe. Eqnals cas- MenLpLAS POLICE SHOE. LQitAS 2JM SHOE is unexcelled L, ivr, vau iooe.io tb price. rBfiOLAS 2.35 WOfeKING- I L nVl?? Pir ooAt to wear a man a TPr. 3.Wh.Ty" " me ts the -best in the world for fw S.830.1? FOK BOYS lClInorirTb i'gejn the world. .... th?.kA YOUTH'S School ?Tov tri Tl W. Im DOUGLAS. ForUTa' MAS. - a. 3l3m eoaip SH. VONGLAHN, WUmington. JX..C. perA H itfftTTT.Tl BB X7ITHQUT 1 II. flnvg j,rf?jmisitugii prices ana lnrenor kooqb. flShSL"s WTL. Douglas shoes' C ayte KJtatOx saTshehas ffiera without my name 1 ' - ' -am. -J i r i . pj a' i. k w r ra- . w - t VOi; XII. WILMINGTON, N, C, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER It is estinirttea. that the sum of 2,000,000 Svar locked up by election bets iii ie w.York citj alonn. A New York paper telb of a man arrested for stealing a $3.) door mat. What sort of a mat. is it. do you suppose, that is worth $30? 4 ; . ? - ! Jr.', secretary. A committee con- Parin is prettlnr tired of the ballet. ' sisting of Messrs. Don McRae, B. P. In 1884 the Opera gave thirty-two ; Newcomer and J. P. Post, Jr., were ballet nifjhts; in 1885, twenty eight; appointed to verify proxies, and re in 1886, twenty two And in 1887, thir-; port the amount of stock represent teen. Ths far eleven ballet per- li Thpv rpnopri fhnf v mo. c,n formances bnly have been riven in 1883. . - The largest artificial basin for docking nd-repairinyr the h'ulls of ships iri the United States is being1 completed at Newport News, Va. It is 600 feetlonjc 130 feet wide, with a depth n, o- e . ... . of 2o feet over the sills at lft Tf . , ! ... le. It 4s furnished with l.i rto . i high tide pumps that can empty it in two and a half hours Apropos of the question "Is mar riage a failure?1' it s shown by Prus sian statistics in regard to insanity that out or the 100,000 of the popula tiJnof each class there are mentally diseased among the married 95 males and 95 females; among the single, 332 males, 291 females; among the widowed, 321 males, 250 females. among the divorced, 1,031 females. 1,0H males, John Jackass Ingalls brays again. This time he says: The Republican Administration will be delinquent if it does not in sist upon the equality of all citizens before the law, and demand explicit and conclusive assurances of justice. The verdict of Tuesday last means this, or it is destitute of significance and our triumph will be empty and barren. This, of course, is a slap at the South. If the Republicans would only mean what they say no one would rejoice more hearitly than the Democrats in the South. We will hail with a great deal of pleasure the time when colored men who want to vote the Democratic ticket can do so without fear of molesta tion from others of their own race. Colds, coughs, and incipient con sumption cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, a remedy of fifty yearV standing, known and used all over the world. Do yourself the favor to give it a trial. You will be amply repaid. LOCAL ISTS-WS. index to New advertisements. Mcnds Bros Pharmacists Ukinsberger Schools Books . IIowklx, & Cumming Mattresses M M Katz Grand Challenge Sae. R M MclKTiRfi A Complete Stock Uedrick Gents. Furnishing Goods Geo R French & Sons 90c and 1.00 Mrs E B Wiggins Ten Bargain Days F C Miller Pink and White Gossamer -Boesch & Bro New Coal and Wood Yard The receipts pf cotton at this iort to-day foot up 1,184 bales. There is eoonomy in using a good heating stove and in buying same from Jacobi's Hdw Depot. t All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be bougl cheapest at HeinsberrV Do you suffer with catarrh? You can" be cured if you tufte flood's Sarsaparjlla, the great blood purifier. Sold by all druggists. If you want a " picture framed go to Ileinsberger's. He . has a large assortment o( Mouldings to select ktrom. t "We generally manage to get there. Messrs. Boesch & Bros., up to noon to dayi recieved ten down town or ders for wood and coal, due to their advertisement in yesterday's RR virw. A. nice line of breech and muzzle loading guns, pistols and rilles can be seep at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. If you want the best goods at the for. The Othello, Zeb Vance, New Em erald and Virginia are the stoves that please the people. We guar antee every stove sold by us to give satisfaction or else money cheerfully refunded. Jacobi's Hdw Depot, t Rock Crystal Spectacles nl Eyelassc Advice to old and young: m se lectiiig spectacles you should be can-' f tir i.i'nrw mannifuinn iiuua vv ...... - - ... w. . ower than has boen lost to tne ove as in the same proportion that you! aae to the, n in At. the best at Ileinsberger's, pass thatpoiutof increase, wlllcausf '9umoa". a Danville Kiuiroiuivom-. iQ.nisi,t witli. Ilia bricle. . 1 wuvnos iai. v ' rr.i nno IkiH tVtf tr.nr.flV . - -i you runner injury w uw eyu- -SMig jnuy iu -" T. V: V -31 1 ,:r i'TZ,. ..w-' ! Women lose glasses of BtPOngfir uower than isnc- necessary rqrUuiUiiu- ne uuu , r u a,,u.uc,-l(b undermine " " i-.t'-j ., ' , - 'As Rnuthem Railroad from Ports of scissors, pocKet anI taUlo cutlery , Acker's KnMish cessary is the daily cause :of prema-. UW; tvairUt. ; . , - . . . --i -- ' vtv, -tCKev.K c-iisu . J. Z mr.th tiTrhftrn. with a terminal ever shown in this city, at Jacobin sumption is an L W.m,M UUU f M K. M aVV t al I M K C M. KM. f 4.aWaal m4 I ltailroal Meetings Yesterday. The stockholders of the Wilming ton & Welrion Railroad ComDanv convened at the office of the PresU this city yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Col. J. B. Palmer was , elcted chairmauand Mr. J. F. Post, were represented out of 25,000. The reports of the President, Hon. R. R. Bridgers, and General Manager, Mr. H. Walters, were read and unani mously adopted. Reports of the General Superintendent, General Auditor and Treasurer were also adopted as presented to the meeting, ' H, The Committee on By-Laws, thro' rVl . TT i, ' . ',e Chairman. Hon. George Davis, reported a new set of oy-iaws which were adopted. On motion of Hon. Geo. Davis Col. It. R. Bridgers was unanimously reelected President of the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad, and on mo tion of Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar, the fol lowing Board of Directors were chosen: W. T. Walters, B. F. Newcomer, Baltimore; H. B. Plant, New York; H. Walters, Baltimore; A.J. DeRos set, Donald MacRae, Wilmington; E. B. Borden, Goldsboro; W. H. Willard, Raleigh; George Howard, Tarboro; J. P. McCoy, Baltimore. REPORTS OF PRESIDENT AND GEN ERAL MANAGER. The reports of the President, Hon. R. R. Bridgers, and the General Manager, Mr. H. Walters, give de tails of operating the roads and its branches, and Jlso the financial condition. The closing fiscal year has been a prosperous one,and botlr the freight and passenger business show a healthy increase. The gross earnings of the Wilmington & Wel don road were $1,135,232.32, and the expenses $587.102.G5; net receipts $548,129.67. The report of operations of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad shows that the gros3 earn ings were $779,988.82, the expenses $539,340.72, and the net receipts $240,648.10- There was an increase of $19,404.60 ia receipts from through passengers as compared with 1887, and an increase of $17,880.52 from local passengers. The increase for the same time on the Wilmington & Weldon road and. branches was $25,. 867.53 from through passengers and $17,690.42 from local passengers. The total number of passengers trans ported during the year on the W. & W. road was 31,494, and on the W. C. & A. 213,919. Of the work accomplished the past year, the following ia an epitome: They have extended the Scotland Neck Branch from Scotland Neck to Conehoe Creek, a distance of twelve miles from its present terminus, or thirty mile (rui its junction with the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and the grading is complete to. the Albemarle & Raleigh RaiIroat,!(Us tince of twelve miles, making twen ty-four miles. The rails and cross ties have been secured, and the Com pany is laying the track from Cone hoe to the Albemarle & Raleigh Railroad, which will be completed during the present year, and ready for operation. The contract has been iiia.de. for grading from there to i point near Greenville, They have also constructed 2.97 miles from the State line towards Fayettoville, being part of the Wil" son & Fayetteville Branch, comple ted as far as a station called Row land. This, with the Florence Rail road, commencing on the W., C. &i A. near the Pee Dee river, a distance ; of 24.47 miles, makes complete this the W., C. & A. R. R. to the statiou Rowland. The remainder of this line to Fayetteville will be com pleted whenever the Company wishj es the same to be done. The Manchester & A.qgusta; HalN road starts (ram Sumter, S, C going M Ml "M-um "f-"'. , and has been completed to Halfway, or Pine Long Swamp, a distance of 14 miles. The remaining four miles ... have been let to contract. This Company has ared with the i in Norfolk,' for which large expendi- . - '.- ' . - - " V "- - - s -.. ' tures have been made. It is gratilying to note that there has been'a considerable increase in the local freight and passenger bus iness, the number of local passen gers having increased 24.4 and the revenue 13.5 per cent., and this too while the local passenger rates were decreased 12i percent., and an addi tional train, both North and South j bound, was run the year round to ? u. . c -uw - . w. yuau. It has i? ven snch satisffictinn to i ih public that the General Manager recommends-that, while its receipts have not equalled its expenses, it should be continued cis, a perma nency The trucking business developed by the Atlantic Coast Dispatch Line, for the shipmentof early vege tables and fruits to Northern mar kets, has been beyond the expecta tions of the most sanguine, and a large increase in this business is an tieipated the coining year, particu larly from local points on the Wil mington & Weldon Railroad. The increased tonnage has re quired a very large addition to the freitrht equipment of the Atlantic Coast Line .which has been increased with nineteen engines, eight coaches and 381 freight cars. The capacity of the Wilmington Car Shops fs about fifteen freight cars per month, and these shops will be- kept busy during the coming year. It is proposed" to relay the Clinton Branch road with steel rails, al though the road has been operated at a loss this year as expected, The business of the year, the re ports say, has been conducted with safety and dispatch, and both offi cers and employes are commended for a,faithful and prompt fulfillment of duties. DIRECTORS' MEETING. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz: Vice President B, F. Newcomer. General Manager H, Walters. Asst. General Manager and Super intendent of Transportation J. R. Kenly. General Superintendent J. F. Di vine, General Auditor W. A. Riach. Treasurer J. F. Post, Jr. There was also a meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington Co lumbia & Augusta, the Florence & Manchester and Augusta railroads and the same officers elected by the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad were elected to serve on these roads. "Ou With th,o Qauce." Figur-ately speaking, It "rained cats and dogs" last night, but yet the heavy downpourdid not prevent a good attendance at the ball given last night in xVdrian Hall. Our Ger man citizens had determined upon having a good, time and when they make up their minds to this effect a few buckets full of rain water, more or less, are not allowed to interfere with the programme. It was a de lightful occasion, notwithstanding the weather, and the contrast be tween the lights and the music and the general enjoyment in the Hall, compared 4o tlie wild night outside but-seemed to add to the zest of the occasion. The dance was on and joy was uncontmeu. An elegant supper was served at midnight and the festivities were kept up for hours afterwards. City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: Florence Snow, larceny, ease con tinued. Thos. Arrington, disorderly con duct, $10 or 20, days. MajLor Dixon and Jno. Faison, dis orderly conduct, each were fined $10 or 20 days. Wm. Saunders and O. W. Snol berg, deserters, held until their (tap tain arrives. Harry Dunsen,, enticing seamen to desert the'r ships, $30 in county jail. Parties on Masonboro Sound say that there are more ducks there this season than has ever been known before. Ex-Mavor Fishblate was married yesterday afternoon in Rlolvjiond, to Miss Fannie V. Schaap, of that n He. ia expected to arrive here, Hdw Depot. a: 22, 1888. NO 248. N KTV A I V fi KT ! s k E V TS ACOMPL ET The nicest line of New Plush Garments that we have ever shown em bracing all sizes from 32 to 44. Jackets in Black and all-Colors! t Drss Goods In thig Une our aim js to k on : pd i o i.cj a cj mi is iu Kee oniy the PRICES AS j j "T" With a Large and Varied Assortment, you cateasily . be suited; .Shades put up to order CARPETS -A.2ST3D MXOTIlSrQSi :s a run stocicanu low prices; - r -? LACE CURTAINS IN 5UV x AND VAKIED STYliEk X V, Respectfully, ' - .. ; l-Xx. :; nov 20 Indications. For North Carolina, local rains and warmer. Buy the Jacobi Axe. Every one warranted Hdw. Depot. Best made. .'it. , .TrfrkVra Two or three performances every week at the Opera House would en- j-Hven things here very much Criminal Court. The following cases: were disposed of to day: Member Hankins, receiving stolen goods. Guilty. Judgment not yet pronounced. R. B. Shepard, larceny. Mistrial. V. H. Nash, et al., assault and battery. Case on triI. Mr. Arnold's first Lecture. Rev. Mr. Arnold's lecture last night at the St. James lecture room was not largely attended, but there were some who braved the fury, of the elements and who were well re paid for venturing out in such in clement weather. It was the first of the series which Mr. Arnold is to deliver on the Evidences of Chris tianity, but was more of a prologue than one of the regular number of lectures and those who attend the next will hear the first of the regu lar series. Mr. Arnold spoke of "Robert Elsmere," the recent pub lication which is being so extensive ly read, and outlined the subject matter treated there, speaking of the work of the minister and of his gradual fall into disbelief and into the new and disquieting theory that so many of the opponents of Chris tianity are now spreading abroad that the gospels are not authentic and that the Messiah was himself merely a good man and a wise man, perhaps a prophet, and altogether denying his divinity. The series promises to be one o f the most interesting ever delivered In this city and those who attend will find that the time has been well and profitably employed. A Paradise for Sportsmen. This section ought to be a verita ble paradise for sportsmen. There is hardly another on the Atlantic Coast that can equal it. Wild game of all kinds is literally abundant. There are thousands upon thou sands of ducks in salt water and in fresh water; partridges, squirrels and rabbits abound everywhere. Occasionally a panther is treed and killed and deer are very plentiful. These lattor seem to make their headquarters on the coast. None are found in the red clay counties in the interior and but few in the moun tains. Near this city there are hun dreds of them and they abound in the woods in Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, Pender, Sampson, Onslow and Duplin counties. We have known them to be killed within four miles of the city. Some "years ago the black tongue got out among them and numbers died, but of late years they have been very healthy and have increased wonderfully. And in addition to this there are many black bears in the swamps, notably in Columbus and Pender counties. Those who are fond of j fine sport could fhid it here. Plead- ' quarters oonld be made? id the city and hunting parties could branch out hence for solue of the best sport ing ground in North America. I EN FADE. their beauty because Bedlr-c r stump Sound Uystors absolote cure torSEtsmWJi" Uands JJros . druggists., -, . We wui be glad to recclvb :ccrnuiucatio ' para our mends oa any and all Eubjcct general interest, but i The name ox the writer must always be fur nished to the Editor ConimtmleaUona must ' t written only or one side of tne paper. . Personalities must toe avoided. - " And it is especially and. paracularrjr;tuider- w uav. laiuwt uvig uvg unoja cuuuise the views of correspondents onless so stated in the editorial columns. :J -; r , H: : N K V. D VEKTIS R31EN T ; IlSr-"- ' ;:. : l.?v' o and TrimmineoV jrjvv liUUUa, and w LOW AS POSSIBLE. GQOD GoODS, and we Inlnd making taw a nao r r.T r. ,EUU """J'rb when desired. R3. nclntire,K NORTH FRONT STREET. Wanted An Intelligent, Earnest Man -to represent, in his own State, . a largo responsible house. A remunerative salary to i i iuu party. , isceaay growing position. Kerer- . ences exchanged. I1UV 1 4W x, Lock BOX 1585, N. Y. TXT .-. fll J TIT- ir.. .J - .vwi wwjiuuva MWVU ami m . HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ESTABLISH- ea a new coai and wood Yard at- the foot of of the public patronage. Orders -left at the wummgton candy Factory, or at Mr. J. u. Boesch's Store, corner Fourth and Brunswick . streets, will receive prompt attention. Low prices guaranteed and tree delivery, made, la Respectfully, . , MakeYourSelections JjlROM OUR STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS at once. The finest and Cheapest Assort ment in the city. - - - ' - - MUNDS BROTHERS. . i Established 15 years . 104 N. Front St. Ai wis Aii xuuaii ir JNJcakV uir x utrn weak is to try a pair of our Shoes. FOOTWEAR- FOR , ' - Women, Men and Children ...... . at prices below any other dealer ; for same quality of Shoes. V. . Geo. It. French & Sons,! nov 13 tf 108 North Front St. Pink" flrid Whit.P fi-nRRftTn ai rpiTLOW'S SWEET SIXTEEN AND SWAN Down Face Powders. Also a full line of , ga. Chemicals. Patent Meniefnen. Tnnet. ArtiolPtt lXTiumes, etc, at v. n. WTT.T.-m?'S " tr A . uruiS owns. P. S. Prescriptions niled at all hours, day or night. sept 11 vviuvi x'vrtuu iuiuaiuu wo. jxoDertHi mcuariney, (SUCCESSOR TO E. G. POLLEY.) jliu uuu cueoi'iruu uuuiur. Guttering, Plpe-Laying, Roof Painting tc j ? ;. nov 8 3m WILMINGTON, N. C. ' ; FURS, FURS. E WISH TO BUY r ' 10 ooo - ' - IU,UUU ' 10 flfin opSSUM SKINS, 1 n nnn mink skins. r r IUiUUU . 10,000 SKUNS' 1 0 000 OTTER SKINS' We p'ay highest CASn prices and make, rrrnmrvr. rpinrns - CHAS. F. BROWNE & CO.," - 110 North Water St. Wilmington, N. C. nov 17 d&w tf - ... ; For Rent. CJEVEKAIi UOUSES, STOKES AND 2. O Booms in splendid localities. Also rr-"- houses and lotH lor sale for cash and Wj nn thp mntithlv 1 nott 1 lmrn t - ntan ! insurance attended to without extra cl MARTIN T.DAVIS, Real Estate Agent, ' nov n tf 119 Princess St "STOKLEY'S." WE ARE NOW PRE- pared to accommodate j all who may call upon us with the" Finest Oysters i to bejbad on the Coast. We have made special preparations ror tne reason. . . : IVTvrtlft G-rovpfMidrilft ntid J . ' . UL W UVOIIVU . -f .-Tilt . II VlaaiM . net 10a ' . V . wrihtsTUicr .

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