f 1 published every evening:, Sundays excepted, By JOSH. T. JAMES; Editor and Prop. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: one year, $4.00. six months ; $sm Three months. $L00. One month, 35 cents. - rue paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge. In any part of the "city, at the above I rates, or 10 cents per week Advertising rates low and UberaL twr Subscribers will please report any and I TO I f T f T Beth N KM' DVB KT4 SK'MByi" WILMINGTON, N. ai FRIDAY. JANUARY 18, 1889. nt VVITTiEST.PRETTHTST JUVENILES QUEER PEOPLE PuimVr co t SE SJt-tK) verwoa dv.- CLAWS $1.0 . f he u.llt pranks, charminc storirt sik! It is said that the display of fire-. works at Washington City at Har rison's inaugural will beat the re cord. Somebody baa figured oat that th hind buttons used on the eoatsworn j in America cost $2,320,000 a yeaf,and I ure oi no earxniy account. , ' . v The strawberry cron about Charlie. , - v w ton is very promising. Some of the4 I.. -.. i mt uiiinii iuiMiniuinji rivtiw iriuii nt jV.-ui! artists.- Se.Iiniriuiuient.cly. Oirirs plants are ill read V in blotrmvnnrl if H,-. ! it: '''" s.V wfld ic.A delight.'- , , - 1,1 UIU!,som anc no , :ii!,u.''A i-"itiic..,'os't.M-iofW-janv a hard freeze does nor knYwik? thom vr, n't -mi .W f b'ilNf n HoU. R.KOX. "iajtrfiwi- Ollt tllO CrOD thf VA-P will ho An. I.. i ,. .:p a.t tw. of ."-Hon. Howard Crosby. - ,V U" V 8 Vear W,n ".early a(.i;.ts VANTir. iiunrtAUD urok and large. : t'iit-sf nut ssr et, t uiladelnhin. i . . - i LOCAL JSTETS: IHDKX TO NSW ADVKRTWEMBNTSj Wanted Agents M M Katz Bargain Days R M McInttrk Attention - , Munds Bros Pharmacists Hkixsbkrgkb Diaries for 18S8 D J Gilbert Fresh Every Day -H Cbonknbbeg Photographer. Howell & Cummino Mattressss Jas C Mtods, Agt Prescriptions 'Opera House He, She, Him. Her J J IIedrick Special Inducements P C Miller Drugs and Chemicals WE Sprixqer & Co For the Holidays Geo u French & Sons A Good Investment Indications. For North Carolina; fair and much colder weather. -Wo toclidtorccciTo ccilnzi: a general interest, but r' r""- The name of tto writer must always to fa r nlshcd to the Editor. . ; -CommunlcaUona muct bo wrlttca c-!y . CJ ono sldo of tho paper. . - - PersonaUUcs iaustto aTclcd. " And It la especially tzi partlcalirly crj. - ?. stood that the Editor docs not Biwkrs - C NO 1 6. the rleyrH 0t correspcuicnta onlea to ctTted Death of Mr. Wallace. Ourjcommuuity is again called upon to mourn the death of an old j aim Kreauy esteemea citizen, Mr- ah Kinds of School Books and sstephen D. Wallace, who departed School Supplies can be bona ims ure atnis resiaence m this city cheapest at Heinpbrjrer1' ! hub morning ac v ,o ciock. asred NKT7 ADVCRTlbnriCIITa.' Grand, ciearing Sale AT 77 The. Jacobi fldw, Co."still Head i Vfll 10" in.the sale of the best and cheapest neating and cooking stoves. t Ger barq ue Charlotte & Anna, ; Kjru -. OOt 11 iW dAW CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNX80YAL PILLS Opi?iar.1i it, eIj praalii-and "f-. v'-rzi1,f lno,l crana, rea ne- f-i i. w v ' .; - wna viae no- 151 ZV '-.n. At flrnccUt. Aeeei I J " other. tl Uls in pmcrs 5 MX wjki, vuil wrappers are T w fanteprclt. Scud 4. stamiM) tot tetter, or return mail, in Aaa uciiluirroajlAt5iES"'htiaveG4l them. Kame Paper. tliiclictler CUtiuical Co.,MadiscaSa.,PhlIipa ' STOK LEY'S " WE- ARE NOW PRE pared to accommodate all yho may call upon us with the Finest OystWrs The record of divorces year in the Courts of Philadelphia shows that the matrimonial union wasdissolved in 241 cases; and the divorce docket still contains a long r list of applicants. The new American navy' when completed, will consist of 22 vessels, ranging from the armored cruiser, Maine, carrying 444 men, down to a first-class torpedo boat, carrying 4 officers1 and 18 men. There will"be 5,786 men on board the 22 vessels 500 officers and 5,238 saiiors and ma rines. years. He was a native of Wilming ton and nearly all of his life was passed here where he was born. Few men were, more esteemed,none more generally respected, for his integrity ger.cleared today forBarbadoes with was unquestioned. " ' ' 1 3,726 barrels rosr'nTvalaect a $3,890, Previous to the war Mr. Wallace shinned bv Messrs Pt mi .ii. --x . . , l . . - - I. !: -... ,-- xtie receipta oi cocion at mis port was .assistant secretary ana uen- I ing ds Co for th,t3rday footuP 297 bales- eral Ticket Agent of the Wilmington x vveiuonr K. K. and also at one time one of the Commissioners of the town. During the war he was CASH HOUSE. Oak wood was selling from this morning at $2.50 a cord. flats! Stupendous Itedacttons in .nil Departments.. Schr. Mabel Darling, Ranger, with President of the W. & W. R. R. and fruit, arrived here to-day to Messrs. conducted the busidess of that great Oronly & Morrin.- corporation with muclf success dur- Portable fire-place grates. Just in that perilous and troubled time, the thing' for our climate. Are sold Ater h,s retireent from that posN by the,N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t What has become of that prom ised cold wave. The signal here was taken down Jihis forenoon. Do you suffer with catarrh? You can be cured if vou ' take Hood's tion at the close of the war he em- barkedinv the commission business i. ji i ikji a, Miuri periou ana until ne was elected Cashier of the Bank of New Hanover, He was the first and only uttsuicr in LiiiiD oaniv since its or ganization and that fact alone is Good for Consamptlves. The climate of Wilmington is good for consumptives. There is a young lady here now, front a Northern otate, whose hie was almost dps- : o paired" of. One lung, it is said, was entirely gone. She has been here BeniQailt Dif S3 G00Cl3 I u, iew luuuius ana is aireaay 5t cvi y ..uFuveu. one was pomiea worth from 25c to 50c per yard for 15c. vuf t-w us ou me street toaay ana she looked and moved like a healthy uaZ?T Double Width Dress Flannelo - X M U mt 1U1 A V suits. ' The publication of an Indianapolis special to a New York paper, which wwniaoauiecoasi. we nave made special nuoted KY-Sondtni. iur r preparations ror the season.- I . -.io . A r v.? a m -w- ... Mvrrtla aric Miln o WA fs n mmse,tasa Kepubhcan, i Wxv v-1 w v , i.iuiti o.uu nas elicted from that gentleman the statement that the assertion "has no foundation in fact." Mr. Davis says his "political sentiments have undergone no change.1' A Pleasant Affair. Last night, in spite of the inclem eht weather, a very large crowd as sembled at the residence of Mrs L. it: Pennington, 410 South Fourth )ice Stump Sound Oysters always on hand, style desired, oct 10 tf Served promptly and In any W. II. STOKLKY. Wrlghtsvllle. A True Tonic. When joudont feel well and hardly know what alls you, give B. B. B. (Botanic Blood lialin) a trlaL It Is a fine tonic T. o. callahah, Charlotte, N. C, Writes: "B. 1!. B. is a fine tonic, and has done me great good.' . I- W. ThomDSon. Damascus. Ga.. wntps? "T The Libby Prison is to go to Chi cago afterall. The work of takins apart the old structure is now going please them more for presents? N uii iu rvicnmona, va , and as the Jucobi Hardware Co. oricks and beams are displaced they are numbered, so that the building i.i;.. ..m. -n - -n m . I - V- A- 11 m-uL-vt; b. S3. uie uest Diooo-punnermaae I ijuu lugemer again, just as ISldTraHdV sufficient proof of his capacity for If you want a picture framed go He was an extremely amiable man, to Heinsberger's. He has a large attended strictly to his own business uisi v.uc;Uu ui juuuiuihs io select ana neverjnterrered, either by word J street, wiiere an oyster and vruui- r t or deed, in the affairs of his neigh- cream supper was given by the Ox This is strangely warm weather bors, and was always through life ford League, a society formed by for January. We fear that the pros- scrupulously regardful of the feet- the ladies of Fifth Street M. E. pects for a fruit crop this'year have ings of others. A professing Christ' Church. There was" music, both vo- lan from early manhood he strove to al and instrumental, and all en do his duty in all the relations of joyed themselves. The wholejaf life and died iu full communion with fair was a success: The proceeds are brace M. E. Church.; He had long been a prominent member of Front Street Church. He was also a mem ber of Wilmington. Commande andDobeges ' worth 35c and 40c for 19c per yard. Extra Quality Habet Cloths, ! 54-lnches width, reduced from 9($ to 9c per yard. ' '. ": ,: gone up. We have knives for your boys and scissors for your girls. What wil !ry it has greatly Improved my general health." An old gentleman writes: B. B. B. gives me now life and new strength. Ii there is any thing that will make an old man young, it is u. 15. b." : - . . - - ... P. a. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10th, 1888, writes: I depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. I have had It In ray family now nearly two years, and in all that time have not had to have a doctor." Thos. Paulk, Alapaha, Ga., writes: "I suf fered terribly from dyspepsls. Tho use of B. B. B. has made me feel like a new man. I would not take a thousand dollais for the good it has done me." W. M. Cheshire, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had a long spell of typhoid fever, which at last htf ineu iu seme in my ngnc leg, wmch swell ed up enormously. An ulcer also appeared which discharged a cupful of matter a day. I t hen gave B. B. B. a trial and It cured me." jan 10 lm d&w it stood in Virginia! of the old prison Is 'to be used sort of war museum. There was a dense sog this morn ing in this section. A fog, like a Knights Templar. - i t The interior fiost'isffenerally folIowea y fair Mr. Wallace was a generous mai as a weather and it has been fair to-dav. He "aa strong faith in human ture and unbounded chairtv na It now turns out that the real name of tlie author of tha'Murchi son letter is Fran 3 is G. Haley. He wants a big office and he will get none. The parties concerned in that rascally transaction are now begin mng to realize the fact that Har rison cannot reward the man who told the British Minister that his reply would be considered as "sac red and confidential." Acting Mayor Fish blate had only one case for trial this morning, George Blount, charged with assault and batterv. iuderment 'was sus pended upon the payment of costs. to be used for the parsonage. ' Our Congratulations. - Mrs. E. Kuhblank, wife of the gen. ial gentlemau who is agent here for the Robert Portner Brewing Co., will celebrate her birthday on Mon day. Unfortunately the Iadv is now ONE LOT EMBROIDERIES, worth from 60 i to 10c for 4c per yard. ' - - - ONE LOT EMBROIDERIES, worth from 13 to 15c for 8c per yard. - ONE LOT EMBROIDERIES, worth from 15c to 20c forlOc per yard. j , : world seldom escaped his lips. He was a self made man, the architect of his own fortunes,an4 commanded the respect of the whole communitv. AUC iimiuiuii .igni. lniantry entering upon life with scanty and the Germania Band returned to means and - imperfect education he the city this morning from. Raleigh, rose to honorable positions, and via the C. C. R. R.. Some few of the lnftwL d vine' at th arm f tio cno iv - . - . . -" . I "'"'b'viu.wtcoiu tX.au I LILT LUI1 VylCV - T" -"-.."y vvw o, c IIUIOII boys remained over to attend inaugural ball last night. No. 10. SCraULK WILMIXGION SEACOAST murrain Silver-plated knives, forks,spoons, denies I ana cha's sets, carving knives and forks. Make your friends happy by making useful presents. A nice line of the above is offered by the N. Monday night. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. From Wilmington, From Hummocks. Leave 7:35 a. m Leave. . . . ... ; 8:10 a. m. Iave. . . . . . $30 p. m Leave 5:10 p. m. Governor Fitzhiigh Lee having used the expression to any one that would, warrant the infer fence that he'would accept the post tion of superintendent of the Vir ginia Military Institute at theexpi ration of his Gubernatp rial term. He says such an expression would be wx IlliUl UUU1 X LI C VrJr V I J. A 11 m . . , , . , , -. correci. a gentleman wno was ,r.aKlvc uy there says we could not have told it vuuui. ceieDrate tne occasion in company with her husband. But a big hamper has been prepared and will be forwarded by express to- nignt ana the telegraph wires will be worked on Monday for all they are worth. Monday will also be the fifth anniversary of Mr. Kuhblank's! marriage. We tender - our congrat- i uiatiops in advance. NEW AP VJBRT1SEMENT8. He. She, Him and Her. . , FreSll EvftfV DftV. Our people mav exnect soniGthinD-1 " really good at the Opera House next gOM-MA candies, made from the the I and seventeenvears.be j-ops dnwn fn the grave -honored and . respected, Without a blot upon his name. - A cordial invitation extended to all to in spect the numerous toargains displayed1! our counters. " , '- J ' ' '. . -." " f 'ML: cAsnnousE. 116 rjarkbt Gt.f ' "WILMINGTON, N.1 C. Jan 16 , . - .. -. J - "" EMM Geo. H. Adams; the K5S n i i . . , , , i . iiuuiuiDiuouueauuy wen iiuuHu iJautoimmiSt, nas tnei - D. J. GILBERT Our narrative of the" unexpected wedding at Myrtle Grove last Sun day has been pronounced exactly show in charge and this fact is a r nexc OI,H! pretty sure indication of the merits of the entertainment. Mr. Adams Wanted Agents in every Town and CmiiitT ti wii nm GOOdS. Send US ONE DOLLAR, and wa will non SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave '2-in d. m I Leave f;00 p. m. ; sideration as to his movements after his term of office expires. more nearly as It occurred if we had been present and seen it all. wmilrln't travel .jf w v.., I opin u oub jwllak, ana we will send woman t travel with anything but you sample that sells for three dollars and n. goou snow, ii is a variety enter-1 tZ r rnnnt b y ,ou laminent ana n is saia tnarcnere are 35 real artists in the troupe. There are some fine vocalists and dancers uec24tf Over 1,000 delegates have signified their intention of attending the Tar iff Reform ConventiSn to be held in CThlnn crr rr PahrnoMr 1(1 or 01 icon I TT-a mill n-.Mv. n- 1 It" " J if, ! XUOi7. UU-C (Till U1CUUU. m m m mm rm . & H m . w HiihA n i . . . d i .... . I z :i i mi ' . ... " - v -. mm.m Vr j 1 xiio uujeuu 01 tne convention is to iiivneu. Aiie services are neia in bring about an'organization of those the lecture room on Orange street, fTralns or Cars can ho phnrtArpri iinrinn the winter months at reasonable rates. 7 J. H. CHADBOURN. Jr., General Manager. 'JOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, etc., etc . aiso rresenpuona nuea aay or night at IT. U. MILLER'S. The last of this week's meetings in among them. They have their own the First Presbyterian Church will special scenery and stage properties be held to-night ai; 8 o'clock. Mr. and an unusually : handsome ward - The public are robe arid are making a grand tour of it, as they will play in all of the! prominent cities in the South and in Address THE RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO.. Janl3iw Richmond, Va. 19 Ml-PA U r HOE? facturlne Interests at thia tut iSxh Rtatn r r u I W W Ei i invited to test our ability to serve them. Terras of subscription &c made known upon appiica- janirw Special Announcement. The Morcaotllo Agency, R. C D UN d. GO., .' No; S20' So. Market St.- WE HAVE OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE in this city at above location, where we are fully prepared to answer all Inquiries of our patrons in relation to the standing of their customers throughout the United states and . Canadas, The Banking, Jobblmr and Manu- jan 4 Druar Store. Corner Fourth and Nun. Sts., SUI .'ABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AT - . ' . ' who pay against those who pocket the proceeds of prospective taxation. There will be an end of unfair dis criminations the-moment the voters of the country shall understand -how few are benefited and how many are robbed. The interest taken in.the Chicago movement shows that the result of the election has not in the least abated the pop ular feeling. : at the rear of the ohurch. There was no business transacted 'n the Legislature yesterday. An adjournment was had for the iqau- mi rn.t inn .IndrrA T!Vivla una dnln Olli naaGlaSSWaredt CrOCkerV Mnstalletl as Executive and Lt. Gov. - I Ot.l I 1 .1 .1 . i . n otaiiuan yiciueu ins position Ml Mexico. The box sheet will be open ; at Heinsberger's to-morrow morn ing and we have no doubt that there j will be a large house. - For Governor in 1892. Hon. Charles M. Stedman has served the four years for which he was elected as Lieutenant-Governor clearer and there is noK so much of the State of North Carolina. He humidity in the atmosphere. We filled that exalted ; position with live in nopes, however, that the honor and credit to himself and his cold wave will get here to-night or State. , He returns to private life ta-morrow morning, as the wind with the plaudits of the whole peo - Didn't Get Here. The promised cold wave didn't get here. Last night was a little cooler than its predecessors, it is true, bat it is as warm fb day as it was yesterday, only the skies are hangs out in the Northwest. Store, 115 Princes St. FINE LOT Dinner and Tea Sets V In Stock. CoL Bnrr'g ecture. Had the weather been in any way propitious there would have been a pie ringing in his ears. Bnt he rill not remain long in retirement. In 1892 he will be nominated for Gov ernor and he will be elected. This much, at least, is due him, and this Holt.;-. The proceedings were very I interesting and were largely attend ed. ; There were but five militarv Wilmington Light Infantry received many compliments for their soldiery appearance ; and discipline. The Germania Cornet" Band discoursed some of their best music nnd -were A ruiistock of crockery and Glassware on hand alsn iliyil1v ,nrlit,,Ato JT,w LV HV3 PS - v ? I Fowle's inauguration was very fine f an inscriptions, the Prettiest in the city, land, to the point and' was received hnk vases, toilet sets AND with every demonstration of favor CHAMBER SETS. CHEAP. . , . - . . : HASKEI8 & ToiLKTOAPSr'Tv governor oi tne otate ana Atwr nP-irPnst. ; 1 1 . tVerVDOdv 8 nvitPli tn CaU. Still Aheadl-Mrs. Belle Cole, the companies in attendance and the lfc was; notwithstanding the heavy ram mere was a good attendance- 1 .4.1- 1 1 .! -v I .rKO uiieuuaaceat tne upera Mouse his friends will insist unon, YPsfAr. last night to hear Col. Burr's lecture dav's Raleigh News and Observer on the oldimes in Wilmington. As savs: v " - oarr was presented, to the- au dience by Col. Hall and for an hour that gentleman charmed his . audi ence with his recital events and traditions, That-was a highly deserved com pliment paid Lt. Gov. Stedman yes terday in the resolution of thanks accorded him, and originating as it did was" peculiarly graceful. Cer tainly Gov. Stedman has made one of historical iof the finest presiding officers the hirorirViifft1 i8tate nas ever had. and withal he is MONDAY, JAM. 21, George H. Adams .." "'A AND " : IN HErSHE, HLM, HEK, - Supported by a Company of Comedians. Everything entirely new. - j : jan lfr3t James C. Munds, Agt f tion at our office, Irivestmeiit. We can save ycJli i c to 20 per cent, if you will buy your Shoes from us. We are sell ing: balance, of. Double Sole Shoes atreduced prices. Now is your time to supply yourself and family. The. best 01.C9, $2.0002.50 and 33 C J Shoes for Ladies and Gents i DKUGGI8T. V FULL LINE OF .PURE DRUGS AND liCalS. PhVSlClanS' PrfSCTintlnn a oru clalty. Fancy and Toilet Articles In great va-1 WPnr tn K flr,A nety. Artesian Well Mineral Waterf come vvear i De - IOtmq anyVVfiere. weo. it. Frcncli u Dona, janl4 tf - 108 North Front Ct Dental Notice. TIIE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL PREPARED to do all kinds of first cla& rvpnt i wnrt low prices. Full sets or nart spf nt tooth ntehed in a short time. Teeth-extracted with out pain. jas. E. kea. s. E. Cor Market and Front Sts. WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN (ONE OUT of employment) to begin on moderate Salai- Strut wnrtr. hlmmlf nn n.i rr"A .fSw comfortable rooms for rent In I own locality, an established hou" I'.'Sier- same building. jan 15 lm ences exchanged. jan jo 4w GAT'BMVa lfnrv Lock Box 1K3.N.Y I . - A 1 s ice tc lies and social reminiscences of r tvt-k r rm-f ., . , 1 iv, uou vi muse kCiLUO. iuiiu vaiu Wilmington And the Cape Fear sec-, hna has higher honors than any he tion. k" . . '.has yet attained in store for him, we We trust that this literary treat is j ,nay be l"re; -J " but the prelude to others. Col. I - " . - - . . Tne Two Adams Burr might have talked all night and. yet' not half unburthened Ills Willie the subject of the blintf preacher,. Elias S."Hanes, at the Ad , - I'vuiBuciMui atirtiuauu. iucasis . j. - 1 - - - " . ..w. . u vj vw uiu auuiju. (Wnn snrf nt.. 11 i3A n.vs.n I virtn ns a. r.riifrr. sincop ln'TinnnAit:! 1 1 . . - ... t . . ... - ri niwrt K. fni- iaminntnn n v,. r;wTI-M tnissuuject.sor great importance afeS A - IV IV A1! Slli , a 1 tiA.t lAontmne the lectures and vpntnnllv " thv nnhlm Uxr 11 - tnoiins h nn Id N. B. Best grade of Kibbons. Ribbon Sun. , v ' 7 - Dyrupiuauu a lavurauiu luiuresaiuu i r .. . . --; -- to reproaace tnem au m nook form. , hear it. 2? tf 115 Princess St. (Evans Block.) (in London several years ago. to reproduce them all in book form, hear it. Bromine-Arsenic YJTATER 18 ALREADY HAVING IMMENSE sale. For Eczema. Scrofula. m Diseases of the .Lungs, Kidneys,. Womb and j Bladder, there Is no water to equal it. Spien- u iu ucaucue ana rtausea. t or we whole sale and retail by : , janl.j , ; MUNDS BROTHERS. - : Typewriters and Kem inertin" T mirrtr h I n Unoms In kti1otm i.i..., . O nouses ana lot for sale for cash and on the monthly Installment rbaf Rents proGactty cclifrtf t Tawi - ' f I insuraace attended to without "extra t-0" porters and carbon Papef consu&tljr.on bamd, Crt'' ? : v Real V Wilmington Savfcgs & Trust Co., -T nM''i?' Ilresldent. 1 w. p. TOOMER, Cashier. - ; Lends money on satisfactory security. Pays interest on deposits. - J - iscmpowered to execute Trusts of all klzis. For Done.

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