LE3ION . IXIXIR Its Wonderful Effect on the UverStom '; ach, Coweta, Kid ney and Blood- : Dr. - Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positively cores all BHlionsriess, Constipation, Indicestiou, - Heaiaehe, 3 Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Aooetite, Fevers, Chills, 4 Bloctbes, Piiuples,Pain in Back, Pal- m m TT J V -- V I .11. J!n Uitation oi xiean aim an ointr uis- . . '- a a eases causeu oy aisoruereu uver. To) Absolutely Pure. "i TAts powder never vanes, a marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomenesa. More econ omlcal than the ordinary klnd3, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. - oct 23 dSswly tcnrm 4thpd 3rdpw v" FRIDAY, JAN. 18, 1889. IN CONGRESS YKSTEKDAY. UISCfililiANEOUS. Diairioo for 1389. For Sale Cheap at Heinoberger's WILMINGTON MARKET. - f- ' : --. Jan. 18. 2:30 P. M. ; SPIRITS TURPENTINE Doll at 431 cents. : No sales reported. ; strained . and - 85 - cents for good A RGE assobtment sixuaxieu. TAR Firm at $1.30. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.35 for hard, $2.50 for yellow stomach and kidtievs. the first trreat I dip and virein. '. cause of all fatal diseases. -Fifty COTTON Steady. The follow- cents and onedollar per Dottle. oia jing are me oiuciai quotauous; Tii - w A.r Almnoe by drnRists. Prepared only Dy H. Ordinary, o o lo; gooa ordinary, it uilloi & nimaiiuw, Mozlev, M. JL., Atlanta, ira. - - lowmiuQiing, oiiMuuuuung gooa miaaiin y ,10-10. L.E3ION hot ikops. Receipts to-day: Spirits, 57; rosin, For couglisand colds, take Lemon 1,669; tar, 204; crude, 22; cotton, 297. Hot Drops. ; I ' ' ""- rrM, For sore -throat . and oroncnitis, I soaxwmu ahb. 1 take.Lemon. Hot Drops. I AT?HTVl5,T i is For pne'ainonia and laryngetis, f - -ZZ JZS . -'i take Lemon Hot Drops. "s Steamer A if tLurt, KoDeson, Jj'ay- For cnnsnmn inn anrt catarrh.take etteviue, v oouy ot. vurne. Iiemon Hot DroDS. Urschr Maoei Jjarnng, Kangrer, - 1 K T r , Forthroat and Inne' diseases, take lassaa, roniy oi- iuorns. ; Lemon Hot Drops. Jl Kor barque jacoo Aali, Herald- An elegant and reliable nreDara-1 sen. caroauoes, su xx Darner cm uo. tion i " - I uer narqae i'arana, istaoen. va- Sold by druserists. 25 cents per lencia, tu ix 5arker Uo. bottle. Prepared by H. Mozley, M. CLEARED. ; u., Atlanta, ua. . mtnsat Steamer A P Hurt. Robeson. Fav ettevilie. Woody & Uurrie. k : i Crer barque Charlotte: $z Anna, Krnger, Harburi?, :Patersont-Down ing & Co. Branson's Almanacs, Miller's Almanacs, Blum's Almanac, ALL FOR 1889! Wholesale and retail cheap at. HEINSBERGER'S. LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Jan 4 ' PKOMPTXESS. First a cold, then a . cough, then consumption, then death. 'I took Dr. Acker's Enerlish Remedv- for Consumption the moment I began to cough and I believe it saved my life." Wai.tkr'JN. WALiiACE, Wash Munds Bros., druerarists EXPORTS. . SENATE. Washington,' Jan. 17. The Sen ate resumed the consideration' of .the tariff bill, the pending question being on the amendments to t he tin plate paragraph. Finally a vote was taken and the amendment was adopted yeas 25, hays 18 Mr. ' Brown voting aye. . The amendment proposing a boun ty on sugar made from beets, sor ghum, or sugar cane grown in the United States, was then taken up. . JNb vote was reached, and after a short executive session the Senate adjourned. . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' The House was informed that Gov. Hovey's resignation, as a Represen tativehad been received at Indian apolis and accepted. A committee was appointed to investigate the purchase of real es tate by the Commissioner of the Dis trict of Columbia. Censideration of the Territorial bill was resumed, and speeches were made in turn by the advocates of every proposition that has been J brought forward. House bill 8,466 was then received 1 as a substitute. Mr. Springer then asked unani mous consent that the previous sub stitute offered by him (one provid its patrons. ing ror me division or uaKota;, be j : ,i 1 c ' it... .. i- 1 ...u : i VUUSlUCreU III ll BLCitU, WIIIU1I- Wits given. Mr. McDonald, of Minnesota, then offered his substitute for Mr. Spring er's proposition. . (This substitute embodies the principal features of the Omnibus bill, except that it pro vides for the immediate admission of South Dakota.) Pending its reading the House adjourned. Wilmington District, Methodist . Church' South, round of Quarterly Meetings: FORKIQJf. . i , Hamburcr Ger barque Charlotte & Anna 3,726 bbls rosin; f - first! , WEEKLY STATF.UfKVT. STOCKS ON HAND JAN. 11, 1888. " Carver's Creek, Wayman, Jan. 19 Spirits ashore, 1,306; afloat, 173: 1 and 29. .: . ' total, 1,479. - Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, Jan. 26 1 Rosin ashore, 86,015; afloat, 9.559; and 27. total, 95,574. Cokesbury, Bethany, Feb. 2 and 3 1 Tar ashore, 3,054. Sampson, Bethel, Feb. 9 and 10.- Crude ashore, 614. Bladen, Bethlehem. Feb. 16 and 171 Cotton ashore. 7,593; afloat, 2,008; ; R. O. Orrell, f1AN STILL' BE FOUND AT COKN1SK W Third and Princess, where he will give prompt attention to business. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horse boarded at low rates toy the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. . I still have a very nne Hearse for funeral occasions.- R.C. ORKELL, - V Livery and Sale Stables, Jan 3 tf ' Corner Third and Princess Sts. Clinton. Keener's Chapel, Feb. 23 total. 9,60). anttl. T L , w, , RKCEIPTSFROMJAN. lTOJAN. il. onTi o ww. .. cotton, 3,117; spirits, 1,339; tar, 1,228; Onclr TahonnMo Mnroh TOSin, 13,880; Crilde, 652. Magnolia, j Providence, March 9 and 10. - Brunswick, Concord, March 16 and 17. t - Brunswick) Mission. Andrew'? Chapel, March 19. ! VVaccamaw, Jethesda, March 20. The District Stewards are request ed to meet at the lecture room of Grace M. E. Church, at Wilmington, at 10 o'clock a. m., Tuesday. Jan. 8th, 1889. F. D. Swindkll, P. E. ' 1 Anounc innt. i of The Alercautiln Ahftuciation tlio Cariinas O EREBY ANNOUNCES -TO THE PUBLIC f 11 . that It Is open for business and ready to serve EXPORTS FROM JAN. 1 TO JAN. 11. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 767; spirits, 920; rosin, 1,- 640; tar, 1,840; crude, 605. FOREIGN. Spirits, 1,378: rosin 11,976; tar, 2,000. Scribiier's Magazine For 188t. The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to mate It the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its nign literary character. , 25,uuo new readers have been drawn to it during: the past six months by the Increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It ses lis second year witn a new impetus ar assured success. The illustrations wi show some new effects, and nothing? to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. attractive and In teresting will be neglected. : I i uuckleiTs Aruica salve . The Best Salve in the world .for Cuts,- Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, .Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, andall fckin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money, refunded. Price 25 cents per -box. -:; - - - ' r For sale by Robert. R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. STATE NEWS. Durham Plant: Mr. S. C. Ander son brings us cherry blooms plucked -from a tree on his premises. They are an unusual sight for the middle of January." '." ' Chatham Becord Mr. J.D. "Worn- ble, of Centretownship, haspresent- ed the Record's museum with a white partridge, which he - killed a few days ago,;and which has been most artistically stuffed by Miss Sal lie Hill, ot tnis piacejwno is quite a -skilled taxidermist. . 1 Pittsboro Home: January is more than half prone and yet we are still without winter weather. We do not recollect so mild and pleasant a win ter. .; Our small grain crops are look mg very weu inaeea. some oi our farmers are breaking up their land for the spripg planting. . Charlotte Democrat? On Wednes- day evening the marriage, of Mr. Algernon B. Reese to Miss Mamie Wads worth took place at the Sec ond : Presbyterian Church., of . this city. -The ceremony was "performed by "Rev. J. 'ST. Fair and the bride and groom left Thursday 'morning Tor Staunton, V a., tne nome of the ; groom's family. - ; Raleigh News and Observer: 1 1 was . stated last night that as the northr bound train on the JR. & G. R. R. approached Weldon yesterday the stations were crowded with the peo ple who had come from miles around to the train to learn the? tidings of their favorite Senator's reelection. It was reported that, even all v the preachers were there and the women and little children,-all of whom were Having a regular gala day jubilating over the result of Tuesday night's Caucus. -'"V.!" 'x. Offices located on second floor of the Orton House, in the old office of Hotel. Telephone Call No. 7. THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF THE jan 9 tf CAROLINAS. Ill O ar? a- m O 1889 1889 THE WEEKLY HERALD ONE(DOLLAU A YtAB. TO KEEP POSTED ON THE News of the Entire World SUBSCRIBE FOR THE New1fc4?eeMy Herald It 13 and will continue to be the At (Jreal-st and Cheapest Family Jonrnal IN THE UNITED STATES. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES Will be contln-i ued by several very striking papers; one espe-1 clally interesting by Ex.-Postm aster General ; Thomas u james on rne Railway postal ser vice.". Jitusirmea. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serial I novel "The Master of Ballantrae " will run through the greater part of the year. Begun m Aocenwer. -A correspondence and collection 0. manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Paintei s will iurmsn tne suostance or several articles; Illustrated. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally Interesting contributions by dlffere t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the nrst or them for the January j Many valuable LITERARY- ARTICLES will appear: a paper on Walter Scott's Method of FUR ST. FURS. CyE WISH TO BUY - Q QQQ RACCOON SKINS, io,'oooFOXSK,NS- j q' QQQ OPOSSUM SKINS, io'.ooo1'88- ;- jQ'gQg SKUNK SKINS, !0,'000OTTER8KINS- We pay highest CASH , prices and. make prompt returns. - r - 138 North Water St, Wilmington, N. C. dec 27 tf . . . . j 1 For the Ho!idys. A Large Jand Well-Selected Stock of . Breech and Muzzle Suns, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES ; Of Every Description . W. E. SPRINGER & CO., dec 15 tf 14 Front St.. Wilmington, N. C ; TheCheapest . rj'HE BEST PLACE -AND TOE CHEAPEST Place in the city to have all kinds of TIN WOKK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street, North side, between Second and Third. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from the country solicited. dec7tf SocH?tv Work. rjinE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Laoies' ana cnuaren's aprons a specialty. ; Orders -left at the Rectory, or 224 North Third street, will meet with prompt attention BOTZ5U- uiccnLiiAiiizoua T iLutsiiiiOii is Called ToJa few pairs of VEliY NICK CED BLANKETS ThompGon'c Goccetb. ' A complete Hue of sizes. Other Corsets of good stvl - - -. . . . : : o J C8 &Ud . Ladies, Gents? hud Children's XJni . - - AT CLOSING OUT PRICES I-L erC; ONLY A P K W WBA PS And they must be sold n terest to see them. " " Vayj, KURNfTUUc: COVKHING'-Some yery good thina ' AKT SQUAREA few damaged by. water and wiii be HRUSWKLS AN-I VlU.VET'cAIiPETS-A good 1 at prices that will astonish you. , , sort WINDOW SHADK Of all colors and styles. ' . iwiCI jan 14 NORTH- ntiro, FRONT r 8Tt- eiay, t a ii ik 111(1 ik iT .. nitlTrA fn ma nr. ... ' r utm x Wm repair it arlow prices. ! BEST FITTING CDRSETt'heVORLD FOR SALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. MAYER. STROUSE & CO, - MTHS.-412 BROADWAY, AT. K I propose to make my Uti- - will lo i he Avork: well anaU?,? tllfs much for doing it. caiinnrt nrjt repai rs I have'already 4 -: pair Sewing Machines S iai , 01 wen as FStw?- flrivc estimates or probable iV 11 fvome and see me. ' UUJWo cost r - x. J B. FARr f i - - - a dec 24 4w ; "... ' . i Clill IlMlllCCllt; EMS INCREASE TRiDE. THE BALANCE 1 self.risihg: PIC WHEAT IN3AND6LlJS.pAAGESi riio. of our stock of WINTER actual cost. JNO. J. IIED RICK. Clearing Cnt Sal r INTER UNDERPLOT HTNG FOR QEN tlemen will be sold without regard" to cost; A N INVALUABLE aiti, --t. , . . 4w.fi, f0E. I uiinsina' tcw minutes, by ' the adi j cold water or milt, most delicioos v Unlaundried Shirts at 59c. Shirt made at fl.00. rc and the best 1 JNO. J. HEDRICK. 8p cial Bargain 1 5 JN WHITE GOODS, LACES, HAMRURO IIS and HANDKERCHIEFS now on hand. : - - - ---- - . - -.- ; . JNO. J. HEDRICK ;C Attractive. ; -JUR STOCK OF TABLE LINENS. NAPKINS and DOY LES, FRINGED TAT5LE CLQ'i llS and NAPKINS, in sets, -.very cheap. H jan2tf - JNO. J. HEDRICK. EITHER IN ijuui OK IN GALLOSOEB. . GALLON CANS. O etables andFf: orlc. Illustrated from orlsrinal MSS.". a second "Shelf of Old Books," by Airs. James T. Fields, ana many otner articles equauy noteworthy. - Illustrated. ' - j Articles on ART S OBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. II. Blashneld, Austin Dobson and many others. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE descrlbinj? sport in the Desb nsmng- grounds will appear, saunon, Winnlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen, v. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, I Diograpny, oest Ciro ina House, :xS. E. Corner of Princess and Second Sts.,. HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH A F1RST Class Bar. Lunch Room and Restaurant. The flnesr Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars al ways on hand. Board and Lodging by the day, week or month. New River Oysters ra season. JOHN KOCH, oct 27 Corner Second and Princess. H. CRONENBERG'S Prices forCabinet Photographs Will be, until further notice, $3 OO PEA DOZE1T. jan 8 Ail Work Guaranteed. " MANUF 6 OT 1 HIN GOO - MANU PACTURERS OF . " Fenilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. . By every Steamer Preserves and Jellies BY THE POUND, For sale by L. nov 7 . 1 . 15 17 SaFnmt 3 Sportsman's Supplies, -o- -o- VVILMINGTON.N.C. I A IappjandeFrosperoQsHew7ear r!PQH ntinn will annoitn Knr not oi tne conventional commonplace sort. : . - Illustrated. ; ; Among the most interesting in the list of scienunc papers ior tne year win to a remark able article by ProL John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of n uuAiwui. luuscrazea. , . i We thank one and all of our patrons and clflrVwYUC llberalpatronage during papers upon ELECTRICITY In its most recent lUB year just ciosea, ana gs&ure tnem that applications, by eminent authorities; a re- no pains on our part win be spared to still markabie paper on DEEP MINING, and ether further merit their confidence, interesting papers. We are constantly adding the'latest pro- - in fmiP Jill i afysi t i rtnrt a a : rf a - . v luucuon irom tne lype Jcounders, but have AraciAL OFFER to rover last j years not thought it necessary to sneak of everv cles. as follows: . ( new lont or lype we buy, preferring to let A year's subscription U889) and the hum- 7 ii ' r occaslo?ay make a bers for 1888.. !?;rr....... new material, do the a year's suDScnptlon (1889) and the num- I uwing j mey invanaDiy copy our styles, bers for 1888, bound in cloth............ 6.00 1 and endeavor in every way to duolicate tis. II 1 J. w. . ,. - " The coming year promises to be crowded hiui sumng events. -In the United States the entrance of new la- sues Into the political arena has been follow- ea oy a cnange or Administration. But the great economic question on which the cam paign turned is still unsettled, and its solu tion is now committed to a Consrress almost equaiiv amdea between the two great parties. Europe is if vast camp. Army corps patrol the frontiers, and millions of men- await the signal for the most tltantlc war the world has ever seen. The Hmufs news-gatherlnEr machlnervls "ujcquuiea. ils corresponaents ot tne nam table do be Nothlnfir can psrjirv thir vitn. lance, and no expense is spared in spreading resiuis ui uieir en on a Deiore tne hkrild's reaaers. - SHE IS "GRATEFUL." , r. , I saved the life of my little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's Eng lish llemedy for Consumption." lira. ' Wu. V. Hahrihan, New York, inton. Ilnnds Bros., druggists. Do- you use-: loaded shells? .You Trill find that they will save"you tiine, trouble and expense. For sale Jay the Ih Jacobl Hardware Co. t ALL THE NEWS OF AMERICA will be found each week inthfr-llKRAxu, while FOREIGN DEPARTMENT win contain a panorama of the'- Old World nasnea unaer tne sea over the COMBTEKCIAI. CABLES. . ' o i : . ; ,v Special Features. Practical Fanning. " : T :1 - . -- Progress in Science, - Womau'a Work, Notable Pulpit Utterances, - : ' - - Literature and Art. " ' . . -. , - . - Stories by our Best Authors INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Address, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, 4 - : t New York Herald. -dec 14 v . - .. New York city. 93 a year ; 25 cents a number. Charles Scribner's Sons, 7 743-745 Broadway, N. Y. : I becomlns: mere imitators i We purpose increasing our facilities during the year, and can safely handle any work uuereu us. .' JACKSON & BELL. POMONA NURSERIES Two and a Hall . lies West ofSlf1130010. N- C The National Life -AND rjihe main line of the R. & D. R. r. passed through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains makestops regular vwiuc uaiiy vucu way. uaose interested In r nut, auu ruib oirowinz are cormaJiv inx-itri to inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the oiaw?, nxui one ui tne largest in tne south. imock consists oi ADDies ppnh pd- niOTPT Plum Tononnff. Dnn . ? . . m iuu. vauoucoo iciaiiumuns Ann. cots. Nectarines. Mulberries. omncfTZn,, Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, pie nouiuih icLoiio. i;nfCTnnr Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, shade Trees 4c. AU the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for iwa Give your orders to mv authorized nmn - vum.u liwu uic uratrry. . - Correspondence soUcltedv Destiiptlve Cata logue free to applicants. - . J. VAN L1NDLEY, ' POMONA, Guilford CO. N O tw Reliable Salesman wantxi in County. A eood cavin? comrat$dnn rm glWF, U1D Maturity Associ ati on OF WASHINGTON,- D. O. - ' Fop Gale. f QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR '. SALE, AT YOCK " IIET7EW OFF;cf - own price at aag 14 tr X . . - Assets Liabllltlel3-- Toiri A.bers ...$3l4'ir;2.i9 ... None. ..U20,OQ2Jn uoratJ0 BWwimfa, Pre0 u r GEORGE D.-EL;DUIDaE Secretary. Manager aha Actuary . Life insurance at Absolute A Guaranteed l"oilcy. ' " - - - - - - V - An Incontesdble Policy.' V.,, Maturity Value in Casn at Fixed AtfX Only Four Payments per Year. v Non Forfeitable After Three Years - , - Jr. s. RIIjDELLE, m. d. - W H. oiRsnv rSK 'fiome Office. 115 y Strwt v iw-" JOIIN UAAR, JB.;LScJaligSt! W czi 3 , x Wilmington "N.-C THE REPUTATION OF OUF. FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, is now establlshed,-'and the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States : attest their value as a high grade mahure. : The MATTING, made from the leaves of o iaiuvcucu lu ue equal to. any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the uukuua iui xt. uoujr increasing, s it has -; vlr tues not found in anv other fnhH . JoTO1 or WOOL 13 extensively used tor upholsng purposes, and as a filling for , " """wu ciiuai iAt nair. oeinjf 11 "Tit. cemacates from reliable nartipn iTdn our office, or will be mail- vuupiuoj)jiuimi. v.. ' ian4tf. Pistols; Knives a: Ammunition, nkroirE bettei Tlie Jacobi Axe. Every one Warranted. Merchants iriUt - tne most salable. Timbermen aeevn . -;' it the BEST made. : ; Viieel Wrights and Carris; Makers " , Will find that we are Headquarters forJjp ixeisauuiu New Yor& WiiEHBtir 8teaiii8hlp Co, ouuK.es, uuds, wheels, a - We seu the PhiinieinhiftEaeie riage Bolt. which is the Car-, EST : 31ADE. - -O FISHEBMEN Will find a large assortment of FlsWc? K pues, sucn as Gill and seme iw Net Lines, Rope, Lead and Flsft , " 1 tng Tackle Of all kinds, j - xxkxk, Mai; m visit, NEW .YORE Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, p. m. - GULF STREAM.... BENE FACTOR. . PIONEER. . . ...... . : GULF STREAM... ......Monday. Jan. j 4 .Saturday- Jan. 19 ...Ve4inesdar, Jan.23 . . . , .Saturday, Jan. ga FROM WILSllNGTON' PIONEER .""wednri' t H S2S 8TM...Vr.V.0ArTuc1a' Jt IS mm4wuk byUl!Ly; Jan. 25 rar Through BUls Lading- icates guaranteed to Ann f rr ' Y UI " and SoTith r-nmnn " m xsorui - V,ff?i:S? apply to : -t " v "L,v?itLz, superintendent THEO. EL EGER, Traffic nSSS.. m - WM. P. CLYDE &CO.. Gen'lA?York- Jan-H 1 .35 Broadway. New York. TJov eady. I"' AM - FULLY PREPARED TO FiritVTQn my friends and the fMUf?.n HOUSEKEEPERS yD be shown the largest and cbe&p&J: vx. vwiiuij ana jieating stoves iu wr-.- and many other useful household am ; ; - cles, such as coffee Mills, sau , pans, Iron Mortars, etc. r M VVeT Wa nturTrade I . And shall do all we can to please you, K8 ,:. - ritlCES AND GOUU3. : W Jacobi Hardware Co., . decs , ' . j2So.Frow INVENTIONSSg, P? the wonders of inventive VSa a,?a system M work that ci formed an nvor. k rhmi ; sep; ting the workers from their homes, rw erai; any-one can do their work; eitner. young or old; no special ability requtiw- V ltal not needed? von nm Kf.rted free. cZ out and return to us and we will send jw" 8 something of great value and lmPS? you, that will start rou In business. : w4i. bring you in more money right aW anything else in t.hn wnrl.l nrand Wf " Address Tkuk & Co.. Acgusta (auie JoIinrJerner WOULD RESPECTFULLY ASMj to his friends and the public J my friends ahd the mTn.rf ' d I . f f to his friends and the public J the Purest . Dntffi r,K he te now back at his olu stand, city. Also a nn n . r".u?.a . in the I Market- street, which . has been tM Brushes and comba Tl have a An4 Sap; verh?uleu. repaired and refurnlsheo. ofC?arsanrtnio-ner?irtmentlnrstclas3workm Khjm razors aMKy Vf ny store Nlht and Dnv : i ui ... -w ; . -r " .. -. - - n-.f. 11 " COr. null and j'atriQct I Can bo fnnnrf ot -WMV. the rirno-Hct Fitth and CaStle si s. ' " attention he hnwQ tr mimn to eni. patronage of the public ' ya Ail ol his farrv (j now vrifpntratea Market st. V