THIS paper : . piiuiied every owning. Sundays excepted, 0y josh. T. JAMES, Editor and Prop. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: r we-wiu jbe glaa to receive ccnsii!c-.tlo - troxa our ttlenra on any ana aiiscct STUe name ox the writer must alwajs' he tv. r. lb E . 1 1 m ,oiiMjs. one moatli, 35 cents, i n-: p 'I"'1 w,u ,x; rtoiivered by carriers, free 0r . !; it au' l,aSt of tbc c"ty' at 1-10 a&e or l-j cents per wcclf - . viv rti5lng rates law and liberal. . itr subscribers will please report any and ill tailtiTvs to receive their paper regularly. Ni;v J)VBKTWKMBVTV nisiied to too Editor. J - - . ' J - commuriluon3lmust .1)6 written only on one side ot the paper. ; T ' 1 ' Personalities must twr avoided . . ? : And it la tsspccially and particularly oiiacr- VOL) XI I. stood that the Editor does not always endorse WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY. JANUARY 22, 1889. NO 19. t he news of correspondents onless so stated in the editorial columns,- -x- -l- 'y ' ' t 7 JUVENILCfc QUEER PEOPLE wViJi .5 :J at PAWS A CLAWS -j ' ' t 5 ' . STINGS CI luc. $1.00 r , -cV'.1 !-t T'nir.ks, crniriitinc stones rtni f"'r ' ; ; .'.-. .MHo. Howard Ciw?' .....flwn " Hou. S. S.OX. 'lasriTtnt- S9 Sewinc-Mae1lne trade in ftll put, br Dlacinr oar machines! pooua wnerc in pvopia can wee tnem, we wui una ree 10 one person inech locmiity.the Tery best sewing-tnacaine made in i world, with U the attsxbmenu. We will also send free a complete i MtX of our costly and valuable art Itatnples. I n retura w ask that you isnow wnat we sen a, to inese who may call at your borne, and after S fmontns atl snail oecome your own pvropertr. This errand machine i made after the Ssineer patents. k which have run out ; before patents , ran ont it sold for 91 if, with the i attachments, and now aells tor SZbO. Best, strongest, must use- Iftil machine in the world. All is free. No capital required, flam. fcf iwtructions riven. 'Ihose who write to ui at once can se. d irea the best sewing-machine in the world, and the L nnecf works of hisrh art ever shown together in America. U i: K fc CO., liox .uKuata. Maine. M tim (1,1'W A True Tonic. H lit'ii i ou don't feel well and hardly know wiiat ails you, give B. B. B. (Botanic Blood i'.:iino a triaL It Is a fine tonic. i . ). t.ailahnn, Charlotte, N. C, writes: 4,B. !:. i;. line tonic, and ias done me great i.i. - I.. W. Thompson, Damascus, Ga., wiltes: "I it. -li.-v 1J. R. 11 is the best blood purifier made. ii has greatly improved my general health." n old gentleman writes: "B. B. B. gives me iii v lire ami new strength. Ii there is any Hilng that will make an old man young, it is i;. is. IJ.V ' P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10th, lsss. writes: "'-l depend .on B. B. B. for the uivservation of my health. Ihave had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all t hat time have not had to have a doctor." t hos. Paulk, Alapaha, Ga.. writes: "I suf tered terribly from dyspepsls. The useolB. is. 15. lias made me feel like a new man. I would not take a thousand dollais for the good it; nas clone me. 7 W. M. Cheshire, Atlanta. Ga,. writes: "1 - had a long spell of typhoid fever, which at last seemed to settle in my right leg, which swell ed tip enormouslj-. An ulcer also appeared u nion ciiscnargea a cuprui or matter a day. i t hen gave B. B. B. a trial and it cured me." - j n ri id lm d&w "STOKLEY'S." gj- -we are now pre fcsfX pared to accommodate all who may call upon us with the FinestOysters to be had on the Coast. We have made special preparations ior tne season. Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters always on hand, style desired, oct 10 tf Served promptly and in any XV. Ii. STUK.USY, Wrightsville. IHf n aA Agents in every Town ww d II IcU and County to sell our "cxxls. Send us one poixar. and we will send ou sample that sells for three ' dollars, and iart you in a business that will pay you from i mt to sjuu per montn. Address THE RICHMOND PUBUSIIING CO.. jan 18 lw Richmond, Va. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., JJRINCESS, BETWEEN FRONT AND SEC ond streets. .KfliN wilder ATKINSON, President. w. P. TOOEK, Cashier. Inds money on satisfactory security. Pays interest on deposits. Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. jan a tr . Drugs and themicalp. -roiLET.ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, I shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc.. etc. - -z Also PrescripUons filled day or night at F. C. MILLER'S, " Drug Store, jan 4 Corner Fourth and Nun Sts., svi iable for. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, ATr- . .h sTT-ATSOlSr'S China,Glassware&Crockery Store, 115 Princes St. FINE LOT Dinner and" Tea Sets In Stock. Pine Tea Set at only ,$C5, a mil st ock of Crockery and Glassware on hand LAMPS or ail Dt-serlptlons, the Tretttest jn the city. I-'IN K VASES, TOILET SET AND ('HAM1SEI' SETS, CH ItASKIi S & TClILTOAPS At very near Cost. ' ' ' Everybody is Invited to Ca?l. fb VV i . .i. iiriililH ! , " i . .r'i-.t-' sHIiiiK unuteiiMTly. Iriunt . .V :i --"' ".'.''"' J"' dfliffht. l" , . .r .--H. H. ConwfeU. IV D. "scorn- PflDG k Ma in. the B r B M Bl Beautiful i o poute cierKsin aiienaanct. .usars-.i -Mri:. cowan andChas. 11. stemmcrman. A. W, WATSON, uee t f 1 15 Princess St.. (Evans Block.) Sir Francis De Winton is of the opinion that Stanley reached Einin November, ami hat !,, Jonmey from Km iii'k .headquarters to the luarte east coast would occupy from six to ten mouths. The New York Herald is making a j Htronrr ficht. A(-nincf a iinu1 ;ifronoif ! bdl now before the Legislature of : that State, which opens the way for ' an elevated road on Inroad waiy. The ' Herald favors an underground road from the battery to the park.; The Charleston Ncwx arid Courier ! i& the -most enterprising newspaper in the South. "On Sunday, in addi tion to its usual excellent miscellany of matter for that day, it published ft complete novel in the one issue, 'Miss Hretherton,'t by Mrs. Hum phrey AVard, the author of Robert Elsmere. Tiie tfAiique Parisieutie has as- sumed th-;rntire cost f the organi- j zation oi tne new Comnanv. but it stipulates that f- ! A. '.iii.iiua (Janai ter the opening of the canal it shall I a - receive annually 1 per cent, of the net profits.- s'c doubt is entertained that the meeting to' be held on the 26th inst. will approve the scheme. If 300,000 proxies are not obtained the company will be judicially wound up. ; . . - - j The Northern papers published on Sunday a long report of outrages alleged to; have been inflicted in Samoa by Germans on American residents thsre which, if true, may be found serious enough to make a casus belli. But the report has been denied and! we are more inclined to believe thejdenial than the report. In the meantime the Vandalia has i - sailed for Samoa and she will be followed very soon by the Mononga- hela. i A Kansas City special says that seven persons, fleeing from a small pox scourge in Denver, arrived in the city on Thursday night. They report that business is very much demoralized, and that people are getting out of Denver by every train. They say' that there are 75 cases of small-pox in the city and 700 in the pest house, .dispatch from Denver says the report is exaggera ted,-that only fifty crises have been reported, not more: than usual at this season! - ! LOCAL ISTBTS- INDEX to Nsw adtAsrtisements; " I 9 OF Notice R 31 McIntire Attention Munds Bros Pharmacists Hkinsbergkr Diaries fpr 1888 M M Katz Great Inducements ; H Cronenberg Photographer. Howell & Cumming Mattressss Jas C Mu?fDS, Agt Prescriptions J J Hedrick Special; Inducements j F C Miller Drugs and Chemicals W E Springer & Co For. the Holidays Geo It French & Sons Astonishingly Low Germania Hall Madam Noras' Glass Blow er Workers Hi Portable . fire-place grates. Just the thing for our climate. Are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. j . t ' The N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. still Jlead in the sale of the best and cheapest heating and cooking stoves. ! t - f Dr. Pritchard will preach to night at the Baptist Chapel, corner Fifth and Wooster streets, at 8 o'clock. The worst feature about catarrh is its dangerous tendency to consump tion. Hood's SarsaDarilla cures ca tarrh by" purifying the blood. If you -want a picture framed go to Heinsberger'. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select from. r t And what is to be done about making a permanent encampment ground for, the State Guard, at Wrightsville? j We have knives for your boys .and scissors for your girls. What wil please tljein more for presents? N Jncobi Hardware Co. Do you use loaded shells? You will find thatyrthey will save you time, trouble and expense. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hardware Co. t A cow was . run - over to-day on Princess street, near the Opera House, by one of the street. cars and maimed. It 'will probably have to be killed. r Silver-plated knives, forks,spoons, and child's sets, carving knives and forks. Make your friends happy' by ! making useful presents. A'nico line of the above is offered by. the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. . . t. There was no City Court to clay, to ,,ay foot 478 indications. For North Carolina, warmer and fair weather. The fire steamer A. Adrian was firemen for practice "The power of musical! our hearts auo"V out triere are a tew ignorant persons who have not learned vet. that all colds are cured by Dr.Bull s Cough Syrup. Buy it and try it, 25 cents a bottle A drunken white woman, bare headed, was escorted up Market street to-day to the guard house. ; Such a thing has become an exceed" . ingly rare sight of late. There is nothing more booked for the Opera House his month. The jiext thing will be Frederick Warde, in "The Royal Guard," on February 4thf next Monday week. interment of the remains of fir V a m Mr- "eo- 11 Keney was.postponea ' x j - .1 x i j mi iruin lo-iiiiy uniii to morrow, xne services will take place to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock, at Grace Church, and the interment will .be at Oakdale. Mr. W. H. Smith, of Marquette, Michigan, the contractor for the con struction of the new public building, is in the city and work will now be" begun in earnest. Some of the lum ber for the first stages of the work was landed on the site to-day. The work of cutting down the hill and leveling the sito is nearly completed. There has been another change in the weather following rapidly in the footsteps of the cold wave. The wind, which was from the North and Northwest during the night and early this morning, got around to the East this forenoon and the out look now is for raiu and warmer weather. Exports Foreign. Ger baruue Ema. Bever, cleared to-day for Buenos Ayres, with 408, 054 feet lumber and 26 cases tobacco valued at $7,715,09, shipped by Mr. E. Kidder's Son, and Ger barque Jacob Amdt, Steinkros, cleared for Antwerp, with 539 casks spirits tur pentine and 2,982 barrels rosin, val" ued at $15,659, shipped ,by. Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Cd. A Distinction and a Difference. It seems that we were in error yes terday in saying that the thermom eter would fall 40 degrees by this morning. The advices read that it would fall to 40 degrees. We read it the other way but we read it wrong Mr. Chaffee calls our attention to the error and we cheerfully make the correction. The thermometer did fall to 40 degrees and hence the signal office predictions was literally 4-verified. The Confederate Pensioners. The Confederate pensioners will meet in convention in Raleigh to day. The delegates from this city are Messrs. W. W. Mintz, Peter Smith and M. T. Davis. It was ex pected that there would be about 40 delegates in all in convention but this number will probably be ex ceeded. The citizens of Raleigh will provide for their entertainment while they remain in that city and the railroads furnish free transpor tation. Col.'E. D. Hall, by request, accompanied the delegates from this citv. ! A Very Pleasing Piece. Mr. Geo. H. Adams and his troupe appeared at the Opera House last night to a large audience in the ri diculous, ; nonsensible, go-as you please, side splitting extravaganza of "He, She, Him, Her." There: is no sense whatever in the piece and no plot, but It is about as full of good laughs as the Cape Fear is i of water on a forty-foot freshet. There is nothing whatever objection able in the entertainment. The ladies are all pretty, modest and piquant - and there are no objectionable scenes or immodest action in the piece. There is hardly an indifferent "actor in the entire troupe. Mir. Adams is as much at home in this piece as he was former ly in his renowned, personations in Hutupty Dumpty and Miss Toma Hanlon is young, pretty, sprigh tly, vivacious and delightful. But it was all good and for nearly. three mortal hours the large audience were kept in roars of laughter. 4 . . : " Audit aiui Finance. j All kinds of School Books and The Board met yesterday after- j School Supplies can be boup-1 noon in regular session. Present : j cheapest at HeinsbrJrer," t MessVS. R.J.Jones,chairman,William JUMjlc crystal Spectacle,, and Kyeslasses Calder, W. 1. Gore, J ohn W. He wet t. Advice to old and young: In se The Board concurred hi tne re-jiecting spectacles youshould becau commendation of the Committee on,tious not to take more magnifying Markets of the Board of Alderman, that Giblem Lodge be rented for a market house, at the rental of $12.50 per month An appropriation of forty dollars for repairs to Mt, Tirzah Hospital j cessary is the daily "cause of prema (below the city), recommended by i tare old age to the sight. You can get the Board of Alderman, was concur red in. " Coupons amounting to $4,414, which has been redeemed and can celled, were burned in the presence of the Board. Mr. W. B. McKoy presented bond No. 158, for one hundred dollars with coupons attached, from January 1, 1831, to July 1, 1887 fourteen in all, of $4.00 each, the principal and cou pons amounting to $156, and the re cords of coupons paid showing that the city had paid on this bond fou coupons filled up for $16.00 each more than was correct, leaving a net amount of $92 due him. On motion, it was resolved that the treasurer be authorized to pay the sum of $92 in full settlement for said bond and coupons. i Bills were audited and approved as tollowers: Uurrent expenses. $83,92; notes $21,000: interests on same $167.78. After the" routine business had been disposed of, Mr. R. J. Jones, the chairman of the Board, offered a resolution, the substance of which was that the Board of Aldermen be requested to revoke the appoint ment of trustees and call in the bonds issued to the W.,E. C. & On slow Railroad Co., which have been signed and placed in the hands of the trustees; and, if necessary, to re sist the claims of the railroad com pany to a subscription by the city on the ground that work upon the road had not been commenced with in the time required by the law under which the subscription was made. The matter was discussed infor-. mally by the members present, and at the suggestion of Mr. Gore it was determined to deter consideration of the resolution until the next regular meeting. The First Anniversary. Our columns were so crowded yes terday that we could not report in that issue the anniversary meeting of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, held in the First Presbyte rian Church on Sunday night, and at which there was a large attend ance, notwithstanding the very in clement, weather. - The services'of the occasion were opened with a hymn, which was followed by a prayer delivered by Rev.; Robert Strange. The Associa tion was organized but little over a year ago and was begun by five young men. who instituted meetings at a private residence. The mem bership to-day is more than two hundred and the Association now has its own spacious rooms, with literary and reading rooms and with the Jpromise of a large increase in the sphere of its usefulness in the early future. Mr. P. B. Manning' the President of the Association, read a brief review of its history at the meeting, dwelling upon these facts and recording the rials and straggles of his socfety daring the first year of its existence and sum marizing its present status as fol lows : "We hold weekly devotional meetings; wfe are regularly caring for our sick young men. Aye have a reading rooin open all day, stocked with leading periodicals. We have night classes on practical subjects, under. the best instructors, at far below the usual cost." The Treasurer's report was then submitted and that of the General Secretary, Mr. G. M. Busey, and Prof. A. It. Purington, of Wake Forest College, delievered a pungent and interesting address -on "Fools." dividing the species into three classes, the scientific fol, who de nied the God of. the Bible; the theo logical fool." who by his bigotry de nies the God of Nature; and the practical fool, "who says inliis heart there is no God' ! A collection was then taken - up, the doxology wassung and the con- prPL'atinn was thpn dismissed with 1 1- ': "i T - , : the benediction by Rev. W.S.Creasy Thprf wstfi a. verv heavv frot this" x nere w as. a erj i iai mormnsr, but not raucli ice.- vower than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point oi increase, will cause you. further injury to the eye. Using Uiasses of stronger power than isne the best at Heinsberger's. Superior Court. j The following cases were disposed of to-day: T. C. Miller vs. Sam. Bear, Sr Judgment for plaintiff. A. C. Neilson vs. J. B. Achon, agent of the Atlas Dredging Co. A motion to amend process. W. H. M. Koch vs. J. W. Hewett. Judgment. Joseph Mitchell and W..M. Willis vs. R. P. Paddison. Judgment non suit. ' ' Elizabeth Wilson vs. Archie Mc Queen and W. M. "McQueen. Moved to Robeson county. K. W. Jewell vs. A. D. Brown. Judgment no?i suit. J. A. Springer vs. T. F. Bagley. Judgment non suit. Court adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. DIED. KELLEY In this city, on January 30th. at 4 o'clock p. m.. GEORGE II. KELLEY, in the ytn year or nis age. The friends of the family are invited to at tend the funeral or the deceased from his late residencoNo. 2L" North Second street, at 11 o ciock weanesctay morning. N JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, 1, 0, 0. F. TRETnREN: You are hereby summoned to i.appear at your L,oage jtoom, on to-morrow (Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our deceased Brother. P. G. George II. Kelley. The members of rion Lodge and all other Odd Fellows in good standing in the city are invited to unite ivith us. By order of N: G. jan 23 It A. J. YOPP, Sec'y. Hasson's Syrup of Tar JJS A CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS and all Lung and Throat Dise 'For sale by MUNDS BROTHERS. 104 N. Front St. jan 21 Astonishingly Low Priceson all Kindsand Qual ities of Foot Wear at French & Sons'. It is conceded that you can get better Shoes for the money at French's than elsewhere. You only have to price them yourself to be convinced. Do not forget we are selling Dou ble Sole and Heavy Shoes, es pecially inMen's Department, at greatly reduced prices ' i . - Geo. R. French & Sons, jan 19 tf 108 North Front St. Typewriters. ORDERS SOLICITED FOR THE "WORLD" and "Remington" Typewriters, the best low and high priced machines on the market. Prices $10 and $15 for the World" and $50, $75 and $100 for the "Remington." Address C. I. COMFORT, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. N. B. Best grade of Ribbons, Ribbon Sup porters and Carbon Paper constantly on hand. Jan 14 lm j For Rent. SEVERAL HOUSES, STORES AND Kooms in splendid localities. Also houses and lots for sale for cash and on - the monthly Installment plan. Rents promptly collected . Taxes and insurance attended to without extra cl MARTIN T. DAVIS. Real Estate Agent, ov lTtf j ll Princess st ; C. O.P. i "V COTTONSEED LARD; - : ' . , ! ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. ! ' - :. '.! ' . Warranted Free from HogFat pure, ' j I WHOLESOME. 1 ECONOMICAL. For sale by all Grocers. Send for Illustrated Phamphlet, entitled: i -' ; -. "Some Tiling; About I-artl." THE fOTIliX OIL PRODUCT COXIW TSBK, - For Sakvy . "" C-,..;-;r Holmes watters. i. C. Stevenson ; Taylor. Jno. L. Boatwright, Brkigers & Rankin. Wet ! Cot. Jas. IS. UuggtnS, A. IUIlOliaes, Adrian rVoiiers, Ji.. W. Hfcks, MeNalr ir & Pearsall. : ' lilatneyer & Kucfc, Wm-Oterson. O. MLFilyaw. Marttt-. k. corbett. IlaU & PearsallW. ILYopp. I A..D. Wesseli and others, i : ... I j.m. FOILS H EE, General Agent, - jan 10 eod 2ra wiiminston. Ji. C mm laree. NEW ADVERTI8D1CIIT8. . - Great Inducements to Pa rchoa- ! era This Week. 'V--' OWING TO OUR HAVING A TREMENDOUS STOck And that we wiir take an Inventory oV ou v " - j stock next Monday, - ; f . V; GREAT INDUOEMJ3NT8 yui be offered to Purchasers ; THIS ."WEEK 1 fi AMONG XHE MANY BARGAINS . DISPLAYED ON OUR COUNTERS WILL BE French Striped Chatrays, ' ! . 10 cents peryard. i rvx; ; - ! s.r-.'T-;;.-1 jr.. ; o, .' l r;;J-'.;;.;', Nice Quality Satinicv ' 10 cents per yard. ,J . , , " - - o ' ." ' ';'"- j, French Satine; , In solid ind figured, worth 35c for 20c tier rard An Elegant Quality" - 1 HABIT 0L0TH, Valued at 90 cents for 50 cents per yard. I o . ';' "; Moire Silk, - AH shades, worth $1.00 for 50 cents. i -o- An elegant line of - WHITE COO b5 JUST OPENED. -O- New Embroideries, Vi In the Latest and Most Unique Designs. CASH HOUSE. 116 Market Gt., WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 21 GERMANIA H AJLL FOR A SHORT TJME COMMENCING " TUESDAY EVEN'G-JANa, JVIadam "No' , TROUPE OF J ' GLASS BLOWER WORKERS --AND ' -O-T - - The Glass Steam Enfflnb Eic:l iior In tall operation. OPEN DAILY FROM 2:30 TO 5 AND FROM 7:30 TO 9;30P,M, Admission 15 Cents,-- Every Visitor Receives a Present. jan 19 tf - Seed Potatooc. Early Rose Seed Potatoes APPLES,0NI0NSr0RANGES And M us t fre Sld at Once .Xo'rtlTvlWr StLilnston;5i; C ; i t For G nlo. VJ. :i JJLD NWSPAPKS FOB SALE, AT YOC2S own price at , ' ' axis Utf - ' REVIEW OFFICE, ! i i. s

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