siiiil Absolutely Pure. - Tnis powder never vanes, a marvel or pu rity .strength ana wnoiesomeness. isiore econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude or low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. KOYAL BAKING POWDER ca, 106 wan st., n. y. i i oct 28 d&wly tcnrnr 4thpd 3rdpw Tli : Doily Review. THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1881X IK CONOIVESS YESTEKUAY. SENATE. Washington, Jan.: 23. Mr. Hale. from the Census Committee, report- ed back with . sundry amendments House bill providing for taking the eleventh-and subsequentvcensuses, andirave notice that he an ; early day, ask the Senate to proceed " to its consideration Mr. Sherman, from the Committee ion Foreign Relations, reported two amendments to the. Diplomatic and -Consular Appropriation bill, to pro ject the interests of the United : States in the Samoan! Islands. v -hir. eauisoury, jrora tne same : committee, reported a bill further to lulnll the obligations in regard to the Guano Islands. Calendar. ; On motion of Mr. Hoar, a concur rent resolution for the counting of the electoral vote was taken up and - passed. It provides that the two houses of Congress shall assemble in t the hall of the House 1 of v Represen tatives on Wednesday, the 13th day of February, 1889, at 1 o'clock iryie afternoon, pursuant to the require- ; ment of the Constitution and laws relating to the election of President and Vice President of the United States, and the President of the Senate shall be the presiding officer; that two persons be appointed tell ers on the part of the Senate; and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to make a list of the votes as they shall be declared; that the result shall be declared to the President of the ; Senate, who shall announce the state of the vote and the persons elected to the two Houses assembled as. aforesaid, which shall be deemed a declaration of the persons elected President and Vice President of the United States, and together with a list of the votes be entered in the Journals of the two Houses. - The bill to declare unlawful trusts I and combinations in i retrain t of trade and pronuction was taken up for consideration, and was amended by striking out of the first section tne words, 'that competes with any similar article upon which duty is levied by the United States," and in serting in lieu thereof the-words; "in due course of trade." The bill then went over till to-morrow to al low Mr. Hoar to offer some amend ment to it, which - will ! increase its stringency." - 1 House bill for the relief of the State National Bank ofNewOrleans, formerly the Louisiana State Bauk, was taken up and passed.- It merely .... I. t x 1 . -i i. ..r ii i r x aumuruoBUB vuuri ui vamiua iu , taKe jurisdiction oitne banks claim for proceeds of cotton seized and sold i Wr th war rosorl i . j ! t UUI!i UJb' Iv tjifri, tiio ri IN TAT1 V Immediately after the readinfr of the Journal the House went, into Committee, of the Whole, on the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, but .the Committee rose without action ; and the House adjourned. uucklon's Arnica Salve r T.he Best Saive- in the world for Cuts, . Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhnnm " Tavraf firma -Tfoi . HVian. ' Kkin Erntitisns. and nositivelv cures Piles, or no pay required. Itispruar- anteed to give' perfect satisfaction, v or money refunded. Price 25 cents per. box. ; ; For sale by Robert R Bellamy. wholesale and retail druggist. .THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. . . ?." ' (Star Report Condensed.) . TlAT.Tcmit. N. C. Jan: I 23. After ion to-day, tho Senate resumed business. . I The resolution onenng a premium for the largest quantity of grain per r acre -was . indefinitely postponed. 'The following bills' passed, a final . reading: CTo incorporate; ; the State "Rank of Commerce at Henderson- : ville: for nrotectioh of 'oystersUri : Pamlico and Roanoke sounds, (makes c it unlawful - to take oysters eicepr for immediate use and for sale in moilataMn "Vrrfh flarrkl inn frtr thA - 1 I C K 4- 1 C i. ;beds;rto incorporate Bethany Col - - lege, Robeson conntyr to provide additional educational facilities for the Croatan Indians ofi Robeson nnntv. Texclndes from th eir Schools negroes to the fourth generation); for the relief of E. w. Tayior.fiheriff SSThe committee1 on Privi leges and Elections reported in favor resWioh was introduced, giv- !ng the public printing to the lowest bidder. - , ' Bill making changes In the public school ,law; as agreed on the Committee od Education,' is as fol lows: The County Superintendent is made treasurer of r the "School Fund; the school year to end the last day of June, and all reports must correspond thereto. The County Commissioners of each county, in joint session with the Justices of the Peace, may submit to the people the Question whether a school tax shall be levied not exceeding one-fifth off one per ceqt on property, and sixty cents on the poll. "T Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wixslow's soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat-1 ural, quiet sleep by relieving the, cnild from pain, and the little cher- ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes tne child, softens tne sums, allays ! ail pain, relieves wind, regulates tne bowels, and is the best known remer dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething: or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. july 6 deodarwly PROMPTNESS.' - First a cold, then a cough, then consumption, then death. 'I took Dr. Ackers English Kemedy for Consumption the moment I began to cough and l believe it ; saved mv life." Waltkr N. Wallace, Wash Munds Bros., drusrerists LEMON ELIXIR Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom ach, Bowels, Kidney And Blood. ur. Moziev s .Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lembn drinkthat positively cures all Isuliousness, (Constipation, Indierestion, Heaiache, i Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Uoldi Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chilli Blocthes, Pimples, Pain in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all pther dis eases caused oy uisoniereu nver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold bv druerffists. Prepared onlv bv H. Aiozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. . LEMON HOT TIKOPS. For couerhsand colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists.' 2i cents per bottle. Prepared by H. Mozley, AT. D., Atlanta, Ga. . m thsat SHE IS "GRATEFUL. ,4I saved the life of my little girl by a prompt useof Dr. Ackers Eng lish Remedy for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. V. Harriman, New York, ington. Munds: Bros., druggists. THE MAILS. fhe mails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: . CLOSE. " ; Northern through malls, fast. ..... .1L00 P. M Northern through and way mails. . '8,00 A. M N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M. Ualelgh & iayettev:e...; 8.00 A. M. Southern way malls 1 . . . 2.00 P. M. Southern through mails , 9.15 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western mails (C. C. Railway) 1.00 P. M CaDe Fear & Y v R R and nolnts sup plied therefrom L00 P. M. Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. and points . supplied therefrom 1.00 P. M. Smith ville 1.30 P. M. Wrtghtsville. ..I 8.00 A.M. Clinton, special 3.15 P. M Specials for Max ton, Wadesboro, Monroe and Charlotte. 5i5P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow c. H. and intermediate offi- ; ces . COO A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River, 8. C, and Intermediate offices .. 6.00 A. M. Cape Fear River mail LOO P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way malls . 8.30 P. M. Northern through mall, late 1L00P. M. southern through malls. 6.30 A. M. southern way mails. . . . aso a. m. Carolina Central R. R. . . 2.30P.M. "Moila ArvllantaH trrr Gtraot hnmo In hnalnDOQ portion ol city at 5 A. M., 12.00 M. and 4.45 P. M. and trom other points of the city at 5 A. M. and 4 P.M. - General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 p. Al., ana on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. Al. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money order and Register Department open trom a. ai. to & f. M.,-conunuous. ; Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M; to 10 a. Ai. anai to i r. ai. TERRIBLE FOREWARNINGS. Cough in the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising of P"'eKIU' tightness in the chest. j quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or i anvof these thintrsare the first srax'as of consumption. X)r. AckerTs Eng lish Remedy for Consumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. Astonishingly Low Priceson all K ndsand Qual ities of Foot Wear at - French & Sons'. It is conceded that you can get better Shoes for theponey at French's than elsewhere. You only havd to price them yourself to be convinced. Do J r n. t-x not forget weare selling UOU- V.1 -k OvIa on1 LI0n,'ri Cnnac AC . , r . pecially inMen s Department, at greatly reduced prices. , Geo. II. French it Sons, janl9tf. 108 North ProotSt: COJITJXTRCIAXt - NETTS. WILMINGTON MARKET. 4 Jan. 24.-2:30 P. M. i SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 43 cents. Sales, of receipts at 43 cents. ' ' : ROSIN Firm at 82 cents for strained and 82f cents for good strained. ' ' . TAR Firm at $1.30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.35 for hard, $2.50 for yellow dip and virgin. $ . COTTON Quiet. The follow ing: are' the. official Quotations: Ordinary, 6 5-16; good ordinary, 71; low middling, 815-16?niddling 9 7-16; erood middlincr U 13-16. Receipts taday: Spirits,404osin, 2,074; tar, 466; crude, lb; cotton. 577. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape - Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D lKve. Schr J M Flannagan, Crocket, Charleston. Geo Harnss, Son & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D .Love. Schr Winnie Laury, McRitchie, San Domingo, J H Chad bo urn &Co. EXPORTS. J FORKIGN. San-Domingo Schr Winnie Laury 8,023 cross ties, 48 car beams. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JAN. 18, 1888. Cotton ashore, 5,709; afloat, 4,607; total, 10,316. Spirits ashore, 1,575; afloat, 359; total, 1,934. 4 Rosin ashore, 82,230; afloat, 10,306; -total, 92,536. . Tar ashore, 2,952, RECEIPTS FROSl JAN. 11 TO JAN. 18. Cotton, 1,716; spirits, 1,028; tar, 875; rosin, 8,348; crude, 477. EXPORTS FROM JAN. 1 TO JAN. 11. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1,001; spirits, 573; rosin. 703; tar, 977 FOREIGN. Rosin, 10,683. !iiAK, UNDEVELOPED PART; i ,:ie liouy emarzea sim sirenjrmenea. uii iiariicu ; 3 8 -Dt s ajed Iree. EUIK MED. CO.. Barrxho. N. Y i'rrcnrne 'jroynnoucco Lack of vi-o; i r L.ui.iia-"nnL.niuuontoojsod7or Anne 'an or over-worK. indiscretion, etc.. aaaress rwv Scribner's Magazine For 1889. The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to mate it tne most popular and enter prising or periodicals, while at all times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to It during the past six months by the increased excellence of Its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It closes Its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations win show some new effects, and nomlng to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." luimrcuea. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serial novel "The Master of Ballantrae," will run tnrough the greater part of the year. Begun ih Xovemfier. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o. manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modem French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Illustrated. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally Interesting contributions by dlffere t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch will write the flrsfi of them for the January number. - Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of work. Illustrated from original MSS.. a second 'Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs. James T. Fields, and many other articles equally noteworthy Illustrated . Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarenca cook, E. H. Blashfleld, Austin Dobsoa and many others. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE describing sport In the best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon, Wlnnlnish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. Iiiustrid. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES great variety, touching upon -ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will appeaa, but not or tne conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated, Among the most interesting In the list -of scienunc papers ror tne year will be a remark- aDie amcie Dy not. joho Trowbridge, upon me uiuab ibwiji ueveiopmenis ana uses o. PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved of spe- papers upon -electricity m its most recent applications, Dy eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and other luiexeauug papers. - Unique Illustrations. a. oi-jsiuiAL. uffek to coter last year's numbers, which Include all the Railway Artl- A year's subscription (1889) and the num- Ders ror 1888 ;...4 $4.50 A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888, bound In cloth 6.00 S3 a year ; . 25 cents a number. Charles 8 cribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadway, N. Y. The AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Bfantifnllr lllntrated. 25 cfc, $3 Yelr. ITS SCOPE. THE AMERICAN M Aft' ZINE gives preference to national topics an scenes, and Its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer till Its pages with a wide variety of interest. lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and,ln short. thl3 Matrazlne Is Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the high-class monthlies. TmnflFttlflt A specimen Number, with Xllipui mill illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable Premiums to Club Kaisers, will be sent on re ceipt of . It this paper is mentioned. fTEes; 1 tosolic ' IrxnsiblfiandeueiTreUcDersons want- ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at 01 Once for exclusive territoryl Adams.: v THE AMERICAN IL&GAZTNie rn feb i - " 749 BroaaVay, New York. ; MISCELLANEOUS. Diaries for 1889. LARGS ASSORTMENT, f, For Sale Cheap at Heinsberger's Turner's Almanacs, Branson's Almanacs, Miller's Almanacs, Blum's Almanac, ( ALL FOR 1889! Wholesale and retail cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORK Jan 4 R. C. Orrell, IAN STILL. iiK JfOUJNii AX wiun.n jr I Third and Princess, where he will give prompt attention to business. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horse boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. I still have a very fine Hearse for funeral oc casions. R. C. ORRKLL, Livery and Sale Stables, Corner Third and Princess Sts. Jan 3 tf ADnounc-ment. Tlio Mercantile Association of tlio Carolinas FTEREBY ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC that it Is open tor business and ready to serve its patrons. " Offices located on second floor of the Orton House, in the old office of notel. Telephone Call No. 7. ' THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF THE jan 9 tf CAROLINAS. For the Holidays. A Large jandEWell-Selected Stock of 3 Breech and Muzzle Guns, JtlrXiKS AJN1J SPORTSMAN'S SUSLIKS Of Every Description. - W. E. SPRINGER & CO., dec 15 tf 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. o No. 10. SCHEDULE WILSIifiIOJl SMCOAST R. R. IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. From Wilmington, From Hummocks. Leave Leave. Leave. .. 7:35 a. m ... 3:30 p. m Leave Leave 8:10 a. m. 5:10 p. m. 5:00 p. m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. ... 2:30 p. m Leave WTrains or Cars can be chartered dnrincr the Winter months at reasonable rates. J. H. CHADBOURN, Jr., dec24tf General Manager. The Cheapest. P HE BEST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST Place in the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street. North side, between Second and Third. Estimates cheerrully furnished and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from the country solicited. dec7tf Societ? Work. I1HE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and lancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. iaaies'. ana cniiaren's aprons a specialty. orders left at the ltoctorv. or 221 "Nnrt.ii Tnira sLreet, win meet with prompt attention VfTT OR " ... Carolina House, S. E. corner ft Princess and Second Sts., HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH A FIRST Class Bar. Lunch Room and Restaurant. The finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars al ways qn nana Board and Lodging by the day. iuviiui. mDw iuvci ujpwsra m season. JOHN KOCH. oct 27 Corner Second and Princess. H. CRONENBERG'S Prices forCabiaet Photosrrapbs Will be, until rurther notice. $3 OO PEA DOZE2T. jan 8 All Work Guaranteed. Dental Notice. rrHE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL PRKPATlTCT I to do all kinds of first class Dental Work at iun uiiMa. x uii f Ltiiir iiarr iura nr tooth fn uisucu. ut a auuru ume. x eeth extracted with- uutpaa. . . - JAS.E.KEA, . ' , . S. E. Cor Market and Front sts. -w v ion wuiiuixaDiB rooms rnr wnt in 25th Annual Session. T rl J-wJtHTX-JPljfTH ANNUAL SESSION of Misses Burr & James' ftrtinni nn mence on Thursday, Oct. 4th, at St. John's P?il0,LJlra' Jtweeh 'Red Cross and yoiuuucu uww, wnere id nas been locatet for the past two years. ThR Rtrr. nlng on Red Cross, a few yards from the build- 1 K, rr r., . uujeuuon 10 distance, a ricu vcuLixiiLCti Bcnooiroom nlPasont nlntr r' JY- V. L water ana reared sit- uauwit umc ji xuuro aesiraDie than moi central localities available. The Principals, as heretofore, will spare no cuwiu m.ui uic ui ttuwmeni 01 me DUDlls klrwl. loving discipline. j.neir many graduates, some of them now occupying the position of teachers, testify to thelrsuccess. As always stated in iheir cir. colars, scholars received only lor the session no deduction Lelng made except f Si protracted sickness, those ehteringafteroM tober charged only from date of uc. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION riKiSS S.Cushlng. whose Ufe-ion "2rJ?z science and long experiene? to teaihin should be a guarantee for lierabllltr S' vocal music Cailsthpnin? n(i tt- D7exereIs." i "eeum-worKoi all klndq ai free of charge, given weekly. - ; ! For further particulars apply to , epptp . THE PRINCIPALS V , MISCELLANEOUS Luy the TJOUS WILL SIIEVED miAOANTFED TO OUTWEAR ANY CUSTOM-MADE: CORSET MAYER, STROUSE & CO.? v Ars-AI2 BROADWAY. Af K , mwm m mm -m mM-TT jan 21 4w Sp cial IiidncemPiifS rpo INCREASE TRADE. "THE BALANCE Of our stock o WINTER DRESS GOODS at actual cost. JNO. J.IIEDRTCK. -o- 0? ritfg Out Sale. INTER UN DERCLOTHlNG FOli GEN W tlemen will be sold without Unlaundrled Shirts at 59c, regard to' cost. T5c aDd the' bot Shirt made at $1.0U. JNO. J. IIEDRICK. Special Baralr58 IN WHIUfl KOUDS, JjAJtid, UAMDUiwno . - " - . - V ' I'U ' UtSrf-GALLON CANS ana ti a is i iv. bni -mcro jiuv wu nunu. JNO. J. nEDKlCK -O- yVR STOCK OF TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS and DOYLES, FRINGED TABLE CLOTnS and NAPKINS, in sets, very cheap, jan2tf JNO. J. HEDRICK. FROM PIER.29, EAST RIVER, NEW-Y ORB. Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P.M. V GULF STREAM... BENEFACTOR.... PIONEEK , . ...-.Monday,. Jan. 14 ...Saturday Jan. 19 .Wednesday. Jan. 23 ...Saturday, Jan. 38 GULF STREAM. . FROM WILMINGTON- BENEFACTOR PIONEER... ... GULF STREAM... BENEFACTOR .. . ; . . .Sunday," J an. 13 .Wednesday, Jan. 16 . . .. .Tuesday, Jan. 22 .Friday, Janv25 ww- Throuerh Bills Ladlns- and LnwpRt. Thm Rates guaranteed to and from points In North iFor Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, : Wllminirton. N THEO. E. EG ER, Traffic Manager. . ' New York. wm. r. & uu. oenu Agents, - jan 12 , 35 Broadway, New York. Wow Ready. I A- JvuLLY PREPARED . TO FURNISH jl my imenus anu ine puDUc generally with the Purest Drags that can be found In the uiLj . Aiau a nuo assortment or Toilet Soap. Brushes and Combs. I have a Ane 'assortment of Cigars and Cigarettes. I can be found at I JOHN siieehan, the Drugjrist. oog w w xm.w. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. Homes in North Carolina Onlv 20 flours Ride; from New York I : 69 Mile88outn of Raleib On the Raleigh and Augusta Alr-Llne B R. . o- 1.500 ACSKS OF LAND 1NTHJ6 ong iX?iiirllffKlon-or saie on C8T terms 1 lota to suit purchasers, irour acres for 26. Mjargvr trscia o per acre, in monthlv nr. KltJT.?a1!arlum) and 18 flpeclaliy adapted Wl?"." as all theoweaL. ?ntrI people have bought is the desire of the owners of this land to In duce small farmers. mfifthio-r t hD Tii r lr3 o state in to eet can' or runner particulars write at once to . John t. patkii'k Commla'r of Immigration, Raleigh, n c . j,-- orB. a. richajS4on. 1an21tf Chronicle Offlop. Jnta 3 INVENTIONhw- among tne wonders of - MW W1XLUI W IH f II. method and system of work thltSf fonnea an over the countnr nth rrir ting the workers from their homes ' piVSVE eraTjany one can do their vmvhx&lS SfneTES !tuSFgeTt vm1 nitrl sTeaI'. value and imDortnnpA tA atui b ynn ln hifuituum . nov 22Gmd j yw KUra, . - J bh n Vlern (r w OULD RESPEi th hrrni 4t?ne , public geniraUT 10 iiis inends and the Martei street 012:an5a 9 overhauled, rebalr t flnT?noroMy j Qrst class workrciPTi fcrT""1.01 with attention he hopesfcj Mcontinii T "a2 Jme Datronaci nf tho- rwi;u" w ment the ke0 13 no.w ntrateV at No. w w m - - rmi m m m M T1' On j me and I will rma,,. - at low prices. this will aqxxxo worK weu and , - -v mucn ioraoingit; 3aii 4 ot rn. 1 " repairs I have Tairead? t& S$' pair Sewinsr Machine!, mIL lfftji fcc. as well as FurnitiSv1 ; give estimates or pro& ; lima AINVALEAltT'ro, duclngln a few minutes, bv the cold water or milk, most delicious : I -o Mm v By every Si earner Trcserves and Jellies BY THE POUND. . For sale by : JnOi nov7 : lS&nsaProntgt. Guns, Pistols, j Knives and unition, ISTOpCTE BETTER Ixe. : Every One Warranted. Merchants will flalit tne most salable. Tlmbermen declare . - v -it the BEST MADB. -o- Will find that we are Headquarters forElBi, it C Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Axels and Bolts. ,:.-; : We sell the Philadelphia Eagle Car. . , riago Bolt, which Is tne BEST . 1 MADE. ' - FISHERMEN Will and a large assortment of FIsMd? 80 inesi,Bucn as iu , and seine Twine, , Net Lines, Roper Lead and Fish- tag racjue 01 ail Kinas. "-4 t' . IOUSEIIEEFEBS Will be shown the" largest and cheapest Bit pi uooking and Heating Stoves in the citj ; and many other useful household artl ; cles, such as cor?e Mills, sauce pans, iron Mortars, etc. . ' We Want'rWTradel- And shall do all we can to please you, hot! y ritlCES AND GOODS. Jac obi Hard ware Co,, decs 13 Sa Front St Acme MANtJFAOTu"EINGC0. 1 MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pfne Fibre art rPine Fibre Matting. fTHK REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZE the ACAIE and QESS, is now established. the results of Uiree years' use in the 'hka. the best fanners of this and other states attest their value as a hl&h. grade manure. The MATTINgI made from the leaves of , tie equal to cS,for and durability I demand for it i a uniiv fTw.acmo' it has " I LUfia Tint . ZZC Vi? f.1""11' or wool is extem uphOlSterlnflr rjurnosfl?. unrt as a . niun: Mattresses is almost eaual to hair, being ellcand proof against insects. nv"3 irom reiiame parura ."er eoods can be seen at our offlceTor will w r -w. : . . ointrtf '. OttUGGIST. a0 HJLV LINE OF PURE DRVGS A "e.- Artesian Well Mlneiwl Waten . and try a glass free, i ' '1 . wheat Boatwrtght Supplies.