THIS PAPER '. - ' - aV . a - T 17 uijiislied every evening, SundayB exited, wo rji t3L:3prc:::T3.c:i---:-ii:ati3;'.' from cur tricrij ca. try ltj cizzi::zt general intercut, tut . " '- , . The namect tie writer rairst always te far ned to the Eater. . ;-. communications mn56:i;mttn;:oniV ca one side of the papcrv J; Jr2 -. - ": Personalities must be aTOlc&a. ' , I ; : And 11 13 especially aad-partlctuariy xmscrV stood that the Editor floes not always endorse the views "ot corresponaca'ts anlcsa so stated In the editorial columnsw . " By jOSHT.JAJffiS.Edltor-aadProp, SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: t i L year, M.00. Six months fS.00. ' THree months. $1.00. one month, 33 cents.. . niuv delivered by carriers, free it- v.' narge, in any part oltne city, at tne aoove gs of 10 cents per wee r , X. r tdvertising rates lowand llDeraL . r subscribers will please ; report any ana (allures to receive their paper 'regularly. , VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY. JANUARY 28, 1889. NO 24. 1 A :V -, l.rS JA- . . , . 1.1b , nr v:ii j ' r M r -: 9 ft . ft fir. r. - . "yni j;;- ,.f1hf Vt'HT fvd the MnvMi.y 'v- - iTMifc.r!jariKlr tori ant I nif Tt-ILr tzilti tcith deli'iU La Urtou li'-- . HC( itvtJtnrmi me tVKWttr fort can't feat ."-II ou. Uor-rd GrosbT ' K.t. if.-. - .... '- vu'li'sim:! sr t, I itiiadclpLuu l S9 Sewinjc-Malilne' . t. at enca establish trd in all vans, 07 niaMns1 nt machines!. and good where the people can see teem, we wui ecnu s ree 10 one person in ecn locality ,me very , best sg wing-machine made in the world, with all the attachments. We wiuaUOcenaireeBcomptete line of oar costly and valuable art samples. In return we ask that you snow wnai we aero, o uv nuu ni, can at your borne, sad after 9 . montllS au snail wnnw juui properrr. This rrand machine is made after the Singer patents. which bare run uiipeioro pawni ran out it sold f or Qt. wunme attachments, ana now sens iot ssiO. Best, atronsest. most use ful machine in the world. All U Ko capital reqturea. tnain. iVrfrrTrtions Ei ren. Those who write to as at atce can se- Z fe7t wine-machine in th. world, and the .fwork.o.birtarte. iUZ ot tui mum. -v( A True Tonic. ; hvh-'n you don't feel well and hardly know bi.u ails you, give B. B. B. (Botanic Blood llriDatriaL It Is a fine tonic , -. r. o. . allahan; Charlotte, N. C. wrltest -B-'li. is a fine tonic, and has done me great bod." - .... ' .. - L v. Thompson, Damascus, Ga., writes: 'I kieve IS. B. Bis the best blood purifier made. has greatly improved my general health." An old gentleman writes: "B. B. B. gives me w life and new strength. It there Is any- Iitntnat will make an old man young, it Is I!. 15." : ' P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10th, ts, writes: I depend on B. B. B. for the eservation oi my neaun. i nave naa ii in by family now nearly two years, and in all at time have not naa to nave a doctor." Tlios. Paulk, Alapaha, Ga,, writes: "I suf- ro(i terriDiy from ayspepsis. 'ine use oi u. is. has maae me leei iiko a new man. i ould not take a thousand dsllais for the good nas none me." W. M. Cheshire. Atlanta. Ga.. writes: "I lad a long spell of typhoid fever, which at last coined to settle in my right leg, which swell- up enormously. An nicer aiso appeared hlch discharged a cupful of matter a day. I hen gave B. B. B. a trial and It cured me." jan id lm aw "STOKLEY'S." 7 WE, ARE NOW PRE- pared to accommodate l who may call upon us with the Finest Oysters be had on the Coast. We have made special p-eparatlons for the Season. . rrtle &rove, Middle aod S t u mp Sound Oysters iwayon hand. Served promptly and in any e-aeslred. W. H. STOKLEY, 1 10 tf . Wrightsville. ' , I A f n m a ft Agents in every Town J V Cm II LftaU nnd Pnnntv tr con rmr cods. Send us one dollar, and we will send ou sample that sells for three dollars, and nart you in a business that will pay you from lioo to $300 per month. . Aaaress - - THE RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO.. . Janiaiw RlchmonsUVa. Vilmington Savings & Trust Co., L TRINCESS, BETWEEN FRONT AND SEC JL ond streets. - - : . w. p. toomer, cashier, lends money on satisfactory security. . Pays interest on deposits. ' is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. Jans tf , . . Drugs and Cheniicalp, TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc. ' aiso xTescnpuons miea aay or nignt at - - - ; . F. C. MILLER'S. - Drugstore". Jan 4 Corner Fourth ahd Nun Sts.,1 Beautiful i SIT I TABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, : AT ' : ".r - ' 377"TS03Sr'S ChinaaGlassware&Crockery Store, . 1 15 Princes St. , r'piNE lot; - Dinner aod Tea Sets In Stock. - - . . v' v . . . . Fine Tea St at SO V full stock ot Crockery and Glassware on hand ot all Descriptions, the Prettiest in the city. FINE VASES, TOILET. SETS AAU CHAMBER SETS, CIIEAP.: ' . 4 . . . ' ... - - . J" M m STk o IIS ; S ii S V A ' t 1 i f At very near Cost. - : 'r ii . s . j . r ' f i 'c'jJUUy lo UlVir u iu va i . , Two nnlito lArlra fn nt.tPndanoP-" Messrs. J. . Wi. cWan and Chas. 11. stemmennan. v - nTJUT! nnnn. J.LL11J a w lViAfp01V car drivers, wivj discharged on!, con , " X OV 1 9 j ditions that his parents punish him. LOCAL 3STTS-WS. , index to Net-'' Advertisements - " K M McIntire -Matting1 - " '. B Northrop & Co had ; : J D Bellamy, Jr For Sale Munds Bros Pharmacists i Hkinsbkrger -Diaries for 18S8 M Katz Great Inducements H Cronenberg Photographer. Howell & CuisiiNG ilattressss " .r-vjAS C SlTjjrDSAgt Prescriptions J J IIedrick Special Inducements - F C Mlller Drugs and Chemicals " Chas F Browne, Agt Must do sold , . W E Springer & Co For the Holidays Geo R French & Sons Well to Remember Germania Hall Madam Noras' Glas3 Blow er' Workers ' ' ; - All kinds - of School Books and School Supplies cairv be bo ujrK cheapest at Heiti!blver," t I;- Portable fire-place grates. Just the thing1 for our climate. Are sold by the- J Jacobi Mdw. Co. t Tlie Nl" Jacobi f idw. Co. still lead irthe sale of the bet aD(l cheapest heating and cooking stoves t ; ' ; ' Intlicsttions. - For North Carolina, generally fair and . much colder weather. Cold wave. " After diphtheria, scarlet fever or pneumonia, Hood's Sarsaparilla wilt give strength to the system, and ex pel all poison from the blood. - If you want a picture framed go to Heinsbergers. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select (rbm. ' . . t r Col. Jno. J. Hedrick has the Hag on hy store at half-mast as a token of respect to the late Maj. John V. Dunham. We have knives for your boys and scissors for your girls. AVhat wil please them 'more for presents? K Jucobi Hardware Co. " Do you use loaded shells? You will find that they will save you time, trouble and expense. " For sale by the N. Jacob' Hardware Co. t Now is the time to feast on good roe and buck shad. They are be' ing caught daily and brought to this city. See ad. of S. B. Northrop & Co., in this issue. Under the influence of the high wind and the sun to day the streets, which the recent rains had made al most impassable by reason of mud, became in tolerably good condition? Rev. R. C. Baman, the pastor of Fifth Street Church, preached a powerful sermon last night to a crowded church," subject:; "Break ing of the Alabaster Box.'1 . Silver-plated knives, forks, spoons, and child's sets, carving knives and forks. Make your friends happy by making useful presents. A nice line 6f the above is offered by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ' t Rev. W. T. JoneSj agent of the American Sunday School Union, visited Fifth Street M. E. Church Sunday School on yesterday after noon and made a talk to the little ones that made their little hearts feel glad. : A Cold Wave. The following dispatch was re ceived at the Signal Office here a about 10 o'clock last night: v Hoist cold wave signal. Tempera ture will fall to forty degrees or lower before 8 a. m. Jan. 29th. That valuable propertv on the Northwest corner of Front and Orange streets is j for' sale. It is a desirable property, either for busi ness purposes or as an investment being fitted up for both a grocery and a residence. See ad.;of Mr. J. D. Bellamy, Jr., in this issue. City Court. There was a large crowd asseni bled at the City Court-this morning and the following cases were dis posed of: Reynolds Lamb, assault with a deadly weapon, bound over to the next term of Criminal Court in the sum.of $100 justified bondr - John White, larceny, continued- M. Fisher, tramp, discharged. Wm Darden, assault with a- dead . ly weapon, bound over to the next term of CriminalCourt in the; sum of $5Q justified bond. '.. Alex Richardson, disorderly coii dqctT continued. Aex Custer, forgery, held for fur-, ther investigation. ; r jonn oQutnerianu, a sm John Squtherland, a small colored boVi charj;ed with stealing a tJumll " - - ' : ... sum or money irom one or the street The Stranded Steamship, i .- The following dispatch regarding the Br. steamship Alhjziyy previous ly reported ashore on Little j River bar, was received at the Signal Office here last night from the observer at louthport: . , . The revenue cutter, Colfax, which arrived at Southport this forenoon with about 80 bales , of cotton jetti soned frpnl the Brl steamship "4? bany, reported, the latter at anchor off Cape . Fear bar. The Albany and the Colfax came up from Little River in company last night, but, the weather being" thick and stormy, the cutter could not cross the bar until daylight. JThe Colfax : and the. tugs Jones and Blanche jiulled on the steamer for .some hours and finally succeeded in floating her shortly after high water yesterday (Saturday) afternoon.- The Albany is a large steamer of 1, 630 tons. She was fortunate in getting assistance so promptly. Had she remained on the bar at Little River a few hours longer; sDe wonldi have received serious damage. The Col fax had an officer and party of men on board nearly all day, assisting in lightering the vessel. The steamer and cargo are valued at $400,000. Later Jan. 27th 7:35 p. m. Br. steamer Albany has left her anchor age supposed for Newport' News or Norfolk. D'Artagnan,,tlie Young Gascon. That delightful and daptivating hero of Alexandre Dumas' "Three Musketeers" has been transferred to the stage with signal success by that admirable romantic actorYMr. Frank Mayo. The critics bestowT unstinted praise upon he ' performance " in which Mr. Mayo wins distinction as dramatist and actor as Charles Fechter did in the first successful production of Dumas Monte Crista. The "Royal Guard" is the title of Mr. Ma's dramatization. A change has been made in the third act to afford opportunity for additional pictorial display. The scene now lies in "Calais" and Mr"Seavey, the scenic artist and his assistants, have completed from designs an elaborate set for this act, showing the town and port of Calais at night with' the old inn in the foreground and Buck ingham's ship at anchor. The set will occupy the entire stage and another -fine stage picture is the Porte St. Leon, with a distant view of oldParis. The cabin of Buckingham's ship is also by Seavey; The work requires a strong company. The organization will number 25. Mr. Edmund Collier, who starred here last winter as Virginius and Jack Cade, will play Athos, the Guards man, and the .three female leading characters, Lady De Winter, Anne of Austria, and pretty Constance have able and fitting representatives. Fatal Accident. . About 8 o'clock last night as Mc FadyenV flat, with another one lashed longside, was drifting down the Cape Fear, impelled by the strong freshet that prevailed, and when near Pridgen's - Landing, it struck a dead tree" which was across the pathway of the boat. The tree fell and in its descent struck Isaac Jones, of Goldsboro, who was one of the crew of the boat, and it was thought for a time that the man had been knocked overboard and either killed or drowned. He was found, however, shortly after in the cabin of the flat, whither he had been precipitated by the bloAV, in a most deplorable condition. His left thigh and right -leg were broken, and there were severe contusions on his head and face.. The steamer Cape Fear, Capt. Tomlison, soon came along and owing to the em ergency of the case, and the need of obtaining surgical assistance as quickly as possible, took the suffer er on board to bring him to this "city but he died when opposite Point Peter before reaching here. The remains were turned overj to the Coronor. who after viewing the body ordered them to be interred at the expense of the county. The de ceased was about 25 years of age. . A Hard Customer. . - L - r A colored man was arrested last Saturday-night on suspicion of be ing a chicken thief, as t wo of that species of poultry were found in his possession. He was lockeil up; until his case could be investigated and at the hearing before the Myor this; morning he became .so'bellicose and insulting to the Court and pronoun- . i a ? ceu sucri uire vengeance upon tne oner who caused his arrest, - tliat,-it was thought advisable to lock him up again and he-was- accordingly sent below tp cool off. - Death of MaJJohn W. BonMm. -We are' again, called 'upon to chronicle the death of another prom inent citizen, Major John W. Dun ham, which took place in this city on yesterday morning at 4. 15 o'clock: Major Dunham was a native, Wil; mingtonian, having been, born in this town in 1842, and consequently the 47th year of his age. He was the son of the late Mr. Samuel W. Dunham, an old and highly re spected citizen who died here about four years ago. ... . , , - Shortly after his maturity, Major JJunham removed to Wilson, in this piate UfUu wmiuvuutju. ,nie practice of the law and while engaged in the duties' of his profession the war broke out, when he immediately gave up his business and joined the Fourth Regiment North Carolina State troops, the late distinguished Brigadier General George B. Ander son being Colonel, fie wa terribly wounded at the battle of Seven Pines, in fact entirely disabled from further service in the army, and was compelled to return home with a shattered constitution and was a cripple for the remainder of his life. After the war had closed he was elected to the Senate of North Car olina, representing the counties of Wilson, Nash and Franklin. It was an exciting time in the history of the State. The Governor, f I olden, was impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and Major Dunjiam, with Gov. Bragg and other promi nent gentlemen, appeared for the prosecution and secured the convie tion of Holden and his removal from office, thereby disqualifying him from holding any office of honor and trust in North Carolina for all time to come. How ably Major Dunham sustained himself in that memorable trial is known of all men and the records give abundant evidence. - He edited for a time a newspaper in Wilson and for a short period one in Raleigh also, but his failing health compelled him to retire from that laborious work and he return- ed to Wilmington to spend the re mainder of his days amidst the scenes and the friendsxf his youth. When our Criminal Court was es tablished he was elected by the Legislature its Clerk, which position he held continuously until the day of his death, discharging its duties with great acceptability to, all who had business with that tribunal. -Major Dunham was a man of far more than ordinary intelligence,had read much and was blessed with a very retentive memory; was a gal lant soldier and a . high-tonedgen-tleman, loyal to his friends, ah af fectionate brother and a dutiful and loving son. For more than a quar ter of a century he had been a great sufferer from the wounds received in defence of that cause which, in hisinmost soul, he believed to be right, but- scarcely a murmur es caped him. He was at his post at all times, though racked with pain incessantly, until nature finally suc cumbed and with a firm and ex pressed belief in the mercies of the Saviour he yielded up his spirit without fear and In the blissful hope of a glorious immortality, y ; The obsequies of the lamented deceased wre held. at the residence of his -tester, Mrs. H. B. Jewett, on Princess street, at noon to-day. Rev. Robert Strange, rector of St. James Church, officiated.- A-the conclusion of the services , the re mains were conveyed to Oakdale Cemeteryfor interment, followed by a' large procession of relatives and friends. Judge O. P. Meares and Capt. S." W; Vick were honorary pall bearers, while the following gentle men constituted the regular pall bearers: Col. B: R. Moore, Maj. T. D. Love, Capt. Chasv D. Myers and Messrs. Walker Meares, A I vis Walk er and J. B. Hanks. , " VW atsweaMaWBiagsswB!saasBagM38gsg The cold wave signal was flying this morningahd there is not a doubt that it meant business, for it has been growing colder all day. Added to the cold there lias been a stiff breeze, amounting to almost a gale, during the day which has marie" i rather unpleasant to be out.. . "yiien headache joins neuralgia then comes the t ug of war,'.' A wise general knows very " well how to linarshall his forces. His first, last, and best charge is made with a bot-. tie of Salvation Oil and the doughty Ifoe lies cringing in his dust. . , -'; Winter seems to liave just com menced CSchf. Addie- E. Snow, ! Hinkley, cleared to -day! for Barbadoes with 200,000 shingles and G5,0G7, feetlum ber; valued at $2,351, shipped by Mr. -E. Kidder's Son . - -Personal. ... We are rejoiced to knov that Mayor Fowler has so far recovered as to be able to be at his post of duty in the City Court Room this morn ing. We were happy to grasn bv the hand to-day Col. E. R. Brink who arrived here yesterday from Ferhah- dma, Fla. j He is here Jon business-4 and will leave again for his Southern home to-morro w night. We are glad to know that he is in' good healthy and is home. much pleased .with his new The Glass Blowers. There will be several interesting and novel features at the Glass Blower's exhibition at Germania Hall during the week among which" will be beautiful prizes awarded to the handsomest baby in- the city. These prizes... will consist in part of Birds of Paradise around which will be grouped baskets of strawberries all looking as natural as life and all made of spun glass by the marvel lous skill of Madame Nora. There will also be glass ships and a cradle with a baby iii it all made of the same brittle material. The enter tainment will close next Saturday. It is an exhibition well worth seeing anctSve hope that all who can will avail themselves of the opportunity thus offered of seeing what skill and science can, do. The Late Mr. Wilkin Roddick. . A called meeting of the Wilming ton Produce Exchange was held Sat urday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. H. C. McQueen, the President, on taking the chair, said: Gentlemkn, IMr. Wilkin Roddick, a member of this body, after a long and painful illness, died this morn ing at twenty minutes past 12 o'clock LMr. Roddick made this city his home some twelve years ago, ana nis-genial disposition and generous- - im pulses made many warm friends. A few years ago the sympathy of all went out to him on the occasion a sreat domestic affliction, which came under peculiar and distressing circumstances, and the tender re gard of his friends has been inten: sified lately by his patient and heroic bearing under great suffer ing; and above alland beyond all, he lived and died in the blessed hone of a glorious immortality. The meeting is called to pass suitable resolutions and place on record our tribute to his memory. On motion, the chair appointed a committee to draft resolutions, con sisting of Mr. J. 'H: Currie, Mr.Ghas, H. Robinson and Mr. H. G. Small bones. ': -.K''1' ." T'; I The committee, "through their chairman, Mr. Robinson, submitted the following resolutions, viz: ! Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Produce Exchange: We have assembled this evening to pay a tribute of respect and friend ship to the memory of a late mems ber of this body, Mr. Wilkin Roddick, removed by, death in manhood's prime,--from our social aud business life; and your committee submit the following resolutions as a testimo nial of pur. regard and esteem for a true crentleman, associate and friend: Resolved. That in the death of MrH Wilkin Roddicks we have to ; lament the loss of one who had by his in dustry, honesty and intelligence ta ken a nigh rank in the roll -of Wil mington's successful merchants; who by his genial manners and cheerful disposition had made himself a wel come companion; to hosts of friends; who with his warm, sympathetic nature had ministered to theneces sities of the unfortunate and needy, and who, while remaining a true Scotchman and loyal in sentiment to the land of his birtb, was also true and steadfast in his devotion to the State of his adoption, and when smitten by an incurable disease sub mitted patiently fb the will of his liaovonlu Trirf hop inrl rliorl in . tn V LA. . V. Ah.. M4WAW. , .W444. - .4VAV V 4. full assurance of hope. Resolved, That a blank page in our 'records be inscribed with his name and the date of his death, as a memorial, and the rooms of the Ex change be draped in mourning. - " Resolved, That; a copy, of these resolutions be spread upon the min utes and a copy: be sent to his chil dren as a mark of .our sympathy with them in their affliction. On motion, the resolutions were adopted by a rising vote. ... The chair then,, on motion, "ap pointed a committee of six members of the Exchange to escort the re mains of Mr. Roddick from his late residence to the railroad depot. Messrs. G. W. Williams, John W: Holies, E. Lilly, W: H. Spront, John T. Rankin and H. W. Smallbones were appointed as this committee. vt The meeting then adjourned.' . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 303 bales. . There was a scarcity of . fish and oysters in this market to-day. . : Good oak wood; was selling' for $3.80 per cord from the, flats to day, . Eggs were retailing : from tlie . stores at 15 cent per dozen to-day. Milton Noble and his company will play in Raleigh on the night of February-8th next; He seems to have given our crty tho go by for several years. He was always pop ular here and drew large houses. ": Attend the Business ? Men's Meet ing which is to be held at the Ortoh House to niglit. Important matters relating to the business interests of the city will be brought before the meeting, and we hope there "will be a large attendance and a full discuss sion of any scheine which may cou duce to the prosperity of the city. . Joint Meeting. Thererwill be a joint .: meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and the Produce Exchange, at the rooms of the latter to-morrow noon to take -such action in regard to quarantine regulations as may be deemed nec essary. Dr. JV.tJ. Curtis, quarantine physician, and the members of ther Board of Health will be present,and all pprsohs interested in the preser vation of health in are in vited to be present. - ; "7. ' Prdsperlne. The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company, although yt in ' its infancy, is doing much good, es pecially for the laboring -classes a our citizens, and in . its good works we are glad to know that it is pros perihg.t At the "commencement '6 the present year it had about $13,000 on deposit, mostly the - sav-. ings j of our laboring people rho have; wisely laid ,by what they could -spare for a rainy day; ; This sum was the combined savings of about COO depositors-Since tnat,timathe number of depositors has increased to.about 700 and the amount -of de- osits has been increased to . about $20,000." :';;:;J.;;,. -.. N EW A D VEKTI8 EM ENTD . . 1 THAT VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE PRO perty, with Brick Store and Tenement, and Wooden Store next thereto, on northwest cor ner Front and Orange streets. 99 feet on Front street and 63 feet on Orange street. For terms apply to C. STEMMBRMAN Or JOHN D. BEL- IY, Jr., Attorney. jan23lt Shadw y E ARE RECEIVING DAILY FROM OUR Fishery Fine Roe and Buck Shad. - V -' V ; V S. B. NORTHROP CO., Jan 28 it ; southern End of Flsnnouso. v; SPECIAL FEATURES VIadam Nor' Claoc BIoivoeto, 6ER1lIAN.IA jQAIiIi, WILL ; OFFER ' THE FOLLO WTNQ 1 Special Premiums, as this is positively their last week in WI1- - . v- .- mlngton. : ' Tiiursdoy Eveninir, THE MOST POPULAR LADY in the t" ".so . j will be presented with a Handcon: . . i : Shade of Vartetifis-Valucd at t. , ; i Pridciy Evening, THE HOMELIEST GENTLEMAN In the audi ence win be presented with large Turk ish smoking; Pipe Valued at $15. . Thaabove premiums to be decided br acorn. mittee composed of several - ladles and gtmtle men present on the above evenlnca. decided by vote of the audience durlnrthe en tire week, commencing Monday afternoon January 28th, and ending- Saturday night February 2d. Two Exhlbiuons Dally. Alter, noons 2:30 to 5 P-jn. , Evening V3Q to thCOp. m Admission 1 5 Cents .' Every Visitor Receives a Present. ;.; jan 28 tf : 1 i !-; t. , ,', -v Ayer 's Kecaniidr Crennf PEPTONIZED SODA MINTTAIirrS,: FREEMAN'S EXT1UCT niAWATHA. ' : FREEMAN'S FINE FACE POVDZI; Everything usually found in a Flr?t Clasa SStore. " MUNDtf BROTH P. S. Open all, Sunday, 27th - . QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUR own price at au2i4tr review c?nci f ec s tr lis Princess St. Evan3 inqck.

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