I K0I ft 11 II III m m m -mi bM uw Be What -Yon Seem. To play through llf perfect part, I l y unnoticed Htm unknown, To seek no re.t in any heart; -'"Sapve only God's alone: nf z f o cure?' ftll classes ? in In tie things to a.n no will, ut' only faca as xesui 10 nave no share in great," To tintl the labor ready, still i -j. And for" the crown to wait - x ered liver, Tlx: Headache, Dyspepsia Fevers, Costivenessr Bilious I Colic,-FlatiilenceetcBi l- Tipe they arenotwarrantcdin- j - For men JLi iY J-lb-L. iVXXXUXWA-.. 15 ILLUSTRATED. 'Upon the brow to bear no trace :l? I "Of more tharvjpominon Care. - jlu write no secret in me laee. to read it there.! . cross to elasn and bles$r With such familiar zeal. !-'-' As hides from all that not the less ' The daily weight you feel. " is tiip most useful, en In toils that praise will never pay, To see yourJife gr0 past, i To meet in every coming dav Twin sister of the last; f To hear of -high heroic thiujrs, And yield them reverence due, But feel life's duily-.sufferiiigs Are.far more lit for you. .. - -o, t i a 17IVK II AKI'fcK . ' V,-".;,.if.,1 rwrivltfell In y-.ff i i ft i f i- t:n .." - . -, t, I. tlvA nil Wot' 1 II lllt 1(11 ."V 1' I i I M . ' V I 'wn-es rotnodios bv. K-A. k i t.. muir . . ... ...,,..,. mmW ;',? ;.'j,);.nsTi.-i iie Hlr.ntson. Uiusi r.ueil; r ;;,';, Hius." a histoilcnl iilay tty toe antbor of li iMi rurti-., William Dean Ilowmia the To woo no secret, soft disguise 1U seuiuv IS MUllB, Unnoticed by all other-eyes, Unworthy in your own; To yield with such a happy art That no one thinks you care, And say to your poor bleeding v heart; - ' "How little von can bear!" in1 h.Iiroria. i'f!'"."" "v. krvl rl:ar!r H AllPF.nS P K III OD ICx LS , iKR YKAR: , , 1 . 1 II S '.i ( I A Z I N E . . . . 1 M. f'Kli'S Vi KKKLY, AI.'l'KK'S JiAZAK. . i' ' lAirS'KK'S YOU SO PEOPLE..... . p.,-i!.tis- to all sicttstcribefrs iim ft 00 4 00 i 00 .... 2 00 i ;.. v ihT-nfs of the MnErazlne beirin v.lththe kimibers for June and December of each 3'ear. f Vn"u no time Is specMed, subscriptions will lK"m with the 2umDer turns"'- umu ui n-- telpt of order. Hound OlUmes OI uarin;r-inaxiut:, iv i rmve years uacs, m neaicioiu uuimu. ivul ue fcent by mail, poscrpaia, ou rewii. ui or volume. Cloth uase3 ior Dinuiu, w reuw rncn oy man pusb poiu. - Index to Harpers .Magazine. AipnauniKu, :n:dytlal and Classiued, lor vojumcs i xo vu. ultilve, from June, IS.?), to June, ie&, one hoi.. 8o. Cloth, Sim. - - Kemlrtances should be made by posr-oni e Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance or loa?. Vwspapers are, not to eomi nits aawnsanw.n cithoiu the express wOfrof Harper & Brothers. Adares3 HAj.tfJSK hkutiicks. nov ir : 3 . Mew York We desire to say to our citizens, ! that for years we 'have been selling1 Dr.-King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. Dr. Jiiner'sINew Life Fills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and ElectriiVl Bitters, and have never handled j remeaies that sell-as well, or- that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them everv time, and wej- stand ready to refund the purchase price, ; 1 C .1 li i m i i ii siiiisiactory results uo not lonow treir use. Xhese . remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits, llobert K. Bellaluyv wholesale and" rStail druggists. . r . " I ' THE VOTE BY COUNTIES. FflDV CVni1D,estllate3tnE"7el3'As '! tU I O I liU all droggists. Price 25cts.i p-, Ji JIWBM Ft k v - - - f mm a . - f n mm-- m k. i m WW if 111 Atlantic Coflst Llnel Wllmirigto4tW R AND BBAVOHE8. - Counties, f-g , - c- : 1 . ; . 1 ihm Ilarpp.r's'-Bftzar. IIiLTJSTRATET). Hakfkk's Bazab will continue to maintain its reDutatlon as an uneaualled family Journal. I Its art illustrations are of the highest order. Its I iterature Is or the choicest kind, and its Fash ion and Household departments of the most practical and economical character. Its pattern-sheet supplements and fashion plates falone will save its readers ten times the cost Jof the subscription, and its articles ondecora- itive an, social euquene, nouse-Keeping, couk- K'ry, eta, maKeit- maispensaDie to every House hold, its bnirnt snort stones ana timeiy es says are amonc: the best published; and. not a line is admitted, to its columns that could of fend the most fastidious taste. Among the at tractions of the new volume will be serial sto ries by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mrs. Alexander. William Black and Thomas Iiardy, and a series of papers on nursery management Dy Mrs. Christine Ternune iierncK. HARPER'S PERIODICALS PER TEAR: ' HARPER'S BAZAR U 00 HA RPER'S MAGAZINE. 4 00 HA IiPEB'S WEEKLY: 4 00 II A RPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Pontage Free to all subscribers in the. Vniled State, CanaGOi or Mexico. . , -'k The Volumes of the Bazar besrtn with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will "begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. -' " . - - - Beund Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent hv m oil ivwrorro Tl1 rii ir txsmrca frcn rsf expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. ciota cases ior each volume, suitable for binding will be sent-by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. . 1 ;emittances Should be maae by post-omce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. . nrspapers are ttot co copy iius advertisement without she express order of Harper & Brothers Address . HARPER & BROTHERS, nov L New York . 1889.; ; .Harper's Young, Peoole. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY; IIarper's You;;o People begins its tenth volume with the first Number in November. During: the vear It will contain five serial sto ries, including "Dorymates," by Kirk Munroe: "The Ked Mustang," by W. O. Stoddard; and "A Dav in Waxland:' by K. K. SLunkittrlck; "Nels Thurlow's Trial,?' by J. T. Trowbridge; 'The Three Wishes," by F. Anstry and Bran der Matthews; a series of fairy tales written and illustrated by Howard Pyle; "Home Stud ies In Natural History." " Dr. Felix - L. Os wald; ? Little Experiments," by Sophia B. Her-rick- "Glimpses of Child-life from Dickens," by Margaret . Sangster; articles on various sporrsahd pastimes, slortstorle3 by the best writers, and humorous papers and poems, with many Hundreds of illustrations of excel lent quality. Every line In the paper is sub jected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order that nothing harmful may enter its col umns. . . . ; . - - - An epitome of everything that Is "attractive -and desirable In Juvenile . literature-. Boston A weekly feast of good things to the boys and girls In every lamily which It visits. Brooklyn Union, " i It is wonderful In its wealtn ot pictures. In formation and Interest. Christian Advocate A". 1'. ; ;- Terms Postage Trepaid, $2 pr year. Vol. X begtns Xovemiter 1, 13. . ' . . . ' r SpeHmtn .Copy sent on receipt, of txeo-amt stamp. ' ' . . ' - - Single Number, Five Cents each. . Remittances should be made by robW)fflco Moaoy order or Draft, to avoid chance of los. SctceptiDere are not to copy this aa?J?S"; without the express order of Usurper & Brothers. Oh t His a -pathway hard to choose, A struggle hard to share, . For human pride would still refuse ' The" nameless. trials there;" But since" we know the gate is low That leads to heavenly bliss..". What higher gruce couid God be stow Than such a life as this! Adelaide A. JProQtor. - - 1 Look out for counterfeits! See that you getlhe genuine Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup! Do not let. the deal er sell you some Vjust as good," but insist upon getting the genuine with ! the Bull's Head trademark on the wrapper. - . .4. ... Oil of Sassafras. The manufacture of.the oil of sasg safras is becoming an important in dustry in some parts of the country, especially in the Southern States, where this tree is common. Only the roots are used; they are chopped up into small pieces by a machine constructed for the purpose, the oil being then distilled from the chips by the aid of steam. About one gallon of. the oil, weighing nine pounds, is obtained from 1,000 pounds of jthe chips" The uses for which the oil of sassafras can be employed are numerous and varied. It is a favorite perfume for soaps and candies; it.is used as a solvent for different gums, and as a liniment. It is also very largely employed in the manufacture of several popular proprietary medicines. The impor tance of this industry may be ex pected to increase rather than di -mimsh. as the sassafras and.the per situmon are the two trees which are spreading most rapidly "over-the old and abandoned fields throughout the Southern States outside of the pine belt proper; and at present prices good wages can be made dig ging out the roots. Garden and Forest Alamance. Alexander. Alleghany. Anson....... Ashe...... .... Beaufort. '.. Bertie....... Bladen.... . Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus...; Caldwell ... Camden.... . Carte re tr ... Caswell j Catawba... i Chatham... Cherokee. . ! Chowan Clay Cleveland.. Columbus . Craven'. Cumb'rl'nd Currituck.. Dare Davidson . Davie Duplin Durham.... Edg'combe f Forsyth 1 Franklin. .. Gaston...... j Gates... ! Graham,... Granville.. Greene:..;. Guilford. . . Halifax Harnett... . Hay wood . Henderson Hertford... Hyde Iredell Jackson.... Johnston. . Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell . Macon....... Madison.. . Martin Meckl'nb'g Mitchell.... Monte'm'y Moore....... Nash......... , A NARROW ESCAPE. Co!. W. K. Nelson,! of Brooklyn, came home one evening feeling a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be fore retiring he tried to draw a long breath but found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him up. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and ho is weli to day. Munds Bros N. Hanov'r druggists Address noyi5 . HARPER BROTHERS. - .. New York A Plscon rasped Lawyer. There was an assault and battery case before "a county justice not many miles from Detroit, the .other day, and the plaintiff came to the city and engaged an attorney of his acquaintance to represent 1pm. The lawyer told him he had a straight case and couldn't help but win it, and on the day of the -suit he got a ; norse and buggy and drove Three or four miles, from his obiec tive point he was stopped by a farmer who asked: 4,Be you that Detroit lawyer?'' "Yes." ; " "Well, let me give you a hint. The defendant is Jack , and he's rath er a bad man. When von come to sum up be a leetle careful what vou say." .; "" " j The lawyer had gone another mile when he was accosted by a man who sat by the roadside waiting' for him: ; "Be vou that Detroit lawyer?" "Yes.M . : 'Well, be a leetle careful what you say about Jack in court Jack has a bad wav of gettin even with folks." ; A mile from the town he met two men, one of whom asked. "Be vou that Detroit lawyer?" -.Yes.' . . "Goin1 to appear asrin Jack 'spose?" 'Yes." . "Then be alTout him. b"ar." He drove on to the-office of the justice, and a Constable welcomed him and said: "I spose you'll pitch into Jack - more or less.; I'll lend you a revolver ! and you'd better hire a man to take ! -A. 1 A a --. . . mai rig oacK to .Detroit and you go home on the cars. Don't give me away and don't nesrlect my5 advice." When the justice came in he crave the attorney a cordial greeting and! added: ; "I "After the trial is over you'd bet" I ter stay.right here in the office until j a constable can smuggle you into the woods. 1 don't want nothing to : happen to you." I When the case opened; the De troit lawyer surprised the crowd by advising his ciient. to leave every-1 thing to his honor, . and his honor discharged the prisoner with the remark: " . ' - ' "Seems like a j;ase of. -temporary insanity, and the. cost will be divid ed." Detroit Dree JPress. . North'pt'n Onslow Orange Pamlico.... Pasquot'k. Pender Perq'im'ns Person Pitt..-.;..1... . Polk Randolph.. Richmond. Robeson.... Rock'gh'm Rowan Ruth' rford Sampson. . Stanley Stokes Surry Swain...... . Trans' l'nia Tyrrell Union...... . Vance Wake Warren out. j Washi'gt'n Watauga... Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey i COND ENSED SCHEDULE. , TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Totals. 1C22 124S - 17411 11517 943 51 . 952 . 552 595 . 403 0871 405 189G 1034 3241 ,975 950 1251' 1399 14S2 -2016 "1G81 2092; 1799 1014 1823! 131G 1097 142G 1511 j 1541 13G5 921 913 1010 9G5 2685 1941 3041 2810 1278 - 995 1247 1165 1903 953 1G45 915 1251 420 1253 717 699 564 f 598 C02 1171 597 1023 677 1550 1603 ,1358 1697 2303 650 2360 756 2481 1671 2546 2099 505 594 643 888 704 811 742 791 368 205 . 391 286 2030 612 "2269 764 !: 1867 948 2072 910 I 1338 -2525 1403 2637 , 2479 2159 2577 2232 978 . 413 978 438 244 286 326 " 303 ! 1954 2072 2018 2335 1067 1107 1008 1204 2239 1174 2205 1154 1576 1196 1815 1617 1610 3143 1322 2509 2101 1877 2259 , 2584' 2130 1987 2204 2041 ! 1335 934 1584 1236 1183 704 1131 800 268 137 271 182 c 2199 .. 2047 1 2406 2609 1046 1094 1008 1072 2491 2208 2470 T 2080 2264 3786 2495 M 2897 1254 , 727 1444 1877 951 640 132G 974 782 977 917 1291 1129 1305 1132 ; 1202 867 C74 834 ! 758 2679 1708 2724 1897 ! 713 345r 903 569 2801 1826 3021 2099 i 746 755 : 684 620 S 1620 1399 1587 1436 1172 753 1209 901 ! 951 638i 1019 , 858 708 - 493 - 780 742 1087 1383 1178 1893 1576 1234 1674 i 1287 3725 3048 4163 32S4 635 1148 698 1564 901 , 926 c ,979 - 1215 1797 1426 i944.tr 1846 1837 1528 21571699 1751 2879 1880 2856 1733 2351 1659 1990 1284 472 1181 .425 1670 1051 1610 -1288 748 605 740 619 898 1239 , 832 1217 1215 1240 721 757 777 979 779 982 1490 1082 1375 1293 243G ' 2285 "2593 23281 ' 446 481 ,-: - 2044 1828 2171 2327 1958 1675' 1711 1684 2361 1992 2823 1988 2443 1577 2395 2101 2636 1372 27391 1266 1517 1232 1690 1663 2525 1536 2370!- 1616 1100' 614 5 996- 817 1329 1027 1450, 1333 1371 1433 1671 ! 1575 -494 v . 155 , .505 410 459 323 : 520; 553 488 335 - 472; ! 367 1838 620 2040i 997 1155 1612 1382; 1936 j 4772 4278 4618 4943 i 1146 2142F . 545! I- 875 648 1072 807 1014 i - 759 624i 898. 965 2796 2500' 2781 2561 1301 1939 1706 2252 2135 1493 2159 1521 952 1213 -1071 1419 740 626 940 -989 143310 124245 147925 133475 'TER-UlB'LIS FORK WARNINGS. Cough in the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising of phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at -night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption.-" Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption will cure tjiese fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. j 1 keerful what you He's alius loaded say for Belva Ann Lockwood sent a con gratulatory telegram to President elect Harrison. ;-r.? Advice to Mothers. . , , Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relievesthe lit tle sufferer at once; it produces, nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoaa, whether arising from teething or othri 'causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. I July 6 deod&wly ! ; ONWARD. IS 1 E WORD piIE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ENTE ts THIRD VOLUME at the followinz i ' . 1 subscriber, 1 year flTv ft subscribers. 1 year.;........... : 0. 1 . 10 subscribers. 1 year , .law One copy, lyear, free io the . one . sendlrg club of ten. : ; Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly. Send cas (charges prepaid) to - - r :l. L. POLK. ebl " . . " Raleigh N - Bronchitis, pient Con and relieves Consump tive Persons.- cents.'' Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup,Inci-snmption, 9 vt? LANGE'S CUBED CtQARETTES for Ca Dated Jan. 7. 1889. ""l rm a - Leave Weldon .... ... Atrtve locky Mount A rrive Tarboro Leave TarUoro SMOKE rrtr tanti. Price 10 cts. fit. all druggists oct i n ' ' - . " - WHOLESALE PRICESf . The following quotations represent whole sale prices generally.. : In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. . '. -T 8 U 8 10 1 40 0 00 1 65 20 G 00 0 00 30 00 bbl. 7 50 9 00 4 75 7 80 6 00 00 5 50 00 50 00 50 8 5 10 BAGGING i Gunhy. -'i. Standard -v. . .-. ..... BACON North Carolina. Hams.... .......... Shoulders lb....;...,..... Sjdes, lb...; WESTERN SMOKED ' Hams, lb...: 'Sides, y m..... Shoulders, fb DRY SALTED Sides, 15.. Shoulders, ? lb -. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each... . New, New York, each. . New, city, each BEESWAX, 38 lb BRICKS, Wilmington, M. . . . Northern...; BUTTER, lb North Carolina . . . . Northern CANDLES, Sperm Adamantine ; CHEESE, 3a lb Northern Factory. .... Dairy, Cream V State COFFEE, 33 lb- Java....., Laguyra.... Rio CORN MEAL, bush in sacks. . Virginia Meal .......-.... COTTON TIES, 3? bundle. ;.: DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $ yard Yarns, J bimch EGGS, 38 doz Mackerel, No. 1, 39 bbl. Mackerel, No. 1, 53 half Mackerel. No. 2. bbl. . . Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... Mackerel, No. 3, 33 bbl...... Mullets, 33 bbl..... N. C. Roe Herring, 39 keg... Dry Cod, 3? lb... FLOUR, 33 bbl Western, low grade.. .Extra... . Family r City Mills Super. " Family GLUE, 33 lb ; GRAIN, 3? busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. ; Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store : ' ; . .v. ; . oats, kust itooi ! Cow Peas...... .. HIDES, 3? R n: . Green ; Dry ......... ..... HAY, 33 100 lbs Eastern . Western - North River ,... HOOP IRON; 39 a. ... LARD, 33 lb ? ... ; -j : , r. ; Northern;!.; ... . ... . North Carolina.. LIME, 33 barrel -.UMB-EK, city &awea, so. jt I . Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Carglcs, accord- . Ing to quality. .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, comH.14 00 molasses, gauon New Crop, in hhds " " In bbls .'.;-. Porto Rico, In hhds. . . . . . . ' - " 5 In bbls..;.. ... Sugar House, in hhds. . . .. " in bbls..;... Syrup, in bDla. . .. . NAILS, 33 Keg,Jut, lOd basin OILS, 33 gallon. Kerosene ; I Lard .;..,. . .;;.... Linseed Rosin Tar. Deck and Spar .. ..... POULTRY Chickens, live rown " Spring .... Turkeys PEANUTS, 33 bushel, 22 K. . . . POTATOES, 33 bushel Sweet Irish. 33 bbl... , PORK, 33 barrel City Mess...... Prime.. Rump.. ...'....-. ....... .'. . . RICE Carolina, 33 B; . j .... . . Rough. 3? bush, (Upland)... " " (Lowland). RAGS, 33 tt Country . . . .. City. iV;.. . .. .. -...-...V.i'; ROPE, 3? nT. ...i.is... SALT; 33 saclc. Alum ........... Liverpool... Lisbon........... American..... SO P, 3? ft Northern. SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. . standardA... White 1S.G Extra C; Golden. ... ............ C5 Yellow...; .-. ;-s-... . . .... SHINGLES, 7 in. 3? it. . Common..;..;. Cypress Saps..; . cypress Hearts. ., STAVES, 39 M W. O. Barrel R. O. Hogshead TALLOW. 33 lb TJMBER, 33 M feet Shipping Fine Mill......;.. - Mill Prime.... Mill Fair. ..... Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary. ........ WHISKEY, 3? gal Northern... North Carolina. WOOL, 33 n Washed.. i Unwashep ....".......;.'. Burry...... 13 10 1 8M 15 . 8 11 15 10j 1 9 6 1 50 1 75 1 70 22 8 00 14 00 15 25 25 30 18 5$ 25 9 10 11 12 13 14" 9 10 27 2S 23 24 20 (s 22 00 67K 00 67tf 1 25. 1 30 0 634 00 m 18 20 y 12 50 8 00 11 00 6 00 9 00 7 00 4 00 10 00 TJ0 66 00 42tf 00 s 80 i 05 85 - 90 & 2Ji 00 50 00 10 00 10 65 62 67 65 45 I 52 90 5 13 10 95 00 1 40 8 (A 0 00 20 00 16 00 100 22 00 15 00 25 28 00 16 23 2 40 . 9 ; 16 .. 90 . 15 . 00 ; 00 . 20 .10 .,. t)5 . GO 35 ...... 2 25 ......17 50 ......15 00 00 4 60 80 00 1 (it 60 2 75 18 00 (&16 00 15 00 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 16 20 22 - 35 0 0 90 80 00 V4 ' - - 1 22 75 70 00 70 6 5 5X 00 - 0 00 8 00 0 00 5 12 00 i....n 25 7 50 1 UK? 70 : 65 ' 00 4 00 , 5M m' w 0 o 0 00 7 00 : 2 50 50 5 00 7 50 v 14 00 10 00- 6 14 00 l3O0 8J50 ; 0 00 0 00 4 00 2 00 3 2 50 130 25 15 00 00 50 00 00 28 15 10 7 lnt-e aa.i Ttty r.-'.- bo k-p tsui la jirc totiiuse who uy I It to t1'-'' Ut ik' ! GGI.il tvit j alut UiC EtUlDk. Ill fcUV 1 -; am, tfltr ocr imt.l. 1..., r-:4 not . f .( Si;-1 Ce4 itir u re ropertJ rue bku shovrtac Kti it .iit; ta trade froca - . . .. k t.r.wrt )9 in ..r. It-" U..t Our Mfi:tU IC MflOfa wl.er they cua le teu, il cescKJ ttrRa t cue,.! niskare ol tu duaw. Red; ii -u Is. lr lsril. oy troubl or you to tiiow tboaDiiJ e3 ta time vr'.a n.y cil t Tur horn Md tout rew&rd w lit he -.ut K;!(wr(ry. A twl can! wlJich to write ud ctats l Jit I cent . t:U: jroo k uuvr U,M jw to oot ear U go fnriier, wl ii k.nu U Jnaa. Bt if yon i en4 your mAdrma &t once,- yon ciu FHct " liect eoi& goj.-t wtcb tii tt wori4 ur Imrgo lln COSTLY S.JWk-ai. t H espr. frelftt, mjLXrtHM aUX SXiftbON CO., Sox kU, tVliILiAl. AUU0 sept 28 it ' Arrive Wilson; P. M.i 12 4QJ ..182: P.. M.I A. M. 5 43, 6 00 ...... 7 10 A. M.I 10 20i...... Leave Wilson. . . ; . . Arrive Selma ... Arrive FayettevljlG. Ieave Goldsboro..... Leave Warsaw. Leave Magnolia. . . . Arrive - Wilmington. P. M 3 35i 6 00; M. r 00! A. M 7 4:j 1. 3 15 7 40 4 10 A. M 8 Of 33j 4 2ai 8 40j : 9 49 2 '. G CO! 9 55' 11 30, 3 P. M. 10 45 11 58 A. M. 12 31 A. M. 1 20 2 15 35 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington . Leave Magnolia. ... Leave Warsaw. Arrive Goldsboro. . . Leave Fayetteville. Arrive Selma , Arrive Wilson. ...... Leave Wilson....... Arrive Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. Arrive Weldon..:. fcfi; 5 P. M. A. M. P. M. P.M. 11 50 9 00 4 00 9 15 A. M. r 1 15 10 35 5 40 11 14 10 50 5 55 11 28 2 15 11 50 6 55 ...... ...... t 8 40 ...... 1100 ...... 1210 ...... A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. 2 57 12 38 7 52 1 40 1 17 8 29 2 16 3 55 ...... 4 AM 10 20 ...... P. M. P. M. 4 30 2 40 9 40 3 40 Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M. dally except Sunday. 1 Train leaves Tarboro, N. Cr via Albermarle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, 5.05 P. M., Sunday 3.17 P. M., arrive WUllamston, N. C, 7.20 P. M., 4.55 P. 3L Returning leaves- WU llamston. N. Cv daily except' Sunday, 7.10 A. M Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.15 A. M., 11.30 A. M. . Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. N. C. dally except Sunday. 8.00 A. M.. arrive Smithneld, N. C 9.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthfleld, N. O., ia35 A. XL. arrive Goldsboro. N. C. 11.45 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville.. &00 P. M.. arrives at Nashville &40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. iteturmng leaves spring nope iaoo a. si. Nashville ia35 A. M.. arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A.M., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.00 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40. 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is NoSL Northbound Is No. 50. Dally except aunuay.- - Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, ooiasDoro ana jviagnona. - Train No. 78 makesclose connection at Wei don for all points ' North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line..: ! No. 501, Vestibule Train, Southbound, Mon day. Wednesday. Friday. Leave Weldon 9.50 P. M., arrive Wilmington &uu A. M. i No. 500, Vestibule Train, Northbound; Tues day, Thursday. Saturday. Leaves Wilmington L08 A. M., arrive Weldon Trains make close connection for all points iN.orxn via Jticnmona ana wasnington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and wasningron, ana nave rtuiman raiace seep' ers attached. - - -JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'I Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'i Passenger Agent. Jan 7 " - . - - . - : .. Atlantic Coast Lice. Wilmingtoii, vCoinmh a CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH DatedJari.21,1889 . Q o o . o 1 Vi K A p. m. p."m7 p." m. 1Tm7 Leave Wilmington. . 25 10 10 4 10 Leave Marion 9 44 12 40 ' 3 00 6 46 Arrive Florence.. ... 10 30 1 25 4 10 7 30 j A. M. P, M. ! NO.50 N0.58 I A. M. P. M. Leave Florence..... 3 20 t 6 00 Arrive .Sumter...... 4 40 ....;. 7 21 ...... No. 52 .:;! A. M. Leave Sumter. 4 40 t 9 20 1 7 21 ...... Arrive Columbia.... 6 15 10 22 9 00 ..;... - . ' ; .j A. M.I . i . Carolina OeutralPiiii . r.;;.' Company. - , CHANGE SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. - .--,: ; Leaving Lanes 8:22 A. M.. Manning 8:53 A.'M Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. - No. 501, Vestibule Train, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Wilmington 2:10 A. M., arrive Florence 5iA.M. . - . TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter...... Leave Sumter..... Arrive Florence... Leave Florence. Leave Marlon....... Arrive Wilmington. a' P. M. 10 35 11 58 11 58 1 15 A. JI. N0-.78 A. M. 4 35 ,523 - 8 35 A. M 5? A, t; s- o P. M 58 6 37 10 40; A. M. A. M. 110 45 11 30 NO. 14 P.'M. 8 10 8 47 d P M 30 5 16 -8 40 P.'MJP. .M Dally. t Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C?.. via Central R. 1L, arriving4 Mannmg 7rtJ7 V, M Liines 7:12 P. M., Charleston 9:10 P. JUL. - No. 59 connects at Florence with V. and D train from cheraw and Wadesboro. , Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. K. 1L for all points North - - - " -- ' - ' Nos 500. Vestibule Train, Tuesday, Thursday .and Saturday. - - ;..- ljave Florence 9:55 P. M., arrive Wilmington 15 A. M. ' ' - - -v.. - - - - - : Train on Manchester Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday, 9-JjO A. M., arrive lield 10:18, Pinewood lldJU. Returning leave Pinewood J2.-01 P. M., Reid 10, arrive Sumter 1:30 P. M. joiin f. divine; - General Superintendent. J. It. K ENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. Jan 8 ' ' -, Z 1 . No. 4L NoffS. 1 No. 5. "Dec 3; ,1,883. ' dauyex. daily ex. dally ex. -5 ... y vcv Sunday; Sunday. Sunday. . ..j-y .'i mmw mmm mm mm I mm. Leave Wilmington s 19pm 7 00pm ; ; v- r i Leave Hamlet. J K 40 pm 2 00 am . r Leave Wadesboro. 17 35 pmi 3 C7 am . . c Arrive Charlotte.. 9 35 pm 6 53 am ' LeavHuiarlotte... -. 4 15pm Leave Lincolnton. 5 51 pm Leave Shelby..;... - . - 6 67 1 - ' ArrlveRUtherrdVn V- ;, - j , j g 20pm. : ; eastbotjnD trains; T: .'. . NoTsa NoTril No7"6." ; . Dec. S ISSS. daily ex. dally ex dally ex-, Sunday. Sunday Sunday Leave RuthcrTdfn - - - 8 00am Leave Shelby.. ... . - - 22amt . Leave Lincolnton. - 10 ;M am . Arrive Charlotte.. . ' 13.05pm Leave charlotte... 6 (0 am 7 45 pra ; a 5 Ieave Wadesboro . 8 08 am 1 1 15 pm .: - I;ave Hamlet....; 9 13am 145 am ; Arrive Wllmlngt'nl 1 40 pm 8 30 am' - . Trains No; 41 and 38 make close connection - between Charlotte and points North via RaW- Trams No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. L. C. jones, superintendent. . , F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. deel -.. , . - - - - TIME TABIiB NO. JJ.ti; ; - - . Palmetto Railroad "COi QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC- to, 1887i ' Trains will run as "follows, dally except Sun-' , day.; - f-"7fui..V i: - UOINa iSQJJTU, e,fw7 lyi: t i-,': . No l Vassenger and Freight. ;. U Leave Hamlet, N. C... ...... ."U-.r:.-. 8.20 A. M, , Arrive at cheraw, S. c. ........ .,.9 A. M. . - . - UOINU XtiOKTU. . . ... , . ; . .-, No. 2 Passenger and Freight: f i ;-. Leav Cheraw, S. C ..... .......... . .425 P. M t Arrive at Hamlet, N. C .............. JWJ5P..M. , - declCtf WM.MONCURE. Supt. .- U n i versi ty of NortK Carol inaj Chapol Hill, N. C. rpnE NEXT SESSION BE JINS AUGUST 80. t Tuitl6n reduced to $30 ahaif year. iPoor Stti-' dents may give notes.: Faculty; of Fifteen Teachers. ; Tirree full courses of study leading to degrees. Three short courses for the train- ; ing of business men, teachers, physicians and pharmacists. i, - -. :-v 'v;i f Law School fully equipped., . ..; ,s - j , Write for. Catalogue to " . -- . -jfoNiKKMPK BATTLE: j;.v K jy 7 tf, - - -i President, a CARRIAGEREPOSITORY: REPAIR SHOP. 1 JpARTIES INLWANT OF-ANY KIND : v vehicle or want any Repairing done" to their ! , , . ....... :. old vehicles, will fl to their interest,- 7 Cailn C. B. SOUTHERLAND &CO. -"' ' 'K Corner Second and Princess Stree Send your horses to DQ-Shod, ,We havTr;, ; ; arst-class Shoer. . .. : . ,,nca:i r ; ? FT-S1 V 4 . S8& 8M fM WUk.ri1 SAM fr hni iMijr. II I 1 1 Bac $8 ntcfe hi a wmm. 1 1 1 li I - '- - w.l.llli m wmmwvw ummHmmti .pi.. - rf- - i.- n- ' V) Ome FertM h cm ' - Mltijr tmm monm tt together witk Mr Urg w4nU wbl cf QMMkl PMWH. TMM MVP'C, mm .11 ... tk. ' wrfc- MI ins ta yomr bom fat 9 ttoaths mad rnvmrn thM t tkoM no nave ckuea.iDer oocmmwjvm ww pnv rbo write st omco en ho rar f frtf U M tlnaonas Own, Bk 81SVrrU 2LM. dec 10 6m dew . .- ' -; . ;,vi889;vrr'iri; - f --" ..... - -. v : . . " y -- Harper's WeeMy . ILLUSTRATED. V Hakpkbb' WKEKiY has a weU-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for it the . respect and confidence of all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, which include serial end short stories by the best and most popular writers, nt it for the perusal of people of the wisest range of tastes and pursuits. suppicracst3 are frequently provided, and no expense la spared to brffig th highest order Of artlstlo ability to bear upon the Illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A new work ot fiction from the pen of William Dean Howells. and one by Charles Kin?, will be among the leading features of the V eekly forl889. . . . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PKR YKAlt: - ; ' s " - t'' - -; - : . . . HARPER'S WEEKLY. 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE...,. 4 00 ......... i .. ....... . , ! ' ; . HARPER'S BAZAR. ........ . . . . . ..... 4t0 . HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... 2 CO - - Postage Free to all svbscrSbers in the United ' States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin, with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Ts mentioned, subscriptions will bcsrln with the Number curremvat time of receipt or order, 5 - .-- ;' ." Bound Volumes of Haroers-Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, frre of expense (provided the freight does not ex-, ceed one dollar per volume), for l 00 per voL Cloth, Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt or ?i ou eacu. . , Remittances should be made by Post-OtT.ee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance cf loss. Newspapers are not to cotflt this advert lrnen without the express order ofU&rper& Rrot lrsJ , Auuresa ii ah run a uuoi iix.v.n9 noYl& . vewxcxi: ,1 if

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