I.. THIS PAPER . published jETery evening, Sundays excepted, Dr josIL T. JtLMESEdltcr and Prep. v '5lrC'SCRlPT102TS, POSTAGE PAID; i Hi'- yar' f4.0( six.naont ha" iUL . -Three meatus. $1.00. 5ne month, 03 cents. : rue paper wUlbc delivered by carriers, Irco or c nargc, la any Prt or tie city, at the above rates, or 10 cents per week; . . ' , Advertising rates low and. literal. - -V; : isr subscribers will please report any and ill taiiurcs to receive their paper regularly. , I ; frcm cur m;-i3 cn ciy rr.l cIU.r::: general lztcrcct.tt ' The name ctthe writfr mx.rt .auray-i ro r 1 1 Dished to tnd Editor. - Communication niust be written criy c one side ot tie parcr. Personalities must ixs avciicd. " 'And it is especially and particularly cr : : stood that the Editor floes not always cni: : r therytews or correspondents 'cnless so tti:, t In the editorial eolnmns. - VOL XIII. vyiLMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1889. NO 29, ; ' "IIThT:"l"i 1 - V "" WjIj I' fl i1' V v'; .- r. -- FT? ?w i i Calmer i Ci CLAWS r.LiV C'i (:". . i, is. rut ff tlif f Vi fftul lltf A'rttt " ('. ;:::: I rs'- lilJiittfcIuic ! . kio at once rtiauii.. imda in all nm, OT I niacin r nr luarhin f.ndrooI where the lopl can f v them. w will eend free to one fpenou in eco iocuiy,ine Trry best aeirinr-machixi made i 1 l the world, with all the attachment. , We wUlalaoeenaireeaeompieie i Hine of oar coetlv and rateable art ! (Mmplea. Io retur-we ask that y f taOTf wni we eenn, iu mtwrc ByiUWT0WThoro,andafter3 i month all hal become your own Ppropertr. Thi rraml machine u , rmail after the u ncrr patent. run oatitaokl (or $:. with the t.u.k h... mn nntt betore patrnt attachments, and now iot S50. Best, tronget, most n- macmno in tne wonu. . No capital required, riam. Ct instruction, gtren. Tho who write to nt at nee can je. let mwTucu b Mwinc-tnachin. in the world, and the linVrf WVrka of hrn rt erer ahown together In SaJ A CO., liox Aasasto. Maine. tlc- mr.m rUrw . A True To;iic. -. li u you don'tfeei well and hardly know win! ;til-i.vou, give B. B. B.. (Botanic Blood : trlaL It Is a nne tonic. . . i . n. t allahan, Charlotte, X C, wiUt?: '-B-p.. r.. is ;i tiuf tonic, and has done rne jrreat !.. w. Tlioiapson, Damaseus;Ga., writes: "1 iN'H'-ve B. B. Bis the best blood purifier made. it lias greatly improved my general health." An old gentleman writes: -B. B. B. gives me ii.-v life and new strength. Ir there is any ihinthat wtll make an old man young;-itls i:. B. B." ' " - . :v P. A. shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10th, writes: 1 depead on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. I have - had it. in iay family now nearly two years, and in all t liar time have not had to have a doctor." Thos. Paulk, Alapaha, Ga., writes: "I suf fered terribly Irom dyspepsls. The use of B. li. p.. has made me feel like a new man. I would not take a thousand dollais for the good it has done me." j - W. M. Cheshirei Atlanta, Ga., writes: had a long spell of typhoid fever. Avhlch at last seeated to settle in my right leg, which swell ed up enormously. An ulcer also appeared which discharged a cupful of matter a day. I t hen gave B. B. B. a trial and it cured me." janlOlmd&w - tJSTATa.PV'S " WE ARE NOW PliE- parea to accommodate all who may call upon us with the Fin est Oysters to be had on the Coast. We have made special preparations for the Season. Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters always on hand. Served promptly and in any style desired. w. U. STOKLEY, . oct 10 tf Wrights-vine. Ai r m Agents in every Town tftfUllloU and County to sc'l our Goods. Send us oke dollar, and we will send you sample that sells for three dollars, and start you in a business that will pay you from $100 to $300 per month. Address - THE RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO.. janlsiw , Richmond, Va. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., PRINCESS, BETWEEN FRONT AND SEtJ ond-streets. ' JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President. w. p. TOOMfcK. cashier. . Lends money on satisfactory security. Pays interest on deposits. ' Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. Jan 8 tf . - . brugs and ;.imicalp, H'tilLET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc ' Also Prescriptions tilled day or night at ... F. C MILLER'S, Drug store. jan4 ' Corner Fourth and Nun Sts., The National JUife AND- Maturity Association OF WAimiNGTON. D. C Assets.. LtablUtlc Paid to members ..........$311,072.19 -.v..1 None. - $120,012 SI -i HORATIO BROWNING, . President, GEORGE D." ELI) Ul DO E, - Secretary. Manager and Actuarj". life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed loHcy. An incontestlble Policy. : : N AHturity Value m Casn at fDict Age Annual cost Absolutely UmHed, only Four Payments per. Year , Non Forfeitable After Thee Years , P. S. RIDDELLE. M. D. w, n. GlBS0N, sPeciaiSnr r- ,r t.v A1?1??0'-215, b street,-N.W. ;.. JOHN HAAK, JR.. Local Agent, t - octsc - : ? Wiimlncrton N.C. . r nnnn HkHH 1 J.LLJJJ LOCAL ISTIB ws. "11 INOKX TO NKW ADVKRTISBMBXTS " Ji M .McIktiue- Matt ln? , Mtnis BKO-vi'harmacisrs . Opkua Housk Frank Mayo I Jack et Stoix e A True Stroy , llKivsBKRnKii -Diaries for 18'8 ' M M KATZ-Groat Inducemeni? - II Ckon'Eshkkg i'horapber. ' " -IIowel. &CUM.iix Mattresjjas .: ";--Jas JAl4JXDa, Agir Prescriptions '.- ' .1 J IlKDRioK Spet'ial Inducements V. C M i ij.kk Drujfs and Chemicals Char P i:rowx, Agr Must be sold - W'E spein'gkk .t t o For the Holidays Geo li Fr.KNCH & Sons Well to IJemombor ' ; G'kbmama IIai.l Madam Noras' Glass lllofr or Workers ":' Day's length 10 hours and 28 min utes. " Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 28 ! minutes past 5 o'clock. The February fiill moon falls due on the 15th, in the afternoon. H eating Stoves are offered at re jtlllCed OHChs lV the N j . Jacobi Ildw. lyO. AU jkinds of School Hooks and School Supplies can be bousr1" cheapest at Heiiish-ryer' " t The Register of Deeds" has issued but one marriage license this week and that was for a colored couple.. " We gain this month 50 minutes of daylight. To-day the sun sets at 5:27 ami on the 28th it will set at 5:52. Keep vour blood pure and you will not have rheumatism. Hood's Sar- saparilla purifiesthe blood and tones ! the whole system. The choir of the Brooklyn Baptist Church will furnish the music for the meeting at the Seamen's Bethel to night. - Sash, Doors, Glass and Builders' Hardware. You will save money and buy the best g jods from the N. Jt?cobi Hardware Co. The "Boy Clipper' Plow is best suited for our soil, so say all farmers who have tri"d them. For sale by the N, Jacobi Hdw. Co.. t Hoes, Traces, Hamesand Farming Implements of all kinds are1 sold at 'iock boltom" xirices by the N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co. . t If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He lias a large assortment of Mouldings to select from. - " - t There is economy in using an Oil Stove for heating small rooms and offices. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hardware Co. t The usual Saturday night, busi ness and working men's prayer and experience meeting will be held at he Seaman's Bethel to night at 7.30 o'clock, j Rev. W. M. Kennedy will preach at Seamen'sBethel to-morrow morn ing at-11 a. in. The public generally and seamen in particular all invited to attend. There is a lowland freshet in the Cape Fear now. There is but about 12 feet of water at Fayetteville but the lower part of the river is out of its banks. There was but one interment this week in Oakdale, an adult, two in Bellevue, an adult and a ohild, and three in Pine Forest, two children and one adult. Itoek Crystal Speetaejei and KyeglaRses Alvice to old 'and voung: In se leeting spctacle you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying -xnocr than has been-lost to the eve as in the same proportion th'at you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daUy cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. The American SabGath Union i t H - , ,, The Senate committee on Educa tion and Labor recently gave to the j fneqds ancT the opponents of the Babbath a hearing on the ''Sunday j Rest Bill" now pending in the Sen jate of the United States. The op- pohents of the bill were from the ; Seventh Day Baptists, the Seventh j Day Adventists the PersonalLiberty i League Party,or infidel element. This historic and valuable eollec ! tion of arguments, which, pres.en.ted j both 'side's of this all important sub Meci forms a valuable Wdition to Sabbath literature household. : Copies of it caii be had free of chafge by writing promptly to either Sena ' tor from this' State, asking for "the hearing on the lunday Rest Bill' before Senator Blair's committee in TiAAnUs 1 co" t ' v : i'ecember, 1SSS.T ; Dnncan K. Mcltae. i meeting of the liar, winch was fully attended by its members friends. Who of us can ever forget f and many leading citizens, was heldrhis unceasing flow of humor, his ! tiiis dav at the Court House' for the i brilliant sallies of wit and above all j I - . v ; . L -4.-te? - that gentle and - loving courtesy f purpose of takingappropriateaction ; which followed his presence as ai upon rne ueaiu oi one oi iu, 1... i 1 r;ir ivrRoo lilt: 1 ( L t rj 1 tun jy iiuwuu. a.. -viv - : On motion lion. Geo. Dav chair, and Mr. : requested to. act SI r. Eu irene the committee,, presented he fot-s; i lowing resolutions: cates. and one of the most earnest. zealous and faithful defenders of the rights of his clients that have 'ever appeared in the Courts of! North Carolina. Fearless, vigilant, learn ed in the law and gifted with) extra ordinary oratorical powers, he was always a welcome associate and al ways a formidable adversary, and the remembrance of his moving elo quence, his Solid reasoning, his sparkling wit and genialhumor will ever remain with those who survive him. ' S Resolved, That this testimonial toj the professional worth of the ue ceased be, with his Honor's permis sion, spread upon the minutes of this court, and that a. copy thereof be sent to Mrs. McRae with ah ex pression of the sincere and profound sympathy of this Bar with her inthe affliction with which she has been visited. ! The meeting was then addressed at length by Hon. Chas.M.Stediiian, Hon. D.'L. Russell, Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr., Col. Thos. W. Strange and finally bythe Chairman, Hon, Geo. Davis, all of whom spoke affec tionately and feelingly of the de ceased and in terms of the highest praise of his great talents and per sonal qualities. L j The resolutions were then adopted unanimously by a rising vote.) ; Maj, Stedman was the principal speaker at the meeting and liis re marks were as follows: Brethren of the Bar: 1 was closely connected with Col. Duncan K. McRae by the ties of an intimate friendship, enjoying this great priv ilege to an extent, xjerhaps. accorded to no one else so much youngerthan himself, excepting his partner, Mr. Strange. I knew him well. In every sphere of life into which he was thrown he was conspicuously (great. As an orator his ranked with the foremost names of our State, and in political debate there was no man in all North Carolina who cared to meet him. He was a superb belle lettre scholar and, every literary production which came from his pen was of exquisite and classical ifinish. At an "early age he leaped to the front rank of our profession, contest ing successfully with the greatest legal lights the State has ever known; for during the years of his young manhood was our. Augustan age when intellect ranked far above the vulgar acquisition of money. When scarcely thirty years old, in the case of the State vs. Ann K. Simpson, he delivered a speech mar velous for its eloquence and logic and which established for hirua last ing reputation extending far beyond t he-limits of our State. . His mind was anylitical and of the highest order, drawing the. closest and finesWiistinotions. It was per haps his. chief fault as a lawyer that in this respect he sometimes over reached the mark which would be recognized by the average intellect. So brilliant were his efforts; upon pvprv sirpnfl. fhnt, ' t.hf trrrirtnnsi opinion largely prevailed that they were the offspring and" inspiration of genius alone and that he was lacking in application. . It is true that his striking talents approached closely that' high pin nacle where Gehiu$ sU's 'enthroned, but it is, also true that lie.aided and strengthened them by a research and industry whjch, exeited. the wonder and admiration of all of us who becajaie associated with him in the preparation of his oases for trial. , As a soldier his name stands pre eminent among the heroes who have illustrated the valor of our South ern land. At Williamsburg, at the head of the Fifth North Cajrolina Regiment, he immortalized himself and. State. A' writer for the London 1'imes and a soldier of no jiueatt distinction himself, who was'present at Hiat Woody ctnip'at as a staff officer tq'McClellan, names s the most illustrious : feats of .wins, in mod.ern wa.rfitre, t& charge of-the QUI Quart! at Waterloo; the charge of the Light Brigade at Baluklava and the charge of MacRae's North Carolina Regiment at WilUlltnuibUrg. His courage, hoth physical - and moral, was dauntless ami had lie I lived ia the days of the crusaders, chivalrous orrler vronld haveiduhM j f ha hr ri ir 1 1 ta tro ! r ' arr '- f-1 ;-. him reverencer Ahdyet, with all his ! of M. Bellamy Esq. oluirStv - interest, so as L had only $52.CK) to ,Pend is was called to thei kindness to, those in distress; deu-i v , - V ! auietiuaey. . were &o DuBrntz Cutlar was ;:ance of the tyranny: of power; an i"":1 oum I10 Ren wairea on, so-i went hoine, intending -to save mj wuuruii vuiii , j:y- i.l -4... :i:v. i UlOneV to see what I could do with tliAin rPh noTt 1 : as secretary. t nfUo1. i1AHfiti 1 and wan met at the door with all politeness and carried -.throuirh and snvr S. Martin, on behalf K,ihi;mP faith in the Christian fthe prices. I then begaa to buy, and when I was throucrh V had more Thememuers oi tne vnmington Wor(s become meaningless ami i n eI credit rne tor. that, bat; when ,1, asked , then.;' they said ."No.1' Bar, desirous of testifying the high -, elMpty ound when used to recall to 4 dulTn tfimkjvery well ot that, but after they explained their reasons esteem in, which they held their late , the memorvof thoe who loved him $ 1 looked over it all, and I intend to give them all my trade In tlie future associate, the Honorable Duncan j the exalte'd intellectual ifts the 1 and also send theih all tlie.; trade I can. It is true thev are a friend to . - m a 1 TT I J k. JKuu e, who, Huerrt iuuKi ! heroie virtoes and the gentle court-j lJie Vr. i nej saui meir reason ror not doing any credit business was or suueruiK 1 1 esies of manner and heart which 1 mey soiu goous ,wunsucn a sman pront tnat tney-coutd not af- frour earth, do resolveImt bv;in. it l .: - V - : v - - the death of Col. McRae the bar of : a(iorne,j anv era and which would , rhls ls what 1 bought from thenl:r-l good .wool hat 20c..-l pair button North Carolina sustained a Isenous j hllve reflected lustre upon anv peo slloes for ,u' wife 1 20, 3 pair gaiter shoes for myself L20, 1 pair heavy ks. From early nianiiood to ripe ? 1 - wool blankets $1.75, ljloz. slate pencils 2c," 1 1 spool cotton la, 1 paper age he was universally, recognized 1 . iieetlles lc, 40 yards carpet 25e.10. 00, e-aTr ciildren's shoes 40c. SOc, as one of the most brilliant advo Monday and Tuesday night. 1 quire paper 3c, 1 large leather valise 95c, 1 large . zinc trunk &3 40 1 dazzling qualities I love most t o ininK or.niiii as tre was at nis own fireside or in-the social circle of his j- cnarm? . j I those ideas and deeds which shed a religion. 1 shall sav no more, ... As one .stands bv the grave of a friend all sneech is but novertv. Mr. F. A. Hall, manager of the Frank Mayo company, arrived in the citv this nnorningv anl has ar ranged with Capt. Pennjri)acker to remain iu Wilmington two evenings. So Mr. Mayowill appear on Monday night inliis new success "D'Artag nan iu the Royal Guard,' and on Tuesday night in his celebrated per formance "of '.'Nordeck.'1 , - In this line,, of characters Mr. Mayo is considered by many as with out an equal on the English speak ing stage as the- representative ro mantic actor; he stands foremost and alone, . just as Edwin Booth holds his place as ..the representative classic actor. The company support, ing Mr. Mayo is one of the strongest in numbers and ability, including a number of representative actors, and in the production of Alexander Dumas' story, 4Tlie Royal Guard,' there will not only be a cast 'ot great excellence but new scenery and. new oostumes and equipment, repre senting the most picturesque period in French history' "Nordeck' is to be presented on Tuesday. The Way of the World. 'Oh,I wish I was rich,soi eould dress comfortably, without being the sub ject ot unpleasant remarKs, was said by a young lady on . one of the recent cold.nights. The words were suggested by putting on a pair of kid gloves, with the . complaint that they made the hands colder instead of warmer. It was a light remark, but there was a whole, volume of meaning in the sentiment, for it is notorious-that," such' arethe arbi trary dictates of fashion, the richer classes can wear about what they please in the street, withoutpthefear of comment, while those less favored with th's world's goods . are com pelled to dress beyond their limited means, when they appear in public, for fear of provoking unpleasant comment. Bolfortl 's Magazine. -" The February number of BelforcT Magazine is at hand. The principal feature is "A Storm Ashore,' by James H Connelly, complete in this number. This occupies a large part of the issue but there are many other articles of exceptional merit, principally among which may be noted : A f e w Practical Facts for Senator Edmunds; Irar's Pearl, a story; The First Regiment of U, S. Colored Troops; The Old Tune, a poem; Both Sides of the Counter, al most a tragedy; Irish Norah to Eng lish John; Bella's Bureau, a story in three scares; A Shot on, te Moun tain, a poein (and ..the. Editorial De rmtinnt. ielfordv - Clarke Co., 384 and 3G Broadway,. New York, at $2.50 a year. ". .. . . first Presbyterian Chnrcli To-Morrow. At 11 a. inr Revv Wilbur F. Crafts will preach. "At nigh 7:30 o'clock, Rev. Peyton H. Iloge will, preach. This latter service will be especially a praise service in'which the hymns of Isaac Watts; the at her o Eng lish hymnbdy," wi'l he sung nd dis cqs&ed. The S u nday - sch ool will b o 3. o'clock.' on account of the service inthe Opera IIou.se at 4:30, conduct e4 by Rev.-Mr. " Crafts. Strangers and citizens are In vited tQ attend aU the services of this "church, 3 ... - ,., .. ."unnstiari Trut , We were pleased to receive a visifjM . - mi . -I . , , . v Thought. This s yesterday from Mr. G. Murray, of . . - - v ! G. M u rray & Son, Brooklyn, whole-. sale bottle dealers, who QUU 11 ty? VS o Superior to day, uiidge bliipp j not being able to attend - v : i N KW A DVEJtfTI 8 KM ENT8 i A TMUM I have been many times lulvised by TORE to buv anything I wantel for S ??tS5.Jl.,-an I foif carry away, after spending ray $52.0a, one thing I j uf10C3ave that I needed,very much, that was a snoot of Coats' Six Cord PjU,Llu"- i luougiii, as i uaa given muitra . uuuer vtiM .wi;., x ssiuyviiH. ru set 1.35, 1 doz. handkerchiefs 20c, a 1 I'"--., jitro irecoi. ivc .cmj, v yarns oeti tick c. 73c, 1 doz. two t in riiriviHi s unz.t vja.riis iiihli i i;if ir i i iMntv unnn cot i i ciocKi.3t..i bolt checks $2.70, 1 large I . , " m"n . t v, tmymiJO V v i m 83c 99c, 1 doz.! lead-pencils 8c, t paper pins 2c", 1 lot scrap pictures 19c The remainder, which was $1.47, 1 took in glassware. T cap well say that the RACKET STORE is the cheapest place to buv first class goods I have ever yetjound. ! They say they will Jiave in a full line of Valentines, both Fancy and Comic, about the 8th of "Februarvv- Tlie RACKET STORE" will be found at: 117 South Front Street. " -- . J. G' K " febStf sat cr:--,? - - : -'. ' Salvation Oil7 the greatest cure on earth for pain, 1 has made a ; most brilliant debut. All druggists and dealers in medicine sell it at 25 cents a bottle. : " - . : : ' ' Mr. R. Stewart Gibbs;representing the Ayorld's Dispensary Medical As- ButidHuii, ui juiiuio, i., is in ..i ne city and paid us day, a pleasant1 visit to-- English service ,;ii k v,0iri :r, f i s will oe held in bt. Lutheran .Church.M Paul's Evang. Rpu 'P w V. pihn"ii" efA, f'ii - - "v-. i'ii"-'-"' , . i a. m. to morrow, . and" German ser- vices at 7:30 p. m. " We are glad to . hear that Mr. H. I. Bishop's condition has slightly improved. He can speak and use his right hand. The paralysis seems novv to be confined to the lower part of hisjbody, on the; right side. r ' . . . " ' up no irns noon in tne oaby con test at the .glass; blowers, Johnnie uwens was still ahead, having 4G0 votes, bht Lizzie Gilbert Kirkham was not far behindas she hadt'453. There were 75 babies in all in the contest. To night,the last of the troupe here, will decide the matter. . X ' ; ' VrUiCityj Court. "j -There were but two" cases Jjefore Mayor Fowler this morning, which were disposed of as follows: Mike Dawling, disorderly conduct, $20 or-80 days. Win. Pierce, carrying a concealed weapon, $10 andj costs of 30 days. ? At Grace Methodist E. Church . South, services pastor, Rev. W. and 7.30:: p. in. to-morrow by the S. Creasy,at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3.30 p..m. Seats free and a cordial invitation is extended visitors and strangers. . The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the close of the niorning service. The Homeliest or the Handsomest? At the glass blowers last night Mr H. C. ;Prem pe rt was . awarded the handsome Turkish pipe as the ugliest man in the house. He received 49 out of 55 votes cast. But if Mr. Prempert is the homeliest man who is the hamlsoniest? We think he would run as well far the latter as the former. I .'.': The Evangelical Alliance. The Executive Committee of the Evangelical Alliance will hold its monthlymeetingin the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. on Monday, the 4th inst.. at 10-39 a. m. A full meeting of lay as well as clerical! members Is desir ed as a matter of much interest to the pnblic jjenerally will be under diseusioiv:, PastoVs are requested to repeat this announcement to morrow, . . At ht. Paul's To-Morrotr. Services at St.: Paul's Episcopal Church to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7J0 p. in. Music at the evening service by the quartette." Evening sermon the second in, the course of 'Christian Truth and Modern sern ion will be so independent Qf rondeliyerel last nder" av at all servieesalt are welcome. Sunday eliool at' 8,1., x:, v... ,- j riuuu ium f iireciaieu Tiiiuuit' U - - J ing heard the former. Seats free ; NEW ADVEKTI3EI1IIII -- my friends togo ,to the RACK HT little money. They Baid they all mem a good little trade, they would -i.uu, i corsec ixsc, i tin nel room lot'of fine lace $2:20,- X good clock 1 1 i 1' aa.A qnart arm bed spreatl.Toc, 1 pairladies, kid . Chwrch Serires To-31errow. St. JameV Episcopal "Church, corner Third and Jlarket'streets,llev. Robt. gtrange. Hec tor, Divine services at 11 a. m.anti g t. m. j SundaySchool at x m. - Holy cummunlon J s a. m., except first Sunday in' each month at j st. Pauls Evam Lut tMS?vl Lutheran Church. corner ot streets. Rev. F. W. E. Pes- erman services at n o'clock a. rm. English services at "rrSin.m. Sundav School r.ovn. m. . n. Strauss, isupt.! visitors cor dially welcomes : . , , . . ; Sfc Paul's Episcbpai Church," corner Fourth anu orange streets. Rev. C. A. Arnold, Rector. services to-morrow at, 11 ;a.-m. and 8 p. Sunday School at 9:4"ia.m, Seatsalltree. Evt yi welcome, ,: v.; v tt r . ! p. m. cry- f v s! Andrew's Presbytorian Chuch.cor.Fourth i ana canipoeu streets. Rev. John W Primrose, Pastor. sundayvservices at ll a. m. and 7-a) p. o-i., tjj t-iiVi iliowi, Cituuittu OUUUUi Uli i p. III. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday at 7::Ju j3. - ju. - me 'puonc cormauy invited, scats vi First Baptists Churcsuirner of Market and Fifth, streets. Rev T.y Hw Pritchard, D. D.. Pastor. Prayer meeting. Sunday morning at. WW.- Services at 11 a, m. and at 7:30 o. m. by th Pastor. - Sunday School at . m. Yon n p- People's Society of Christian Endeavor Wed- nesaay nignt at 7:45 o'clock. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited.- l - ' "' " '- " NEW A P VEKTI8 EI ENT3 . O pERA:aHOUG E . IU TUE HUYAL CSrjAItO. '-f " "" ' ... - -V-',-, - ' - ' - A Dramatization of Dumas "Three Guards- menj'.;!:vv ;?-- v'-' , ' . Supported by jl Company of Twent y Artists, with beautiful Scenery and elegant costumes. Reserved" seats now on sale at neinsbcrger's "Tuesday " Night, February 6th Frank ' Mayo and,Company la 'NORDECK." feb 2 31 rJIADArj PETE, At N0.-3 (Upstairs) cor. Martet and Front sts., . . .THE OYPSY T: : C CLAIRVOYANT & PALMIST. r " .consult Her 1 6n aR'Affalrs of Life. She helps Xxx bring the separated together and causes, speedy marriages. She removes evil influences and jealousies and reads your past,, present and future. Having - all t he. Gypsy powers by Inheritance and tradition, she never-fails to give satisfaction. Her office hours are from 9 a m. to 8 p. in. - . N. R-wm visit private: Lomilles when de sired, v- , - -jan 31 tr SPECIAMMTUllS JVIadam ; 3ofA's Glaoc " BIovoi GERMANIA HALL, - 'WILL .OFFER TUE FOLLOWING 'I Special PremiumG. as this ia positively their last week in Wli inlngton. . : Tnursiliiy EvenSng, TIIE MQT POPULAR LADY la the andi . .win be presented with a Hanclscme (ii , . Shade of vart--:i:s Valued nt Friday EVeiiin THE HOMELIEST GEMTLE.VAX la the ano'l . eneo will be presented with lan:; 'luric- ish smoking npe valued avtiu . The above preniiums t5 be decided by. a c. re mittee coinpusta of fceverat Lui:e3 aca gvntic--inen present the above evenings. V .RAW V v CONTCST decideVr fey vote of the audience Uiiriug 'tne c.i tlr week, eonunencing 3lor.ci.iy atrrniooa January . -Sth, and ending, atunuy nl-hr Febnniry 2J. Two Exhibitions Dally. Alter noorwJ.to 3 p. u Evening to V;',vp. u AdmiGJiioulu Cout::. Lvery Viitor Receiver a Pre jC? tf -V' '4 --1 'i.-'li?-- i -.-.'. - ' v ' -