THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. COMMERCIAL NEWS. K3S "akin" POWDER Absolutely Pure. I thu powaer never vanes, a marvel or pu rity ,strengtn ana wnoiesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in emu. ROYAL BAKING POWDER w., us wan su, in. x. oct 28 d&wly tcnrm 4thod 3rdpw Receipts to-day: Spirits, 235:rosin, 2,875; tar, 543; erode, 8; cotton, 188. MARINE NEWS. TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 1889. IN CONGRESS YESTERDAY. SENATE. Washington. Feb. 18. Mr. Vest moved to reconsider the vote by which 'the conference report on the direct tax bill was agreed to on Sat urday last, and said that his object was to give bis reasons for opposing the direct tax bill. Finally the matter went over, and a message was sent to the House re questing the return of the bill. The credentials of Mr. Colquitt for his new senatorial term were presented by Mr. Brown, read and placed on fife. Mr. Cullom, from the Committee oa Territories, reported back the House bill to organize the territory of Oaklahoina, and it was placed on the calendar. Mr. Allison, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported back the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, with amendments, and gave notice that he would call it up to morrow. The Senate then passed the House bill to provide for taking the eleventh and subsequent censuses. Among the amendments agreed to by the Senate were the following: requiring the population schedule to include an inquiry as to the num ber of negroes, mulattoes, quad roons and octoroons; allowing to enumerators a compensation of five cents each for each surviving sol dier or soldier's widow returned and enquiring enumerators to give names, organizations and length of service of surviving soldiers, sailors andmarines, or their widows. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Hatchet, of Missouri, called attention to the fact that in July last Mr. Conger, of Iowa, from the Committee on Agriculture, had pre . sented a substitute bill regulating ' the sale of compound lard, and that it had been placed upon the House calendar. This he maintained had been an improper refeaence, and he held that the bill should be referred io the Committee of the Whole, and securing a place on the calendar of that committee as of the date of its presentation. Mr. Hatch made a motion to that effect which prevail ed. Mr. Dunn, of Arkansas, from the Committee on Mei chant Marine and Fisheries, called up the bill to pro vide for the better protection of the fur seals and salmon fisheries of Alaska. After some debate the bill was recommitted with instructions to the Committee on Merchant and Marine Fisheries to report back with an amendment, reducing from twenty to ten years the term of lease of the seal fisheries, and au thorizing any one to bring suit against the lessees to recover ten dollars for every seal taken in the excess of the number fixed by law. Mr. Crisp then called up the Cali fornia election case, of Sullivan arainst Felton, against which Mr. cKenna, ef California, raised the question of consideration. On a rising vote the Republicans outvot ed the Democrats 78 to 74 and the yeas and nays were ordered. Then the body of Republicans refrained from voting; and left the House without a quorum, the vote upon taking up the election case standing yeas 130, nays 12. (Star Report condensed.) WILMINGTON MARKET. Raleigh, Feb. 18. In the House Fsb. 19. 2:30 P. M. the Judiciary Committee reported SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm favorably a resolution to allow the at 45 cents. Sales of receipts at 45 city of Raleigh to iasue bonds and to cents refund her debt. t . j ROSIN Firm at 82 Cents for Committee on Fish and Fisheries strained and 82fc cents for good reported favorably a bill to protect j gtrained. the fish and oyster interests of the I TAR Firm at $1.20. State; to prohibit non-residents fish- CRUDE TURPENTINE Finn ing in certain waters in certain sec at fl.20j for hard, $2.30 for yellow tions. dip and Virgin. Among the bills presented were, COTTON Firm. The follow- the following: To incorporate the J mff are the official quotations: Fayctteville Savings Bank; for the ! Ordina,rv.6ll-16aroodordWrv-8 3-16; completion of the Carolina, Knox i low middling. 9 aniddllmr 9 9-16 :eood ville and Western Kail road; to pro- 1 middling 10 1"16. tect owners of eating houses and ! Receipts to-dav: Snirits hotels; to amend the Constitution of the State relative to taxation; to incorporate the North Carolina Jer sey uattie jiud; to prevent gamo ling at agricultural fairs; to aid the penitentiary to be self-sustaining; to abolish county boards of education; to reduce the homestead. A resolution was adopted in re gard to the message of the Governor in relation to the deficit in peniten tiary funds instructing the com mittee on penal institutions to in quire into the matter and make re port, f, The special order, bill authorizing a special tax in Kaleigh township for support of public schools, passed second reading. The following bill passed .third reading: to prevent disease among hogs. In the Senate the 'entire session was consumed in the consideration of the bill to establish a State train ing school, which provides for ab olishing the normal schools of the State, taking the 5,000 used for this purpose and appropriating it to MISCEIXANEOUS. Well to Remember -o ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay etteville, Woody & Currie. CLEARED. Steamship Pioneei, Ingrain, New York, H i Si u all bones. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, etteville. Woody & Currie. "exports. Fay isuck eii rt Aruic-i Salve The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap- ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Ikin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to jgive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert R Bel lam y wholesale and retail druggist. ILOO-A.!-, aXTEKTsT , It seemed to us that the ind as higher yesterday than we have known it at any previous date dur ing the entire Winter. Ana yet it was only -36 miles an hour. "Looking for the lies u recti on." The remains of the late Robert Primrose were interred this morn ing in Uakdaie Cemetery. Tne ser vices were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hoge, at St. Andrew's Church, and they were very sad and impressive. The attendance was very large and the great esteem in which the de ceased young gentleman was held was evidenced by the fact that every officer and office employe of the At lantic Coast Line who was in the city attended the obsequies. The funeral procession was a veay long one. The pall bearers were Messrs. G, L. Morton, A. P. Hallett, W. C, Yarborough, Josh W. Meares. W. M. Cumining, Win. Walker. COAST WIS Kj New York Steamship Pioneer 86 pkgs mdse, 79 bbls rosin, 41 do crude, 569 do tar, 41 casks spirits, 54 bags rice chaff, 277 bales eottoh. Now tteady. I AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH my friends and the public generally with the Purest Drugs that can be found In the city. Also a fine assortment of Toilet soap. Brushes and Combs. I have a fine assortment of Cigars and Cigarettes. I can be found at my store Night and Day. JOHN SHEEHAN, the Druggist, ootl3 tf N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. Announcement. The mercantile Association of the Carolina) O EREBY ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC that it is open for business and ready to serve its patrons. Offices located on second floor of the Orton House, In the old office of Hot el. Telephone Call No. 7. THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF THE JanOtf CAROLINAS. H ft. C. Orrell AS A LOT OF SECOND HAND BUGGIES .Patrick Henry uttered a sublime truth when he said, "It is natural for man to in dulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth and listen to that song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts." We are apt to shut our eyes while colds, catarrh or con sumption are getting the better of us, hoping not, when our plain duty is to get some remedy like the Gold en Medical Discovery of Dr. Pierce, and take it. We should not listen to the song of the siren, but rather heed Longfellow, who tells us to "Act, act in the living present." JThat means before it is too late. The "Discovery" is one of the great suc cesses of the age a safe pleasant remedy to take, and can be had of all druggists. It is guaranteed to benefit of cure, or money paid for it will be refunded. , NARROW ESCAPE. Col W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, came home one evening feeling a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be fore retiring he tried to draw a long breath but found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him up. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he is well to day. Hands Bras., druggists The Anniversary '.'effebration. To morrow being the Thirty third Anniversary of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Company No. 1 they will celebrate it with a grand pa rade, a feast and a ball at night. The latter is to take place in their hall on Fourth street. The line will be formed at the Engine House at 10 o'clock sharp, in the folio wfhg .order: Germania Cornet Band: Honary Members; the Company in full uniforms; the Mayor and mem bers of the Board of Aldermen; Chief of Police; Chief of the Fire Department, and Assistant Chief; Chief Engineer of the Atlantic Com pany; the guests all in carriages. . The line of March will be up Fourth street to Walnut, down Wal nut to Third, on Third to Mulberry, down Mulberry to Front, on Front to Nun, up Nun to Third, on Third, to Dock, up Dock to Fourth and thence to the engine house, where they will disband to meet again at night for the dance. Had His Clothes Stolen. Mr. F. F. Goddard, an employe of the Atlantic Coast Line, returned on his train to the city this morning, and upon going to his boarding house and entering his room found that some one had broken upen his trunk during his absence and stolen every article of clothing it contain cd. Upon investigation a pair of old trousers were found in a closet in the room which the thief had evidently taken off to replace with a pair belonging to Mr. Goddard. The trousers were identified as the property of another boarder, whose name we did not learn. Another pair of the stolen trousers were found in a second-hand clothing store, where he had exchanged them for a longer pair, stating that they were too short for him. At last ac counts the officers were in hot pur suit of him, and he may be in "dur ance vile" ere the ink dries on this paper. H. OttOU E Si BERG'8 " Prf cen forCabiiiot Photographs will be, until further notice, $3.00 FSE DOZEXT. jans" All Wmk Guarantee. and Harness for sale cheap. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horses boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. I still have a very fine Hearse for funeral oc casions. Jan 25 tf R. C. ORRELL, Livery and Sale Stables, CornerThird and Princess Sts. Down with High Prices. -o- Big Mark Down ! o F. PENNY GUARANTEES TO SELL Clotnlng 15 per cent less than any other house in the city. Look at our astonishing low prices. Gentlemen's suits from $3.75 to $22.50 Boys' and Youths' suits from $1.75 to $6.50 rants irom 75 cents up to jo.ou. vests irom o conts and upward. An immense stock of Hats and Furnishing Goois which I am offering at prices in reach of every one. All persons in need of any of the above will save money in calling at Those desiring to purchase Shoes of any description it would be well tor them to re member that Geo. R. French & Sons are still at their old stand, 108 N. Front St., where you can find everything in the Shoe Line and get a Glove Fitting Shoe. Having every size and width, from a B. to W. last, we are able to give you a better fit than can be had elsewhere. Our Ladies' GiQve Fitting Dongola Button Boots at $2.50, in Opera and X2om mon Sense styles, are equal to the best $3.00 Shoes. Remember the place, Geo. R . French & Sons, ian 35 tf 108 tforili PronfJSt. For the Holidays. A Large 'andlWell-Selected stock of Breech and Muzzle &uns, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES Of Every Description. W. E. SPRINGER CO., dec 15 tf 14 Front St.. Wilmington, N. C; ftfl8CEIiTjANEOn The TEI5L. C?tLD AKD JEoTol .... . , a PAS8AMENTARY TRiMit... & assortment embraces a lare and beautiful i,v "W NEWEST AND B EST THTTVfja a4 English PinsDirect lmnA... ' - - IU) lliur Twi fiue. :o.ov iVLatti New and beautiful patterns and at lowot S - iinna. - It is no wonder WINDOW SHADES rider we sell them so freely, as the prico A ,1 nt.i nKcnKt'tnnnr nicr in 4- A IJll't mill tUIUUICir atMumim.uu jun iu, ihb ODPPIfil Tk Nuns Veiling, Trimming Crapes &c CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS LACE CURTAINS nri Wei feb 18 NORTH VALENTINES, GEMS OIF LOVE, BEST FITTING CORSETthe WORLD FOR SALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. MAYER, STROUSE & CO. MTPS.-4I2 BROADWAY, N. K 1S4W No. 10 Si'HfcDULK WIIJIvG 0MKAi:!if K. K. Second Supply Rece ved by Express To-Day. Please call and Make tions at Your Selec. HEINSBKRfxER'S. 2,500 3 Sizes, 1c, 5 cts. a:,d J cts. Each A New Lot just in at HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. febJT Th Cheapest. HE REST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT T:46 A. M. From Wilmington, Leave 7:35 a. m Leave &30 p. m Leave. From Hummocks. Leave 8:10 a. m. Leave 5:10 p. m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. . . 2:30 p. m j Leave. 5:00 p. m. l Trains or Cars can be chartered during the Winter months at reasonable rates. J. H. CHADBOURN, Jr., deo24 tf General Manager, CORSETS"! -O- The Good Luck, Price 50,'cts; the best inthe world for the price ms. Mm I 1 T - 1 IN 3 AND 6 LHs. A N VALUABLE a tew minutes, J old water or milk. B kwhfat i J MAPLK SY i uujlh. OH IN GJ 1 GALLON CANa r . 1 t It.. - M ' steamer w ul 11 ij r BY THE POUND, For sale by I in a D iStB - ""PI nov7 HO diarkec He I am also Agent for the Celebrated A A. Battle's $2.50 Shoe Best in the World for the Price, feb 11 if Don't Delay. L3END YOUR BROKEN OR INJURED FUR niture to me and I will repair it promptly an at low prices. I propose to make my living this way and will do the work well and will not charge too much for doing it. call ana see some of the repairs I have already made. I will also re pair Sewing Machines. Musical Instruments, ec, as wen as Furniture, win cneenuiiy give estimates or probable cost of repairs, come and see me. . , , J. B. FARRAR. oct 39 No. 11 N. Second st. Brick and Shingles. 25,000 Bmc 100,000 SH1NGLES call at feb 15 tf J. A. SPRINGER'S coal and Wool Yard. J dines C. Hands, Agt DKUGGI8T. FULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS AND 'A cnemicais. pnysicians' Prescriptions a spe cialty. Fancy and Toilet Articles in great va riety. Artesian Well Mineral Water; come in ana try a glass xijjs. janio For Southport. QN AND AFTER TO-DAY" THE STEAMER BESSIE will leave her wharf foot of Dock St., at 930 a. m. febstf Leaves Southport at 3 P. M. W. A. SNELL, Master. Carolina House, S. E. comer of Princess and Second Sts., CT AS BEEN REFITTED WITH A F1RST- 11 Class aar. Luncn Room and Restaurant. The finest Wines, Whiskeys and CHrars al ways on nand. Board and Lodging by the day, www. ui uuauL vw mver OCt 87 in season. .V JOHN KOCH. Corner second and Princess. Place in the city to liave all ki ads of TIN WORK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, op Market street, North side, between Second and Thud. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from the country solicited, dec 7 tf For Rent. DEVEUAL HOUSES. STORES AN O Rooms in splendid localities. Alsoi houses and lots for sale for cash and on the monthly installment plan. Rents promptly collected. Taxes and! insurance attenucu to witnout extra ciiarge. MARTIN T. DAVIS, , . Real Estate Agent, ov 17 tf 1J9 Princess St The Acme MANUFACTURING 00. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. THE SELMA, PRICE 75 CENTS; A French Woven Corsetworth a Dollar. a- D Sir iiicVTric ra9 PRICE $1 00; An Excellent corset toF Young Ladies "ft mm JTaniy Viror, .nkiies9 otic' A Bneesnev-rfail. OuriJlurtnS a testimonials (wit cr.,.,i v-j ad it. VJN GRAEP ThnhmH John Wernd inrouLD Tf to his friends and the -o- J)r. Warner's Ooraiine, PRICE $1 00; A Very Popular Corset. W1LMINGTON.1N.C. rjRHE REPUTATION OFOUK FERTILIZERS the ACME ana GEM, is now established, and the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine, is conceded to oe equal to any wooi carpet ior comxoix ana auraDiuty ana the uemana ior u. is aaixy lncreasine. it nas vir tues not found in any other fabric The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a milncr for stresses is almost equal to hair, being lighi tic anq proof against insects. truncates from reliable nartlps nsincr mi goods can be seen at bur office, or win be mail. cu upuu appuuiMjiuii :air 4 u VfcAK.UNDfcViiLOHEDPAWT I ihe liody enlargeU ami strengthened. Full particn iKutKiRu ircc ti.ic mt-.U. UO HUTTAI.O, N. I OFFERERS mm HERVOUSIIESSaVorl.1 jnlt of oyer-Work, Indiscretion, etc address ov A. A. BROWN, Oenepal losuraupe Aent, Fire, Lif Acc dent. BIG REDUCTIONS MADE ON TERM JN SUUANCE, Offlcejwlth McNair A Pearsall, gsi Nutt St, TELEPHONE tik jan 381m Typewriters. ORDERS SOLICITED FOR THE "WORLD" .wfSShTSSSS?1" 'Spewrttew, the best low and nleru nriced marhinpa on t no mmot ITlOeS 11U and S15 for t.hP. Wnrirt anrl ex1 v-h comfort. Agent, Wilmington. N. c. W. JJ. Best, grade Of Ulbhono blhhnn flnn porters and carbon Paper constantly on hand. o- Dr. Warner's French Model, $1.00; A Perfect Fitting Corset. RESPECTFULLY ! Lends and the imUkil that he is now back at his oH ai Market street, which has bees m uveroauieu. repairea ana reranuan tirst class workmen, sharp mob m attention ne nopes to continue i patronage oi tne puoiic A1J of his force is now conca 29 Market t. BOY CLIPd AJiD DIXIE PLOW Hoes, Shovels, o Asricultural ImpieflMH all Kiodi. -o- Dr. Warner's Healtb, $1.25; Recommended by. Physicians. Headquarters for Stoves, Ston . bash, bonis, Dr. Warner's Abdominal, $2 OO; Admirable for Stout Ladles. J. B. Sewed Corset, $1,00; Celebrated Throughout the Country. Made of best of White it Jill TV Cli Ottiovuv- .ZA constantly onnaw- Axlee, Iron, M OAKS, GILL TWI".1 DRIVE WELL ?m Paints, Varnish 1 J. French Wo v6n. $1 UOj ine rnae oi tne Parisians and recommended vj nuiui, iucre'i i-ansian Artist in Ladies' attire, for the accuracy and perfection of its anatomi cal proportions. we nave an assortment of sizes in all of the iwvc nicies, i uey are offered at lowest N. Y. prices. pr-Ali correspondence by ntfil tended to. . . N. Jacobi Sard bl8 Notice. BY VIRTUE LMmim contained in the deed ' - . .1 Ml- .... rY Tin LP . w... the niV u Fifty pieces Newstyles English Satteens. The 30a quality at isr nti mif? Sc. quality at 15 cents. ATTKA.CTI VJB Prices and Sty es In light shades and wi wuuus. suiiaDie tor e have made them jump we aave a splendid line left, should call early. t in Winter Dress y spring wear. We tne past week. Bargain seekers uouse aoor, in uie -,,VJJri d M., on Friday, the 15thj iU part pi lots l, zanuA ieet on MarKei siren " n w of 185 feet. Feb.8,186 f eb 8 3W AttrrorAao MUST BE m 1 AA BOXES TOBACOP- ' ISO Barrels B. s" Dozen' EGG8, 3o Barrels 0110118. lp Boxes LEMpSS. 60 Dozen BASK 15 Boxes CHEB8 in Barrels CAB OAA ROWS ItERl On cpnalgnnient b. U North Water fan 9A tf AJkW -T" . Society febstf JNO. J. HEDR1CK. uuues' anu - npcUXJ'Zdi orders ien -j ,tP Third street, will meet w-r- nov 26 tf