THIS PAPER PLEASE NOTICE. p.iished every evening, Sundays excepted, BT josh. T. JAMBS, Editor and Prop. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: 4.0a Six months $2.-0. Three one year, months. $1.00. One month, 35 cents. rue paper will be delivered by carriers, free ot cMe. part f Rt 11,6 abVe rtW9 or W cents per week Advertising rates low and UberaL l-sub3CrtberawlU please report any and Tin : Da in We wui be glad to receive communicatio from our friends on any and all subject general interest, but The name of the writer must always be fit nished to the Editor. - communications most be written only on one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated In the editorial columns. VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1889. NO 45. faJiures to receive "-fc"L rVV.fttf' rvr mas Lie.' I r - - '- 3i .f tb " ..... vl ukiuic nUenS b Ti- irvtoff H .I.-IT" ." artl?1: . :"t:,7T- r. It. -i!d , tOlioM arti Cros' Ik Vil'd Iphia. Vat c.wiav.HneliillCl III MVW . - - . ,...,.i in all Drt. by f I m. i-hin ... 1 wiJ food here the people rn fcn pisn in each locality ,s:i? vny bbt iwiag-uiachine made iu . i.l ;h all fh flttjlrlnnr-nr. i 11 nuiiu,.'..- . .:i, .i.a .HiilrMAl N.n:f i'Ii- I ,VC .,111 i- -".-- w ." I 1 .line of out costly nd valuabi.- art sample, in i-i-i. w mam. , -Plhow whit we mmi, to tbof w ho I fnay rail at your nonie.awi i'- -montin on ana u -- fiLde after the Sinner pxtmis. . wlnru neve run " kmr. out it soiu miajwi. attarhm'ntr, and now sel.s for S0. Beat,rronget,nit uae- I roacnine in m ,..- X-.. .r,;i.1 rnninrftl. 1 l-.H. I lllls I I 'who write to us at onre cat, tr- re frs' w h .rter shown toe;rihei in Amenra. Ki: A c?0., IwU T?40, Maine. JlP lOtlm il&vr Phyticlsnri Confess. AH honost, conscientious physicians who glvo B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial, kankly admit its superiority over aii other blood medlolnes. Dr. W.J. Adair, Kockmart. Ga., writes: 4,1 rfml B. B. 1$. as one or the best blood medi cines. ' ' Dr. A. H. Koscoe, Nashville, Tenn., writes: All reports of B. B. B. are favorable, and Its bdwIv action la truly wonderful." Dr J. V. Rhodes, Crawfordsvllle, Ga, writes: confess B. B. B. Is the best and quickest medicine for rheumatism I have ever tried." Dr. s. J. Farmer, crawfordsvllle, Ga., writes: "1 cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a fine tonic alterative. Its use cured an excrescence oft he neck after other remedies effected no perceptible good.'' Dr. r. H. Montgomery, Jacksonville, Ala., writes: "My mother Insisted on my getting B. B. B. for her rheumatism, as her case stub bornly resisted the usual remedies. She ex perienced immediate relief, and her Improve ment has been truly wonderful." A prominent physician who wishes his name not given, says: "A patient of mine whose case of tertiary syphilis was surely killing him, and whlah no treatment seemed to check, was entlrely'eured with about twelve bottles of B. B. B. He was fairly made up of skin and bones anw -terrible ulcers." "STOK LEY'S.' WE ARE NOW PRE- s pared to accommodate Jt3&i; mi who may can upon us witn tne Finest Oysters to be had on the coast. We have made special preparations for the Season. Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters always on hand. Served promptly and in any fetyle desired. W. H. STOKLEY, oct. 10 tf Wrightsvllle. Roses and Vegetable Plants. ft Aft ROSES AND 100,000 VEGETABLE vw plants. Parties wishinsr such can drop me a postal card and I will deliver s uch as wanted or will call and give description of suae, g such roses can oe oougnt eisewnere for same price. W. J. K1RKHAM, Jan 4 tf Kose Fann. VaVI n.a Agents in every Town 'VdniOU and County to sell our Goods. Send us one dollar, and we will send you sample that sells for three dollars, and start you in a business that will pay you from 10 lauu per montn. Address THE RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO.. jan 18 lw Richmond, Va. Drugs and Chemical?, fX)ILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc, etc. Also PrescrtpUons filled day or night at F. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store.. Jan 4 Corner Fourth and Nun Sts,, The National Life AND Maturity Association ay OF WASHINGTON. D. C. O Assets $314,072.19 Liabilities None. raid to members . ! $130,083.31 o UOHATIO BROWNING, President UKGRGE D. ELDRIDGB, Secretary,. Manager and Actuary. ' ' ' ' 0 Ute insurance at Absolute Cost. a Guaranteed Policy. An incontesUble lollcy. Mhtur.ty value in Oasn at Fixed Age. Annual cost. Absolutely Limited. " Only Four Payments per Year. N'on Forfeitable After Three Years, P. S, KIDDELLE, M. D. Medical Director; V H. GIBSON, Special AgenL Home Office, 1.215 F Street, N.JW. JOHN HAAR, Jr., Local Agent, Wilmington . N. C. ssLw fl F' nrTiTi HKHH 6ejaTJl n i ii i LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NKW ADVERTISE JJBXTS Wanted a gent s J J IIedrick Corsets B P Pennt Fine Clo:hing McsD3 Bros Pharmacists IIeinsberrer -Valentines II Cronenbero Photographer. Llo weli. A Cummivg Mattressss R M McIntike- Window shades J as C MrxDs, Agt Proscriptions F C Miller Drugs ami Chemicals J A Springer lirlck and Shingles Chas F Browne, Agt Must bo sold N Jacobi Hardware Co -Boy Clipper W E Springer & Co For the Holidays Geo h Frencu k sons well to Remember The W. Jj. h will shoot at a target " at the Hunmockson Friday. We still lead in low prices and the best cook shoves. N Jacobi Hdw Co. t Indlentloiifi. For North Carolina, fair weather, followed by rain and warmer. See our latest door baft, transom pfter and sash fastener. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Produce Exchange will be closed to-morrow. Cause: Bashing ton's Wirtbdav. Prof. Belezza will return "to the city shortly and will reopen his dancing school here. T WT S. m we nave someining new ana use fnl to show the builder and farmer. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be boupr1 cheapest at Heinsherrer,- t To morrow is Washington's birth ¬ day and a legal holiday, and hence the banks will be closed on that day. Boils, pimpies, hives, ringworm, tetter and all other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select Crom. t It is dull enough now in police circles and $20 or 30 davs doesn't flow quite so sweetly as usual from His Honor's lips. We have walnut, ash, oak and cherry stains in small cans, ready for use. Just the thing for house keepers. N. Jacobi Hard ware Co. f Another lot of sash, doors and blinds just received by the N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co. They will save you money on building materials of all kinds. t You can paint your old buggy and make it look bright and new with the ready prepared Detroit Carriage Paint. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. The Young Men's Christian As sociation admitted 35 new members last evening. This makes a total memberships of 305, all admitted during the past few months. The vacant property on theSouth east corner of Front and Red Cross streets, one of the sites made vacant by the disastrous fire of February, 1886, was purchased yesterday by Mr. J. G. L. Gieschen. Mr. Isaac Shrier has purchased the property on the corner of Front and Mulberry streets now occupied by Mr. J. W. Taylor as a livery stable. It is 32x100 feet. It will be constructed into two handsome stables. Board of Industry. An adjourned meeting of the Board of Industry was held last night, on which occasion the bill which has been prepared to be sub nutted to the Legislature was read. It is too lengthy for our columns. It appoints a comuiittee and ap propriates $150,000 from the city treasury the aid of manufactures The bill is to be submitted to the people at the city election in March We will have more to sav about it when it passes the legislature. No Wonder Site Envied Bridget. A rich society lady told her ser- j The objects to be secured are, first, WhfiJiM be aS strOUfr information relative to the reliabil healthy and full of life as you are! ' . The lesson is plain. The girl had j lt of consignees; second, a knows plenty of exercise, and constitution- i ledge of what truck may be plant al health and contentment. Riches ! ed in different locations, so as to se will not buy health, always, but ! Q .u..i broken down women can find sure CUrQ a lvrslty ot croPS, and, third, relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre an interchange of information as script ion. It is a powerful, invigor-, to shipments, so as not to crowd the ating, restorative tonic and nervine, markets. The committee are Capt. and imparts strength to the whole w T r- , l' system in general, and to the uterine W" L' Fa,son and Messrs. W. B. organs and appendages in particu- Stewart and Marion Butler, lar. For-"rundown," debilitated and feeble women generally it is the ! Tne 'eee.pts Gf cotton at this port greatest earthly booh. ' j to-day foot up 145 bales. Personal. Senator Chace, of Rhode Island, arrived in the city last night for a visit of a day. Mayor Fowler returned to tire city last night from a short visit to Goldsboto. Capt. J. W. Fry, General Super intendent of the (Jape Fear & Yad" ikin Valley R. R., was in the city ; yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Pulliam re j turned to the city last night from their visit to Northern points of interest. For some days past they ihave b?en in Richmond, where they ! 1 f L A. were the recipients of many courte sies and attentions at the hands of their friends and relatives. A Monnter Bivalve. Mr. J. (t. L. (Tieschen opened at the Acme Saloon last evening what was probably the largest oyster ever seen here. The shell measured 8 inches in length and the oyster, when it was shucked, was 6 inches long and 3 inches broad just the size of a lady's hand. It was awarded Jo one of our Market street mer chants, who was present at the time and who, famous oyster eater as he is, was compelled to make two bites at it. It was, of course, a New River oyster but we did not learn whose farm it came from. A Model Refrigerator. Messrs. " S. B. Northrop & Co., dealers in the fish market, have in troduced into their business a large patent refrigerator which is one of the most complete things of the kind we have seen. It is ar ranged so that the interior is kept at any temperature desired by pipes passing through it, which are cool od by contact with ice, stored in a separate department. Neither ice nor waaer nor pipes touches the fish. Mr. Northrop says that he has frozen fish so hard there that they have broken when struck with, a stick. The refrigerator is also used as a cold house for meats. The Beautiful Snow. There was a little snow here this mornincr. about 8 o'clock, and at 11 rj, it came down for a few minutes in heavy flakes. It amounted to noth- insr. however, as not enoucrh of it fell to make an appearance on the ground or the house tops. It was succeeded bv a fine rain. The indi cations for to-day say nothing of snow, but promised rain and warm er weather. At 2 o'clock it began to snow again and at this writintr, 3 p. m., it is falling fast. The flakes are the lanrest we ever saw. Some are as large as a silver dollar. But the ground was wet and not frozen, and it melts almost as fast as it falls. The Anniversary Ball. The anniversary ball of Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1, given last night at their hall, was the most delightful and successful of the many given there by this gallant company. The hall was crowded and the dancing, which was begun a little after 9 o'clock, was kept up until morning, the only intermission being at 12 o'clock, when an elegant collation was announced. The Ital ian harpers furnished the music and it was 5:30 o clock this morning when the signal was given and the delightful strains of "Home, Sweet Home," warned the happy dancers that the hour had come to part.- Last night will not soon be forgetten by those who were so fortunate as to be present at Adrian Hall on that occasion. Proposed Truck-Growers' Covention. The truck growers in and around Clinton have organized a "Truck Growers Association" and they pro pose that a convention of truckers be held at Clinton on the 6th and 7th of April to concert measures for the benefit of producers. They oN 1 fer to secure reduced railroad rates J and to entertain free of charge : delegates from sub-associations. Jonah felt well protected from cold when he was well housed in j the whale, bat he could have navi- j sratetl the open sea on his back if he had owned a bottle of Dr. Bull's Coagh Syrup. No Hope ol Recovery. We are sorrv to hear that there is m improvement in the condition at ! of Rev. Dr. Bobbitt. He is still Mrs. Leak's house in Rockingham, j and will probably never be removed thence in life. His condition is con sidered very desperate, the physi cians, we understand, expressing the opinion that there are no hopes of his recovery. Dr. Bobbitfs death will be mourned all over the State of North Carolina, for wherever he is known he is deeply loved and ad mired. A Catastrophe. A family living in the Southern section of the city were quite alarm ed last night by a horrifying scream from one of the daughters in a room adjoining that in which her parentg slept. The effect of the scream was so intense that in a moment the whole house was up in arms, and ready for any emergency. Before retiring the young ladies had occasion to open the big trunk that sat near the bed, close to the wall, and neglected to close it; so about midnight the old Tom cat, in pursuit of his prey, sprang between the trunk lid arid the wall, which banged down the old trunk lid with a jar equal to a young earthquake, which awoke the young misses in a terrible fright, one of them giving vent to her horror by screaming to the utmost of her capacity and elec trifying the elastic springs of every bed in the house. The father,spring iug to the floor, caught up his old duck exterminator and yelled, "Shoot him!' Shoot him!" Then ap peared the son on the scene, swing ins an trusty sword with which his great grandfather, a century ago, defended American soil. The victim was the cat. Sunday School Convention. In Grace M. E. Church to-night the New Hanover County Sunday School Association will convene to effect permanent organization. All officers, teachers and adult Sunday scholars of the schools of this coun ty are members of the Association. An address of welcome will be de livered by Rev. W. S. Creasy and be responded to by Rev. Wm. McC. Miller. Organization will follow and then an address from Rev. F. D. Swindell on the "Importance of the Sunday School Work."' A selected choir will furnish music for the occasion and the exercises will be not only instructive in a high degree, but also very enjoyable. The programme for to morrow will be as follows: At 10:30 a. m. devotional exercises, conducted by the Rev. P. H. Hoge. Reports of Sunday school superintendents, giving statistics, etc., after which there will be open discussion, led by Revs. R. C. Beaman and J. W. Primrose. In the afternoon and evening meetings there will be discussions relative to Sunday school work In its various fprms by members of the various churches, an election of delegates to the State Convention, followed by miscellaneous exercises, closing with the Doxology. 4 THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the city Post office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast .11.00 P. M Northern through and way mails. . 8,00 A. M N. C. and A. & N. C. RaUroads and routes supplied therefrom 8,00 A. M. Ralelerh fc Favettev:e 8.00 A. M. Southern way malls 2.00 P. M. Southern through mails.. 9.1H P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (C. C. Railway) 1.00 P. M Cape Fear se Y v r r and points sup- puea inererrom luu r. m. Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom 1-00 P. M. Smithville ' L30 P. M. Wrightsvme s-tw a. m. Clinton, special iLL f. m Specials for Maxton, Wadesboro, Monroe ana unanoite 0 0 r- h MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi ces 6.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River, S. C, and intermediate offices 6.00 A. M. Cape Fear River mail. 1.00 P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way malls 3DP. M. Northern throojrh mail, late 11.00 P. M. southern through mails. 630 A. M. soutnern way mans r .nu a. j. Carolina Central H. R. 3.30 P. M. Mails collected from street boxes in business i ortion of city at 5 A. M.. 12.00 M. and 4.45 P. ana rrom other points of tne city at 5 A. m. and 4 P. M, General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7-00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sitnday from 9.J0 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A- M. to 5 P. M., contiguous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M . to 10 A. M. ana 1 to 7 P. M. f NKW ADVERTISEMENT?. Business Principles and Rules. iiur Broad Gauge Principles in Business. NO MORE THAN PROPER VALUE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN THE USUAL PRICE FOR MANY THfNGs! WHATEVER IS BEST TO BE HAD WE HAVE. WHATEVER WAY GIVES BEST SERVICE TO OUR PATRONS ( WE PRACTICE. xuioj iTKUTHDlili KKPKKBKiN TATiOJNS, WE I WHAT THEY ARE. ( WE NEVER DESTROY I GAIN IT. A jWE HOLD OUT ( AS FREQUENT AS WE GET SUCH. : OUR AIMS ARE LOWEST PRICES. BEST QUALITIES, BEST '. STYL ES. S BEST VALUES, BEST CUSTOMERS, BEST SATISFACTION. I BEST BUSINESS AND BEST IN EVERYTHING. f M. Mclntire, feb 21 . NORTH FRONT STRHET. SHE IS "GRATEFUL.1' "I saved the life of my little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. V. Harriman, New York, ington. Munds Bros., druggists. Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglases Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying voiver than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Resolutions by the Y. M. c. A.upon the death of Mr. Robert Primrose. In view of the solemn and painful fact that the "Young Men's Christian Association" has lost, by the death of Air. Robert Primrose, a promising and exemplary member, and our city a young man in the bloom of youthful vigor and manhood, we have thought it prop er to express to the bereaved family our deep and warm sympathy, and also make public mention of the sense of our own loss in his untimely death. This is the first time our As sociation has been called to mourn a deoarted member, and deeply have the lessons of his deatn oeen impressed upon us; warning us of tne uncertainty 01 me: oiaains: us prepare like him, to meet our chansre: and for all of us to prepare at all times to submit to the will of Goa in us ana tnose we love. May our Heav enly Father teach us thus by his death, as by ins me ue tausrnt us lessons or love and duty, And nowwhilo we sorrow with those near est and dearest to him, yet we "sorrow not as those who have no hope,' for Christ our Lord has said, am the resurrection and the life and we know that "because He llveth we shall live also.:' and when He cometh. then, "them also which sleep In Jesus will God bring with mm." "wneretore we comfort one another with these words. W. M. CUMMING, F. L. HUGGINS, P. B. MANNING. Committee, Wilmington, N, C, Feb. 19, '89. NEW AOVERC ISEJ1ENTS. WANTED A MAN OF TEMPERATE and moral habits, seeking employment, to represent an old established house in his own section. Salary, If suited $100 per month. References exacted. J. G. Blanchard, General Manager, Lock Box 1585, N. Y. feb 21 4w Kl ES, KITES. o- 10,000 KITES, THREE SIZES. FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W. OTJERSJEN, GROCER, feb 20 2t Corner Fifth and Market Sts. cTo7r COTTONSEED LARD, ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. Warranted Freefrom HogFat PURE, WHOLESOME, ECONOMICAL. For sale by all Grocers. Send for Illustrated Phamphlet, entitled: "Some Things About Lard." THK COTTO OIL MDUCT CO., YORK, For Sale by Holrne3& Watters. J. c. Stevenson & Taylor. .Tno. i Boatwright. Rridgers & Rankin, West & e. Jas, B. Huggins, A. II. Holmes, Adrian & Voliers, R . W. Hicks. McNalr & Pearsali, Glaineyer & Kuck, Wm. Oterson, O. M. Fllyaw, Maffitt & Corbett Hall & Pearsali, W. U.Yopp, A. D. Wessell and others, J. M. FORSHEE, General Agent, . jan 10eod2m Wilmington, N. c. ft. C. Orrell JJAS A LOT OF 8ECOND HAND BUGGIES and Harness for sale cheap. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horses boarded at low .rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. I still have a very fine Hearse for funeral oc casions.. R. C. ORRELL. Livery and Sale Stables, comer'Third and Princess sts. jan 25 tf NEW ADVERTI8EMENTH SELL GOODS FOR tJUxWiiJKJNUK WHEN ONCE WE NO FALSE HOPES TO BARGAIN SEKERS 5 BARGAINS WE SELL THEM AS ) Down with Hih Prices. Big Mark Down! Jg F. PENNY GUARANTEES TO SELL Clothing 15 percent less than any other house in the city. Look at our astonishing low prices. Gentlemen's suits from $3.75 to 122.50 Bojtb" and Youths' suits from f 1.75 to ns.50 Pants from 75 cents up to $5,50. Vests from 75 conts and upward. An immense stock of Hats and Furnishing Goods which I am offering at prices in reach of every one. All persons in need of any of the above will save money In calling at B. IF: PB3Sr2SrTT.'S3 HO Market 8c. I am also Agent for the Celebrated A. A. Battle's $2.50,.Slioe Best in the World for the Price. feb 11 tf Scroll Saw Work. yjTE nAVE ON EXHIBITION A VERY handsome Walnut Cabinet, a beautiful piece of Scroll Saw Work. We can furnish designs like this or Brackets of any description on short notice. Call in and examine and we will oe pleased to take your orders, fob 19 MUNDS BROTHERS. Steamship Co, FROM PIER;29, EAST RIVER, NEW, YORK Located between Chambers and .Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock. P. M. BENEFACTOR SatiiiYlnv Ttob on gulp stream SattuW, March 2 PIONEER Wednesday, March 0 FROM WILMINGTON' GULF STREAM Friday, Feb. 83 BENEFACTOR FrtdayTlkarcn 1 GULF STREAM Friday March I Through Bills LaHncr Ann Tavmc thmv Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to n G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent. mn Wilmington, N, THEO. E. EG er , Traffic Manager. New York. wm. p. CLYDE & CO., Gen l Agents. feb 19 as Broadway, New York. MADAM PETE, At No. 3 (Upstairs) cor. Market and Front sts, , THE GYPSY CLAIRVOYANT & PALMIST. consult Her on all Affairs of Life. She helps to brintr the senarated toeether aiid causes soeedv marriacres. She removes evil influences and jealousies and reads your past, present ana ruture. Having an tae ;ypsy powers by Inheritance and tradition. she never falls to give satisfaction. Her office poors are rrom y a. m. to s p. m. N. B. Will visit private families when de sired. Ian ,11 3m Wilmington Savings & Trust Co,, IO8 Princess St.. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND $12,000.00 TO LOAN on satisfactory security. w. p. too M EE, cashier. febis tJriLDER ATKINON, lresldent. Brick and Shingles. 25,000 flWCK ioaooosmiCGLE8 cadi at .J. A. SPRINGERS! CcaadWooraKfa. feb latf SB Ill rH arvsatx'( JaWWV