THIS PAPER PLEASE NOTICE. rom onr friends on any and an subject general interest, but -The name of the writer must always be f u ulshed to the Editor. conunnnicattons most be written only on one side ot the paper. Personalities most be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse' the views ot correspondents aniens so stated in the editorial columns. puWisucd even evening, Sundays excepted, 3j- jo5B. T. JAJCBS, Editor and Prop. B5CRIpnON8, POTTAGE PAID kvi i : T r. W Oa Six months $2.00. Three months, fl.oa One month, 35 cents, rue paper will toe delivered by carriers, tree ot charge, in any part of the City, at the above rates, or 10 cents per wee, erasing rates low and liberal. rr subscribers will please report any and failures to receive their paper regularly. ft VOL XI ft. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. MARCH I, 1889. NO 52. The f ) A II I ft -j i IE P5r Co "7 -Si-: CLAWf $1.09 f 3r a . . . .... . f . ...... . . . . - -vi i : inks. .tnrtimir motw t i.ii . ... T f ll SV. . t IH'BBAUD BRON - ? i 1.4 -,! -( ti.;aioiphbt, I'a. (trip I iv "vv trmile iu All prts. b . i ...irr nut- lllfl. h i n r. fcooU wneie xue peouie ran .... u . . ..Ill und rwcv I,. , . bersos iu racb locmiity.ID; very : - - t i . wrv- T ' i ... world, with all the attaebmrn:. wiiiaiaoMurtfreeacompiv UC VI VIA .WW. - imptei- In reiur.. we ask th.: vu V Villi UC WIHl. 1st UIW .. ..ii in v., Mr hioiie.and a!? i tS monlhalUlia!t l.rrome your m uropcrtr. Tins prana ado alter m- f- hxch have run out . bcwi e trnt .... :. .1.1,1 l.rHKI. ri h shs niu ihiiht . i.... ..... . ,in,t nf.w sell.i for .',0. Bet,rongt.nK. u I nw Mac in tn world. All ib u v.. ,-nlMl renuired. Pldin. r frt-' . ;, ,,lmf shown tot-h-rii Ainfrita. I wee K m (lA'w PhyjrielaMM C.'oiif-. ah ii'inest, fonseieniious physicians who glvr li. C. B. i Botanic Blood Bulni) a trial, fr.uiklv admit its superiority over ai.t. other btfrid medicines. Dr. W.J. AdsJjr, Kockmart, ;a.t writes: "I it , u l B. B. H. as one of the best blood inedi- ir. A. II. Koseoe, Nashville. Tenn.. writes: " U reports of B. B. B. are favorable, and Its siveilv action is truly wonderful." ! J w.Khodes, crawfordsvllle, Ga..writes: "1 confess B. B. B. Is the best and quickest medicine for rheumatism I have ever tried." Br. s. J. Farmer, l rawfordsvllle, Ga., writes: I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a fine i ouic alterative. Its use cured an excrescence of the neck after other remedies effected no lien-eptible good." nr. C. II. Montgomery. Jacksonville, Ala., writes: "Mv mother insisted on my getting i:. B. B. for her rheumatism, as her case stub u.i niy resisted the usual remeUles. Sheex perienced immediate relief, and her lmprove-inf-n'v has been tridy wonderful.' A prominent physician who wishes his name not given, says: "A patient ot mine whose ease ot tertiary syphilis was surely killing him. ami which no treatment seemed to check, was entirely cured with about twelve bottles of B. B. B. He was fairly made up of skin and hones and terrible ulcers.'" STOKLEY'S." WE A "RE NOW PHR- pared to accommodate an who may call upon us with the Finest Oysters to he lnd on th? coast. We have made special K,.rr.itiohsfortlieSea3pn. ' Myrtle Grove, Middle aDd Stump Sound Oysters always on hand. Served promptly and In any Hyla uesirod. W. 11. pTOkLEY, oet pitf Wilghtsville. Roses and Vegetable Plants. Qft ft AO ROSES AND 100,000 VEGETABLE pv, v vu Plants. Parties wishing such can drop me a postal card and I will deliver such as wanted or wUl call and give description of same. Ng such roses can be bought elsewhere for same price. W. J. KIKKHAM, j-initf KoseFarm. MAf Agents in every Town I IC3U and c ountv ro sp'1- our tJoods. send us ovr dollar, and we will send you sample that sells for three dollars, and Liart you in a business that will pay you from tMQtffjQpv-rmth.' 1 I? Address THE RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO.. jan 18 iw Rlchmotn, Va. Drugs and Clieniicalp, rXILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc, etc Also Prescriptions filled day or night at P. C. MILLER'S, Drug store, jan 4 Corner Fourth and Nan Sts., The National Life Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. V. O f31UK3.V i-'awuties None. 1--U.1I0 meinbm .$l20,Uii.Gl o UORATIO BROWliING, Ppesiflfcnt, GKUKGIU.). ELDRUKtK, v- tvtary. Manager amf Actuary. a J." rs let. s .,1- iws innrtfutMW by the iTitsre of . , . . m i t M tri'h drligH ,' j j, k. jxmffeHi mr mother for. eat. V -TYlTt rnnn i x i til r-"- m Wa i-i'e Insurance at Absolute Cost, A Guaranteed loucy. An iti. ontestible Policy. tumj value In Casn at Fixed Agcj Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. lm our Payments per Year. 10ri ; k it able After Three Years P. S. KIDDELLfc, M. D. w B ..... Medical Direct or w. H. mbson. Special Agent. Joux .I?ra?,o,?0e'' L215 F Street. N4W. lo N haar, Jr.. Local Agent, y' Wlimlngtonl N. C I Ne York has thus for contribut ed not quite $10,000 to the fund for the relief of the distressed Chinese. A white girl married a negro near Louisvdle, Ky., the other day. A colored preacher performed the ceremony. Immediately afterwards the girl's father appeared on the scene and the happy groom is now languishing in jail. The penalty for the offense is three years in the Penitentiary. The Duke of Sutherland, who was in Wilmington about two months ago, is to be married to his friend," If 15. Hlair. A Heense has been is sued in Tampa. g Fla., for the mar riage of (George William Suther land J jevesonli owe r, widower, other wise the J)uke of Sutherland and Mary Cat ollne Blair, widow.' Now, will this marriage make an honest woman of her and an honest man of hi in? The railway commission bill fail ed in the Senate yesterday, simply, solely, entirely and exclusively be cause of the opposition to it. It might as well be accepted as a set tle fact that the failure of the bill was not due to its demerits. There ha'nt been a legislature in North Carolina in ten years that has had pluck enoughHo pass any kind of a railroad commission bill, to which the railroad people objected. There is the truth in a verv small nut sell. Mr. Cowles is a North Carolinian and Mr. Cowles is a Democrat, ac cording to the usual stiindard, at all events he is supposed to be one, as he fought that way during the war and now represents a democratic constituency. Mr. Randall, acoqrd ing to some of the latter day saints, is a Republican, and yet Mr. Cowles and Mr. Randall are politically as thick as two in a bed and Mr. Ran dall is to introduce Mr. Cowles1 bill to relieve us of the infernal revenue fraud. r- Chronic nasal catarrh guaran teed cure Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. INDEX TO NXW ADVKRTISRMKNT8 A Perry Nticj MtjxDs Bros Pharmacists 1 1 kinsberger -Valentines W M Ccmmixg Matt resses Mrs E B Wiggins Notice li M McIntirk Window Shades Geo R French & Sons Gonuine F C Miller Drugs and Chemicals S Van amringe. C S C Legal Notice New moon this afternoon at 47 minutes past 4 o'clock. This month has live Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays. Only one day of weak sunshine aKl the streets are already nearly dry. Some of the peach trees here abouts are in bloom. $qq soon There is cold weather yet to come. We have something new and use ful to show the builder and farmer. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be boug cheapest at Heinsbrger' t Everything which belongs to pure, healthy blood is imparted by Hood's Sarsaparilla. A trial will convince you of its merit. See our latest door b?ll, transom lifter and sash fastener. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to Mlort ?fjj . t ' March came in this morning like unto Mary's little lamb. To be con sistent it ought to go out like the lion in Daniel's den. We gMn tf'js month 4Q minutes of daylight. The sun rose to day at 6:34 and will set at 5:55; on the 31st it rises at 5:48 and sets at (1:21. Mr. A. Perry, who has been with Mr. J. W. Taylor for the past five years in the livery and sale business has opened a stable for himself at the old on North Front street. Yon can paint your old buggy and make it look bright and new with the ready prepared Detroit Carriage Paint, Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. c.p. 1 Apother lot of sash, doors and ! blinds just received by the N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co. They will save you i money on building materials of all kinds. "Whom do yon consider the great est man in the United States?" ask ed a newspaper reporter of Sitting Bull. "Pale face who niakee Bull's Cough Syrup." was answered. The entertainment given at St. James' Home last night, for the benefit of that excellent institution, was largely attended. There was' a profusion of refreshments, which were rapidly disposed of, and from what we can learn we judge that the. occasion proved a financial as well as a social success. Itovk Cryfcil Spec-tatcle ami Kyeglaaas Advice to old and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than lias been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Soiree for the Old Pupils. At German ia Hall to night Prof. Bellezza will give a soiree, compli mentary to all of the old pupils of his dancing academy. All are es pecially and particularly invited. The idea was only conceived during the day and it has therefore been impossible to extend the invitations personally. The Professor there fore hopes that his invitation thro' this medium will be considered suffi cient and that all who can will at tend. Dancing will begin at 8 o'clock. Mrs. T. J. Southerland will chaperone the party. Bark From Raleigh. Mr. W. E. Davis returned to the city last night- from Raleigh, where he has been on business connected with the fish interests of this sec tion. Mr. Davis was appointed by the Agricultural Department State Fish Commissioner for the District of the Cape Fear but was not allow ed any funds to prosecute the work here. His appointment was made under a law passed by the last Legis lature. Mr. Davis has accepted the position and will try and get some, aid in the propagation of shad from the U. S. Fish Commission. He says hat the bill presented by the Cham ber of Industry has been very fav orally received and has every pros pect now of beooming a law. City Court y ' Before the Mayor this morning Frank George, charged with disOr derly conduct, was fined $5 or 10 days. Louis Davis, disorderly, $5 or 10 days. Buck Hill, hogs running at large, $1 and costs. Lucy Howe, hogs running at large, case dismissed. Five steamboatinen were arrang ed on the charge of running without gpark arresters. In one case judg ment was suspended on condition that the spark arresters were used and consideration of the others was deferred until to morrow morning. Pergonal. Col. E. R. Brink is in the city to day on bxief visit, ' Capt. Geo. Morrison, we are pleased to state, was reported as better this afternoon. Mr. H. M. Bowden left here last, night on a short business trip to New York. We are sorry to hear that Mr. A. F. Lucas is quite sick anc1, confined to the hoqjsa, Mr. Girard Rellezza is here with his brother, the Professor, and will assist, as formerly, in the conluct of the dancing classses. We are sorry to h,er that Mr, JJick. V. Jacobs is quite sick. He has been iu the house several days but we hope to see him abroad again soon. ' lit. Gov. Stedmau and Mrs. Sted man have gone to Washington City to visit their daughter, Miss Katie, who is at school there. They will be present at the inauguration. Mrs. E. B. Wiggins will leave here to-night for the New York markets. She will be absent about ten days and Miss M. lA Goodwin will return with her to take charge of the trim luiug department iii millinery. Mrs. Wiggins will alao bring with her a first-class dress-maker from New York. Miss Aiuqret Cameron, who goes to Washington City to her father, Maj. Jno. W. Cameron, will accompany Mrs. Wiggins as far as that city. Harbor Master's Report. The books of Capt, Joseph Price, Harbor Master at this port, show the following arrivals for the month of February : American 7 steamers, 5,617 tons; 17 schooners, 4,605 tons; total, 24 vessels, 10,222 tons. Foreign 3 barques, 1,354 tons; 3 schooners, 361 tons; total, 6 vessels, I, 715 tons. Grand total, 30 vessels, II, t37 tons. Klegantly Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones gave an entertainment at their ele gant residence on Wrightsville last evening to a large number of. young ladles and gentlemen from this city. We understand that one hundred and fifty invitation were issued The young folks were the guests of their entertainers from the moment they left the city until they return ed to it, A train on 'tbe Seacoast R. R. was chartered for the occasion and the party debarked at Bradley's Creek, where they found vehicles waiting to take them over to Mr. Jones' residence. A band of music awaited theni there ana soon the dance was on. About midnight an elegant supper was provided and not long after all returned in safety to the city. Now Road and New Locomotive. They are getting ready down about Carolina Beach for a big campaign next Summer. New cot tages are being erected and the new road, three miies in length, is graded and the cross ties are there. They are waitjing now for the iron. This is expected on the 5th, next Tuesday. It is all new rails and it will be put down at once. An entirely new lo comotive has also been ordered and this will be here about the first of April, by which time the iron will all be down and the road ready for the new engine. The steamer Sylvan Grove, which now belongs to the company, will be overhauled this month and will be ready also about the first of April. Capt. Saaser is a Married Man, Capt. P. H. Sasser, the clever and courteous conductor on the Seacoast R. R., was married yesterday at Privetts, S. C, near Conway, to Miss Rose, the beautiful and accom plished daughter of Mr. W. H. Priv ett. The marriage service was con ducted by the Rev. W. W. ones, pastol of the M. E. Church at Con way, and at the residence cf the bride's father. There were no at tendants. Tliere were many hand some and valuable bridal presents. Capt. Sasser with his bride, and ac companied by his sister, Miss Mag gie Sasser, of Columbus county, arrived here last night. He has taken rooms at the Cape Fear House, on Market street. Monthly Meteorological Summary. The following is the meteorogical summary for Wilmington, for the month of February, 1889, furnished by the Signal Office here: Average monthly barometer 30:126, highest during month, 30:61, on the 21st; lowest, 26.63 on the 18th. Monthly mean temperature 42.4 de grees; highest, 67 degrees on the 18th; minimum of month 20 degrees, on the 7th. Greatest daily range of temperature 24 degrees, on the 8th. Monthly mean dew point, 35 degrees: average per cent, of humidity, 75. Prevailing direction of wind ksouth west; highest velocity and direction during month, 36 miles, southwest, on chei8th. Total rainfall 4.66 inches, which is in excess of normal for Feb ruary 1.38 inches. During the month there were eight cloudless days, five partly cludy dAystand fifteen cloudy. Hear the Merry Wedding Bells ! Mr. James T. Riley was happily married last night, in the First Baptist Church, by Rev. Dr. Pritch ard, to Miss Cora Cowan, a charm, ing young lady of Burgaw. The chnrch was thronged with the friends of the contracting parties, who had assembled there to witness the hap py event. The ushers were Messrs. J. D. Beery, James W. Monroe. A. J. Marshall, J. T. Sholar and R. M. Gilbert. At the conclusion, of the ceremonies the happy couple drove I to the residence of the groom, on 6th j street, between Nun ami Church where a reception was held. The j young couple htive . many warm i friends here and elsewhere and this . fact was testified by the large hum ! ber of handsome and valuable wed ding presents of which they were j the recipients. Only 81 bales of ootton received at this port to day. Indications. . For North Carolina, fair weather, followed on Saturday by a light rain and slightly warmer. Dangerously Wounded. There was a shooting affray on the line of the C. P. '& Y. V. R. R. , about four miles above the city, about 12 o'clock to day. A colored woman, whose name we did not learn, was shot by a white man in the groin and seriously injured. Since the above was iu type we have had soiue further particulars. The injured woman is named Millie Collins and she was the cook of the gang working near the city. She was quarreling with some other col ored women when Capt. Flagg, the overseer of the gang, interfered to quiet the disturbance. The others left but Millie Collins became in volved in an altercation with Capt. Flagg, which resulted in trouble be tween them and the wounding of the woman. She was shot four times in the right leg and hip. She started to walk to town but fell from weakness caused by the loss of blood and in this state was fouud by a colored man named Isaac Ttate, who brought her on to the city. Her wounds are not con sidered as necessarily dangerous. TKRRIBX.E FORK WARNINGS. Cough in the mbrning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising of phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedv for Consumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. NEW A. O VKKTISBMENTST. Notice. HAVING BOUGHT OUT THE LIVERY Business neretofore conducted by Mr. J. W. Taylor, and having five years' experience, I am now prepared to keep a first class Feed and Sale Stable at the old stand, North Front St., near Mulberry. Horses Boarded by the day, week or month. Special attention paid to housing country carts. 10 TcxasPonies tor sale mch 1 2t A. PERRY. MRS. E. B. WIGGINS yiLL LEAVE TO-NIGHT FOR THE Northern Markets to purchase a Spring Stock and to acquaint herself with the Latest Styles. On her return, ten days hence, she will bring out a first class Northern Dressmaker and Miss M. L, Goodwin, who will take charge of the Trimming Department in Millinery, mch 1 It A Card. PHIS IS TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT I will continue the MATTRESS BUSINESS in my own name, (Mr. Howell having gone to Richmond). 1 make Springs, Cushions and Mattresses, (using the best hair picking and mattress making machines), and renovate old Mattresses and make them good as new. Work well done. Prices reasonable. W. M. CUMMING, mch l opposite City HalL STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT. J. A. Sheets, Plaintiff, vs. Mary E. Sheets, Defendant. This is an action for divorce on th ground of adultery, on the part of the defendant, and it appearing that the defendant is a non-resi dent and cannot alter due diligence be found in this State, this, therefore, is to command said defendant to appeal- at the next term of the Superior court, to be held for the said County of New nanover at the court House in Wilmington. North Carolina, on the sixth Monday after the first Monday in March, 1889, and answer or demur to the complaint already tiled or the relief asked for will be granted and decree made against said defendant. L a o Given under my hand and official I seal. seal, at office in Wilmington, this ZVS. I ) day of February, 1889. S. VAN AMRINGE. clerk superior court, mch 1 Sw f New Hanover County. DANCING ACADEMY. PROP. BCLLEZZA. H AS RETURNED TO THE CITY AND will resume Instruct lous in Dancing, at Ger- mania Hall, TerMorrow (Fiiday) Night, at 8 o clock, will organize a Class for Gentlemen, i and on Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, will ; organize a Ladles- Class. Regular Instruction for Gentlemen's class ou Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock; for Ladles' Class on Monday. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons,, at 4 0ClOCjCa i Private. Lessons at any other hours than those mentioned above. Any further Informa tion furnished by me at Mrs. Morrison's Board ing- House, on Masfcet street. - - j teb; A, BELLEZZA. fJEW ADVEJSTI8BMEyTTS Down with High Prices. Big Mark Down ! T F. PENNY GUARANTEES TO 81LL Clothing 15 per cent less than any other house in the city. Look at our astonishing low prices. Gentlemen's suits from $3.76 to fss.80 Boys and Youths' suits from L75 to&6e Pants from 75 cents up to $5.50. vests from 7S conts and upward. An Immense stock of Bats and Furnishing Goods which I am offering at prices ia reach of every one. AU persons nY need of any of the above win save money in calling at HO Market 8c. I am also Agent for the Celebrated A. A. Battle's $2.50 Shoe . Best la the World for the Price. feb 11 tf C e n u i ne Extraordinary Inducements OFFERED TO CLOSE OUT BALANCE WINTER 8TOOK OP BOOTS AND SHOES. Must be. Sold to Make Room :for Spring Stock Geo. R. French & Sous, feb 22 tf 108 North Front St On Consignment. 100 BOXES TOBACCO, loo Barrels E. It. SEED POTATOES. lOO Barrels PEERLESS POTATOES, 75 Barrels APPLES 25 Barrels ONIONS, 10 Barrels YELLOW ONIONS, v io Boxes LEMONS, ISO Boxes HERRINGS. 40 Dozen BASKETS, 15 Tubs BUTTER. On consignment and must be sold. CHAS. F. BROWNS, Agt, 128 North water St., Wilmington, N. C. feb37ttl&w H. CROIVEKBERG, PHOTOGRAPHER, RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY, feb 23 tt i Qy. Market st. , south side. Brick and Shingles. 25,000 BKICK inn nnn shingles. Call at J. A. SPRINGER'S foal and Wool Yard. feb 15 tf Now Ready. I AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH my friends and the public generally with the Purest Drugs that can be found in the city. Also a fine assortment of Toilet Soap. Brushes and combs. I have a fine assortment of cigars and Cigarettes. I 'can be found at my store Night and Day. JOHN 8HEEHAN. the Druggist, oct 13 tf N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. Peerless Dyes AND PAINTS, ALL COLORS, 10 CT8 EACH , 3 packages for 35 cents. 75 cents per dosen. MUNDS BROTHERS, feb 27 104 N. Front st. , flOl N. Fourth St. Announcement. The Mercantile Association of (be Carpi 1dm rjEREB Y ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC that it is open for business and ready to serve its patrons, offices located on second floor of the Ortoa House, in the old office of Hotel. Telephone Call No. 7. THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF TUB Jan 9 tf CAROUNAS. For Rent. OEVERAL HOUSES. STORES AN- kj iiuas ui spienaio locannes. j houses and lots for sale for cash on i ne monthly '-mimasriai neaut promptly Insurance attended to MARTIN T. ov 17 tf . 1 . xx? 3Xas Jav cBSSRe 1 VflBXmQ, j

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