PLKASE NOTICE. l mm 14., . ciin rift VK excented. nrrOtl QK. au- ms PAPEK i We w begiadtoreoeiTe tWKS. Editor and Prep. on any and aOIinbjecr r ,nS POSTAGB PAID: fna em. Three of the writer must tfways be a to Che I) VII. i 1 1 1 : 1 1: w . 14 oa Slx m"" fioa month, 35 cents. 'twill deliver W carrier, free nart of the City, at ine auuvr .Vincents per . w . ir and liberal- icilimr.i - .tnnv-"" . - ... UL'W V . J, I .T If ' - . burn t " '. :.,;ir.i-1.- t- d ri imm' ? ',.1. .im'-t-olhri'T. ' ' m . .. . li IJ- irtctnr- oct 11 1 . V" . .11 mna. by Ik trsue i . , - T . ;.. our iMcnmn p , , ...v.-, 4l ,He neouM eu e "a ?rT -end free to one ,Ja iu each locality .the very L- sewiuK-machme made in L . . ... -II .W- .ILnknintitt Lth- world. " an , hich have run om i,I , rt:n out it som ! '" - 7" una now fti lor splEk P..-st.8troneeSt,niosl use- Klin CKSp-ii:ih"r;' . ;s ruin. I MlAs i "T.c who write to as at once can fre- ' kl"1'"' ever shown together inAmrnca. Aupwtu. Maiue. Tlie Women Praise B. B. B. wrtiiinlv awakens 1 ""V1 " ,rv tnlft ph lanthronlst. teSSdSi) send to Blcod Balm Co., Tl CS,PlSeaw, (ia., writes: ..':,nv bottlfcol B. B. B. curefl my wife of S M. Laws. Zalaba. Fla. vvrltcs: . ' never used anything to equal B B. B. M h v H iay. Kocky Mount, N . C. wrUes: -n i . d iy for l" years was T free from head- X !( . B- entirely relieved me. I feel :fPSasler, Ilnwkinsyllle. Gau, writes: "My wife was ia bad Health for eight M" s- j , mlnv nntAlll. ITtPfll- clnea hail uone ner uu guuu. n;.rin?omrinson, Atlanta. Ga., says: '-For rears l suffered with rheumatism, caused by kwnev troubl- and indigestion, I also was teeble and nervous. B. B. B. relieved meat, once, although several other medicines had failed." . , . .... Kev J. M. Richardson, Clarkslon, Aik., writes- "My wife suffered twelve years with meumatism and female complaint. A liidy mt mlKr of my church had been cured by B. 1. B. sue persuaded my wile to try it, who now i I Here is nothing like B. B. li., asit quick Is trave her relief." "STOKLEY'S." a .'nW'R AlfK NOW PRE ggjjr ;.:ii ,i fo aironimotlate all w ho may call upon us with the Finest Oysters to bp liid on the coast. Wchave made fipecial preparations for the Season. Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters always on hand 'served promptly and in any Style desired. W. H. STOKLEY. oci 10 tf Wrlghtsville. For Rent. LEVlKAL houses, stores an o uooms in splendid localities. Also Uoasea and lots for sale for cash and on toe monthly installment nlan Kents prompt b' collected. Taxes and uBorance attended to without extra chaige. MARTIN T. DAVIS, Real Estate Agent. bv 17 tf ; no Mocess St Drugs and . hp-mlcalp, 'I'OILKT ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, etc., etc Also Prescriptions filled day or night at F. C. MILLEB?S, 1 Drug Store. Jan 4 corner Fourth and Nun Sts. , The National Life AND Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C. O Assts f3H.072.19 liabilities None. totfd to rcembew ................ . .$130,002.31 o I J OR ATIO BROWNING, lresd;ent o (i EG RGB D. ELDRIDGE, Secret .r'. Manager and.Aetuary." Life Insurance at Absolute Cot, A Guaranteed Policy. An Ineoutestible Policy.', Maturity Value in Casn at Fixed Agey. Annual cost Absolutely Limited, Mmy Lour Payments per Year. Son Forfeitable After Three Years, P. & RIDDELLE, M. D, w Medical Director H. (wiBSON. Special Agent, jni.v onie Ofnce, 115 F Street. N. W. JOHN IUAR, Jr.. Local Agent. BEEP Sea Wonders exist In thousands of rorms, but are surpassed by the w in need of profitable worjc that can be done 1 1 vina at home should at once aeqct tUejr o Hallett k Co., Portland, Maine, and !.' ; rree. full information how either sex, imu-' 1 , s- CJUX earn tTOm to S25 per day and frW in,'s wnerever they Uve. You are started f.v2; - )ltal not required. Some have made t in a single day at this work. All suc-- nov 22 md w mm iii i VOL XI ri. Australia has just made to a pro jected railroad a grant of 16,000,000 j acres, or 20.000 acres a mile. The grant to the Pacific railroads in this j country amounted to about 6,400 I acres a mile. j This coining Sr. Patrick's Day will be a great day for old Ireland, in I view of Ireland's champion. At the j Xew York dinner Patrik Egan, Governor Hill and other notable j persons will speak to patriotic toasts. aMk-j Since 1S71 2,500,000 Germans have quit the Fatherland. Of this great host 2,000,000 have come to America. These are the latest figures in Ber lin, and the Prussians are talking about them with wonder and some regret. Russian statemen, from Connt Tolstoi' down, are aUing in the or ganization of socities for the preven tion and surpres8 ionof inebriety. To tal abstinence,except from light cider and kvass. an acid drink with little alcohol, is the rule they seek to es tablish for too hard drinkers. v Two English servants, AnnWarde and Eliza Wylde, went to a salvation ai my meeting on a Sunday evening, overstayed the time when they should have been at home, and for fear of a scolding, tied themselves together with a woollen scarf and drowned themselves in a canal. It is told out in Indiana that in 1880 a dinner was given in Madison county, and thirteen men sat at the table. Gov. Williams, who was one of the thirteen, called attention to the fatal number, and there was considerable fun made of the super stition. To-day luit. . tUreejoCthe thirteen are alive. ry. Graham buttoned Granville Greene.... Guilford. . Halifax... Uttle. "But Knoian(i sel as Mercutio said of his v piece rcier to vr. rierce s iiue is which are small, swift and Harnett... av. i cases of sick headache. billio(f&ikiay constipation and indigestion. local, isrers- INDEX TO NlW ADVKRTISKMKNTS J J IIbdbick Satines Munds Bros Pharmacists W M CtJMMiKG Mattresses llKIKSBEKGER -New GOOdS R M McIntire New Goods opera House "Pete" Baker Geo R French & Sons Genuine P C Miller Drugs and Chemicals Miss Hattie J Fox New Spring Goods Indications. North Carolina, rain For and warmer weather. Joint services in St. John's Church to night at 8 o'clock. It rained nearly all of last night as well as all day yesterday. An entire new registration is re quired for the approaching election. Gold, silver and copper bronzes are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be boug1 cheapest at Heinbrger," t Oil stoves of all kinds, for heating and cooking, guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t That tired feeling and loss of ap petite are entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaprilla, the peculiar medicine. Try it and see. If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select from. t Blind tenons for repairing broken slats in your blinds, can be used by the most inexperienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Registration goes on very slowly in nearly all the wards of the city. Especially is this the case in the Third Ward. Will you take your choice! If you don't register you cannot vote. Many of the sidewalks are in a miserable condition. They will do very well in the business portions tion of the city, but in the suburbs they seem to have been entirely ig nored. We have the largest assortment of cook stoves to be found in tp State to select from and at factory prices. We guarantee every stove to bake and cook well and to give general satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. The eamen's Bethel is now beiqg repainted and kalsomiined. in con- j sequence of which, it will not be in condition for the usual Saturday t night and Sunday services to be ; held there tomorrow niht and on j Sunday. WILMINGTON, N. C, The Governor's visit. j Our report closed yesterday just j at the time when the banquet at the Hummocks was on. Oar reporter was compelled to leave there so as to get in yesterday's issue what had been done up to that time. The repast was a delightful one. Col. W. C. Jones presided and on taking his seat proposed the following initia tory toast: "Our Governor" Surely uiy lines fall iu pleasant places, and my friends ever kind to me, for at their hands I have the honor to preside at this lunch which is graced with so much beauty and with talent that would reflect credit upon any occasion. This is an event which I shall ever remember with pleasure one which, I think, marks an epoch in the his tory of Wilmington one of which our citizens are very proud, and for this memorable day we are indebt ed to one whom we are all proud to honor one who has been a true friend to us in the hour of need, and this, ladies and gentlemen, is no other than our worthy Governor, the Hon. Daniel G. Powle. The Governor responded briefly and stated in the course of his re marks that it was a definitely set tled fact that the encampment would be permanently located at Wrights ville but that the exact spot had not yet been fully determined upon. Hon. Charles M. Stedman there upon arose and presented the Gov ernor, on behalf of the citizens of Wilmington, -with a deed for the ground, saying as he did so; GOVKRNOH FOWLEJ By the re quest and in accordance with the wishes of the citizens of Wilming ton, I present to you a deed for the site of the permanent encampment of the State Guard. I should utter ly fail to reflect their views, did I not express to you the appreciation of the people of the lower Cape Fear induct in conqec- 1371 jtA "us site. 2199 1046 -owM aoo 1094 1008 1072 2680 2491 2264 2208! 3786 727 2470 2495 2897 1254 Q1 1444 wood preciatea its wants. They are re joiced that you have seconded the wishes of the Guard ;and made it possible for them to annually come to us by the sea side. For verily it may be said that the people of Wil mington and our State Guard have a mutual love, each for the other. We know that they are glad to be with us, and assuredly nowhere else will they find a more cordial or sin cere welcome. You have most generously aided them and by your personal and official in fluence made their continued or ganization a certainty. Aside from any benefit which may accrue to our city, aside from any prominence the location of this site may give to Wrigntsville Sound, It would have afforded the people of Wilmington the same heartfelt pleasure to have greeted the gaN lant boys each summer. Every breeze from the ocean which kisses our shore shall bear upon its breath the sentiments of our hearts a glad welcome to them all. To you, Sir, whose duty it will be as Commander in Chief to visit the Encampment, will always be rendered an honest and loyal friendship., And this site will remain a testimonial of your good will to our people, which shall not be forgotten by them or their children. For years to come, I trust, they shall visit the spot you have chosen, that they may extend their hospitality anil congratulations to a Guard whose efficiecy, morality and manhood W'll be typical of the honor and fair name of North Caro lina, whether amid the tumult of war or the happier scenes of peace." After the applause which greeted Maj. Stedman s remarks, had subsid ed, Governor Fowle accepted the deed in behalf of the State and in a short extemporaneous address spoke most eloquently and feelingly. He al luded to the State Guard in terms which fired every soldier's heart and his tribute to Wilmington and the hospitality of its citizens was most unique and touching. A toast was then given to the Uni ted States, which was responded to by Capt, W. H. Bixby. Capt. Cam eron then proposed the health 'of Coi. Strange and Col. Jones, for the material aid rendered by them. 1$ the selection of the; encanpment : to Col. K S. Latimer, president of the Seacoast road, and also to Mr. Jas H. Chadbourn, general manager, foy the courtesies ex&qdeq' to every one. There was nothing left undone by the officials of the road to make everything pass off pleasantly. At night there was a banquet at mnquet at largely at- the Orton, which was tended, notwithstanding the very inclement weather. Hon. A. M. x - - Waddell presided. A toast, -The Governor," was responded to by His Excellency; to "The State Guard," by Gen. Glenn;"The Eneaiupment," k rvi Qf.. ' "Ti i.iisL" kt by Col. Strange; 'The Ladies, by Col. Cunningham; and The FRIDAY. MARCH 15, mington L;ight Infantry," by Cfcpt. John H. DanieL A closing toast, at the instance of the Governor, was j w uwu. a. i. waocien, ana in is gentleman's response' closed the en tertainment. The Governor has remained quiet ly at the Orton House to day. He will be entertained at the Cape Fear Club to night and will leave for Raleigh to morrow morning. Sneak thieves and burglars are getting in their work in tbe city. Be prepared for them and bid them welcome with powder and shot. Miss Hattie J. Fox advertises in this issue that she has just received a full line of Spring goods and ex tends an invitation to ladies to call and examine them at 213 Market street. Br. brig Trygve, O'Neill, cleared to day for Havana with 350 barrels rosin, 100 barrels tar, 100 barrels pitch. 9,719 feet lumber, 127 empty hogsheads and 41 empty puncheons, valued at $1,135, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprnnt & Son. The Asheville Citizen hears it ru mored there that Mr. Vanderbilt has bought the Carolina Central R. R. and that he will at once proceed to build it through to Asheville and from thence on to Cranberry. We don't take any stock in this rumor don't believe a word of it. Dr. Bobbin Has Improved. The many friends here of Rev. Dr. Bobbitt will be rejoiced to learn that his condition has materially improved. On Wednesday he left Rockingham for the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ashcraft, in Winston. He went down the C. C. R. R. to Hamlet, and from thence to Sanford, Han f he R. & A. A. L., and thence on nWm!I-'-'. R- to Greens- FLOURrbbl- mm tiWU WWTUsioii with excel ent hopes of a full recov ery- ur of Inspection. The Wfcldon News says that Brig adier General W. H. Anthony will in May begin the official tour of in spection of the State Guard during which he will examine all the coins missioned officers on tactics and regulations. These examinations have not been heretofore required and the consequence is there has been no relief from incompetent of ficers. General Anthony will cer tainly see that the officers are fully competent and efficient, and will eng force this wise provision of the law. HHi Death of Mr. Geo. K. French. It is with great regret that we announce to-day the death of our venerable fellow-citizen, Mr. George R. French. He died at his residence in this city, at half -past Q o'clock this morning. Mr. French was a native of Fall River, Mass. He came to this city in the year 1822, and has resided here ever since. He was in the 88th year of his age, having celebrated his 87th anniversary on the 24th of last January. He was the oldest merchant in this city and probably the oldest in the State. He founded the large shoe bouse whioh bears his name and which stands to-day a proud monument to his business in tegrity and sagacity. There is no stain upon his long and hon orable life. He was upright in all of his dealings with his fellow-men and one of those sincere, modest Christians who delight in doing good, but who do not publish their deeds upon the housetops. His charities were many and munificent and the poor of this city have cause to regret the loss of a compassion ate and kind benefactor. The funeral services will take place Sunday after-noon at 3:30 o'clock at e First Baptist Church, and the interment wiU be in Oak dale. -Pete' Baker. "Pete" Baker will appear at the Opera House next Monday night in "The migrant." In speaking of ?he performance given in New Or leans, the Times-Democrat says: Respite the slight drlxzle which fell last evening, the Avenue Thea tre was crowded from gallery to, . . ... . . aVi. - m mp : . A. z l.Mf,anu ?eiore tne ourxaiu PAii tho uirrn rf ,1 rwl i r rr rvntu only" wa com in tr was known to all and his. previous successes attained in, this fJ a where, had, ained for "antl hts comnany a crowded house to wMra-w tWfl ' fl ret perform- ancti of the Emigrant. 1889. NO 64. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MY GUARANTEE. : rro do work WELL. f-o DO WORK WELL. To do work quickly. In Renovating, to" return ALL your moss or Hair properly cleaned and picked. Is not this guarantee worth something? Send la your work. nich 14 tf NEW GOODS! Coming in Daily! Yes, We Have a Great Many New Things and Njver Have the Prices Been More Satisfactory I Some Choice Novelties and many Good and Staple Styles at figures BELOW REAL VALUE. A Few Damaged Mattings, Which we are selling at a price that mch 12 The box sheet for "Pete" Baker will open at Heinsberger's to mor row morning. Total rainfall from 2 p. in. yester day to end of shower this morning amounted to .78 of an inche. "How happy I am," said the man who waited eleven years for a baby. The boy came just in good time for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. So far as we could learn no dam age was done by the storm of yes terday and last night at Southport, notwithstanding the great velocity of the wind at that point. Fine Abendunterhaltung. The young ladies of the Lutheran Sunday School have about comple ted all the arrangements for giving HfRe IT' no ntertainment, entitled as above. Wech not profess to know what to expect "ucr that caption but feel assured that who attend will have a grand enjoyable time. vVe learn that the programme will require the attend ance of 34 persons to carry the same out. Some of Its features we have learned and are able to say this: Mr. E. V. Richards will be present with his immense stereoptican to enter tain us with comical pictures. The entire Punch and Judy show will be produced with grotesque motions, etc. The music and recitations will be varied and of a select character andfof which we will have more to say anon. We have been requested to keep secret certain other matters promised on the evening of their entertainment, namely, next Wed nesday, March 20th. The admission will be only 15 cents to all. Wilmington District, Methodist E. Church South, second round of Quarterly Meetings: Southport, March 23 and 24. Fifth Street, March 30 and 31. Whiteville, at Fair Bluff, March 30 and 31. Grace Church, April 6 and 7. Carver's Creek, Smith Chapel, April 6 and 7. Bladen Street, April 9 and 10. New River Mission, April 12. Scott's Hill, at Herring's, April 13 and 14. Bladen, at Bethel, April 19 and 21. Elizabeth, at Singletary's, April 20 and 21. Sampson, at Hall, April 26 and 28. Cokesbury, at Salem, April 27 and 28. Rev. R. C. Beaman will attend at Fair Bluff, and Rev. W. S. Creasy at Smith's Chapel. Appointments Of the Bishop of East Carolina: April 4, Thursday, Consecration of Church, St. Gabriel's, Faison. April 5, Friday, Evening Prayer, St. Stephen's, Goldsboro. April 7. Sunday, Fifth in Lent, St. Mary's. Kinston. April 0, Tuesday, Morning Prayer, Holy Innocents, Lenoir co.; Even ing Prayer, LaGiange. April 11, Thursday, St. Barnabas', Snow Hill. April 12, Friday, Farmville. April 13, Saturday, Evening Pray er, Dawson's Sehool House, Pitt co. April 14, Palm Sunday, Morning Prayer, St. John's; Evening Prayer, St. Michael's, Pitt ccunty. April 15, Monday, Morning Prav er, Hell's Ferry, Pitt countv : Even l ing Prayer, Bethel, Lenoir county. Christ Church: Evening Player St. Cyprian s. Xewbern. ' .ftpru si, easier, Horning frayer, April 23, Tuesdav, M. Thomas . j-m L uraven coansy, AnvilOi !Q.ln..,l... t r 1 Aorii 9R Similar frr F.Atr Morning Praver, 8. Paul's; Evening Prayer ,St, Mark's, Wilmington. , riie Holy Commuuion at all morn- , ing services. The children catechized whenever thee 1 ana Mist to wrtuen obit on one side at t! paper. Person aiitlea most be nMnat And it is especially and p&racuUiiy stood that th Bditor does sot always i the views of ootTeBpeBdostai anieas bo etrtm in the edit columns. NEW ADV W. M. CUMMING, OPPOSITE TT BALL. will interest you, yet the;damage is iLIQHT 1 f. IM. McIntire, NORTH FRONT STREET. practicable. The offerings to be for diocesan missions unless otherwise appointed. The Vestries will please be prepar ed to meet the Bishop. DIED. French in this city, at his residence, corner of Fourth and Dock sts., at 8Q O'clock his morning, March 15th, 188, Uie venerable GEORGE R. FRENCH, Sr., in the St? year of his age. oow ' Funeral services win take place Sunday af- nriv8530 'cloc' &t theFlrst Baptist Church, thence to his selectediestlwr place in Oakdale Cemetery. Friends aS ac quaintances of the family are requested to at- NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, MARCH 18TH. PETE" BAKER, LATE BAKER A FAKHON, The world-wide, well known Comedian, in THE EMIGRANT. oy a company of acknowledged vocro-ai "" w-amuty. Pretty faces. Ex nuisue tui, cent scenery RoservedSeu insberger's. mcbl5 3t NEW SPRING GOODS. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF New spring Goods, Laces, Velvets, Corset and Ruchings, silks, Zephyrs and Baby Caps Millinery and Fancy Goods. GIVE ME A CALLf Respectfully, MISS HATTIE J. POX, mch 15 it m Market St . Wanted. FEW GENTLEMEN BOARDERS. WITH a private family. Good cool rooms and well furnished. Good water and In a healthy local ity. Tne table furnished with the best the market affords. Apply at llfcwner Severn Ji Orange streets. mch 14 31 Notice. J-OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Legislature of North Carolina- has- passed a bin authorizing the City of Wilmington to ap propriate one Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of encouraging man -ufacturingi Provided, That at the next municipal elec tion, to he heid March 28th, 1869, a majority of the registered voters cast their votes in favor of said appropriation. The condiqona are such that aBoard of Trns tees - composed of Donald MacRae, D. g. worth, James H. Chadbourn, wimam a. French, Oscar PearsaiL Xuh? Toilets ana ciayton Giles, Shan have charge of the fond, and are authorized to donate annually for teo years, to any manufacturer erecting new lac tones, or enlarging old ones, an amount not exceeding the municipal tax on the increased valuation so pYoducedV mar Tfi lot STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT. J. A. Sheets, Plaintiff, vs. Mary . Sheets, Defendant. This is aa action for divorce on the ground of adultery, on the part of the defendant, and it appearing- cnai we ae defendant is a i dent and cannot after due diligence be found in this State, this, therefore, is to command said defendant to appear at the next term of the superior court, to be Held far tbe said county of New Hanover at the court Howe In Wilmington, North Carolina, on tbe sixth Monday alter the first THly in March, 1889. tJSS aSklniSSJtS t granted and , , ' J uiven under mv hand and official 'ssau V seal, at office In WUmlngton, this ') day of February. 1SSB. si vj AN AM BINGE. mchifwf Clerk Superior court. New Hanover County. WANTED A MAN OF TEMPERATE and moral habits, seeking employment, to represent aa old established house In h own section, salary, if sotted flOQ per month. References exacted. J. Q. Blsnrftanl.OflMjsA Manager, Lock Box 16S5, N. V. febtflw ! Ja,-ir'- coouua&L lfnrmirn