.If 4. 4Twy Fearful Increase of Disaster from Small Ba, . giaalsgs. A Prominent Example and the War. J ate that It Bring. i JWOMI H. V. WMtman, of Brooklyn, returned I'POBalus vacation feeling la perfect health. At result he was careless. The next thing was a ,0M; then pneumonia; then death. Nearly U physical troubles start with a cold, and this u Jut the season when it la most easily taken. Some sudden change checks the action of the 'fcody, clogs the circulation, and lays the founda tion or death. Stop the cold in its start and yon top the disease, a cold requires the " stitch in time.11 There are many ways of attempting to stop a cold, but all physicians now agree that there U only one sure way and that is, by the use of purt stimulants. The pores must be opened, the cir culation aroused and vigor awakened. Nothing now known to the world does this so certainly ai i-uunys rure Malt Whiskey. It is a remedy, 'not abeyerajre. It has been used for years and is the most popular remedy before the public. 'Doctors, clergymen, and temperance people gen erally, endorse it for Its health-giving qualities, and it has become a family necessity. Ber. B. Mills, of Meade Centre, Kansas, says: I am a Presbyterian clergyman, a Doctor ol Josh. T. Jambs, Wilmington. N. C, SATURDAY. MARCH 16. 1889 Entered at the Fostofflce at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. No member of President Harri son's Cabinet is a total abstainer. though VVanamaker publicly frowns upon intoxicants. Mr. Harrison likes a swallow of Irish whiskey now and then, Blaine is a connois seur of French wines, Windoin en joys a dinner at which each course has its appropriate stimulant, Tracy is fond of a pint of champagne at lunch, Noble likes malt drinks and indulges every day in a bottle of imported ale, Miller seldom takes anything but rye and seltzer, while Rusk swallows his corn juice plain. merit Win Superior Courts of North Carolina 1888 We desire Uy say to our citizens.! judges. Editor & Proper. hat for yar we have been selling District, James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort . xr. xvi o new oiscuvery for Uon- "r XrZ ' . V w rmiiiiis, ui Jwgecuiuue. siiinnh'nn Tir Kin'e kx t i J tmi Jru District, 11. o. Connor, of Wilson, i gnpyop, nr. xkinjr s JSew Life Pills, uh District, Walter ciark.of wake Bucklen s Arnica Salve and Electric 5th District, John a. Gilmer, of Guilford. Bitters, and have never handled H? iil8trict E T Boykin, of Sampson. remedies that sell, as well or thatSfS I have given surti universal sa.tifac- 8th District, Jesse, s- K n si- tion. We do not hesitate to o-n -m n- i Hh District. Alphomso c. Avery, of Durke. won their great popularity purely on their merits. Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail 'druggists. MISCELLANEOUS. MARCH MIRTH. sions. Elijah Halford has never tasted Divinity, not of medicine, but I am not afraid tc whiskey, but has sipped chain paime STT;r;r;t :""T . n and en on convivial occa aratlons, as medicines, I know of, and my exper lence is a large one." Many unscrupulous dealers claim they havi something "Just as good." Beware of all sues 'claimants, and secure only the genuine. MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPHREYS' 30HE0PATHIC VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry, 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat ment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. ccues Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, Pinal itteninmtis, .'u !k v ever. A. A. rains, Lameness. Rheumatism. . - 1 1 - f D. Beta or Grubs, Worms. B "S0?.'118 Heaves, Pneumonia. P CpHc or Gripes, Bellyache. t. U. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I A? Eruptive Diseases, rtlange. ;. H.. Diseases of Digestion. stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, tt iiui nuzei uu ana jueaicator, Price, Single Bottle (over 0 dosesX 3 M a 1 m doio Dy uruffgistst or Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Mad. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. S7.00 .60 Y. A gilt-lettered sign on the Mills building, in New York, bears the names W. C. Whitney, O. H. Payne and Daniel S. La.mont. Mr. Whit ney and Col. Payne, his brother-in-law and the son of the Ohio Sena tor, have for some -years, it is au thoritatively stated, been engaged in railroad enterprises. Mr. Whit ney's four years1 absence interrupt ed his work in this direction, and his two months in Europe will delay it still further. Meanwhile he has associated Col. Lamont with him self and Col. Payne for the purpose of carrying out the projects both have on hand. Col. Lamont will not, therefore. ,be president of the Avenue C Railway, He will be di rectly interested in the management of all the roads of the Philadelnhin. syndicate, of which the Arm o Cleveland, Hangs, Stetson, Tracv & McVeagh will be the counsel, and in which Col. Payne and the Stan dard Oil Company take a lively in terest. The financial oDeritions of A cheap way to lay in coal Sleep in the coal bin. Boston Courier. A Hindoo god doesn't have to work for a living. He is an idol person. The most accurate weather renort is the thunderclap. Boston Bulletin. A man is like a drum in that h isn't of much good after his head is busted. Danville eeze. Most bntchers, no matter how thin a beast may be, make both ends meat. Minneapolis Tribune. The promising young men of a community are no better than the Paying young men. Picayune. I I 1IT 1 l . , . , 4IC a xio,ve aiwavs siuaiecl your comfort" She "Then yu have been a dull scholar." N. V. Sun. A Scotch graved igger once said: 'Trade's very dull the noo. I haeu a buried a leevin' Amtnr for th weeks. 1 "Eat with iuderment." savs a Ipn.rn - ed physician. Most oeople, however. will continue to use their jaws. Boston Post. Julius "Oh,- if you only loved me as warmly as I do you" Nellie "We would both be cremated, I ieai an? Juistrict, Geo. II. White. (coL) of Halifax. oru -LiatnuL, u. wortnington, or Martin. 4th District, T. M. Argo, of Wake. 5th District, Isaac K. Strayhorn. of Durham. Btn uisinct, u. ll. Allen, of Duplin 7th District, Frank McNeill, of Kiehmond. 8th District. B. P. Loner, nf Iredell. 9th District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Kockme-ham 10th District. W. H. Bower, of Caldwell. 11th District, Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. itu lyisinuL, dauit's ji. mooay, or .Buncombe, TIME OF HOLDING COURTS FIRST JUDICIAL That Tired Feeling A fflicts nearly every one in the spring 1 he system having become accus totnerl to the braeino- riir of DISTRICT. Spring Judge Montgomery. Fall Judge MacRae. Beaufort tFeb. Can. Mav 28th. ISTov. 9f.h Currituck March otn, Sept. 3d. Camden March 12th, Sept. lOfeh. Pasquotank March 19th. June 11th, Sept, 17th, Dec 10th. Perquimans March 36th, Sept. 24th Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford April 15th, June 18th, Oct. 15th. vv its mujbou April aja. uct. Sid. Tyrrell April 30tli. Oct. 29th. Dare May 7th, Nov. 5th. Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. SICOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Montgomery. Halifax t Jan. 9th, tMarch 5th, May Hth, tNov. 12th. Northampton 3Jan. 2d, April 2d, Oct. 1st. Bertie Feb. 6th, April 20tli, Oct. 29th. Craven tFeb. 13th! May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren Marcn I9tn, Sept. 17th. Edgrecomhe April 16th, Oat. 15th. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Avery. Fall Judg;e Graves. Pltt-rJan. 9th, March 19th, tJune 11th, Sept 17tn. Franklin .Tan. 23d, April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson iFeb. 6th. June 4th. Oct. 19th Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug. 20tu, Oct. ! Martin March 5th. Sept. 3d, tl)ec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge snipp. t all j uuge a very. No Mercury, Potash, Or any other Mineral Poison. It 1 Nature's Remedy, made exclusively from Roots and Herbs. It Is ptyroctiy Harmless It Is tue only "remedy kHown to the world' that has ever 3'et Cured contagious Blood Poison in all its stage. It cures Mercurial Rheumatism, Cancer, Scrofula, and other blood diseases herctofoi t considered incurable. It cures any disease caused from Impure blood. It is now pre scribed by thousands of the best physicians In the United States, as a tonic. We append the statement of a tew : "I have used S. S. S.'on patients convalesc ing from fever and from men!".-? wim ti:e best reunite. J. N. CircinEy. M. D., Bremen, Ga. WiUicr White wag aflilcted with sui-oiula seven .inrs. I prcLcribed S. 3. S., and to-day he is a fat and robust boy. C. W. P.M.K?iE, H. D. Richmond, Va., Dec. is, 1835. I hn vo taVen three bottles of Swift's Specific fov at-coi 1 rv blood poison. It acts ntivh bettertliij 1 cl ash or any otheir remedy I have ever m eu? B. F. WlNFfKLD, M. D.t Formerly of Siwae Co., Va. Dr. E. J. Hale, the well-known druggist and physician, of Nashville, Howard (Vncty, Ark., writes : "Having some knowledge as to what S. S. S. is composed oi" I can safciy recomiaend it as the remedy for ail skin Cis eases, it matters not what ;ho name may be," We, h2vP a hk giving a history of this wondei-ful remedy, and its cures, from oil aw All 1. a 17 HM. WBK rihw 1 rm marri mm 00 ao;e 'ned;,."l :iii2 of fn.i io;r hanthfanrftV' to iv E!!' Sample packs'!?' ...... , - 1 uid. 1 m - miim r. ' "ltllii!i.L' jiuiu uvci :uc ivuriti. wiiii:n will .-tiit-ii.o x-, h rr.o- all we say i- true, and which we will mail free on app; fcation. No family should be without It. We have aitnthp-u rtm.t!-,iH.i, r i of winter K rreo. 7tu. -JHarca 2Gth, u O - - - T a, T I rit A ir I 1 1 I 1 - H , -l. 4 ,-uwi. l 1 . . - IB weakened bv thP wn.rn. rln vs nf r.ha 3'' UU1J "LU AUK.Jfui, 'Jsepc. atWL ml - - wm -w. m t u I, 1 , 1 1 I ) . J-.ri 1 SVtfFS BETS' HOMEOPATHIC fk fk SPECIFIC No.fi 0 In SM SO VHmrm Ths nnlr imi.1 t- 0 - ' j u m w uveal . . viw,uj 1U1 I W I I f III. I 111 ' I nervous ueDiiiiv, viTai weaKness, the combination win be aided bvex unrt Pwtitntin. ' 1. . . , ' n . . , . .... oecretary airoliltl( whose new trust ana Prostration, from over-work or other causes l,Pr viL or 6 vials and large vial powder, for So aouj BT -UBUOQISTS. or sent postpaid on receipt vi nampo reji jieaicine co. , 1 U'J Hilton BU , . J. mch 23eofi ,w ly nrm company wilJ be the local bank of deposit. eyttdjeate's If en. Bend jtta; DGii BUYERS' I l( IIL, cdntai fiinp "o;ored plates, J O'J ejira.v of di'Jerent breeds, Triers t hey are north, aad where to hvy them. Directiona for Training y nnu oreeoing jr rr ei . Mailed fos 4'enls. Also Cots of Uo xrurn sead for JRrarSicnl FOli role-r motel eiiCRtnBn r.rlir Irladl of fowls: dCSCriD- ot tvu breeca: now to c3;K3i7e; M k- - . - - ... -1111- I ;.ixit incobatora, and 1 lie; Jo buy troia brtKek rt gif.nO j per fcittiujx. bent, for la Cents iwA i'.ciJ!rre ! If so, yon need UmBOOK OF, CAKE 1 i tmentand breeding of all kinds Gage HriM). T tV iinires. trrvsion. liesuiiiui cciori-H 150 illns- late birds, -for ensure and profit. Diseases end their care. How to build and stock an Aviary. Ail abexu Parrots, fnces 01 all kinds birds. eatc-a, etc. Mailea for i 5 Cents. The Tnree Boose, dU Cts. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, 2S7 South Kighth Street. Phiiadelphia, Vti. HINDERCORNS. w The only snre Care for Corns. Stopsall pain. En WorttotafeeilaPrn8tdat- HiscoxACo. CONSUMPTIYE M wonv area ana lsmo xn detective n u tri t ion . feb 18 4w Indigestion t Ust B . It nas enreo remedy lor au ins ara in time. 50c. ana PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses andbeautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails fo Restore Gray Hair la its YoufMul Coler. Prevents Dandruff and hair fallirnj 60c. and $1 00 at l)nrggi--?s. jan21 4W SEEDS Giyenl A P'kr Mixed Flower! Reeds. rOO kinds. til. 1DK.I and in-. Ortifteate fori seeds.your choice, aii for H stsmiM(4c). F.wryAoweri lover delig-hted. Tell all your I J.W. PARH.,Fnnuettshurf,ra. rQQp, this notieS Spears hut alev times. feb 18 4W rriE sciewtcb or lifi: Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise or the Errors! Yootb, Promettire Peeline, Nervous and Physical Debfflty, Impurities ot the Biood, ieiniitra-trom Poiry, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses ci )vc-axation, Enervalinsr and unfitting the victirr or Work, Bnsinesa, the Married or Social Relation. Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great vork. It contains 300 pages, rovalSvo. Beautiful finding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.C0 bj nail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illns rative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Th listinguiahed author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D., re eived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL torn the National Medical Association, or the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and acorpt f Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi, entiaUv, by mail or in person, at the effice ol 'IfK l'EABODY MEI3ICAC 1NSTITCTE, o. 4 Bui finch St., Boston, Mass., lo whom all rders for books or letters for advice should b$ irected as above. The Washington correspondent of the New York Times says: "If President Harrison sticks to the pro gramme he is said to have of filling the offifi wmmmmm 1 7 .. 1 or wnicn nomi- , -a r 1 ere luaue py mr. Cleve land, and left unacted pn by the Senate, before taking up other ap pointments, he will have 008 cases to consider before he begins to turn out the office-holders whose terms have not expired. Of these 258 were deliberately left vacant by the Sen ate. 213 are postmasterships, scat tered through nearly every State and Territory. The others include the offices of controller of the cur rency, civil service commissioner, assistant commissioner of Indian af fairs, superintendent of Indian schools, one Indian inspector, com missioner of t)e pifitridt of Colum- bia, Chief Justice of the Supreme Qourt of Montana, Associate Jus tice of the Supreme Court of this district', one District Judge in Flor ida, seven Probate Judges in Utah, United States district attorney for Indiana, one marshal in Louisiana, consul at San Domingo, appraiser of merchandise at Portland, Maine, two assistant appraisers, five collec tors of customs, one special exam iner ot f.lrugs surveyor general of Utah, three registers of land offices, two receivers of public moneys, two Indian agents, collector of internal revenue for Maryland, six officers of th njivv. one armv officer and one f w assistant in the marine hospital ser vice. There are 25 vacant postmas terships in Jew York, which leads the list, and 18 each in Pennsvlva nia and Ohio. Massachusetts comes next, with 10 vacancies. Illinois has 11, iind California and Michigan 10 each. Connecticut has five and New Jersey eight. -wt Consumption Curable. Sine1 thefaut that consumption is both preventable, and in its earliest stagt1 curabjp, it has lost much of its terror. If the first symptoms are at once recognized, and the proper remedy applied, very few, if any one, need die of consumption, which is really lung-scrofula. Like many otner ch'sestses this formidable one grow&out of impure blood, ami this, in turn, from a diseased liver. Hence we have die iufeking cough, the pains in chest, the inflamed lungs and all the symptoms of hastening consumption, all the result of de praved blood and a diseased iiver. The usv of Dr. Pierce's fiohleii Med ical Discovery will arrest all such symptoms, restore the liver to healthy action, and send streams of pure blood into every organ. Of druggists. DO NOT SUFFER ANY IiONGKK Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the first stages of consumption broken in a week4 we hereby guarantee Di. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions and do not find our statement .correct. Munds Bros., druggists. changing season, and readily yields vo umuckh oi uisease. Hood's Sar sapanlia ig just fjhe medicine needed. tb cones ami DUfJfife up every part of the body, and also ex-pels all impu rities from the blood. Try it this season. - a r - iThe Tes cottoa crop is about l ou,uuu oa lee. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cafes have been permanently cured. I shall be giad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to .nv of your readers who have consump- i iihv win send me their py. ddress. Res- .181 oectf ull v. TSA. SLOO U 1 Pearl st., New York. o5WS8rS2S- Marcl1 APril i6tn, Harnett Feb. nth, Aug-. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. isth, Nov. 33d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Mcmmon. Fall J udge Shipp. nt 18 March 36th. June 4th, Oct. 15th. 30th, April 33d, Sept, 10th, Chatharn-Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct. 1st, i)S?io?h 20th' May 38tll, Aug mn' AlWanee March 5th, May 31sf , Sept. 34th. -Sr, "wli AU- qlu, jnov. btn. Caswell-Aprll9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 13th. Person-April 16th, Aug 26th, Nov. I9thl sixth judicial district. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fall Judge Merrimon. FenderJan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. gew Hanpver-tJan. 23d, tAprfi ieth, tsept, Duplm-Feb. isth, Sept. 3rd, Nov. SfitlL TZf?fii?n-thet)- 27tb' APrtl 30th, Oct. Carteret March 19th, Oct. 33d. n ajtn. Oct. 29th. DUfon iT-sup, sent on same ttriiia. WiU ua k history your case, ar.rt ctir physician will art rise ith you by letter, la Ptristesfe confidence. We will aot dew ; v9 you kaowmiriy. 'For sale by all dragg U. TfiB SvIr7, SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta, 8a. New York-, 75S B.Widwny, lioniion. Kng., 5 Snow BliL nov 36 law lyao Ch sat TWho $re rmx, Nermtik nua in vous Debility, seminal Weakness hiqJitly Vmiifms, and ail the ef fects of early Keii HaMta, which ,. ' lorremalure pecay,Cintsmm- '-Y" innuntx, aciiu iur jfears' fi-eause on Diseases of Mmi, with particulars for Uanv Cure. Cures guaranteed. Xoatre no pa?. J. S. PEARS,f513aud 611 Church st.,Nashvllle,Tenn oety y d&w ately lew. free. Ivlention thi r "V P M W Fit V fm mm n V. U. Standard Scales. Sent o;i trial. Freight paiu. i-uiiy Warranted. 3.T0N $35. . Inner sizes rr.-nrxirtmr- . . , ... r--r-- 1 agents vSJi paid. Illustrated Catalogue ! -i e great secret nfMTlilf r t!. ivl,0i tiiew,,. "Hf T . - ' V I I ' I I 'I 1 Mai . I .M 111 rl Xn II-, . "U 111 fi" ,-v'ent tueir aihiint "uneofo2 -;hki condition. jfMnlr. cscs carry the.H?$Lw& ,.. : "up i ft....- ri ti . , . li C Tlio M Ui: A IhK, ml mat is is open lor business its patrons. Offices located on Beeonrt House, in the old office of iJoteL relCDhono Call v - THE MHTUCANTIT.m" JU.ll if ll OA O 1 8th, osaoo ss feb 18 4w Paper. THOMPSON, Bicghamton, , T WITH BOILING WATER. Two Patti says plenty of sleep is the secret of preserving one's beauty. The hired girl believes this. ------ : 'ifclilUSLE. thirds of all deaths in New York City are from consumption or Eneumonia. The same proportion olds for most other cities. Delays arej dangerous. Or. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption win al ways relieve, and may save your life. Munds Bros., druggists. . w. Ad v tea tq Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 8yrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub Awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or oth.r eauses. Twenty five cents a bottle. jijrty 6 deod&wly it 3, COMPOUND EXTRACT The importance of purifying the Wopjl can not be overestimated, for without pnre blooa you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the bipod, and we ask you to try Hood's n I j r Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rGCUilcir an(i builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease.. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood s Sarsaparilla pecul- mT Ifeolf jar curative powers. No I IlotJIf other medicine has such a record of wonderful eures. If you have made rp your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggist Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas. ICO Doses One Dollar Jan 1 lyr o&wnrm mws 2dp I t Onslow April 2d, Nov. 5th SEVENTH JCrWCIAX DMTR1CT. spring 0 udge Phillins. Eall Judsre Shepherd. Columbus Jan. 16th, April 2d. July 3d, tNov. 26th. An3on Jan. 9th, tAprll 30th, Sept. 3d. tNov. aflth. Cumberland Jan. gad, tMay 7th, July 33d tNov. 12th. Robeson Jan. 30th, May 2lst. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. Richmond Feb. 13th, June 4ch, Sept 17th, Dec. 3ra. Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 22d. eighth judicial district. Spring Judge Connor. fall j uuge I'niiiips. ' Cabarrus tJan. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. h-edeii Pen. 6th, May sist, Aug. qti, Nov. otb. i Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 30th, Nov 19th. Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, D3C. ya. Randolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. ninth judicial district. spRiHG-wudge Clark. Mb u uukp ugwiur. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th, Sept. 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12tb. aurry Apri jq, Aug. suth, Mpv. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Clark. & Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March I9th;sept. 3d. Asne March 26th. May 28th. Autr. 20th Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. tMltcheU April 16th, Sept. 10th. T riancey Apru Mia, sept. 24th, McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th. KLEVEKTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT SpwG-JUge BoyJOn. Fall Judge Giiiher. ' Catawba Jan. 16th. July 16th. Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.l Union Feb. 13th, tFeb. 20th, Sept. n7th, tSept.24th. Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. Lincoln April 2d. Oct. 1st. " Cleveland ApiH 9th, Aug. 6th, Oct. 22d. . uwcuuiu i.ut.ix ou, VUli. ZUlU. . Folk May 7th, Nov. 13th, TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Mftiilsnn T?ph irrth .Tulir an-Vi xr iv-v m.vu, wiuj WLU, Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug. 13th, Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywpod April Bth, Septioth. Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham June 4th, Oct. 29th. wain--June llth, Nov. 5th. For criminal cases. tFor civil casfia Rin -tFor ciMl eassos alone, except jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS, , t?.W HANOVER COUNTY. OUver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. ; PJ.H,K- MToore- Wilmington. Solicitor. Covwt bns-Jan. 2d, March 19th. May 21st July ieth, Sept. 17th, Nov. loth. ' MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Oliver p. Mjarcs! Wilmington, Judire Gea E. Wilson. Charlotte? soi oitT?0, court begins Feb. 13th. ADrll 9th .Iiino Afh A.ug. 13th. Oct. 8th, Dec. 10th. 1 f v" vim IATEFUL S'S COMFORTING. ; ASS0( lATKm UOLINAS. 't Delay; C END OIIU MHflt rv .... O VIC i.vi, Ra niturc to me and I will repair it at low prices. Will do th Avnrk" wTi ior J. .3 ":s much for fining ,1.1 Iu.."iU n repairs i haalreadym 7 pair Sewimr Macbinp xutJ, $ a . j'iu,-. i iniiTM v UO 1 111 Mil JJJfl I)ll --V v. vol VI i as rum rnif o Come and .see me Oct 29 O. 1). th o. 11 N. S. E. Corner-Prf .vu u.nu OCVUUU SO. ? X U L77TXT T.r., j aaaiy Jlrjliai) WITH i u jw. iajs Diir union mnm 0.4 n. JOHN Koa Corner Second and Piifig oct 27 H. CROHEMJEM, PHOTOGRAPHEK. MADE feb IB 4w WITH BOIUINQ WILK. Pi CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH n9pIiiamond Brand, in JsQk as VLtM in w lioxv. scakii with j?1 V W. At Jrussi8t. 4. 2k V 1 DIAldOOT BBAl'D only genln,p ati'l :iu Never Fsi'.i. ckenter'4 iinatiU ilc- LLS Jbngt red"i tin Qinci1. i-iiiJ xu pastc- U.ird buxei, iink 'wrappers.isre a uangcr oi:s counterfeit. Sen-1 4e. (stamps) fox i j ; i:ntiomars ana "KeUerror Ladle," i?; ss r L lcter' h9 return malt, 10,000 ttU. uoiilalIrcm LADIES who have usod them. Name Paoer. Chichester Clit.';i!tcalCo.4HadisonSq.hila,P iet 18 4w CHEST PAINS eoUGHS0OLDS Chest Pains. Coughs and Colds, Weak Lungs, Backache, Kidney Pains, Rheumatism and all Muscular Pains, relieved in one minute try St CUT IMA 4RTI.rAH PLASTEB. SS only instantaneous paln-killlns:, strengthen ing plaster. 25 cents; live for $1.00. At drug gists, or OI r OTTER VRVG AND CHEMICAL CO., Boston. Pimples, blackheads, chapped n i rp 1 l-LO PIM ka Soap and oily skin cured by Cuticu- feb 18 4w is ofTored p Uq largest nuinbe pevzon who shnli .-end in ike r of yearly subscribers to the Ladies' Home Journa between now and July 1st, 188, at 50 per year I3AXF fiiiCIS. After the el T -m mm ' . I oi aottars can De made cento .iter thai date. nomoscriplionf. received far less than $1.00 per year : $4008303 N offbre-1 lx-speot ively fer next largest clubs. ; A good rash conunissiou ptvid for uvery suoscnoer secarea lumsL uundrcas or rxst- Curtis; publishing co. PHtLADELFMSA.'PA. feh 18 4w 1 iiuriMg the "eXt ?ix months, by men, women i '.hildren. wejpi:lfeh, free sample copies, poi ors, &e. Addiiiss Ll V .fig TO ry pet -in icnr. TiVoalccedS or T.c-8 of . t ;iv rv.-torCv )7 the :5e of an cutln-lv iv iyL Tise Yc ?.a Santo from Soain. Seal 1- i .- . I I - ' '- . 1 v. . , 1 t tfvranoimus, 3it Hesieo. Every nituishouli 1 iu i3i Ofl A KF '1 KOIOiE CO., - 7 j Park iW, hrw York. rTE On Corn, Peanuts and Potatoes; CARBONATE OP LIME, BE UL.TS ASTONllHfejWITfl-:K Addres.1 FRENCH BROS.. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Or! rnnin System ef Memory Training. a .r a oom juearnea in ne r eadiug. Mittd wandering cured. Every child and adnlt greatly benefitted. " Great inducements to Correspondence Classes. Prospectus, with opinions of Or. Wm. A. Ham mond) tne wona-iamea Bpecnuist m Mind Diseases Daniel Cireenleaf Thpinpson, the great Psycho t- hnsUan ojpst, J. M. Buckley, D.DieditoT of the Ci iutwu(t n. i ., niuuaru rruriui due ociem Hons. Jiulce iibnoii, Judah P. Beniamin. others, sent nost free bv rrox, A.r.ujtjixxi, rmn Ave., rt. x. teh 18 4w do PhoLograp jonable prices. .. FitAMI NO A TSrWAETY. feb 23 tf 11IM Vlnil"Afr Of UAiitKi III r.i jTI 111 JVjU kJ 4. . UUHIU ADVERTISER Can learn the exact c of any propoljd line i advertising in America! Papers by addressing Geo. P. Howell & M New; paper Advertising lO'Rnniftft St.. New York. - -k v - 1 s . i i ."in Tin .nn c mww . i Is the oldest and mst popular idojj mechanical paper published . ?JMt circulation ortny paper of its clt Fnlly illustrated. Best Iaw of $5m lmrsf Published weekly, endiwj" copy. Price $3 a year. 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FKENCH BKOS., Rocky Point. . . ff WMM T1.TTNTTT NNI A'',B tt 1 of Misses Burr & e4sa sJ3 mence on Thursday, tH--J "' CiJJI Chapel, on Third, be p frenl2S weja Campbell streets, where it afijk for the past two years. froffljSfl ning on Red cross, a yjj; M lngfcan cover' any ohiectB p well ventilated hoo.rooffi far2 ground, good cistern of jjr tba2 nation make it more desira central localities ava hub-1S The Principals, as bcretr paKgi effort for theWncernent jgg ivpnt rusted to heir cire. - iti attention to each, anu u loving aiscipuur. i neir majjj' B'tt"rrnf "iy gradua.e. T occupying the posa"""' .ted i '-m their success, as " f&nij lor culars, scholars .JS SeJ Sft deduction " n i,.o.ente''ff-a '"iateoiwrrs. no orotracted HCKiiesa. tober charged -n y iru- SCushlng, wno&e "'ei. 0 science ana IUUtAO fror neraf should be a guarantee tor " vocal music, ca dally Drawing, free of cb:orK of Instruction in iVeekiy- tA ti so free of chjuge. Sf.piy clPsI For further pariicuiars pBrtw sept 18 "