M's Pills ... kiMlltaifid.liath 1 .-.tic.tbdbllJtMed,wli;tb- Tbey"-"-e! of wdrfc or mma or Malarial Kc ons i Tatt's Pill the most tenia l uveeVer oflerea the suffer lug 1 Try Them Fairly. ,.,mns body, pore blood, tttroug A vlf IndaetoVrlmlBdwIllrosalt. SOLD EVEBYWHEBE. 1889. DTpr's M. igazine. ILLUSTRATED. HiRPEK's M agazine is the most useful, en- rt-iiuJne and beautiful periodical in the ' .:. , -vmong the attractions for 1889 will be a ii V novel an American story, entitled "Jii-tu-v l ruts' by ConstaneeF. Wooison; illus tMtionsof Shakespeare's Comedies by E. A. Vr.'. a w-ries of artieieson liussia. lllustra r. oe Thulstrup; papers on the Domln- nl.s Dudley Warner; three "Norwegian :..... "hv l'.iornstierr.e BJornson, illustrated; oniiio'lus. " a historical play by the aut hor of KiMi-flur " illustrated by J. It. Weguelln, etc. t ' Editorial Depart ments are conducted by 'or v William curtis, William Dean Ilowells and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPERS' PERIODICALS per year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE... HAULER'S WEEKLY ARPEU'S BAZAR. ..$4 00 .. 4 00 .. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 pottage Free to all subscribers in the tlfnite Ssa'rs, Canada, Mexico. rue volumes or the Magazine begin with the MiMbei-s ior .nine and December of each year. w ,en lioiline Is speeiftcd, subscriptions will (X-ill -villi iui " C' BoiinU Volutnes of Harper's Magazine, for thive vears buck, in neat cloth binding, will be v,.nr by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 per vofume. Cloth Cases for binding, 50 cents pacn by mail post paid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from June. 1850, to June, 1885, one vol., svo, cloth, ft 00. iU'i'iinances should be made by Post-Offl e Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. to rr.spn pers are not to copy this advertisemen tritiiotd w express order of Harper & Brothers. Utdress HARPER & BROTHERS. uov 15 New York 1889. Harper's Bazar. ITrLUSTRATED. Harper's iuzar will continue to maintain its reputation as an unequalled family ioumal. its art illustrations are of the highest Order, Its terature is of the choicest kind, and its Fash ion and Household departments of the most practical and economical character. Its pat t era-sheet supplements and fashion plates alone will save Its readers ten times the cost of the subscription, audits articles on decora tive art, social etiquette, house-keeping, cook ery, etc., make it indispensable to every house hold, its bright short stories and timely es says are among the best published; and not a line is admitted to its columns that could of fend the most fastidious taste. Among the at tractions of the new volume will be serial sto ries by Airs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mrs. Alexander, William Black and Thomas Hardy, and a series of papers on nursery management by Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrlck. HARPER'S PERIODICALS PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 lstage Free to all subscribers in the United Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. I Tlie Volumes of the Bazar begin with the nrst Number for January ot each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three years back, in neat cLpth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), lor $7 00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office -Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. .WirspQpers are not to copy this advertisement vU hoiu she express order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPER & BROTHERS, novi5 New York 1889. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harper's Young Proplb begins its tenth volume with the first Number in November, l Hi ring the year it will contain Ave serial sto ries, including "Dorymates,"by KlrkMunroe; "The Red Mustang," by W. O. Stoddard; and "A Day ln Waxland;" by R. Muukittrick; "Nels Thurlows Trial," by J. T. Trowbridge; "TheThree Wishes," by F. Anstry and Bran- aer Matthews; a series of fairy tales written and illustrated by Howard Pyle; "Home Stud ies in Natural History." by Dr. Felix L. Os wald; ' Little Experiments," by Sophia B. Her rlck; "Glimpses of Child-life from Dickens," by Margaret E. Sangster; articles on various sports and pastimes, short stories by the best writers, and humorous papers and poems, with many hundreds of illustrations of excel lent quality. Every line in the paper is sub j t ied to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order t bat nothing harmful may enter its col umns. An epitome of everything that is attractive uud desirable In Juvenile literature. Boston Courier. , A weekly feast of good things to the boys and girls in every family which it visits. i.rttoJcfrn Union. it is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, in formation and Interest. Christian Advocate Terms- Postage Trepaid, $2 pryear. Vol. A' begins November 1, 1888. ietliiien Stuimj, Copy sent on receipt of ttoo-ocnt Mngio Number, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Atfoeprtpers are not to copy this adversisemcnt mthota tiie express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHERS. aov 16 New York The Daily Review, How He Proposed. I took lier little hand in mine, It quivered like a bird. And as I felt its touch divine A trembling sigh I heard. Momentous time! Should I propose? I knew not what to say: As I beheld my blushing Rose 1 flt my hair turn gray! I thought of Hyron, Scott, and Moore; Ah, could 1 but recall A bit of their poetic lore! 1 once had known it all. "Oh, woman in, our hours of ease," I blunderingly said. And then I thought my tongue woulV freeze And wished that 1 were dead. My heart was beating like a flail, And yet my lips were dumb; The clock that hung upon a nail Ticked louder than a drum. I could not see, for, strange to tell, The air seemed full of smoke. Then from my tongue the fetters fell. And then and then I spoke. "I love you, dear!" I said in haste; "1 love you, too," she said; And then I clasped her dainty waist And kissed her lips of red. Then came a flood of poetry, I spouted yards of rhyme, And she is going to marry me In apple blossom time. Samuel Minium Peck. The Crawford ville (Ga.) Democrat writes: It is not often we commend patent medicines or recommend their use, but after using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in a most aggravating case of cough and cold last Sunday, we un hesitatingly pronounce it to be the most effectual remedy we ever tried. We always keep it in the house."' "Now, sir," said the attorney for the defence, knittiug his brows and looking severely at the witness, "you say you can remember the exact time during the forenoon at which these events took plate be cause vou had been fishinjr in the creek for more than three hours. Is that correct?" "It is," replied the witness. "I'll ask you now if you can re member how many fish you had caught and what their size was?" "I had'nt caue'htXfiHh. Hadn't had a blamed nibble." "We will have to change .our tac tics, whispered the lawyer. "We can never impeach this man's testp uiony." SHE IS "GRATEFUL." "I saved the life of my little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker s Eng- lish Kemedv for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. Harriman, New York. , druggists Munds Bros A wretched looking tramp went into a saloon and begged with tears in his eyes for the barkeeper to give him a nickel with which to get some thing to eat. He got it. As soon as he got it in his hand he slapped it down on the bar and in aloud, vocif erous, peremptory tone of voice said: "Beer!" It was several minutes before the barkeeper could catch his breath, and then he was eloquent. "Well, if that ain't gall I hope I may never live to see any. Why, you you you " "No speeches. Begging is my busi ness aad beer jerking is yours. Just you attend to your business and I'll attend to mine. It is going to be a cold winter, and if you want to keep your job you had better attend to it," said the mendicant. The partially paralyzed barkeeper handed.out the schooner, the tramp downed it slowly and drifted out, perfectly satisfied with that little business transaction. Celery It is strange that so healthful a vegetable as celery should be used so little, for while in season it ought to be used like any other seasonable green thing. The celery glass, with its bouquet of vivid green, is a bright, attractive ornament to the dinner table. The majority of peo ple rever think of eating it in any wav but its raw state, vet there are ways in which it may be served that are much more palatable. Boiled or steamed celery is very nice. Cut up the stalks into inch pieces, put in a saucepan and add just enough water to cover the whole. Throw in a little salt and let boil until soft, but not enough so that it falls to pieces. Drain off the water, put the vegetables into a dish and while hot serve with butter. Creamed celery is very nice. Cut in inch pieces and cover with milk, to which, when boiling, add salt and a small piece of butter. Serve hot. This way of cooking celery is deli cious, The green-stalks and leaves, usu ally thrown away, are all useful. Cut the stalks into small bits and use them for navoringsojps, broths, etc. Put trie leaves into a pan or dish and place in the oven to drv. Watch them that they do not burn and when dry crumble them and place away in a wide mouthed bottle and keep closely covered. This will be found good for flavoring soup when the celery is out of the market. Celery seed is good to keep in the house for flavoring, and celery salt is, to many, a necessary condiment. This plant is a great nervine and those suffering from any nervous trouble are much benefited by a liberal use of it. It is also recom mended for rheumatism, some au thorities going so far as to say that when freely eaten it is a sure cure for this painful disease. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send t wo bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump lion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res- i pociiuiiy. x. j. EUiUUuu, v 1 Pearl st New York. Tneir Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at R. R. Bellamy's Drug Store, as their giving away to their customers of so many Iree trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Tbpir trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from tbe lact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs. Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and tune diseases quickly cared. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free arge size $1. Every bottle warranted. A NARROW ;KSCAJPE. Co!. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, came home one" evening feeling a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be fore retiring he tried to draw a long breath but found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him up. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he is weli to day. Munds Bros., druggists THE VOTE BY COUNTIES. 00 01 COUNTIKS. OJ O 0Q Alamance. Alexander. Alleghany. 1622 943 595 1245 351 403 1741; 1517 552 405 975 1482 1799 1097 1365 965 2816 1165 915 717 602 677 1697 756 2099 868 791 286 764 910 2637 2232 438 308 2335 1204 1154 687 2241 1399 2092 1316 1541 1010 3041 1247 1645 1253 598 1023 Anson 1890 Ashe , Beaufort. .. Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus... Caldwell ... Camden... . Carteret ... 950 2016 1614 1426 921 2685 1278 1903 1251 699 1171 1550 2303 2481 505 704 368 2030 1241 1681 1823 1511 913 1941 995 953 420 564 j 597 1603 Caswell.. Catawba 1358! 2360 2546j 643! ! 650 1671 594 811 205 612 948 2525 2159 413! Chatham... Cherokee. . Chowan... . Clay Cleveland.. 742 391 2269 2072 1408 2577 978 Columbus . Craven Cumb'rl'nd Currituck.. Dare Davidson . Davie Duplin Durham.... Edg'combe Forsyth..... 1807' 1338 2479 978 244j 326 2018 1008 oon":1 1954 1067 2239 1576 1610 20 1107 1174 1196 3143 1877 1815 1322 2259 2204 1584 1131 271 1617 2509 2101 2584 Franklin. .. Gaston Grates Graham.... Granville.. Greene Guilford. . . Halifax Harnett... . Haywood . Henderson Hertford... Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston . . Jones Lenoir. Lincoln McDowell . Macon Madison.. . Martin Meckl'nb'g Mitchell.... Monttr'm'y 2130 1335 1183 1987 934 704 137 2047 1094 2208 3786 727 2041 1286 800 182 268 2199 2406 1008 2609 1072 2680 2897 877 1046 2491 2470 2264 1254 2495 1444 1326 917 1132 9J51 640 977 974 782 1291 1129 867 2679 1305 1202 758 1897 674 834 2724 903 3021 684 1587 1209 1019 780 1178 1674 4163 698 979 1944 2157 1880 1708 345 1826 755 1399 753 638 493 1388 1234 3048 1148 926 1426 1528 7ia 569 2099 2801 746 1620 1172 620 1436 901 951 858 708 742 1893 1287 3284 1087 1576 3725 635 1564 1215 1846 1699 2856 1990 901 Moore 1797 Nash 1837 N. Hanov'i North'pt'n Onslow fi)range Pamlico.... Pasquot'k. Pender Perq'im'ns Person Pitt Polk Randolph.. Richmond. Robeson.... Rock'jrh'm 1751 1733 1284 1670 748 898 1215 777 1490 2436 2879 2351 472 1659 1181 425 1051 605 1239 1240 979 1082 2285 1610 1288 619 1217 757 982 740 832 721 779 1375 2593i 1293 2328 446 481 2044 1958 1828 1675 1992 .1577 1372 1232 2171 2327 1684 1711 2361 2823 2395 2739 1690 2370 996 1988 2101 1266 1663 1616 817 1333 1575 410 553 367 997 1936 4943 875 1014 965 2561 2252 1521 1419 989 2443 Rowan......!. 2636 r r i 1517 Sampson. . Stanley Stokes Surry Swain 2525 1536 614 1027 1433 155 1100 1329 1450 1371 1671 494 505 520 472 2040 1382 Trans' l'nia 459 488 323 335 620 1612 4278 2142 1072 Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren .... Washi'gt'n Watauga... Wayne.... . Wilkes Wilson ...... Yadkin Yancey 1838 1155 4772 1146 648 4618 545 807 898 2781 1706 2159 1071 940 759 2796 1301 2135 952 624 2500 1939 1493 1213 626 740 Totals.... jl43310 124245 147925 133475 TERRIBLE FORE WARNINGS. Cough in the morning, hurried or difficult .breathing, raising of phlegm, tightness in- the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of thesethings are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., oruggists. No. 10. SCHKMLK WILSUCIMlgliWAST IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. From Wilmington, From Hummocks. Leave .. Leave. . . Leave... 7:35 a. m i Leave...... .. 2:30 p. m I Leave SUNDAY SCHEDULE. .. 2::0p. m i Leave 8:10 a. m. 5:10 p. m. 5:00 p. m. tafTralns or Cars can be chartered during the Winter months at reasonable rates. J. H. CHADBOURN. J.. dec24tf General Manager. H Dr. BULL'S facilitates Teething flARY CYRHD feea'ates Bowels. AS JJHDI OlnUr all druggists. Price 25 cts, IS warn Dill I Q Clires cughs Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma. Bronchitis, P fli 1 1 P U Croup,Inci pient Con- UUUUl! sumption, and relieves Consump SYRUP tive Tersons. 25 cenj:s. CUnirc LANQPS CUBEB CIGARETTES for Co wvac tart,, price IQGtt, At MrM octl ti WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotations represent whole sale prices generaUy. In making up small ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING Gunny.;. 7 Standard 8 BACON North Carolina. Hams 14 Shoulders lb 8 Sjdes, lb 10 WESTERN SMOKED Hams, $Tb , -Sides, lb , Shoulders, lb DRY SALTED Sides, $ lb Shoulders, lb BARRELS Spirits Turpentine 13)4 10 8X Second Hand, each 1 40 New, New York, each 0 00 New, City, each 1 65 BEESWAX, lb 20 bkicks, Wilmington, y M 6 09 8 00 Northern 0 00 14 00 BUTTER, lb North Carolina 15 25 Northern 25 30 candles, 3 lb Sperm 18 t 25 Adamantine 9 10 CHEESE, $ ft Northern Factory 11 12 Dairy, Cream 13 14 State 9 a 10 COFFEE, tb Java 27 28 Laguyra 23 24 Rio 20 22 co kin M.KAL, ji bush, in sacks. 00 Virginia Meal ... 00 kjkti -xujh, Dunaie...... 1 35 a 1 30 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yard 6 1 aniB, Duncu OU 80 EGGS, ib? doz 18 20 FISU- Mackerel, No. l, bbl X) 00 (12 50 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl. 7 50 8 00 Mackerel, No. 2, & bbl. ..... 9 00 11 00 Mackerel, No. 2, balf bbl.. . 4 75 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, bbl 7 80 9 00 Mullets, is bbl 6 00 7 00 00 4 00 5 10 N. C. Roe Herring. keg. ory coo, n FLOUR, bbl- Western, low grade " Extra 4 " Family . 4 City Mills Super 4 " Family 4 GLUE, M ft 50 00 50 00 50 8 & 4 4 5 -4 5 10 65 62 67 65 45 GRAIN, bushel. Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof. Cow Peas HIDES, lb Green.... Dry HAY, 1? 100 lbs- 00 00 66 00 42 00 so 52 5 10 13 10 95 00 Eastern 1 05 Western 85 North River 90 HOOP IRON, lb 2 LARD, ft Northern 7& North Carolina 8 a 10 lime, barrel l 40 LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargies, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scant liner and Board, com'n.14 00 0 00 20 00 16 00 1S 00 22 00 15 00 MOLASSES, y gallon- New crop, in nnds. 35 " " in bbls 28 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 " ' in bbls 30 Sugar House, in hhds 00 " " in bbls. 16 Syrup, in bbls 22 a 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 2 50 14 1 45 1 00 16 20 22 25 0 1 0 90 NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 vili, i gaiion. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar 9 16 90 15 00 00 Chickens, live rown. JO spring 10 Turkeys 95 PEANUTS, bushel, 22 ft 60 POTATOES, tf bushel- sweet 30 Irish, tf bbl 2 25 60 75 PORK, tf barrel- city Mess .....17 &u Prime 15 00 Rump 00 18 00 ais 00 15 00 RICE CaioUna, tflb 4 nougn, tf ousn, (upland)... eu (Lowland). 80 80 00 RAGS, tf ft Country 00 City.. 1 1 1 22 ROPE. W lb 14 V SALT, tf sack. Alum 70 75 70 00 70 Liverpool 65 Lisbon 00 American '. 00 SOAP, tf ft Northern 5A SUGAR, P ft Standard grain.. 6 standard A. . . o.(9 White Ex c... 0 6 Extra C, Golden 5 C Yellow 0 a 53 5 SHINGLES, 7 In. tf M 5 00 7 00 2 50 5 00 7 50 14 00 10 00 6 14 00 13 00 8 50 (3 0 00 0 00 4 00 2 00 2 50 30 25 a 15 common aw Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES, tf M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW, tf ft - 5 TIMBER, tf M feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Mill Jl 25 Mill Prime 7 50 MiU Fair 5 00 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 WHISKEY, tf gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina. 1 00 WOOL, tf ft Washed 28 Unwashep 15 Burry 10 uij. I-..-. G . - . - v r. . . ' . v vi .... i vi-r f -ttiBf i a ! .:icr. WnT.nted. Umt K-eoU'aiM tr. I CUM a tr - ;i lcrralit.. MNM VJttltZ. Ucw i C.UpoasiMt Ke. iwcr we wut one pm .-,n ioraty, to keep f Bkeir luir.e.aU'i ixv u ttwu'ifl -', -moj;..etc Sine or a nluUetnJ ery cecfui autSLOLv NAHPLM TlMee Bmp!M,e.wil a Ok wia. v. - -t-l 'read after yo have k pt lUrra 1c yr.or "i-roe t. ' r nthJ ai-l iowa HH to awt wao loay ba .-..: iKt,tb-? yoor own propertj tt la poajlMe to irk litl jrra.: off.i . enu.r.C t'e KOLU SOLO watt-baaJ i .HY an.;i -t fn-e, ttiS8how!C tbe umpi.i in ar.y . aiity. alerar rtalU ic large trde ft s-after oereaim-S beea : ! allty 'or B-.onlU or . . . . . . . . . . . . . g. ..... . w we DuaMy ti ir-'.! ajawwv , - . -y .u . OTTOunilins f-unr r. Ta: , t.. mc-t von.lerlul offer er ksoTrn.ls uia-le in ort -t . t our i. ;.i-a ld t-. piaced t cm Vbere they -jn beectu, a3 ov nr.r!. v Write at once, aa make inre : UM rtuui. r. Bead'-: it wt:i be bar.Uyany troobi hrnMl.ifhMttUHC& I tb.- tri'l) Hi.f Cll it rit.' tUM ad your re'r4 wiu be mutl -. ti' .nory. A poetal card o Wbtcb tu write oa ci' : M cent au ; .rier joa . uo j. 4 not care U go tortbc : . why !. Lara te done. Bu'.ilyoad end your addreae at once, you cak eecnr FREE one of tfe beat aoUd cobl wateba ?i tb world and oar larse HM COSTLY HAMPUtH. y aJl eaj OJBUl BiiMWa m w ova au, I sept 21 tf 1 I,5?l3vV' . i i 4Sf ."v7i .la taA RAILROADS, AC, Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington &WeldonR. AND BBANVUG8. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. NO. 27, Ft Mall dally. No. 41, dally ex Sunday. Dated Mar. 24, m No. 23, dally. Leave Weldon. At. Rocky Mount. :12 40 pm I 1 52 pm 3 55 pm 10 30 am 5 43 pm 6 00 7 10 - Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. Arrive Wilson. 2 25 pm t2 35 pm 3 35 pm 6 00 pm 3 15 pm 4 10 pm 4 25 pm 6 00 pm 00 pm; 7 43 Leave Wilson Arrive Selma Arrive FayettevPe Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Majmolla.. 40 pm 8 35. 9 33 9 49 11 30 8 40 pm 9 55 pm Ar. Wilmintrton.. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 40, daily ex Sunday. or NO. 14, daily. No. 78. dally. Leave Wilmington ill 50 pm 9 00 am 10 35 am 10-50 am 11 50 am 4 00 5 40 5 55 Leave Magnolia. . . 1 15 am 8)4 Leave Warsaw.. . Arrive Goldsboro. 1 2 15 am 6 55 Leave FayettevUle 1 its 40 am 15 Arrive Selma.. : 11 03 am Arrive Wilson 12 10 am 11 Leave Wilson. . . . .T Z 57 am : 12 38 pin 7 52 8 29 Ar 15 jwuivj jiouni.. ........ 1 1 17pm Arrive Tarboro. Tarboro . . 3 55 pm 10 20 am Leave Arrive Weldon. ... 4 30 ami 2 40 pm 9 40 9 6 ""Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road 50 75 70 Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P. M. turning leaves Scotland Neck at 8. 20 A. M. except Sunday. 22 Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. via Albermarle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, 5.05 P. Sunday 3.17 1'. M., arrive WilUamston, N. 20 P. M.. 4.55 P. M. Returning leaves Uamston. N. C., dally except Sunday, 7. 10 M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro. N. 9.15 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 8.00 A. arrive Smithneld, N. C. 9.30 A. M. Returnlncr leaves Smithneld, N. C, 10.35 A. M., Goldsboro, N. C, 11.45 A. M. Train on Nasnvllle Branch leaves Mount for Nashville, 300 P. ML. arrives Nashville 3.40 P. M., Sprine Hope 4.15 P. Returning leaves Sprinsr Hope 10.00 A. 67)6 67 Nasnvllle 10.35 A. M., arrive Rocky 11.15 A,M., dally except Sunday Mount Train on ennton Branca leaves W arsaw Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton 6& 8.00 A.M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Faveiteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. except Sunday. Train no. 37 soutn will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dallv. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Line. No. 501. Vestibule Train. Southbound. 00 50 00 10 00 day, Wednesday. Friday. Leave weldon 9.50 1'. M.. arrive Wilmincrton 2.00 A. M. No. 500, Vestibule Train. Northbound. day, Thursday. Saturday. Leaves WUmlngton 1.08 A. M., arrive Weldon 5.33 P.M. Trains make close connection for all nof North via Richmond and Washington. au trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace SleeD- ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY. Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, mch 25 5 Carolina Central Railroad 3X Company. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 41. daily ex. Sunday. no. a dally ex. Sunday. No. 5. daily ex. Sunday. Dec 3, 1888. Leave Wilmington 2 10 pm 6 40 pm 7 35 pm 7 00 pm 2 00 am 3 37 am 6 55 am Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Lincolnton. Leave Shelby 9 35 pm 4 15 5 51 6 57 8 20 ArriveRutherTdt'n EASTBOUND TRAINS, No. 38. No, 4, dally ex Sunday No. 6. dally ex Sunday Dec. 3, 1888. daily ex. Sunday. Leave Rutherf'dt'n 8 00 9 22 Leave Shelby Leave Lincolnton. 10 30 12 05 Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Wadesboro. 6 GO "am 8 08am 9 13 am 1 40 pm 7 45 pm 11 15 pm; Leave Hamlet Arrive Wllmingt'n 1 45 am 8 30 ami 5X Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via eign. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection Hamlet, to and from Raleiern. Turougn sleeping cars between Wilmington ana cnanotte ana cnariotte ana Raieign. l. c. JONES, superintendent, F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, i deel 5X 6? 6 time: table no. 3. Palmetto Railroad Co. QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t5, t. w " W v-J'Wm irk 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sunday. GOING SOUTH. No 1 Vassenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet. N. C 8.20 A. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C 9.30 A. Going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cneraw, S. C 4.25 P. Arrive at Hamlet, N. C 55 P. dec 16 tf WM. MONCURE, Supt. For Sale. Li JilfiWlAf JSKS J?Ult;!5AL.Jk, at iuin own prtceat warn j , j , decflO8m:dw own priceat aug REVIEW OFFICE. 1 ta!L t" ofT.Hofct iSr U M the Wlib, we mmt ! ' Wt. ed aflar yo have kept Mk yWkHH for moatb. and tbown them tboie bo may bare called, bw?Pc&l'"(, T0 I MISCELLANEOUS. Atlantic Coast Line. R Wilmington, Columbi; & Augusta K. K. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated March 24, 1889. Na 23. No. 27. No. J Leave Wilmington.. .1 6 25 10 10 Leave Marion. I 9 44 13 40, Arrive Florence 10 30 1 88 A. M. P. MJ Na 50 Na fig A. M. F Ifj Leave Florence 3 SO .... . t 6 Q Arrive Sumter 440 tj Na 58. A. M. I Leave Sumter 440 t920 t 71 Arrive Columbia 6 15 10 88 A. M. am am am am am am am No. 52 runs through from Charleston Central R. R. Leaving Lanes 8:22 A M., Manning 8:53 A.! imiu vn v . s, v. ti. k. connects at fk witn TO. 58. No. 501, Vestibule Train, Tuesday, Tin pm pm pm Leave Wilmington 2:10 A. M., arrive Flc pm rcsu a. m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. pm pm Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arrive Florence V 0 ' Leave Florence ..... Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington.. pm leaves Re dally M., C, Wil A. C. Daily. tDaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S. 0.fc M.. central k. n., arriving Manning 7:07 P. J arrive lauos :ia t-. m., cnaneston 9:10 P. M. ao. 59 connects at Florence with C. and train from Che raw and Wadesboro. Rockv at M. jnos. 78 ana 14 maxe close connection at jNo. 5L No. 59. NO. 53 1 P. M. A. M. I P. MJ . 10 35 t 7 401 1 TI 11 58 0 15 1158 t 9 30 r.J 1 15 10 40 I A. M. A. M. "No. 78 Na li A. M, A. M. P. MJ 4 35 t 10 45 8 Ml 5 23 10 30 8 41 8 35 U A. M. P. M mington witn w. & w. R. R. for all poind M.. A1 W IU No. 500. Vestibule Train, Tuesday, Tnuisd and Saturday. for Leave Florence 9:55 P. M., arrive WilmlngtcJJ 12:55 A.M. M. at Train on Florence R. r. leave Pee Dee except Sunday 5:15 P. M., arrive Rowland 7: p. hi. iieburmng leave Kowiand 70 a. m.. rive Pee Dee 10:00 a. m. Train on Manchester Augusta R. H. lea Dailv toumter aauy, except Sunday, 9:50 A. M.. ant i-mewooa jirij. ueturning leave Plnew .v x . in., arrive ourater 1:30 1. M. - JOHN F. DIVINE. t t, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY. Ass t Gen'l Manae-er. Bay T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger mch 25 Mon CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Tues AND REPAIR SHOP. JpARTIES IN WANT OF ANY KIND nts vehicle or want any Repairing done to 1 old vehicles, will fl to their interest! call on C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO. Corner Second and Prinoeaa mam Send your horses to be shod. We na arairciass suoer. moh A University of North Carolfm Chapel Hill, Jf. C. fJHE NEXT SESSION BE JINS AUGUST Tuition reduced to $30 a half year. Poor aenismay give notes. Faculty of Toachers. Three full courses of stn&r to decrees. Three short courses ror th 1 lng of business men, teachers, physicians i puaiuiouoiiB. Law scnooi fully equipped. Write for Catalogue to HON. KEMP P. BATTLKj pm pm pm pm The Acme MANTJFAOTu'RIN&OI MANUFACTURERS 99 3 Fertilizers, Pine Fibre ai am am am pm .Pine Fibre Matting. o WILMINGTON, N. Ral - at rpHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERT1 the ACME and OEM, Is now established, the results of three years' use In the hand the best farmers of this and other States attest their value as a high grade manure Tbe MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine. Is conceded to beeouai t wool carpet for comfort and durability and ueiiiauu tur h is uaiiy increasing, it nas tues not found in any other fabric. The fibre or Wool is extendi nnnn ciTPnnfr niirnAona onri aa a Mattresses is almost eaual to hair. 1 elastic and proof against Insects, certificates from reliable Dart lea goods can be seen at our office, or will be i ed upon application. tan4 The Cheapest. M. I'llE BEST PLACE AND THE CI M. A Place in the city to bave all kinds of TIN WC aone is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on street, Nortb side, between Second aat M. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all M. given prompt attention. Orders from country solicited. The Robesonia Published in Lumberton, N. C, by W. W. McDIAR S READ EVERY NEAR! every intelligent citizen of Robeson and has a general circulation In all the ruunamg counties, including Marion, boro and Darlington in South Caroline. me kuukscmian isnow lnthe l ear or a prosperous and vigorous ondis so irmfy established in the us pai runa as weu as a pecuniary i iu.-j.i Liusiness men can reauzxy i ts value to them. The advert! exceedingly reasonable, constdeiing the I circulatlOn, and influence of the paper. I