POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thts powder never vanes. A marvel of pu JLrwit, onrt whnipsnmpness. More econ sold Tin competition with the multitude or low !St, short height alum or phosphate powdery Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING I On DEK Oft. MM Wall, St., N. Y; OCt Zti QATNViy luuh" sunim xv" Rev. P. R. f!hrlntte Chronicle Law on May 1st wrote his resigna tion as Chaplain of the 4th Regi- raent, JNortn uarouuu V"""' and forwarded it to Col. J. l . An ¬ thony. COMMERCIAL NEWS. ifuckieii'a Arutca salvo - The Best Saive tff the world for Cuts, Bruises, sores, uicers, pa. Rheum. Fever Sores, lener, uww ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all 3kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Itis guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, price ceui per box. Rnr sale bv Robert R wholesale and retail druggist. WILMINGTON MARKET. May 4 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE DujL nominal- nothing closing. ROSIN Quiet at 80 cents for strained and 85 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE - Firm at $1 20 for liara, ana for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Steady. The follow ing are the official quotations: Ordinary, 7 ;good ordinary, 04; low middling, 10 1-16; middling 10 , -n ii ffood middlimr 11. Bellamy, j go-S" ipt8 to-day: Spirits, 86; rosm, 158; tar, 8; crude, 52: cotton, SO. MISCELLANEOUS. g o ' T7o 3Dstily Review. Appointments Of the Bihop of East Carolina: April 21, Easter; Morning Prayer, Christ Church; Evening Prayer, St. Cvpriau's, Newbern. April 23, Tuesday, St. Thomas , Craven county. - . April 24, Wednesday,GraceChurch, Trenton. M t-. April 28, Sunday after Easter, Morning Praver, S. Paul's; Evening Prayer.rSt. Mark's, Wilmington. The Holy Communion at all morn ing services. - , The children catecnizeu whcwt. practicable. The offerings .to be for diocesan missions unless onici wine ,t,K The Vestries will please oe prwp- ed to meet the Bishop. MARINE NEWS. . ARRIVED. Steamer DMurchison, Smith, Fay etteville. T D Love. - Ger barque Tom, Bradhenng, Barbadoes, E. Or. Barker & Co. CLEARED. SteamerDMurchison, Smith, Fay ette ville, T D Love. Schr Roger Drury, Delay, .New York, E. G. Barker & Co. gTOP AND THINK OP OUR REASONABLE low prices for CLOTHING. BOY'S SUITS From 1.75;ancl Upwards. MISCELLANEOUS. Gentlemen's Suits, From 113.75 and Upwards. Don't Be Misled - s But go to HEADQUARTERS for your Milling Fonrv Coods. at Wfiolsaie ana retail. - m The largest stock to select from at SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1889. STATE NEWS. Charlotte Democrat: Sharon Presbyterian Church, this county, has made a contract with a builder to erect a new brick church at a cost of $4,000. Mr. Joe Barach leaves Charlotte next Wednesday for hn rope Mr. Baruch will visit Eng land, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italv and Switzerland. He will probably extend his trip into other countries. Charlotte News: Machinists are busilv engaged at the Alpha factory in fillinsr the remaining floor space with machinerv. Machinery is oi hand now to entirely fill the factory is nnn Alnha soindles will te m ev i. . r f nnniotinn in a short time. 1 ne committee appointed by the Cham her of Commerce to solicit subscrip tion for the proposed Lutheran Sominflrv ill Charlotte has secured subscriptions amounting to $6,500. The sum of $10,000 is all that is Diri Charlotte to secure the $50,000 seminary. Raleigh News and Observer: Mr Vanderbilt, the New York trillion aire, continues to increase the siz t v.i niHcrnifieent property near Aahpville His latest purchase is f fiOO acres, known as the P -n T-r.t-n Swnnnanoa farm, fot urhiAh ha oaid $87,000. The meet ina- nf subscribers in the cotton fac tory was held last night at the rooms of thP Y. M. C. A. There were thirty or more of Raleigh siiostan tial and moneyed business men present and there vas a dee ded businessiatmosphere pervading the gathering. Mr. N. B. Broughton was made-chairman and Mr. E. r. Harrell secretary. The committee fhnt 50.000 had been sub cribed, and in a few minutes amount was swelled to $60,000. tt ,.;n oh&rrrer: Who says AS OTCHV .. , f Favetteville is not coming out of the VirTirfiV Two flat cars were built at ho n F it Y. V. shops here last wPAk'in one dav between the hours f 11 Vrlrr.k a. 1U. and 6 o'clock p m The C. F. & Y. V. shops tlv adding to then ..lKnr, wtrkok- and have Just com ' OtV a TERRIBLE. Two thirds of all deaths in New York Cityare from consumption or pneumonia. Tne same iwuijwmv holds for most other cities. Delays are dangerous. Dr. Acker s English Remedy for uonsumpuo ways relieve, anamaysac yum uar. Munds Bros., uruggists. Drng nnd hemicalp, HILKT AKT1CLES, PATENT JNJBK;ihb Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc Also Prescriptions I etc. Jan 4 niled day or nierUt at p. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store. Corner Fourtli and Nun StF. .11.00 P. 8.00 A. II M 8.00 A. M. 8.00 A. M, 9() P. M. 9.1.- I'. M. 1.00 P. M 1.00 P. M. 1.00 P. M. 1.30 P. M. 8.00 A. M. r,.ir p. m 5 4T P- M. For Rent. THE MAH-S.' f lie mails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: U1AJI!. hrmicrh mails. flSt...- Northern througn ana way mai.. N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied t Herefrom unlelfirh & Fayette v'e Southern way mails. southern through mails DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Western mails (C. C. Railway). ... .. Cape Fear & Y V R R and point s sup plied therefrom nAipieh & Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom Smlthvllle Wrightsvllle Clinton, special specials tor Max ton, V adesboro. Monroe and Charlotte MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi- Pnc W-W A. m. ' TtiESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River. 8. C., and intermediate offices c f- Cape Fear Klr mail 1 M- OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way mallf -. 8.jW j;. JJ. Northern through mall, late lui p. . southern through mails J' Southern way malls... a. m nortlon ot city at 5 A. M.. 13.00 M. and 4.4., P. Si. and from other points ot tnecuy hi ,t a. and 4 P. M. tt0rt . General delivery opeii u'"w P. M., and on sunuajs irem Carrier's delivery open uu tO 10.IJ0 A. M. nnnn..tmanr ftnpn Money oraer ana ueyisici from 8 A. M. to sr. MmW- trt . Stamp Office open irom o.w . -",iy"V Stamps on sale at general delivei y b..j0 A.M. olOA. M.andl to 7 p. M. THAT EXCELLENT Offi9w Store on Princess street next door to Evans' shoe store, until OcMJ8B8 verv cheap. Houses and Rooms ior 221 Houses and Lots tor sale, cash 6r on the instalment plan, ajso ' Wilson New No. 9 Sewing Machines for sale. This Is the oest macWne evergut on taemar- Lawn Mowers, Market I G -sit on tne t Alt DEN HOES, RAKES, Ae rom 76c up to 85.75. An immense stockoTnohby STRAW BA?S and gentlemen's Furnishing Goods in every description. Fine Baibriggan Half Hose tnr 14 eents a pair, worth 35 cents. ,o Anv one in need of any of tne above goods wiii Lre tvSmmli Tl5 per cent, by calling and examining my line of Goods. B. F. PENNY. aP122tf 110 Market Street. Notice of Dissolution. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Aim of Geo. R. Frencn k puu by the death of Mr. Geo. R. French, Senior, on the 15th mst. This event necessitates a set tlement of all the affairs of the latenrm. All pei-sons indebted to the said firm must there fore make prompt settlement to the under signed and those having claims against the same -ill please prosent them at once. WM. A. FRENCH, GEO. R. FRENCH, Jr., Surviving Partners. March 23 SPItINK- lers. Rubber nose ana Aiiuim"- : -v i , . k T 'it oil aWu ... VfJF.lt CO'S apiSO" 'I SPIflN'KEK Front St.. Wilmington. N. C J. W. ATKINSON. W. P I resident. TOOMKK, cashier. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. 108 ...,.ni! mt WILMINGTON. N. C. 2Z S on satisfactory security, , . . Pay- Interest on neposns. is execute Trusts of all kinds. empowered to inch 29 t f B A Z AAB, 118 Market Street, - - - Wilmiqgton Novelties in Fans, novelties in Paf asols and Sun Laces, Gloves, Mitts, Cofsets, Hosiery, Underwear bons, OCC., OCC. correct mvi, a """ic ivj0CKjs Prices guaranteed the LOWEST. A LARGE STOCkl Colored and tSlacK 5iiks ior innimmg. -The trade supplied at liberal discounts. Orders by promptly fulfilled. 1889. Lrv . Referring to the above the undersigaed hav lnSsuccecoed t6 the good will of the late firm of Geo T French & sons hereby give notice that tney will continue to carry on the Whole sale and Retail Boot and Shoe trade at the oul stamL No. 108 North Front street as part ners under the old name of Geo. K. t lencn a, SOnS' WM. A. FRENCH, GEO. R. FRENCH, Jr. March 33, 1889. THE EMPORIUM inch 23 tf NOVELTIES AND STAPLE! o- M. M. to 7.00 9.U0 to 10-00 A. M. Sunday from 9.30 orcT PITTING CORSETt'heWORLD FOR SALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. MAYER, STROUSE & CO. irflc -Al? BROADWAY, V. r. www r Art -- - - apt 15 4w E HAVE W plete stock ot tne NOW A newest FULL AND COM- and latest de signs in AND FANCY Noti GOODS, Of : Various : Styles nr. apl 17 : and : Prices 1 IM. Mclntire, NORTH FRONT STRBfli York A Wiimm x BOY CLIPPEri AND Whioh tne ladles of Wilmington and vicinity are respectfully invited to call and examine. MY this pleted 25 new flat cars and have in course of construction 25 new. box cars. Besides this they have just overhauled and painted 4 passenger cars. Julius A. Gray, President of the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad Com pany, has very generously tendered the use of his private car to the committee for the transportation ot ex President Jefferson Davis and family to and from the celebration "NWAinhpr. and the commit- toju livr.Mi to nothing short of leu i r- : -4. Mr. Davis' acceptance of the in vita tion to be orator of the'day. Monroe Enquirer: On last Mon day Mr. Harrison Honeycutt, of atnnhr Mumtv. was bitten by a na which was supposed to have the hydrophobia. On Monday morning Mr. Honeycutt noticed that the horse appeared to be sick, and ftitead of putting him to work as 11SI1A.1- t.U rned him loose in the pas- Ahnni.11 o'clock Mr. H. went nWte.h the horse, and while at hHrrle him. the horse became vicious and bit him, inflict a TAAinfnl wound. Help was and. after considerable difficulty, the horse was gotten into t.hA t,ablt. Bv this time the horse seemed perfectly wild, and attempt al to bite everything that came uriViin his reach. He continued to show very decided symptoms of v,,r,i,.rih;;i hitinsr at the walls of thfl stable. It soon became evident that, hp could not Ions be kept con 4nA ami hft was killed. It is not known whether he had beenjbitten by a mad dog or not. I Remember. I remember, I remember, T w.iv a bov. How Castor Oil and Epsom Salts Robbed life of half its joy. I remember, I remember, When for each trifling ill, The family Esculapius Prescribed the Bie: Blue Pill. But happily, (let suffering human ity murmur a prayer of thanksgiv ing, that period of woe is past. Speedy and painless relief from all he iris of a disordered stomach or imnaired liver can be obtained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Unwative Pellets. They do not crinp. weaken or nauseate. Small, sugar coated, pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in action. Neatly nnt An in firlass vials. One a dose. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to ta Comfort and economy are to be in the use of Oil fitOVOS. Sold LEMON KI.IXIK A l'leasant Lemon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, T.omOii Rlivir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. , For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. . For fevers, chills anu maiaria, take Lemon Elixir. ; Lemon Elixir will not tan you iv rtf the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas- d liver, stomach, kidneys, boweis SATIN f AF DEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, IN French Styles, at 10c, 150 and 15c per yard. GINGHAMS, New Styles, good quality, at Tc, 10c ani iyt per yard. WHITE GOODS. A small instalment oi desirable styles of nini o orl GtiHrwic With Jill tne QUailllCS Ul X 1U1 0 .XV UWIJIVU, . India Linen and'Llnen de Ireland. H. Mozley, i i or oioou. Prepared only by Dr. tliiit-.i f-i-a v. . . I..i.i1 iiftv- rnts and l.OO per uouic. L. t ; v . Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous nmtmtinn. billiousness, disorderea (, . W V " . . . . - -. A.1 hOlTQ Lrilnvs anfl GOnBlllWIlUU, a. ict. bv Dr. Mozlev's Lemon Elixir and am now a wen man. rni th s Rkv. C u. uavis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. frv,Tv,ocr trfV-nf fjpnts' and Boys' Un In.miHnH SViil-ta !t. ?tfV. 7Sfi. aDQ Sl.UU. UUf iauiiuuvu U1ji..u ' . i. nthor Shirt, sold: the body is Wamsutta snirt- i vortrv, nuro i.tnpn ipinforRed hack ana front. ine nirt is mauc ir v iPTift,hwise of the cloth, which makes great The greatest variety oi wenis' uuiiaxv x. the city, from 10c each up. -..g A new stock SHEETINGS and-SHIRTINGS. Something extra In Bleached Cotton at 8c per yarcL vTnir mch 13 tf SELF-RISING BUCKWHEAT, IN 3 AND. 6 LBS. PACKAGES. INVALUABIJB ARTICLE FOR PRO- rtnnintr in a rew minutes. W tne aaaiuon oi water-or milk, mos, delicious Buckwheat Cakes. 1889. ILLUSTRATED. MAPLE SYRUP, EITHER IN BULK OR IN GALLON OR HALF GALLON CANS. Harper's Magazine is the most useful, en tertaining and oeautirui penomcai iu world. Among the attractions for 1889 will te a new novel an American story, entitled Ju piter Lights'7 Dy UOnsLitiii; r . vvuuiauu trations of Shakespeare's Comedies by L. A. Ahbev; a series of articles on Russia, lllustra- tea DY l. U6 Tnuisirup; ympens uu mc nwwr ion of canaaa ana a oHMpraBnouu njihh UJ Charles Dudley W arner; mree -orwegiim Studles,"toy Bjornstjerne Bjornson, illustrated: "Commodus," a historical play by the author of 'Ben-Hur," iUustrated by J. R. Weguelin, etc. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George WilUam Curtis, William Dean 3owells and Charles ouaiey hmwt. HARPERS' PERIODICALS, PKR YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZ1NK 54 iw HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 AKPER'S UA-AK w HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to alt subscribers tn trie Unite Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. Dress-M king Drpirtment is a specialty. It is in cnarge oi an unwyt plished lady from the NortH, who has just returned from Baltimore, where she attend ed the We have Improved Fat ill ties in tliis De partment. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Dresses, Wraps, &c, made at short notice. Country Orders solicited. Respectfully, MRS. K B WIGGINS, Agent, Ladies' Emporium 115 HAUKBT ST. my 2 tf Tocatch Dame Fortune's golden smile Assirtnnns wait UDOn her. And gather gear by every wile That's justified by honor; Not for to hide It in a hedge, Not for a train attendant. But for the glorious privilege KMmanMn f ppi i nrtenendent who pays rent. Be your own landlord. Building Lots for sale on oueen, uasue, wi-"i , V -lTTA Princess, Chestnut, Mulberry .Walnut, Red Cross, Dickinson, Charlotte, Campbell, Bruns wick, Harnett, Front, Second, TMra, FM. crth wnnn Kichth. Ninth. Tenth, TMavonth TwPiftn nnd Thirteenth streets. TTnuooe hi'iiit. m suit- Houses and lots for sale ino, instaimfinr, nian. Money loaned to those wishing to Wld. Ap apl 15 2m Office of D. O'Connon. Notice to Tax-Payers. rpHE CITY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1889 FROM PIER 39, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock. P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday. April 27 vrviietiBf Saturday. May 4 BENEFACTOK vveuucsu.i, v" " DELAWA RE... Saturday, May U FROM WILMINGTON DELAWARE Thursday, May 2 YEMASSEE Sunday, May 12 BENEFACTOR Sunday, May 12 DELAWARE ..Sunday, May 19 f$r Through BHls Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBOiNxSo, Bupenuwjuucut, Wi THEO D1XIB PLOWS. Hoes, -o Shovels, Agricultural Implement!! all Kiudi. c. 'ilmington, N E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York WM. p. apl 25 CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents. 35 Broadway, New York. Clyde Steamship Co. -o Passenger Service Between New York Wilmington & Fernandirva. Heado up rters for Best and 8tove, Stores, SASH, DOORS, BL1 Made of best of White Ptoe, BlJ; f and well seasoned. Large bwm constantly on nana a Axles, Iron, Bim OAKS. GllIi TW DRIVE WELL PUMPS, Paints, VarnisheB,Gll -0 FROM WILMINGTON FOR FERN AN Din A. DELAWARE Saturday, April 27 vrmassrk Tuesday, May 7 DELAWARE Tuesday, May li These steamers have unsurpassed accom wlU be listed at the City Hall, beginning June medations. . . . . 1,,-, ,1.1,.!, Vrtrrfn . J . V tVlO . . I r Tlie volumes UL UK iiingoiiuv ucgiu tuv. FrPih VP.PftHhleS and r Til It Numbers for June and Ijecember of each year, riuall VCDl'Uloo c-nu i mi j specified, subscriptions wiU oegln with the Numoer currei at nine oi i - , By every Steamer Preserves and Jellies BY THE POUND. For sale by Jno. L. Boatwright, 15 & 17 SO.FTont St. nov 7 H. ORONENBERG, PHOTOGRAPHER, HT1STIC AND SUPERBLY RXECUT.ED jhs at reasonable prices. PhoaphBatrenaoiepnY lwnprlceat Bouria Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth cases for binding, 50 cents each by mail post paid. Index to Harper's Masrazine. Alphabetical, Analytical and Classified for Volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885, one VOL, 8vo. Cloth, $4 00. Remittances suuuiu uc mmw uj rusi-viu c Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Vetrsixtpers are mot to copy thin adpertisemen without tne express order of Harper & Brothers. ddress . HARPER & BROTHERS. nov 15 a New York For Sale. LD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUR 1st next, and continuing during the month. WM. A. W1LLSON, may 2 5t Clerk and Treasurer. For Freight or Passage apply to v H. G. 8MAIXBONES. April 26th t May 20th. Superintendent. pr-Ali correspondence by maiil tenaea 10. n i N. Jacobi Hardware Ik I6D MX m The t AMERICAH MAGAZDfl JJVliltUBIlT iuuoii""" tths aMBRICAS ZINE gives Preference l TffJf scenes, and its tD0f. mfrts pages a wwe -2' incr Kicptcnes 01 i''"'-'J:,r THKO. . KGKB. Traffic Manager, 35 Broadway, 1 foremost problems of tne yc N. Y . 4 this Magazine is tatlve 0f j. Distinctively nePS0UgUt -lO BY STEAMER TO HEAR THE GREAT jr Evangelist, Pearson, in Fayetteville. Fare for round trip only 84.00, meals, berths or state-rooms included, steamers leave wharf foot of Chestnut street at two o'clock p. m. arrlvinsr next morning about nine o'clock. Steamer CAPE FEAR. Capt. Tomlinson, Mon day and Thursday. Steamer A. P. HURT. Capt. Uobeson, Tuesday and Friday. Stmr. D. MURCIIISON, ("apt. Smith. Wednesday L and Saturday. Tickets only on board, good on either Boat. WM. P. CI.VIK & CO., General Agents, 35 Broadway, N. Y apl 21 OPENING DAY! -AT- Mrs. E, A. Lumsden's, re ap!20tf T. D. XOVE, Agent. R. C. Orrell JJAS A LOT OF SECON DJHAN D BUGGIE andnarness for sale cheap. Horses and yehicles for hire and horses boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. WIU try hard to please. I still nave a very finei Hearse for funeral oc casions. REVIEW OFFICE, 4 . W ffi l? R. C. ORRELL, .Livery and sale stam Corner Third and Princess 8 OF Summer Milliner? TRIMMED HATS AND BONNES, IK ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Friday. April 2Gtli, 1881. Ladies Invited to call. Dress-Making a specialty. Ill N. FAiONT ST. apmtt It te acknowledged by the PbK- be the most pop" nigh-class montnues. ceipt or inc., 11 w r r ea to sou11 iMBinn -r John wer' that be is now Market 7i and rsr overhanled. repaired r. a aa workmen, oaiy . a to Mfriet t. ( j ivuuu iu by the N.?Jeobi Hdw. Co. teb W 1X Mwet t,, sown side- -