THIS r" and PTOD. -T on4TAQB PAID: months $2.00. Three ! H' ..... month, 35 cents. redty earners, free vrtli f the above rin Please import any ana .fibers WBP P rpe-ularly. the most elegant form eriXATlVCA:oNUTRlTlOUSJU,OE FlGS OF CALIFORNIA, bined with the medicinal lbin Ir slants known to be -IT 1 Tu0fiVial to the Human ill k w . 1 A fnrrmnsr an atia. r I r.ii v.Li . h animal vuiiaw- Hon. ana wc . J l, monv l lie- t a wean ui matmv. ration of the 3 mm IMn DniQftl V nHk ts urn u u uwwllw. Itu the rr.ot e.T.-ellent remedy Known UI1KI VI SE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY V.ien one is BiUous or """'i' 1 THAT mr, netemuni Q SLEEP HuAlTN and UTRtnu i n NATURALLY FOLLOW. if 11 ei ti r u ;itiii die i t 1 Li, J ..JtVi it ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY LIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . .... jciji vnor jv ir i . r i v : i nrjiji'.t.u i . WHOLESALE DKUGGIST, . . . . . U'ilimr. -T Ml 3 .. 11 " . , . . 0 - t Convincing Proof. nun instances it has been proven that rtreoimeikt fails. u i lJ it i i -i j i ' 'iit ir ti a ii i.i MHi Liu uLiii'i mlloweda Uarroi of medicine iu vain . .him nit n "Jiiut f ii .in nuuirniia lITVk 1 r-' 1 ' ' ti-IU 11 UUI 11 1 1K1U 1 UIV11 and all other horrors of hlootl )Oislon atappeared and at las! I am bound and aaiu. after on experience of twenty t. Ward, Maxeir, Ga.. writes: "My dis- I'fW nmn nun o tnrtiai'i' frt v-vf "Kl -; K v4-.n.uv i. l. I 11U1 J 1V1 111 JL ' 'JV I ui ivirnpuun. ituu uauiij ine disease d ten bottles of B. B. B. I was nro- I nr. i nave now oeen well over twelve , - uuuiv J JL OL CI 1 O i. Ull 11U T 0. I LlM NOT ! p-'vi ii..jjl,1.N(i ANY OF THE CHI- uiv'u lieei snippea nere in . a MuuiUU L UUVC lj vv, I fvt tll lull fllflfT llllf lhi 1ITAQ u-gnua. Tennessee and In i ... -aoipsuu s.taii tea Beef. ntltilr. nil V v a" 1 ii as sound, Good and 1 V I 1. j fiuus can rely on this and on 'H mil.. c- . . . . monsro serve them with the 3 J- F. GA.RRELL, r?U 2 Pront St. Market, south S4Ce. CLYDE'S w m & Wilmington nKR29.EAST Dnrm. Br. T il.K NEW YORK uUQDereand Roosevelt sts, At 3 O'clock P v W i . .11 . wuraaj, Jiay js "iiiaj in a J so FU'JM Urn. Wil.. ... unaay. May 12 unaay, May 19 1NGT0N FOR FKRHANDINA. rr- iin naw i uesuay, .May it Bsh miV "'. Tuesday, May 21 Int. . WAJU rn m, """rai Jiuu "'J 1 irv. . - 1 1 1 1111 TWIIntD 1. T.W SiPMlonsr unsurPassed passen- Annkr , ouueriurjenaent. aK, Traffic " AP- t sm m -ssBsa sw & &,tV" Agents . 1 "ag QreenXYoi. 1 11 Tj Vol xiii. LOCAL NEWS. JKDKX TO NKW ADVERTI8KMBNTS IllNDEKOORNs P niscox Deafness C K Hikes Root Beer Geo a Scott Bonanza Parker's Hair Balsam Parker's Ginger Tonic Mcnds Bros Pharmacists W M Cumming Mattresses 11 M McIntire Press Goods ' Sylvan Grove For Southport.. A J Uedrick "Lyon" Parasols Geo It French & Sons Visitors Corneau's Bed Bug Interceptic Mrs S B Wiggins, Agt New Goods We hear that fish are beginning to bite in the Sounds now. The soda "water racket has been worked to-day for all it is worth. Best assortment of fishing tackle can be found at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Charleston is to have public bath houses this Summer. Cannot Wil mington have some too? Comfort and economy are found in the use of oil stoves, by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. to be Sold Canary and mocking bird cages. A full line of above are now being shown by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Boils, pimples, hives, ringworm, tetter and all other manifestations of impure blood arecuredby Hood's Sarsaparilla. You can buy two quarts of green peas in Charleston for five cents. They ask 10 to 15 cents a quart them here. for The contract, for making the sum mer uniforms for the police foree was awarded last Saturday to Mr A. David. The electric street lights were all burning for a short time at about 13 o'clock to-day. But they made very little impression on the sunshine. Ready mixed paints and stains, white lead, oil and varnishes. For low prices and good reliable goods go to the H. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Make your house secure by put ting burglar proof locks on your blinds and windows. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. The pavers on the North side of Market street are now about half way between Front and Second. They will probably complete the job this week. Yesterday's torrid heat drove lots of people out of town to seek comfort on the borders of the big pond, Five coaches full were taken down the Seacoast R. R. in the af ternoon. Charleston had peaches and cher ries last Saturday. The former were from Florida and sold for 75 cents a dozen and the latter came from Aiken and brousrht 75 cents a quart Take your choice. Latest advices from New York are to the effect that strawberries are selling there at 30 cents a quart. There is a big demand for them and they are being rushed into market as fast as possible. Still in the Field. The Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 122 Market st., has now on hand a full line of gentfsheavy jean draw ers, the very thing for the season, at 50 cents a pair, worth 75 cents. tf J. ELSBACH, Prop'r. We understand that the prelim inary survey for the Burgaw and Onslow R. R. has been completed. On Saturday the line was within three miles of Jacksonville and oe course they got there to day. Young's Cough Balsam is a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. For sale whole sale and retail by Munds Brothers. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every faai ily should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c aud $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. S500 Reward. So confident are the manufactur ers of Dr. Saere's Catarrh Reiuedv in their ability to cure nasal catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long, standing, that they offer, in good faith, the above reward for a case which they cannot core. Remedy sold by druggists at 50 cents. J J AIM WILMINGTON, N. C. It is the most beautiful season of the year now 'canse the girls have ;come out in their fresh white Sum mer uniforms. Indications. For North Carolina, fair, except 'n the Northern portion, local show ers and cooler, except in the Eastern portion stationary temperature. Reports from the country round about here are to the effect that rain is beginning to be needed. The crops are not yet suffering but they are feeling the want of rain. The public schoolsjn the city will close on Wednesday, the 22d, and at J or about that time the pretty little i onprpttn. now in nrpnaration will hf i tr- t ..... given at the Opera House. Mr. (ieo. Z. French tells usthathe will not take charge of the postoffice here until the first of July. He can be ready at an earlier date but pre fers to wait until then. Messrs. French Bros., at Rocky Point, have sold this season three times as much of their excellent fer tilizers as were sold last season. We are glad to know this and also to learn that the lime they make for building purposes is steadily grow ing in favor. The survivors of Co. I, 18th N. C. Regiment, are already talking of a big reunion.ori the Fourth of July, either at Carolina Beach or Wrights ville, when it is hoped that every member of the old command who has been spared will be present and take an active part. Crop9 About Bursaw. Mr. J. T. Collins, of JBurgaw, was in the city to-day for a few hours and gave us a few luinutes of his time. He says that while the crops in his neighborhood are not actual ly suffering for the want of rain yet they are now in need of it. He says also that the outlook at this time for both cereals and fruit is very promising. He1 has corn a foot high in his field. City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: Mag. Frederick, charged with dis orderly conduct, was adjudged not guilty. Lizzie Lane, for "disorderly con duct, was fined $5 and costs,amount ing to $8.55. One case of I disorderly conduct was left open. ( The C. O. & C. Company. It is now said that a settlement in the case of William Mahone and others against the Carolina Oil and Creosote Company will probably be made without further proceedings in the Courts. Arrangements look ingtoa compromise have been pro gressing for some days, and with favorable results, it is said; and it is now believed that all the details have been agreed on, and in a man ner satisfactory to all concerned. Carolina Beach. The new railroad track from the river to Carolina Beach has been completed and it is expected tha the finishing touches will be put to the new pier to-morrow afternoon. Everything will be ready, therefore, to begin this week the regular Sum-, mer schedule to the Beach. Tnere will be at least four round trips each day bet ween the city and the Beach, and more if the necessities of travel demand it. It promises to be a very brilliant season at that popular sea side resort this Summer. Peterson's Magazine. "Peterson" for June comes among the earliest of the month's maga zines, and a beautiful number it is. The steel engraving, "Across the Sands,"' is a lovely picture; and the full page wood illustration, "A Fish ing Lesson," is a. charming bit. The mammoth fashion plate is thorough -ly artistic, and there are dozens of ef fective models for various articles for dress. The stories are all good; Howard Seely contributes one of his characteristic Southwestern sketches, "A Heartbreaker of Chin capin," and Miss Ahj-p Bowman commences a serial which promises to be one of her best efforts. Ama teur gardeners will find valuable in formation on "Rose Culture," and this month's instalment of the "Talks by a Trained Nurse" ouht to be in every woman's bauds. Two Dollars a year. Ad Terms dress Peterson's Magazine, Ph i ladel -phia, Pa. MONDAY MAY 13, Mr. James H. Evans,of the Marion Index, will be in the city on Wed nesday in the interest of his excel lent paper. We will be glad to see him. We notice in the Charleston News and Courier that a complimentary concert is to be given in that city to morrow night to Prof. Ortmann, the accomplished young violinist. This gentleman is a nephew to Mr F. W. Ortmann, of this city, and paid a visit here last Summer on his return from a coots? of musical studies at Leipsic, in Germany. Passencers by the Yemassee. The steamship Yemassee sailed hence for New York to day with the following passengers from this port. Messrs. E. E. Davis, T. A, Radcliffe and wife, Ronie Williams, H. Doeker and John Herbert, white. The col ored passengers were Charlotte Hall, ML Thompson, J. L. Brooks J. T. Rivers, Mary Lane and Eliza Flemminir. Ashore Near Lookout. British steamship Aberlady Day, McGrreger, 1,188 cons, was reported late Saturday afternoon as being ashore off Beaufort, with her pro peller broken. The tugs Blanehe and Alex Jones were sent out from this port to her assistance. The latest information, received to day, is to the effect that the two tugs are pul ling on her but have not yet got her off. Attempted Suicide. Jacob Johnson, colored, living at No. 41G McRae street, between Wal nut and Red Cross, made a desper ate attempt at suicide to day be tween 12 and 1 o'clock. He shot himself twice in the head. One of the balls struck the skull and glanced off but the other penetrated the side of his head, between the eye and the ear, and entering lodged just in the rear of the former organ. Drs. Lane and McDonald are in at tendance on him and will not com mit themselves as yet to a positive opinion as to his condition, only saying that they consider it to be very serious. Johnson is about 40 years old and has a wife and five children. He was alone in his room when he made the attempt. The pistol was of .32 calibre. The cause of the rash at tempt is unknown but he had been drinking for some days and it is said was under the influence of liquor at the time. Weather Crop Bulletin. The Second Weekly? Weather Crop Bulletin of the North Carolina Weather Service makes a remark, ably good exhibit of the condition of the crops throughout the entire State. We quote from it as follovvs: Our reports for the week ending Saturday, May 11th, still indicate a favorable condition of the crops. The almost entire absence of rain in the State may have been somewhat injurious in a few localities, but owing to the excessive rains of the week ending May 4th, a great deal of dry weather was required. The temperature in all districts has been above the average and has been favorable to growing cropsand the ripening of fruit. Cool weather aud light frost occurred in the west ern portion of the State the first of the week, without injurious effect. A decidedly warm wave passed over the entire State during the latter part of the week, maximum teni perature of over 90 degrees occur ring in many places. In the Eastern District there was a marked deficiency of rainfall, about an average temperature and a great deal of sunshine in this dis trict, with a favorable effect upon crops. Planting and farm work generally progressing. Some injury to the potato crop on account of bugs is reported from Edgecombe county. Corn and cotton have been replanted to some extent. In the Central District the rainfall has been decidedly below the aver age; the temperature and sunshine above the average, with favorable ef fect on the crops. The excessive heat of the latter part of the week has been very favorable to growing crops, cotton especially. An abun dance of tabacco plants is general ly reported. The season is well in advance and the outlook is encour aging. Light frosts occurred with slight injury. Fruit is doing well, with prospects for a fine yield. Small grain generally looking well. io rain, an excess oi sunsnine auu I temperature in the Western district I have been somewhat ainfavorable to ; the growing crops, although there is no cauhe for serious complaint. Cotton has been retarded somewhat and wheat and oafs are not doing well. The fruit crop is reported in excellent condition with probabili Ue lifVt rij?na i Iniurv 1 are reported w thorn serious inju. Season generally in ad vance. ties of a Jarire vie Id. Lisrht frosts 1889. NO 113. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE HAVE THEM! YES, ALMOST 3NT-E V .A.INT and with all have not failed to have also the many STAPLES for EVERY DAY UsE. WHITE GOODS STOCK ! A complete assortment in all of the various textures. BLACK GOODS STOCK! Nothing to compare with the endless assortment in this eity. CHINA MATTINGS, JAPANESE MATTINGS, NAPIER MATTINGS. COCO MATTINGS, CARPETS AND RUGS. Brass, Copper, Cherry and Walnut Poles, 5, 8, 10 and 12 feet long. LACE CURTAINS AND DRAP1SBY, &c.t &C K Dr. E Porter and Mr. Geo. Z. French, of Rocky Point, were in the city to day. With ZebVance in the Senate and the Zb Vance cook stove in your kitchen the country will be safe and your home happy. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t First Trip on the Water. The Passport will arrive here to morrow Under charge of Capt. Dick sey. Cant. Harper left her at Nor folk on Saturday morning and came on to Wilmington, arriving here on Saturday evening. He wiil take charge of the SylvanQrovc tomorrow, when she will make her first trip this season. She will go to Southport, leaving here at 930 a. m. and return ing in the afternoon This is the schedule also for Wednesday and Thursday. Those who have ben waiting and longing for a trip on the water can now have this longing gratified. N i'j W A D V JS it V I S E M K NTS . For Southport. gTEAMER SYLVAN GROVE WILL LEAVE for Southport on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, at 9:30 a.m. Returning will leave Southport at 4 p. ni. Fare round trip 75 cents. J. W. HARPER, my 13 3t nac Gen'f Manager. Kampho. Q UPERIOR TO GUM CAMPHOR FOR PRE- I serving carpets and all woolen froods from Moths. 15 cents per pound, 2 pounds for 25c. MUNDS BROTHERS. 104 N. Front St., 601 N. Fourth st. VISITORS. -ylSITORS IN THE CITY ARE CORDIALLY invited to our large establishment, which con tains the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES in the State. Constantly receiving goods en ables you not only to get new goods but all the latest styles. Our stock was never more complete, and we will give you more for your money than you will receive elsewhere. Special Bargains in Gents' Low Quartered SHOES, Ladles'. Misses' and Children's SLIPPERS. Five Hundred" Pairs Ladies' Opera Slippers at 50c, "75c, $1.00. $1.25. Ladles' Pat. Leather Tip Lace Oxfords at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Ladles' three buttons Oxfords at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Ladies' DoDg. Button Boots. Patent Leather Tips, $2.50, former price $2.75. Having these goods on C and D Lasts, we ft the most difficult foot. Special attention given to mail orders. Geo. Be French & Sons, my 13 1G8 North Front St. 0 THE OF PEACE PRKPARK FOR WAil." 'IF YOU A INT GOT 'EM,"" YOU MIGHT HAVE 'EM. Corneau's Bed Bug Interceptic Does the work Quickly, Quietly and Pleasant ly, A Permanent Cure "So to Speajfc" Ask for Corneau's, the Alpha and Omega of ALL Bed Bug Poisons, and take no other. For sale by all Druggists. mch 27 3m nac m H. CRONES BERG, PHOTOGRAPHER, RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY, feb 23 tf 116)$ Market St., South side J. W. ATKINSON, W. P. TOOMKR, Cashier. President. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., 1 Afi PRINCESS ST.. WILMINGTON. N. C, 1 v(5 Lends .Money on satisfactory security, Pays Interest on Deposits. Is empowered to exc jntc 1 rasl s of all kinds . mch 29 1 f Jam is 0. Mund, At A FULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS AN inaToltet ArttOSes in great 5a- Artesian Well Mineral Water, cause tn and try a glass FREE. janio Chemicals. Physicians' Prescrtpuona a spe- PLEASE NOTICE. We will be Had to reeeiva n1fttlt rom 0ttr Meaos on any ana au subject general interest, bat The name or the writer must always be nlshed to the Editor. communications must be writte one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly on stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the edit. columns. NEW ADVERTI8EMBNT8. ANYTHING 33 ft. M. Mclntire, NORTH FRONT STREET. EO,A.SCOTT,NewYorkClty my 13 4w DEAF! INE88 CURED I liDTUlbTUBUlAREARCOSHIOIS VThlsceri heard dlittneUr. Comfort. ble. SneMMfli 1 where al 1 remedle fall. Aproofa tree. Addregaorcalloa C U18C0X. 5 llroadwaj, . fT my 13 4w HINDERCORN8. The only sure Care for Corns. Stops nil pain. Enren jmfort to the feet. ISc t Druggists. HiscoxftCo.,W.1 "2TOTT rTr T '11 I 1Annli bwiniklHa A Aft K ER'i diNCSR TO t has cured f u ie worst, cases ami is t ne met remedy for ail uu arising om defective nutrition . Take in time. 60c. and $L0B my 13 4w PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. eromotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Prevents Dandruff and hair falling 60cndjd()ruggigtc my 13 4w SideJnBaeK Aching Sides and Back, Kip, Kidney and Uterine Pains, Rheumatlc,Sclatlc, Sharp and Weakening Pains, relieved in one minute by !SStCUTICUHA ANTI-PAIN PLAMR S only instantaneous pain-kiiitog, strengthen ing piaster. 35 cents; flve for $1.00. At drug gists, or of Potter Drug AND CHEMICAL CO., Boston. PI IWI Pimples, blackheads, chapped ni r I I IVI and oily skin curedy C uticu- iLlO ra Soap. my I'M w HIRES HIRES' IMPROVED Me I ROOT RFFN W W SWB1B1I1 IN LIQUID NO BOILING EASILY MADE THIS PACKAGE MAKES FIVE GALLONS a The most APPETIZING and WBOIMOIOI TEMPERANCE DRINK In the world . TUT XT. Ask your Druggist or Grocer for It. j C. E. HIRES. PHILADELPHIA.' my 13 4w gTOP AND THINK OF OUR REASONABLE low prices for clothing: BOY'S SUITS From 1 .island Upward. Gentlemen's Suits, From S3.75 and Upward. From 75c up to 95.75. An immense stock of nobby STRAW HATS and gentlemen's Furnishing Goods In every description. Fine Balbrlggan Half Hose for 14 cents a pair, worth 25 cents. Any one in need of any of tne above goods will save from 10 to 15 per cent, by calling and examining my line of Goods. B. F. PENNY. api 22 tf HO Market Street. Must be Sold. rpOBACCO. CIGARS, BUTTER, CHEESE and Shingles. Call and get goods cheap. CHAS. F. BROWNE- Agt, 128 North Water su, Wilmington, N. C. my 6 tf d&w For Rent THAT EXCELLENT OFFICE AND more on princess street, next door to avans anoe store, until Oct 1st, 1888. cry cneap. nouses ana Booms ior nouses ana Lots for sale, casn WonU 9 SSuSSm taTmto mis B teruWttevTVa the mar ; Let. MARTIN T. DAYT5, iiisuument. D&a. jumo wneejer t awai E R 1 A nr mi rn 1

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