' . 1 " - flOYA! POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never vanes. A marvel of pu rtt.v srrenttfcandwholesomenesS. More econ omical than tie ordinary' Wads, MMl cannot be sold in competition with ihe multitude or low test short weight alum or phosphate powders. Soli on in can. KOYAL RAKING POWDER CO.; 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct m dAwly tenrw fthpd Srdpw Th.o Badly Baview. LOCAL 1STBWS. ton. The Gernianfa CornetSBand are expecting their m fatigue suits to Bfjgbt. l.awu rakes of the latest and nios improved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co The body is more susceptible to benefit from Hoods Sarsaparilla now than at any other season. There fore take it now. We can make you comfortable for $1.00 by supplying you with the Ironclad Oil Stove. N. Jacobi Hdw Co, Com the Fancy Work booth by Mrs. J. H . Hardin.MiAugu8taMoPheon and Rain is ranch needed o tlw line Migg game Hoggins; the Japanese of the C. C. R. R., West of Lumber- by Misses Annie Hilton, Daisy - Harrell, Mattie Brown, Edelweiss French and Mrs. J as Keiliy; tne fruit booth by Mrs. Jos. S. Mitchell, W. C. Peterson, W. H. Alderman j and W. C Smith; the art gallery,) Messrs. A. S. Holden, W. L. Holden, I p. -Peuton: refreshments booths. Mrs. J. T. Piatt, Mrs. J. D. Bell, Mrs. W. P. Oldham, Mrs. Ben Russell Mrs. S. (. Hall, Miss Cornelia Alder man, Misses McPherson, Mitchell, Hugging, Heide and others. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance I met yesterday afternoon in regular COMMERCIAL. NEWS. Don't forget the ' Merry . t ' m T"; i 1 , . . . 1 . . . pwy; or, xoe uaeeai noow, ttll,,c! Power Company, in session. tVio l.r.r.rl r.f the North Carolina M. ll v mt ' f the sum o Bates and il. A. Burr sureties. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1889. STATE NEWS. (ireensboro Workman: The Pear son meeting was well attended thi3 morning. Many of our business houses closed their doors in order that their clerks might attend. The people seem greatly interested and no doubt great good will be accom Klished during Mr. Pearson's stay ere. Charlotte Chronicle: Kerr Craige, Collector of Internal Revenue of the Fifth District of North Carolina, sent ia his resignation yesterday morning. Mr. Craige said that he resigned because he did not desire to bold an office under the Repub lican administration, and he did not wish the administration to labor under the delusion that he was de sirous of retaining his position. . ttoldsboro Argun: The "Shoo Fly" train on the W. & W. Road noV takes mail from this postoffice in bulk direct for Wilmington, but takes none for way distribution, and brings mail in bulk for this place from Wilmington in the evening. This will prove of great convenience to onr citizens, as thev can have mail communication with Wilming-, ton in the morning and get a reply in the evening. Charlotte News: The barn of Mr. Gheorge S.Hall, on the Concord road, one mile from town, was burned to the ground at 10 10:30 o'clock Satur day night. The barn contained a good deal of forage, all of which was consumed. Mr. Hall's barn was in sured, but not fully. He will lose 200 by the fire. The barn was built of historic timbers, and was former, lyoneof the lankraarks of Char lotte. It stood on Tryon street, next to Springs' corner, and was known as Cornwallis' headquarters. Three years ago it was moved to make room for a handsome brick building. Mr. Hall bought and moved it to his farm, where it was rfcri into a barn. That the house was occupied by Lord Corn wallis during his stav in Charlotte, is a well authenticated fact. When it was being removed a number of continental buttons, coins, old bay onets and the like were found in rubbish, and they were gobbled up by. relic seekers. "O. K." The origin of the expression "It is all O. K." is thus told. An ignorant official endorsed eacli account that he audited and found correct O. K. meaning to intimate that the bill was all correct, or as he pronounced and spelt it. Oil Krect Whatever the origin, the expression is used in a variety of connections, as for in stance, when Robeson told Tomp kins that his wife's health had been O. K. ever since she used a few bot ties of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. Itis the great cure for all the painful and distressing ailments and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only guaranteed cure for these ailments, sold by druggists. Money paid for it will be promptly returned if it don't give satisfaction. See guarantee printed on the bottle wrapper. . . . WW A T . 1 I II Opera House to-nignt. it win wen ; 0Q0 for electric lighting, Was ap repay thoswho are present. ! n-nvAd. with Jno. W. Atkinson. I. Indications. For North Carolina, slightly cooler w-ather. predictions are the same. There is economy in build fair and j A communication from the Mayor, The local ! recommending that an appropria I tion be allowed of 75 for uniform, , , v etc, of Assistant Chief of the Fire mg barb , ' .. .. , ! Denartmeut. and stating: that sU3h wire fences and in buying your wire! , , . kn;ru2. with from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. SHE IS "GKATEFUL." "I saved the life of my little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. V HARRIMAN, New York. Munds Bros., druggists Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, varnishes and brushes from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell none but the best. Enauioline. the best stove polish in the market. No dust, no mixing necessary. Use like shoe blacking. Every housekeeper should try it. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Ready Mixed Paints!; WHITE LEAD, VARNISHES. Mil SUES. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS,1 Largest and most complete sitook in the state. ! uan nu an oraers proinyuj. ttuilder Supplies oi ail Kinds, j DRIVE WELL PUMPS. i f Window Glass of all Sizes, j French and American,. Single ana Double, 1 Obscure, Kuby and C olored. Wire Netting and Frames j For Doors anrt Windows. Platform, Counter and Tea! Scales ! ! Uoldsbwro Cotton Pow, Most unproved cotton Plow on Market. Fishing Supplies of alt Kinds. Wood, Coat and Oil Cook ng Stoves? , 1 Being Factory Agents we are in a position to meet any and all competition. N. Jacobi Hardware Co., i my 16 1 So. Front 8 For fishing lines, leads, bob, poles and hooks of all kinds go to the N. j Jacobi Hdw. Co. t J Young' CongH BaUam is a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronie and acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. For sale whole sale and retail by Mundb Brothers. Kit titled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every fam ily should Inure, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of igs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. uuck en Armc t Shivh The Besr baive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ? For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. Tickets to the commencement at Chapel Hill will be sold at the Caro Una Central offices at $8.65 from Wilmington, $7.40 from Maxton, $7.75 from Shelby and $9.25 from Rutherford ton. They will be placed on sale May 31st and will be good to return until June 10th. See notice of Mr. F. W. Clark, G. P. and F. A., in this issne. TAKE IT IN TIME. "For want 0f a nail, a shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, a horse was losr; for want of a horse, a rider was lost." Never neglect small things. The first signs of pneumonia .and consumption o&n positive lyhe check ed by Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. Munds Brothers, druggists. Criminal Court. The following cases were disposed of in this Court to-dav: State vs. Harriet Davis, et al.. lar ceny. Not guilty. State vs. Isaac Drxoo, assault and battery. Plea guilty. State vs. Wm. Mason and Jim Marks, larceny. Not guilty. State vs. Tony Ed ens, larceny Plea guilty. Sentenced to two years fSt the penitentiary. State vs. Robert Robersou, assault and battery. Submitted. Judg ment suspended on the payment of costs. j The Wr of the Knge. It was a beautiful scene at the City ilail last night, at the enter taiument of the "War of the Roses"' given by the Ladies' Lecture Room Society of the First Baptist Church. The Red rose was represented by Miss Edelweiss French and the White by Miss Annie McQueen; the one receiving the most flags of her color being judged the most popu lar young lady. The contest was so spirited that it was decided not to close the polls till to night. The hall was beautifully decorated and the merry face of every one in dicated most plainly the general satisfaction. The Postoffice booth was presided over by Mrs. Fannie Hayes and Mr. J. 8. Mitchell; the Milk snake booth" by Miss (reorgie Gore, assisted by Masters Myers and Southerland; the Confectionery booth by Miss Loala Shelly and Miss Mattie Freeman; precedent established by the Board, was fecei ved. f Mr. Kenan moved, and the Board ordered, that the Mayor's attention be called to the record in this mat ter and bill of Mr. Newman, jthe former assistant chief of the Fire Department, showing that this Board established no precedent for an al Iowa nee to the assistant chief for uniform, but for expenses already incurred by him, and which allow ance was recommended by.the Board of Aldermen. Bil of Dr. W. J. H. Bellamv for $50 for medical and surgical attend ance oh Zach Hussev, of the street force, was disapproved, on the ground that the citv contributed $1,000 per annum for the support of the City Hospital, as weil as paying a physician $600 per annum; the Board being perfectly willing to con tribute and having contributed to the man's necessities, but consider ing that for such cases medical and surgical attention and the services of nurses, medicines, etc., are pro vided and paid for. A communication from the Board of Aldermen in regard to the tax levy for 1889 was received. The tax levy as submitted was concurred in, with recommendation as follows: That for the payment of interest on debts contracted prior to the year 1868, the levy be 75 cents instead of 73 cents on the $100 valuation; and for the Sinking Fund three cents in stead of five on the $100 valuation. That to sub section 63 of the Tax Ordinance (marble yards) stone yards be added. Also, that a levy be provided for street railroads, mercantile agencies and mattress factories. Also, that the tax on bar rooms be fifty dollars per month instead of eleven dollars as at pre sent. Also, that the tax on whole sale dealers be $75 per month in stead of $22, as at present Also, the tax on liquor dealers selling! in quantities less than one quart nor more than five gallons, be $50,1 in lieu of $11 as at present; the pro viso that any person selling under this license who also pays as a bar keeper, shall pay only $5.50 per month additional, was made 25. In reference to the tax on livery stables. Mr. Calder moved that be fore the Board agree to the reduc tion of the tax on livery stables that the attention of the Board of Alijler. men be called to the improper usi1 of the streets by such livery stables, as well as carriage shops, obstructing antl disfiguring thepublic thorough fares by carts and other vehicles when not in use. Adopted. Bills were audited and approved as follows: Current expenses, $174. 13; paving Market street, $1,141.23. VISITORS. -ISITOU.S IN THE CITY ARE CORDIALLY invited to our large establishment, which con tains the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES In the State. Constantly receiving goods en ables you not oaly to get new goods but all the latest styles. Our stock was never more complete, and we will give you more tor your money than you will receive elsewhere. Special Bargains in Gents" Low Quartered SHOES. Ladies', Misses- anct Children s SLIPPETts. Five Hundred Pairs Ladies Opera Slippers at o0c, 75c, $1.00. $1.25. Ladles' Pat. Leather Tip Lace Oxfords at $1.00. 91.25 and si.50. Ladies' three buttons Oxfords at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Ladles' Dong. Button Boots, Patent Leather Tips. $2.50, former price $2.75. Having these goods on C and D Lasts, we fit the most difficult foot. Special at tent iou given to mail orders. Geo. R. French & Sonsf, my 13 108 North Front 8, W ANTED AN HONEST YOUNG MAN for a permanent position , with an old es tabushed firm as their representative in his own State. Salary, S75, with increase. Kef e rences exacted. GaysMlfc. House, Lock Box is$& n. Y. mch 28 4W WILMINGTON MARKET. May 32.-2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE - Firm at 35$ cents. Sales of receipts at 65$ CeROSIN Quiet at 80 cents for strained and 80 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Finn at $1.10 for bard. $2.00 and $2.00 for veliow dip and virsrin. COTTON Qniet. The follow in are the official ouotations: Ordinary, 7? ;good ordinary, 9; low middling, 101-16; middling 10; good middling 11. Receipts to-day: Spirits. 543; rosin, 506; tar, 107; crude, 18; cotton. 4. MISCELLANEOUS. OTHERS BY EX STfiAM ES n ' - ..- 11 . .S I mm I . B am mm li RCK M1K riOlIIIUlIla ! DlaVK 1 t n.. From lowest grades to the best. Some of the New tJ? The Styles and Prices most be Correct for l -11 1 ... A a-Stl f li ntr tAm very extensively uu sun j Would vou like a REAL BARGAIN in a nice artiele of Dr ! If so eoiike and see what we have. The various makes and able vou to get just wnat you uiw. fg U .ltRr&, COKBT8,COItSBTS-Good makes and fin roMiRRD SILK WARP HBNKtRTrA (iin.? just closed out a large lot of these very desirable and prettv 1 of the leading and popular colors, and will give oar customerf?18 ' r"v II o l ,w. . w WtfH V,,BU ana 4A MARINE NEWS. t.awbt wTrtTTRiis. Lisrht. Medium and Dark ; and appropriate trimmings. ,,cnw WHIT; GOODS S WOa-ttinoracing many New Th ARRIVED. Swd barque Svea, Erieson, Brazil," Heide & Co. Rus brig Aina, Neils?n, Rio .)a- neiro, Heide & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Yemassee, MeKee, Fer oandina, H G Smallbones. MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale low prices. R. M. Mel iiiv 18 ntire NORTH PU0NT ' 'ililK CHURCH BUILDING OF FIFTH ST. Woven Cord Springs! Something new. Don't rust like woven wire fri ligiiL uin De tignreneu easny. several kinds i- , . i MetlKKUst CUurch. Possession gtren at onoe. f appu to MATTRESSES of aii kinds made to orcWc. my 1H l i CAROLINA BEA0H. Opening iHay 2Uili. fTUIIS POPULAR SI MMER RESORT WILL open on May 20tu. The -SYLVAN GROVE" will run the following schedule, connecting with the new Railroad to tne Beach. Leave Wilmington every day till further notice, Sun days excepted, at 9:30 a. in. and 3 p. m. Train returning leaves Beach at 1 and 6 p. m. J. W. HARPER, my 18 tf Genl Manager. ' FTSSlmfrBi rf3l r?n fET No man can feel independent who pays rent. Be your own landlord. Building Lots for sale on Queen, Castle, Church, Ann, Nun, Princess, Chestnut, Mulberry, Walnut. Red Cross, Dickinson, Charlotte, Campbell, Bruns wick, narnett, Front, Second. Third, Fifth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth streets. Houses built to suit. Houses and lots for sale on the Instalment, plan. Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to JAMES WILSON, apl 15 2m Office of D. O'Connor. Must be Sold. fKBACCO. CIGAKS, BUTTER. CHEES and Shingles, call and get goods cheap. CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt 128 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. my 6 tf d&w H. CRONEN BEKG, PHOTOGRAPH KK, yRTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY, feh 23 tf 11634 Market st., south side. o NE GOOD, LARGE M"LE FOR SALE cheap at Coal and Wood Yard. apl 9 J. A. SPRINGER. Glean Biil of Health. HERE HAS BEEN NO DISEASE WHAT- ever among the horses In my stables, and its thorough healthfulness and saidtary condi tion are amply attested by the subjoined certi ficate from Dr. Wray. RespectfuUy, K. C. ORRELL. WILMINGTON, N. C, April 16, '89. This is to certify that I have inspected for Glanders the horses and mules owned and in charge of R. C. orrell. Said animals found In a healthy condition and free from any conta glon. Stables were found in a good sanitary condition. - W. II.;VRAY, D. V. S., apl 17 tf U. S. Inspector. SELF-RISING- BUCKWHEAT, IN 3 AND 6 LBS. PACKAGES. S INVALUABLE ARTICLE FOR PRO- duclng in a few minutes, by the addition of water or milk, mos , delicious Buckwheat Cakes. -o- MAPLE SYRUP, EITHER IN BULK OR IN GALLON OR HALF GALLON CANS. o- Fresh Vegetables and Fruit By every steamer Preserves and Jellies. BY THE POUND. For;sale by Jno. L. Boatwright, nov 15 & 17 So.Front St. For Sale. 1 000 LBS LD TYPE METAL CLKAH and In good condUion. WiU be sold cheap, raj 17 tf THIS OFFICE, bed. Old Mattresses RENOTATED and made are as eood as new. over, so Woven Cord Cots, light and cool. LYON" PARASOLl WITH j detachable; h an dle& lip B Somethinor New. Convenient for Travelling. been sold rapidly at HEDRICK'S Don't Be Misled, But go to HEADQUARTERS for your Millinery Fancy Goods, at Wholesale and Retail. The largest stock to select from at Ha BAZAAR, j 118 Market StreeU - - - - Wilmington, NJ Novelties in Fans, novelties in Parasols and Sun Sha Laces, Gloves, Mitts, Corsets, Hosiery, Underwear, Ki bons, &c, &c. Correct styles, Fashionable Goods 3 Prices guaranteed the LOWEST. A LARGE STOCK Colored and Black Silks for trimming. The trade supplied at liberal discounts. Orders by promptly lulhlled. A Big Chance. rjHE SEASON BEING LATE AND HAVING more stock on band now than the state of the market justifies, I make the follewlng offer- From this date rtntll June 1st I will pro ceed to Unload ! and will offer any article in my stock at NEW YORK COST, with freight added for Cash, and J. W. ATKINSON. President. This is a Genuine Offer I No Blow. No Gas, I want to sell and l.ain going to sell. Come early and get your choice of Clothing Ha?ecaps &cyS' Qnt&' FnrDlshln2 Good! B. F. PENNY. mj20tt HO Market Street. Table Board. A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO- dated with Table Board on appiicat ion at H TUIJtO sr. a TKMCI WW T I a . 1 1 . - 31 1.1 niiMngton alnK - ..re rTl w i.niiuo jnvuvj w i .. am Pays Interest on Deposttb. m execute Trusts of all Kino- lawr.Moe Bent on tUe Q.ARDEN HOES, KAKSS, lers, Hubber nose and AttacaneDB' prlsonabovea CJJ Wilmington Seacaarf nn RAINS WILL RUN AS Leave Wilmingwn uiW 8.10 p.m.. .prpdatre- m. Leave Wilmington 3.00 p. Leave iamiuwo r- i Man8' W Tatnufi i ! . U uillyO t-w a FULL Lije -mtH- puraiolans' TsZi rlety. Arxesuin , - and vef a glass FKEJW