fYo ... Till Have Flatfeee, v -. A Good Housekeeiier. I low fan i tell lver ? Bv lier cellar: Cleanly shelves and whitened wall. I can tfuess lier By hi r drej-ser: By the buck sfjiireae and hall. And with pleasure Take her measure By the way sire keeps her brooms. Or the p e;in At the keeping Of her "back and unseen rooms. By her kitchen's air of neatness, And its tren ral completeness. Where in cleanliness and sweetness The rose of order blooms. Jewish Mcsitcnftrr. 7 Bobfittd .fits'" - msk e sfi'SH bS&? "snfferers From soU lA 1869. ronized the pat told a hn erous treatment enoup-hio this uialK very wise one. tnere. Tr. 1c oastr ILLUSTBATBD. a veil-established 11--3 .nVxlt In' 11 uttl J ;: V its editorial eom-l-..s cartel for it the . i"' .' . oi JI impartial read- :ilevartCvy p lade serial and short ft lWs in lost popular writers r ti.?i "0, people of the widest : !7H Pf mSA , ukuits. supplements , ...it-i 1 a.'id no expense is fl'hfe onto.; of fistic t. .1 ' . .... ililiwl 2M1 Mill ui tin; I HI- ' ' . , i, mi!' una tu i-:i mi.-mw... " : . ' , thr pen of William '. ,'L k'lnn- will ... ,,,-. of the Weekly - . . , c. ,, ; u oo ; i: 'Vv1' 4 oo HAi ?w v', i fori V) . .-fibers in fm tlnmed ii nftb Weekly begin with the f K, "um of each year. When .iiw..-ririi ions will bef'in : "":..;.,V.,i --it time of receipt of , ,,..,, ,i Harper's Weekly, for . ... j:t.,t cloth Wniiing-, wilbe '.H.r- '' '. or by express, free ' ' i:-. n. iL'ht does nut ex- f-brwTv.i!i"iii,for 17 00 per vol. h'"-. ....... v.-.imiift suitable for mr man. 'post-paid, on w,S SwSclbemade by Post Office uKKrDraft to avoid chance of loss fnuurare not to copy this alivrtisf inf7i S order of Harper & Brothers 'r ll '1 u a H FEU t BKOT1IEUS, rao yew Voi 1889. Harper's Young PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. A NARROW ESCAPE. Co!. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn. came home one everting feeline- a peculiar tightness in the chest Be ' fore retiriug he tried to draw a long breath, but found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him up. I)r Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he fs weli to day. Munds Bros., druggists The coal trade is all Uhina: r A. Seriip ff Pap r Saves Her L,ife. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her: life. She was in the last stages of. . -L. ? J l-ii a . . ' uou,Mnuj)uoii, ioiu Dvpnysicianstliat. ; Tiiroat and Lunt?s she was inclinable and could live ! Munds Brothers " only a short time; she weighed less i : I than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read broke up in WHOLESALE PRICEB. The fipllowing quoatlona represent whole sale prices generally, in ajaking up small or ders higher prices have to he charged. ci " 1 & I 8 14 8 10 m io & 15 11 lOJi IK 9! 6 1 Have You a Cona-li 9 Attend to it in ti me do not, neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Haisaui will cure all Diseases of the For sale by -King's Ne : Dise verv. ill! IIabpkr's Yorso people begins its tenth rolume with the Urst Number in November. Durin the year it will contain live serial sto ilea including "Dorymatos," by Kir.k Munroe; -The Ked Mustang," hyW.O. Stoddard; and uiavln Waland:"by K. K. Muukittrick; Nls Thurlow's Trial," by J. T. Trowbridge; Thp Three Wishes .rby P. Anstry and Bran dt -r: Matthews; a series of fairy tales written and illustrated by Howard Pyle; "Home Stud ies in Natural History." by Dr. Felix L. Os lraid; ' Little Experiments." by Sophia B. Der rick; "GUmpsesof child-life from Dickens," 6v Margaret E. Sangster; articles on various sports and pastimes, short stories by the best writers .ini-f Inminrniis n.nnAra nnil iwma. Uwitlimany hundreds of illustrations of excel lent quamy. tvery line in tne paper is sud Jecteotothe most rigid editorial scrutiny In order that nothing harmful may eater Its col umns. ... -'.-' An epitome of everything that Is attractive and desirable in iuvenile Uterature. Boston Cottrkr. I ? A weekly feast of good things to the hoys and girls In every Family which it visits. Brooklm Union. It is wonderful In Its wealth of pictures, in formation and Interest. Christian A locate s . Y. Terms- Postage Trepaid, $2 pr year. Vol.XbeaiM November 1,J888. Vrinifti Coyy sent on receipt of tioo-cent stnyt. Single Number, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. .Vwgiwpeys fliv not to copy this aawsisemcnt vahmtt the eypriftts r.rder or Harper & Brothers. Address r.ovi5 II ARPEH& BROTHERS. . ??$?w Yor' 1889 Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. it hxzAK win continue to maintain n vt?n,aMon 33 an tinequalled family journal. iuSi 1Ilu.stratlons are of the highest order, Its kmiSS 13 of the choicest kind, and Its Fash ; n and Household departments of the most economical character. Its pat aiowS?? suPPlemenfs and fashion plates o save its readers ten times the cost thicPPUon and its articles on decora en SI' 22S etl(iuette, house-keeping, cook hoi.i iV' "i-elt indispensable to every house savsaK.!"11 sll0rt stones and timely es unV Ka oa? the best published; and not a ffi$2 t0 lts columns that could ! -racMnnI fastidious Among thea neshvftJe new volume will be serial) -'exnS?&ce8?od8aon Burnett, Mri. tod iTnL;imam Black and Thomas Hardy, k Mrs ohl ot Papers on nursery management Christine Terhune Herrick. of Dr. erot a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought another and grew better fasts continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing 140 pounds. For taller particu lars send stamp to W. II. Cole fcrug gist, Port Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Dfc'iovery free at Robt. R. Bellamy's wtiofesale ami retail drug stove. . e- A Floating Theatre. In a Russian paper is announced the definite completion of a project for a floating theatre on the Volga. This theatre will be arranged on a large steamboat, built aceotding to American plans, and will contain in amusement hall for a thousand peo ple, and likewise a small .restaurant with accommodations for the artists and necessary employes of the un dertaking. The boat will move up and do wn the stream, stopping prin cipally before such cities as have no theatre. There will be two troupes, one for operetta and the other for dramas and comedies. It will be a stock enterprise. Consumption Surely Cured. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its tiihely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOG DM, M.C., 181 i5earl st., New York. The ERICAN MAGAZINE. iVt I! HRtifiiHv Htost . t ft r zini: gives pr scones, an 1 it . -TRP, A.MSHI to nation and iforence ; literature al t opics an art i are of Mi highest standard. Famous American writer rill 1 1 pa-i-e.-i with a wide variety of interest ing sketches o travel and adventure, . serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of out foremost problems of lite period, and, in short, this Magazine is Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the press aud public to be the most popular ami entertaining of the high-class monthlies. .s a Specimen K umber, with Illustrated Prem'mm List, and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to club Raisers, will be sent on re ceipt of 15c, if this paper is mentioned. lungs is of Know Thyself. The fufl capacity of the about 320 cubic inches. The human skeleton consists more than 200 distinct bones. Each perspiratory duct is one fonrth of an inch in length; of the whole about nine miles. About two thirds o a pint of air is inhaled and exhaled at J each breath of an ordinary respiration. The skin contains more than 2, 000,000 openings, which are the out lets of an equal number of sweat glands. An amount of blood equal to the whole quantity in the body passes through the heart once every min ute. A man breathes eighteen times a minute, and 3.000 cubit feet, or about 375 hogsheads, of air every hoar of his existence. Responsible and energet ic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusiye territory. Address, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., feb 749 Broadway istsw vMr, - it Scribner's Nagazttte For Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syiiup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. 'It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhcea, whether arising from teething or otlcr causes. Twenty Ave cents a bottle, july G deod&wlv HARPER'S PERIODICALS; PER YEAR: 88 BAZAR ; J4Q0 PBPS MAGAZINE "AHr'ER S WEEKLY SR YOUNG PEOPLE.. '-uiJt s y th0 i:azar begin with tn ; , k Vr , !' January or each year. When itii ip- illuued' subscrtptions will ljegm ordf. ' -larx'r current at time of recelnt of 4 00 4 00 2 00 in (lie United . 1 1) . olumesof Harper's Bazar, for three k. In neat cloth binding, willl sent ! 1 - Jwage. paid, or by ex Dress, free of I ' 'a , ! .u;lumeN, fur $7 fid per voluuw ' Jor 0;lou volume, suitable V.,1 ' sent by mail, nost-nald. "iweach. V.vy orpuld be matle by Post-C Y tr l)rarr' avoid chance of ,fkA"" X!.f. , ""f 'W aavertisei 'fit e.s-.s- onfrr of h araer & Brotl vir00 , -v u khm the freight does not exceed volume. for nt by mail, post-paid, on hould be made by Post-Ohlce or loss. t mi ti! tier of Harper & Brothers Harper & brothers, - New York Cil'PlP TWon,lera exist in thousands u imH' but are surpassed by the ar" 'u KM n,?lls or myentton. Those who Uvinu- ;0"111016 work that can be done to TmuIV?!6 snould at once send t heir Irw ffi Co" Portland, Maine, and .ajres or tnfnnatioh how either sex, 2 ww,f rom $5 to t25 per day and l- Caw hfSr tUey Ue. You are started Slr0iu a in . !!qulrel Some have made M, Alu a bingie day at this work. All suc- nov28 6md w At a Famous New York Restaurant. A lady was taking luncheon with her daughters at a famous restau rant in the city. Her check amount ed to something less than' $57 She handed the waiter a bill and he brought her change for $5. She de clared the bill she had given was a twenty. She was a very quiet and refined woman, and her belief about the amount of money she had given to the waiter was evidently honest. But the waiter asserted that she was mistaken. He went to the desk and enquired. The answer came back and it was a $5 bill. The lady put up her purse and was prepar iner to leave. The head waiter ask ed her to step to the cashier's desk. The vounsr man then asked she was quite positive she had sentK $20 up to him. she replied tnat sn felt sure of it. because she i had jk twenty and a live in her purse whfeii she came in, and the twenty fvas gone. Without any more wordsithe cashier counted out the ehaug for $20 and passed it to the lady. S The fact is that the lady was mistaken. But this particular res taurant retains the good will 6f the wealthiest people by the uft.most confidence in their integrity. , They rectify mistakes when they know the mistake is not their own rather than have their best customers of fended. They will even titusf a stranger for an extra vagant d inner and take his visiting card for Secur ity. The system is really profitable in the long run. They canncit be cheated twiee, and the friends that they make by their liberal methods out weigh a hundred fold thy oc casional losses they sustain (from trusting dishonest people. Th lady mentioned could probably uot !(liave secured her money as she did iii any other place in New York. But she had all the appearance of sincerity, and the good will of an influential woiuan like her meant undoubted I v a large profit in the end. Hart she been refused she would never have The publishers of SCIUBNEICS MAGAZINE aim to make it the most popular and 8j$er prising of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its high literary character. 25,090 new readers have been drawn to It during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing: to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in ! teresting will be neglected. the railw ay AKTiChifis win oe contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." Illustrated,. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel "The Master of Ballantrae," will run through the greater part of the year. Begun in Xovember. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o. manuscript memoirs relating to J. It Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Illustrated. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by dlffere t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the flrst of them for the January number. Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, illustrated from original MSS., a second 'Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs. James T Fields, and many other articles equally noteworthy Illustrated. Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence cook, E. H. Blashfleld, Austin Dobson and many others. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE describing sport in the best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon, Winninish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES Of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc.,- will appeaa, but. not of the conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated.', Among the most Interesting in the list of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY In its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether Interesting papers. Unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers, which include all the Railway Arti cles, as follows: Jf A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888 r. $4.50 A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888, bound In cloth 6.00 93 a year ;. 25 cents a number. Charles Soribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadw ay, N.Y. Clean Bill of Health. rjinElE HAS BEEN NO DISEASE WHAT- eve' among the horses in my stables, and its thtfrouch healthfulncss and sanitary condl- tinn qtp nmnlr fiftPRred hvthe siihloined eerti- herif tfcatefrombr. Wray. Kespectiuuy, R. C. ORRELL. WILMINGTON, N. a, April 16, :89. This is to certify that I have inspected for Glanders the horses and mules owned and in charge of R. C. Orrell. Said animals found In a healthy condition and free from any conta edon. Stables were iound in a good sanitary 1 40 0 Ofi 1 65 20 C 00 0 00 15 25 18 9 11 13 9 27 23 20 00 1 25 & 1 50 1 75 1 70 22' (., 8 00 (gl4 00 3 a 23M 30 25 10 12! 14 10 28! 24! 221 67 30 6& SO 20: BAGOJNG-r Gunny Standard.... B&CON North Carolina.' Hams Shoulders a. SJde3, 1? ib WESTERN SMOKED uams, u ft Sides, a ft Shoulders, ft DRY SALTED Sides, ft Shoulders. tt BARBELS Spirits Turpentine. second Hand, each. . . . New, New York, each ." New, city, each BEESWAX, ft... BRICKS, Wilmington, 9 ir '.Y. Morthern . BUTTER, ft North Carolina Noythern CANDLES, ft Sperm t Adamantine... CHEESE, p ft ; Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State . COFFEE, ft taYr , Laguyra...- Rio CORN MEAL, $ bush, in saefcs. Virginia Meal,. COTTON TIES, bundie !.".. ' . Sheeting, 4-4, yard 6 Yarns, bunch 00 EC.GS, V doz. . . . 3 18 FISH Mackerel. No. L 9 bbl 30 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl. 7 50 Maelcerel, No. 2, bbl 9 00 Mackerel, No. a, half bbl... 4 75. Mackerel, No. 3, 9 bbl 7 80 Mullets, ) bbl 6 00 N. C. itoe Herring. keg. . . 00 Dry Cod, W lb 5 t FLO UK, t3 Dbl 1. western, low grade. " Extra " Family... (7ity Mills Super..., Faadly.. GLUE, "9 ft -.. ORAJi. ff bushel. Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store. 42 & Oat3, Rust Proof . . . 00 Cow Peas : ... SO HIDES, "c? ft C.ieen 5 Dry : 10 HAY, 9 100 lbs Easteiaa. Western North River.... HOOP IRON, TQ-A... LARD, ft Northern North Carolina 8 s LIME, barrel cay saweu,. mii. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 16 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES. canon- New Crop, in hhds. 25 e in tohls. 23 PortoRlco, In hhds ... 28 in DDIS JU 12 50 8 00 ll 00 SAILKOAD v i 50 GO 50 00 50 8 00 00 (,.; 00 i m 6 00 9 00 7 00 4 00 10 4 G 4 5 OOj 4 10 5d0 10 Co 62 07 G5 45 mi 90 12 i.. 1 05 9b - 10 95 00 3l 10 0 00 00 10 26 30 30 3S 15 18 35 Sugar House, In hhds m.Dois Svrun. In bbls NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 3.50 OILS, gallon. , Kerosene 9 1 Lard 16 1 45 Linseed ... 90 1 00 Rosin 15 16 Tar 00 20 Deck and spar.. 00 22 POULTRY Chickens, live rown, 20 2o " spring ..... 10 Turkeys 95 1 0 PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 ft 60 90 POTATOES, bushel I Sweet 35 60 Irish, 9 hbl 2 25 2 75 PORK, to barrel J City Mess 17 50 18 00 Prime 15 00 16 00 Riunn 00 i5 uu RICE Carolina, tt 4 Rough. bush, (Upland). . . 60 (Lowianai . ou RAGS, 9 lb Country 00 City ROPE, ft.. SALT, w sack. Alum Liverpool...: 65 Lisbon 00 American SOAP, ft Northern SUGAR, P ft Standard grain Standard A... White Ex C Extra C, Golden c. Yellow SHINGLES, 7 in. J M 5 00 Common 2 00 Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts - 0 00 STAVBS, v M W. O.- Barrel.. 8 00 Tt. o. Hocrshead 0 00 pa iT.oYW-.aft tb. k.Sb.m. ... 5 ( TlMBJEfit,-V M feetShlpplng. .12 Off 1 Fine Mm j 1 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 5 00 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 WHISKEY", "& gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina. ... 1 00 WOOL, V lb Washed 28 Unwashep 15 Burry 10 143 4U K 00 5 6 6 0 mm 0 53i 80 00 IX IX 22 75 70 00 70 5 6?i 6X 6 5X 5 00 50 00 7 50 U 00 iooo 6 4 00 13 00 18 5U 0 00 0 00 4 00 2 00 2 50 30 25 15 conditiDnj aplI7tl W. n. WRAY, D. V. S., U. S. Inspector. The Robesontan, til! . J , .11 4, rr ltti? 1 Published in LumbcTton, N C, by W. W, McDIARMID. -o POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and aJHalf Miles West of Greensboro. N.jc o rpne main line of the R. & D. R. R. passes throutrh the grounds and within 100 feet 6f the office. Salem trains makestops regular twice daily each way. Those Interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordlaUy invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the state and one of the largest In the South, Stock consists of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots Nectarines, Mulberries, (Quince, Grapes, Fhrs Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant English Walnut, Pecans, Chestnut, Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c- -All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which niy new Catalogue tor 1888 win show. Give your orders to my authorized agent pr ..Am- rtlmft frnm tliA Xiirsp.rv. '.. Correspondeice solicited. Destriptlf e Cata- J. VAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Guilford CO., N. C. ersr- l?e1l;ihlfl Salesman wanted In ever County. A good paying glvei commission willjb 9 io 1 r - - . - r.d est.lflca' Atlantle Ceast Line. Ailantie Coast Line. Wilmingtos Sl WeldonR. R AND BKANCILES 11 - CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS iOlOING SOUTH. Augusta R. K. Co. i in 1 Dated May 5, '89. No. 23, daiij'. Leave Weldon At. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. . . Leave Tarboro. i.., JC. 27, F t Mall daily. NO. 41, daily ex Sunday. 12 1 "3 110 40 pm: 55 pm 5o pm 20 am 5 43pm 6 00 am I 7 10 am Arrive Wilson. Leave Wilson.. Arrive Selma...i. .. Arrive Fayettefi'e 41 n 27 pm! 37 pm AO niTi nn mil 1 00 pm; 7 43 am Leave coldsboro.. Leave Warsaw. u. Leave MagnoUaj. . . Ar. WUmlhgton. . . 20 pmi 16 pm! 30 pm 00 pm 7 40 pm 8 40 pin a 55 pm 8 35 am 9 40 am 9 55 am 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 11, daily. Leave Wilmington 12 05 am Leave Magnolia...! 1 24 am Leave Warsaw.. .!.. Arrive Goldsboro. 2 25 am 1 NO. 40, No. 78. I daily ex daily. I Sunday. 9 00 am 4 00 pm 10 43 am i 40 pm 10 57 am 5 55 pm 11 52 am C 53 pm CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTrf. Dated May J 2, 1889 Leave Wilmington.. Leave Marion Arrive Florence Leave Florence Arrive Sumter No. 23. P. M. 6 25 9 381 10 30 NO. 50 A. M. 3 20 440 Leave Sumter t 4 40 Arrive Columbia. .... I 6 15 A. M. no. n. p. NO. IB. A. M. NO. 52. A. M. no m 11 55 A. M. t 910 1018 Leave Fayette vUle 1 . . I . . w 1 ' , . , , , Arrive Wilson.... t8 40 amj . . , 11 03 am ... 12 lOpmj .. . Leave Wilson. IT. 3 02 am 12 4 pm 7 52 pm Ar. Rocky Mouftt . , l ro pm 8 29 pm Arrive Tarboro ...f. Leave Tarboro Arrive Weldon. m 3 55 pmj 10 20 am mi 2 40 pm 1 9 40 pm leaves Rocky M.. arrives at Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland NecK Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P. M. lie turning leaves Scotland Neekdt 8.20 A. M. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. via Albcrmarle & Raleigh R. It. dally except Sunday, 5.03 P. i., Sunday :.17 P. M.. iarrive Williamston, N. C, 7.20 P.M.. 4.55 P.M. Returning leaves Wil liamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7. 10 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.1a A. M., ll.JjO A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C. dally except Sunday. 6.00 A. M.,. arrive Smithlield, N. C, 7.30 A. AL Ke turning ieav-es Snidthfleld,' N. C, 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch I Mount for Nashville. 3.00 P. Tf ash ville ! 3.40 P. ML; Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. I turning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. 1 lasnvllle 10.35 A. M. , arrive Rocky M ount 11.15 A,M.; daily except Sunday Train on Clinton; Branch leaves Warsaw for C libtoii, dally, ; except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 19 A. M. : Returmng leaves Clinton at 8 20 A.M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War s iw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all point3 North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all point.3 North via Richmond and Washington. AU trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Shp't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, api ij G&rolina Central Railroad f 'ii ji OcHipany. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Dec. 3, 1888. Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Lincolnton. Leave Shelby ArrlveRutherf'dt'n No. 41. daily ex. Sunday. 2 10 pm 6 40 pm 7 H5 om 9 35 pm No. a daily ex. Sunday. 7 00 pm 2 00 am 3 37 am 6 55 am No. 5. dally ex. Sunday. 4 15 pm & &i pm 6 ffTpm 8 20 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS, Dec. 3, 1888. Leave Rutherf 'dt'n Leave Shelby Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet Arrive Wilmlngt'n No. 38. daily ex, Sunday, 6 00 am 8 08 am 9 13 am 1 40 pm No, 4, daily ex Sunday No. 6. daily ex Sunday 8 00 am 9 22 am 7 45 Dm 11 IS nm 1 45 am 8 30 ami 10 12 am i pm Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Lj C j JONES, Superintendent. F. w. CLARK, Ggn'l Passenger Agent. dec 1 1 . nil! TIME TABLG NO. 3 Palmetto i Railroad Co, Ir- cCC: YN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day. 'Ill GOING SOUTH. No l Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. 4 t-J 8.20 A.M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C 9.90 A. M. going North. NO. 2 iifer and Freight: Leav Cheirawi i. dOP! 4.25 P. M. Arrive at lamiet, N. C 5.35 P. M. declGtf WM. MONCURE, Sup'L No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central Ii. R. Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M. , Manning 9:56 A. M Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence witn iso. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter , Leave Sumter.. Arrive Florence Leave . Florence Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington.. No. &L P. M 10 35 11 58 11 58 1 15 A. M. NO. 78 4 35 5 re 8 35i a. M. I NO. 59. t P. 0 37 7 50 M. NO, 53. P. M. 4 6 26 6 32 NO. 14. P. St. 8 15 8 59 11 50 P. M. . 'Dally. tDaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, c. via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:04 P. M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:30 pT M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at WU mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points North T rain on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee 9:00 a. m. Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sum ter daily, except Sunday; 11:00 A. M., arrive Plnewood 12:01 P. M. Returning leave Pine wood 13i0:P. M., arrive Sumter 1:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Ass't Gem Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agenti my 11. Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R. of S. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, :89. NO. 27. No. 23. Leave Florence..., " Klngstree.. Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes Arrive Charleston. A. M. 1 35 2 29 2 50 2 50j 5 00 A. M. A. At 9 30 10 55 11 20 11 20! 1 I P. M. No. 53. P. M. 7 60 9 30 P. M.' Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train on C. & D. R. r. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78. No. 14. NO. 52. A M. P. M. A. M. Leave Charleston.3... 12 26 4 30 "7 30 Arrrwe Lanes 2 45 0 28 9 10 Leave Lanes 2 50 0 28 " Klngstree 3 10 6 46 Arrive Charleston.... 4 20 7 55 ; A. M. P. M. A. M. t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with train on c. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, S. c. and Wades boro, N. c. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via central R. R. of S. C. Noa 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, N. C, making close connection with W. A W. H. R. for all points north. JNO. F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENEY, Asst Gem Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, my 11 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY" REPAIR SHOP. pARTIES INWANT OF ANY KIND vehicle or want any Repairing done tothel old vehicles, will 0 to their interest call on C. B. SO L THERLAND CO. Corner Second and Princess Stree Send your horses to he shod. We hav first-class Shoer. mca 6 The Acme MANUFACTURING 00. MANTJFA C T U H E RS OF Fertilizers, Pine fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON, NiO. JACKjSfRT & BELL, PRINTERS land BINDERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. I Li ! 1 1 S READ EVERY W ELK BV NAKL.l I every intellicrent cltlen of RohesOn-county, i And h:s a general circulation In all the i rounding counties, including Marion, Aiarl- horo and Darlington in South Carolina. The ROBESON IAN is now In the Eighteenth Year of prosperous and vigorous existence, and is so firmly established in the hearts of its patrons as well-s a pecuniary enterprise, that business men can readily estimate as to its value to them. The advertising rates are exceedingly reasonable, considering the age. circulation, and influence of the paper. Send 1 5 cents lor specimen copy. sept 27 . : . .: ... -.supoMia. , -r - -- tat cue pei . . . , ..: .tkp s v - ' - -i ' f :Vie rff , .. .-...rd (JUT JO f i. .. Uo'ti the? C.I. ?S- se t v!aafcl- f 1 --- F)ie eiiai 'fci.' cave K'T1 '' " ?"" tottos.t tgh a : ! It i p.-i'.;.i.i M c; aftr our i . I--;. we .;." thai $' u Zrii i n t -ids frrmn. th '.jeJatop t ence, a tttuoK cre to jco i)irxir . , w r-ru ' dtr- " JV. Largest and Best Equipped Printing Establishment in the City. Orders Promptly Filled. Mad Jmr Sdx - a cr-r !T1. t tpe COBTI.Y 8APLEh. Vf -O d&E 'm ioau sTUtouai co sept 26 U Table Bhm1 I FEM- OENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM Ml - dated with Table iioard on application at -i mch27tf 224 N. THIRD ST. the ACMLE and GEM, Is now established, and tLe results of three years' use in the hands the best farmers of this and other States attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made from the leaves Of native pine, is conceded to he equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability aim toe demand for it is dally increasing. It has vfr tues not feuhd In any other fabric. The fibre or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light clastic and proof against Insects. certificates from reliable parties using ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mall. ed upon application. lKulXt Society Work. PHK SEWING SOCIETY OP ST. JOHN'S i arish solicit orders for all kinds of nlain i 1 1 ncy sewing, crochettag and embroidery. i nil J si iv, t, will meet with prompt attenttoa aov m tt