LACK OF LIFE. the pulse heats feebly: when theen-rn-gone; when the appetite 4s weak ana sleep uncertain, the body is in a condition of ifctual -iow life." No matter what the causes uave been Nature has given Trtjma un less her strength la restored disease is cert itn to take possession of the body. The w thine any doctor docs in such a case Is to as sisr Nature Here areome instances: ' prof ustin. Flint, of Bellevue (New Yorta rolled' "savs- -'The judicious use of alcoholic stJiaWis one oftie striking caaracu-j i.s of i repress in the practice ot. medicine iudn-rthf last huif century." The celebrate J nr. J. M. carnwall says: tot Malt stimulant ox ail bortied whiskies which may be offered vo", excedt Duffy's. It has stood the test of time and is absolutely pure. Eupepsy. v This is what von otifrht to have, in . . j : 11 . ; , t:xo.t vniiflmust imve if, to iuny eu- Josh. T. James, bditor & rrop r. Thousands are searching Superior Courta of North Carolina 188 9 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTKlCT, Spring Judge Boykin, WILMINGTON. N. C. FliiOAV. MAY M. 1889. Hurered at t he Postofboe at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. Pall Judge Gilmer: oy Hie. i nousuuiio aic ocoicmui Beaufon -way zvwi, nuv solu. for it ikiilVi and mourning because currituck March 4ih. Sept 2d. t?.Vy fln.1 It not Tbupon' g-JSSffiSSffifJSfSa. I.'. thousands of dollars are spent an- rumi'v Hy our people in th hope perqulmans March 25th, Sept 2.3d. that they ma v attain this boon. And e-tooaii April 1st, sept aotn. 12 3 be hail y a 1. We uar ! SfLXrfaSS nth. Oct. Utb. i- i antee that Electric Bitters, if used, Washington April 22d. Oct. 21st, av j according to directions and the use aKSNrafiSfc I J21I XJ W" Hvde May 13th, Nov. llth. 1 I . i .... 1 Kmi nw irrvii f -J-r-w I I 1 was celebrated Friday and stetnr FW 'BT H . .... r I i most hippy to say, aiier a ver.v muivuga tiay wimi uin mnoai unuiH.iy mi ; ja an(j ,nstall insteau Mipepsy. we t, tim for persons :.s 5; L,,,., keeniaiB honor, and no i.oi.u- recoimiiend Electrie Bitters for Dys- . . . a . . All I r ' T. U . I II I fill W . M ; . . . . ... ...... V , . . I w 1 1 I 1 I T I I i I 2111 111 . V. .7 M. J. J 1 T 1 1 . ueucaie wrsiui ui iuouuc. " lal" eiltn usia.Mii or t tu m u - ui .u i -i " .A ' I Whiskey is the nest am w ... ,r ..u., i I Stomach and Jvinneys. oomatovci with rnicn i am a-uuaiu. ierebi. oprjTrciw m mmvr Ari OAr bottle at Kobt, K. Bella 7.M(aPL ramftor Boehm to head the list of birth- -'whlie and retail drair store. ! MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPHREYS Db. licwuHEVs Si'Kf ifics .iretudeutiflcolly 8'id carefudy prerjared prescriptioal ; h.jk1 forma:iy Tea' in private practice wiii: aueve.-Ns.aiidforwer thirty years usea by the people. Every single Spe cific Is a special cure for tbt? d ifease named. These Specifies etire without dufcRiiig, pnrg Ii K or reducing the system, and are In fact and dtied hosoverfcin re raedicnoithe World. usr or fetjicipxi. sos. ctf.t:?. 1 Fevers, Congestion, iidtatcsiatfc rr.i : i MOrOUt V t Till f CM' ' . vii.ii:i IHiC.. . Wt 3 Jryisr Colie- i-'i t ihij; f infauts .v5 -1 Diarrhea, of' Ulldrenor Adults ... .-1$ ."S lyentery, QHplng. Bflfa uh Colic . H i ii)lj-a MoctiiiR, Vomit uu? .23 . - . 'S . ,.'iirhi. Cold. liroucullis. v a I : Tvt! r.rhr. Fauoutrhi! O Efea.da.cher Sl'-klieadaclie, vertigo .a i r iimufiNin. Bilious .'oinacn 11 SunnrcKKod or j-ainful PeriadH. .'J-J lv6 W'hiteK, too Profuse 1'erio.i- 13 'roup, Cough. Dlfflcult i:rcathlng ... .ii 14 !-ilt Kbemn, KryipoJt;s. Kruptions. . 13 I7.heamatiin, RfcenuMtlc Pains 'i 2 r ever aim a srne, hjhh, uani iy PiieH, TUinflor met-ung .'25 : .50 .50 If! j atarrn, innuenza, mhu oj u; ; 20 WTiaaftlag Cacgh Violent Coughs. .50 tf-l Oer.eral He M4i t v .I'hyslcal Weakness .50 f l iilnnv Ilisnin .i0 2ft Xrrvoiis 'bi!itv iUO itfy i rinary Wakaw WetUfiKBeu. o 32 Dineaes of tbeHearealpitatiou l.OO Sold by DrugglsTs. or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Dr. Husivhrey' Maxt-al. (141 pages) richly hound in cloth and gold, mailed free. Haniphrey&'MedicineCo.l'FattonSt. N Y. E C I F I C S . mch 22eo& w ly nrm rfso. send i'or liti BVWES E Bi-rA - ii ;or!t..iininjr t-.ove--T Tlates, L ijl&V:jlk !Kleucraiiig of different I. reeds, fc ,-2fv- I- cii'cr t ::ey aro ori.i, t:d where to j Juaa' b: rtiiem. Directions 'cr Training iKp 'r, l''H' r-reHtune Ferrets. Mailed 1, dav tioiKUs as a Baronet sends a col chill of rage through the whole Eug.ish art world. There are num erous foreign born artists in London like Alma Tadma, whom English men cordially like and would delight in seeing selected for marks of dis tine t ion, but the Austrian who is now made a Baronet is distinctly not one or them. The effigy lie made for the juhilee coinage ren dered English modelling a laughing stock to the whole world, and the manner in which for years he has subordinated his own tolerable knowledge of art to the manufac MAY. MOONSHINE. Apparent ingenuousness is fre quently genuine ingeuiousness. ilSo vou are a jail bird eh?" What did they put yon in for?" "Robin." Tt is when the Young Idea iirst be gins to shoot that a little learning is a dangerous thing. Although baseball is termed the noble game, a third of the men en gaged in each nine are basemen. It is a wise child that goes out of vhe room to laugh when the old man mashes his thumb. Terre Haute. E :pre8. l!nstomer-"Sav. waiter, this shad ttn of monstrosities which should I tastes verv flshv." Waiter "Yes, nlease the Queen is a common sub-jsah; shads is fish, sah." Phila Be- ject of angry comment among artists everywhere. . The similar honor given to Prof. Shakes, of Cain bridge, the president of the Royal Society, would ordinarily be regard ed as proper enough, but his recent election as the Tory member- of Parliament ior Cambridge Univer sity gives a partisan twist to1 the thing and subjects-it to unpleasant criticism. cord. I cannot sintr the old songs, As 1 have been requested: When last I tried to warble them The Mayor had me arrested. Nebraska Slate Journal. "I v asn't exactly mad about it," said Slithersby, discussing his ejec tion from a theatre, "but I was somewhat put out. " Harper's Ha zar. Then i.nrt for Pruetien! POIJIj TRY BOOtt. HUy beau- tifd colored plntr; , '.craving o BGany all kiadj el; deaenp tnss of Iho breoda; how to capouize; plac; for poultry hoava; inlcidation r.boui iacnPMtOKB and here to buy MULtti iV.tHl hlU t .1 fl f VI .".4 1 J per tting. oat for 15' Cent. IS "X mm If so, rou need the BOOK. OF CAGE filltO. JLO pages. loO illus trations. Boantiful celored pinto. 'FreatinoDt ar c .oetiing of all kind? Gatre birds, for nicaBur:' ana profit. Diseat cs an Avi..!? All ci-cut Farrota. P.ices o I eic. ii.iicd fit I ts. ASSOCIATED A?iO:?-:-f', uh Lutt'Otl: v-i-eu I'NiU i: p.: my VI 4w DBA &ble. IhmhUk ':f I r . . A ddresd orc&I my 13 4w r If! CUT SAMPLES FFfTE lUflatll I both sexes. Write nor , GO.A,$; arl.svw lork City aSKES CURED ft-r.-v-- r- Wlippr8 har uM'xetly. Cor. '.: -reaHrynetlirsfi-'. IHa.bCok feproofj HINDERCORN8. - f"hc only wire-Care for Corn.. Btopsidl or.m. Ensure mxton K thfe. 15c. at lru??itffr:. IltscoiACo Btt cons um priv e fave vouCoujfh, Bronohitia, Astlima. ijiJipt sf ion ? Vse 'ARKER'S CSNCHR TONIC. It has ci.rco lo worst cases ana i; thMtrrtieajy for all ills .trisins tim defective nutriiior. . Take lime. W)c. and (1,0" my 13 tw r. 4 t . i 1 Tt. & w HAOR BALSfVI Cleanse.-; and beautifies trie liair." Promotes a hixtJ- mt growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair la it. Youthful CdI. Prvvon-.; l;oi-I' : :f r.rvl h.iir f.UiuJ 5). anil $: (Wat Dniwrisla. An extraordinary statement is ! i made in a little pamphlet written to show the need for iron, glass or other artificial railway ties, respect inir the number of wooden ties now in use and required annually by the railroads of the United States. It is said that the existing railroads have 396,000,000 cross ties which must be renewed every six years, this is probably an exaggeration, and from this the calculation follows that merely for maintenance of ex isting I'nes 60,000,000 ties are re quired annually. It is further cal culated that 23,700,000 are required annually for new roads, and these increase the annual demand for maintenance. Witn sucu an enor mous consumption of wood as these figures indicate, it is plain that a good substitute for wooden ties would be very desirable. Experi ments have been made with iron, wood pu'p, straw, lumber and even with toughened glass, and whenever the price of wooden ties appreciates or the cost of the substitutes is re duced so as to make it desirable to use the latter, they will no doubt take the place of wooden ties, but rery gradually as the need for re pairs arises. The toughened glass ties are the most interesting of the new substances proposed. They have been tried m England an,d have plenty of endorsements as be ing superior to iron ties. ray 13 4w Aching Sides and Back. Kip, Kidney and Uterine Pains, Rheumatic, Sciatic. Sharp and Weakening Pains, relieved in one minute hy rSit CITICUHA AST! PAIN PLASTER, 23 only Instantaneous paln-klUlne, strengthen ing plaster. 25 cents; Ave for iLOO. At drug gists, or of Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. DIM Pimples, blackheads, chapped ni ro rilfl an1olly8klncuredbyCDTicr- r LLO Don't Get Caught This spring with your blood full of impurities, your digestion impaired, your appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and whole system lia ble to be prostrated by disease but get yourself into good condition, and readv for the changing and j warmer weather, by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla. It stands unequalled for purifying the blood, giving an ap petite, and for a general spring medicine. There are 20,330 Masons in Maine. TAKE IT IN TIME. "For want of a nail, a shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, a h6rse was lost; for want of a horse, a rider was lost." Never neglect small things. The first signs of pneumonia and consumption can positively be check ed by Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. Munds Brothers, druggists. - Ice crumbles under saw and chisel but it is said to be more capable than wood of being smoothed and shaped by the plane. , ; TKKiaiiLK FORE WARNINGS. Cough in the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising of phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. RA SOAP. iny 13 4w HIRES HIRE ST IMPROVED tsc ROOT BEER! IN LIQUID NO BOILING EASILY MADE THKPACKACE MAKES FIVE GALLONS JlOOT BEER The most APPETIZING and WHOLBSOMB nMPSRAirCB DROOX in the world. TRY IT. S Aak your Dronist or Grocer for it. C. E. HIRES. PHILADELPHIA. aiy 13 w ONWARD IS THE WORD rjlHE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ENTE ts THIRD VOLUME at the following 1 subscriber, l vear. .... 5 subscribers. 1 yea h.i 10 subscribers, l year ia one copy, l year, free to r.lie one seiKlir.2 club of ten. Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly, tiend cas (charges prepaid) to L. L. POLK. ble Raleisrb N For Sale. QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR 3SALE, AT YOUR own price at aug KJtYIKW OFFICJfi V Dispatches from Augusta, Me., report that young Mr. James H Blaine, .Jr.. has once more donned his overalls and is presumably again hard at w ork in the machine shop to which his father sent hhn after his flamboyant career W New York. Much was made of this at the time the young man thus began to earn a living "at eighty cents a day.1' He did not then stick to it long, how ever, for he has been for a month with his father in Washington and spent the last week with the "boys' in New York touching which stay many stories are told. Meanwhile his young and pretty wife is work ing very hnrd with Belasco and Frohman, preparing' for her debut on the stage nejtt Fall. She is five or six hours a day at her lessons exercising her voice, learning a'l the business of the stage, studying va -rions tasks set for her by Belasco and doing exercises in calisthenics meanwhile. She has bo desire, it is said, to go upon the stage, but it is a matter of neepssit v with hu i ti j , I Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Kiaine family make no accusations Tird i.voiinrr prpnwnn knntt ot, of any sort against her, but tiioe? ens f ho Nerves, builds up the Whole System. the time of her refusal to live with Madame la Mere at the home in Augusta for reasons which those who know thai lady's eccentricities of temper say were amply sufficient she has received not a cent for the support of h-rself or her little baby from either her husband or his fam ily. e e That Deadly Scourge ! Tubercular consumption i simply lung scrofula the active and dan gerous development of a taint in the blood. The grand blood cleansing botanic principles contained in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery specially tit it to purify the bloodT and prevent the formation of ulcers in the lungs and bronchial tubes. Liver complaint, skin diseases and sores are also cured by it. All drug gists. fctoMJbaslbeen discovered ia Si beria. T' ' The Chief Renin for the great suo cess of Hood's Sarsaparula is found in th article itself. It,is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what is claimed ior it, is what tas given to this medicine a popularity and. sale greater than that of any other sarsapa- iWlorit Wine rilla or blood Purf I VI CI 1 1 V Y 1 1 1 fier before the public Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Xheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick. Pa Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug gists. $ l ; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood ft Co., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. janfl lyrjd&wnrn) Pamlico May 20th, Nov. 18th. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. SDrtng- Judge MacRae. . Bp s Fall Judge Boy kin. Halifax March 4th, May Nov. llth. Northampton April 1st, Sept. aOth. Bertie April 29th, Oct. 28th. Craven May 27th, Nov. 25th. Warren March 18th, Sept. 16th. Edgecombe April 15th, Oct. lth. THIRD JUDICIAL DI8TRICT. Spring-Judge MacRae Pitt March 18th, June lOch. sepi. lGth. Franklin April 15th, Nov. llth. Wilson Juue 3d. Oct. 28tb Vance May 20th, Oct. 14th. Martin Marcn 4th, Sept. 2d. Dec. 2d. Greene April 1st, spt. 30th. Nash April 29th, Nov. 18th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring-Drudge Graves. Fall-Judge Wake Feb. 25th. March 25tn, April 22d, T.iiv f.n Ancr. 2fith. SeDt. aid. Oct. 21st Wayne March llth, April 15th, sept, 9th, Oct. 14th. Harnett Aug. 5th, Nov. 25th. Johnson Aug. 12th, Nov. llth. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Fall Judge Graves. Durham March 25th, June 3d, Oct. 14th. Granville April 22d. Sept. 9th, Nov. J5th. Chatham May Oth, Sept. L'Oth. Guilford Feb. 18th, May 37th, Aug. 26th, D3C. 9th. Alamance March 4th, May 20th, Sept. 23d. orange March 8th. Aug. 5th. Nov. 4th. Caswell April 8th, Aug. 12th, Nov. HtlL Person April 15th, Aug 19th, Nov. 18th SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. Fall Judge Pender May 6th, Sept. Oth. New Hanover April 15th. Sept. 23 J. Lenoir Aug. 19th, Nov. llth. Duplin Sept. 2d, Nov. 25th. Sampson-Feb. 25th, April 29th, Oct 7th, Dec. 9th. Carteret March 18th, Oct. 21st. Jones March 25th, Oct. 28th. Onslow April 1st, Nov. 4th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. Fall Judge Shipp. An3on April 29th, Sept. 2d. Nov. 25th. Cumberland May 6th. Jiuy 22d, Nov. llth. Columbus April 1st, July 29th. Kobeson May 20th, Aug. 19th, Sept. 30th. Itlchmond June 3d, Sept I5ch, Dec. 2d. Bladen March 18th. Oct. 14th. Brunswick April 8th, Sept. 9th. Moore April 15th. Aug. 12th, Oct. 21 St. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Fall Judge Merrimon. Cabarrus April 29th, Oct. 28th. Iredell May 20th, Aug. 5th, Nov. 4th. Rowan May 6th, Aug. 191 h, Nov 18th. Davidson March 4th, June :d, Sept. 2d, D3C 2d. Randolph March 18th, Sept. 19t h. Montgomery April 1st, Sept. 30th. Stanly April 8th, Oct. 14th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Philips. - Fall J udge Rockingham July 22d, Nov. 4th. Forsyth May 20th, Oct. 21st. Yadkin Feb. 18th, Sept. 23d. Wilkes March 4th, April 29th, Sept. 9th. Alleghany March 18tn, Sept. 2d. Davie April 1st, Oct. 7th. Stokes April 15th, Aug. 5th, Nov. llth. Surry April 22d, Aug. 19th. Nov. 18th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Philips. HendersonJuly 15th. . Burke March 4th, Aug. 5th. Caldwell March 18th, Sept. 2d. ; Ashe March 25th, May 27th, Aug. 19th M Watauga April 8th, June 3d, Aug. 29th. Mitchell April 15th, Sept. 9th. Yancey April 29f h, Sept. 2:d. McDowell May 13th. Oct. 7th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Sprlng-Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Catawba July 15th. Alexander July 9th. Union sept. J6th. Mecklenburg Feb. 25th. Aug. 26th. . Gaston March 18th, Oct. 7th. Lincoln April 1st, SeDt. 30th. Cleveland April 8th, Aug. 5th, Oct. 21st - Rutherford April 22d, Oct. 28th. Polk May 6th, Nov. llth. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. Fail Judge Clark. Madison Feb. 25th, July 29th, Nov. 18th. Buncombe March llth, June 17th, Aug.i2th, Doc. 2d. Transylvania April 1st, Sept, 2d. Haywood April 8th, Sept 9th. Jackson April 22d, Sept. 23d. Macqn May 6th, Sept. 30th. Clay May 13th, Oct. 7th. Cherokee May 20th, Oct. 14th. Graham June 3d, Oct. 28th. Swain June 10th, Nov. 4th. MISCELLANEOUS. mws 2d On Corn, Peanuts . and Potatoes! JRY CARBONATE OP LIME, MIXED WiTHiK MN1T BE ULTS ASTONISHING. Addref FRENCH BEOS., tr Rockv Point N.r, 'O TTTT V Kwardd are those who JILHIa I read this and then act; they will and hofioratnpio" ment that will not ta?ce them from therr homes and families. The profits are large and sure for every indiistrirus person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month, it is easy for any one to make 25 and upward per day, who is willing to work CO. P. COTTONSEED LARD, ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. Warranted Free from HogFat PURE, WHOLESOME, ECONOMICAL. For sale by all Grocers. Send for Illustrated Phamphlet, entitled: "Some Things About Lard." TBBjiWM OIL PRODUCT CO., NEW YOBK, For Sale by Holmes & Wattera J. n. J n Jatwright, Bridgers & Raakin, West - x " n6'uB 1. xi. rtuimes, Aunan A vollers, R. w. uicks, McNair & PearsaU Giaraeyer & Kuck, Wm. oterson, O. M. Pllyaw' llaffitt A Cojrbett, Hall & Pearsall.W. H.Yopp' A. D. Wessell and others. yv' J. M. FORSHEE, General Agent janioeodgm Wilmington, N. C. INVENTION0" ."r . nalf century. Not am5?LUieJwon(lers of Inventive progress is method and system of work that c i 1 be ner f?111 over the country withou ; separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral: any one can do their wnrt. oithor youngpr old; no special ability required. Cap ital not needed; you are started free. Cut this uuk ouu icnu u ua ana we will send you free something of great value and importance to y,n'X , start yu business, which will bklng you in more money right away.thar anythingelse in the world. Grand out . AddressTauK & Co., AcgnstSto nov 22 ftmd lvw University of North Carolina Either sex. young or old; capital not needed we start you. Evetulag new. No special abiUty required: you, reader, can do r. a won as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mail free. Address NUnwtn Co., Portland,, nalne. nov 22 08mwiy Chapel Hill, N c. rjHE NEXT SESSION BE JINS AUGUST ri01 to $: a half year. Poor stu dents may give notes. Faculty of Fifteen Taachejrs. Three full courses of study leSSS re Three short courses fore tTa tn oftussmen, teachers, physicians and Law School fully equipped. Write for Catalogue to HON. KEMP P RinvPTu. IrtH a WADE Laggl t 1 An Important Announcement About six weeks ago. while at business. I wasH suddenly attached with exeruciaSng Stos m reefc knees and bands, fevere the attack that I took my bed immediately, and Ko or three days my Joints were swollen to T almost double thefr natural size, and deer TwiWdrfven from me. After suffer mR the moSt excruciating pain foraweek, uXglmunents and various other remedies, BTf rfend who sympathized with my helpless wgynd5S? youeget Swift's use It. I wiB guarantee a cure, and If it does not the medicine shall cost you nothing." I at once secured the S. S. a, and after using it the rst day, had a quiet night and . refreshing sleep. In a week I felt greatly benefitted. In three weeks I could sit up and walk about the room, and after using six battles Iwas out and able to go to busfiasa. Ilucethen I have been regularlyat my post or duty, and stand on my ft frornnlne to ten hours a day, and am entirely free from pain. These are the Plain and simple facts In my case, and I wilTcheerfully answer all inquiries relative thereto, either In person or by mail. Thomas M a rktt.tjk, 3 11 W. Bth street, New York City. NASHvruJS, Twik. I have warded off a se vere attaokof rheumatism by a timely resort to Swift's 0pecfflc mall cases where a per manent relief is sought this medicine com mends itself for a constitutional treatment that thoroughly eradicates the seeds of dis ease from the system. Rev. W. P. Harbison, D. D. New YORK, 51 7th Ave. After spending $200 to be relieved of Blood Poison without any benefit, a few bottles of Swift's Specific worked a perfect cure. C. Pobtbb. Viknka, Qa. My little girl, aged six, and boy, aged four years, had scrofula in the worst aggravated shape. They were puny and sickly. To-day they are healthy and ro bust, all the result of taking S. 8. S. ' job T. Coluhiu Lady lake, sumter tu, iiA.-iuur o. d. , has proved a wonderful success in my iso. The cancer on my face, no doubt. J If nrllA1flll nnfl M fM 11) pflllfll. B. H. Bybd, Postmaster. Waco, Texas, May 9," 1888. S. S. Co., Atlanta, Ga. : ' . Gentlemen Knowing that you appreciate voluntary testimonials, we take pleasure in stating that one of our lady customers has regained her health by the use of four large bottles of your great remedy, after having been an invalid for several years. Her trouble was extreme debility, caused by a disease pe culiar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggists. Three books mailed free on application All druggists sell S. S. S. Thk Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta Ga. Kcw York, 756 Broadway nov36awiydo en sat s The Sou hern Guardsman Wiuston, N. C. OFFICIAll OUOAN OF THE NO It VII CAROLINA STATE GUARD. I CONDUCTED BY WILL OOX-E Y3 1st sg't. Co. A, 3d Reg't., N. c. state Gua I HIE GUARDSMAN is endorsed and recom mended by the Governor, Adjutant Gen eral, Uegirriental Commanders and all other officers of the Guard. It was officially an nounced as the Organ of the North Carolina militia In General orders No. 6, which were issue.! on May 2d, 1888. All citizen soldiers should subscribe at once. Subscription price, $1.00 per year, in advance. 52 standard books ana thk y u aklmajn one year ior oniy $1.50. Advertising rates, $2.00 per inch. Send for sample copy. Address WILL X. COLEY, Publisher Southern Guarosman. my Zi tf Winston. N. C EH hr Who are Weak, Xervcms and Be Vi hiutatea and suffering from Ner 1 wm Debility, Seminal Weakness XigMlv Emissions, and all thcef , fects of early Evil Habits, which lead to Premature Decay, Consump tion or Fnmnisy, send for Pears' Treatise on Diseases Qf Man. with particulars tor Home Cure. Cu'tes guaranteed. Xoeure no nay. J. S. PEAR3.P.I2 and GU Church st.,Nashvllie.Tenn Oct ly 9 d&w FOR MEN ONLY k afiCiTIVF For LOST or f AILING MANHOOD A rUOUIff t General and NERVOUS DEBILIT! NTT "O TP Weakness of Body and Mind: Effec J J SXiJCJ of Errors or Excesses in Old or Younj Robust, Noble MANHOOD fnllr Restorrd. How to Knlaree Strenirthen WKAK, rXBKVKLOPED ORGANS & PARTS of BOb' ibsolutelr ur failing HOHK TRKATHENT Benefits in a dt en testify from 47 States, Territories, and Foreign Count ri You can write them. Rook, rail explanatlom, and proofs mall weIed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., tfUFFALO, H. apl 17 cod&w ljf i m , ...-.-ite1 Be tZz US Si TO J .Vfaniy Vipor, Weakness or Loa of Jfoniory pel i. c itiy n-torcc v tiio use fit an entirely lie medy, Tie ci '.m Sasita from Spain. Span h Trocltes nevir fail. Our illustrated. 32 page bool .1 tontimdnials, (sent ?cied. Krcry man shonl VJ Park I'lAce. New York. !"W Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS LIME LIME 4 LIME LIME " LIME " sept GKOCEKIES. ' 44 DRY GOODS 44 HARDWARE, 44 LUMBER. 44 44 CASH. FRENCH HKOS , Rocky Point. Atlantic View. WRIGHTS VI L.L.E, N. C. rymS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IS situated at the Wrightsvllle Terminus of the vvnimngton oeacoaai itaiiroaa, ana tnere is no charge for transportation of self or baggage to the HoteL Band of Music Eegaged for the Season. We are sorry the Soldier Boys have gone juuiiie bo arc tnc gins. Those desiring Board can find comfortable rooms and good fare at reasonable rates. ED. WILSON MANNING, lyg8tf; Proprietor. Valuable Lands for Sale. O NE TRACT OF LlND, LYING ONB mile from Lincoln ton, N. C. consisting of SS acres, 53 acres cicarea : s nest for cotto but gives good crops for all grains. Baa a bvich running throueh it and a fine spring & few acres of bottom land on the branch and so acres tin wood, oat a id hickory, well Um bered. Another tract lying 2 miles irom Llnoh ton, mile from c O. u. K , 100 acres. 21 cleared, ane spring of delicious water, about six acres of bottom land near Hon the bra: en Is No. 1 tor tob ceo, but grows other crop well; 75 acres in yellow pine and oak. For price and terms apply to CKONLl MORKIS meh lfrtr Anrt'rp A Keal Estate Brok' "STOK LEY'S." AKK NOW g4 pared to accommodate all who may call upon us with the - Finest Oysfrrs to be h id on the Coast. We have made specia preparations for the Season. Myrtle lirove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters always on hand. survvi nmrnntlv onrl in anv todwixea. w. h.stoklby. WrlghtsvUto. MI80ELLAyEQTJR in result WtFi :tt'bi,t;fj! Boil,' ISL "i . nmji tlH4S ? ffVWS fliUBJ speeddy when thisremedvis tiir. -1Vc no more effectual reuef lor t'io , ni ! of food dne to INTFxtid i a'"! than this article. Pur . AM'r-H.vP ties. Rankle packages i: kwdm by mai I to any address on receipt of" 7 ! n stainpc. The resrnlnr i iqui.l oml, f( ent l.ymail. HfiXlLWN MFnipJSSDtU 100 North 3d St., Phlladclnhin tINE X BIBB MAffliP The great seerctofthec.marvbir.lL , f iho liartz Mountains inGerrfSr9eil Manna will restore the songof cr'Xi rrevent their ailments and rest iSL the season of shedding featbo inlm coses carry, t he 1 i ttlomusiciS thrS'S critical perir d without loss of "oneS mil on of 15 cts. in stimi rSiii OOT CO. 400 N. 3rd St. ASSSShflf ease mention this papers ut-'P"ia, j ept9 tu tb sa inn u MO:i i rail e in a tun. k.i I'liuinc our marMn auU Eooils when- thP n..TTl' tkom ..51 i Ma the world, with all the t.JSt. ? W',. will ..iiB.,-Uc,1Mlll lineofoureo81lvTCa samples IuwtaruweMk,tajS 'show what wc scn-l, to tao ,2 mnnthi nil ch.ll I.. . Ml" 5 . ..Mir yonrow property. Th.sprandmicl.iMi VM lore naicnti run out it sold for ith tat attachments, wad now arlu ft, ful machine in the wWld. 41) -4""ii required.- ruia. ief instructions given. Ibose who write to us at onceeauas ... Awn the best scwinir-machinc in tho . i ... .est fins jf works of hip:h art ever shown toeethi-ria Anprin. JS.IT1S & liox V tO; AuguMu, Matufc dec 10 6m d&w; ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact' cost of any proponjd line of advertising in American Papers ly addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co., New? paper Advertising Elureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-pacre Paraph 25th AnDual Session, 1WE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION of Misses Burr & James' School will com mence on Thursday, Oct. 4th, at St. John's ChapeL on Third, between Ked Cross and Campbell streets, where It has been located for the past two years. The street cars nin nlhg on Red Cross, a few yards from (lie build ing, can cover any objection to distance. A well ventilated schoolroom, pleasant play-, ground, good cistern of water and retired sit uation make It more desirable than more central localities available. The Principals, as heretofore, will spare no effort for the advancement of the pupils kind ly entrusted to their care, giving Individ attention to each, and ruling with firm but loving discipline. Their many graduates, some of them no occupying the position of teachers, testify their success. As always stated In t heir cir culars, scholars received only lor the session, no deduction leing made except in cases protracted sickness. Those enteringafteroc tober charged only from date of entrance. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION given byMrs.1. S. Cushing, whose life-long devotion to w science and long experience in teaemmf, should be a-guarantee for her ability. Vocal music, Calisthenics and Free nana Drawing, free of charge, dally exercises. Instruction in Needle-Work of all kinds, u so free of charge, given weekly. Form Homes in Nortb Carolina Onlv 20 Hours Ride from New York I 6MIle88oiiofRaletek Oa the Balelgh and August Alr-LW B 1,500 "d ri leaf pine resrlon. For sale on easy 3 lots to suit purchasers. Jrour a Larger tracts $5 per acre, In taw wjgj; ments of 10. This land aJJp,18 PL.itb re ?rn Pines", a recently e8tabltebf.1,rdpJ ort (ot sanitarium), and is CW for Fruit Culture, as well as a"".! A number of New England peop"! ,, ii tots in the town of "Southern w 's the desire of the owners of .rTefi luce small farmers, mechanic gttte, "rom the New England and MajeNosue well as elsewhere, to locate here. (0 the Union offers greater toZZZe tiers than North Carolina. Now a better farming country or as n tf found. Ihlafethe opinion ot Tf0m who have settled in North Carolina. bona fide offer, and is limited w For further rtgjff fifkWH Commls'r of Imndgration; r-SfiS"-or R. A Jy . -nt an 21 tf Chronicle Don't Delay- O END 1 OUR BROKEN OR iNJl'BBl) nlture to me and I will repair it prompt at low prices. . hts way 4rln t , r. i-a mv living tnis r too wlU do Uic work well and l0 1UUVU LJA HVl" mv. ,1-111 repairs I have already made. I ,'naB48 &c, as well as Furniture Wiu je?8jrs. give estimates or probable cost i NO. 11 come and see me. oct 29 Carolina House, S. E. Corner Princess m?"? rST- HAS BEEN BEFITTEDHjtaira nuoo Rot- T.nnf-h Room au" n,Mlfta 9? Tli finest Wlneean ways on hand. Board SiYvsters in? weelCor month. New WtwnKCCJ. oot87 coraersewa"

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