i S'sPills II a. Ex v - if " iiCf then pdicioe must Alterative prop:;' MS the ana .thartjfe Soli Ever 1 SS9 re. r's T RATED- .. l Ufi5. r.iirness 01 'l voll-establlshed-l ed nowsp ipc " Yea or Nay ? In trembling doiibt a maiden stands, Scarce knowing vnai to say, Longing to speak as speaks her heart, Yet feiu ing lest life's nobler part, She thus may ast away. Can she trust all her life to h.Mi Who pleads so for her love? Can thev be one in heart and soul, Striving" through all to reach the goal I The Heavrnly Home above? I She feels that he is good and true, Faithful in God's behest; I Anil in one faith, one hope allied, The Holy riooK tneir uauy gnu'-, They surely must be blessed. What then does duty bid reply? Snail it be Yea or Nay? Trustful she lifts her blushinir face, And, clasped at length in his em brace, She needs no word ro say. fashion Bazar. A NARROW ESCAPE. Col. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, came home one evening feeling a neculiar tightness in the chests Be K .... . , fore retiring te trieano draw a long breath but found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him op. Dr Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he is weli to day. Munds Bros., druggists Given trood construction and suit able soil ft r their resting place, lead covered wire are practically indes tructible. WHOLESALE PRICES. Tlie following quotations represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to he charged. "It Works Like a Charm." Rnlnn's farnet.ic Liniment is a anfe and sneedv cure for Rheuma tism. Neuralaria, Gout, Headache, Snrnins. Bruises, Swellings, Diph rhPi-ia. Inflammation of the Kidneys nml ail nainf ul affections. For sale by Munds Brothers. BAGGING Gunny i standard 8 BACON North Carolina. Hams 1 Shoulders lb... 8 sides, V ft 10 & WBSTEKN SMOKED Bams, 9 m 14K9 Sides, & ID a Shouiaers. n 70 Atlantic Coast Line, MISCELLANEOUS. Atlantic Coast Line. 8 15 11 15M 10 7X Wilmington AWeldonR AND BRANCHES R DHY fcALTED Slues, v Shoulders, 9 ft k a rrEi.s Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each 1 40 New, New York, each 0 00 New, City, each . 1 65 BEESWAX, V uninKS WnmlTurtnn M fi 00 " N6rthern7::.:.".... 0 00 14 00 BUTTEK, ft- 6X m 9 6X 50 75 70 22 8 00 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. t '"is has earned for it the Sent ""1,n Vu impartial read- ' ' r. jAf56 include serial a its lite- .. mi r " i .1 Erti ami uio i hp widest WpVnaal of 1' - supplements an1JTndo expense is " upon the IU -..1111 ii"' . , Mi.i r s iv in.. - .,.1 .illt ll V i' ..... . 1U :l li work ,..-.lls ...al.L'Ulf' J 111"-'- "5 i BAKPB popular ti ition oi tne oifitrn history. n 0f William Uinor Will of the Weekly KlUOpICALS. 00 ABPKR RPBH ...w,v')-r.s' ?i .ll'.IV(). .. 4 . . 4 no . . 2 00 United . , i i v M.MJAZINK-- BAZAR. . ,. i v i : L-iv ripoln with tlie vniuHvs of t ue v eekiy men l' . ...... ill MM " i A Scthp f Pap'T SftVH Hr It was just an ordinary scrap or wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consuiuption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. sample bottle; it heipea ner bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to W.H. Cole, Drug gist Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful . Di tovery free at urtht R Bellamy's wholesale and A v ' vm w retail drug store. I 1889 1889 THE WEEKLY HERALD ON K DOMjAK A Y AK . TO KEEP POSTED ON THE News of the Entire World SUBSCRIBE FOR THE New York Weekly Herald CANDLES, lb Sperm Adamantine CIHEESE, W B Norxnern racLory. Dairy, Cream State i COFFEE, 1 ft java Rio CORN MEAL, $ bush, In sacks. Virginia Meai COTTON TIES, bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yard Yarns, V bunch 15 35 25 30 18 H 35 9 10 ii e 13 13 14 9 10 ST O 38 33 24 20 2 00 W 00 25 1 30 00 80 18 (4 30 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Wilmington, Columbia ft Augusta B. B. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 5, '89. i NC 27, 1 NO. 41, No. 23, Ft Mali dally ex daily. dally. 1 Sunday. Leave Weldon 12 40 pmi 5 43 pm Ar. Rocky Momnt .l 1 55 pm 6 00 am 7 10 am Arrive TarborO. . Leave Tarboro. "3 55 pm 10 20 am Arrive Wilson. I 2 27 pmi 700pmj7 43 am T n.,vo tT,lorT . 31? nml I Arrive Selma. ..... i 40 pm Arrive Fayettevrejeoopm Leave Goldsboro. Leave Warsaw . . . Leave Magnolia. . At. Wilmington.. 3 30 pm 4 16 pm 4 30 pm 6 00 pm 7 40 pm 8 40 pm 9 55 pm 8 35 am 9 40 am 9 55 am 11 30 am Dated May J 2, 1889 Leave Wilmington. Leave Marlon. Arrive Florence Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. NO, 23. NO. 87. NO. 58. P. M. P. M. P 6 36 10 10 9 38 12 40 10 30 1 88 A. M.. NO. 50 A. M. A. M. I 3 20 1 t 9 20 I 4 40 U 10 88 Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. 4 40 6 15 A. M. NO. 52. A. M t40 33! 11 55 FISH , Mackerel. No, Mackerel, No i. ta bbl 00 i: la naif nbL 7 so tKrlpUons wULbegln urni for ii.,..,.Ui-e wveklv. Kblndlngwlilje , nr iiv express, free ,li "'-- ,lnc.a nf. fix. tor i iw ii sintauie km 11 It " ' Ii ll'K Mr l . ,..ncn.' I -A ,.n.. : ,1 .11 I .. 1..... Cloth x hv man, post-paia, on "ffJS to avoid chance of loss 1 1 ' " iiit'iik ill . v Aitin'ss Vew vorw nnv ,i , Teal at Its Mother's Feet. A most distressing accident oc ourred in tlie family of Dr. DicR Jul n on, at Ciarksville, Tenn. Mrs. .lUllllc-uii " ' " . . It is and will continue to be Great st ami Ckipest Family Journal IN THE UNITED STATES. 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 00 00 6t 00 -o 1889. Harper's Younft PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED EEKL. vnrvn PKon.K begins its tentb volume with tlw. tirs t u mur. - fl 5tO- Tin v t : 1 1 i n ui . rtcs, inclurtincc ocjtoaflM and Th:; "'S wS-bv it k. jffi&ricfc; isiliurlow Trial," b rtdge. The I II R'e inuca, "J ' rr,0 .Htton lesiaNavunu iiintuij. m. i utip Rxwnmeuts. ITiarSfcE Sang en articles on various m Mai an i: ; .',Krftnns bv the best dull' I 'Ml I l 1 Ii - writers ami humorous papers iiinilrcds Ol UlUStr ....ntv Kvorv line in the (ecteito the l 1J ' 1 . . rii 1 to brims tlie oabr own tairs- 1 ne nurse, with the infant in her ai ms, started down the steps, but when near the top, lost her balance and fell headlong. The baby was hurK feel at the feet ot us cu iwi " ; ,. J I, ill mother, being almost insrautiy mi. ed. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedv for the above named disease. Bv its timely use tuousanus m uupC- less cases nave Deen pBrwj cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkjsjs to "j' of vnur readers wlio nave uou?umF . .... n . ,1 . . hnll' PT- .i..-. thov w 1 I I Sit 1 111 me uuv.i - Vvo offiPA aildress. Kes- pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl St., new x or ThB mmintr vfi.ir oromises to be crowded welT. ii. entrance of new Is- .,rtt ir the itri jii iirftna has been follow- ulnhTnn Administration. , But tbe "i "mfn motion nn which the cam- . j r,nAtloH 'OTii ItR ROlll- 00 80 and called to the nurse I pat wrajSiSfS K'V a:u'mm tprt tn n congress almost equallv divided between the two great parties. o vet ra.nn Armv corns patrol i-o nn,i mini. me nf men await the lUC IlUUUCio, cuv uu..." j Vina signal for the most titantic war the world has TheHKRALD's news-gathering mSJJSf ,A TtconiTPsnnurtPntS dOB th aDl UKUSuicu. x u.j v.w. . rj. .it i .J1. , i v.i,4 rnT ornnp tnfilr VlKl- imf-e and no expense is spared in spreading i'io r T,,lTr nffnrt llfifore the HERALD'S tllC 1COUHO VI luv... readers. o i ALL THE NEWS OF AMERICA will be found each week In the Herald, while ltS FOREIGN PARTMENT will contain a panorama of the Old. flashed mnder the sea over the CABLES. orld COMMERCIAL O Special Features, ATt,.L-Prl Nn 2. W DDI WW Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.. . 4 TO Mackerel, No. 3, bbl t 80 Mullets, bbl b 00 N. C. Roe Herring. V keg... 00 Dry Cod, 5 FLOUR, bbl- Western, low grade Extra; i Family . . . City Mills-super w Family 4 0 GLUE, fb , GRAIN , v DUsuei. Corn, rm store, unso, Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store -. . Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES, Green Dry - HAY, 100 tbS Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON, $ a LARD, T tt Northern v-nr h i 'ivnllnsi ....... 1 11 vuwm . LlilE, w barrel w LUMBER, City Sawed, m M ft Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank .15 00 West India Cargies, accord- ing to quality vs Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 seantlinff and Board, com n.14 00 MOLASSES, V gallon New crop, in nuua. " In bbls f$ .Porto Rico, In hhds " " in bbls Sugar House, In hhds ....... W inbols..... 16 Sirnin In YiYliXH NAILS, Keg, cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 OILS, V ganon. 9 uiscuc -.c Lard in Linseed Ti nAHti ........ (12 50 8 00 11 00 6 00 9 00 7 00 4 00 10 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Charleston via NO. 14, daily. Leave Wilmington ,12 am Leave MagnolSa. . . 1 24 am Leave Warsaw.. . Arrive Goldsboro. 1 2 25 am No. 78. dally 9 00 am; 10 43 am 10 57 am 11 52 am No. 40, daily ex Sunday No. 52 runs tnrougn iruin Central R. K. Leavlnff Lanes vr.ia a. m. wuu8 r Train on C. & D. K. K. connects m with No. 58. Florence 4 00 pm 5 40 pm 5 55 pm 8 53 pm! TRAINS GOING NORTH. 4 00 4 50 . 5 00 4 10 a 5 00 8 10 Leave Fayettevllle Arrive Selma. . Arrive W ilson t8 40 ami . . 11 00 am . . 12 10 pm! . . No. 5L NO. 59. Leave Wilson. ... Ar. Rocky mouni Arrive Leave 3 02 am Taiborb.. Tarboro. . 12 45 pm 1 20 pm 3 55 pm 10 20 am 7 52 pm 8 29 pm Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... AmveeldorTTTrriJO ami 2 40 pmi 9 40 pm Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence 5 10 05 85 90 3 mm 8 65 62 67 65 45 52 90 5 12 I 10 95 00 10 0 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 1 TrSn 6Sco?land Neck branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M. dally aln leaves Tarboro, N. C.. Ma Albermarle & Raleigh R. It dally except Sunday , 5.0dP. M., ?r.-r5-.t,o . t arrive WilllnmStOn. N. C, ESSW-AirS? m KPtHrnlmr leaves Wil- iLtL'Si VJT :nr, Sunday. 7,10 A rSia'Al. Arrive Tarboro, S. C fcA;M-l S$h w r- Hmnch leaves . ' t.t . i.,n,- ovoont, snndav. 6.00 A. M L-.VvnffiS w er 7 A. . Returning , .(tiifici.l M fl... H.OO A. M.. aillvc Tmn on toe Branch leaves Rocky mS for Nashville, ,i'iat f .T ill 4 1 k 1 ' M I lli 111' nVJLTC I.Atl ,i. laavoc Slnrlno- HOtM? 10.0U A vnohriiiA mas A. M.. arrive Rockj aSRkri p leaves Clinton 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting v, -kto ji in and 7S. STouIhboud Train' SMSKS D.nh i -Mn ri. Northbound is No. 50. "Daily 111 ( I 11,11 Ikl 1 v Leave Florence Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmington.. No. 53. 1 P. M. 10 35 11 SB 11 58 1 15 A. M. NO. 78 A. M, 4 35 5 20 8 35 A. M t 6 37 7 60 P. M. P. M. 5 20 t 32 Ne. 14. P. M. 8 15 8 59 11 50 P. M. M.. Mount 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 at War- Daiiy. tDaliy except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, , S, C.. via Central li. R., arriving Manning 7K)4 P. M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M-, Charleston KSftFTX. No. 39 connects a Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wll mington with W. & W. R. R. lor all polntft Nortn Train on Florence k. k. leave rec "j except Sunday 4:40P.M., arrive Kowianu , p m. lieturnmg leave nuvuu .w . rive Pee Dee9:00.a. m. . Train on MancnesterB AusuLa . y Sumter daily, except Sunday, 11:00 A. M.,arm t Hnewood 12:01 v. w. iteiuruiuB wood 12:30.P. M., arrive Jjgf General superintendent, j. R. KENLY, Ass't Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agenti my 11 2 50 nr. Feux u by Sophia li. uer- ......1 IllIL'UI W 11U111 iliv"". UlUllS. .r..-tlilricr i.ltH.VJS An epiunm- i,"'",,r" tl,. Boston . .i irahio in iuvenile Uteiatu.. ami woiiiivit ... j cuurwr. A weekly feast ot and iirls In every urmw "" '. . nf Upturns, ln- ,,i,tlnn 1 ntPTCSt. ChriStlO.il AWDOOOtB formation S. Y A Tragic' Drowning. The families of W. P. Sheretz and W P Deiitiain were spfiiuiuginu.p dav fishing in Lake Trout, Bartow - , I J LiHr. I tl It I VV I I V I ' x at ions ot excel- of Denham stole away from tne nnvtv and went in swimming Get- iVrnrl his depth, he oegan SCieillUluSi . " . . mu. nmtop TO aSSlSt llll". J- .- i in(-n mi Iipv Traiiticitii v, tvLjM UUy '""'-V r C!l,..nfv lth were drowned, iujn .. - . i ..l .rno fMn flrowninsr only or ti timely assistance of one of the iuen in the party. ' A - f:; oditoriaf scrutiny in parxy uuu HI lilt "O 4ro . . t ...... r i i 1 i-Wk li' lllllf'l I 1 ordt-rtiiat . nor uiny n;umiui mj - Practdcal Farming, antanna WOUlUii a huii, Notable Pulpit Utterances, i irxiriii.iii'1 i i niu. Stories by our Best Authors INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Airc, TAMES GORDON BENNETT. Address, ja.hes w y nerald. dec 14 col- attractlve good things to the boys 1-imiiv which it visits. Terms- Postage Prepaid, $2 pr year. fimittira Cbow sent on receipt of two-cent ifAmittannoa ohnniii lm made by Post-unit; ii .1 . .. ia...,- tr. ovnid ffinnee Of loss. .Vipers irr not to cop? 1 adw'-S' without the express or Advice to Mothers MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP t ii ni,0,r0 wmsipil when children SllUUlU tvinwjc , ,. 144. n,it.in teeth. It relieves the tit- Si rrZ nfntine- it produces nat tie uuci.i : -- .. n nv rpneviiiii dcr of Harper & Brothers. Address nov 15 HARPER B OTHERS. New or' 1889 Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. quiet awakes as "bripriitas ouiwo.. xv L4 1 "1 VA r;kWdthe little cher A 1 v E. . 00 00 ao 10 95 60 New York City. Scribner's Magazine For 1881. The nubllshers of SORIBNER'S MAGAZINE .iAe P,"," Vh most, nonular and enter- times pre- n -' t'nem serving its high Uteraiy character & W new bOAr. Saiidar Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live mu.. Spring Turkeys rtviiW Tw.ATsrtiTS. bushel, 28 ro. POTATOES, bushel sweet 3 Irish, V bbl 8 550 PORK, V barrel 17 ro City Mess m Ihdma IO W X 1 uut ...... Rump IlrvV uTrn? r'ninlina. 19 B.... Rough. bush, (UphdK " - RAGS, lb-Country S mtv .? v l u j ...... TJilPK. W lb salt. i sack. Alum Liverpool n5 Lisbon nn (A 14 45 00 16 ao 22 25 1 0 90 60 2 75 Train Na 27 south will stop only at Wilson, "VU -kt rm mni-Do p nw nnnTiftction at wei- don for all inTs North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Trains make close connection for all points North via Ricnmona anu waoiims fKftZ3Lr2sK curt rvtwfifir. Wilmington and wtshtogTont have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. F DIVINE Gen)1 supt. j R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T M. EMElfebN, Gen'l Passenger Agent, apl 13 Carolina Central Railroad Company. Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R. of S. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. oo 4 60 80 ai8 00 16 00 15 00 70 65 m 5,( is very pleasant to torte. It sootnes the child, soitens n gx, ; all pain, relieves wmu, rcgu- bowels, ana is me ucsuv ..'T dy for diarrhoea, wlietner from teething or othr Twenty five cents a bottle, july 6 deod&wlv arising causes. l nrown t it.rtiirins ii4 monthsW toe increased excellence onts S25f -the Railway articles), and It ; i i v-k y-v rrrl r t" or! KP.t itvvTututles win be cotttl- SmnQ t!! . fames on -rTKaU way Postal Ser- v1pp illustrated. MK. KUBiiBt will run i urtiv. "Ml nor Of 111 n , iav. SSSU'JS. gr part oi the year. " .,Tac.TxjTT7'Tirn?. and collection 0. ".v nndard eraln. . 6( ine paL buuab, 3 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 00 iiiipfh i-.i7ip win rrnntinue to maintain IN nmntatlnn na an iiTioniiallPfi familV lOUmal Its art illustrations are of the highest order, lis Herat ure is or the choicest kind, and its rasn lrtn and Household departments of the most, practical aud economical character. Its pattern-sheet supplements and fashion plates alone will save its readers ten times the cost of the subscription, and its articles on decora tive art, social etiquette, house-keeping, cook ery.ete.. make it indispensable to every honse tiuii its bright short stories and timely es says are anioug the best published; and not a Une is admitted to its columns that could i . -tend the most fast idlous taste. Among thea I ract ions of t he new volume will be serial v. nes oy Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, .iij. Alexander. William Black and Thomas nardy, and a series or papers on nursery management tjy Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrick. standard A White Ex C Extra C, ooiuen C Yeiiow... .- -SHINGLES, 7 In. M common Cypress Saps. .eanarrai:: 8 B-IAVJK5, n 00 R. O. UOgSUBttU ji TALLOW, ? T:- , m TIMBER, ieeir-oux.. . g Fine Mill t cq Mill Prime ' Mill Fair. I Common Mill. -.. "Ji 0 (A 0 80 00 1 22 75 70 00 70 6 6 5 00 50 00 50 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. No. Leave Florenoe... 11 Klngstree.. Arrive Lanes.... .. Leave Lanes . . Arrive Charleston. 27. NO. 23. NO. 63. . A. M. A. M. I 1 35 30 2 20 10 55 2 90 11 20 P. M. 2 501 11 20 '7 60 5 00 1 30 9 30 A. M. P. M. P. M. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train on C. & D. R. R. onnects at Florence with No. 23 Train. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Dec. 3, 1888 NO. 41. daily ex. Sunday. wmsKEY. ial-Northern... 1 00 Unwashep ; 14 00 10 00 6 u oa 13 00 8 50 0 00 0 00 4 00 2 UU 2 50 25 15 Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet. Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Chariotue... Leave LlncOlnton. t. ave Shelby... Arrivettttoerrtfti No. 3. daily ex. Sunday. No. 5. dally ex. Sunday. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 2 10 pm 6 40 pm 7 35 pm 9 35 pm 7 00 pm 2 00 am 3 37 am 6 55 am 4 15 pm 5 51 pm 6 B pm 8 30 pa Leave Charleston.. Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes. Kinestree... Arrive Charleston.. No. 78. No. 14. A. M. P. M. 12 26 4 30 2 45 6 28 250 028 3 10 6 46 4 20 7 55 A. M. P. M. NO. 52. A. M. i 30 9 10 JLJL EASTBOUND TRAINS, Dec, 3, 1888. No. 38. daily ex. Sunday. HARPERS PERIODICALS, PER YEAR: harpers bazar $4 oo HAKPEK-S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER S WEEKLY 4 00 I T)r Girls Who Vewed to Get Married. The elopement of two younff peo- K? k;s to liirht the -f r.ntfpr oreanization Sf mete Ifer. the daughter of a prominent purveyor, on a?t Say.e.loped with Carl Trertlem an man, and journeyed to Port Ghestei , N Y., where they were mairieo. Miss Fletcher is the member of a society called the "Secret Union 5J;Y ,i,ori it consisted of ,vvnr" xHL Six of the twelve yuu- ;-r- r. i l.... t-.i nrkw married. u.o.iv Pimifil. The frirls close moutlied, ".55; ions say that when the ecJ Unfon" was formed eaoli ffirl made a vow to get married within a year. POMONA NURSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and a;nalf MllesWest of Greenshoro. N. c -o & D. R. li. passes mhe main uue w X . onrts and within 100 feet of Salem through tne sV" trn makestops regular PROMPTNESS. -. w than n. COUffll, consumption, then deatt , I ii rvt i o i- wtowQ people H2S8SiTMS PoMaoe Fret- to all subsciibers afr., Cnnnda, or Mexico. in Uie United i T 1. n tbP moment x uegu to coufjnauai -V.;' nlJ Wash Tlie Volumes of the Bazar begin with t a jst Number for January of each year. When umf is mentioned, subscrlpUons wlU begin Rn the Number current at time of receipt of iuer. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three pwrs back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent oymail, postaqc paid, or by express, free of fZ1!1 (provided the freight does not exceed we doliat vx r volume), for 7 00 per volume. Ji;tii Cases for each volume, suitable for "Winer, win w crt iw mn twst-naid. on "Wotfiioeach. minaiwsshouldbemade Dy post-ofllce oa, y otderor Draft, to avoid. chance of loss. tospaiH-TS fjv not to com this adtvrtisetneni uhmu si r rn sa nracr of Harper & Brothers ington. Munas cros Sentenced to Death for sault. Walker, the negro "",nv,,1:.i ,n On . tally ontrageuaJ- - twelve years, te K-- V"n U nhno MOITIS. U, I . va Adorer nov ir, 11ARPER & BROTHERS, New York TM?T?T5 Sea Wonders exist in thousands ySdihr 11 forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who in need of profl table work that can be done "ule living at home should at once send their hv:js to HaUett & Co., Portland, Maine, anu M Vl 11 m ITT I I ... m run llf "I w " "v Simon l so bru acred .Hr Jl ru iviiM. . . so badly injured uy rr.. "dav nnon her that she died luesciay nPX- Mr Morris formerly resided t the North. Atthethhe the as .K -Iimittd the little girl SiUlll -T0 . i.i.nincp homfi from a nun -o anS a iHSrcV,rn of several articles. Will 1U1 Llioll ju.ks o. . nonon wHtten last year by KoMrtlouU Stevenson will write the first of them for the January numrjer. rrrBnipY ARTICLES will Many yiur- t,8 Method of S.Krj;nm. a second ..VJiriV iri wnnka hv Mrs. James l tieias, and manj Mother articles equally noteworthy TllnatrntP.n. ' . , irnrTH.TP.r;TS will be a feature Aruciubuu Anxu---- clarence rTAaneia, A?tTn Ubbson and many others. M""- tll J the omoe,. STtSSSc interestedin ttisHING ARTICLE aescnuLu Fit" twice V, .TitTi rn wm e are cordially inviLtu v.ZJbaAio- rnunds will appear. Salmon, and Fruit orovving are w , ZSXTuS and Tarpon are tne suojecw to Inspect :tm.hoT, in the South "T'T The authors are weu Known state, ana one irTni Peach. Pear, SSSSjL: "Mat variety. pS; l." i.1"" " .!HS? nnrr of subjects, ayel, Si SesriMaoer are. . y SvescrtpVlon, etc., will appeaa, nut WftmffilSik. Chest not of the conventional eommonpnu Illustrated.. . Among the most Interesting In the i list of S eSSt ereSnevelopments ana uses of interesting papers. t:j. pkciaL OFFER to cover last year nre wbTch include all the Railway Artl- pIps. as follows: . r suhscrintion (1889) and the num- m . t1 4 a- 1 y " L a vnui.. oersior m A year's-subscnption uoo; f"" " fim bers for 18S8, bound In cloth. . -w 25 cents a nnuaoer. Leave Rutherf 3dt'n Leave SheiDy. i Leave Lincolnfcon. Arrive charlotte.. Leave charlotte... Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet. Arrive WllmLngt'n 6 00 am 8 08 am 9 13 am 1 40 pm No, 4, dally ex Sunday No., 6. dally ex Sunday 7 45 pm 11 15 pm 1 45 am 8 30 am 8 00 am 9 22 am 10 30 am 12 05 pm Trains No. 41 and 38 make dose connection between Chartotte and points North via Ral- el8Sli rrt 4 Mn a make close connection at F. W. CLAKn., uen i l twsoous dec 1 TIME TABLE NO. 3 Palmetto ftaiiroad Co. Daily, t Dully except sunoAy. rr,.., x-r. n mntinrtu nr Kinrenc with train on cT D. JL R. tor themw, S. CM and Wades- bOrO, N. C. . . v.. , pantrn 1 No. 52 runs tnrougn ujLoiuuiwa vw R. R. Of 8. O. hi Noa. 78 and 14 run souato """"sM C, making close connection with W. w. . R. for all points north. TWirixrH General superintendent, j. R.KENEV, Ass'tGen'l Manager. ' T. M. EMERSON, Gen l Passenger Agent, my 11 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY AND REPAIR SHOP. PARTIES INWANT OF ANY KIND vehicle or want any Repairing done tothel to their lnteresi, old vohlcles. call on will fl u urn : t n EKLAND A CO. corner second and poe Stree Send your horses to be shod. We hav first-class Shoer. w?n 5 then took for plant, us" ":'KvpVreens Shade Trees, JbRoSjiKglS well as & old onel which my new CataTogue for 1888 Give your orders to my authorized agent or SpoCnSS ESSrtmm cata iogue free to applicants. Auuress A .-. . . 1 i i I a ir. SM.vei imj LLAO gist 8. flrntfl S3 a year Charles Scribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadway, NrY. i. VAN LIN D LEY POMONA, Gulitora County 9 N. C. a. i f ovpr Reliable Salesman .3 AN AND AFTER Trains wtll ruii as follows, FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, .. . A . dally except, sun- day. A good paylas 99 10 Clean Bill of Health. ...HBKE HAS BEEN NO DISEASE WHAT- ficate from Dr. Wray. COH IL c oRRELL. " mt 4k. U T. FREE GOING SOUTH. No 1 Passenger and Freight- Leave Hanuet, j?. S, o .tn A. M. Arrive at cneraw, . v going North. Passenger and Freight: i ss v. M. Leav Cheraw. . -- - - 505 P m. Arrive at Hamlet. N. C ' AX M Ttf WM. MONCUEE, Snp The Acme MANUFACTURING 00. MANVFACWJ1ME88 OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. No. 2- Wl LM INGTON, N.O. -.u tad" wld. " : ,er-ul and Banlaej 1 . , . -.n wean ov iir 7; .... How lWJ 1 it: E REPUTATION OF OUK FERTILIZERS . ..-... j HULi-lav ,7, .ad after to L mo - IfUwM who my HOLM w.ica na - - d lu a W ; after oar. w "'71 t ' neiKh eturninH . " xi k,wl 1 TD13 is lu ."j .----7, - bor's When ti was - Glanoers ,u - -18 fooD w ,55- . 1 c . . 1 .n onn t i-t-.' 1 null uuj - - . . . . . 1 . ,.r n 1 f M !ic rwrt (lavs . I". .T W 11IKMI. It, MO . . 1 Cetvp iL ,X?. i."1" lojfiiftr sex. I V' " ! " "1 tm Walker COUfQ OC f .11 "--i "ui imui lUiiuuu " v-' ! flip fLSSilUlL swi-"- ' " , . 4.a J1 ages, can earn from Z to $25 per day and , o strong were the threats anis wherever they live. You are started found. OO str""K - taken e. eapuai not required. Some have made Qf lynching that he haa 10 oe 2; in a single day at this work. AU sue-1 1 Petersburg for safety. noviBOmd w iafcwip a conditio w groAT. D. V. S., I ,7 a Ulawe"- .n 1 . . MB bare k -pt tha In yor w rj " yoor ow-propyrtj : " a.- I - CI' , H 1. liWI g? :"'V1m.mll'r.-, a. tbe"?. a larse mocUi ortw JilBtatinott"- 7lri Write ooc, titer can be k.i., ''u'0' ". "., h, w aoy troW .arerftbaeoance. call at yor boa can a-by n barn. ffc ooce, yw ca , tana taa ka in the wor 10 . LEX. epay U 0TUUOOO PRINTERS and BINDERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Largest and Best Equipped Printing Establishment in the City. Orders Promptly Filled. ,r VI I TV IX V. C ADlll 16, 'S9. 'A. . ....r. n c-vi ia now AstaDilsnea. ine 1"' r "r,1BA ,n the hands tne ISt farmers of this and oUier igat m ATTINO mtrom leSves of nine S conceded to be equal to any SSaSS'ior cSnfort and dnraSW and tta Sanffltlsdauylia baa nr tUeS DOtIOUULI 1U .-"la a. upholstertne purposes, and as a Smos for jfettivssesTs almost equal to hair, oelBg Ught elastic and prcofalnst Insects. certincaies irum ikuhuic rroods can he seen at our office, or will he mall edrfpon appllcaUon. . gold A Tabl Board. FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOJIt. ri'HK a. Iwltg Table Board onUcaicmat Society Work. SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and emiwwdery. ladles' and CTiUdrenTaprons aspeclalty. orders left at, the BeotoryjOT aorw Third street, wflt mecfwlth prompt . nov St u sept ae tf

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