- MrTarTRT.T.AWBOOa. . i i Rockingham Rocket. They are to have a cotton seed oil mill at lib son's Station. Already $20,000 has been subscribed. COMMERCIAL NEWS. isuck'en'P Arnica ftlv The Best Saive in the world Outs. Krtnses, Sores, Ulcers, for! Salt ! WILMINGTON MARKET. May 31.-2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 35i cents. Sales of receipts at 35J cents. wyjstN Steady at 75 cents for Mils. Iruincn, uuia-j, j .w. "- " - - ,," . , i Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap-j strained and 80 cents for good ned Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For s:de by Robert. R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. MISCELLANEOUS. A Big Chance. POWD Absolutely Pure, This powder never vanes. A marvel of pu rltj' , strength and wlioiosomene.;s. M ore econ omical man the ordlnarr kinds, and rancor rvj sold in competition with I he mull if 'idc or low test, short weight alum or phosphate oowciers. Sold only in cans. ROYAL I'AK INO POWUEK CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y oct 'M d&wly tcnrm tliiDd :pTv FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1889. THE MAILS. f he mails close and arrive at the tnty Post office as rollows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 11.00 1 Nor hern through and way mails. . 8.00 A N. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. Raleigh & Fayettev'e 8.00 A. Sour hern way mails 2.00 P. Southern through mails 9.15 P. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western mails (C. C. Railway) 1.00 P. Cape Fear fiYVRK and points sup mled therefrom Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom L00 P. M. Smith vllle 1.30 P. M. Wright in ille 8.00 A.M. Clinton, special... io r. .n specials for Maxton, Waaesooro, X Monroe and charlotte 5 45 P. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS, onaiiwr H. and intermediate ofli- a " G.0U A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. . M . M M. M. M. M. M. 1.00 P. M. M Li' tie River, 8, C ($.00 A. M 1.00 P. M STATE NEWS. Tarboro Smtthirno : Rev . J. A. Leslie has accepted a call to the Missionary Baptist Church of Taz- well Va. Intelligence reaches hre earlv Fridav morniufif that the residence of J. B" Gardner, about 10 1 miles fro ju this place, was destroyed by fire. No insurance. The origin of the fire is believed to be incen diary. (jroldsboro Argus: We learn with regret of the death of Mrs. E. r. Pippin, which occurred at her home near Fremont on Tuesday last. ' At the residence of the bride s rela tires, -Mr. Allen Meerc, in this city Jesterdav afternoon at 6 o'clock, Mr. os. W. 6ay, of Rocky Mount, and Miss Annie Curtis, of Kinstou, were united in the holy bond of matri mony, Rev. M. M. McFarlnnd of ficiating. Reidsville Review: A canumg fac tory would be able to make money here for itself, and would utilize the fruit and berries, about one half of which have been bringing tbe own ers no revenue. On Monday Miss Ada Griffith, a girl of about 14 years of age, received quite a pain ful wound from the discharge of a pistol, which her little . brother! brought to her to have the load taken out. While she was handling the weapon ir accidentally fired off, 1 lodging the ball in her thumb. An operation was performed by Dr. j Hay. who succeeded-4n extricating the ball without much pain. Raleigh Visitor: Mrs. Ct., a very, charming lady and devoted mother, i was shocked the other evening at the innocent depravitv of her son, ' a child of five years. She had taught ' him to believe in the power of'pray i e-r. So when he wishes anything he adds t he wish to his nightly sup plication. He had set his heart up on the possession of a drum, and, af ter asking God for it each night for . a week, his mother got one and put ! it out of sight, but where she could ! reach it while he was praying and j placed it on the bed so that when he raised his head he could see it. As' he ended his prayer with The usual "God bless mamma and papa," h raised his eyes and in the same breath exclaimed. 'Where in the; devil did it come from?'' Clinton Caucasian: Mr. Gobrge Boy-kin, son of L. M. Boykin, died last Saturday morning, of eonsusnp tion, aged o0 years and 9 days. j Clinton is beating all records on truck this year. Monday there were over 1,200 boxes of beans ship ped from this point, and that was really the first lay of the season. Married, at the residence of Mr. James B. Highsmith. on the nirht 8.30 P. M. 11.00 P. ! 6.30 A. M. 9.30 A. M. offices. . Cape Fear River rnal) OPE' FOR DELIVERY Northern and way mails Northern t hwtfgb mail, late southern through mails.. southern way malls Carolina Central R. R...J .... 2.30 P.M. Mails collected from st reet boxes In business portions! cltv at 5 A.M., 12.00 M. and 4.4o P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 A. M, and 4 P. M. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.08 P. M. and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. Carrier delivery- open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10.30 A- M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. . Stamp office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. o 10 A. M. andl to 7 P M. LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, j take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervons headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir win not rail you in anv of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed river, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, W&. Fifty oents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. m th s Rev. O. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall t., Atlauta, xa. strained TAR Firm at $1.40. HRTTDE TURPENTINE Finn at $1.10 for hard, $1.90 and $1.90 1 for vellow dip and virgin. COTTON Quiet. The follow ing are the official quotations: Ordinary, 7f ;good ordinary, 9; low middling, 10 1-16; middling 10; good middling 11. Receipts to-day: Spirits, 193; rosin, 381; tar, 86; crude, 33; cotton. 15. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer A P HurVRobeson, Fay etteville, T D Love. Ger brig Clara, Voss Brbadoes, E Peschau & Westermann. Schr Eva A Dannenhwer, John son, Philadelphia, (reo Harriss, bon & Co. CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay etteville, T D Love. rpHE SEASON BEING LATE AND HAVING more stock an hand now than the state of the 1 market Justifies, I make the fouewlng offer i From this date until June 1st I will pro ceed to Unload ! and will offer any article in my stock at NEW YORK COST, with freight added for cash, and ONLY1 This is a Genuine Offer ! No Blow. No Gas. I want to sell and I am going to selL come early and get your choice of Clothing for Men and Boys, Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, c. B. F. PENNY. my 30 tf 110 Market Street. n8CELLA5jgQ Og. 'No. 107 NORTH THIRD STRErt "WIT- 1 1ST GTO 1ST, 3X1. Having every facility for making Mattresses, of the most perfect shar n auaiity I beg to call your attention to our goods. ttpe and of eve Tlie Machine I use to shape ana fill Mattresses is of re ent patent only one ever invented. It prevents Knots and lumps and shapes each MaS' ir regular ana unuonn, ana 1 guarauww ui -. ucwa suape inan thosim PrteBi m .10 rosses will be made or any size oraerea ana 01 any material nr 7?" m tho Illaici lain 11 ucoutu, u ov iaj v..vv. . uui Mattresses made by hand, in the old way, if preferred. Crib wattresses, uno pnng, nnwicaaca - oiugie" ana "threo.nA-. to order m , laarter jv. Also, vSprings of any size and Cushions of any shape. Mosquito Nets anrt n "line P. S -Kenovatius Done. Opposite Oily You Cannot Stay Away Han J WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND MAY 24, 1889 Cotton ashore. 664; afloat tal. 683. Spirits-ashore, 1,321 ;afloat, l,047;to tal. 2.36S. Rosin ashore, 35,556; afloat, 2,657; total, 38,213. Tar ashore, 5,009. Crude ashore, 421. RECEIPTS FROM MAY 17 TO MAY 24 Cotton, 67; spirits, 1,667; crude, 388; rosin, 1,131. EXPORTS FROM MAY 17 TO MAY 24. DOMESTIC. 169; spirits, 650; Cotton. 169; spirits, 650; rosin, tar, 690; crude, 287. FOREIGN. Rosin. 9,519; spirits, &50; tar, 1,005. John Warner ANNOUNCE nrttn Drn 1 lr IITOULD RESPECTFULLY W to his friends and the public that he Is now hack at his old stand,. No. 29 Market street, which has heen thoroughly overhauled, repaired and refurnished, with first class workmen, shorp razors and polite attention he hopes to continue to merit the pat ronaore of the public All or hi 3 force is now conceniraiea at jno. 39 Market st. sept IP For lishhiff lines, leads, bobs, poles and hooks of all kinds o to the N. Jacobi tidw. Co. f mii or m mmim ww 'IF YOU AIN'T GOT 'EM,' HAVE 'EM. YOF MIGHT CLYDE'S w York & Wilmington Carolina Beach Hotel T HIE CAROLINA BEACn HOTEL, AT THE famous watering place of that name. 18 NOW OPEN and ready for the reception of guests. Liberal rates by the day, week or month. BUI of Fare unexceptionable. Good rooms comfortable beds and first class attendants. FISH MEALS jready on arrival of every train H. L. PBKRV, my 21 1m Proprietor. Lawn Mowers, Beat on the Market ! GARDEN HOES, RAKES, C, SPRINK- lers. Rubber nose and Attachments. Bottom prices on above at W. i. SFKIJNUJfiK & UUS, apl 30 tf 14 Front St., Wllmlnerton, N. C J (lorneaus Bed Bug Intcreeptie Doe the work guickly, Quietly and Pleasant ry, a j'ermanent t-ure -so to Speak.'" Ask for corneav's. he Alpha and Omega of ALL Bed But? Potions, and take no other. For sale oy an u rug-gists. . mch 27 3m nac m of the 22d instant, Mr. Ira II. son to Mary M. Boney, R Melvin Moina: the work." D. R Nicholson's little hovs . Mr. Mr. kill'ed threesuakes i few tlays ajjo eaeh over 4 ieet loni?. On account of their ir regular size, the boys cut t heui open, lindirif? in one 3 rabbits, 'iiuton Ufrafii ahead and on top' A tWejtfratu from Host on says that the hrsl Noith (arolina Beans shifped to that market were from Uliutou, and brought f3 .10 a box. Chatham Record: Bishop Lyman preae.hed one of the aWest sermons at this plaee. on last Sunday, that it has ever been our pleasure to hear. Although he is 74 years old. he is as vigorous Id body a. id mind as most. men many yeaua younger. On Sat unlay he consecrated the chapel for the colored people, which is one of the neatest and most cburc-hly struc tures in this county 1 : Thurs day of last week a coIoVeu woman, Sally Emerson, in Hickory Mountain township, went to Mr. Henry White head's to do some work, leaving in her cabin two children, one about three vears old and the other an infant fu the cradle. On hr return home the older child -vva. found in the chimney corner burned to death, and the clothes of tin naby begin -ning to barn, but the flames were extinguished in time to stive the baby. WilmiDgtou Seicoa t R.R AND AFTER MONDAY MAY TTH the Tilmin'lon Seacoast Train win nm i to and from the Atlantic coast Line Depot ! The Time table will be as follows: Leave Front Nt-Dep't Leave Princess St. . . Arrive Hammocks. . . i LL.LM. H P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. 8 1S 3 50 '. t 6 m 6 S9 3 00 3 40 6 35 6 SO 3 25 10 05 7 05 Doctor -"It's nothing bat an at tack of dyspepsia." Patted "And what does that come fromrv Doctor -That comes from the Greek, madam." No matter whether it comes friu the Greek or the Hebrew, or eating mined pie, if you have it, just take Ir. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel lets, and yoa won't need to ask the doctor anything about it. Specific in all derangements of the liver, stomach aad bowels. a H A. M.! Ar.Fr't St.Dep, 8 06j Ar.Prlmcess St 7 55( L've Ham'ecksl 7 30' A. M Jl ft" P. M. Si cd 3 P. M. 50: 9 40 9 15 t3 OB PKOM PIER 39. EAST RIVER NEW j YORE Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sis. At 3 o'clock. P. M. PIONEER. . . . . Saturday, May 35 BENEFACTOR ....Saturday, June l FllOM WILMINGTON- YEMASSEE Sunday, 'May 36 BENEFACTOR... . Tuesday, May 38 PIONEER Friday, May 31 BENEFACTOR Friday, Jane 7 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and trom points in North and South Carolina. These Steamers have unsurpassed passen ger accommodations. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SAIALLBONES, Superintendent, W ilmington, N C. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Agents, my 23 o Bowling Green. New York. Executor's Notice. AVING, ON THE 1ST DA Y OF MAY, 1&S9, qualitied as Executor of the last will and testamen! ot Mi's. Francenia EJ McKoy, d. beased, I horeb. give notice to those indebted to the estate of my said testatrix to make payment to mo; and to those havinvr claims ag.-uusi said sf ate to present them to me on or befoiv the 5tn day oi May, 1800. MA RS DEN BELLAMY, Executor ot the last will and testament of Mrs. Francenia E. McKoy, deceased, my I law r,w wed The AMERICAN MAGAZINE. BfautifuJiy Illustrated . 25 cts., $3 V ar. ITS SCOPE. THE AMERICAN MA -ZINE gives preference to national topics an scenes, and its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer All Its pages with a wide variety of interest ing sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and,ln short, this Magazine is Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the pi-ess and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the high-class monthlies. IN JUSTICE TO yoctksislf: We are showing the Cleanest and Nicest Stock ever d this good old town. flayed jn All Kind of White Goods and Light Weight Stuff i . o - Ohina Mattings, Jap Mattings, Napier Matting? Cocoa Mattings. ' 15 1, At k i,a;e fi,ounoino and okapek? SILK NETS IN VARIETY ! R- M Mclntire. NORTH FRONT STREET, liiv 24 The National Life Ready Mixed Painfe WHITE LEAD, VARNISHES, BRCSHft Maturity Association . SASH, DOOES, BLINDS -AND- OP WASHINTON. D. C. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - - H me. HORATIO BKOWN1NG, President. 2 SAMUEL NOKMENT, Treasurer. GKORGR D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary." Important A Specimen Nuint)cr,Tvlth Illustrated Premium Ltsfc. and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to club Kaisers, will be sent on re ceipt of 15c., if this paper is mentioned. B3 Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. Address, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., feb 749 Broadway v'-rv-. H.rp 1889 ILLUSTRATED Atlantic View, WKIGIITSVILI.B, W. C. 'IM1IS DKLKiHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IS t siruateu at tne M rtghtsviiie Terminus or the vuimngjon sea'.oast Railroad, and Mierc is no charge for transporta tion or self or baggage Bind of Susie Hoga.wl for ihe him. we are aorry me oicuer uoys nave cone home so are the girls. Those desiring Board can find comfortable wins mm guoa iare at reasonable rates. teoaM. K. WILSON MANNING, y28T Proprietor. O Valuable Lands for Sale. NE TRACT OF L ND. l.Ylxn iwm P. M. 7 06 6 as 6 30 Ths &15 P. M. Train from Wilmington will be known as the supper Train, a special Rate Ticket will be sold for this train to par- ues wismng to rerurn cue same evening. Monthly and Season Tickets are now on sale at the Princess street office. Every family should have a book of tickets, which are sold at reduced rates. J. B. NOLAN, my it tt Gen'l Manager, mile from Lincoln ton. N. C. constatinc as acres. 53 acres cleared: s nest Tor mrnn but gives good crops for all grains. Has a b-ach running through U aad a fine snrinx i few acres of bottom land on thp ti-n. ZTh ;aes in wood, oak and hickory, we 11 Um DC rco . Another tract Ivlne 2s4 miles irt t.i ton. mite from u. V R. K. , 100 acres. 36 cleared, fine enrlne of deltclons .t .,', SiXwaci of bottom land near it on the branch; te No. 1 for tob ceo. but rows otw -J ell; 75 acres in yellow pine and oak For price and terms apply io C HON Li A MORRIS mch IS if nr.Vrz A kJ Rntate BmH Lime. Lime. UME in exchange for PROVISIONS HJS QROOKRIKS. HS . ' HARDWARE lime LUMBER. CASH. : iiakpek'8 MAGA.iNB is the most useful, en tertaming and beautiful periodical in the world. Among the attractions for 18S9 will be a new novel an American story, entitled "Ju piter Llerhts" by Constance P. Woolson: ilius tratlons of Sliakesueare's Comedies bv E. A Abbey; a series of articles on Russia, illustra ted by T. Ue Thulst rup: papers on the Domin ion of Canada and a characteristic serial by iianes Duuiey vvarner; rnree '"Norwegian StlldieS-hv K1orn?t1err.o Rlnrnsnn llliietmrnfi. i;ommoous," a historical play by the author of -uen-tiur niustra eu dfj. if. wetrue in. ore The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Howells anu cnaries Dudie3T Warner. HARPERS' PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE U HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 AKl'fiK'S KAZAlt . Am HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the Unite Ssatt's, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the ijuiuuuni lor .june ana jecemoer or each year. wnen no time is specined, subscriptions will oegin with the Number current at time of re- ociub oi oraer. . Bound Volumes of ITarnAr'a three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, most-paid per volume, cloth Oases for blhdinc. so cents Magazine, for on recelDt of $2 no each by mail post paid. mues lo Jiarners Masrazlne. nea, roi ept FRENCH littOS , Rocky point. A InTl r hptl n n 1 Analytical and Classified for VolnmM i tn rra inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885, one Remittances should be made by Post-Offi e Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. XewsiMwers are not to cnmi fhijt irfnowia' without ine express order of Harper & Brothers. novte New York The Robesonian, Published in Lumberton, N. C, by W. W. McDIARMID, S READ EVERY WEEK BY NEARLY every intelligent citizen of Robeson county, and has a general circulation in all the rounding counties, including Marlon, Marl boro and Darlington in South namim. The ROBESONIAN lsnow in theEighteenth Year of prosperous and vi rnr, A and is so flrmly estabiishert tn ...7 lrbusTn men caV umaal itarsdxuthcm. The advmilTng ratefai? exceedingly reasonable, considering UaS? circulation, andlnfluem of the 'paper Send 5 cents for specimen copy. aeptl? GEO. J. KASTERDAT, Ass't Secretary. . - 4 Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Ineontestlble Policy. Maturity Value In Cash at Fixed Age Annual cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D." Medical Director. W H. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home office, central National Bank Building. Washington. D. C. JOHN UAAR, Jr., Local Agent, oot 2 Wilmington, N. ft SELF-RISING-BUCKWHEAT, IN 3 AND 6 LBS. PACKAGES. N INVALUABLE ARTICLE FOR PRO- ducing in a few minutes, by the addition of water or milk, mos , delicious Buckwheat Cakes. i. Largest and most complete stock in th -Can nil all orders promptly -",,,ms ui an Kind DRIVE WELL PUMPS, Window Glass of all Sizra French and American, single nnrt twJ Obscure, Ruby and Colored Wire Netting and Framfli For Doors and Windows. Platform, Counter and Tet ocaies ! Soidsboro Cotton P ot. Most Improved Cotton Plow oh Market Fishing: Supplies of all Hindi Wood, Coal and Oil Cook ng Stoves ! Being Factory Agents we are in a position t meet any and all competition. N". Jacobi Hardware Co, my 16 12 So. Front st MAPLE SYRUP, EITHER IN BULK OR IN GALLON OR HALF GALLON CANS. Fresh Veetbles and Fruit By every steamer Presems and Jellies iJY TELE POU3D. For;saIe. by Jno. L. Boatwright, HOT 15 & 17 So. Front St, Brown's Beach ftestanrant -AND BATH HOUSES. WOULD BBSPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the pubUc that my Restaurant and Bath Houses on Wrlghtsvilie Beach onTOelte th? Hummocks, are now own nnri accommodation ot all whn mav -- i 'z their patronage. ' WiW i-igFisn, sort Shell crabs and Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains. The Bath Houses are ctean wu and supplied with fresh wafer ' clean K and careful attendants. ISi'ilS,18 KespectfuUy, my22tf K.E.L BROWN. NEW YORK ; 0BSEB7EB. ESTABLISHED IN 133 The Oldest and Best 1 Family Newspaper, Six Rogular Editors; Special Cor respondents at Home and Abroad: Stories, Reviews, Condensed New, Departments for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional M This year the Observer will pn lish more than FIFTY PRIZE ST0B1E8, and the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its co umns. Poets and orose writers, ao thors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the col umns ef the Observer, and it wu give fifty-two unexcelled papers the coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, 2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1888 L The NEW YORE OBSERVER will I g for one year to any clergyman not bow sortber, for ONE DOLLAR. - n 3. Any subscrlDer sending his ownsu, tlon for a year In advance ana a Be'Jwf,.irti her with JWO.an have a copy ot a3us Lettiw or 'The Life ol Jerr? 3. We win send tne obskrv ER w'1 mainder of this year, and to Jii to aey kbw sulJscrHjersendnBUSttisn; address and $3.00 in advance. Tof "ot bers we will also give eltner tbe 'fienasus Lttters" or "The Life of w Auley.' r moral ier Agents wanted everywhere. Lioerw Larcre commissions, sample c ucu Address, New York Observe - NEW YOBK R. Cm Orrell James C. Hands, Ait , 1KUGIST. M. 1?n T T ' T n a. iairiK UK PURE DRUGS AN raetj. Artesian Well Mineral Water come in ana try a glass FREE. ' AS A LOT OP SECOND.HANA and Harness for saie cneap. and Horses and Vehicles for ' W5WW boarded at low rates by the aiv, month. Will try hard to pieasf- I still have a very fine Uearse ior caslons. nT?KKLL corner l niru au . Jan 26 tf For Sale. 1 LBS. OLD TYPE METAL, I ii ii i and In good condition. a ppiy ai ray 17 tf Will W " -THIS OFFICE