Pills !ivcnef?ive. To Im per- li;tY contain tratlve and 'ft Sic properties. I A1 n jiltr Restore . .ft V 4 . Wet kly. illustrated. .n w-Pii-pstablished -Ufa vVEKI;u,ist rated newspaper in rTw W4i. M Tits editorial Cora s' Tif 111 " hps h is earned for it tne Ht politics 'las rpad- B". .i.i coutH- ii LJU' .,ipn.-p of its ' ;' 1 i.-It7 I l 111--'" ' . A, Vv i . the ili!i-.-.i-aiini ui iuc EifV W ....... i.nd foreign History. ' : ii.ni (be pen or William .Vveharies King, will features of the Weekly oiPPKK'8 PERIODICALS. MOO ' . - u' 4 k ' '"f : mPi.E 2 00 K.'"l';Wi(w mved fj:-.;invu " - .-MhaWrptiv besrin with the :iu , " roilr When 'I t'1'".' ic'i iits ript ions vrill begin '';-!;,;,, nt at time of receiptor . . ,i.,,-s of Harpers We( Icly. for Vi!: ' u ?.. !..,.! ..int it t.inriintr. will be a) . 'a in i". ' ,' . ,.v?iss fiw f r md!lvPV. , ,o does notex- lone doiwr per wiui". cllit!iMo fnr Ii-i, . tor cam wiiuii".. .. . ... nntit-nnfrt nn l;;r Will OPSLUI " ' a S hould he made by Post-Office mteror Pratt, to avoid chance of loss ftomiWH-sare not to rami this advertisenum 35 ssorderof Harper&BrotheFS . 1889. arpers Young PeoDle. ij ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Iarper? Young Teople begins its tenia nm-' with the tlrst JSumoer in isoveinuer. -in" the veur it will contain nve senai sio- . including "uorymates," uy Rim jiuuioc beKcdMustanff,'' by w. O. Stoddard; ana D.iy in Waxland;" by R. K. MuuklttrlcK; elsThurlow's Trial.77 Dy J. t. irowonage; l ..... i ,. i. . - v... n ....... rTI Uinn Matthews; a series of fairy tales written I illustrated by liowaru ryie: "iiome muu- ln Natural History." by Dr. Felix L. Os lo1; ' Little Experiments." by Sophia B. TTer- Gitmpses of t'liiid-iue irom uicKens," ilar-raret B. Sanerster; articles on various rtsand pastimes, short stories by the best ters. and humorous papers and poems, hmany hundreds ofillustrations of excel- : quality. Every line in the paper Is sub- rdtothe inosr rigid editorial scrutiny In ert hat not liing harmful may enter its coi ns. epitome oi even t hlnsr that Is attractive desirable ill juvenile literature. Boston pin: weekly feast of eood things to the boys girls in every family which it visits. okiim L'nini). i is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, in nation and interest. Christian Advocate ruis-Postage Frepaid, $2 pryear. n. a oegins ovemoer l, istso. prfiarn Copy sent on receipt of txoo-ccni npiC NurnhfT Ft to Cnnt-Q pnrh jemittames should be made by Post-Offlce ej" Order or tlmft tn nvnlri nhsiTiPii nf lnss. r are not to com this ailversisrmcnt u rjrprens order of uarper & urotners Address iiarpeka; kuotfi RTiS. 1889 Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. nnr? m Bazar WU1 continue to maintain Vr .nn .on as an unequalled family journal, ntni . ra.t,ons are 01 iHe highest order, its ani n!f ot, Ul ciloicest kind, and its Fash on.MThol1 a?Partments of the most nniii etonomieal character. Its pat fte wui1 uplomeiUs fashion plates k. ilve..lts rea(iei's ten times the cost an ST1?"00' auaits articles on decora tc m?h?.tl.q,iette' House-keeping, cook- I indispensable to every house an" 2bt ?hort stories and timely es MS the. PUhlished; and not a SL 10 its columns that could : -tons ot tin ' ldious taste- Among theav jisouhc new volume will be serlaUSi -ider wmecs "igson Burnett, Mrs. lenes ft Black and Thomas Uardy, n. Chris t iOTs,uu nursery management nsune ferhunn TTPn-fv HARPER S PERIODICALS) pkr ykar: 3PER' A2AU ! pK's magazine. . . . .. 4 no i 4 no W YOUNG PEOPLE. or Mexico. 2 00 in the United of the Bazar re me m mn ui ar)lor eacn rear. When Ciwrtpawa vin begin sr. wuoer current at time of receipt of OTftlnw. fi. dosV:, Vi.ati; ,tb- binding, wiU be sent ",per vriin.V 7ISUL uoes not liner lUr PiiPh v-rwl. ...... exceed olurae. suitable for Dearer Every Day. They said I would cease to love her When her freshness showed decay; Thet were wrong, for as the river" Wears its channel more away. Deeper grew my love, and clearer Seemed her beauties in display. She grew older--she grew dearer Dearer every day. Had I loved her for her beauty, Had her heart been simply clay, Then might mine have ceased its worship; But her truth's resplendent ray Filled my soul and drew me nearer To the fount where sweetness lay. Still the older, still the dearer Dearer every day. Ajre lias laid itsJiand upon her Do 1 realize it? !Nay, Her youth's bloom my heart remem bers Years her faithfulness portray, And it shall be mine to cheer her, So her winter shall be May. Still the older, still the dearer Dearer every day. William Lyle. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully en joy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent an nually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by a'L We uuar antee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you (rood Di gestion and oust the demon Dyspep sia and install instead Lupepsy. We recommend Electrie Bitters for Dys pepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle at Robt. R. Bella niy's wholesale and retail drug store. - A College Training:. Young Wife "Why, dear, you were the stroke oar at college, weren't you?" Young Husband "Yes, love." "And a very prominent member of the gymnastic class?" "I was the leader." "And quite a hand at all athletic exercises?" "Quite a hand? My gracious! I was the champion walker, the best runner, the head man at lifting heavy weights and as for carrying whv, I could shoulder a barrel of flour and " "Well, love, just please carry the baby a couple of hours. I'm tired." Phila Press. "It Works Like a Charm.' Union's Magnetic Liniment is a safe and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Goat, Headache Sprains, Braises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. For sale by Munds Brothers. The Tram pa Were Cunning. Some eight or ten tramps were re cently beating a passage from Pitts burg east on a freight line. The conductor ordered them off, and ap proaching two of the fraternity, who for tattered garments and un cleanliness could be better imagined than described, the following en sued: Conductor (slightly kicking the one) "Well, where are you going?" First Tramp (tearfully) "I'm go ing to New York. My mother's dead." Conductor (benignly stirred) "If that is the case you may remain." Then turning to tramp No. 2, he inquired: "And where are you ao- ing?" Second Tramp (ostensibly weep ing) "I'm going to the funeral." They did not reach their destina tion on that train. Phila Press. WHOLESALE PRICES. TAKE IT IN TIME. "For want of a nail, a shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, a horse was lost; for want of a horse, a rider was lost." Never neglect small things. The first signs of pneumonia and consumption c&jipositivelyhe check ed by Dr. Acker's English Remedy for .Consumption. Munds Brothers, druggists. Killing Them Off. When a stranger makes his ap pearance in the backwoods of Maine he is naturally presumed to be on the lookout for game. Last sum mer a distinguished prelate of the Episcopal church found himself straade.d in a small village in that region, and was compelled to put up at a farm house. "Do you have many Episcopalians down here?" he inquired of the very hospitable hostess. "Vell, really now, I don't know," she answered. "Our hired man shot some sort of a queer critter down back of the barn the other day, but he claimed it was a woodchuck." Boston Herald. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. - july 6 deod&wlv Lincoln's Estimate of Varioloid. Will Cumback was at the Ebbitt. "Speaking about the President," said he, 'and the office seekers, of course, where there are three ap plicants for every position two are going to be disappointed. He can't give them all places. That reminds me. When Lincoln was President he was taken ill, and the doctor told him he had varioloid. " 'What is it?" he asked. " 'Varioloid,' said the doctor. " 'Good enough,' said Lincoln; 'I've got something now I can give everybody.' " Washington Post. "Jl be Li" volume, suitable for ffJ6mLut by mail post-paid, on ?orftt ay Post-Offlce r-Vrv . ... rarr- to avoid chance nf lnss. m eZLl (P iVW this advertisement "lMrJHfHA.. a - " V15 ji tfrv oA Harner ft Kmthorsi ilAUPEK & BROTHERS, EP onoJS"""1 thousands marvoi t i ure surPassed by the fttfieM AJS of invention Thnw wixi CL.1 at hofn ,JK mat ca he done &aueTt I Hid at once send their RJ. hu Portland, Maine, and can earn. i ri.n now either sex, Lrf&jA carted uiist.w.i -yiwcu. oome nave mane UKW y at this work. All suc nov timd w Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York. A Good Time to Fulfill iJ is Promise. "My dear John," wrote the wife, "I am sorry to say Willie fell out of a swing yesterday and disabled him self. He will not be able to use his arms for a month so the doctor says. He is getting along all right, but it luakes him restless to stajT in doorsr When you return from the city please bring him something he can amuse himself with." "Willie." said the father,kindly,as he patted the little boy consolingly on the head the next day. "I've have bought you that drum I prom ised you a year or two ago you should have sometime." Chicago Tribune. A NARROW ESCAPE. Co!. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, came home one evening feeling a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be fore retiring he tried to draw a long breath but found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him up. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he is weli to day. Munds Bros., druggists 1889 1889 THE WEEKLY HERALD ONE DOLLAR A Y Alt TO keep posted on the News of the Entire WorId SUBSCRIBE FOR THE New York We? kly Herald -o- It is and will continue to be Great-st and Cheapest Family Journal IN THE UNITED STATES. -O- Tne coming year promises to he crowded with stirring events. In the United States the entrance of new is sues Into the political arena has been follow ed by a change of Administration. But the great economic question on which the cam paign turned is still unsettled, and its solu tion is now committed to a Congress almost equallv divided between the two great parties. Europe is a vast camp. Army corps patrol the frontiers, and millions of men await the signal for the most tltantic war the world has ever seen. The Herald's news-gathering machinery Is unequalled. Its correspondents dot the habl table globe Nothing can escape their vigi lance, and no expense is spared in spreading the results of their efforts before the Herald's readers. o ALL THE NEWS OF AMERICA will be found each week in the Herald, while its FOREIGN PARTMENT will contain a panorama of the Old orld flashed under the sea over the COMMERCIAL CABLES. O Special Features. Practical Fanning, Progress in Science, Womau's Work, Notable Pulpit Utterances, Literature and Art, Stories by our Best Authors INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Address, JAMES GO RDON BENNETT, New York Herald, dec 14 New York city. Scribner's Magazine For 188U. The publishers Of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make it the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have oeen drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It closes its second year with a new Impetus and an assured success. The illustrations wlU show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will he contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially Interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." Illustrated. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel "The Master of Ballantrae," will run through the greater part of the year. Begun in Xoveniber. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o. manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Illustrated. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally Interesting contributions by differe t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the first of them for the January number. Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES Will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, illustrated from original MSS.. a second "Shelf of Old Books." by Mrs. James T Fields, and many other articles equaUy noteworthy Illustrated Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. H. Blashfleld, Austin Dobson and many others. Illustrated. ; FISHING ARTICLE describing sport in the best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon, Winninish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors, are well known sportsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety, touching upon ail manner of. subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will appeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated.'. Among the most interesting in the list of scientific papers for the year will he a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether Interesting papers. Unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers, which Include all the Railway Arti cles, as foUows: A vear's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888 rr. $4.50 A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888, bound in cloth 6.00 S3 year ; 23 cents a number. Charles Scribner's Sons, 743745 Broadway, N.Y. 7 8 14 8 10 13 io a The following quotations represent whole sale prices generally, in making up small or ders higher prices have to he charged. BAGGING Gunny Standard B ACON North Carolina." " Hams... Shoulders a Sides, S) WESTERN SMOKED fflgfiJP Qlftoa TO IK "u" v ............. IU Uk Shoulders, W lb. . ixca fBY SALTED Sides, 8V(a Shoulders, $ r& 6f BARRELS Spirits Turpentine" secona nana, each. . l 40 New, New York, each '. 0 00 New, City, each i 65 BEESWAX, fb.... ao BRICKS, Wilmington, 6 00 Northern n 00 BUTTER, y ft North Carolina 15 Northern 25 CANDLES, ft Sperm.. . i8 Adamantine 9 CHEESE, V ft N orthern Factory 11 8 8 15 if 10 7X 9 6X 50 75 70 22 8 00 14 00 Dairy, Cream... State COFFEE, "& ft Java Laguyra. : Rio.... CORN MEAL, bush, in sacks. 1 rumen aieai 13 9 23 20 00 nn COTTON TIES, bundle l 25 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yard 6 Yarns, if bunch 00 EGGS, dOZ 18 FISH Mackerel,. No. 1, V bhl 00 1 25 30 25 10 12 14 10 28 24 22 67X 67 30 6 80 20 12 50 8 00 11 00 6 00 0 7 4 00 00 00 10 42 ? 00 30 05 85 90 2 00 50 00 10 00 10 65 62 67 65 45 52 90 5 12 10 95 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbL 7 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, IS bbl 7 80 Mullets, 9 bbl 6 00 N. C. Roe Herring. 9 keg. . . 00 "Dry Cod, ft 5 FLOUR. bbl Western, low grade 50 4 Extra 4 00 4 Family 4 50 5 City Mills Super 4 00 4 " Family 4 50 5 GLUE, ft .. 8 GRAIN. bushel. Corn, fm store, hags, white 00 Corn, cargo. In bulk, white. 00 Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 66 Corn, mixed, from store 00 Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES. V ft Green 5 Dry 10 HAY, 100 fts Eastern 1 Western North River HOOP iron, 9 ft L.AKJJ, ft Northern 1 7X 8 North Carolina 8 10 LIME, barrel 140 000 LUMBffR, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank. : 15 00 16 00 West India Cargies, accord ing to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 mulasjsjss, y gallon New Crop, in hhds. 25 " in bbls 28 Porto Rico, In hhds 28 " in bbls 30 Sugar House, in hhds 00 " in bbls. 16 Syrup, in bbls 22 NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 01L.S, gauon. Kerosene 9 a Lard 16 Linseed 90 Rosin 15 Tar 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live rown. 20 Spring 10 Turkej; 95 PEANUTS, bushel, 22 ft 60 POTATOES, bushel sweet.. Ifteh, W bbl 2 26 PORK, $ barrel n , City Mess 17 50 18 00 Prime 15 00 16 00 Rump ' 00 15 ou RICE Caiolina, ft... 4 Rough. V bush, (Upland)... 60 " (Lowland). 80 RAGS, ft Country 00 City 1 ROPE, ft 14 SALT, sack. Alum. 70 Liverpool 65 Lisbon 00 American 00 SOAP, ft Northern 5 SUGAR, P ft Standard grain. . 6 stanaam a White Ex C 0 Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington iWeldonR. R AND BBAVCHBH CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTn. Dated May 5, '89. ! Nc. 27, i No. 41, No. 23, Ft Mall dally ex dally. I daily. Sunday. Leave Weldon Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. . . Leave Tarboro... 12 40 pm l 55 pm "3 55 pm 10 20 am 5 43 pm 6 00 am 7 10 am Arrive Wilson. .. 2 27 pm 7 00 pm! 7 43 am Leave Wilson Arrive Selma Arrive Fayettevl'e h2 37 pm 3 40 pm 6 00 pm Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia... Ar. Wilmington. . . 3 20 pm 4 16 pm 4 30 pm 6 00 pm 7 40 pm; 8 35 am 9 40 am 9 55 am 11 30 am 8 40 Dm 9 55 pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 14, daily. Leave Wilmington 12 05 am Leave Magnolia. . . Leave Warsaw.. . Arrive Goldsboro. 1 24 am 8 25 am NO. 78. dally. 9 00 am 10 43 am 10 57 am 11 52 am N. 40, daily ex Sunday. 00 pm 40 pm 55 pm 53 pm 2 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 16 20 22 25 0 90 60 2 75 Extra C, Golden : 5 C Yellow 0 SHTNOLES. 1 in. M M 5 00 Common 2 00 Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES, M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW, ft i 5 TIMBER, M feet Shipping. .1 2 00 Fine Mill Jl 25 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 5 00 5 80 00 1 1 22tf 75 70 00 70 5 6 6 6 5 5 00 50 00 50 Leave Fayetteville. Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson . t8 40 am! 11 03 am! 12 10 pm! . Leave Wilson Ar. Rock Mount . ArrtveTarbbro7r. Leave Tarboro 3 03 am 12 45 pm 7 1 20pm! 8 52 29 pm pm 3 55 pm! 10 20 am Arrive Weldon. . . . 4 30 ami 2 40 pm 9 40 pm Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M. daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albennarle &, Raleigh 11. 11. daily except Sunday, 5.05 P. M., Sunday 3.17 P. M., arrive WllUamston, N. C, 7.20 P. If., 4.55 P. M. Returning leaves Wll Uamston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.10 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.15 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., arrive Smithfleld, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smithfleld, N. C, 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 3.00 f. M.. arrives at Nashville 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 1O00 A. M.. Nashville 10.35 A. M., arrive Rocicy Mount 11.15 A,M., daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A.M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all polnt3 North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all polnta North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. apll3 TIME TABLE NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. ITjT'iij1Wl. 7 2 5 7 14 00 10 00 6 14 00 13 00 8 50 0 00 0 00 00 00 50 30 25 15 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 WHISKEY, gal Northern... 1 00 North Carouna. 1 00 WOOL, ft Washed 28 Unwashep 16 Burry 10 POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and ajHalf Miles West of Greensboro, N. c --o- T he main line of the R. & D. R. R. passes fhwMrh orrmnris and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains makestops regular twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the State, and one of the largest in the South. Stock consists of Apples Peach, Pear, Cherrv Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots Nectarines, Mulberries, Quince, Grapes, Flea Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant English Walnut, Pecans, Chestnut, Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 wifl show. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destriptive Cata logue free to applicants. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Guilford Co., N. C. rar ReUable Salesman wanted In ever County. A good paying commission will b a- QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day. GOING SOUTH. No l Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. C 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C. 9.30 A. M. GOING NORTH. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, S. C 4.25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. C 5.35 P. M. dec 16 tf WM. MONCURE, Supt. Carolina Central Railroad Company. W W WSaBXMM CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. June 2, 1889. Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Lincoln ton. Leave Shelby ArriveRutherf'dt'n NO. 4L daily ex. Sunday. 2 20 pm 6 45 pm 7 39 pm 9 35 pm NO. 5L dally ex. Sunday. 7 30 pm 2 00 am 3 15 am 6 10 am No. 5. daily ex. Sunday. 4 15 pm 5 51 pm 6 57 pm 8 20 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS June 2, 1889. NO. 38. daily ex. Sunday Leave Rutherf 'dt'n I Leave sneiDy Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet Arrive Wllmlngt'n 5 15 am 7 08 am 8 20 am 12 30 pm No, 54. dally ex Sunday No. 6. dally ex Sunday 8 30 pm 11 28 pm 1 45 am 7 45 am 8 00 am 9 22 am 10 30 am 12 05 pm " ' : oi . Ousting Cm e-.l Fa'.Trr. i'EHSO! i ti-wUihlapoutihl . - m e V iCt OH P a, r.i : . to kca t the- tc.iAi r""1" own P8Sr2 is K-fct c.3-. oena.ag .s SOIal th winples Jn ay - iilv, tln. rsi!t4 In lrge tr0 m KkfUrnarumpl ir-brn iu '-rjmyfcrati'JOUiorW wi uanatly get froa. ClOOd o 0 tr4e from W carroannff otsu r. Tula, the m! fponierrul ofcr f kt.own.Iii nritr. or r tiilor earr.r c' P5"0" where thy .'n tna. ill Ofrz Am.-ric. Wilt t OBC HLake'svre o.r tednr? IUj4r:i v.n h baldly ray romm far IOC loehtrmr tk' i -:z i thnse wumjr call juar xnd your rwnl wUi mart Kris', tor;. A pr1 irnicn to vrtie oa e.-. i; : 1 cnt i flrr jrmXoaf y" 4o not ear U go fartl.i vhjr natarsi UitoM. BlUJc i . j eiiTl I T run- ToicutKrunFREEoWalB eat solid Cold wstcttes t. the world ana our - . eiwi wum their l!or.ic.is Tslnsbieaud rry use: rheaesarof ' " aa.e K -pt tneni In yo to those who msy t la possU;le UmtV- aept 26 tf Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Raleigh. Trains No. 51 and 5i maxe close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Througn Sleeping vjarw wiweeu iuuuiisi"t and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. I C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Genl Passenger Agent. je3 M ISC ELL AN Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Be B. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. - TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May J 2, 1889. Leave Wilmington.. Leave Marlon. Arrive Florence , Leave Florence. . Arrive Sumter... Leave Sumter... Arrive Columbia No. 23. P. M. 6 25 9 10 30 NO. 50 A. M. 3 20 4 40 No. 87. Na 58. P. M. 1010 A. M 4 40 6 15 A. M. NO. 62. tlO 33 11 55 A. M. t 9 an 10 38 No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M., Manning 9:56 A. M Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. reave Columbia Arrive Sumter.. Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence Leave Florence ..... Leave Marion. . Arrive Wilmington. . NO. 51. NO. 69. P. M. 10 35 11 58 11 58 1 15 A. IK. NO. 78 A. M, 4 35 5 20 8 35 A. 31. t 6 37 7 50 P. M. NO. 63. P. M. 590 6 39 NO. 14. P. M. 8 16 8 59 11 50 P. M. Dally. tDaUy except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C, via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:04 P. M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9-.3P P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & w. R. K. for all points North Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee daily except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6-30 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee 9:00 a. m. Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaven Sumter daily, except Sunday, 11:00 A. M., arrive Pi ne wood 12:01 P. M. Returning leave Pine wood 12:30.P. M., arrive Sumter 1:30 P. M. JOHN P. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. r. KENLY, Ass't Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent my 11 Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R.ofS. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. JACKSON & BELL, PRINTERS and BINDERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Largest and Best Equipped Printing Establishment in the City. Orders Promptly Filled. Table Board. Dated May 18, '80. No. 27. No. 23. No. 88. A. Hf A M.e Leave Florence , 1 36 "0 30 " Klngstree..... 2 29 10 55 Arrive Lanes.. 2 50 11 20 P. M. Leave Lanes 8 501 11 80 7 50 Arrive Charleston.... 5 00 1 30 930 A. M. J P AI . P. M Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train on c. & D. R. r. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Charleston.... Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes... " Klngstree Arrive Charleston. No. 78. NO. 14. NO. 68. A. M. P. M. A. M. 18 25 4 30 7 30 2 45 6 88 9 10 2 50 6 28 3 10 6 40 4 80 7 55 A. M. P. M. A. M. Daily, t Dally except Sunday. Train no. 14 connects at Florence with train on c. & d. r. r. for Cheraw, S. c. , and Wades boro, N. C. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central R. R. of 8. c. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, N. c, making close connection with W. & W. K. R. for all points north. JNO. F. DIVINE, ; General Superintendent. J. R. KENEY, Ass't Gent Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 11 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY" AND REPAIR SHOP. jpARTIES IN WANT OF ANY KIND vehicle or want any Repairing done tothei old vehicles, will n can on to their interest C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO. cornir second and Princess sties Send your horses to he shod. We hav Qrst-ciass Sheer. mc h 5 The Acme MANUFACTURING 00. MANUFACTURERS C-P Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON, N.C. rjTHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, Is now established, and the results of three years' use in the hands the best fanners of this and other states attest their value as a high grade manure The matting, made from the leaves ot native pine, la conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for it is dally increasing. It has vtr tues not found in any other fabric The fibre or wool is extensively treed for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being 1 eiasuc anu pruut against insects. certificates from reliable parties using Oh goods can be seen at our office, or will he mall ed upon application. in4tt Society Work. ftfE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Pariah solicit orders for all kinds of ... n..-rv.n ivAuun t .. . . FEW UJiJH I UkM.tSiSt WJi DC z7 vuuui cu d aprons a fxxa a utubri ien ar tne Rectory, or sn moral dated with Table Board on applicattonat iThirdsajeet, will meet with prooapt attention imcn27t( 884 N, THLKu ST, J uovww

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