r. 1'H.rt T.,nJr.bunday3 excepted, Li"-1-""-. J- -rarriers, free ! oi tne city, at the above tc 1 ..,nrt liueraL . .,nhvt any and jii n i'.lic 1 w ---v. - ..-.,.. most elegant form EandNUTRIT.0U8JUIOE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, nbiEed tritb the medicinal -cjnu known to be f beneficial to the human r forming an agreeauic j elective laxative iu th- cure Habitual Consti- lioa. aua mc wim? on a wea or matuvc Cation of the FYS -LIVER arD BOWELS. L the Bost excellent remedy known to Use we system effectually When one is Bilious or constipated SO THAT , RE BLOOD, RSFRE8HIMO SLEEP, HtAl. I n anu - - NATURALLY FOLLOW. Lvone is using it and all are lighted with it. ASK YOUR DKUUUiai run LOT3 op :Exca-jei MANUFACTURED ONLY BY 1LIF0RNIAFIG SYRUP CO. m FRANCISCO, CAL fewif. ki. "tw york. n. r For sale oy btfEKT K. BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, i iUv Wilmington, N. C. Convincing 1'roof. Imany instances it has been proven mat B. (Botanic mood Balm), made by the I Bairn Co., Atlanta. (;a., will cure blood In its worse phases, even when all r treatment (ails. IP.Bruuson. Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had lining n leers on one leg and 6 on the other A greatly prostrated. J believe I actu,- pvanowediJ barrel of medicine in vain i to cure tne disease. With little hone I j Ktedon the urgent advice of a friend ot a bottle ol l. It. U. I experienced a aimniy iK Mioii'.icney was somewnat Ded. I kept u.iiiLT it until I bad taken en bottles, and all t he ulcers, rheuma- ana auot nor norrors ot biooa poision disappeared and at last I am sound and again, alter an experience of twenty oi torture. bt. Wart. Max ty. Ga., writes: "My dis wa pronounced a tertiary form of blood n. My ace, head and shoulders were a oi corruption, and tinally the disease ii eatinemv sRull bones. Mv bones ached: idnoys were deranged, I lost flesh and pa. ana uie became a burden. All said K surely die. out nevertheless, when I Bed ta bottles of R. B. B. I was pro- l uunareds ot sears can now oe m nie. l have now been well over twelve tns.': rags and Chemical?, to ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, aer Braces. Trasses, etc., etc. Prescriptions filled day or night at r . U. M1LLEK7, Drug Store. Corner Fourth and Nun Sts., VISITORS. !SIT0RS I THE t'lTY ARE CORDIALLY P to our large establishment, which con- rLest stock or i soots and shoes constantly receiving goods en- "'Mt only to get new troods but all styles, our stock was never more Be. and we will give you more for your F'tnanyou win receive elsewhere. ciai BargaiDs tow Ouarterej SHOES. Ladies' R 1 Children's SLIPPERS. Fiv Hundred Pairs Slippers at We, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. ujes' p.,. , laSidf.5. Tlp Laee Oxfords at S1 buttons. Oxfords at $1.00, $1.25 feSrffSb Patent Lcather n c and D Lasts, we lit un given to mail orders. eR French Sons. . 108 Nonli Front St "resident. W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. m Savings & Trust Co., T.. WILMINGTON. N. C. WSiS Of -ill L i, ,, " "ficu IU KOJiESBERG, I . SUPERBLY EXECUTED ""tI iV,'ArSPIALTY. - 'ii Ket St., sout,h side. HE Daily Review. VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N, C. FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1889. NO 134. LOCAL W"S- 1ITDKX TO NSW ADVERTISEMENTS B F Penny A Big Chance Mcnds Bros Pharmacists J J II edrick White Goods W M ctjmming Mattresses li M McIntire Window Shades J J IIedsick Hygienic Underwear Taylor's Bazaar Grand Opening At Rest in Bellevue. ! I m m , . , . . . . ! I We are sorry to hear that Dr x e iuht. saa rnoutes to the mortal j. Love lost his valuable reumius oi rar. j. . MeKacherii1 W. roam mare were paid yesterday afternoon. The funeral, which was largely attend a few days ao. Dr. NEW AOVjEKTISKSlttK-TS PLEASE NOTICE. - We wiu be giaa to receive communlcatR ns from our mends on any tad all subjects general uiterest, but Tbe name of tue witter mxwt always be for- nished to the Editor. communications must be written on but one side of tbe paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under, stood that the Editor does not always endorse tbe news of correspondents an ess 80 stated in tbe editorial columns. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. J. Love returned to the citv last nicrht from rh Churcrn Dr. Pritchard conducted the Alumniamiapel Hill. the services. The pall-bearers. were Tax listers seem to be exceedingly Messrs. J. D. Woody, B. P. Mitchell, i modest this year. Tnev are verv nm 1 i . i ITT A rm , ! . w f i ney are as King ten cents a quart ; win. a. rrencii, K. J. Jones, J. W- backward in going forward. for strawhpiTipfi nnur Tivlnr S H ?flVkviVHsvi V T riAJ A 7 ' T' 1 -v l ait tq-v i. .4.1 :a! A. l , f , i haj and Wiu. Larkins. I V?, , , "r ecluu ineme i Boatwnbt, of this : now and the shekels for doc badges : WINDOWSHADES A nice lme of colors, and in all widths, can suit you nicely in - PLAIN OR DADO. i 'o ; Late j. ijui iwanTngut, oi Tins city, was in Raleiph on Wednesday cneap excursions Every Evening. are rolling in at the City Hall Mr. Walter R. Shaw has returned 1 her.e wl" ChC&P moonl,"t to the city from a visit to hi, brother ! eXcurfilonn to Carolina Beach on the at Durham i stoamer JPassjwrt this evening and j every evening hereafter during the For fishing lines, leads,bobs, poles j season until further notice. The and hooks of all kinds go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Lawn rakes of the latest nd most improved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co Mr. M. Cronly, Jr., has returned from a very pleasant visit of a few days to Charlotte. "Can't Ma thing.1' Hood's Sar saparilla is a wonderful medicine for creating an appetite, regulating di gestion and giving strength. We can make you comfortable for 1.00 by supplying yon with the Ironclad Oil Stove. N. Jacobi Hdw Co. boat leaves the city at 5 p. in., and returning leaving Harper's pier at 8 p. m. The fare for the round trip will be twenty five cents. There will also be an excursion quarter and a ride to CarolinaBeach this evening and a return by its "soft and silvery light" wilt not be a fifteen miles down the Cape Fear on hard pill to take. the steamer Sylvan Grove, which Indications. For North Carolina, fair weather, followed on Saturday afternoon by showers . ml stationary tempera ture. The moon is now on its second Rev. Dr. Pritchard will preach at the Seamen's Bethel Sunday even ing at 5 o'clock; the public generally and seamen in particular are invited to attend. Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, varnishes and brushes from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell none but the best. t SHE IS "GRATEFUL." "I saved the life of my little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. V. Harriman, New York. Munds Bros., druggists Rev. Alex. Sprunt, of Henderson, wiil preach the sermon on the oc casion of the dedication of St. An drew's Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. RefresTilng and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. Master S. H. Chadbourn, son of Mr. Jas. H. Chadbourn, of this city, a student at Berkeley School, Bos ton, Mass., was awarded the first prize for Athletics a gold medal at a contest at that school recently. At the recent Commencement of Charlotte Female Institute Misses Lucy Bacon, Lottie M. Willard and Mary D. Cronly, of this city, were graduated witlr high honor, and were mentioned most prominently in the Commencement programme. Whatever may be said pro and con in discussing the comparative merits of thetwo morning papers of our city by the sea no one can be found who will attribute to our brother quill drivers -any lack of genuine modesty, when the name of either is mentioned above a whisper. Tourist, Whether on pleasure bent or busi ness should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, pre venting fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. Our l.ittle Ones. The June issue of Our 1 Attic Ones and the Nursery is as usual full of bright illustrations and matter care fully compiled to suit the tastes of the young folk. We know of noih ing better to place in the hands of children of very tender years with ideas just being developed and a world of inqury for everything they see. Published by the Russell Pub lishing Company, 36 Bromfield street Boston, at $1.50 a vear. Tell the good news to the suffer- leaves at 7 p. in., and returning ar rives in the city at 9 p. m. Fare for the round trip twenty five cents. The Blockade Being Removed. The railroad blockade lias been broken .and communication has now been opened North via the Sea board .& Roanoke RaiIroad,arrange ments having been made for a trans fer at the Nottoway river. Arriv ing at Portsmouth the traveler has the choice of two excellent routes, one via the Bay Line to Baltimore and the other over the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad The Atlantic Coast Line is also open for travel between this city and Richmond, a transfer being necessary at Petersburg. Deatn. of Mrs. Lumsden. We regret very much to learn of the death of Mrs. E. A. Lumsden, of) this city. She died at her residence here at 20 minutes to 9 o'clock this morning. She had been sick for only a short time but for the past two days her life has been despaired of. She was 55 years of age and leaves five children, all grown, to mourn her loss. I? or many years past she has conducted in this city a large dressmaking and millinery business, which her abilitv and her taste rendered very successful. She was born in New York city and removed to this city with her par ents when but 11 years of age, and has resided here ever since. Ever sinoe her early girlhood she has been a consistent member of St. James Church and the funeral services will take place from that church some time to morrow, at an hour yet torbe decided upon. We would advise our readers to stop at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory and look at the largest stock and the most handsome styles of lawn tennis shirts in the city and at prices to suit everybody. No. 123 Market street. Sign of the blue awn ing, tf arrivals of choice NEW NOVELTIES. Just the thing for you. Beautiful White Embroidery and Flouncing. o Ohina Mattings, Japanese Mattings, &c. An invoice of Rugs to be put on sale to-day. Some very choice styles a little under value. Quality the BEST. WINDOW DKAPERY AND CURTAINS in great variety. f?B M. IMclntire, i& 5 NORTH FRONT STREET. Hygienic Underwear FOR GENTLEMEN. Four of the leading dry good deal ers in this city, Col. Jno. J. Hedrick Capt. R. M. Mclntire and Messrs. Huske & Draper and Brown & Rod dick, inaugurated the weekly half holiday movement, to day by closing at 1 o'clock. They are plucky and we hope that their pluck will have its reward in increased sales to-morrow. Foreign Missionary Union. The Women's Foreign Missionary Union of Wilmington Presbytery met yesterday afternoon in the First Presbyterian Church. Besides the churches in Wilmington, there were delegates present from Clin ton, Faison's, Kenansville, Burgaw, Mt. Williams, White ville, Clarkton and Whiteplains. After devotional exercises, Mrs. S. Gl. Lewis, President of the Society of the First Church, read an address of welcome, which was responded to by Miss Pass, of Faison. The Secretary, Miss Anderson, of Clinton, read the minutes of the last Convention, and Mrs. B. F. Hall, the President, read the report of the work for the year, and set forth the possibilities of the organization, especially presenting the subject of how to interest others in the For eign Mission work. Interesting let ters were read from Mrs. Stuart, of Hongchow, China, who was present at the last Convention, Miss Haws, of Kansas City, and Miss Emerson, of Tsingkiangpu, China. A committe was appointed to re port on organization, and the Con vention adjourned until this morn mg At last is a remedy found, Which might have saved, had they known it, Many who're under the g ound. Tell of the "Favorite Prescription," Bid hopeless women be glad Bear the good news to poor creatures. Heart sick, discouraged and sad. j ing speaker "Female diseases," so terrible in sionary. their effects,and so prevalent among all classes, can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preserip-tion. ing. Rev. Edward Lane, of Campinas, Brazil, was to have addressed the Convention at a public meeting in the evening, but was detained by floods. Rev. Alexander Sprunt took his place and preached an earnest and timely sermon on the objections to Foreign Mission work, from the text, "To what purpose is this waste?" Revs. Messrs. Hoge and Primrose took part in the service. Mr. Lane, it is hoped. to day and on Sunday. will be here To Sunday School Workers. As several of the delegates ap pointed to attend the World's Sun day School Convention, to be held in London, Eng., on July 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, have found it impossible to go, any person identified with the Sunday school work and known or properly endorsed to Col. E. J. Par rish of Durham, chairman of the State Executive Committee, will be appointed by him. The Cunard steamer which will convey the dele gates from the United States will sail from New York on Wednesday, June 19th, at 10 a. in. Saved From a Watery Grave. Miss livia Penny, daughter of our good friend, Mr. B. F. Penny, fell overboard yesterday afternoon from the wharf in front of the bote1 at the Hummocks. Miss Olivia is twelve years old and possessed of considerable presence of mind. As she arose from the water she saw a boat moored near at hand and this she managed to reach and cling to until rescued by two colored men who heard her cries for help and who ran to her relief. The water at the wharf was about ten feet deep at that time. Citv Court. The Mayor disposed of the follow ing cases this morning: Mose Evans, charged with lar ceny, was found guilty and bound over to the next term of the Crimi nal Court in the sum of $100, justi fied bond. Sherman Madison was arraigned on two charges, one for disorderly conduct.and the other for resisting an officer. In the former case he was fined $20 or 30 days and wa found guilty also in the latter, judg" ment to be pronounced when former sentence is served. Aid for the Sufferers. Mr. Donald MacRae, Chairman of the committee appointed to solicit subscriptions for the relief of the sufferers, at .Johnstown, lJa., and contiguous points, collected the amount aimed for, $500, and late yesterday afternoon Mr. MacRae forwarded this sum to Gov. Beaver, of Pennsylvania In this sum is in cluded $20 forwarded by citizens of Maxton to the Stat, which wasturnr ed over to the committee. There was also a carload of rosin and tar, each, contributed for disinfecting purposes, and these have also been L. Gieschen, sometimes known as 4tye four Johns." It is .needless to assure everybody and his wife and sweetheart a happy time on this oc casion. Enamoline, the best stove polish in the market. No dust, no mixing necessary. Use like shoe blacking. Every housekeeper should try it. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Grand Family Excursion. Germania Cornet Band will give another of those delightful excur sions which are becoming so popu lar with all, on the steamer Sylvan j yV J -l 1 i rni wrove, to uarouna joeacn, on i nurs day next, the 13th inst. The com mittee of arrangements is composed ! of Messrs. John H. Rehder, John H. j We have just Opened the jAuck, John c. tfoescn and John g. : secona supply ot these admir- J. X able goods. For health and comfort they are greatly su perior to the Balbriggans and Lisle Thread garments gener ally used. Composed of Cam el's Hair and natural Wool, they thoroughly absorb pers piration and producea health ful glow of the skin, thus avoiding the chilly and un pleasant feeling experienced in wearing the ordinary gar ment. These goods are used, approved and recommended by one of the most eminent physicians in the State. Gen tlemen are invited to call and examine. JNO. J. HEDRICK. my 27 tf White Goods. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OP WH1TB GOODS, AND Propose to Sell Them. To effect this, liberal concessions will be made in prices. They have been placed on tbe coun ter and must be sold. We show a variety of POKTX DIFFERENT STYLES In NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Early in the Week QUR HANDSOME NEW SODA APPARA- tus will be In position. We will then be pre pared to dispense Soda Water and Natural Mineral Water of the finest quality. MUNDS BROTHERS, jun 7 tf 104 N. Front St. Notice. A ST HERE AS THE REVENUE LAW MAKES f f it incumbent upon the Tax Lister to in stitute legal proceedings against all parties desires any citizen interested in the matter to who fall to list their taxes at proper value, he examine the books daily as they are taken and give him all the information in regard to the matter that they may possess, je 6 3t J. G. BURR, Tax Lister. 600 PIOFISH ALIVE IN MY COOPS AT Atlantic WRIGHTSVIXUE, N. c. Board by the Day, Week and Month. ED. WILSON MANNING, je 5 tf Proprietor. CAROLINA BEACH ANI hOU'XHPOJRT. JUNE 4TH STEAMER "SYLVAN GROVE" LEAVES for Carolina Beach daily, except Sunday, at 9:30 a. m. 2: J0 p. m. ana 7 p. m. Train leaves Beach at 12:30 p. m., 5:15 p. m., am 8 p. m. Stoamer PASSPORT runs a double trip daily, except sunaay, oetween Wilmington and soutnport; leaving soutnport at 6:30 a. m. and 2 p. m.: leaving W ilmington at 9:45 a. m. and 5 p. m. Stopping at Carolina Beach in the morning trip up and the afternoon trip down. f Tickets for passengers on the 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock trips 25 cents, good to return only on same evening. J. W. HARPER, je 3 tf Oen'l Manager. Carolina Beach Hotel. T forwarded. Mr. MacRae notined Gov. Beaver, by telegraph, of these facts, and this morning he received the following acknowledgment from that official: HARRI3SBURGPa., June 6, 1889. rill malro o r-c ! JOtiaiO. iUUCXUd. rV lCftlrlfJlUfl i He is a most interest-' Thousands o thanks to the citi and successful mis- izens of Wilmington, N. C, for their i sympathy, and donations, tneck 1 will be acknowledged on receipt, There is economy in building barb an(j fumigating materials properly wire fences and in buying your wire distributed. Jas. A. Beaver, from the N.Jacobi Hdw. Co. t j aoYernor. MIE CAROLINA BEACH HOTEL, AT THE famous watering'place of that name, 18 NOW OPEN and ready. for the reception of guests. Liberal rates by the day, week or month. Bill of Fare unexceptionable. Good rooms comfortable beds and first class attendants. FISH MEALS ready on arrival of every train B. L. PEURV, my 21 lni Proprietor. To the Public. TE WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN nounce to the pubUc that our Restaurant is now open and ready for the accommodation of all who favor us with their patronage. Pie Fish, Crabs, Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains. Fresh Cool B?er always on hand. Restaurant witLin one hundred yards of Switchback, from the tiny hair cord check for Infants, to the largest Plaid. We show Twenty Different kinds of PLAIN GOODS, fium 6c. to 60c. per yard. Embroidered Flotmcings, IIO-SIITCHED TRIMMING?, Embroidered Pique & Pique Skirtings. Our stock Is complete and worth the atten- rne Ladies are respectfully tlon of buyers. invited to cau. JNO. J. HEDRICK. myjtftf Wilmington Seacoast R.R. i ON ANO AFTER MONDAY, MAY 27TH, the Wilmington Seacoast Trains will run to and from the Atlantic Coast Line Depot. v iuij mute win ue ua luiiows: Jl z v l A M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave Front SUDep't 625 990 2 6015 Leave Princess St... 635 940 300j 635 Arrive Hammocks... 7 05 10 05i 3 26.' 6 50 H$ HZ. 3 "2 .H -"5 3 : j 33. s "3s 2 Jl Q5G 3Q jaj a. m. aTmT p. m. pTmT p. m. Ar.Fr'tSt.Dep, 8 05! 11 40 5 40 9 SO 7 OB Ar.Prlncess 8U 7 55 11 30 5 3t- 9 40 6 55 L've Ham'ocksl 7 30! 11 06 50t 9 15 6 30 my 3u HEWLETT ft CO. ThS 6.15 P. M. Train from Wilminowi will be known as the Supper Train, a tvai " lii ic ouiu nil i. ii IX. irnin m r i es wishing to return the Home avahI jiuutiuy iutu season Tickets are now on ac me rrmcess street office. Every family nl10""!?.. 01 ttce which aire sold mj 27 tf J. R. NOLAN, Gen'l Manager, 1

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