i mm or nv r b m. I'll 1,1 II, - - . y v mi m m b , IMINGTON l n TTTro n . - - I x" V ll"UAI. JUNK IS 889. . . i - sued every evening, Sundays excepted, ... m t a airs Editor and Prop. Uj- jou. "" ' SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: , i six months $2.00. Three ,ntn3. $1.00. one month, 35 cents. r will be delivered by carriers, free any part of the city, at the above rno 01 Lu , 0rW cents per week. ' lWrr isms rates low and liberal. Subscribers viii please report any and ' ,0 receive their paper regularly e 1 1 s voi. xi in Wl LOCAL ISTEATS. INDEX TO NBW ADVERTISEMENTS 13 F Penny Clothing Munds Eros Pharmacists J J Hedrick-White Goods W M Cumming Mattresses Excursion - To WriehtsviiiP Taylor's Bazaar Great Sale K H jMcIntire Embroidery, &c J J H edrick Hygienic Underwear Carolina Beach Gfand Military Excursion at 17 Eggs cents a 4, m Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITI0U8 JUIOE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. his then.ost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO that PURE ELGOB, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 8YRUP FIO-B MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VmviUF. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by KOKEKT It BELLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, moli 20 iy d&w Wilmington, N. C. are selling dozen in the market Peaches are holding their own n 15 cents per do2en for the best. Spring chickens are selling f o cents a pair, for very small ones Ger. barquePi7to,Gerleach.hHncp for Stettin, arrived at Swinemunde June 14. rn- For North a . J. Ane Clarendon Base Ball anu except rain rTheToaT Jd i organized for the season las slightly cooler. COabt' and by the election of Mr. W. S. Kgins as President and Mr. J. D. Jxeuey as Manager. PLEASE NOTTHB communications moat be written one sMe of tne paper. Personalities mnat fie avoided. And it la especially and particularly under stood that the Editor ir 1AO Uneven, endorse w llL tha - "-panaenta unieas so stated en out J? fif iDg Hnes' les,bobs, poles and hooks of all kinds go to tha IV. j t Jacobi Hdw. Co. ... : - c swirenoack is in full hlf at Ocean View. The first day it was opened a free ride was given to everybody but now it is a matter of money. Mr. Cyras VanAmringe is in charge. It rained last night and tl int. vvnc about the only effect here of the cyclone in Florida. Lawn rakes of the latest nd most improved patent. For sale lv tha N. Jacobi Hdw. Co There is economy in building barb wire fences and in buvinc vonr wi,- from the N. Jacobi Hd We can make you comfortable for $1.00 by supplying you with the ironclad Oil Stove. N. Jacobi Hdw Co. T lhe police have received their summer helmets and thev look cool and comfortable and somewhat more formidable than usual. Mr. Curtis, the choir Piaster at St. James', has resigned that nosi tion and the Vestrv are now lrkrvL- ing for some one to succeed him. The steam tug Stetson is on the railway undergoing some needed ' cpairs. Workmen are verv hnv ff;,. 111 Tlirt 1 - 1 O .uunoation for the new press riv mtpion Compress. The Boaivl rf I7.j.j j v4uvrtwuu met ves- ir" ac ine Uort House and ratified the action of the school com mittees of Districts 1 and 2. in pointing: Prof. M. C. S. ISTnM intendent of the schools in districts-embracing all the public schools in the cit m orJfL' j mi r ttuver Meares, Superintendent of Public Instruction, thereupon tendered his resignation, to take effect infant uiaieiy. it was accepted, and the rsoara soon after adjourned. NEW AOVEKTISEJMKJfTS me editorial columns. DVEffTISEMEJfTI Embroidery, nojiningnsTc; Black Silk Flonnciog and Nets ! City Court. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday afternoon. Present Messrs. R. J. Jones,(chairman), Wm Calder, W. R. Kenan, Jno. W. Hew. ett. Two eight percent, funding- bonds B - - " ior i,wo each, and eleven coupons for $22S, which had been redeemed and cancelled, were burned in the presence of the Board.' Bills were audited and approved as follows Current expenses, $464.12; bonds $2,000; coupons, $255. B. It. It. (Rotanic Itloori Balm.) If you try tins rcmoJv von will ?iv as mnn? v ..... .iAtiiA. ' "'U H i l III? best Diooa pu- Graml Family Fxcnrsion. A grand family excursion, under tne anspicesof St. Paul's Lutheran 3 . . . 1 . , Clli ... uuuuuy ociiooi, win oe given at Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, varnishes and brushes from the N .TnrrkV 14,1 rriu n . . I , vu. uey sen none out uapc Manning's place, at Wrights-best- ville, to morrow. The train will Boils. m'mnloo liiiruc IaAVO Pi-nnt Hti.n TA j. . rifler and tonic. Write mood Balm c aL tetter an 7 Trw epoL at a -.forboouieonvmcln, tcstnnon;. of impufe blood " T ":dU P' Pcess P- Davis, Atlanta. Ga..f West Enm wnt Sarsanarilln. " I oireeT len mutes later. The tick - ''WtfLirj;. a u. haj. wnnln(lnttJ . ets will include the round rrin nua,- curwmew riiPHjjjafjcm nm, Q,attQ Enamoline. the best sf.nv nniu.!, thu wnv xtj rn h. k. sanifr .,., . , : i view ivanroau. tterresn- , ... "-i says: "13. 15. B. i IliarKet, 1NO c'ust. no mixirwr I niPnts irill hfl ew and Elegant Mattinoc f Both Jointed and Seamless. -Somo t. . . Thoj-e were onlv twn A LARGE LOr ias iin. .. T. .... ttLie and Styles. Ui, ?ryhis mornmg. These were: awr pGr set" This extremely low Swc!KSiC f? 25e' ohn Hill, for selling or offering A UMBKELLA8 -24 2e ar3 T for sale liquor on Sundav. was fin WINOOW 8HAD&-ThM- jR"n. at try ow fiffu.og $20 and the costs, amounting in all JA or . only good spring ,arlbers. We use to $23.95. ' wAPIMt MATTINGS-For offices and . " wlMf. oume U1101C0 Patterns- Mclntire. Passengers for Mew York. LU NORTH FRnv-r 0mnM following ladies and gentle- The amount of rainfull here ainM I men sailed hence to day on the Sunday morning is .59 inches LflGt Some very nice peaches were sell. QN WAT, between st. james mg to day at 75 cents a peck. This Church and orange st or - about iccua lB JAMES C. MUNDS druggist, in Princess st. Jos. Pierce, disorderly conduct, forfeiture of recognicance. je 17 "B"wP remassec. for New York. Miss Orace Woodard, Mr. Geo. A Woodard, Mrs. R. R. Bowdnin Oapt. Frank L. Meares, Miss M. Meares, Miss Eliza Meares, Miss Anna Heide, Mr. Frank Maunder and wife. A. colored camp meeting is to le i " -- vc y iiKAt H,ti me cnurcli i on Wrightsville, near the turnout of j the Seacoast R. R. I je 17 '3t The first regatta of the season of the Carolina Yacht Clnh u er tw lime ' 3" UlCGr ' h haU resiste(i aU oth- necessary ' C T)r.o7,.- . . - .u,o,.v, coiuraoiana. Ala., writes: -i motner and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula, u B. 15. cured them :' Joseph P. sponcler, Newman, Ga., writes. li-B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in "HS";"; I used six bottles." 1 11:1a. (Plllll'irU -VTrt nruty. r, . . Baittowi : street, Weedinn iosnvnx'A ,,.; 1 Sllerea with i iiiii l loccoa, (i a.. Writes "u rj n io M(mrefor catarrh. Three bottle? AS a ninb luuul,-u several yeai-s." v!fi,says: ;;one bottle of . S TV1 ,tumJ child of eczema.' VS' es: "'B tiiroat." ",uluu uiccratea sore James (;. Munds, At , "UUGGIST. A PI ! r t .... A Vb BUHE Ultt'GS AND 'ySSl1110118 a spe n cnii ah.' . (.s in great va m lTr a eiasTs Tfu Viuwnu vv ater; come in i - . J' H. Tk-Tv. served at citv nrices Use like shoe blackincr. I bv the ladies nt tha 1 - nv tiiuu V-Ill very nousekeeper should try it, Capt. Manning's grounds. The pic ror saleby the K. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t nice given bv the Sundav Snhonl nf Why it Was Not Published. We did not speak of the peril in which some young ladies of this citv were placed at WViofet on Saturday, and the gallant hero- v'le on Saturday next th oa L ism displayed by Messrs. Warren VlL.l. and Brown, because we were es- k"! 7 ua;que vciurca, Whitting- pecially requested not to do so. We "7 t0 sgow were told that the Sltar r,,i xr ... "a,,-reis tar. 825 casks .... v. nitiu&o- snirifconrl 1 (11ft 1 i senoer had a-reed not tr hn0i, IT "lr"" Uttrre,s r?slo. valued " v m-iwiicii iifinr. -ci7 rTiin . l ; - ... andwevielded Mii. w ppea ay Mes - '-wiui asscm, srm nrl. ed but could not refuse the request to withhold it, We have the conso tacion oi Knowing that we did violate the agreement. Early in the Week J QUlt HANDSOME NEW SODA APPARA We win then he pre I tus will he in position. M UNDS BROTHERS, jmn 7 tt 104 N. Front St. Messrs. Pater HOWLE On not howl r in fhQ J2 .se, Mrs. sallie A Wilmington Boy. Mr. Thos. VanOrsdell, who has re J-1 J . . m .. . iciiuy returneu iroma visit to his Funeral win tni rn1 WA"5 , . her son in iw V . u"c icsiaence or WedJSi- DIVlne' 9:30 o'clock utulllIUS. NEW A O VEKTI S EM ENTS. Summer Board. pLEASANT COUNTRY BOARD, TWO miles from Llncolnton. DaUymall. One:ftee visit to Bincolnton daily, if desired. Table satisfactory, with abuniiftnt. ,,tvi ... t- - -, -v "FFV VI Meats. Vee-ftt.a vouufi "v irum our oia rriend and! I j ausbices of st. Bauj.m mcj wii&iiittu. Jllr. Van rsrifl I Evane-elicn.1 r.nt,a nJ"L"r- J?' n"rsde"' at Grand Family Excursion -...bvUui6, vy. . uaneu lo see us to Oay and brought us some inter HMK OF PJME PliEPAKK FOR WAK." "IF YOU AIN'T GOT 'EM," YOU MIGHT HAVE 'EM. . Corneau's Bed Bug Interceptic AIS2LS?S2; Quietly Pleasant y ' 1 ermanent Cure "So to snonL- abZ tor cornead'8, the ABpha and Omlraof au rsKgf1 A-utnoran Sunday School to CaDf w- Manmng's Biace, Wrightsville soimd HiT XT' n unn n fiiEi3WAI) JUNE 19. SON resident. w. p TOOMER, Cashier. " Wnsion Savings & Trust Co, "SE,ESS8T.. WILMINGTON "tst n totem n, V 0,1 satlscaoory security' -:u,Kinas. mch29tf CLYDE'S eaius!iip Co was ournt out some months ago but now hus a new nnd fnlhr on;. ped photographic sallerv in nJl mSgSLSfe? at W prices by com ful operation. He is a good artist and1 winSfI. Hammocks and is followine- closeiv in r. aim.iiMrii J I llOUl fl. JTI . ill. K.tlTV'C Vatnr.' .iTX , steps onus lamented father wh aisoat .t. n ilw;o ltuu . , .ti.. was esteemed one of the most ac. 1-"""--" FuyitrapiiiBu, jn tUe Notwithstanding the inclemensy tl,is church have always been very of the weather the picnic given at enjyabJe and this promises to Carolina Beach to day by the Bap- Prove n0 exception to the rule, tist Sunday school was largely at- oir for tc,,. iZfGr";f ca.ied downa Mr, John C. Davis left here last "Vll lilUWII fill llfir.il Tl'inc a f m.-r . I . ninrnr rnv m a mm. V au r ...!.,.,.. 1 ...iiiid ir " v " " miwiue ne win ooucn. vve are glad to hear that We would advise our readers to sail to m0rrow on the steamship Mr. VanOrsdell is prospering in his stop at the Wilmington Shirt Fac Bothnia, of the Cunard line, for new home and wish him aeontm,i j. ..... I rt . . . -I ""'""H' tory ana look at the largest stock I Europe, tie goes as a delegate from success and the most handsome kvles of tne State Sunday School Convention lawn tennis shirts in the cirv d t to the World's Sunday School Con- New Scllo1 0rsniZed. prices to suit evervbodv ioq vention, which meets in London on A new Sunday school,to be known cfnHiiL1 Market street, Si-nof the hlnpi,n. July 2d. The Bothnia has been en Jas fcue McTyeire Union M. E. Sun Children hall : price lng- tf aged especially for the transnorta- t,ay School, in memory of the la L . SCHEDULE. - . l . ' l v 11 i m n -s m . - trains Leave Beach 9::jo a. m .i:4o a. m. Cool, pleasant rooms, m per month. Chil dren less. Address je VI tf MRS. J. M. RICHARDSON. Woodside, Llncolnton, N. C. iile at Heinsbergers; Trains leave Front Street DeDot at n-m a m telR If rm. u. STKAU8S, jejs it Chairman Committee. Grand Military Excursion TO CAKOLINA BEACH ! UNUER THE AUSPICES OF THE Will mington Light infantry, Friday Tirif poir. MU81C and Danlncr nfi.,ch. T AATrA nn f . j . linn nf tho ,l0l00fl0 Qn,l merited Rishnn wo. . lc wnamigTOii. ..v . .v-..cj. VJ o ci,j4 uuiic uui I uigouiieu on j sylvan Grove these can sail on her this trin Th,c Sunday last in the Southern nart nf Passport will make it delightful for the voy- the city' near the cot;ton mills, as a Passer! r?!e'.'."..loop: m " S-Wp.'m J I ....... 1 i. c j.1 -i i . . I Svlvan (irni-n r.ru Mr. Davis, after the adiourn- J UOUAt 01 uie umcea enorts of mem ': w,c W,'IU Gen'l Manager. aerers. ment of the Convention, will make brS f the three Modist congre' curStS ex .. j. 11 lY.iii it. rarinnc in thic mi r 1 r 11. . .... . r ti tuur 01 uie crinsn isles and will 0 0 " y. me omcers I jPlSff vv. nAiti'jfiit, ........ I 1 I , w i- ,1 11 I visit tne uontinent, expecting to red - ttS 1UUUWS: turn home about the first of August. superintendent J. W. Knott, Assistant Superintendent J. Some liaised Grades. -rk. Visiting Members-James F Post , - xxx uMougmg jr., oi trace unurch; J. M. Mc H. "na reob,,.,. 1VER NEW YORK a ambers and Koosevelt sts. i j 0 clock, tK i . " C- . , uiic x oxp roR.... ;;Vurday- Jun 22 K Wednesday, June 26 Saturday. Jnnn 'Xi rROM M-T, "JuauiwrOH P. M. 'ednesday, June 19 A little lad of our acquaintance. while throwing stones this morninc in his father's yard, killed a goose. It was not the goose that laid the golden egg but the little fellow may have thought so by the manner in wbioh the dust flew from the seat of his pants. We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. H. Render, leader of the Ciermania Cornet Band, is still sick aud con - -a nned to the house. In conseauence ot this the Band will not be able to give the promised open air concert &raa,"g ot Marked street was raised The school will meet regularly this week. But the promise is as when Paved and so, necessarily, was every Sunday morning at 9:30 00a as a greenback and will surely r Ul il uew S"er wnicn was laid o'clock, at the residence of Mr T T be redeemed. along the West side of Second, as Ramsey, at No. 1 Dawson strp II . . m. . I - w . . iar as rnea ev. "hiK twar u 1 Tourists I . 0 - ,t. x . . nju.tx niai nv me inuuiii oi ine alley Whether on pleasure bent or busi and water therefore ponds there It h L ?" ef,n -very , trip a la probabie that thJ de J t bottle of Syrup of Figs, xs it acts alley will have to be raised for much -v0,p,ea.sam:iy ana euectually on of the distance towards Front street Muueys, iiver ana ooweJs, pre venting fevers, headaches and other 12:30 p. m p. m the grade of Tooiner's alley, so that G-owan, of Fifth Street Church- J the water may be carried off. The G. Darden, of Bladen Street Church.' OTMttl0 nf TVf la lLrzj l. xirna .. r. X r, .1 rni " .. Lemons, 2Q BOXES LEMONS. 500 LBS. DRIED APPLES 3,000 SHINGLES, IO TUBS NEW BUTTER. Cigars and Tobacco. For sale cheap. .w, CHAS. F. BROWNE Act my1IdIS,Water sfewl& myj 11 ow (star copy.) GO TO 110 MARKET ST. TO ' Brown's Beach Restaurant AND BATHHOUSES. J WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the public that my Restaurant and HntH Houses on Wrightsville Beach, oprSlte the Hummocks, are now open and retSfyl for thl 01 a11 "homay ? aC& AcalllsW myS2ti J R. R. L. BROWN. Call and Use - MY LOT OF NE W GOODS, The Finest Ever Brought to the City gSJv; ; -Friday, June 21 kSL- 1esday, June 25 "Ai Ton. Friday, June 28 '" Tuesday, July 2 H (. iorms pi, sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading druggists. The Burdeus of Womanhood. Thousands of women are silently suffering untold misery, simply be cause they shrink from consulting a vuvBioiuu in inose numerous com and in that case some of the pre mises bordering thereon will be lower than the alleyway. It is rath er a tough job, as we take it, but we have no doubt that it will be accom plished successfully. 1(T OnH T . . -rolinL0 m tTom Points la North 'orpSJions. Unsi"Tassed passen- I 1 1 -K lit ff li. HALL to '"So ... ' ""ntendent, to Wilmington, N c. amcMaaglr: l: "l LYi)K a New York r.i i;, o..en'i Atwuts. "liIlo lireen "Vr v,t. . ..vii x ut ii.. Ohemicalp, -li 1 T .. . '.11 h. VP Vff DTIT.T.t . . x XXiJJxW.L.&S, "Ss and lo tw. ""cs.tc.,etc. ti O. MILLER'S. Corner ka.V.S store, erPourta ana Nun sts., Firemen's Excursion. Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1 will give an excursion to Car plaints arising from fnnofinnni s Lii,.0 r00m, nnThi ... w -wVww.i. a vuiiu jyuvii via x ii ui oua V . J U.IXC -will regularities and disorders Manv a u n 7 x-y modest girl and woman "prefers o ? th? 4 f.,,0"- bear her heavy burden in silence PIeayures of tne daY will be a target rather than to go to the family phy- practice for the members of the aSSSm i AH sufferers from company. There will be three prizes rind otln?,nTeV to be shot for. We hope they .ill ZllrZitOTlte Prescription, it have a large crowd, as all of their deiight of our peonl" is a specino in such rkps .,,i i. J unK mn n rar fhic eaDAn fn n. p-upi A Grand Event. The Wilmington Light Infantry will give a grand excursion to Caro lina Beach on Friday next. It nroni ises to be the biggest thing that has ever yet taken place at the Beach 'lliere will be five boats down the river during the day. The isylvan urove and the Passport will both run, Waving here at 9:30 a. m., 9:45 a. utf and 2:30, 5 and 7 p. in. There will be music and dancimr and ret tresnments. On iVii'c iwmIb.- . i v" -uxo -teiuu every ooay no an possibly do so should attend, not ohiy for the certainty with which they may look forward to a pleasant day, or the part of a day, but be cause of the support and encourage ment they should give to ourgallant j Doys m grey, justly the pride and e. The Droeeeds Get Bargains IN JUST THE FINEST AND Purest Butter Ever Brought to this Market. Put up in One Pound Prints. Can't heln but tiIpAko f 1i ( tidious. Never affected by the warm CLOTHING AND H ATS 1 1 .TSSSRSS you will have no other. brightened the lives of countless olina Beach have been largely at- fu towards defraying women by restoring them to perfect ?I1Da;feacn " a e o n . 'a rff, -the expenses incident to the En health, penect tended, and our gallant tire laddies ,A,min.nf I x x 1 .1 . 1 1 UlUUWI. ougui to nave, auu we nave no J GUARANTEE TO UNDERSELL ANY other house in the city, and why I can do this I will explain.- 1st Reason My own sons are my clerks. 2nd Reason I live In my own house and thus save rent. :rd Reason I discount aU my bills. 4th Reason I attend to my own business and try to live economically, and by this can give the purchaser the beaeflt in buying his Clothing or me. B. r. PENNY. jes A NEW LOT OF OUR f . - Celebrated Flour JCST RECEIVED. Jno. L. Boatwright, 15 17 So. Front St; To the Public. WOULD 11 t. Will 1 IIMT. yw i wrmrr v LLY An nounce to the pubhe that our Restaurant IB i now open ready ror the accommodation call early and be convinced or the above who favor us with their patronage. WHY WOMEN FADE. Women lose their beauty because tlieir hfe. Dr. I facts. For Sale. J6 15 Ti rocli inrv .1 X r rat,n doubt will have, a large crowd. The .ueiieious boda Water as drawn f. nr... t n .1 soda fountain at a 13?: battel, I. (ireenewald, H. H. Giesch- Acker's linirlisn rIV rZ. cC' t I OOO LBS OLD type metal, clean QIO T. x .7 " 'KyinvUIC Ul - ITT TA.-I1 4 . T T r l" vuu iMVV , WiU be sold cheap THIS OFFICER A r 1- . - - w-' m 'm g c til I - -wt -w. . , m . - . ' purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes eD' J- w- 1,u,l8i A- Moss, J. V. sumpnon is an absolute cure for .ana in good condition. uu natural mineral Water. Do3fiher. colds. Munds Bros , druggists my it Apply at Piff Fish, Crabs, Sandwiches ready on the arrival of an trains. Fresh cool Beer always on .hand, Restaurant within one bun Jred yards Of SthtchbacK; m REWLET1 & CO,

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