POWDER Absolutely Pure. TM3 powder never vanes. A marvel of pu rity .strength ana wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and canno . be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or Phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POJVDEK CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 36 d&wly tcnrm 4thpd jrdpw WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19. 1889. STATE NEWS. Winston Daily. The town of Wilkesboro is making rapid pro gress in the way of building and increasing her population. Quite recently a company was organized, with Mr. M. N. Dean, recently of Winston, at its head. The object of the company is to erect vand operate a sash, door and blind fac tory. It will also take contracts for the erection of buildings. Durham Sun: We are told that a young man in Durham, Sunday, rolled up a five dollar bill, green back, belonging to a friend, and playfully tossed it in his mouth. He misjudged his calculation, for the bill went down like a pill, much to his own as well as his friend's as tonishment. How now wants that bill changed at least from its pres ent resting place. Raleigh News and Observer: The portrait of the Hon. Wm. T. Dortch, of Wayne, has been added to the collection of pictures of judges and eminent lawyers in the Supreme Court Library. There is no longer any anxiety or concern about the Raleigh Cotton Mills. Its exis tence in the near future is a guaran teed certainty. The board of direc tors still have the matter of the selection of a site under considera tion and will make a choice this week, when the company will be fully organized. There now remains only about five or six thousand dol lars of stock to be taken and this will be made up without any trouble. Durham Plant: Yesterday morn ing, at Trinity Sunday School, Col. E. J. Parrish stated, with regret, that circumstances over which he has no control made it necessary for him to decline to go to the World's Sunday School Convention, at London, as a delegate to which the school had been so kind as to elect him and to vote him a purse sufficient to defray his expenses. Whereupon, on motion of Mr. P. M. Briggs, the school elected its assist ant superintendent, Mr. N. H. Snow, a delegate upon the same conditions tendered Col. Parrish. Mr. Snow left on the early morning train for New York, and expects to sartfrom there for London on Wed nesday morning. Newbern Journal: Mr. Gardner calls our attention to the price of blackeye peas in the Norfolk mar ket, which is $3.25 per bag of two bushels, and he suggests that our farmers wouia nna more money in tsackien't Arnica salve The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sor8, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar--4.a niva rArfect satisfaction, r monev refunded. Price 2u cents v. . V, For sale bv Robert. R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist . - THE MAILS. f he mans close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: . CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast. ..... .UM P. M vnrfhpm throntrh and way malls. . 8.00 A. m N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. jh Kalelgh & Kayettev:e Stpm Southern way malls. 2.00 r. j Southern through mails 9.15 r. m DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, western malls (C. C. Railway) 1-00 P. M Cape Fear & Y v R R and points sup niiprt thprpfrom Raleigh & Hamlet R. R- and points supplied therefrom VV9i SmithvUle 1-30 F Wrightsville 8-00 A Clinton, special ........... 3'lb Specials, for Max ton, WadesDoro, unnrno anil Pharlotte 5 4o r MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. II. and lntermeaiate om- ces -w TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. T itrio Hivpr s r and intermediate offices....'. 6.-0 Cape Fear Kivor man " r- OP F.N FOR DELIVERY. XTrtVom anfl WftV mails 8.30 P. M, Northern through mail, late 11.00 P. M isouthern through mails 6.30 A. M Southern way mails i narnllna central K. K 2.30 F. M. Malls collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A.M., 12.00 ai. ana 4.40 r. M. and from other points of the city at 5 A. M. nnrt i P. If. opnerai delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P M ami nn Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to ia30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. o 10 A. M. and I to 7 P M. COMMERCIAL NEWS. 1.00 P. M. M. LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been'cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. in th s Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. GO TO 110 MARKET ST. TO- Get Bargains IN 0L0THING AND HATS I J GUARANTEE TO UNDERSELL ANY other house in the city, ana why I can do this I will explain: 1st Reason My own sons are my clerks. 2nd Reason-1 live in my own house and thus save rent 3rd Reason I discount all my hills. 4th Reason I attend to my own business and try to live economically, and by this can making them than corn or any other give the purchaser the benefit in buying his gram, ne Bays $s.ou is a low price low for a two bushel bag. At that nrice we must agree with him that there is money in them, for any old field will make peas. Gov. Fowle-is showing that he belongs to the great men of the nation by follow insr the footsteps of Grover Cleve land and Daniel Webster. He is at Ocracoke and catches from 75 to 100 fish a day, and it is not good fishing weather either. The shipments j of truck from this section this season j have been the heaviest ever known. For the last two or three weeks the i steamers of the O. D. and E. C. D. lines have gone out loaded every trip, and the A. & N. C. R. BtNhas carried immense quantities. At-L every crossroad, almost, shelters have been erected for the protection of truck, and every track train finds something to take on every day. The business is assuming huge pro portions all along the line of the road, and as soon as the farmers generally learn how to make it pay, it will be a big thing for Eastern Carolina. Clothing of me. B. F. PENNY. Call early facts. and be convinced or the above Je 15 Call and Examine MY LOT OP NEW GOODS, The Finest Ever Brought to the City -o- The Burdens of Womanhood. Thousands of women are silently suffering untold misery, simply be cause they shrink from consulting a physician in those numerous com plaints arising from functional ir regularities and disorders. Many a modest girl and woman prefers to bear her heavy burden in silence rather than to go to the family phy sician for advice. All sufferers from this class of disorders can, however, find prompt and sure relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a specific in such cases, and has brightened the lives of countless women by restoring them to perfect health. JUST THE FINEST AND Purest Butter Ever Brought to this Market. Put up in One Pound Prints. Can't help but please the most fas tidions. Never affected by the warm weather, as it is kept continuously on ice. Call and buy a pound and you will have no other. Have Ton a Cough ? Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases nf Auruat uuu ljuugs. jbor sale Munds Brothers, by je 8 A NEW LOT OF OUR Celebrated Flour JUST RECEIVED. Jno. L. Boatwright, 15 ft 17 So. Front St. For fishing lines, leads, bobs, poles and hooks of all kinds go to the N Jaoobi Hdw. Co. f WILMINGTON MARKET. June 19. 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 34 cents bid. No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at 80 cents for strained and 85 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at 90c for hard, $1.80 for yellow dip and virgin. v 1 COTTON Quiet. The follow ing are the official quotations: Ordinary, 7f; good ordinary, 9; low middling, 10 1-16; middling 10 h; good middling 11. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Swd barque Axel, Knutsen, Brazil. Heide&Co. ! Schr John Proctor, Matheson, Havana, Jas T Riley & Co. CLEARED. Qer barque Patria, Jhus, Russia, Paterson, Downing & Vo. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Russia Ger barque Patria 3,517 bbls rosin. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JUNE 14, 1889 Cotton ashore, 539; afloat, 27; total, 566. Spirits ashore, 2,143; afloat, 583; to tal. 2.725. Rosin ashore, 26,321; afloat, 3,415; total. 29.736. Tar ashore, 2,964; afloat, 535; total, 3,499. Crude ashore, 575. RECEIPTS FROM JUNE 7 TO JUNE 14. Cotton, 74; spirits, 1,917; tar, 494; crude, 657; rosin, 5,846. EXPORTS FROM JUNE 7 TO JUNE 14 DOMESTIC. Cotton. 92; spirits, 803; rosin, 694;tar, 1,267; crude, 692. FOREIGN. Rosin. 8,438; spirits, 2,150. Lemons. 30 BOXES LEMONS, 500 LBS. DKlET APPLES, 3,000 SHINGLES, lO TUBS NEW BUTTER. Clears and Tobacco. For sale cheap. CHAS. F. BKOVVNE, Agt, 128 North Water St.. Wilmington, N. C. my 25 ti d&w (Star copy.) For Sale. JLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUK i DrT at REVIEW OFFICE own pr'Sfat auer Glean Bill of Health.; rinERE HAS BEEN NO DISEASE WHAT- ever among the horses in my stables, and its thorough healtnruiness and sanitary condi tion are amply attested by the subjoined certi ficate from Dr. Wray. Respectfully, R. C. ORRELL. WILMINGTON, N. C, April 16, This is to certify that I nave inspected for Glanders the horses ana muies ownea ana in charge of R. C. orrell. Said animals found In a healthy condition and free from any conta glon. stables were found In a good sanitary condition. W. H. WRAY, D. V. apl 17 tf U. S. Inspector. Wilmington Seacoast R.R o N AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 17TH, the Wilmington Seacoast Trains will run to and from the Atlantic Coast Line Depot. The Time table will be as follows: From Wilmington. Leave 6:00 a. m Leave 9:30 a. m Leave 2:30 p. m Leave 5:00 p. m Leave 7:15 p. m From Hammocks. Leave 7:45 a. m. Leave 11:05 a. m. Leave 4:00 p. m. Leave 6:10 p.m. Leave 9:20 p.m. Ths 7.15 P. M. Train, will be known as the "Supper Train." The 2:30 P. M. Train is daily, and on Sunday this train will leave the Hammocks at 7:20 P M J. Rj NOLAN, je 15 tf Gen'l Manager. Summer B ard. jpLEASANT COUNTRY BOARD, TWO miles from Llncolnton. Dally mail. One free visit to Llncolnton dally, if desired. Table satisfactory, with abundant supply of Meats, vegetables and Fruit. Cool, pleasant rooms. $20 per month. Cbll- dren less. Address f ' MRS. J. M. RICHARDSON, ' je 12 tf Woodside, Llncolnton, N. C. Browns Beach Restaurant -AND - , , '-4; BATH HOUSES. J WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the public that my Restaurant and Bath Houses on Wrightsville Beach, opposite the Hummocks, are now open and ready for the accommodation of all who may favor me with their patronage. Pig Fish, Sort Shell Crabs and Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains. The Uath Houses arc clean, well ventilated and supplied with fresh water, clean towels and careful attendants. A call is solicited. Respectfully, my 22 tf K. E. L. BROWN. MISCELLANEOUS. H R. C. Orrell AS A LOT OF SECONDiHANDJ BUGIB Horses and Vehicles for hire and horses boarded at low rates by the day, week or month, wm try hart to please. I still have a very One Hearse for funeral oc- CaSl0DS- K. C. ORRELL, Livery and Sale Stables, jan 25 tf corner Third and Princess sts. 600 PIGFISH ALIVE IN MY COOPS AT Atlantic View, WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C. Board by the Day, Week and Month. ED. WILSON MANNING, fe o'tf Proprietor. To the Public. E WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN nounce to the public that our Restaurant Is now open and ready for the accommodation of all who favor us with their patronage. Pie Fish, Crabs, Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains. Fresh Cool Beer always on hand. Restaurant within one hundred yards of Switchback, my 30 HEWLETT CO. For Sale. 1 000 LBS" OLD TYPE MfiTAL clban saA In good condition. Will he sold cheap Apply at mylTtf T2IS0F7JC3. NEW YORK OBSERVER. ESTABLISHED ZZV 183 The Oldest and Best - Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors; Special Cor respondents at Home and Abroad; Stories, Reviews, Condensed News, Departments for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional Men Students, Boys and Girls. This year the Observer will pub lish more than FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, and the . ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col umns. Poets and prose writers, an thors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the col umns ef the Observer, and it wil give fifty-two unexcelled papers in the coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen1 $2. 00 a year. Great Inducements for 1888 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub scriber, for ONE DOLLAR. 2. Any subscriber sending his own subscrip tlon for a year In advance and a new subscri ber with $5.00, can have a copy of the '-Iren 8bus Letters." or "The Life of Jerry McAuley.' 3. We will send the OBSERVER for the re mainder of this year, and to January 1, 1889. to any new subscriber sending us his name and address and $3.00 In advance. To such subscri ! bers we will also give either the volume of 'Irenoeus Lttters" or "The Life of Jerry Mc Auley.'" Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal ter Large commissions. Sample c Sree. Address, s New York Obsnih t, NEW YORK Scribner's Magazine For 188. The publishers Of SORIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make It the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its high literary character. 25,(00 new readers nave been drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes its second year witn a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and notulug to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially Interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." Ilhistratea. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel "The Master of Ballantcae," will run through the greater part of the year. Begun in November. A OORWESPONDRNOR . and nnllfif.flnn n manuscript memoirs relating to J. P. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters M . j . . wui luruisu uie buusLtmue or several articles. Iinisttmrrrl.. The brief end Daners written last wnr hr Robert Louts Stevenson, will r rpninrvwi iw equally interesting contributions by dlffere t famous autnors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aidricb will write the first of them for the January li u mot i . Many valuable LITERARY articles win appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of wore, illustrated rrom original mss., a second 1i11.k1J .M l T . 1 11 ., 1 a w -r oiitiii ui i ui nuuKH." iiv jvirs. .lamps ' Hioina and many other articles equally noteworthy', iinxsiraiea Articles on art subjects win tw utAihiiw Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence cook, jk. a. uiasniieid, Austin Dobson and many otners. luustratea PISHING ARTICLED ripsmnl no- annrt in tha mmmmmmm mm fcV. V 1A IUV woo uouiux giuunua win appear. oaimOD. vy iiiniiiiaii, rsass ana l arpon are tne SUbiectS now arranged. The authors are weU known spoixsmen. illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety. wiuuuijk upuu an luuiuicr oi suDjects, travel, wvKiayiyr, ucbunpuuu, etc., win appeaa, out not of the conventional commonplace sort. Amoncr thp most frtorost.i riff in Hid Ha- r4 m . ...w-w wiiig M HOI KJL auiv aiuuie oy rroL JonD Trowbridge. uDon tne most recent developments and uses of rnuiwKAnijt. Illustrated. a ciass or articles which has proved ofspe JJ a K1UUU JL papera upon jsiisuTKiuiTY mits most recent aDDliCations. bv pminnnt onthnviMAo. partable paper on DEEP MINING, and other unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OPP-RR ZJfAn lnclude Railway Art! WVWf MM AVUV WW O . A year's subscrlDtlon nwas an tva bers for 1888. . ' . ... .vr ' M rj1 ZZZFfsnP110 1889 and the nuin'- .ui xooo, uuunuin ciotn 6,00 3 a year ; 25 cents a number. Charles Scribner's Sons, 743-746 Broadway, N.Y. Valuable LandsloFSaTe. QS TRACT or HMD. 1.TINO ONK mile from .in.nin tnr. xt ( . . acres. 5S acreT cleTrea- ZD1 but gives good crop, for aU grains HaTa HmI muiu thAnv. t. "I J1 r18 as a L 72 www, Aan nir.Korv. wii iim uereu. ' " Another trar.t Ivintr oil 1 . . e "u 5S5 LfPPly 9 16 tf A ,.2"" h MISCELLANEOUS. IBCELLANBo Embroidery, Flouncing. LaceiT o ' c, Just received to day a larjre assortment of Wide arm xr EDGES AND INSERTIONS. Dd Nav Black Silk Flouncing and Nets; -o New and Elegant Mattings! Will JU1UICU auu my wprw j. ttLierilg SLJ A LARGE LOT OP POLES Imitation Walnut and Oh per set. This is extremely low and includes rings and h,.?1? SUNSHADES & UMBRELLAS -24, 26 and 28 in. at 1 WINDOW SI je 17 . II I t C k. Thaoa -nra ora colling Cm 1 UffDt "1 m m m m j 1 1 t 1 , tt 1 At a -J i j-f ft r t . , . i ; rn 1 v ctrff snrinors NAPIEK MATTINGS For offices and rooms. soniP nu. r. ! mcantire NORTH FRONT STpL : - - - "or. BENOVATING I RENOVATING! REN0?Iil!j ariag OppoHi e City Hall. SPKINGS NaDK TO (MtOEtt PILLOWS WAD! TO OKDER iMDK TO OKDEkl MAT I UKHSES MADE TO ORDRu A.J-JL, 3SH2STT3S 1 D .iii't : Foraret : the : Nnme, 3e 11 tf Opposite City Haj, Manufacturing I Manufacturing ! Manufact ! GREAT SALE OF Parasols, Sunshades. Fans, Hats. Corsets, TTn.TifllrAvr."hiATG .t AT M MAW AT Y fc MmmW MMUUnT AmumY mwrnrnw mkmmf AummW AT MMUY F I Amw mmm akuuW mT JmuumT AmmuT v BUM M mT mmmm m . r' 9MmW BAZAAR, 118 Market Street, - - - - WilminfftoD, 8.1 Carolina Beach Hotel. -o- rpHE carolina;beach hotel, at the famous waterlngiplace of that name, 18 NOW OPEN and ready for tne reception of guests. - Liberal rates toy tne day, week or month. Bill of Pare unexceptionable. Good rooms,' comfortable beds and first class attendants. FISH MEALS .ready on arrival of every train B L. PEBBY. 9 my 31 lm Proprietor. Shaves for the Million. JOHN WERNER, THE GERMAN BARBER, toegs to inform his friends and patrons that he still holds forth at the old stand, nextVloor to the Northwest corner of Market and Front streets. Parties from the country visiting the city are invited to give me a call. Clean tow els, sharp razors and first class barbers are our tooast. Respectfully, JOHN WERNER Je 8 The German Barber. The AMERICAN ' . - - ... MAGAZINE. Beautifully Illustrated. 25 ck, $3 YeaF. ITS SOOPKA-THE AMERICAN MA scenes and Its literature and art are of th 2wi .Faous American writer mi its pages with a wide variety of interest ing sketches of travel and adventure Srial and snort stories, descriptive iSinS' of our foremost nrnhinm m JJr, jinrr UK u4r this Magazine is Itw' u'm "PS F -rfM. vuvuuitvi VJi Tt. i i,"!1. i nR and Progress. tukHuT rnXoV T? . J - prtas ana puouc to TTTP. WFlF.rTT.Y HEBA ONE DOLLAR A YfcAB 380 KEEP POSTED ON TEE News of the Entire WorH SUBSCRIBE FOR THE New York Weekly Herii o . i i It is and will continue to w y Greatest and Ckfapest Fily lm IN THE UNITED STATES. ..Atoaa f n be flfl Tne coming year jhvuuw wlJ stirring events. tvto . of sues into the political arena JJfV ed b, a change of Adnj great; economic quebwuu - d Itf paign turned is stni nnws ess equallv divided between tfle'Jn Europe is a vast the frontiers, and millions of men o n r I V.k mnet. t.ltflntiC War IW Ojyiiai 1U1 DUV Jvv v- ever seen. .iitni The HBBALD's news-gaUierlng unequaiiea. 1 w w i "f" lance, and no expense is sparea the results of their efforts before u readers. i meg si mm I HI I) Or t.HIl t A Spectmen Number, with iw5JEnio, x UI' Illustrated Premium' List, ST.S.cfl InOueements In Cash or Valuable oJi ,,r V- .V :?. ars, win oe sent on re ceipt of lac., if this paper ls mentioned. W ResnonnlhlA Sih,3i Jb8rlpUons- Write once for exeiuave territory. Address. . . THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., I fill Hrin T. . . 1 . - ..iwaivwinajr. mw ALL THE NEWS OF A" will be found each weelf in the SJ9' ltS FOREIGN FABTMB nt t&e Ml i will contain a panorama , w flashed under the sea over me COMMEBCIALJ'- Special r- Practical Farming, crience, wi lrogress m yavid 1 Notable Pulpit Uttemu j INFORMATION -gfT. Address, JAMES GORDON ONWARD IS THE .,.tvivK FAR & THIRD VOLUME at the M i subscriber, i y - ;; 10 subscribers, iJl V' one One copy, 1 year, i-v club ot ten. 4rtAAllimns weeWT Eight pages columns," . we si

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