- mm : MUM Absolutely Pure. This rowder never vanes, a marvel of pu rity. strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be oiri m vttnnfririnn with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or Phosphate powders. SUA! incaZs. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 26 d&wjy tcnrw 4thpd 3rdpw . T2a Daily Review. MONDAY, JULY 1, 1889. 'STATE NEWS. Concord Times: The Bost Mill -people are weighing the matter of putting up a $25,000 factory for the manufacture of wagons, plows, har rows, &c. It will be a joint stock company. Prof. F.1 B. Brpwii, the excellent principal of Euoch'ville High School, has been granted the privilege of a European trip by the Board of Trustee?. Thecase of Mrs. J. F. Green against the.' Valley Mutual Life Insurance Coiupany has been compromised. Mm Green received $1,000, the amount of the. policy being $5,000. -More apri cots have been sold our market this year than any previous, in faot many of the oldest inhabitants-say they have never seen them brought in by the sack full before. Shelby New JJra: The case of J. itT ri c n 4.1. : i. , Commissioners of Cleveland county, the Massachusetts and Southern Construction Company and the three Cs Railroad Company, was settled on Wednesday by a "ompro iuise. This suit was brought by Mr. Goforth to invalidate the bonds issued bv Cleveland county to the I three rC's Railroad. The case has! been in court for.nearly four years. The United States Court, in which the holders of the bonds had brought suit for payment of the in terest, gave judgment against the County Commissioners for the. amount of interest due. The coin f promise effected yesterday settles all itigation over the bonds. , Cnarlotte Nevjs: Lee. Adams, a painter of this city, was knocked from the Richmond & Danville track last night and badly broken up. Adams sat down on- the side of the track at the Eighth street crossing, bowed his' head between his knees and went to sleeD. ' The vard ensrine came along, backing, and the tender knocked Adams to the ditch. He was picked up in an unconscious condition, but soon regained his senses, tie was sent to his Home ; where Dr. Gibbon attended him. His left arm was broken, his thigh dislocated, and besides that he was J badly bruised. - There was a j ireHienuuus raiuiaii m iuwu lu-uuy. Up to 12-O'dock noon Signal Officer Bronson reported the exact raiafall to amount to 3.73 inches. The rain- fall at 8 a. m. was 1.63 inches,SO that S.1 inches fell fco 8 to 12 o'clock. u. Ju. isusbee, or counsel ror JJr. Sion Rogers and Mr. John W. Thompson, in the Dr. Grissom in vestigation, yesterday morning with drew from the case, leavinsr it solelv in the hands of Mr. Spier WhitakerJ as -counsel. Reports were re . ceived here yesterday .that streams"', were up to a high point and still 1 ruint i Ir. is prnpctpn tliAt nmnh I It is expected that damage to bridges will he reported, j The $33,000 of 8 per cent, marked ; house bonds of the city of Raleigh I will be due July 1st, which is to-J mni..Aur ori nAi , w f nAn - 1- t .7. . the commissioner of the sinking fund, ' win redeem them tion at the Citizen's upon presenta National Bank. The sale of the $25,000 of street 1U1- provement bonds was eftected yes terday in short order. Two letters had already been received from j ' Have Yom a Cough ? Baltimore parties asking at what j Attend to it in time-do not uex pnee the bonds could be purchased..: l.nt.iffnrif.nin viomoC1iA..ei An offer of 107.02 had already been : made by oue of the-parties Mayor , Thompson telegraphed them that bouds could be bought nt 107.25; and that the . first response would secure the purchase of the bonds. The first response was from Gus I tavus Ober, of Baltimore, who said ke would Uike the bonds at the price mentioned. He is the same party who took. the consolidated debt bonds. The bonds were ao cordingly closed out 'to Mr. Ober. The $75,000 of sewerage improve ment bonds have not yet been of f ered for sale. "Oh! where shall rest be foundr" The worn out mother sighs; .Stockings to mend, and trousers to I darn, -, Dishes to wash, and butter to churn,. While my back feels to break, and head and heart burn, And life is a constant friction. The summer came and .went. The matron no longer sighs; -Elastic her step, and rounded cheek, her Work seems but play, life , I- sweet, ; And the change was made short week js now in one By Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. r Positive remedy for those derange- znents,irregularities and weaknesses so common to womankind. T?nf iiAi-fnrrlf on Banner: affray took place in Sulphur Spring township on waturaayias uci-nrcu, Win. Brissoe, one or two of tne j Himicatt ana others. Several parties were badly bruised, but Hunicutt received the most se rious injurv, being cat -badly in the t,iA ; tsticfcleira Aruio Salve The Bes'r Saive in the world I fori Cuts, Bruises, Sores, TTl Salt tlhenui. i-i c?- Tf nviorw. " r hSJ r!hm,LainOorrW.andall kin Eruptions,, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, ins guar anteed to irive oerfect satisfaction, r monev refunded. Price 25 cents nr box. For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. LEMON KLIXIK A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billiousnefis and constipation, take Lemon Elixir; For indigestion and foul stomach. take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches. take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility. take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chffls . and malaria, take Lemon Elixir Lemon El sir will notail you in nnv of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. I - Prepared only by Dr. H.. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. : Fifty cents and 1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. . A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great, suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. m th s Rkv. C. C. Davis, . Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. - LOCAL 3STEWS. The regulanmonthly meeting of the Board of Managers of the Pro duce Exchange will be held to mor rw. Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon 2.90 inches of rain had f illen. The es- i tiiuate is that at least 2.50 incfies fell between 12:40 p. m. and 1:40 p.m. Harbor JVIaster'a.Report. V Capt. Jos .Price, Harbor Master, reports the following arrivals for the month of June: ... American 7 steamers, 6,377 tons; 20 schooners, 5,617 tons. Total - 27 vessels. and 11,994 tons. Foreign 6 barques, 2,649 tons. Total American and Foreign, 33 vessels and 14,643 tons. American History. The Magazine of A merican History opens its July number the begin ning of its twenty-second volume with a spirited Story of the Wash ington Centennial," illustrated in the .most unique and picturesque fashion. The excellent paper is written by the editor, who could not be otherwise than entertaining, and the truthful pictures 1 of the scenes are rendered loubly. attractive and valuable through the admirable por traits of the distinguished charac ters in our national life of todav appearing in them, 0r the Mississippi" "The Discovery is the second paper in this beautiful number. "Washington aud William the Si- lent a Parallel,'? is an ably written nnd readable artifilft .Tiido-TvktHnn contributes the second ;rt'of hu interesting and informing account of "The Last Twelve Days of Major Andre." General .'Alfred E. Lee writes a vigorous and entertaining paper, entitled "Some Glimpses of Holland." There is a clever sketch of Hon. Robert C. Wiuthrop, and a short paper on Colonel William. B. CJ....H. i l t x.i. u,,t" ju-iuw ui joim Adams. There ar other short artU cles, and the Notes furnish fresh . , . ,,- ... . , , and curious data. The editorial and atl the departments maintain their high character. It is a brilliant umber Throughout. Price $5.00 a year. Published at 743 Broadway, New York. end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lunsrs. For sale i by Munds Brothers. PROMPTNESS. I First a cold, then a cough, then Consumption, then death. "I took . Dr. Acker's English Remedy for consumption the moment I began i to cough and I believe it saved my I 1?. --WT ... - I lie. WALTKR j. WALLACB, Wasll- ington. Munds JBros., druggists. ' Don't Buy 1 JJNTIL YOU GET TO PRINCES STRBET Depot, as I keep a fine assortment of cigars. Cigarettes and Tobacco; also Cool Milk, Soda Water, Ginger Ale, Ac Try me. JeSHw H. L. DEANS. Orrell's Stables, QORNER THIRD AND PRINCESS STS., are well equipped with everything necessary in a first class Livery and Sales Stables. " i Good horses and comfortable vehicles and careful dil vers ready on demand. . Fine accommodations for the keep of horses. Rates as low as can be found elsewhere. Give us a call and we will do our best to please you. - - v . R. C. ORRELL, Je29tt Proprietor. 1 1 m r 1 COHMEBCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET, f " July 1.-2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 34 cents sales oi receipts aij centF... ROSIN Dull strained and bO at 75 cents for cents5 for good -strained. . -.lu. V.-" ' i r '-- TAR Firm at $1.60: . i CRUDE TURPENTINE Finn ax 90c lor nara, ior yenow mo ana viririu CUTTUJN uiet at the follow ing Quotations: Ordinary, 7; good ordinarv 9i low middling. 10 1-16; middling 10J; good middling 11. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamship Benefactor, Tribou, New York. H GSmallbones. - Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. CLEARED. Steamer Cap Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. For Sale. 14 HEAD OF FINK VIRGINIA . HOUSES can be seen at U. C. Orreli's Livery Stables, corner Tnlrd and i-rlncess streets. i Je28 3t C. W. GHIFFIN. ISLAND BEAOH H0TBL, AT THE rpnis HOTEL IS NOW OPEN FOR THE AC 1 commodatlon of the public, and the Propri etors will be pleaded to entertain their guests. With several years' experience at one of the leading: resorts of the North. "Bay Ridge Ho tel." on the Chesapeake Bay. Maryland, we feel confident we canfupply the long: felt want of the public here. The cuisine department of our Hotel is one of the leading features, i Rates $3.00 per day. , Tne uaie is now open ana guenis can get Meals on the European Plan. Fish Suppers at the Cafe a specialty, and Meals 50 cents. Respectfully soliciting the patronage or tne public, we remain xtesueuuuiijr, HORACE PLA.TT & CO., jesotf Proprietors. 1889 ; 1889 THE WEEKLY HERALD C)NFI IOM,Alt A Yi AK TO KEEP POSTED ON THE 1' ' News of the Entire World SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ! i York1 Weekly Herald It is and will-continue to be Greatest and Ckfapest Family Joarial INTHE UNITED STATES. O- ' Tne coming year promises to be crowded with stirring events. In the United States the entrance of new is sues into the political arena has been follow ed by a change of 'Administration. But the great economic question on which the cam paign turned is still unsettled, ana its solu tion is now committed to a concrress almost equally divided between the two great parties. Europe is a vast camp. Army corps patrol the frontiers, ancl millions of men await the signal for the most tltantlc war the world has ever seen. The Herald s news-satherine machinery is unequalled. Its correspondents dotthehabl table globe Nothing can escape their vigi lance, and no expense is spared in spreading the results of their efforts before the Herald's readers. I tO " ALL THE NEWS OF AMERICA will be found each weelr in the Herald, while its FOREIQN FARTMENT will contain a panorama of the Old orld nasneu under the sea over the COMMERCIAL CABLES. Special Features. Practical Farming, j Progress in Science, Woman's work, iNuiauu? I'uipii u iterances, Literature ;and Art, Stories by our Best Authors INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Address, JAMES GO RDON New dec 14 BENNETT, York Herald. New York city. 1889 tt rper's Magazine. illustrated; Harper's Maoazikk is the most useful, en tertaining and beautiful periodical in the world. Amonsr the attrn.rMrms for 1SQ will lv a new novel an American story, entitled "Ju piter lagnts" oy Constance F. wooison: mu t rations or Shakespeare's Comedies by E. A. Abbey; a series of articles on Russia, illustra ted Dy t. ue Thuistrup; papers on the Domin ion or Canada and a characteristic serial by vuiw R,a uuuiey vvarner; tnree 'Norwegian Studies.?'by Blornstlerne Blornson lilnstrntArt. "Commodus." a historical play by the author of Ben-Hur," illustrated by J. R. Weguelln. etc x ne isutonai Departments are conducted t George William Curtis, William Dean Howel and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPERS' PERIODICALS! PBR YKAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE... .... HARPER'S WEEKLY.. ARPER'S BAZAR. ,1......'.. .....4 00 4 00 4 00 IflARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. . 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers Ssaltx, Canada or Mexico. in tTte Unite The volumes of the Magazine beein with th wSmi no time is ceffoTo6 NDJr n Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neatcfoth wV&S. sent by mall, posunald. on rwirt:? per volume. Cloth Cases for hi mnZ IX JMir each by mall post paid. , 6 inoex wj uarper s Magazine, AlphabeUcal Analytical and Classified, for voir, rtP' inclusive, from June, 1850, to June. issYone voL, 8vo. Cloth, $4 oa v - - - ' "aa one Remittances should be made by Post-nm Money Order or DrafC to avoid chance at) Ski Newspapers are motto copy this aacertisemrn? without the express order of Harper & Brother Address - HARPER BBXtTttERS? WW . . , . NewYork MISCELLANEOUS. White Goods. WE HAVE A LARGE - STOCK OF WHITE 1 . - " GOODS, AND , :"-'! Propoefe to Sell Them. To effect this, liberal-concessions will be made in prices. They have been placed on the coun ter and must be sold. - "4V - : we show" a variety of FORTY DIFFERENT STYLES in from the tiny hair cord check tor Infants, to tne largest naiu. i We show Twenty Different kinds of - PLAIN GOODS, from 6c. to 60c. per yard, i i - ... .' r Embroidered FlounciDgs, im-swciied nmmy Embroidered Pique & Pique Skirtings j our stock is complete and worth the atten tion of buyers. The Ladles are respect tally invited to can. JNO. J. HEDItlCK. my27tf . :i and bsigi MY LOT OF NEW GOODS, The Finest Ever Brought to the City JUST THE FINEST AND J - ' : (. . ;- Purest Butter ... -y , , Ever Brought to this Market. Put up in One Pound Print?. Can't helo but nlease the most fas tidious. Never affected by the warm weather, as it is kept continuously On ice. Call and buy a pound and you will have no.other. .- r 1 ; . ii ' ' - ; A NEW LOT OF OUR j i Celebrated , Flour JUST RECEIVED. ' Jno. L. Boatwright, . U. 15 tt 17 saFront St. Making Room for Fall Goods VITBILE OUR STORE IS BEING En larged and remodeled' we will close out bal ance of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices. ' Brown Linen Vests 70c, White Linen ,Vcsts 75c, Alpaca Coats $L00 to $4.00, 200 Casslmere Pants fB.00 to $4.50, French Percale shirts; at 75c worth $L25 STRAW HATS at less than cost. Must be sola. ; Je 27 lm 20 Market Street. Cape Pear House. jl FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT HAS BEEN opened at the terminus of the Ocean View R. it. Fresn Pignsh, ciams and Beer always on hand. In connection with our Restaurant we have a first class Dining Room for our white customers. Give us a call and we guarantee to give you entire satisfaction je 22 am -o- GO TO B, E. PENNY, No. llO Market Street, TO BUY YOUR C loth i n g f H at o AND ' j Furnishing Goods. In order to make room for my Fall and Win ter Goods, I am now offering my entire . stock of goods at from 10 to 15 per cent, less than any other house can or win sell them. CaU at once and secure Bargains. B. FrPEWWY. je26tf T' THE CLOTHIER, To the Public. TTTE WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN- nounce to the public that oor Restaurant is now open and ready for the accommodation of all who favor us with their patronage. Pie Fish, Crabs.) &C, Br aTwaTs on Sani SJiS onnTOt'hbicirant witMn rMilT nn iIia oii.ii . .t .... -le29 r'.aJyi For Sale. fVLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUR own price at " - c RJEVTRW mrtrrnv .. a MISCELLAUEOUa; . ; I:vill removc:Qn Monday to the building at " ri7:Princepo 0U9 IBetween trie'Bank of New Hanoyer:and the Star Oft; Respectfully, ' G B S AT v S A X, E Parasols, Sunshades, i. -. i . i - - ... .- ' . Faris.'Hats. BAZA A R, 118 Market Street, - - Carolina Beach Hotel. -o- 'JHE CAROLINA:BEACn HOTL, AT TnE famous watering place of tliat nait, '. T IS SOW OPBff : and ready for the reception of guests. " l - . - i Liberal rates by the day, week r mnth. Rill nf Fflffl UTifiYPPntinnnhlo fi rrui rftnina comfortable beds and first class attendants. ' ii ' - - : FISH .MEALS .ready on arrival of every train j ; B L. PBKRY, my 21 lm ' Proprietor; Shaves for the Millions JOHN WERNEli, THE GERMAN BARBER, begs to Inform his friends and patrons that he stiU holds forth at the old stand, next door to i the; Northwest corner of Market, and Front. streets. Parties rrom the country visiting the city are invited to give me a calL Clean tow els, sharp razors and first class barbers are our boast. Respectfully, JOHN WERNER, Je 8 - The German Barber. - Brown's Beach Restaurant AND BATH HOUSES. J WOULD RESPECTFULLY . ANNOUNCE to the public that my Restaurant and Bath Houses on Wrlghtsville Beach, epposite the Hummocks, are now open and ready for the accommodation of aU who may favor -jne with their patronage. , Pig Fish. Soft Shell Crabs and Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains. - The Bath Houses arc clean, well ventilated and supplied with fresh water, clean towels and careful attendants. A call is solicited. Respectfully, - my 22tf R. E. L. BROWN. Brimliil(l,Sinioii& Co., ; , Importers and Jobbers in . , Liquors, Cigars & Tobacco, 111 N. Front St., ' ' -" '' - . v WILMINGTON, N. C, , Sole Agents for the best 5c. and 10c. CIGARS v in the Market, - - . - The ' ' Vindex" and ' 'Reina Maria." Sole Agents for JJOTTLED WINES from the Royal Hungarian Government - - Wine cellars, v : Finest Brands of Straight and Blended WHIS KEYS from anywhere to be found at our place. -, . - , SOUTHERN STAR RYE;..,- .' " BOUQUET RYE, " "", I je 20 tf ' 1 K AINET. Summer Board OLEASANT COUNTRY BOARD, - TWO miles from Llncointon. Dally mail. One-free visit to Lincolnton dally, if desirei i '.C: Table satisfactory, with abundant supply oi Meats, Vegetables and Fruit. - Cool, pleasant rooms. $20 rr montlo Chil dren less. Address '.; MRS- RICHARDSON, . Woodslde, Lincolnton, N. C. Jel2tf Lawn fUIower GV QARDEN HOEW, RAKES, l SrRINK- aboSSS4"1 AttacIim! attorn' aTj120rf - WJB. SPRINGER A CO'd, T apisotr 14 Froat gt,? Wilmington, n.c ManuCaoturer arid Renovator of xr ' i-- ' - Vl attreRs I :; '- - K : Wilminetnn. N n . Jf " - Glassware. 1 I1AVRTV STnPU iwnmA v., x v Aitni) jc UYE8 sola.T10'Isla'1 "' Qla""tiimiie m North Wtl,F-SA in rt tf rt tr-m -i ' v. pCEAW VIEW i - . ' t rn ' - - ''...' Switchback Station I rjriHE; UNDERSIGNED WOULD INF0KI lunwia ly HiiguLovmc, UUC 112UIUD0CCS Bull Ocean View, that her dining BOOMS at Sjvltchback Station are now open for the ac- commodatlon of guesta, and that ao pains will uo spareu 10 give sausiacuon to au wno vui patronize her tables. i ' Meals at all hours and at living prices. , Special arrangements made with large partio. Her experience for several seasons at "Tie Rocks" affords guarantee that every eton ; will be made to please. je 27 lm ; MRS, W. E. MAYO. : SOMETHING NKWI A SMALL LOT OF Parisian Outing CIotW COMPOSED PRINCIPALLY OP WOOL . 1 - A Very Fine Fabric In . ; . ' NEAT PATTERNS Handsome Colori - VERY DESIRABLE FOR - , SEASIDE "WBAB Nothing to equal them in tie Wilmington Seacoast B.B. r u m ON AN O AFTER MONDAY V ' - , trill fU the Wilmington seacoast ffv& -. ana JrOT:iae a--- ..-. xnc Time laDie wm " -'- - ; From Wilmington. Leave........ 6:00 a. m Leave........tfl:30a.m Leave....... 12:30 p. m Leave........ '5)0 p. m v .lln tr Leave.. Leave Timl Leave Leave.-r-U-r LI"! n. iip ArTrlin will be tno 18 :SuppetTraln. fa andong - A Alv 4wu A this train wll leave P..3L Tne zzu r. au it, nammoco - r. ftJ4V - - S.JLN Q Valuable LandTfur1 ONIC TRACT OF htSD, mile from Lincolnton, N. for V icrea. 53 acre clcarea. "jg. I butfrfvea good crops tor an fine ,prg, tmch runnlnir thwart rU i a ew acrea of bottom land on c W acrea in wood, oak aoa w . Mother tract ton. M nilJC, from C. JVS cleared, fine .aprinz of oK Serf six acres of bottom land neai i othcr or is No. 1 for- tobacco, bat gro d well; WAcrcs in yeUOTT pljj Vmchlfitt AucrrKeI&tw .