THIS FAi- - we wui to siaa torccaT3, c;lizii!tit tnr from oxtftricsca ca-fcsy uks ka reject a , -gekerai injwcsfites". ' . ' - The namaCt t&9 irtltsr must always toe fur nishe4tayiesmpr; . . "- commTUUcattcaaCciTist .te mitteo on tut one side OIU18 Barer. :,:"-'r.- "- ..'personaQ3nsiji)o"aTCi2sa.: ; : , . ' Ana it is essJCCIaUMfi! ptlcuiariy unaer stood mat the Editor Qcca not Always ennorss the Yiewa ot corre?p6n(Senta' unless bo' stated in the editorial ccitmnst . " ' - : ; Sf I'" Tin?TAGS PAID. . months $2.00. Three Six t,:1e month, 3j cents. i ty carriers, tree h'i lit: i - - rUie city, at the above '"' .r 0 ' per I lacana liberal. rates VOL XII I. please report any . WILMINGTON, N, C, TUESDAY, JULY 23,1889. NO 172, will rir paper. regularly. Tie few sc.'V !' . . the taai elegant form . EUXAT1YE AKHJTR1TI0U8 JUICE FIGS Of CALIFORNIA, r-VrTed wtli the medicinal of plains known to be :S beneficial to the Human tfU fonairig an agreeable lieictivc laxative to pernm Ja' cure Habitual Consti ,nd the many ills de- pending on a weat or uwwuvc snditiosofthe BHDS,liERBD BOWELS. i.j-.-o.; cs.cllent remedy known to UWniiESrSTLM EFFECTUALLY Vhta cr.e is Eilious or Constipated iHr PHKELC03, RaFRECHIKQ 6LBGP, HEALTH a STRENGTH NAT JRALjLY FOLLOW. Everyone is usiug-it and all are flighted with it. . ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR I MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA-FIG SYRUP CO. $AS FRASCISCO, CAL. WWME. Kf. KtW YORK. N. Y- For sale by BOHEKT K. HS-:ijl.Al ' WHOLESALE DKL'CGIST, ncaailydiw ilmington, u. Khenmatiia and Catarrh. Rheumatism ;md catniTh are both blood seises, la many sever eases tliey have M.'dto treatment with U. B. li. (Botanic ooa Balin). made fey Blood Balm Co., At knta. Write for book of convincing njofo. .vorfree. K.i,v,A!Lui(u, ia., &IJ-3: "Mr wile .aeitarrli aid noJlUuj did Uer any good. rcotatiratlon finally railed and poison got o her Mood, I placed ier on a use -ol B. B . and :o isy surprise ner recovery Avas rapid 1 wmpiefe." , w. p. McDiiiiel. Atlanta, (ia., writes: "I juciiemai iated and had rheumatism so J I could not n-et alonj? without crutches. 1 -olud neuralgia in the head. First class sieunsdid iae no good. Then I tried I. B. arifiits offsets were masrical. 1 cheerfully "CKKnd it as a j,-ood tonic and quick cure.'" irs MitMa Nichols. Knoxville. Tenn.. f-tes: I had catarrh six years-and a most resLEj-eougii. and my eyes were much run Five bottles of B. B. B., thank God ! air. itol lavis. Tyler, Texas, writes: "1 was v number ot years to spells of lntiam- i.tnaak heaven, has entirely cured. I Ktnoueituie slightest naln sinco ' 0CEaI view piNnsra- rooms AT itclibick Station ! K rSDERsiyxED WOULD 1HF01OI ors to wrijiitsviiic, the rjammocks and a Vipw. that lu-r DINING KOOMS at ttJiacs.STa'iftn .Jro nriw open for the ac- -laiian ct u-sts, aad that, no pains will arIina Beach Hotel. "''AEArU HOTEL, AT THE -b ruce ci that n;me. IS SOW OPEN or tHe ' recepii0a of guests. J,fcy the day. week or month. 4-ittK"'pV,0nable. Good rooms $ n MEt, aa1 nrst class attendants. ?iaiy on arrival of every train fill L.PBBUY-, Proprietor. Tj'V1 mowers 9 f K110 liAI &c., SPIlINK. 'i Attachments. Bottom P. C"T,. nor Rnrrt . LV- - . ' - - frQQlJ yt-NTKY BOARD, TWO "iih abundant supply of tilt nor mnnvii - cii n lress e, Uncointon, N. C. I'- Km- ! ri?r,i , i milGe wlin lar9 parties. VeIOr st'veral seasons at 'kTlic :nSiryantoc lUat eveiy effort Ll M1S. W. K MAYO. . Congressman Russell, of Connecticut-, thinks i that Read, -of Maine will! be the next speaker of the House. uarehist Braunschweig calls An- f archist Most an 'autocrat'- and cor- ruptionist.,,i Just Kyhat Most calls I raunsch weig does'nt appear on the ; record. About: one sixth of the population of New York deserted the city last Sunday and hied themselves to some pleasure.resort. According to the Herald just 99,837 people went out of the townon that dav. Governor Buckner recently de clined to furnish a copy of the Con stitution of Kentucky to be filed with an Exhibit at the Paris Exposi tion, because, according to that Con stitution, slavery appears to be stiH existing in the Commonwealth. Jay Gould, is credited with the in tention of forming a great railroad trust. There will 'be . 23 Western roads in the pool. Jay is credited with having remarked that' the Inter-State Commerce bill was 'merely., the stepping stone to the formation of a trust.1' ' - -i: The entire State is beingbilted for a grand firemen's tournament, which' is to be held in Raleigh on Awgust 13 aud 14. Til ere' will be engine contests, reel racing and horse hose carriage racings with other attac tions. The railroad rates will be lower than ever before. . , Leo XIII is 82 years old butBishop Keaue savs that when he saw him in Rome in March he was the pic ture of health, stout, robust and active. The Bishop thinks lie may live many years yet. Cardinal New man is 92 years old and has just re tired from the active" performance of his duties. Connecticnt will be the next State to vote on prohibition. An amend ment to the Constitution will be voted on in October, and its defeat is regarded as a foregone conclusion. The press of the State is almost un animously against it, and it is fair to presume that the-press repre sents the popular feeling. The assessment of the city of Nashville, Tenn., for this year shows an increase of a million of dollars in property value over last -year's as sessment. This is an excellent show ing. Nashville is increasing rapidly in population and business, its man. ufacturiug industries especially be ing prosperous. In addition, it is becoming the educational centre of the great Southwest. The friends of high license point to Minneapolis, Minn., as a proof of the advantage of that system, both as a means of lessening the traffic and as a source of revenue. It is shown that in the spring of 1881 Minneapolis, under a $100 license, had 500 saloons, paying into the city treasury $50,000 a year, whereas at present, under a $1,000 license, the saloons number only 230, and the city receives $ 230,000 a year. '. '- - Here is what the President' did last Sunday. We find it in the shape of a telegram from Deer Park: ' .President Harrison heard a ser mon to-day by the Rev. E. D. Meade, Episcopalian on the "Duties of business men as Christians." A passing reference to politics by the preacher was to the effect that the employment of improper agencies in public affairs to counteract similar agencies was never justifiable. The President and his father-in law, Dr. Scott, remained after the services, and partook of communion. The President took a stroll in the after noon with his family. Private Sec retary "Hal ford says that the story about Mrs. Harrison inviting a physician with Kilrain's party on the occasion of her first trip to Doer Park to have a glass of wine was a pure invention. The President will take up public business to-morrow, but no appointments are likely to be made. .. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipa tion; billiausness, sick headache, bilious headache, and all d e range -nfeuts of- the stomach, liver and Rowels. One a dose. - . - . . Shirts, we have got them by the million; made by good and skilful ., , - - r ... ! IHossom o .tssvans- property, xii ub awakes as "bright as button." It . A"? ?"iwn?n.; 8:20 youoveruity nve per cent, we 1 J traet-coinprises twenty two lots, ex-ji very pleasant to taste. It soothes iiul ciuvrgu jrwi iuii putes, n fai-f.n,..ii,A-. riiW'rA a.T ine cjuiu, wirens rue guius, allays at 9.30.0. m.. and nr p. m. you well, don't be afraid,1 therefore .""t " r,: P v r r - - 7i"all Ijam,ev J . . - - ctroet. with a river front of nearly hnw1ftii i?! wtiwn mA.'5 P-J11-: t ! come and patronize: us woaey sttv " ; ' , , ..i , 1 j - VrITwl -wu "-""''v copper i rain m oe tne bjs p. in. train , v , ' V i Vrrn 1.G00 feet And ample depth of water, dy :tor 4iarho, whether arising- leaving Wilmington, nound trip tickets win ec! ig wojsey made, at tlie Wilmmg- jThe new owners of the property 'from: teething . or - oth.r- causes. soKiatasc for tLi3 train to parties istjiro ton ShirtFactory, 123 Market street.! contemplate extensile improve- Twenty five cents aTxttle - "i51 ' Signof the bide awning. tf ! ments on their purchase, : ' ' july 6 deod&wly - . - irtl'fMsias - - ... . - '- " ' . '. : - 1 .-"" - - --."' f.'-' ' - ' '.."--it,"-".;:-"'".' " LOCAL 3STEWS, lNDKX TO NKW ABVBKTISEMBNTS I Shrier For Rent , F C FRIKDLE Notice b f Penny clothing Munds Bros Pharmacists W M Cumminq Mattresses w s nf JtL Taylor's Bazaar Be"ar In Mind I . ! 11 M McIntire iiouse-toeepers Awake Keport of the Condition of the First Nationa1 B ank : t ., -':.J ; ; '.- . ; , . - Mr. L. Vollerg, of Point Caswell, was in the city to day. Green corn is' -'Selling' now at two dozen for a quarter. j Mr. B. Z. Snowden; of Ocala, Fla., is in the city on a visit to relatives here. . - - Capt. T. M. Emerson's family are at Morehead City, at the Atlantic Hotel. - f j - Not many canteloupes in market this morning and no abatement in the price. Maj.i W. N. Peden and Mr. W. A. Johnson, of Clinton, are in the city today on a brief visit. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than -factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co tV It is said that the Seacoast R. R, transported upwards of 25,000 peo ple over their line during the En campment. Are you weak and weary, over worked and tired? Hood's Sarsapa rillais just the medicine to purify your blood and give you strength. : , Capt. Robinson, of the Murchi-son, reports forty feet of water at Fay etteville when he left there yester day morning. It was then falling, Mrs. Coerr, wife of Rev. Chas, E. Coerr,' Rector of St. Mark's Church, left last night on a visit to relatives at Rochester, N. Y., where she will remain until the Fall. We saw tsouie very nice peaches offering from carts this morning at $1.25 per bushel box. You can buy a peck from the dealers all of the way from GO to 75 cents. Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best good's at prices that you pay for those of an inferior quality. tr Mr. I. Shrier offers for, rent two desirable stores with dwellings above, fitted with all modern im provements, Nos, 115 and 117 North Front street. . r Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Jjocks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Qrst child born on the Ham mocks, of whose arrival on Sunday last wespokejn yesterday'sREViEW, was the son and heir of Mr. August Roder, Steward at the Island Beach Hotel. ' j Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, It is the best and cheapest. You will find allcol-i ors in any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N, Jacobi Hdw. Co. v t We are sorry to hear that Capt. Nolan is sick. It is the result, we suppose, of the immense fatigue, exposure and want of sleep which he" was forced to undergo during the period of the Encampment. liefreshins and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers', magnificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water, -' We are sorry to. hear that the big freshet recently, from the "June rains, has completely destroyed most of the fine lowland crops in Bladen county, along the line of the Capo Fear. It was too late to re plant when the disaster befell, : targe Pc?chae of Kealty. . ; Tho ymTGgton Compress" and Warehouse Company have I pur chased the entire property on the river front-between the Messrs. Chad bourn's and. Messrs. Parsley & Wiggins saw mills, known as -.. -.-)'."; Forecasts. . - For North Carolina fair, "warmer weather. The same is reported for Wilmington. ! . , Schr. 1 Ihos. W. Holder, Kemp, cleared to day for San Domingo with 10,189 feet lumber, valued at $2,763,77, shipped by Messrs. S. & W. H. Northrop. ! : , ; Progress. , It is very important in this age of vast material progress-that a reme dy be pleasing to the' taste and to the eye,easily taken, acceptable to the stomach: and healthy in its na ture and effects. Possession these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. I I For the Pen. j . Deputy Sheriff Elder left for Ral eigh this morning with six prisoners sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary, as follows: Moses Ev ans, 5 years; H. "R. Upchurch, 4 years; Louis Wilkins, 3 years; Wm. Herring, 3 years; Moses Bryant, 3 years, amd Thos. Davis, 12 months. All the above named were convicted of larceny. Upchtirch is the only white man in the lot. The Band at the Beach. Tke Gerimania Band has accepted an invitation extended to them by the management to give an open air concert at Carolina Beach every Friday afternoon. A music stand has been erected for them near the hotel. The first of the series of con certs will be given on next Friday afternoon, on which occasion they are sure to be greeted by a large audience. Grand ILodere. . M. Bellamy, Hsq., Assistant Su preme Dictators; Dr. W. J. H. Bella my, State Medical Examiner; Thos. F. Bagley, Representative to State Grand Lodge, and N. Jacobi, Grand Guide, left yesterday mowiing for Waynesyille, Haywood j county, N, C, to attend the biennial session of the Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor of North Carolina. Sus preme Dictator, Hon. A. R. Savage, of Lewiston, Me., wHl meet A. S. D. Bellamy, in Greensboro, and be present at the session. j . - Three Fourths of a Century. An old resident of this oity saya that there are but twelvehouses here which were built prior to his recol lection of events. He can remember when every building in the district bounded by the W. & W. R. R. on the North, Orange street on the South, Second street on the East and the Cape Fear River on the West, was erected. He has seen every block in this district devasta ted to a greater or less extent by fire. I i Capt. Whlsnant'a Arriral. Capt. T. W. Whisnan fc, the new superintendent of the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, arrived here to-day en the noon train and bias already formally assumed the duties of his new position. He has been cor dially welcomed here, where he has already a number of friends, and we can assure him that he will make many others among our people. His family are still residentin Charlotte, where they have resided for a num ber years past and will probably reg main there until tlie Fall. City Court. The following cases were disposed of in this Court to day: Harry Gundersen, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined $10 and the csts amounting in all to $13.55. - XT - " W. H. Hill, disorderly conduct, was fined $5. . Sam Hem per, disorderly conduct, was fined $5. Lizzie Louden, disorderly, judg ment suspended. . W. H.' Hailsing, disorderly judg ment suspended. Two parties were fined $5 each and the costs, $2.75, in all $7.75 each, for keeping unlicensed dogs. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. WiNsnow'sSooTBTNG Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit- tlesufferer at once; it produces nat- u i v oiv,Vu Kjy i-cxitrviiiii me ieave li . . w : . : 1 . 1 . . . . i - .j. ..111 . : I'.iiiiti iruiii iiain. M.nci tii iittia f ri r- r,-ii -z-:ai NEW ADVEUTI8I3M 13NTS BE SURE HAIR, MOS, g OR SHUCKS, . OR STRAW- FROM 7 " ; ' - ..- 17 PRINCESS STREET. ' - P. S.-Mosq uif o Bars and Nets.") " Pew and Chair springs ana billows ) H -Keepers ouse This is the season for you to pick up bargains In almost everv denart ment... CLEARING OUT SALES aren orlSTlurini S3y6 l tStl and all Goods are sold at verv CLOSE PRICES j uu augiuw A few slow paying patrons'of the House are'kindly asked to SETTLE UP and thus help us to move along through the dull season. aro still going at fair prites, and a PJAPIER 1U2ATTIWQC, splendid goods to wear, and A FEW GOOD STYLES ON HAND. jy 23 ' !,te'i a. -w. w vu.vj w vuoiiii The Sylvan Grove carried between five and six hundred people to Caro lina Beach to day. The next full moon, falls due on the Might of August 10th. The new moon comes in next Saturday nigh t ; Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake , amd cook well and to give generalatis faction. ! Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t NK W ADVJBHTi8ICfllJBNT&. - For Rent. :JTO, 115: AND 117 NORTH FRONT ST., two most desirable Stores anl Dwellings above, with all the modern knprovaments. Possession given at once. Hnquire L SHWEU, jy S3 2t ; 16 N. Front Street. woncE. WILMINGTON N. a, JULY 15, '89. fJUIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- holdftrs of the Carolina Oil and Creosote Company for the election of Officers and a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before It, will be held at the ffice of the yompany, in the city of Wilming ton, N. C, at 10 o'clock a. m., on THURS DAY, AUGUST 1ST, 1889. The Transfer Boots will be closed, at 12 m. July 25th, and remain closed until after the Annual Meeting. F. C. MilNDLE, Jy 18 2t tues Acting SeCy and Treas. notice; rjTULE UNDERSIGNED TAKE TOIS METHOD of announcing tlat the, death of our brother, Mr. Morris Bear, will make no change: In the business of the firm. We will continue the business under the old firm name, of Morris Bear & Bros. i ISAAC BEAR, - i ; SAM'L BEAR, Jb., - ; "- surviving Partners. Wilmington, N. C, July 19th, 189. Jy 18 lw thsatu .- Wilmington Seacoast .B. rjiHE FOLLOWING CHANGE IN THE TIME Table of the WTllmington seacoast Railroad will take effect oa Monday, 22nd Inst: TRAINS: WILL KUN AS FOLLOWS: J Leave Wilmington at f5.iV and 930 a. blT, 2:30, 5.00, and &i30 p. m. Arrive Ilammocts at 6-,50 and 10-.10 a. m.: 3:10, 5:35. 7:15 and &10 p, m. ' aramocKS at 7:45 ana 10-.25 a. in.. 40. ad p. m. . .. -n-y 1:05 a. m., Umingtcn Trains will ll:t6 a. at. NEW- AJJVEKTiaEEIIUITdi TO BUY FOR CITY, :: FOR THE SOUND - - OR BEACH - m OS W Cushions, Made-to order. nice assortint ot patterns, nice Poles veil is. 1' , .. suitable for Offices, Halla, &c. M.rJclWTIRE, NORTH FRONT STREET. Report of the -conaatlon QP THE JWT. NATIONAL BANK OF - wiormQTOw, at wumingtos, iii . tue sut oforth carollna,at the Close of bmstneas, Jedy S3d, 1889: '. ' , ... . RESpURCESi-s v " : : '- ' y - - " - : Loans ana disconntg...;.7.,.7:7:.t7W,i28 sr 1 oyerdrarts, etHrea ana unsecured,.- tMi it . v. s. Bonds to secure circulation. , G0,ooa oo other stacifs, bonds and mortgages. 33,4dS 88 Due from approved reserva agents.. 21,770 jkj Due from other National Banks...... 13,664 85 ' : Due from state Banks ana-Bankers. 8,669 24. Real estate, furnltuiQ and Sstures.. .. 64,193 47 ; current expflases ami taxes paid; ... - 245 15 Preialums paid.. ............. ... - 4,f00 00 . Bills of other BurikSf.L. . 3,973 00 - Fractional papei; qiarrency, nickels, . and cgnts .. ...... 185 41 Specie. .......xr. t..... . ........ 85,498 00 Legal tender netes. 15,40 00 . Redemption fund wltt." U. S. Treas- : . urer, 5 per Cefit of circulation " 2,200 00 Due from U. s. Treasurer, other than ,5 per. cent, redemption' - fund . ....... 60 00 - - I . . i--- Totai;......;.:....... .11,012,825 36 IJABLUTIES: . U V. . r v ' ' -'-' '- ' l:- ' "- Capital stock paid In.. MJU... $350,000 00 8urplHS funld.......w..M.......t 14,578 93 Undivided :proflts... ........ ....... i 25,088 94 i National Bamk notes outstanding... 44,990 oo " Dividends unpalW..; : 3.193 KK individual deposita eubjecc to cUCCJS 195,240 88 uemana cemncaces or 3ia,7w ja Due to other National Jtfanks.r.. ;...' 1L3ZJ 75 Due to State nanas and Bankers... - 634 66 Notes ana Bills rc-aiscountcd....,. lSjtfi as STATE OP JSORTU CAEOirNA, - - cotriT oy Niw junotzs, sa , I, H. im; bowden cashier or tn ftDOTe -named bank, ao sinnly;swgarjLhiCtUig aiWva ' statement ll trU3 13 CH5 WSC 6T to? KUCiedge and belief, U, M BOWDEN CftSHier. -. subscribed ana zwcm to wxoro ma una p& day f juiy, 18S0. &xwjmzdHt ; :; '- r , ' ' i: ; rp ' C:j NotaryiPiibiic. :: v :' -. cwrrect--Aest t -'rr ' ' " Pine : Apple Jc n L1ME-ADE, FROM A' MAGNDTICENT LOT of Limes just received from New York. call in and see our handsome. Soda Foun tain. ' ' ' " j - : ' " ' -'-- MLDS BIIOTTXEI18, - Jy6tf .;-.. - j .104 N.FPOntSt. . PIG FISH ! PIG PISH ! I ALWALYS KEEf! A SUPPLY OP " - : FREGH FICH on hand, as I have my own boat and seine -I always keep from 200 to 300 on hand. Pic nic parties can De served with Fish or Coffee. , Mealf 35c or Si.00 a Day. S JAB: A. I1EWLCTT. - ' Kestaurant lndOO yards of Switchback. Good cigars and ice cool BEEU always on hand. ; . . . r ,: Jy U U . " I II I " i I ' I I. " ' i". I ! I M I. . Still on Deck. - ,.- - - - """1 - .-v - ' ... ! . 'v- '.. . , EVEUYBODx OF THlf MALE PERSUA. slon visiting Wilmington daring the En-' campment la cordially invited to call and have, a shave, or a ahampo, or a Haircut, at my establishment, 28 u&rket street, between Front and Water, only 10 cents for a 8Te j au cents lor a Sharppop, 20 cents for a Hair-. ut and 20 cenv UJid upwards for Dyeing. .. iiesrjectnaiy" - john werner, , v ,1J 9 tt vjafcai Barber and P?rtumert ' v 4 . '

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