!iAprnPrlGsi Absolutely Pure. This powder never Vanes. A marvel of pu rity strength and wholesomeness. wore econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude oi low test short weight alum or phosphate powders. dleX ineaM. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall SU, N. Y. - oct s dfiwlr tcnrm 4thpJ 3rdpw OTi Daily SfieviQW. ""TUESDAY, , JULY- 23, 1889. "STATE NEWS. Greensboro Workman: The C. C. & A. R. R- claims to have the 'tall est conductor in the United States, Capt. Ficklin, who is so tall that when he g4es through the train he has'to f requentlyrxTuck his head to keep it from interfering with the bell cord. He is seven feet high. Durham Sun: 1 Two' young men of our sister town of Henderson lost their lives this week, while bathing. Sunday night Samuel White, eldest son of Capt. J. B. White, was drowned in the James river. Wed nesday evening W. Gapers Harris, eldest son of the lateCol, Harrell Harris, was drowned in:the Nanse mond river, at Suffolk.' The latter young inan Svas a most affectionate and devoted ' son and brother, a young man - of spotless Christian character, a member of the. Baptist Church, and was a ministerial stu dent at Wake Forest College, N. C. rLTshfrn Mercuru: At the meet- I f of th. Farmer's Allian of Wajme held yesterday, Mr. Jotra. W. isrvai was erected to represent the AN j lfnnoctitttha- State: Alliance, to be held 'in Fayetteville, August 13th j next.- -Sam Colin & ' Son, - Who I ....kne fn no stAPr rn t hf I 1Qfl, frnm Mr TV !W TTT A U .1 I u aisvu, iid.u j one killed yesterday, which was for sale this morning at the city, market; It weighed 1,005 pounds after Deing dressed. This i3 he largest , and finest on record. -Mrs. Sarah Ev erett arrived,, here frout.Beatrice, Nebraska, last night. She made the trip alone, all that long, journey, withonfc a ' travel' .icotnpatiion. Mrs. Everett Is here- .to-.stayi and AAtrs that there is-nol amount of money that would induce her to stay in that country. ; Newton' Enteyriae: .The farmers on the South Fork who had their corn cr.ops almost1 entirely .-destroy ed bv freshets week before -last are not the kind to sit-down and mourn ovr their misfortune. Un Thurs dav the water reached its highest mark, on Fiidav the suncamie out, on Saturday they put seed corn to soak, on Mondavi they planted it and in four days It was up, and is now-ready for the plow and hoe. Unless another freshet comes along good crops will yet be maturea ne fore f rostH - There is, but one renort about tlie croPS-in this coun ty. VThey promise: to be the bestfor many years, uottoa, qnarapianu corn beat anything ever known in this couutv, ana an Kinas oi garaen vegetables" are extraordinary. The fruit trees are loaded as they never were before.- Wheat is turning out from the thresher so as to meet the expectation of the most sanguine. This verily promises to be a bountU ful year in 'every parcular. for which the farmers and everybody else feel grateful. Newberu Jfowma: There are in Newbern and vicinity about twenty saw mills, several planing mills and and dry kilns," iwith an annual outnut of about 60,000,000 ' feet of lumber, valued at over half a million dollars. Other industries include grist mills, cotton seed oil mill, cotton ginniug,oyster canning, guano factory, wood plate and wood pulp mills, ice factory, marble yard, buggy works, also furniture factor ies, candy, cigar, clothing aud box factories, with products worth ! nearly half a million dollars: -The trucking embraces about 1,500 ucres, and requires over a million feet of lumber for shipping boxes annually. Cotton shipments from the port of Newbern about40,000,bales,of which 15,000 bales are sold by the prodnc ers at the -Newbern Cotton and .Grain Exchange.: The" fish and oyster business - amounts to over $200,000. The banking business of Newbern and the eight counties ad joining Is transacted by the Nation al Bank of Newbern, where capital is $100,000, surplus 70,000. and by the private bank of Green"Foy & Co. . - i , S500,r: Cure. - - - c ..- For many years the manufactur ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are - thoroughly responsible financially, as any one can easily ascertain by enquiry, have offered, through nearly every newspaper in the land, a standing reward of 5u0 for a case of ehronic nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The Remedy is mild, soothing, cleansing, antiseptic, and healing. Sold by all druggists, at 50 cents. - . 1 , Why not . rely upon yourself a while and thus get in the way of success! . . : - unrlrlon's Arnica salve The Besr Salve in the world for Cuts, .Braises, Sores, "Ulcers, Salt j Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap-j Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all I L-in Rnmtinns. and nositivelv cures '.J' T . it.." I anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per box. " For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggis LKMON KLTXIK A Pleasant Lemon Drink...- - For billibusness and constipation, in ke Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, tak Lemon Elixir. I - For sick and nervous headaches. take Lemon" Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility. take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in anv of the above diseases, all of winch arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. J Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A ProminenfOilfiister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous nrostratioa. bilHousness, disordered kifltievs and constipation. I have been cured by Dr; Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a welf man. -m th s - Rkv. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta Ga. THE MAILS, The malls close and arrive at the office as follows: CLOSE. Northern throusrh malls, fast ...... City Post i .11.00 P. M 8.00 A. M Northern through and way mail3.. N. C. and A. & N. C liallroads and routes supplied therefrom , . . Kalelgh & Fayettev;e. . ; Southern way mails Southern through malls DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Western mails C. C. Kail way). .. '. . . Cape Fear & Y V li It and points sup plied therefrom ; Raleigh & Jlamlet li. 11. and points supplied therefrom Smith ville Wrightsville.. Clinton, special. : 8.00 A. M. 8.00 A. 51. 2.00 li M. 9.15 P. M. LOO P. M, 1.00 P. W. 1.00 P. M. 1.30 I. M. 8.00 A, M. a.15 p. m Specials for Alaxton, Wadesboro. Monroe and Charlotte 5 45 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow U. II. and Intermediate ora tes 6.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River, S. C, and intermediate office 3 .. 6.00 A.M. j Cape Fear River mail. 1.00 P. M. Oi'iiJN iUli UlVUViiKI. Northern and way malls 8.30 P. M . i Northern throusrh mall, late .11.00 P. M. southern through mails... ...... 6.30 A. M. Sgfc & Malls collected from street boxes m business portion of city at 5 A. M., 13.00 M. and 4.45 P. M. and from other points of the city at a A.M. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 p. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. earners delivery oueu un ouuua lrum ji.ju to 1O30 A. M, jvioney Order and Register Department open from 8 A. si. to 5 p. 3i., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. olOA. ALandltoTP.M. NOW THAT THE ENCAMPMENT IS OVER WE HAVE LEFT A FEW OF OUR Spring and Summer Suits, WHICil WE ARE OFFERING Regardless of Cost, . IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Call and be convince of the above. I guar antee to Sell 20 Per Oent. Less than any other house in the city. B. F. PENNY. THE CLOTHIER, Jy 19 tf 110 Market Street. NEW YOREC OBSERVER. ESTABLISHED IN 18 ' The Oldest and Best ; Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors; Special Cor respondents at Home and Abroad; Stories, Rerie ws, Condensed .News, Departments for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional Men- Students, Boys and Girls. . This year the Observer will publ lish more than FIFTY PRIZE MT0K1ES, and the ablest and most popular Writers will contribute to its col umns. : Poets and prose writers, au -thors editors, men1 of science and women of genius will nir the col umns ef the Observer, and it wil give lifty-two unexcelled papers in the coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. ; Clergymen, $2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1888 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub sen Dc r, lor one uollail 2. Any subscriber sending his own subscrlp tlon for a year In advance' and a new subscrl ber with $3.W, can hare a copy of the-Iren ajas Letters," or "The Lire or Jerry McAuley.' 3. We will send the OBSERVER lor the re mainder ot th3 year, and to January l, 1S80, to any kkw subscriber sendlne U3 his name and address and $0.00 In advance. Tosuchsubscn bers we will also give either tJj.o volume of irenajusLtttersor "The Life, of JernrMc Auley." Agents wanted everywhere. . Liberal ter 1 Laiye commissions. Sample c : free Address, New. York Gbsi-r r?r, NEW rOBK- I- COMMERCIAL W EiVS. WILMINGTON MARKET.' J uly 23.-2:30 P.; M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Steady : at SG cents. Sales of receipts at ROSIN Dull at 75 cents for strained and 75 cents j, for , goot strained. - - ' TAR Firm at $1.85. CRUDE TURPENTINE Finn at SOe for hard, ; $1.80 for. yellow I dip tand virgin MAE1NE NEWS. ARRIVED. - Schr Sallie Bizzell, McGrath Charleston, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co CLEARED. ; Schr Thos. W. Holder, Kemp, San Domiuxro, . & VV. a. JNorthrop. Steamer DMurehison, Smith, Fay etteville. T D .Love. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Schr Thos. W. Holder San Do mingo 10,189 feet lumber. . ". WEEKLY STATEMENT. - -: ' 1 STOCKS ON HAND JUL Y-jl9, 1889. Cotton ashore, 214; afloat 42; tota 25G Spirits ashore, r 1,950; rafloat 3,039 total, 4,939. - t : ; Rosin ashore, 27,129; afloat, 3,522 total. 30.650. .'u 'V "V Tar ashore, 1,886; afloat, - 571; total, -2,457.,; - ; Crude ashore, 895; afloat, 5; total 900. ' y; . . ; RECEIPTS FROM:. JULY 12 TO JULY 19. Cotton, Inspirits, 2,113; rosin, 4,608; tar. 1,005; crude, 905. ; s EXPORTS FROM. JULY 12 TO JULY 19. DOMESTIC. Cottbn. 7; spirits, 65; tar, 214; crude, FOREIGN. Spirits, 1,830;. rosin, 0,275; tar, 1. 1889 1889 THE WEEKLY HERALD ii.SH ixn-LAK A Y AK TO KEEP POSTED ON THE News of the Entire World. SUBSCRIBE FOR TUE v New York Weekly Herald -o- It is ana will continue to be (!r?attst and Cheapest Family, Journal IN THE UNITED STATES. ! -O- The comingrear promises to lie crowded with stirring events. In the united States the entrance of new 13 sues into the political arena ha3 been follow ed by a change of Administration. But the great economic question on which the cam paign turned is still unsettled, and its - solu tion is now committed to a Congress almost equJlv divided between the two great parties. Europe is a vast cam p. Army corps patrol the frontiers, and millions of men await the signal for the most titantic war the world has ever seen. The Herald's news-gathering machinery is unequahed. Its correspondents dotthehabl table globe Nothing can escape their vigi lance, and no expense is spared in spreading the results-of their efforts before the Herald's readers. . i . - -v: - - I , . o v.;; ! ! ALL THE NEWS OF AMERICA will be found each weeJc In the Herald, while ltS : FOREIGN FARTMENT -will contain a panorama of the Old orld flashed under the sea over the i COMMJtJKClAL CABLES. ' Special Features, Practical Farming, Progress in Science, i - v Womaa's Work, Notable Pulpit Utterances, - Literature and Art. stories by our Best Authors INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. A-llrd33, JAMES GO RDON BENNETT, - ! New Yorfc Herald, dec 14 New York City. CLITDE'S Co. FROM PIKR 29, EAST RI VEU NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P.M.". 'V :' GULF STREAM. ...... J..,. ..Saturdav. .Tu1v 37 ' FROM WILMINGTON-: . ' BENEFACTOR... GULF STREAM.. ;......,.,.Filday; July 26 .......... Friday, Aug. j s 1ST Throusrh Bills Lading anrt ijvnrnzt ti' Rates guaranteed to and from rsnint.a in wrth and south Carolina. . - ' r - ihese Steamers have unsurpassed nassfin- ger accommodations. - . For Freight or I'assage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent" THEO. E.EGER; Traffic MaSagfr00' S ' WM. P. CLYDE CO.. Gen"! AgSSI Jy 5 Bowling Green, New Yore. WANT1SD-A WOMAN OF SENSE, EN ergy and respectability for our business in her locality; middle aged preferred. Salary S50 per month PcrmaLcnt position Refer ences exchanged. fyS4w 4rojcrican Mfg. House, Lo3c Box !5s5,N. Y.! For Sal o LD NEWSPAPERS FORTS ALE. AT YOITR I own price at x- REVIEW OFPICB. V? MISCEIiANEOUS. Goods. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCKOF WHITE , . GOCDS, AND ' " . , . - Propose to Sell Them , Td effect this, liberal concessions will be made in prices. They have been placed on the coun ter and must bo sold. .. Wo show a variety of FORTY DIFFERENT STYLES in : . from the tiny hair cord check for infants, t the largest Plaid. We show Twenty Different kinds of - .... .. -. - ! from Cc. to GOc. per yard. -- Embroidered Tlouncings, ra-SIIKHED TRlHMLG?r Embroidered Pique & Pique Skirthgs Our stock is complete and worth the atten tion of buyers. The Ladies are respectfully invited to ealL , . . . JNO. J; UEDEICK. my 27 tf Scribner's 'fiasezlne For 1889. The publishers Of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to mane it tne most popular ana enter Drisinsr of Derlodicals. while at all times brc- serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to it during tne past six months by tho increased excellence, of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes its second year with a new impstus and an assured success. The Illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make SORIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers: one espe cially Interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas l. James on -The Kauway. postal ser vice. - 'Illustrated. - MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S sena novel "The Master of Ballantrae " will run through the greater part of the year. ; uegtm in Aocenwer. -A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modem French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Illustrated. - The brief end papers written last year bv Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced bv equally interesting contributions by differe t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the nr3t of them for the January number. ' - ' Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on waiter scott's Method f vvorK, illustrated rrom original ms a second "Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs. James T Fields. and many other articles equally noteworthy; ' laustrawd - -Articles on ART s U BJECTS will be a f ea t ure Papers are arranged to appear by (Jlarence uook, is. ji. iJiasuneid, Austin Dooson ana many others. ' Illustrated.. FIsniNG ARTICLE - describing sport in th ; best nshinsr crounds will annpar. Salmon. Winhlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subiects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. - itivntraua. - ILLUSTRATED A RTICLEh of great variety, touching upon ail manner ot subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will appeaa, but. not of th conventional coinmonplare eovt. - lumttratea.. Among the most icTerestina- in the. list' of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. . John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and'Tises of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illutttratrxl. A class of articles which has Droved sf sne- cial interest wllllxj continued bv a grouo of papers upon ELECTRICITY in its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether interesting papers. um'pie illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last rear numbers, which include all the Railway Arti cles, as Jollows: . A. year's subscription (1889) and the num- ' bers r 1888.. .......... $4.50 A. year's subscription (1880) and the num- uersioriabe, Dounuin ciotn............ 6.00 S3 a year ; 25 cents a number. Charles Scribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadway, N.Y. The Beautifully Illustrated. 25 eta.,- $3 -Year ITS SOOPJ3. TI1E AMERICAN MA -ZINE gives preference to national topics an scenes, and its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer fill its pages with a wide variety , of interest ing sketches of travel and adventure, .serial and snbrt'stojies, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and.in short, this Magazine is - r Distinctively Representative of - i American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by thepress and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the high-class monthlies. , . - - TlllTIOrfiUTJl A specimen Number, with J.lUfUJ Via A i- illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to club Raisers, will bo sent on re ceipt of 15c., if this paper is mentioned. . fsr- Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. - Address. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO. - feb ; . TJ9 Broadway 'w viMf, Tho R 6 be s o n i a nf ; Published in Lumberton, N. c, by ; ; W. W. McDIAEMIB TS READ EVERY WEEK BY NEARLY every intelligent citizen of Robeson countv and has a general circulation instil th& 4 rounding counties, including Mirtnn" xtorV boro andDarUngton In SoSs CaroffiSl Wl and is so firmly estabiishi f ii V-lwri: ita natrons as well s y1 Its value to th.em. The adjertlsintr ratP 2SZ!2& .nable, consldertf SC jS JWfS.V Pfga WWte AGAZINE Is the place , to pFashionable Gop ; : Low Prices:' Straw-Hats 2KC eachi Tiriiri ?ders of reduced to 4Sc eacK.SFlowers;fi price $1.98, now selling at 75 c each: Laces, Lace Va Net and Brusselset.OVIaline l and filing: at one-fa ffk2?' value.. The Crescent 5Buitle;!pst!r demand. Silk Mitts; warranted alisilk,:23c a pair lp? rcat arid Sun Shades in all shades?." Fans, immense stock lectiVom. Corsets " of every maker Hahdfeerchiefs f t0 Se" up. Cents' .Linen . Hemmed-Stitch Colored RnIm 2c 1,. J r.Ll J t 1 1 . -"'UCrs Trv iracu, auu juih.ui uuit:r .uesiruDie ana oeasonable Goorl 4 i 2 fegf3- Big- discount to promptly fulfilled. - - ." lioney, Honey, Honey, FINEST "BROUGJiT TO THIS AfAR- 1 tet for j-ears, put up in ne pound Boxes.- Call WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE r MARYLAND ' ' reama ry 3 u tte r 9 Packed in Refrigerator Boxes. The only place to town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My i . FLOUH still stands unparalleled, and is certainly pro nounced by those thai once try ic to be the best sold in town. Also, a vf-ry fine FLQUR ior less money, which is guaranteed - Cakes of aiVKiuds, Crackers, Preserves, Jellies, mid endless variety of Canned Goods. In fa:t I keep evepythlng which can be uniuu m u nrsc ciass Grocery Store. : i. all and examine my Goods. : " JiiOi L. Boatwrighti jJ 22 ' " '. ) 15 & 17 So. Front St. i) FearBUaise A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT 1AS BEEN opened at the terminus of the Ocean Vie w.R. iu u resn rignsn, uiams and Beer always on hand. In connection with our Restaurant. w have a ttrst class Dining Room for our white customers, wive us a cau and we guarantee pu ive yvu. enure sausiaction. je S Sm For Safe Creap A - YOUNG HORSE, TOGETHER WITII Will be Buggy, Harness, Bridle and Saddle. Sold cheap. Reason for selling want of use. ' Apply to -- . Jy.J5tf-;K-- J. It'jdlTESr I he AtlanticcOafe QN VTRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, ATSWITCH oacK station, west of railroad tract, is thP only place on the Beach -where a man can get a, uiiur. guuu nioajii. we aiso Keep a full Une Of BEER, WINES. CIGARS. &C. A caii is respecttuiiy solicited.-r - - 3y 6 lw -. P. T. DICKSEY, Prop. For Sale. JgUTTER, VINEGAR, : " . - PEACH AND AFRLE CIDER. At Wholesale. - . . . . , , : ': CHAS. F. BROWNE, AgV 128 Niorth Water St., Wilmington, N. C. Jy 5 tf d&w ; (Star copy.) Brown's Beach Restaurant -AND BATH HOUSED. T WOULD RESPECTFULLY "ANNOUNCE iotne puouc mat my Restaurant and Bath Houses on Wnghtsville Beach, opposite the Hummocks, are now open and ready for' the accommodation of all who may favor me with men pairuuiigu. ; ngasn, tson &neu crabs and Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains. -- . The Bath Houses aro clean,-well ventilated tiiiu ouppucu uu tresn water, dean . towels O.U.U. wiciui JiLtnuiiiiLa. j can is solicited. ';: Respectfully,- .... - , i . my 32 tf r - s , - , 4 R. E. L. BROWN. M ski ng Room for Fa II Goods WHILE OUR STORE IS BEING -EN- larged and remodeled we wiU close "out nai- anco of Summer Snorts lit maii. ir,; prices. ; . :-! yy-i'-!:-:. Jnn ?sti. We, White ; Linen vVests' Panfs m t,' ; " ; i - - f tra"' lencn rerca.i& blurts at at lead . than cost,- liust be sola JegTlni i ,.--:' . ... ' , . . - ... - ' - 53) Market street.- -. IOC s af c. the trade. - Orders - " -' by Mai ATLANTIC VIEW WKIGHTS VILLE, N C ' 'nE SOLDIER BOYS ARE C0MIH8 AND the girls are happy. ' 1 . : ' Board during Encampment Wect ', Onlv S2 Per Day. KD. WILS N MANNING, :. : Proprietor. :ly6 tf Drugs and i lu-niicalp. ... vuav. A J 1. X LM i. .n AiJllAU. ... i . t Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc.; etc. Also Prescriptions tllied day or light at F. C. MILLEirs, . " .- Drugstore, jan4 . Corner Fourth and Nun 8tP Carolina Beach, STEAMERS SYLVAN GROVE AND PAS PORT leave dally, Sundays ana Afondan excepted, as follows for Carolina iiJeach and Soutoport: - ; r For Carolina Beach at S-.30 a. m., saO p. 5 p.m. -and 7 p. m. Trains retumlng, leave CaroliEa Beach at 7:30 a. m.. 12:30 p. in., &1S p4 m. and 8 p. m. j For South port, leave at 9:45 a. m. acd 5 p. m. Returning; leave Southport at 6:30 a. m. and 2p m. : , ' - i:.: . - , . Tickets by boats leaving at 5 p. in. and 7 & m., good to return same day only, ia cents. . Carolina Beach being situated upwards of 10 miles from any channel or inlet calculated to produce dangerous currents, tte most la- experienced can safely enjoy the pleasures of surLbathlng by simply observing the plait rules of prudence and common sense, i -New still-water bathing houses, supplied with ocean water for ladies and children, v now open with polite female attendants la waiting. . . f Fresh fish of all Maids can also always He obtained in abundance. ' ! . r Wharfbetween Market ana Princess so. , r ': JOHN W. IIAWEB,. 4 jyetf nac. ... General Manager SOMETHING NEW! ;a SMALL LOT OF Parisian Outinff Gletlis, COMPOSED PRINCIPALLY OF W 0L A Very Fine Fabric in NEAT PATTERNS .and -J'. ; H ah dcome Colors - VERY DESIRABLE F0I SEASIDE WBAB, Nothing to equal them in tnl cltT- For Kent at the Uiitil April 1st, issa son PHI VI LEGE OF SELLING rr?HE andFrulUttnest Drinks, Confectioneries formerly occupied by Mrs. E afe ward all bids under seal to J. W-, Manager. - r ; ; . ' Also" f or lease BtUiolng Lots on wj. t Nolan, Gen'l Manager, torpyPSSffigS. ? r Secy Wilmington r"' jo 29 tf., . Star and Messenger cop 0 HM OF Fjp PEiPABS tit f IF YOUrAINT GOT 'Jwr ; " .HAVE 'EM. H .jV .. Does thB wbrkQuIcQnW a Bed Bug Poisons, and taW Xr ca V by all Druggists. mca? - . .. - Jo 20 tf --. ' J Hammock

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