PLEASE K0T1CE, - -yV1 V to receive cotaciiinicatif ns from our meads on acjr aaa aa cutjects . ; general interest. bt. oaf . mrtnth. 35 cents. I II ll ll ll i II 1 ll .11 It ll ll . tl - ll in 1111 v - I - .- n. lAMuv - -4 , m m m m mm m m . mm ' t . ' a - : .: ; j ma ' - m "- f a - ' t by carriers, free tv V - n irr of tDe city, at me aooye ..tfr fl" . : scents I"- -Lr rates low and llfceraL .rsSviii Pase report any and their paper regularly. Preswtiin the most elegant form . . . , LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUIOE . "6t cr THE ; FiGS OF CALIFORNIA, tobined with the medicinal tirtaes o" plants known to be Lst 'beneficial v to the human ; svsteni, forming an agreeable ad effective laxative to perma--ently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the IIDMEYS, LIVER UNO BOWELS. It is the n-.ost excellent remedy known to fifM'Sf THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY one is Bilious or Constipated to THAT PURE E4.C0D, REFRE8HW0 81IIP, HEALTH and 8TRENQTH NATURAU-Y FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. A3K YOUR DRUOOIST FOH BYHUP 03P FIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VumiUF.Kl. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by UOKEKT ll. HELLAMY. wholesale: druggist,. mcli 2c ly di w Wilmington , N. C. Rheumatism ami Catarrh. Rheumatism and catarrh are Joth blood aisois. In many severe cases they have jk.ledio m-a'iiirat with ll.. B. B. (Botanic fciood Balm), mAde by Blood Balm Co., At lmu. r;a. tt'rire for book ot convincing )?.F.ltotfv,.'l;.nta, U:i., says: "My wife hvl atmh ana nothing did her any good, flfnuasriratiou nnally .tailed and poison got ko ior bioou. I placed her on a use ot B. B. B..isJ to my surprise her recovery was rapid isdeoffii.iete." - H'.p. McDaniel, Atlanta, lia,, writes: "1 Tismnch emaciated and had rheumatism so ted I could not get along1 without crutches. 1 fcoliad neuralgia in the head. First class Rvacians did me no gcod. Then I tried B. B. I: m its effects were maglcaL I cheerfully irammend it as a good tonic and quick cure.'" Mrs Matilda Nichols. Knoxvllle, Tenn.. Vxt . 1 had catarrh six years and a most fiflnrsC'0Uvsh-. we were much wen. live bottles of b. B. b., thank God ! wnj Dir. Tj lor' Tcxas writes ?w a,nULIllx',' or years to spells of lnflam i R&u,atls,a' whlcl1 slx bottles of B. tonnr r t ,L'a?n.' has pntlrely cured. I ve not felt the slightest pain since." tOCEAlU VIEW DlKTIlsrC3- BOOMS AT Switchback Station ! THE l"XUlINED WOULli INFOKM furors to Wri-htsviue, the Hammocks and vww, lhat her diiq KOOMS at Setback station are now open for the ac """nooirioa of guests, and that no pains will P he?nDfe"l0'nto a11 wl10 WiU Sarl110'1 and at living prices. Sx?SH?Vms made wltl1 !arge parties, fe 'TfrSn?00 tov veral seasons at "The SoxmcQ that every effort ma Beach Hotel. eAHdLlN.viiEACUUOTEL, AT TUE S3a3 Bering place of that name, " . IS SOW OPEN wrtne reception of guests. ratos b-v the day, week or montU. " fell r p biiI,exxptionaWe- Good rooms risa meu Ilrst class attendants. "Liready on arrival of eyery train . L PfittBT, rroprletor.- I L?wn aiowers, "Pontile Market! ; JJA!U)ES UOE- HAKES, AC, SPBINK- inionab0"?tauJ Attachments. Bottom at U W. SWWNOEU & GO'S, l rout st,. Wilmington, N. C Summed K ard, V ffro l0lxTKY BOAlD, TWO Uncointon. Dally malL One free won daily, ii desired. , . laro I 1 1 K aounaant supply or c PtaUos.andFruir, . Pl.-a.sant rooms. $20 per month, " Chll Address i 12 n liH f - RICHARDSON, oooside, Uncolnton, 2. c. I It 1111 II J II Jf : 1 II II t II II- II II IV II - II I .IV IV" VOL XI f I. t-utti, mrs. Jierron, wire of Rev. David Herron. ws j - I senteuce or death in Corea is now ridiculed. On- the' cbntrarv. if. u I ; 13 . said that the ladv i inViicVi fuwn. ; . 0JrBtei11 auu Berveu may is mnigh favoritoaafrmentthlafeni.fniiio.r..r,f with the Queen. The wheat crop ot Dakota is 30,000,000 bushels short. The figures are large but not in the least exagger ated. The total production fo the Territory cannot, under the best possilile conditions from now until harvest, ernee'd fW nftft KMuVtAic and to put it that high is k libera estimate. William' Mahone, of Virginia, as pires, strange as it may seem, to the Presidency of the United States. He thinks that the time is coming when in order to break the Solid South the Republican party will be oblig ed to nominate a Southern man. As le is the leading Southern Republis can he feels that the lightning sure to strike him at last. It is this conviction that preyents him from making a fight for ; the Governor ship of Viginia. Tom O'Reilly, who has been made editor of the Journal of Untied La' bor the Rnights of Labor organ. was the; moving spirit in the great telegraph strike of 1883, and he still is the leader of the handfu of members that are left in the Telegraphers' Brotherhood, He is an intimate friend of .Mr. Powderly and was intrusted by him with many aencate missions, wis experience as an editor has been as assistant to John Taltaval, editor of the Tcld. graphic Advocate. The pious Wauamaker is not above combining a little business, as well as piety, "with his politics The following is but one of the many things being told on him now: It is said that Joseph W. Burke, the newly appointed Collector of Inter nal. Revenue at Austin, Texas, owes his appointment to a recent mone tary transaction with Wanamaker's louse. Burke is a dealer in cloth ing and under the advice of friends went to Philadelphia and placed a large cash order with Wanamaker and also made arrangements for ex elusive future dealings with that house. He then made known the fact that he was an applicant for the Collectorship and ' his appoint ment was, on Wanamaker's recom mendation, promptly made out and handed to him. ; This is from the New York Herald. It is thrilling, and it is in all likelh hood true. It is lengthy nut it is well worth perusal: . Chicago, July 24, 1889. A most neculiar case of mania was that of Harry Munzer, which came before Jndse Grav this morning. The story which Harry Mnnzer, sane, told of Harry Munzer, insane, was so fas- Cinailug LUUb me juriueu were imu afraid to be near one who couia admit that he was suoject to such physical and psychical changes as tne wiiness ciaiius to imve uuuer gone. . Munzer is about twenty seven years of age and his features bore a decidedly innocent, but intelligent expression. For four, years he bag acted as entry cierK loriiiUsoniveHn, and his manipulation of figures has been considered something wonder ful. He has been subject to gloomy spells at periods about two years apart, during which he would be comea recluse for weeks at a time. "Just tell us about the last one,'7 said the Cfiurt. "I f cell something approaching heavily,'! said the witness, -'but I can take care of myself here. The queer sickness came on me about a year ago," said he, "and this time I became much alarmed at the de velopments. I seemed to be ap proaching a state altogether differ ent from the natural one. An ague like feeling crept over- me, begin ning first in my brain. I was then living at my father's house on West Lake street. My mind did not seem growing weaker, but it seemed to be altering its functions materially. "Present! the sight of a tool or anything with a blade would start every fibre and nerve ill me to ting ling, and I became afraid of myself afraid for my friends. I felt au impulse growing upon me. to harm or kill. I knew what 1 was about. I recognized the faces of my friends.; I had a cool control of my mental faculties.'I was not out of my head in the least, but there was a desire which seemed to be muscular as well as mental, and wholly apart from uuy natural volitions. My father saw only .the outside of this and I dared not explain to him the com " plete revolution in - my being. H e" sent me to Lake Geneva to be treat ed in - a t private institution there. and- now for seven months. I have been there qnder the constant care . of severa experienced physicians. They have been unable to assist me. I grow WILMINGTON, N. C. worse. T Irr, - - .,,J- , .u. dread n-'i : never uavu x iusfc "v senseg. . The doctors save me nQrioria, but I fear that it has 1 ASsai vtJttb lb tmBLO Illlrr. Ill na.imi.n A i : i ratner than cure it. We consulted ami inougnt a change would be watched and treated difTerniv LThe week I have been here since I l ri. . : "?va 1 nave not been home. m. m uui go inere. i believe that Krkirta rn nwl .1 ..... r ii "V vimugc iur tue worse would take nlSce iiimiedmtelv suouiu i go back This mania would unman me, and force me to do that which I have been battling Am.fnRt. x wouiu Kin tneiii. l miirht kill mv- T . " I" rn.T 1 self, and yet I would know what . 1 The storv itlf rn r.t o - different from what one miirht ex- might pecttohear from a man who felt himself becoming insane. . What terrified the jurors was the complete Kitttuge minis xeaxures as lie pro ceeaea. jbrom an innocent, harm less ornrsion n t th winni f ulr changed to one of extreme cahnini? and malignity. Deep lines appeared LvlUr-fii T it ""ose. xne of the mouth drew up. His forehead wrinkled up like an old man's, and his voice actually changed so that a listener migntnave supposed that a man of 45 was talking. The words m" .... came from deep down in his chest. and, in fact, the entire aspect of the man was changed. He bent forward in his chair, his shoulders stooped and his eyes became watery. The Court gazed at the phenomenon in astonishment. When the narrator reached that portion of his recital wnere ue spoKe ot Killing, the jury gazeu upon the lace or a man about to commit murder, "That, will dn hhwI ti JiuLm 1 a husky voice. ----- f-w wasv w Munzer was startled at the com-1 inand. He Hooked up wildly, then fell back in his chair, half exhausted. with a sigh. Tears fell down his V m - a,l oneeKs, tne wrinkles disappeared m m - V .m-.n -I A I -. i -. - J l . ir. r' i iicoeiuu 111a ictve uuu ill a. iuiu ute more he was the young man Harry Munzer. a train with an inno - cent face. The jury brought in a Varllnt ftnnlnr. him ircaV. I W141VV uuutu uiiu x uouiiu. local nsns ws. INDEX TO NW ADVKRTISEMBNTS B F Penny Clothing MtjNDs Bkos rharmacists W M CunHjNq Mattresses Tatlou's Bazaab Bear in Mind RH giuvt Administrator's Notice R M McIntirk House-keepers Awake : A little more than one month and then oysters will be in fashion. This is the dullest day, in every way, that has fallen on the city since last Summer. Another gernian at the Island Beach Hotel to night, and a large crowd is expected. We have a few Fluting Machines I ti.r.!l. , lAcin nnf of looo flar. " , t ""lvy" " v.v,u.uB u uv tuu iactory cost, oee tiiem. j. jacooii m i -. a -."r tr i Hdw. Co Bav View; and not Ocean View is the name of one of the streets just opened at Carolina Beach, which has just been christened. A peculiarity of Hood's Sarsapa- nlla is that while it purifies the blood, it imparts new vigor to every function of the body. Ladies and children fish every af foMiAnn fir-Tii th brldrreH anrnss the I W7V", " . " . t V VnlAlia - iiauil-I cw ituuiuiuuas, and thev creuerallv have good sport, mf mr I Burglars. Be secure irom tnem by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds, iney are cneap and can be put on by the most in experienced.! JN. Jacobi Hdw. Oo. t . Headnuarters for Sash Doors and Headquarters ror asn, iioors ana .ulldersV Supplies is the 3S. Jacobi m & Hdw. Co. Theysellthe best goods at prices that you pay for those of an inferior quality Paint vour house with Regal I Ready MixeI Paint, It is the best! and cheapest. You will find all col-J ors in any desired quantity at the j factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ' ' i " ! . t There was a lanre attendance at he base ball grounds yesterday af- ernoon aud a good game was play ed hetween the Roseville club' oi his city and the Columbia team. The frame was won by the home club. Score, 5 to 4. Shirts, we have got them by the million, made by good and skilful hand; come and see us, Ave can save you over fifty five per -cent. We II not charge you fancy priees, treat vnn well, don't be afraid, therefore .... rw nntrm.iTM- n. .ttnnev kiv4 . . ..- - . ed is money made, at. the Winning-j ton ShirtFactory. 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. - .i 1 " . ... . i FKIDAY. JULY 26,1889. - A special train will be run to night to accommodate tli the eerman at Islaml Rea.b Hritel t -: ; I Tf mill 1 '' i : i " li 1 " ICitv me nammocKS ai l ? - . it is said that Col. Fred Olds got witter that was moveable, except tlirfi tent pegs, -which could not be i m : . l - lound. It is presumed that some of ,or,f ,Ve.,i u " r x . , ment Rsed them for toothpicks. atnveg i ,. V ' "ayr l,Qe made fy the best factories, of il.i.! , , ... '1 me latest and most imnroved st vles 1 whir-.h n ' tmnmnt tr wc,i lu Kve general sjtiis ractlon- Uur low prices will astori- ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t To Dispel Colds. headaches and Fevers, to cleanse tne system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per mauentIy cure habitual constipa - I tlon to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy 'activity, without ;n;fnn . xu.... 11L1 LULlllir 1f 1 - W frt, IV l I I I 1 1 r I, I I H 1 1 1 Syrup of Figs. ' - fi use We are requested to state, by the management of the Ocean View R. R., that the 500 tickets which are to be issued by the Seacoast R. R., to 11. m a 1 . iue poor oi mis citv. will oe -re- ceiveu on tne ucean view lor a 1 A 1 V T m round trip ticket to Switchback and i return, xiiis is another generous i i . mi i offer which it gives us much pleas ure to chronicle, " Think About it Dr. J. C. Brown, of Wadesboro, I ' 1 who was here yesterday, and was here .yesterday, and at Bonitz's Hotel, threw out la sugges tion which mavi bear fruit. He thinks that if the .merchants of this I city will combine! and give an ex- cnild from pain, and the little'cher cursion here to merchants all along ub awakes as 'bright as button." It the line of the Carolina Central R. very pleasant to taste. It soothes R. it will pay them handsomely mlL Sins, allays the end. we publish this sugges tion for what itmay be worth. Capt. Whlsnant at Work. Under this head the Charlotte News says: ,Capt. T. W. Whisnant, the new Superintendent of the Caro Una Central road; has buckled down to business in the superintendent's office in Wilmington, and under his hand everything works with the old titne smoothness. The people of ; wuminirfnn tr whom nnt . Whis- ' 'i"""!,-) " ' x . . xi .ni nam lsacouiimrouvc .snaufi", wt find him an excellent wan -in every respect, courteous anu anaoie in uis i - ... mgnnors And A. Iliail eDUOWeU With u.i.u-v.u j, , - . . r 1 s -. k -- ---! n ki nr . ma id nne Dusme m o-uu owuuji. a man that they will love. Char lotte will certainly regret to lose him as a resident.! New Registration Jbaws for rnysicians. North Carolina has the most rigid nnrTexclusive laws soverning the f ,,luli.v,r,u nf nv Rtnt.n in Ti i r T7.-. the Union, y The last legislature passed the following in regard to registration and every physician will I aave to comply that wishes to con- .;..,. Htfninc The new law re-I F TTr .. ;-.. T- UUUCS tMI" ci ..v. .. l nracticinff medicine or surgery in I this State shall, before the first day - - - of Tftnlirv. one thousand eieht huu- dred ami ninety, personally appear before the Clerk of the Superior Conrt of the county where any Lh neVson resides or practices for .!cti.o f inn i eli oi n nrn f irlnd 9 nH registration as herein provided, and pefSOu-who shall begin the ..r". . h a a. m a . . . 1 r . V mm MfVA OT 1 f.. nt. nnoca" in this State after the passage of this act shall likewise personally appear before the Uleric of the Superior Court of the county in which he resides or practices within thirty days after obtaining a license from the Board , of Medical Jixam liners of the State, as nw provided by law jor such registration. That any person applying for registration as herein provided shall produce and - Ir ii r . 1 exhibit before th. "clerk of the Sup erior Court a license obtained 'from tiie Board of Medical Examiners aforesaid, or a diploma issued by a regular medical college prior to the seventh day- of March, 1885; and upon such exhibit or oath being made . as aforesaid the Clerk shall register the date of registration with the name nnd residence of snch applicant." xJT. r 1'ierce 'if I'eiiets cure ;oustipa- Itirm. biIliousnes. ' sick headache. liliiit: nml nil leranrre ... ' innt - of the tnma..h. . liver . and - 4M.1C ft. o.lnea . - NO-175. - Forecasts. . For North Carolina stationary temperature, mington "rain." rain For aud WiT. Two young gentlemen who missed the last train last night footed It all the way from Wrights vi He to Wil mington. It was a nice, cool night for such fun. Kefresliins and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from u uu,er6 luagnmceut new souaiountam at a temperature of 34a. Purest Fruit Svrnn Miifc-RUoir l nn,i TNTnfnvni tvt ur. . - n I - . . - V ' - - . ' Down the.KiTer. A large party went down to the rniDg on tne (trove on excursion given by the Sunday ocnqoi or titii street M. E. church, and there were; many ou this after nxn s boat. The Passport will probably carry down also A large number this afternoon, provided it tloes not rain, for the first of the series of Friday afternoon concerts by the Germauia Cornet Band takes place then. City Court. . The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor this morning: - J no. C. Smith, disorderly cond uct, case removed to Justice E. D. Hall's court. David Mallett. drunk and down, was fined $10. -Scott Wade, disorderly conduct. J udgment suspended. Robert Moody, disorderly, was fined $10. ' Five boys, for bathing in the pre- scribed limits, were each fined $5. - . t Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow'b Soothing Syrup should al ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit l t01106? tt Produces nat- I TIT-). I. finiOT. email V . .i- . I xi all pain, relieves wind, regulates the Dowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle, july 6 deod&wly THE MAIL SCnEBULE.'V fhe malls close and' arrive at the City rost office as follows: OUTGOING MAILS DAILY. - CLOSE. LEAVE. WlLand Wash;(78)lst Dls.. 7.00 A: M. 9.00 A M WlLand Waj5h.(78) 3d'Dis!" ais a! m. aoo a m .............. o.a. . v.m a.m. Duuiutwiu.... . . . V.iM.) A.. M. 9.45 I WlLand Ruth..? i.anp. XT o on I rlintm oni .jih ioni, S W V. T i ' it ,v, r . u "vtw",u; r. jh. t.w r. wil. lumjacK. (&j 5.30 V. M. 6.25 P. M. i SHf, l$&$i$Jk u;- ...1L151. m. 1205P.M I' rnrTTPtar ttd a wr -nm - . I ' ' A u o i. it X JUUA 1 i Brunswick... i..... fm a w i . .,. ' -"-" www .. cape rear River mall 1.10 p. m. 2.08 p.-m. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. OnslOW. 7.00 A. M. INCOMING MAILS DAILY. - ARRIVE AT P. 0. Charlotte and Maxton. 7 5S a m WlL and Jack. 8.40 A.M. Clinton and Goldsboro.. 1L60 A. M wil and Kuth Wrlghtsvllle southport .......12.51 P.M 6.00 P. M. Wll. and Wash. (23). WlL and Wash. vn. 4.40 P. M 6.10 P. M. 10.00 P. M 1L55 P. M WlL and Jack. (14).. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick Tuesdays and Fridays. u.w x ji u " .U A. itt. 'no i,im i.iiam A - . TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. OIISIOW. ....... "fin T f GEO. Z. FRENCH, P. 2tL July 22ni. 1889. N U W A DVJSKTI8 EMBIfT . Administrator's Sale, -N SATUROAY THE 3D DAY OF AUGUST w , -: - ....... - ... '.. - BB"i " o ciOCK ft. m., OHUl? premises late- ,y 3. Mrs. A. Xumsden, on Front stiwt, under an order of the superior Court of New Hanover county, I win seU at rs.V & A M . . w- -- n w r . . . next, at 10 o-clock a. m., oathe premises late- public auction, FOR CASH, that valuable MILLINERY, .... - -- ' 7 AND OTHER GOODS, AND URN I TUBE, of which site died possessed. ' ' " K. U. GRANT. Artm'n'r July 24, 1889. ly 24 eod ts. ex Archie Freeman's TS THE place to get fresh pig fish. ..' ' ' . ''". :- uevnea crabs, ciam Fritters, awl nil of the delleadcs of the salt water. When von go to ". . 1 MA (AW . m -mm " . i u u it jx-iu.ii as i- i or vrcnie rTecmans place ana anybody will tell you. . , A. JTUIIISMAN Jy 35 lm 'i caroUna Beach. DRirjtt MEXICAN SHERBET, A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. "Only Of Jy?5tf . MUNDS BROTHERS,. ; v ; 104 N. Front St. T ANTED A WOMAX OP S53E, EX. f ergy and respectability, for onr business In her lfxdlfr-ml, ddle amt prefermLc Salarr 50pw month. Permaientpomon Refer. .:-l!Stf!fc!, 'li J . :J 8 American Mig. House, Lock box 1585?. rr nishea to tne Editor. ; ' - CooimTiidoMm one side of the paper." Personalities xnnst be avoided, i .: . And it is espeaiiyaai pamcniariy uder stood tname E ditor does not always endorso therieTrsoi'correspdentei bo stated m tne etntortai coiniana. ' ;- NEW A D VEKTISEM BNTS. NOW THAT THE EIsrCAMPMENT IS OVER . WE IIAVE LEPT A FEW OP OUR " . Spring a nd : S umrri er Su i ts, Wmcn WE ARE OFFERINa " Regardless of Cost, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCKr Call-and be convinced of the aoove.: antee to . igiar Sell 20 Per Cent. Less than any other house In the city. " ; ;;rB.::F.'PEnwY.':: THE CLOTHIER jy 19 tf up Market Street. For Sale Oheap YOUNG. HORSE, TOGETHER WITH Buggy, Harness. Bridle and Saddle. Will be sold cheap. Reason for selling want of use. Apply to JyJStf J. H. JONES. Wilmiogton Seacoast E.R. I HE FOLLOWING CHANGE IN THE TIME Table of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad will take effect on Moniay, 22nd Ixxsi: lpw - m I; WILMFNGTON. HAMMOCKS. : Leave..;..... 6.00a. m. Arrfve....... 6.50a. m. I Leave.;::,. . . 9.30 a. m. Arrive ,M. ..laiO a. m. f Leave........ 2.39 p. m. Arrive....... a 10 p. m. 5 Leave....... 5.00p.m. Arrive....... 5.35p.m. , Leave,. 6.35 p. m. Arrive 7.15 p.m. Leave 8.30 p. m. Arrive....... 9.10 p. m. - - HAMMOCKS. WILMINOTOS. " ' I " ' ' -. Leave 7.45 a. m. Arrive. ...... 8.3) a. m. i Leave..... ...10.25a.m. Arrive.....-..ll.o7 a. m. i Leave, 4.00 p. m. Arrive....... 4.40 p. m. v - I Leave.. 5.45p.m. Arrive....... 6 20p. m, ? f Leave... ....i 7.30p.m. Arrive....... &io p.m. - 1 Leave. ...... .moo p. m. Arrtve ...... .la 45 p. m, i . i SUNDAY TBAINS LEAVE ANB ARRIVE AT WILMINGTON. LEATK. J ARRIVE. Leave... .. . . . 9.30 a. m. Leave. 2.30 p.m. Leave. ....... 6.33 p. m. Arrive. ll.osa.rn. Arrive aao p. m. Arrive....... 10.45 p. m.- supper Train will be the 6:35 p. m. train leaving Wilmlnjrton. Round trlD tickets w be sold at 25c for this train to parties return ing me same nignc. - J. IL NOLAff, - Jy33 oen'l Manager. Honey.Honey, Honey, rjlHE FINEST BROUGHT TO. THIS MAR- ket for years, put up in one pound Boxes. Call and look at it. - WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT EINE MARYLAND C ream ery B utter, Packed in RefrigeraKor Boxes. The only place in town you can secure a solid one pound print ... . . . ... ' i of fine BUTTER. My . : - . PAROLE FLO Uf2 still stands unparalleled, and is certainly pro nounced by those that once try it to.fce the best sold in town. Also, a very fine JPLOUR for less money, which is guaranteed. Cakes of all Kinds, Crackers, Preserves Jellies, PICKLES, DKIBD PI6UITS, and aa endless variety of Canned Goods. In fact I keep eVerrthlncr which can bo found in a first class Grocery Store. cau and examine my Goods.-: : - -.. . Jno. L Bdatwrigiit, Jy 28 ; , 15 & 17 So. Front St, A. Perry h JlVEKY, SALE AND EXCHANGE STA- bles have lust been supplied with several fine 8 addle an buggy Horses. . Board for Horses by the day, week or month at liniigr prices. Give me a calL Carrlaees always on hand. North Front St. (Taylor's old stand.) jy 6 lm Brown's Beach Restaurant ANI-' ; . ;- . BATH ROUSES. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the public that my Restaurant and Bath nouses on Wrlfhtsville Beach, - opposite tbe Hummocks, are now open and read r- for th accommodation of all who mar favor ma with their patronage. . . Pis Ejish. boa shell crabs and Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains. -The Bath Houses are clean,- wen tcrilliated: and supplied with fresh water;; clean twefca and careful attendants. A call is soitcited. Respectf ullyx T' v- - -my 23 tf : , . r .-v i - it E. LrUROW-f. iltOne! Dollar t Iff ILL BUY A WHOLE BARREL OFIRISH POTATOES, this Teari CTrmX flli nound and good. Larger lot of Western Shoulders at T " cents, retalL Mnst be sold quick. 123 North Warer St.. Wilmington, 2L-C. Jy 24 U Uw , CStar copy.) -. ' I - , m7 t!

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