o n " n Absolutely Pure. This owder never vanes. A marvel of pu rity HtrpTicrth anti wholesomeness. More econ- " omloal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot toe sold In competition with the multitude of low oat- ohnrt wpicht alum or ohosDhate powders. ZZyJinZ. KOYAL BAKING POWDEK CO., 106 WalLSt., N. Y. i oet d&rwly tcnrm tthpd 3rdpw fZFBIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1889. STATE NEWS. tth&th&m Reoord: The western warn Wanted In this county is crow in much better than was reported. a. few weeks ago,, and tliat it will oake abetter crop than was then expected1. '- A protracted meeting was held last week at Mt. feasant nhnrch. in Baldwin township, at wbich quite a large number of con versions were made. ! Reidsville Review: The continu ous fall of rain last week caused the largest freshet of the Dan river ever known to the oldest inhabitants. Some say that it was from three to fnur fppt hfcher than ever known. ' The crops in -the low, grounds are all probably ruined, in agreatmany places the water beiug over the tops of the corn and in some places the tassels could only be seen above water. I Rockingham Rocket: The County Commissioners have issued and dis posed of $12,000 of Richmond coun ty bonds, the money to be used in the construction and furnishing of vthe new court, house. A good farmer from lower Richmond told .us the other day that the corn crop in Tils section had not been injured by the wet weather, but was better than usual. We hope such may be the case all over' the county. But we know that great destruction has been wrought along Pee Dee and its tributaries. On Saturday last Man Pankey, colored, shot and kill ed Camos Leak, colored, on the premises of Mr. H. S. Pool, near Jackson's Springs, just over the line in Montgomery county. From what (we can learn of the affair Pankey and JLeak got into a dispute about a woman and Leak drew ins knife on Pankey and threatened to "cut his i throat." Pankey left and walked about a mile and borrowed a double barreled shot ! gun and returned. Finding Leak still tjjere he opened fire on him, killing him almost in stantly. Officers were on the hunt for Pankey Monday and we learn " that he was captured Monday night and taken to jail in Montgomery county, in which county the killing was done. Leak was from Rock- ipgham. 1 Charlotte Chronicle: Miss Lou iVernon, who has been livinsr with J. P. Long, eloped with Michael Morrisey Tuesday evening. Mor rissey has been for four months in the employment of the Street Car Co. They. were married at Hamp Shelly's by Rev. Ludwell, of the Salvation Army. Since July Soth rain has fallen every day until yesterday and the propects seemed veryjood for more in the morning, but about noon the sky cleared off, the sun came out, and there was every indication that the long 6 pell of wet weather was over. Accord ingto the records at the signal of fice, ten and three quarter inches of rain fell in this time, which is at the rate of nearly an inch per day. " Durham Recorder: ' Mr. "w. .G. Burkhead, for some time editor of the Durham "Plant," will" leave for Whiteville - soon, where he has ac cepted the i position of principal of the High School at that place. - -Raleigh News and Observer: The death of Mr. Bryan Satterth.waite is the fourth sad fatality which has occurred among the Milburnie pic nic nartv. Many others who drank the, tainted water have narrowly escaped the grave, and it is not yet known' where its terrible conse quences will end. Wilson Advance: Talking with several farmers in Selma Tuesday we were glad to hear them speak so cheerfullv about the condition of crons in that section of Johnston county. The corn crop is all righk ank so is cotton if it does not fair off too suddenly They were of the opinion that the rains for the past two weeks bad done more good than harm. The pea crop is fine, and the outlook is promising. . - tstiCkierj ' Arnica Salve The Besr Saive in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, andall Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents ner box. . For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. : H LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billioushess and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches. take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, tako Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, 'all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. m th s Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E: Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. COMMERCIAL SEWS. Heny Marsh, who works at the fur niture factory of Elliott & Marsh, and who is a son of the latter, was seriously stabbed just below tlie heart, .Monday night, about eleven o'clock. Dr. Wilder was summoned . to attend the wounded man, who ! was at Mr. Cainpian's where he boards. Dr. Wilder found the wound to be a, ''-deep one, but Mr. Aiar&u. reiusea to let mm proDe it. TheLi an bled profusely. Tuesday and yesterday, he was in a precar -' ious condition; and it was only last ' night that the doctor thought' him wpII pnnnch tr h i rmnvl to tVi house of his father. Mr. Marsh says ' he was assaulted in the dark on the . lailroad near the factory, and he believes his assailant was a negro. - Vital Wicks. There are three wicks to the lamp of a man's life: brain, bloody and breath." Thus writes an emi nent American author. The most frequent derangements occur in the blood and in the liver, by which. when in healthy condition, the blood is purified. Look out for the terri- bin chain nf rliepsispa flint, nuro tlioii inception to torpid liver and conse quent impure blood. When the symptoms . of liver and kidney irouoies, consumption (Liung scroi eta), bronchitis, and dropsy, make . their appearance, the system is in immediate need of a couka nf Tr fieree's lioiuen Medical Discovery. "Its marvelous effects have been "tested and proven in the cure of "lies and enriches the blood, restores lost vitality, and effectually eradi . cates the seeds of the worst maladies that afflict aan2xi& - - Fay's Automatic Fan Attachment. This grand invention for keeping cool, and the flies off at the same time, is just being introduced, and will have an enormous sale during the hot months. It can be attache ed to any Rocking Chair made, and will fan the occupant of the chair while he rocks himself. It can be attached to Cribs or Cradles, and will fan the sleeper. It -is a comfort to the sick and invalids, who will require less care from the nurse. It is invaluable in every household. It is cheap, ornamental and useful, and will last for many years. The Com panv wish to secure an Agent at once in every county. It is a bo nanza for Agents during the hot months. Over one thousand sold in Pittsburgh in two weeks. Pays one hundred per cent, profit. Sample complete, handsomely nickel plated, sent on receipt of $2.00. Circulars and terms to Agents sent to all. Address A. F. ATTACHMENT CO., d&wtf i Pittsburgh, Pa. WILMINGTON MARKET. Aug. 0.-2:30 P. M. SPIRITS- TURPENTINE Firm nf. An cents. Sales of receipts at 40 cents. -ROSIN Firm at f V 75 cents for cents bid for good strained and strained. i TAR Firm at $1.60. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $2.00 for yellow dip and virgin. ,., MAKTNE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Schr. James Ponder, Dodd, New port, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Schr Thomas -J May, Wolston, New York, Geo Harriss, Son &5Co. CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Tribou, New York, H G Smallbones. Steamer D Murchison, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. . EXPORTS. I COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 29 pkgs mdse, 86 bags chaff, 94 barrels rosin, 25 barrels crude,: 331 barrels tar, 50 barrels pitch, 399 casks spirits, 25 barrels oil, 60,000 shingles, 150,000 feet lumber. WEVV YORK. OBSERVER. ESl'ABLISHED IN 18 The Oldest and Best "MISCELLANEOUS. Honey, Honey,Honey rjplIB FINEST BROUGHT TO THIS MAK- tet for years, put up In one potlnd Boxes. Call and look at it. WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE I MARYLAND f : : Creamery Butter, Packed In Refrigerator Boxes. Tne only place in town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My PAROLE FLOUR still stands unparalleled, and Is certainly pro nounced by. those that once try it to be the best sold In town. Also, a very fine FLOUR for less money, which is guaranteed. Cakes of all Ki?ds, ' 1 Crackers, Preserves, Jellies, PIOlvLES, IKI ed puurrs, and an endless variety of Canned Goods. In fact I keep everything which can found In a first class Grocery Store. call and examine my Goods. be Jno. L. Boatwright, 15 & 17 So. Front St. MISCELLANEOUS. MIBCELLj ; SPECIAL OEIM RESIDENTS 9F SOUND AND BEACH 1 For the next two weeks I will deliver at the Seacoast R. R. . : 1 an station REF Archie Freeman's TSTHE PLACE to GET FRESH PIG FISHJ Deviled Crabs, Clam Fritters, and all of. the delicacies of the salt water. When you go to Carolina .Beach ask for Archie Freeman's place and anybody will tell you. Jy 25 lm Carolina Beach. Family Newspaper, pig FISH ! PIG FISH Six Regular Editors: Special Cor resnondents at Home and Abroad? Stories. Reviews, Condensed News Deriartments for Farmers, Mer chants. Bankers, Professional Men- Students. Bovs and Girls. ! This year the Observer will pubj lish more than , FIFTY PRIZE STOKIES, Meals 35c I ALWALYS KEEP A SUPPLY OP FRESH FISH on hand. As I have my own boat and seine I always keep from 200 to 300 on hand. Tic nic parties can be served with Fish or Coffee. and the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col umns. Poets and prose writers, au thors. editors, men of science and i women of erenius I will fill the col umns ef the Observer, and it wil erive flftv-two unexcelled papers m the coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. : or $1.00 JA8. A a D iyl HKWLEiT. Restaurant In 100 yards of Switchback. Good CIGARS and ice cool BEER always on hand. iy 11 tf THE STATE' CHRONICLE S uccessor to the Farmer and Mechanic the Chronicle.) and Great Inducements for 1889 nnrlfir NAw-ManflPmpnt 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent U UUOl WDW -LY-LO-Liag UilltJll I, NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. THE MAIL SCHEDULE. The malls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: OUTGOING MAILS DAILY. CLOSE. LEAVE. WlLand Wash.(78)lst DiS.. 7.00 A. M. 9.00 A. M. wiLand wasn.(782d ins.. 8.15 A. M. 9.00 A. M WrtghtSVllle 8.43 A. M. 9.30 A. M. SOUthport 9.30 A. M. 9.45 A. M WIL and Ruth 1.20 P. M. 2.20 P. AL Clinton and Gold, (special) 3.30 P. M. 4.00 P. M Wil. and Jack. (23). 5.30 v. m. &25 P. tf WiL and Ruth. 6 30 P. Af . P. M WIL and Jack. (27) 9.30 P. M. jOICP. M WlL and Wash, (14). 11.15 P. M. 1205P.M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Brunswick 6.00 A. M cape Fear River mall L10 P. M. 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow 7.00 A.M. INCOMING MAILS DAILY. " ARRIVE AT P. O, Charlotte and Maxton.. 7.55 A. M. WiL and Jack 8.40 A. M. Clinton and Goldsooro.. 11.50 A. M WiL and Ruth 12.5 ' P. M. Wrigrhtsvllle 6.00 P. M. soutnport 4.40 P. M WiL and Wash. (23) 6.10 P. M, wil and Wash. (27) 10.00 P. M. WiL and Jack. (14) 11.55 P. M MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick 5.00 P. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Cape Fear River 7.00 A. M. TUESDAY'S AND SATURDAYS. Onslow 7.00 P. M GEO. Z. FRENCH, P. M. July 22nd. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICE ! WE ARE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE Wholesale Liquor House in the State, having established business In 1868. Twenty-one years' experience taught all about It, and since we buy our brands of WHISKIES MADE TO SUIT OUR TRADE, WE CAN AF FORD TO GIVE YOU Better Goods for Less Money THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS STATE, AND AT LEAST As Liw as iny Firm in the United States. Give us a call and we will prove to you all we say. Brunhttd,Siinoii& Co., Ill N. Front St., dealers la Liquors, cigars and Tobaccos, for one year to any clereyman not now a sub scrlber. for ONE DOLLAR. 2. Any subscriber sending his own subscrlp tlon for a year m advance and a new sudscii ber with $5.00. can have a copy of the 4-Iren ajus Letters." or "The Life of Jerry McAuley.' a We will send the OBSERVER for the re mainder of this year, and to January 1, 1889, to any new subscriber sending us his name and address and $3.00 in advance, to sucn suoscn bers we will also give either the volume of Irenaeus Lttters" or "The Life of Jerry Mc Auley.'" Agents wantea everywnere. LiDerai ter Large commissions. Sample c free. Address, Ntvw York Observer, NEW YORK White Goods. WE nAVE A LARGE t STOCK OF WniTE GOODS, AND Propose to Sell Them. To effect this, liberal concessions will be made in prices. They have ?ieen placed on the coun- ter and must be sold. ! ' - I We show a variety of FORTY DIFFERENT STYLES in UP WITH THE TIMES. HPIIE "STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE what Its name implies a State Paper. It is not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectional- It will aim to keep up with the news fromJMurphj' to Manteo, or, as the politicians put it, from Cherokee to Cur ritucic ! It will be the organ of no man. no ring", no section; no party. It will be Democratic in Soiltlcs, but will not hesitate to criticise democratic measures and Democratic officers. fUlATTRESSES, or QPRirjcr. PILLOWS AND BOLSTERS AT MY REGULAR CITY PRICES ANn FREIGHT: ON SAME; uiauiiiuuiiirer ui j.ew lyAiittresses, xtenovator-Of Old Matt 17 1111 NCKSS 'HI it EE. ilpw for thiOdds arid.: End We are just through taking inventory; -and many J v 111 ouiu ikj x ivo.) man vcuui. Ill U1UC1 LL llUV'g 2L me. resse,4t. . PERFE iTLT 0 LI AN-AND. NEAT STOCK vv e are preparing for a LARGE FALL with . more room hope to show' our stock vantage.. " " ; ;" TRADE to a better AT IfyOS ATJ D CARPETS tvt . ' 1 i 'ii i 'l i ': i ow on nana win De soia very, very cheap. The at suggestions are submitted for: the consideration of buyers. Respectfully, . . . t ' aug G .rwi-.r.icirjTiRE1 ear in;Sv1ind THAT TAYLOE'SBAZAAE Is the place to get Fashionable-Goods and are Leaders! Low Prices. Straw Hats 25c each. R reduced to 48c each. Flowers, fine French Flowers, fori price $1.98, now selling at 75c each. Laces, Lace Edgin' Net and Brussels Net. ; Majine and Veiling at bne-halftli value. The Crescent Bustle, just received, and ingrc demand, Silk Mitts, warranted all silk, 23c a pair. Parasc and Sun Shades in all shadeV Fan's; immense stock tos' lect from. Corsets of everv make; ? HandJrercJiies fmmf I up. Gents' Linen Hemmed-Stitch Colored Uonlerz 1 each; and lots of other desirable and Seasonable Goods! remarkably Low rnces. , V TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: I One Year $300 Six Months.. . 100 Snree Months 50 TFor a sample copy address TllJfl TATJfi CHKONICLE, lialeigh, N. C. Scribner's Magazine For 1889. The publishers Of SURIBNER'S MAGAZINE aln to make It the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times Dre- servlng its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have Deen drawn to it during the past six months toy the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and In teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contln ued by several very striking Dauers: one esDe daily interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas JL. James on "The Railway Postal Ser vice." Illustrated,. t MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel "xne jaasier 01 uanantrae," will run tnrougn tne greater part or the year, ! uegun in jsovemoer. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. P. Millet ana a famous group 01 modern French Painters wui iurnisa tne suDstance or several articles. I iUustraica. 1 The brier end papers written last vear rw Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by T7 1 t j j ! tji 1 equauy lntereacing uoninouuons oy cuffere t r.TIl nrrnnfirftn r minr HP'S, iamous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch w o I will write the lirst of them for the Januarv I1EM-S! ITCHED TRIMMIXC?, Manyvaluable LITERARY ARTICLES Will uuiu Ullivuiiv llliltiu.iuui-f UniW!)rAni)TWr nn Walter finnttio llofhH worK, mustratea rrom original MSS.. a second " from the tiny hair cord check for Infants, to the largest Plaid. We si ow Twenty Different kinds of - PLAIN GOODS, from 6c. to 60c. per yardv PmKrnMararl Pimm ' Xr Pinna "Shelf of OldBooks," by Mrs. James T Fields, tmDrO'Uereu riqUe OC rlQUe and many other articles equally noteworthy, Skirtings. Our stock Is complete and worth the atten tlon of buyers. The Ladies are respectfully Illustrated Articles on ART SUBJECTS will Vw a feature. Jfapersare arranged to appear by Clarence COOk, E. H. Blashfield. Austin Dobsnn and many omers. illustrated. FISHING ARTICLED dnscrthfnn- snort, in the Vwicf flcKl.. - ... " uav uouuiK kiuuuus will aDTiear. Sfl imnn Wlnnlnlsh, Bass and Taroon are th snnipots now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. Illustrated. 1 ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel! biography, description, etc., will appeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. ! iuusiratea.'. npoiLET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINES, scientific papers for theSllVemarS JNO. J. IIEDRICK. my27tf Drags and Uieinicale, j. Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc. Also Prescriptions J an 4 filled day or night at , JT. U. MILLER'S, r 1 Drug Store, Corner Fourth and. Nun Sts , Lawn Mowers, Best on ttie Market! ! GARDEN HOES, RAKES, SPRINK- lers, KuDBer nose ana Attachments. Bottom prices, on auove at f W. JS. I'KJNUER CO'v apl 20 tf 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. 1 SU5iet Work. 'HE SEAVTNG SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S TZZ w I1U1- uuu Trowondge, upon fficS8&asi.dBSBBS?' " V A ClaSS Of arHRlS Whlri haa nmvnrt rsf clal interest will be continued fiv a crrminnd nanprs nnnn prunToimimr " fr. -"vimvii x imta uiuab recent PPatlons, by eminent authorities: a re SBSSKSSSE INO, and ether a cnr.11,.VnJ'"e Illustrations. I A SPECIAL owwRit tr v. numbers, which inr.inriP. mi th -uJfSLJ cles, as follows: i -p A'?$Snptlon 1889 the nam- I IOr JliJoo. .......... . . j rrv A7nti .M89 and the nurn- T" "v'omiooo, uuuuum ciotn 6.00 , 83 9 year ; 35 cents a number. Charles Scribner's Sons, Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting ana embroidery. Ladies' ana cnuaren's aprons a specialty. Orders left at the Rectory, or 224 North Third street, win meet wiia prompt auentipa SLOT U ! For Sale. QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR .SALE, AT YOUR own price at j : 3S JSl J&i 3FS. : 118 Market St., Wilmington, TJ. C Big discount to the trade. Orders by !' promptly fulfilled. i -' ; The SOMETHING ; M AMERICAN MAGAZINE. " Bf ant ifull j Illustrated . 25 els. $3 Yrar ITS SCOPE. TILE AMERICAN. " MA -ZINE gives preference to national topics an scenes, and its literature and. art are of th highest standard. Famous American write r fill its pages with a wide variety of interest lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and short stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the nerlod. and.in short. is Magazine is - - - - , -, - ... - stlnctlvely Eenresentative of : .- - American Thought and Progress. It Is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of. the high-class monthlies. .- . , Till n nr t sin t A Specimen Number, with X1UIUI WiUl-iuustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable Premiums"to club Kaisers, will be sent on re ceipt of 15c, if this paper Is mentioned. Responsible andenersretle persons want ea to soucn suDscnptions. write at once for exclusive lerntory. Address, - - THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., feb - 749 Broadway JiewVvfc. H. CRONENBERG, PHOTOGRAPHER, A KTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. T FRAMING A SPECIALTY. " Jyt3tf Market St., South side Cape Fear House. A FIRST CLASS REST AU KANT HAS BEEN opened at th terminus of the Ocean View if. Fresh Plgfish, Clams and Beer always on hand. In COliiiPr.t,lYn wlt.h nnr tietttanrant- n-n nave a first class Dining Koom for our white customers. Give ua a. ftall and wa tmarnnteo to give you entire satisfaction. - -jejS33m ' A SMALL LOT OP , Parisian Outing Clef COMPOSED PEIJfCIPALLY OF WX A Very Fine Fabric to. - NEAT PATTEB5S . - ". ' JOB Handsome Col: ', . ( , "- " - ... . ' ' . , -'VEKY DESIRABLE FOB ' , hPmintaeW- Me.' 30 28 tf j- - University of North Cjr CHAPJEIifll i 1 .rr.TXSSW' T 5, 1889. Thorough, vau-r . i Literature. " Science, Tuition $30 per session. Xfnr Cafilncrnen. AC, 60aiv ' JIQ.V.KE11PP. "jy tf - mi- Table Board. - .ret A PEW QTLSC wlthaWe:BoardJonJJP mclrSUi (