I : - ". " v .-. A '.," ' ' " x ' ' i'! ' ' " " ; " - ' '- - r- -- 'i ' ': - - ? - ' .- 5 --' - '- ' ' - - " - ' ' ' " " " j 1 r! i i rf( lY . - W 1 WW ' :CSix VSg h : if J LI is.,ltOT ftna pr0' u (A i one montn,35oenis. uvered toy carriers, free Ml. r r per ,nwand UteraL -rffAse report any and I 4 j Si . - .v le?ant form r" ....oi-rirt!iA.iiilOE OF CALIFORNIA, Ued with the medicinal iTTiQtiLs known to be fwfirial to the human XZgL forming an agreeaoie Active laxative to perma- tt cure Habitual Consti ES, and the many ills de gg on a weak or inactive Lfifiarfthe tlEIS. UVER ANU BUWtLO. fcidii)illeit remedy known to Utf nfWlf EFFECTUALLY Illaont is Bilious or v,onui -SO THAT H ROOD, RITRE1H1IIQ 8LIEP, ( WALTH and iTRIMQTH q one is using it and all are felted with it. Z ASK YOOR DBUOOWT FO WbUI OP IPXOrO t. UUAJPAOTURKO ONLY BY CillFORMI A FIG SYRUP CO. lk FRANCISCO, CAL. bams. fl. w ro?- r iotJERTR. BELLAMY, ; WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, MSijittw Wilmington, N. (.'. Mercurial Poison. aararybtieqaently injudiciously used toy Lddoctontociscs of malaria and blood pn. to met t?ect 13 worse than the iglaal disease. B. B. B. (Botanic. Blood En) cotaiDsiw mercury, hut will eliminate imrtal poison from the system. Write to loiMuCOL, Atlanta, Ga., for book of pete? proof of its curaUve virtue. Lr.Mton, Jackson, Tenn., writes: "I Laaliria in Louisiana, and when the fffiiist broke my system was saturated fipcBE;and 1 nad sores In my mouth and Munonfue. I got two bottles of B. Itnai healed mv tonfmeand monrh ani ViifTmanof me.-' piBcnmonu, Atlanta, Ga.. writes: "My Her eyes ere in a lirfinrtfm ron. Her appetite failed. She had pain In mm bones. Her kidneys were de UO. and no one thmicrht cho imim v H kGlUam recommended B. B. B.. twiuntil her health wa entirely vi.V??e3' 4tIanta,(Jx, writes: "I was C?r wPPr colored eruptions, loss of acbIn? Joints, debiuty, fiwiRR W re and great fesa. a B. B. put my system In fine anesC. Munfls, Agt t DRUGGIST. X& USt OP PURE DRUGS AND r .ioan Well Mlrprnl Wotor. - Ji "pass FBSt i jan 15 The Acme FACTlfRINGOO. CFACTURERS OP , Pine Fibre and p'ne Fibre Maying. 'Kington, n.c. ATI0N OFOURPERTiuZEKS iSah,0 states will 5i Hgn rade manure 9a .'uuaae from ilim!.rt and durability and tSe VOL XI L -WILMINGTON, N, C, FRIDAY AUGUST 16, 1889. NO 1931 LOCAL ISTE"WS. 1NDEZ TO NSW ADTERTISBMENTS B P Penny Clothing W M Cumking Mattresses Munds Bros Pharmacists Excursion - To CaroUna Beach Masquerade Ball Carolina Beach, Cronly & Morris Underwriter's Sale. W. M. for sale.- Cumining has Pine Fibre t W. M. Cumniing Nets and Bars. sells Mosquito t The mountains and seem to be mixing. the seashore Notwithstanding the I high wind fish bit very well at the Sound yes terday. The crowd of pleasure seekers who hie themselves to the seashore is phenomenally large. i Capt. and Mrs. H. VonGlahn re turned the city last night from a visit to relatives in Gerinanv. Messrs. N. W. Jacobs and Robert Katz have returned from a visit to New York and other large cities.i A 4one fisherman" on the gang way at the Hammocks yesterday afternoon caught a number of very fine sheephead. Prepared by a combination, pro portion and process peculiar to it self, Hood's Sarsaparilla accotn pushes cures hitherto unknown. Cahtelonpes have almost entirely disappeared from the market. There are some good watermelons, how ever, arriving every day. A gentleman who is a guest at the Islajid Beach Hotel told us yester day that he enjoyed his visit there more than at any Summer resort at which he had ever stopped. Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint. It is the best and cheapest. You will find all col ors.in any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Red drum are beginning to bite. One of the employes of the hotel at the Hammocks caught a very fine one Tuesday, catching drum is fine - sport, especially when you hook a large one. A'big Farmers' Alliance excursion party will arrive here next Tuesday, the 20th, from Rutherfordton and ntermediate points. It will come in during the evening, probably about 6.30 or 7 o'clock. "Into all lives some ram must fall" and the' rain falls into the life of the local reporter when news is scarce and hard to find, no matter how bright the sun may shine and how cloudless a day it may be. f (Ju other fabric 3 PurooW 13 nslvely used for Ln. 0ur offlc. or win be mall- ran t u d!?'na Beach! SHgkove and pass- ! follows f?1153 and Mondays "uwa for Carolina ri j,ri p. m m "r" usu p. m.. iw,m. i-;ou p. m., rtha. m. and 5 p. m. reavln a. m. and Htaca w U1UJ, za cents. of ?tiS? situated upwards ero,T "ri-or lalet calculated iauJ safpiX" .CUWS ine most in 'uuscurrpn pleasures of Sranhlconsenle. fo7 suppued DoMtr. uacnnaren, are fis ' cwaie attendants In KttSi also always be Forecasts. j I For North Carolina, fair weather, except showers on the coast, cooler in the East and stationary tempera ture in Western portion. ForWih mington and vicinity, fair weather. Refreshing and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup.Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. To Dispel Colds. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per manently cure habitual constipa -tion, to awaken the Ridneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Another Victim. Miss Margaret Busbee, daughter of Mr. Fab. H. Busbee, of Raleigh, died recently in Asheville, another victim ot the Milburnie pic nic near fcaleigh. Miss Busbee was only about 10 years old and was justly accounted one of the most beautiful young ladies in the State. She was here last Winter on a visit to Col. Atkinson's family, j The Last of the Queen. Messrs. Cronly & Morris will selj on Thursday next, the 22d inst., at public auction, at Point Peter, all that is left of the steamer Queen oj St. John's, the hull, steel boilers, &c. The boilers are encased in brick and are comparatively uninjured. Immediately thereafter, at the. Champion Compress, they will sell the anchors and chains, hawsers, boats, truck, donkey engine, &c. Grand Maeqverade at the Iteacli. There will be a grand Masquerade Ball at Carolina Beach on Tuesday Aug. 20th, and a fine display of fire works. Capt. John H.urper has en gaged the finest music he could find for the occasion, and we have no doubt that all who go will have a good time, as there will be an ex cursion from Southport to Carolina Beach on the same night. Every body ought to be home by 12 o'clock. High Water Marks. An act was passed by the last leg islature making it the duty of over seers to establish high J water marks or signals on both sides of any river, creek or streams used as a ford, and to permanently fix the same Any overseer failing to carry out the provisions of the this law .will be guilty of a misdemeanor. In view of the heavy freshets of late this law becomes a very important one and the knowledge of its re quirements should be general. Capt. W. H. Allen, who has for so many years past been the courteous and efficient Master of Transporta tion of the Carolina Central R. R has resigned that office and will re tire from the active cares of business to the well-earned ease of private life. Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low' prices will aston ish and our: Stoves please you.' N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The indications are that there will be another big crowd at Caro lina Beach to-night, although not so large as was that of last Friday. The Gerraania Band will go down on the 5 o'clock boat and the usual concert, the third of the series, will be given on the Beach to-night. Some ot the North Carolina Teachers salledJrom Glasgow last Saturday for home. The remainder will sail on the 16th inst. The reason for the division of the party is that the steamer Kevnda, on which the entire party went over, was too much crowded . for proper accom inodations. Shirts, we have got them by the million, made by good and skilful hand; come and see us, we can save you over fifty five per cent. We'll not charge you fancy prices, treat you well, don't be afraid, therefore como and patronize; us I money sav ed is money made, at the Wilming ton Shirtactory, 122 Market street. tf Positively Identified. David Wiggs, the burglar, is in a weaving way. The j evidence ac cumulates against him daily. This morning Hugh Murphy, a well known colored carpenter who lives n on McRae street, between Chestnut and Mulberry, was taken at his re quest to the jail, where he positive ly identified Wiggs as the man. who had entered his house burglariously few months ago. The evidence not only accumulates, but it extends and it is likely that others will soon be implicated. The belief is that there is a regular band of burglars operating here, and that there are "fences" who receive and dispose oi the plunder. The recovered arti cles' are yet at the , City Hall. The gold cross has been claimed by Annie Whitehead, colored, who says that she found it some months ago on the street. There is hair in the cross and it must have been a treas ured reiic with some one. It is strange that the original owner does not put in an appearance. The re port' that Mr. Geo. S. Willis had identified some of the articles as stolen from his house is incorrect. General Manager 1 Sign of the blue awning. They "Swore like our Army In Flanders," may be said of many sufferers from biliousness, headache, constipation, indigestion, and their resultant irri tability, intellectual sluggishness, ennui, etc. The temptation to thus violate a sacred commandment, however, is speedily and perma nently removed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant j Pellets tjpy, lit tle, sugar-coated I anti-bilious Gra nules; nothing like them. One a dose. Druggists., The thermometer! stood at 82 at 12 o'clock to day. This is phenome nally low. Mr. D. H. Lippitt has returned from a visit to the Western part of the State. MiW. H. Sprunt and family have gone to Hickory on a visit to Mrs. Sprunt's relatives, j Mr. J. M. Westbrook, of Pender county, was in the city, to day and paid us a very pleasant.visit. The Mayor had before him this morning. tWo cases of disorderly conduct, both of which were dis missed. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out'at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co t . We found a pocket knife yester day on Second street, near Princess, and the owner can get it by describ' ing the property. Mr. S. Reichman, formerly of this city, but no w traveling for the house of A. & H. Myers, of Philadelphia, is here on a brief visit. The half holiday was conscientious ly observed by many of our business houses and those who kept open might just as well have closed. The Market Street Mission will open a Sunday School in the Giblem Lodge building, corner Eighth a'nd Princess streets, ori Sunday niorn ing. j S The old saying that "Friday is sure to be the fairest or the foul est day of the week," has again been exemplified. This has been the fairest day we have had this week. A gentleman who took supper last night at Brown's Restaurant, on Wrightsville Beach, says that it was much better meal than he' has ever yet seen set out at At or Cape May. anticCity The Peanut Planters. A very large and enthusiastic delegation of peanut erroivers from North Carolina and Virginia assenio bled in the town of Suffolk, Va., to take into consideration ways and means of handling and selling the peanut crop more to the planter's advantage. Eight counties in Virginia and as many, or more, in j North Carolina were represented, making a body of some 250 members, j The Peanut Growers' Union of Virginia, lately organized in the city of Petersburg, was merged into a union of the goober growers of the two States, and the Jiame changed to Alliance Peanut Union of the South. A full complement of standing committees, having very important duties for their special work, was appointed, and a statistican elected --whose duty it is to collect from and impart to the Alliances full data as to the area, condition, &c, of the peanut crop. I The union adopted resolutions in regard to farmer's peanut factor ies and warehouses, on a systein. Of grading peanuts, and on cotton versus jute bags for peanut sacksj The resolution adopting the cotton bagging, samples of which were shown to the meeting, was passed with applause and vim. The cotton" sacks (manufactured in Tennessee) are very good, superior to jute, and destined to give better satisfaction than the latter. j The State of Tennessee, on the peanut belt of the same though not yet crganiccilly within the union, is virtually so. Thus we have an Interstate union . of three States that are the largest growers . of this crop. l, ; The meeting was large! ana im portant enough to attract the at tention of r the outiide world, and telegrams were received from Chi cago, asking, "What are the farm ers up to?n And it is known that there was more than one looker on in Vienna in the shape of, peanut buyers. ! The meeting adjourned j to meet at Waverly, on the Norfolk and Western Railroad, on the third Thursday in October next, j . One of the Mighty. ven. Llewellyn ij. .testes was Revenue Collector for this district for some years following the close of -the war, and when he left here to take charge of a farm in Halifax; county, there was some pretty plain; talk as to his indebtedness to the Government. He has always been a staunch Republican and has al4 ways been alive to the fact that the white Republicans in th South! were destined to fill all the offices in the gift of aRepublicanPresidentJ We clip the following, relative to him, from the Chatham Record; " j The money that was sent to this State last fall by the Republican National Committee to buy and bribe voters seems to have gotten into trouble one of the leadinxr Re publicans to whom it was sent. Geni L. G. Estes, a carpet bag radical whofigured Conspiculously in the Reconstruction days, was appointed last March a Superintendent of Post Office Inspectors a lucrative and important office but he has recently been dismissed and turned "out to.grass.' And the cause of his dismissal is alleged to be this; Senator Quay, the chairman of the National Republican committee sent $30,000 to this State last fall to be distributed by the most skilfull party workers, and to Gen. Estes was given the sum of $5,000 to be used for the party's benefit. It is said that Quay was dissatisfied with Estes's expenditure of the $5,000 en- trusted to him and the latter would not render any account of how he spent it. This made Quay angry,! and through his influence Estes has been dismissed from office. Thus one more of the Republican secrets of the last campaign is divulged, and proofs are accumulating of the efforts made by the Repulicans to carry North Carolina with the cor rupting use of money. nlshe& Personalities mi5 baaToiaea . And it is especially ana - partIcnlarlJ, nnaer stood that theJEditor does not always enaone the views of cbrTespbkdents aiiless 'sb' rtaW m the emtbrtaicoWmni '4 :i 4 -1 ' if Tit NEW APVCBT1SEMENTB TO THE FRONT 1 Birmingham, Ala., Chronicle. Died, on the 1st Inst., at her home, on Foun tain Heights, near this ity, ICOLIHE BATES The subject of this brief but heartfelt no tice was too much beloved In life for her many aamiraDie qualities to require any extended eulogy after death to keep her dearly cherish ed memory green in the hearts of her many disconsolate friends. She was a perfect type oi souuiern womannooa; amiaoie, reunea, gentie, generous ana nospitaDie. uer prema ture decease has wrought a vacuum in a select social circle that must long remain unfilled. The writer enjoyed the inestimable privilege of possessing her sincere and joyous friendship for a number of years. The grief-stricken husband and two motherless little boys left in the beautiful, once happy, but now desolate home, are the recipients of all possible sym pathy and attention from friends, hoping to sooth their anguish; but time alone, the slow healer of wounded hearts, can effect assuage ment, or ultimately cure. On of the fairest and sweetest ephemeral flowers of earth has just been uprooted, and transplanted in a soil more congenial to eternal, ever-blooming purity ana loveliness. Take her for all in all, we ne'er shall look upon her like again. "Death loves a shining mark, a signal blow.' A Friend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND MASQUERADE BALL THERE WILL BE A Grand Masquerade Ball i AT CAROLINA BEACH, Tuesday Night, Aug. 20th, 1889. Good music for dancing and a grand dis play of fireworks. The SYLVAN GKOVE will leaye at 5 o'clock; the PASSPORT at 7 o'clock p. nr. Fare for the round trip and dancing 35 cents. aug 16 It UNDERWRITER'S SALE OF THE Stmr. Queen of StJohn's. M. CEONLY, Auctioneer, BY CRONLY & MORRIS. ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1889, AT 11 o'clock a. m., we will sell to the highest bidder, at olnt Peter, under the inspection of the Agent Of the Underwriters, for account of all concerned, the Hull and all attached there to of the : Steamer "Queen of St. John's." Length 193 feet, breadth 55 feet and measures 330 tons, recently burned and now lying at Point Peter in 8 feet water. She has four (4) Steel Rollers thoroughly Incased In brick, which ure comparatively uninjured. And im mediately thereafter, at the "Champion Cot ton Press," her Anchors and Chains, naw sers, Boats, Truck, Donkey Engine, and all articles that were saved from said steamer. The steamer "Marie" will leave foot of Dock street on 22d inst., at 10:45 a-m. for place of sale, aug 16 3t 16 17 19 CONCERT- -AT- CAROLINA ; BEACH FRIDAY EVENING. SYLVAN GROVE leaves at 5 p. m. PASSPORT leaves at 7 p. m. Last train leaves Beach at 9 p. m. aug 15 It "It Works tike a Charm." Rulon's Magnetic . Liniment is a- Headquarters for Sash, Doors and safe and sptedy j cure for Rheuma- r,,,K. Societv Work. SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JO UN Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi tism, neuralgia, lout? neatiacne, ua r-r. ThPv sell the best e-ooda Sprains, Bruises, Swellings,. .Diph Hu. Co. 1 hey sen tne :..test gootw tneriat inflammation of the Kidneys at prices that you pay. for those of aU painful affections. For pale an inferior quality. : ' - t by Munds Brothers, v . t - plain and Parish solicit orders for all kinds or fancy sewing', crocheting and embroidery. ' - Ladles' and Children's aprons a specialty.' orders left at the Rectory, or 234 North Third street, will meet with prompt attention O0T25U ; "ull Stock! -Bottom Prices! WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF " PAPER BACG, WEAPPISG PAPER, BLM ; BOOKS,1 STATIONERY, TWINES,. . AND EVERY THING IN THE. Paper Line in the State. Get our prices and terms before placing your orders for any thing in the AS WE ARE : ' " ' ' :' HEADQUARTERS, AND- prices rock Bottom. : OFFICE AND SALESROOM 114 NORTH WATER STREET. Wilmington Paper Co. aug7tf . PJG FISH ! PIG FISH ! I ALWALYS KEEP A SUPPLY OF FRESH FISH on hand. As I have my own boat and seine I always keep from 200 to 300 on hand. Pic nic parties can be served with Fish or coffee. Meals 35c. or $1.00 a Dayi JA8. A. OEWJLEXT. . . . . Restaurant in 100 yards of Switchback. Good CIGARS and ice cool BEER always on hand. Jy n tf DRINK MEXICAN SHERBET, .if A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. Only of jy 25 tf MUNDS BROTHERS, 104 N. Front St. PiArjos. jMIE UNDERSIGNED WILL GO TO NEW:- York September 1st for the purpose of making' special selections of PIANOS for customers, so many worthless instruments ' are now thrown on the market that a personal selec tion by a competent judge is almost a neces sity. We guarantee by this method not only quality, but a saving in' cost. For circulars call on or address , . E. Van LA EH, . 407 Red cross Sfc, Wilmington, N. C. , ; We have on hand several fine new PIANOS and ORGANS which we offer at a bargain. Also, four good second-hand Pianos at a sac- v riflce. aug 14 lw Virginia Arsenic . Bromine and Lithia Water, FOR SALE BY - - 318 NORTH FRONT STREET. augl3 tf -. ' "' ' I ilH - - I I , ! I.I.I Making Room1 for Fall Goods jTHILE OUR STORE IS BJ?ING en larged and remodeled we will close out bal ance of bummer Goods at ' greatly reduced prices. . Brown Linen Vests 70c, White linen Vests i 75c, Alpaca coats l.oo.to f4.oo, 300 cassimere Pants $3.00 to $4.50, French Percale Shirts at ; Must be 75c. worth $1.35. i STRAW HATS at less than cost, sold. SOL. BEAR, aug 9 lm 30 Market street. . Meat. g 500 LBS SUOAR CURED SHOULDERS, 4 J gQQ Lbs. SMOKED SHOULDERS, that ' must be sold at once. , . ! CHAS.'F. BROWNE, Afct, ri ' uj .norm water sc., wunungton, n. c augistfd&w; . I uv x - ' . .v Sale of Real Estate Under- I "; . "V Foreclosure, : - JgY VIRTUE OP. THE POWER OP SALE i contained in a certain indenture of mortgage t executed by David Deal and Lucy A. Deal, hla sk j ... - v. . ---,i-i . wife, to "The Citizens' Building and Loan A8-V:4. : . ....... .,. .J, 'f soclation of Wilmington, N. ' c,v " (default having been made . therein) the undersigned, -- , v as attorneys for said mortgagee, wUI.- on Thursday, the 5th day of September, 188a, atV . - ir 12 o'clock M , at the court House door. In the ' . city of WilmiDgton, sell, by public auction, for cash, the lands and premises conveyed, la - ' and by said mortgage deed, which axo Sit uated in the said city of WUmlngton, and aro " bounded and described as follows: . BeginrlDP tf at a point on the East lino of Ninth street feet North of the Northeast intersection ot Princess and Ninth jstreets, and runnlns t thence with Ninth street South 33 feet, thenco East parallel with Princess street 133 feet. ... thence North 33 feet, thence West parallel - with Princess street 133 feet to the East Una , of Ninth street, the beguining being the West , part Of Lot 3. lU Block: lft. onmrtilntr rn thp r omcial plan of said city. . . JUAKiJUEN BELLAMY, A. O. RICAUD, Attorneys for a'he Citizen's Building and . -Loan Association or Wilmington, N. f " r -