--f- . mr fc K - - t . . ..... a " very evening, Sundays excepted, IT jlmvs! POSTAGE PAID: SCltfi su months 12.00. Three t rtt one month, 35 cents. be delivered by carriers, free fyP jypart of the city, P" -iturltnd rates lowandUDeral. mamwI iJ wiu Please report any a rtbeir paper regularly. and r ' - mm utes. .. most elenat form '.fSlVEANOHUTRITIOUSJUIOl. itf"-, thi FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, ed with the medicinal Si of plants known to be S beneficial to the human Sn, forming an agreeable Sctive laxative to perma S cure Habitual Consti SJn and the many ills de Kg on a weak or inactive Ditionofthe iCIEYS, LIVER ADD BOWELS. Ui ,ie most excellent remedy known to tmSTSTEM EFFECTUALLY fkn one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT wttttOOD, REFRE8HWG SLEEP, HULTH and STRENGTH HATURALLY FOLLOW. Erayone is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB BYRTJX OP 3PXG-0 HANUf ACTUREO ONLY BY AlIORNIAFIG SYRUP CO. v W FRANCISCO, CAL, mm. a. new york. n. y for sale by ROHEKT K. HELIiAM Y, ; WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, Bci 3 lj dw Wilmington, N. V, Mercurial Poison. 1 Hercnry Is frequently injudiciously used by wl doctors in cases of malaria and Wood palm Its liter effect . Is worse than the original disease. B. B. 13. (Botanic Blood Balm) mans no mercury, but will eliminate BeKurtilpoisoa from the system. Write to Blood Ma Co., Atlanta, Ga., tor book of wrtaetog proof ot its curative virtue. 1 1. Brttton, Jackson, Tenn., writes: "I at malaria in Louisiana, and when the twat last broke my system was saturated iSiHtson: and I had sore3 In mv month and boo os my tongue. I got two bottles of B. iMMcn healed my tongue and mouth and istinewman of me." In Richmond, Atlanta, Ga. writes: "My tuuiu unruiy see. uoctors caned it syph- SSL Her annfltftp fnilffi - sha hurt noin n Mnts and bones. Her Sidneys were de ntil also, and no one thought she could be 4 Dr. Glllam recommended B. B. B.. gae used until her health was enUrely tnuones. Atlanta, Ga., writes: '"I was aw wiui copper colored eruptions, loss of WSt Cain In hart nphlnrr irJra 2 tnroat,and great jjz;- fui my system in nne toes C. Muntis, Agt DRUGGIST. JHlLLlNE OP URB DRUGS AND fysiclans' Prescriptions a spe ftney and Toilet Artir.iw m t y-wesian Wen MiT.pi w.to-f glass FREE. 7 ianiV in The Acme HANUFAOTURINtfdO. MANUFACTURERS OP Si". izers, Pinev Fibre and fine Fibre Matting. "'MINGTON, N.C -TATION OP OUK FERTILIZERS tsarxr1' is now established, and 'Wee years' bra in rhA handnnf 11113 otiier states will J Crnxn a wf?n grade manure 5 t;U' maae rrom the leaves of our i?et te7, to. be equal to. any tQrjttQrton V1 aaa anrabiuty and t h."2 & tacreaslng; It has r JnV m any othfirfahrt . : j-"OJtni .... . f.ses, and as a filling tor PrttiL J belnQght KSalnstlnsecta. seen Br n" iliS., Molina Beach. 6SlANc GROVE AND PASS- toii' Sundays and Mondays ST Carolina Beach and 230 P-m.. &acf kt711118 returning, leave S5. &'ave at 9:45 a. m. and 5D.'fn. O ,c wuuinort at fi fVI o m nnrt h&ieavlnsat 5p. m. and 7 day onl?, 25 cent!1 "MiTflTr DiLuaiea upwaras &rl or inlet calculal Of ited wcan Qvvurrenis, the most in- Prudent ?Ply onservtng the plain of tk-watPi- V, wmmon sense, arir fff houses, supplied i$tth Tr.lea and children; are v ieiaie attendants to ttS3 canfalso always be tJto, WnMafetand'Prlnces3Sts. , aac ( Joa.K W. HARPER, . . .. General Maaagr, VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N, C , SATURDAY, AUGUST LOCAL NEWS. lxnxx to Nxtr Ad vbrtise vents B F Penny Clothing W M CcitMiNa Mattresses 5 Munds Bros Pharmacists Chas F Browne, Agt Meat JAs D Nutt Open all day to-morrow Bbaddy & waylord The Racket Store Days length 13 hou rs and 26 min , W. M. Gumruing has or sale. Piiie Fibre ' t W. M; Cumming sells Mosquito t Nets and Bars. W. M. Cumming renovates old Mattresses. - This is an unusually prolonged cool spell in Augusts i Suuset to morrow afternoon at 46 minutepast 6 o'clock. The moon enters on its last quar ter at 36 minutes past 5 o'clock to morrow morning. Rev. R. C. Bearoan will pi each at 11 a. m. and 8.15 r. m. to morrow n.t Grace Methodist E. Church, South. Turner's Almanac predicts rain for to morrow. The Review pre dicts that there will be no rain here on that day. Rev. T. Page Ricaud will preach n St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran church at 11 o'clock to-morrow morning. All are welcome. Do not be induced to take some other preparation when you call for hooq's sarsaparilla. tie sure to cret Hood's, which is peculiar. Services at St. John's Church to morrow, by the Rector: Holy Com 111 union 7.30 a. m. Morning Prayer 11 a. m. Sunday School 5 n. m. The Seacoast R. R. Co. are having a tournout built at the curve of the road where it leaves the V. & W. track and rounds into Tenth street. At the Seaman's Bethel this even mg, at 8.10 o'clock, the weekly prayer and experience meetirig of business and working men will be held. Services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church to morrow at 11 a. m. and a: 8.15 p. m. Kev. U. T. Uoerr will officiate at the evening service. Sunday School at 10 a. iu. Rev. G. M. Tolson will preach at the Seamen's Bethel to-morrow (Sunday) evening at 5 o'clock. The public generally and seamen in par ticular are invited to attend. Burglars. Be secure from them by putting oUr Burglar Proof Locks on yoqr blinds. They! are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, It is the best and cheapest. You will find all col- orsjn any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. - ' " i . t Statesville 'Landmark: The de livery of the lecture on "The For eigner," ty Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, of Wilmington, which was appoint ed 'for to-day at Troutman's, has been postponed until Tuesday next, 20th inst. We understand that the manage" tii en t of. the Ocean View Railroad Qompany have it contemplation to make another fine display of fire works at an early day, and on a much larger scale than at any pre vious occasion. So mote it be. Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low prices! will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co t The Raleigh News and Observer says that arrangements are under way for another Interstate indi vidual foot race between North and South Carolina. Daniels of News bern and Pitt man of Columbia will enter, two men from Raleigh and probably others. The contest will 1 take place either at Charlotte or Wilmington. Shirts, we have got them by the million, made by good 'and skilful hand; come and see us, we can save you over fifty five per cent. We'll not charge you .fancy .prices, treat you well, don't be afraid, therefore come anu yairuc, , y - Pierce's Pleasant Pellets-tiny, lit ed is money made, at the Wilming- t Ip, sutrar -coated anti-bilious Gra-i - 1 a ? ton ShirtFactory, 123 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. -' - tf Barney, one of the Atlantic engine Horses, is very sick with kidney dis ease. There will be no services to-morrow in the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. W. A. Bryan returned to the city last night after an extensive visit to friends and relatives at the North. The fines in the Mayor's Court to day amounted to $15. The cases were all trivial and not worth re porting. - We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing outsat less than factory cost. , See them. N. Jacobj Hdw. Co t Hon. O. P. Meares, who has'been in Charlotte holding Mecklenburg Criminal Court for the past two weeks, returned to the city this morning. : Mr. Kuhblank has returned from a business trip to Fayetteville, where he went in the interest of his house, the Robert Portner Brewing Company. Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the Nl Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of in inferior quality. The pulpit of the Bladen Street Methodist Church will be filled to morrow at 11 a. -in. by Rev. James W. Craig and at 8.15 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. T. Page Ricaud. It is rumored here that the pres ent schedule on the Seacoast R. R. will probably be kept up all Winter but we opine that it is rather early for such rumors to become current. we near mat one ot tne young lady teachers with the Teachers' Excursion is quite sick at a hospital in London. She is .said to be from Tarboro but we could not learn the name. Mr. Phil Thomas, heretofore con ductor on the Ocean View R. R.,has gone into the employ of the Sea coast R. R. Mr. Oscar Grant takes the position vacated by Captain Thomas. Hon.. Geo. V. Strong, o! Raleigh, who has been on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Norwood Giles, at Wrightsville, will leave on Monday for Lenoir Court, which convenes at Kinston on that day. Capt. Allen's successor as Master of Transportion on the C. C. R. R. has not yet been made and we hear that it is likely that the office will be abolished and that Mr. Terrell, jMie Train uespatcner, win oe as signed the duties of the position. , Uapt. Manning sports an unique And attractive sign at his place at Wrightsville. It is in the shape of a huge fish with a crescent above, on which is the name of the house, "Atlantic View," and below the fish is another crescent bearing the name of "E. W. Manning." The large pavilion of the Ocean View R. R., at Switchback Station, is one of the most pleasant places that we know of. It is built almost directly over the edge of the ocean, at high tide. Lately the water has made some encroachments there and it has been found necessary to anchor a rude breakwater in front. Not Dead, Bat Getting Well. The report was current here yes terday that Miss Margey Busbee had died in Asheville from sickness contracted at the Milburnie pic nic, near Raleigh, some weeks ago and we gave voice to it in the Review. We are truly glad now to be able to contradict the report. On the appearance of the Review las evening a telegram was sent to Raleigh asking for further particu lars, and the gratifying - reply was received that the young lady was not only still in the land of the liv ing but that she is getting well; a fact which will be gladly heard by her Iuany friends and admirers in this city. They "Swore like oar Army in Flanders' may be said of many sufferers from biliousness, headache, constipation, indigestion,- and-their resultant irri tability, intellectual sluggishness, ennui, etc. The temptation to thus violate a sacred commandment, however, is speedily and peruia- npnnv reiuu v t-ii u v tne use ui xji . 11 .1 1 t r "r .. nules; nothing like them. One a dose. . Druggists. ! . I. My v ; ; To Dispel Colds. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when edstive-or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per manently cure habitual constipa tion, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. j ' Left Last Nigbt. 1 . j Mr. R. T.'Burton, the genial chief clerk of the prton House, left here last night for Philadelphia, where he has accepted . a position in the Washington Hotel In that city. We regret vey . much to lose him. He asan'yruxrfrteiis here wjbo bade i him I good-bye with sincere regret. 'H .'"'-'! :' The First Fox Blunt. The fox hunting season opened very successruuy nere yesterday morning. Capt. Phil Thomas, vMr. H. G. Bauman and Mr. E. T. Coghill turned out at 4 o'clock for a little sport. They started two big foxes near Col. Roger Moore's place, Quince's mill, and ran them back of the Spicer place, three miles from town on the old plank road The run was about seven miles. Fifth Street Church. 1 Rev. F. D. Swindell, P. E., will preach to morrow morning and evening to the congregation of Fifth Street M. E. Church, South, in the "Union School House" on Sixth, between Nun and Church streets. The Sacrament will be adminis tered at the morning service. Every member of the Church is requested to be present, as the matter of de ciding upon a name tor: tne new church will be determined. At the Beach Last Night. There was another big crowd at Carolina Beach last night, not less in number, it is thought, than was assembled there on the previous Friday night. The Germania Band went down on the 5 o'clock boat, as iwell as many others, and the Pass port also carried down a large pas senger list. The band played and the people promenaded and ate pig fish and all went as merry as a full symphony of marriage bells. There was also a very fine display of fire works. Fine Straw Bagging Uomlng In. The Charlotte News says: Several dray loads of pine straw bagging from the factory at Cronly's have been seen moving up town from the Carolina Central depot to day. This is suggestive. Our farmers will cover their cotton with pine straw and cotton bagging as long as that can be obtained. Then they wil1 fall back on old bed quilts and any thing that comes handy. When they buy a roll of jute bagging you may know that the last resource has been exhausted. So far as cov ering for cotton is concerned, it is war timss again in the South. The Shark and the Fish.. ! Two gentlemen from this city caught a number of fine sheephead from the bridge at the Hammocks yesterday afternoon. They . strung them aad then tied the ' string to a post and dropped the fish into the water to keep them ali ye. A short time after a huge shark came along and gobbled up the entire bunch and made off with it like a flash. He was seen as he struck the fish and iuade away .with them.' He was about six feet long. It was not, however, a shovel-nose of the man eating variety but one of the kind that fishermen frequently haul up in their nets. V ! Farmers Mass Meeting. In this issue appears the call for a great farmers, mass - meeting in October during the week j set apart for the State Fair. It is signed by the highest officials of the great agricultural organizations of the State. It will embrace those out of ihe pale of .such organizations as well as those in them, and will ex clude no honest tiller of the soil; The great branches of farming and domestic economy will be represent ed by distinguished successful spsc ; ialists. Thev will present the ques tions of which they are masters to! the people and it.' will be sucn a course of lectures on the greatest of all subjects as few men will ever , .r. . .. - fnnx have the "opportunity of listening in: i ft Will h an occasion that will: make North Carolina the Chatauqua . '7 r . 'i . ,. r j of the farmers. T i w . 17, 1889. NO 194. Forecasts. For North Carolina, fair weather, and stationary temperature. For Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather. Refreshing and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut . new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Svrup,Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water, Fifth Street M. Ef Church South. Rev.R.C. Beaman, pastor. The con gregation worshiping temporarily in the Union school house, on Sixth, between Nun and ; Church ! streets. Services to morrow; at II a. nu and 8. 15 p. in. Class meeting at 3 o'clock. Sunday School at 4.30 o'clock. "A. Great Farmers Mass Meeting. In view of the fact that the rates for transportation are. the lowest that can be obtained and therefore put it in the power of the largest uumber of our larmers, especially those at a distance, to come togeth er for conference and. discussion, and of the further fact that a great deal of interest in this way of dis play of stocly and farm products will instruct and beneut them: and the further fact that excursion will be run from Northern cities toRal eigh during that week, where an opportunity will be given to owners 01 land to meet those who are desir ious of Inspecting them, it is deem ed advisable and of advantage to call a grand mass meeting of the farmers of the State in the city of Raleigh Oct. loth and the subscribed com mittee nave consented to act as a board of management: S. B. Alexander, Prest. State Al liance. Elias Carr, Prest. Ag'l Clubs. J. Van Lindley, Prest. State Hor ticultural Societv W. R William's, Master State Grange. John Robinson, Comuir. Ag't L. L. Polk; Sec'y State Alliance and Prest. So. Ins. F. Assts. ; H. T. J. Ludwig, Sec'y Grange. J. A. Lineback, Sec' v State Hort. Society. Distinguished speakers from other States and this State will deliver addresses on special subjects. The occasion will be made one long to be remembered, and it will be the endeavor to make it create ! in the farmers a new and firmer spirit,' the results of which will be of lasting practical value. Col. E. S. Latimer, President of the Seacoast R. R., is in Baltimore. THE MAIL SCHEDULE. The malls close and arrive at the City Fost office as follows: OUTGOING MAILS DAILY. v CLOSE. LEAVE. WlLand Wash.(78)lSt Dls.. 7.00 A. M. 9.00 A. M. WILand Wash.(78) 2d Dls.. 8.15 A. M. &00 A. M. Wriffhtsvllle 8.45 A. M. 9.30 A. M. Southport. .t 9.30 A. M. 9.45 A. M. WIL and Ruth .-. . 1.30 P. M. 2.30 P. M. Clinton and Gold.(speclal) 3.30 P. M. 4.00 P. M. Wll. and Jack. (23) 5.30 P. M. G.25 P. M . Wil. and Ruth. 6 30 P. M. 7.30 P. M. WIL and Jack. (27) 9.30 P. M. 10 10 P. M. Wil. and Wash, (14) ....... 11.15 P. M. 12 05 P. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Brunswick 6.00 A. M. Cape Fear River mall 1.10 P. M. 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. J Onslow.. 7J00A. M. INCOMING MAILS DAILY. arrive; at r. o. Charlotte and Maxton..... 7.55 A. M. Wil. and Jack 8.40 A. M. Clinton and Goldsboro 11.50 A. M. Wll. and Ruth....... ...12.5) P. M. Wrightsville......... 6.00 P.M. Southport .v 4.40 P. M. Wll. and Wash. (23) 6.10 P. M. WIL and Wash. (27). 10.00 P. M. WIL and Jack. (14). 11.55 P. M. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, Brunswick. .... ... : 5.00 P. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Cape Fear River. 7.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Onslow. ....... .V.1- 7.00 P. M GEO. Z. FRENCH, P. M. July 22nd. 1889. . . ! NEW A D VEKTIS EMENT8. MciSiirs Oranee Blossem. Foil Stock Lactopcptinc Preparations. Open All Day Td-Morrow. JAMES aug 17 tf THE DRUGGIST. fyieat. 2 gQQLBSSUGARCUREDSUODLDEIls' 1r;nni'DS- s:5iOKED shoulders, that ,iUU must be sold at once. 30 Barrels of mullets- Qf BOXCS LEMONS. 4 CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt, 128 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. aug 17 tf d&w GRAND MASQUERADE BALL THERE WILL BE A Grand Masqu rade Ball , AT CAROLINA BEACH, TneSdaV Nlfftlt. Allff. ZUtil, looi.j 1 u,-ouuJ x,,o JiUo "-v"1? , -,r ;GcJAr piajr ui urewuiw. 1 jjc o x . " " ' leave at 5 'ciock; the joiiocio j cents. aug i 3t 1 general laterest, tut i ne name or the writer must always t nistitftiiairitor"' ii'nn- : k (Xzaizzv ins OstV t v ,tut-on but one ana CI the. apery- !! '! II : U VI S M- J mJ - LA aiiu it, la especiauy ana pamcniany under stood that the Edltor.floes cot always encctte the ttews ot cprrespbadtsfBaesa i-'ratcuted in the editorial cojumns.1 f1 a s NEW ADyjaBTISEMENTa FOB. ?:TEE i LADIES ! w E WOULD LIKE TO INFORM YOU that Jack-trost will be here In a few months and he ! will steal away all your I beautiful flowers, ancL for several long months you will have no more. Now, since two heads is bet ter than one. allow us to adnsA von for n mr ment. We have lust received a larro Rtnr.fc nf the most beautiful , ... . F.L0WERS AND WREATHS - EVER SOLD IN THIS MAR.KET. And the best of all ls,: we purchased thosfir 82 BOXES-OF FLOWERS -... ,. AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE, and we were compelled to buy the whole StOCK In Order tO t, thPm sn ohaon eni Vktt that reason we have overstocfeed ourselves. - ". v.uv,! m evu vicai ui mem we WKl ; Sell Them at Nearly What They Cost Us- They are going fast and now is your time. Come-and examine them and vhiiA-hnm you will nnd several other bartraink. we are Clearing Out Our Old Stock to make room for our, new FALL '.STOCK . " which our buyer Is now purchasing.. . . Racket Store, 7 117 S. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N C., BRADDY & GAYLOKD, hgaOPRIETORS Headquarters, New York. aug 3 tf sat Sale of Real Estate Under Foreclosure, gY VIRTUE OFtIIE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain Indenture of mortgage - executed by David Deal and Lucy A. Deal, his wife, to "The Citizens' Building and Loan As-v. soclatioa of Wilmington;. N.' :C.,W (default having been made therein) the undersigned, - as -attorneys for said mortgagee, wlll on Thursday, the 5th day of September, 1889, at 12 o'clock M , at the Court House fllor, in the city of Wilmington, sell, by publle auction, for cash, the lands and premises convej'Od in and by said mortgage deed, which are sit uated in the said city of Wilmington, and are bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Ninth street 198 ' feet North of the Northeast intersection of ' Princess and Ninth streets, and running thence with Ninth street South 33 feet, thenco East parallel with Princess street 133 feet, -thence North 33 feet, thence West parallel with Princess street 132 feet to the East line of Ninth street, the beginning being the West part of Lot 3, in Block 186, according to the official plan of said city. - , MA RSDEN B ELLAMY. , -- A. G. RICAUD, Attorneys for "The Citizen's Building and Loan Association of Wilmington. N. C." ' augi 30t . Brown'is Beach Restaurant AND . ; '" ' BATU HOUSES. - "" , . . . ,- .... T WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE Jt to the public that my Restaurant and Bath J Houses on Wrightsville Beach, opposite the ' Hummocks, are now open and ready for the accommodation of all who may favor me with their patronage. Pig Fish, soft Shell Crabs and Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains.- u The Bath Houses are clean,' well ventilated and supplied with fresh water, clean towels ' and careful attendants. A call Is solicited. Respectfully, , -my 2 R. E. L. BROWN, DRINK MEXICAN SHERBET, A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE, j r . Only of Jy25tf ' MUNDS BROTHERS' v 1 " 104 N. Front St. PIAfJOG. . rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL GO TQ NEW York September 1st for the purpose of making special selections of PIANOS lot customers, so many worthless Instruments are 1 now thrown on the market that a personal selec tion by a competent Judge is almost a neces sity. We guarantee by this method not only quality, but a saving in cost. For circulars caU on or address ' E. VanliAEl, 407 Red .Cross St., Wilmington, N. We nave on hand several fine new PIANOS and ORGANS which we offer at a bargain. Also, four .good second-hand Pianos at a sac rlflce.v, . , augl41w- . UNDERWRITER'S SALE OF THE Stmr. Queen of St. Jolm f.l JJl. CliONLtY, Auctioneer " BY CRONLY & MORRIS.' 0N TUESDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1889,' AT 11 1 J o'clock a. m. we win eeu to the highest . bidder, at Point Peter, under the uispectloaot the Agent of the Underwriters, for account ot all concerned, the Hull and all attached there- ' I to of the steamer "Queen of stu John's I Length 192 feet, breadth 55 fee t and measures . 1 320 tons', recently burned and now lying at ? Point Peter in 8 feet waten - KhA na four 10 Steel Boilers thoroue-hlv 1nr!srt in.trtrV. ' wWch are comparaUveiy luunjured. . Ana la-, mediately thereafter, at the kChamplcn cot-, eon-Presshei Aiichoran 1av tl.tt- . wntra lilac were saved from said steamer. The steamer 4Mrie" will leave foot ot Docic street on 22d inst.,at 10:45 am. for place of sale, anS 18 3t VilllX .-, "I 1

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