' ' evening Sundays excepted tajies, Editor ana rrop. rom-oturihaic'naoy subjects" sd5S cr months j3.oa Tim cr montns 13.00. Three : The name of the writer must always be far - $ioo. one mania,. 85 cents. fP5, . - ..Hvpred W carriers, free nishea to t&e Emor. cmtnuriTyvtlons mnsr t trritten. on !but will DCUC" ' X & nart of the city, at the above one siaa ci tsa caper, 4 And it is especially and isarucuiiriy uder stood that the Editor does not always endorse the.views ot correspondents tmicss so stated .riowandllDcraL " '!L; will please report any and rSnre their paper regularly. - VOL XI n. , WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1889. NO 198: - - :rr i i la ii ji - it ii villi , w . II II w v I - - - " jgtf : ' v most decant form Presto"""" .IEErAf-mT'0U8JU,0E of CALIFORNIA. Caririned 'with! the medicinal. lont Vnowil to. be w beneficial to the human. Led, forming an agreeable SeSective laxative to perma- Zfo cure Habitual Consti- :Son, and this many dls de Udiiig on a weak or inactive : condition of the; inns, LIVER AND BOWELS. ItBthemost excellent remedy known to THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Vbei one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT ufiittOOD, REPREtHIIIQ 8L1EP, HIALTH and TREMQTH HATURALLV FOLLOW. . ..lUrr if nrA o11 ) Every one is uaiug w iMMtedwithit, i ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB t MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, CAL. , vamE.a. new york: ft: r b rorsaleby i '' : BUrtEUT B. BELLAMY, WHOLESALE 'DKUGGIST, BdiaiTdiw ' i - wnmlngton, N. C. Vercnrial Poison. ' : , . Xerrarj ts frequentlj"!lnjudlclously used toy (mack doctors in cases .ot malaria and blood (otm lu after effect is worse than the original assease. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Mn) cotuiss no mercury, but will eliminate BfrrarjaJjiflJsoa (rora Xher system. Write to Hood Ma Co., Atlanta, Ga., for, book of cwrJMflg proof of Us watlve virtue. L F. Britton, Jackson, Tenn., writes: J'l cmfit malaria in Louisiana, and when the lewat last broke my 'system was saturated ti& poison; and 1 had sores in my mouth and toe on my tongue. I got two bottles of B. li, H nicn healed my tongue and mouth and udeanewman of me. " " Wm. Richmond, Atlanta, Ga.. writes: "My atlelritla. Her eyes were in a dreadful con tlon. Her appetite tailed. She had pain in aiiu uunes. ner-; Kianeys were ae Wi also, and no ond thoug-ht she could be wL Dr. Gillam recommended B. B. B., mURheiised until her health was entirely ratored." ; J5:wAones' Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I was wdwI witri copper colored eruptions, loss of 855$ Jn back, aching joints, debiUty, waoon, loss of hair, sore throat,and great JggKa. B.B.B. put my system In fine toes C. Munds, Agt s , UKUQ.GIST. fULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS AND gcals Physicians'-Prescriptions a spe s a Tonet Articles in great va- -Srwriter's sale - - ? , OF TH , Queen of St. John's. awtoNLY.j Auctioneer, : BY fROSLy & MORRIS, 0I&DAY7 AUGUST 22NT) AT 11 rttPn.we wU1 to the hlAest tent n? (5? p,?ter under the inspection of Sn2KUJfderwrl'et foraceountpf 1 the Uul1 a" attached there-!ftr-tefpifamer ;'&neen of St. John's." Ww5!t',.J)rcadtn-55 feet and measures 'isSttKi7 turned and now lying at feu i."Vrn 8 feet wnfor Rha tioa fnii i nntlam . i ' - wuv &v. ixi riLtllorouhly Incased in brick, paratlYely uninjured. And lm Ptea lK arter at the "ChampionOQt .Bto .r Anchors- and Chains.aw ris, Truck, Donkey Engine, and ail rr "Marie'' wm leave foot of Dock wsu.at 10:4$ a-m. for place of sale. CapeFearHonse. CLSS RESTAURANT HAS BEElt 7-N.mm.. . ' t nninus ofthe Ocean VlewK. . bsh, clams and Beer always on lSstrt?6011011 wltft our Restaurant we class Dintng Room for our white jM..eusacaH and we guarantee a ! Beach. tWiSSWAS GROYK AND PASS- iSm Sulrt Sundays and Mondays tollows for. Carolina Beach and llH Beach at ihao a. m.: svifi tj! m.: HfiSrtr D. m. Tratha Mtnmlnff foavn 1im 7actl at T:3o aJ rh.. o. in.': OS aVR fi Q-iJl a m ' nrul K tv m. uthportm 6UJ0 a, m. and tonfe8 leaving at 5 p. m and 7 llim S9mo Hair nrW -. lunto ijlin, .lUrn same dav onl v. K cents. tfromn nsisituated upwards Of iiSvfP enjPT tne pieasureg of kT si.ii f ace and common kfnsp wataUlln nouses. suppUed ijh-Tu with aim vumcu. aip "h pome female attendants in jcan so alwa - 'M i ll ia n wi-a T a . Una- JOHN W. HARPER. General Manager" liOGAL. NEWS INDEX TO NKW ADVERTI8KM8NTS I O b F Called Meeting A P LrcAs Soda Waters Will West $25 Reward W M Ctjmming Mattresses Moms Bros Pharmacists Seaside Concert At Carolina Beach ' Wsc H green & Co Branch Drug Store Island Beach Hotel At the Hammocks Good beef is scarce now in this market. - f By actual count the Seacoast R. R. sold 2,006 tickets yesterday. Not bad day's work. ' Another big excursion from Wei don and intermediate points is ex pected here to morrow. . We aret sorry to hear that Alder man Oscar Peasall is. quite sick at his SumrSr residence near this city. Mr. Will West has lost a very val uable storre from a shirt stud. The finder will be handsomely rewarded. See ad. The Sylvan Grove ran to South port to day in the place of the Pass port and she carried down a large party. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co . t .. .. ii The switchback was worked for all it was worth yesterday. It was kept going pretty steady through the entire day. The steamer .Bessie carried down a party of 18 fishermen to the Rocks yesterday, and they. had a fine day's sport, as the fish bit well. The band at the Hammocks will furnish music at the Carolina ClQb House at Wrightsville. Beach to morrow during the race. Old seaside salts say that Septem ber is the best month for fishing. Our experience somewhat agrees with this. Are you weak and weary, over worked and tired? Hood's Sarsapa rilla is just the medicine to purify your blood and give you strength. The Rutherfordton excursionists return home to morrow. The train wilj leave the Carolina Central de pot at 7 o'clock a. in. 'Mind you don't get left." Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of in inferior quality, j I am closing out everything AT COST FOR CASH. No humbug in this. Making room for new goods, at I. Shrier's, S. E. corner Princess and Front streets. tf Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t " Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint. I It is the best and cheapest. You will find all col or sin any desired quantity at the factory's agents, NJ Jacobi Hdw. Co. I t ; The Germania Cornet Band have ordered five new instruments, which are expected here in a. few days, Several additions have recently! been made to the strength of the band, . The party of yonng ladies from this city, who were with the Teach-: ers' "Excursion to Europe, arrived safely in New York at 5 o'clock yes terday afternoon and are expected here to morrow night. Mr. A. F. Lucas, in addition to his other manufactures, is now turns ing out an improved article of his justly celebrated ginger beer. Its prepared by ft formula of his own and is a delicious! drink and a delightful mild inyigorart just suited to this season .of the year. Bhirts, we have got them by the million, made by gopd ant skilful hand; pome and s? us, we can save yftuover fifty five per cent. -We'll not charge you fancy prices, treat yoq well, don't be afraid, therefore come and patronize; us moqpy; efty ed is inofley made at tbe ii'miqg to!n Sfcirt-f actpry, 122 Market street Sign of the blue awning. . . tf ' liefregnlng and Invigorating noItntrma Strulsi Wntpr ah drawn frnm ! Mnrids Brothers' maernificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup,MilkShakes and Natural Mineral Water, i... We wish to be as truthful as pos sible and therefore state that the new band at the Hammocks consists of six pieces. We had it eight, at first, as that was the number ori ginally expected, and the morning papers said ten. - Messrs. W. H. Green & Co. have purchased the drug, stere corner of Eighth and Market streets and have refitted and stocked it with first-class drugs and patent niedN cines. It is a good locality for the business and we wish the firm much success. ' Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we .guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Friday Night Concert. The regular Friday evening con cert of the Germania Band will take place at Carolina Beach to morrow evening. The Grove will leave at 5 o'clock and the Passport at 7. The fare on these trips is only 2o cents and tickets may be had at Messrs. Glameyer & Kuck's. City Court. The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor to-day: Harriet Brown, larceny, guilty, bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $100, justified bond. Wiu. Brown, disorderly conduct, case continued. Jas. Reynolds, drunk and down, guilty, $5, fine remitted. To Dispel Colds. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per manently cure habitual constipa tion, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Services in Giblera Lodee. Rev. Mr. Tuttle had an appoint ment to preach to night in the Gib lem Lodge building but a telegram was received here this morning from him, at Wilson, saying that it would be impossible to fill the appointment He expects to be here, however, to morrow night. There will be ser vices to night in the building, coh ducted by members o"f the Market Street Mission. Gay Times for September. The Island Beach Hotel is now in the hands of the owners, the Sea coast Railroad Company, and under the direct management of Capt. J. R. Nolan, the Superintendent of the road. Mr. Piatt's "skip" doesn't seem to have a very serious disaster to the business, judging by the pat ronage of the house for the past two days, for its people have had all they. could do to meet the demands. September is expected to be an un usually gay month there, The rates of board have been reduced for the season and the fine band from Bal timore, recently arrived, will play every day and evening. Xadies Regatta. The following yachts have enter ad for the ladies regatta, to be sailed over the Club course at Wf ightsville tomorrow afternoon; j Mable G. H. Smith, commander. Starlight A, J, Flanner, Restless J, MoR, Cowan. LUtIe AUce-S. P, Cowan. Frolic-C. W. Worth. Loulie Willie Atkinson. Mascott Walter Parsley. Lillian Florence H. M. Bowden. Mist-Willie Walker. Pirate Geo. D. parsley, Uonnie Lassie Capt.- Jos. Price. Phantom Robt. Williams. Vixen Capt. John Daniel. The regatta is called for 4 o'cldck the boats to" start at 4:30 o'clock sharp. All ytvphtg to he sat rigged with pleasure sails, and crews com posed of not less than two ladies. i The new hand at the Hammocks j will be on the club grounds find fur :iisn music for the occasion. DttnU Read This for S500. For man' yearsJ through nearly every newspaper in the land, the ' proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uemeny-wiio are thoroughly re sponsible, financially, as any one can easily ascertain by proper" en qulry, have offered, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter, how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. t . f - - Forecasts. For North Carolina, fair weather, and stationary temperature. iFor Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather. : Encourage Home Enterprise. We are glad to note the fact that Mr. W. M. Camming is making a handsome success with his mattress factory in this city. Mr. Cumming makes a specialty of genuine hair mattresses; Some o! these have been sold to parties in this city and one and all have expressed them selves as well pleased with the j in vestment. He makes them of good material and those orderjnfcan plainly see what they get. The work is good and the prices are reason able and it is easy to see the advan tage of giving an order to a respon sible party who will not deceive you rather than send it North to some firm known only by name and .run the risk of being imposed upon.; Mr. Cumming also renovates old mattresses and makes them as good as new. Beds to be healthy should be renovated, especially after sick ness. ! L.ippincott'8 Magazine. The complete novel in the Sep tember number of LippincoWs 'Mag azine is from the prolific pen of Edgar Fawcett. It is a brilliant and entertaining romance of a start" ling and original character, Mr. George W. Childs gives the last in stalment of his interesting series'of "Recollections." "Related by! an Unavailable" gives an entertaining account of the difficulties an un known author has to encounterj A timely article is "The Australian Ballot System." This system has been adopted In both Australia and England, and has scored a success In a slightly modified form it has been recently introduced intb som of our State governments, and time alone will prove its value. "The Pine and the Palm" is a clevw story whose title is taken from Heine's well known song. It is a story of a practical joke and its re sults. "The Log College and Early Presbyterianism in Pennsylvania," has an especial interest owing I to the Presbyterian reunion which is soon to take place at Hartsrville,! to commemorate the establishment! of the first American Presbytery. Chas. Morriss gives an incisive answer to the remarkable article upon Evolu tion by Dr. Bonwill which appeared in the August number. "Bride Catching," gives an account of some curious marital custums among va rious tribes. "The Stenographer," gives some good advice to young students. "The Philosophical No vel," is a clever dissertation upon this peculiarly modern branch j of fiction. The department of "Our One HundredQuestiona" closes with number. The poetry of this excep tionally interesting number includes "An Alabama Garden," "Unfulfill ed," and "The World Knows Best." Rain is .needed to lay the 'oppres sive and disagreeable dust N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. 025 Reward. j OST MST NJGH.T, OR EARLY THIS morning, a Stone Set from a shirt stud, 'The finder will receive this reward by leaving it at W. U. M. Koch's saloon, corner Water and Market Sts. WILL WEST. augaaat - Seaside Concert. : rpDE CONCERT OF THE GERMANIA BAND will take place at Carolina Beach as usual on Friday evening. The Sylvan Grove will leave at2-.30 and 5 o'clock and the Passport at 1 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents on the 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. boats, on sale at Messrs. Glameyer & Kuck's, I. O. O. F. fllO THE MEMBERS OF ORIO.N JXXDG.S I No. 67: You are hereby summoned to meet at your Lodge Room et 8:30 o'clock a. m., Emptly, Friday, August 23d, to attend the era! or our deceased brother, NeeJham wn. Cape Fear Lodge No. 1. and other Odd Fellows are Invited. By order N. G., aug 23 It J. M. McGOWAN, Seo'y. BRANCH DRUG STORE, Wiliiam H. Green & Co., Corner atU and. Market Sts. VirE HAVE PURCHASED THE ABOVE Drugstore and have refitted and stocked it with a fresh and desirable stock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, cigars, Tobacco, and everything usually kpt in a First Class Drug store. f Customers may rely upon obtaining Pure Medicines.- - , , fJ ' Physicians Prescriptions and Family Re cipe's accurately compounded by educated i Begiateiea Pharmacies, . . augsjgt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I RENOVATE f Old rJIattresses. f m JnoA 8-1 ; J mm m mm cso -S W.T-Q. CUR3 nJIWC, WILMINGTON, N. G. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL. rjiIIE HOTEL AT THE HAMMOCKS IS NOW in the hands of the Wilmington Seacoast R. R. and Is under the management of the Super-i intendent. . It has just undergone a complete renovation i and has been put in first class order. The rates of board for September have been j materially reduced. .. . The best the market and the salt, water af-j fords will make up the bill of fare. J Careful, attentive and polite servants ana none others will be tolerated. Prof. Miller's Band, from Scheutzen Park, Baltimore, will furnish music, both morning and evening. . Facilities for sailing and fishing unsurpass ed. Safe, comfortable boats and experienced crews. The" object of the new management Is. to pleaso and no pains will be spared to . accom plish this result. Enquiries by mail as to accommodations promptly responded to. aug 22 tf SOMETHING NEW ! I AM NOW MAKING AN ARTICLE OF GINGER BEER ON A NEW AND IMPROVED FORMULA. All of the old merits are retained and a new and deliciousjlavor, made of pure extracts, is Imparted. No Increase In price. I ALSO OFFER A FULL LINE OF SODA WATERS, LEMON, VANILLA, Orange, Strawberry, &c. MY SARSAPARILLA Is a splendid tonic and an excellent purifier or tne oiooa. it is oenenciai to cniidren, especially at tnis season, if Prompt attention to all orders. A. F. LUCAS, Lockfctreet, Near Second. aug 22 it JAMES ID- 3STTTTT, THE DRUGGIST, a 18 NORTH FRONT STRKET. JJNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR PRE paring Prescriptions, night or day, at the very iowesc price, jruniy guar anieea. . aug 11 North State Headache Cure. rjnniS PREPARATION WILL SfJRELY.CURE Neuralgia of the Head and all kinds of nead-aches-no matter from what cause arising. , For sale by . v . MTJN0S BllOTHERS, . aug21tt ' 104 N. Front St. Sale of Real Estate: Under Foreclosure, ; "DY V1KTUE OFJ THE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain indenture of mortgage executed by David Deal and Lucy A. DealT his wife, to "The Citizens' Building and Loan As sociation of Wilmington, N C," (default having been made therein) the undersigned, as attorneys for said mortgagee, will, on Thursday, the 5th day or septemDer, issy, at 12 o'clock M , at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, sell, by. public auction, for cash, the lands and premises conveyed in and by said mortgage deed, which are sit uated in the said city of Wilmington, and are bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Ninth street 198 feet North of; the Northeast intersection of Princess and Ninth streets, and running thence with Nlntn street South 33 feet, thence East parallel with- Princess street 132 feet, thence North 33 feet, thence West parallel with Princess street 132 feet to the East . line of Ninth street, the beginning being the West part of Lol 3, In Block 186, according to the official plan of said city. MARSDEN BELLAMY. A. G. RICAUD, Attorneys for "Thc Citizen's Building and Loan Association of Wilmington, N. C" augisot . Still on Deck. VERY BODY. OFTH& MALE PERSUA-I JEj sl on visiting w iimingUm during the En campment is cordia 11 ym invited to call and have a Shave, or a Sliampoo. or a Haircut, at my establishment, 29 Market street, between Front and Water. Only W cents for a siiaT : Scents for a Shampoo,-28 cents fox a Mai cut and 20 cents and upwards for Dyeing. Respectfully. JpHN WERNER, ; jy tf . met real BarbeT and Perfumer,1 DVIiRTISEIlIiNTB fa' n if i " " WANTED A MAN OF TEMPERATE AND steady Habits, seeking emliloyment. to represent an old established house in his own State. Salary sgo to 8 100 per month. Ref erenees exacted. . J. g. BLaNCHARD, aug5 4w GenrManager.Lock Box 158.V.N.Y. TO THE FRONT 1 full Stock! Bottom; Prlcesl " - .. .-' ,'.',. , , ' . WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ; PAPER BACCi WRAPPISC PAPER, ' BliiSK BWKS, ST ATIONERY, T WINES, AND EVERY TIIINfl IN Till? mtwi III IHV - VtUlWf Get our, prices and terms before placing your , orders for any thing In the PAPEB XiIZSTE, AS WE ARE 'i HEADQUARTERS, -AND -.v PRICES ROCK BOTTOM. Ot'FICKAND SALESROOM 114 NORTH WADER STREET. " . Wilmington Paper, Co, aug7 tf , NOW THAT THE ENCAMPMENT , IS OYER - - - - i - .t f . WE HAVE LEFT A FEW OF OUR m . . . Spring and Summer Suits, WHICH WE ARE OFFERING' i Regardless of Cost, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK, call and be convinced of the above.. I guar antee to ' t r SeU 20 Per Cent. Less . tHan any other house In the city. B. F. PEWWY. TnE CLOTHIER. 110 Market Street. Jy 19 tf SPECIAL NOTICE I we are Tn oLX EXCLtrsivk Wholesale Liquor , House in the State, having established business la 1868. Twenty-one years' experience taught; us. all about it, and since we buy our brands of - ... 3 .... WHISKIES MADE TO SUIT OUR TRADE, WE CAN AF- . FORD TO GIVE YOU w I Belter Goods for Less Money THAN ANY.OTHEH HOUSE THIS , '. STATE, AND AT LEAST i " As Liv as - aiy Firm in the Ulilei States. Give us a call and we will prove to Briinliil(l,8imonA 111 N. Front St.. - Dealers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos: Jy 31 tf . - - . Archie FreemahTo TS T"E PLACE to GET FRESH PI FISH; 1 urlCaftkXii V2S ZZnvLi H fS&i'n'JH22 place and anybody will teilj'Oti. s. ?; A. FREEMAN. . Carolina lieacn.. N

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