. 7 7- rLEASE i.LrTTCrl ,r.sun(iaj3 excepted, xro; wci ro aa to recciTS i .2: r iicr uc ns tna& yoxif trlenaa cif any ml aUStics ce&emiaterees.inisir -j .... i .t. t.j tfescB ; : m $2-oa Three The name of the miter must always bo fur - nished ta the Editor .LOO. one month, 35 cent. ., -s0 uvered Dy carriers, free communications,, must bo written ,on put oneside oijtaieapeij -, ; -, W Irsonalltia And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated 'V Lt of the city, at the above VOL XlIL WILMINGTON, N, C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1889. NO 199. in the editorial columns." I . : 1 T ' "- t'i I . . .. ' . . . . - t- - - r ' ' -( . . r. ' - . - - - . r -. I -Til Daily KifiE; ; ' : ' ' ' ' ':!- " 1 'i " ''''. ""' i - . , , , i. H mm m , M ,, m i-.. n-i . ' " 1 111 1 1 1 i v rl Pase report any and -f nrf tcrant form iXATlVE ano NUTRITIOUS JUIOE., CALIFORNIA, . ,-.-A ritii'" the medicinal S of plants known to be. 2 beneficial to the human forming -an agreeable Sctive laxative to perma cure Habitual , Consti- 1 1 it. mntltr 1 I I O Hp. ana iuc rw . L&g on a weak or inactive Lditioqofthe CDIEIS, LIVER ANU bUWtLo. i.u .Kost excellent remedy known to Wit THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY ftta cse is Bilious or L-onsupaieu cnTHJT WIICLOOD, REFREtHIMQ 8LKEP, NATURALLY FOLLOW. Ereryone,is using it and all are delighted with it. lev vftlJR DRUOQIST FOR rwn " w ' . - uiui wirmiRED ONLY BY v - CiUFORNIAPIG SYRUP CO. . i-naiftitnn 111 - . sun tKAnijivw, mmiUE. 11. NEW YORK. N. Y Tor sale by BOtfEItT R. BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, Baaudiw ; Wilmington, N. C. Mercurial Poison. leicury is frequently injudiciously used -by aackSoctors in cases of malaria and blood iil its alter effect is worse than the nigral iseasc b. B. B. (Botanic Blood ) coitMiis no mercury, but will eliminate 'artdposonfrom the system Write to ifaim Co., Atlanta, Ga.. forDQOK pi artndn? proof ol Us cur attve virtue. 1 f. Brttton, Jactson, Teim., writes: "I ajlu malaria m Louisiana, and when the 'laitusmroM; iuy sisitui w as sa.iuru.UMi pfison; and I had sores In my mouth and xar a my tongue. -1 g-ot two bottles of B. 11, which healed my tongrueand mouth and at i new man of me." sl Richmond, Atlanta, Ga.. writes: "My could hardly see. Doctors called It syph--3c iritis. Iier eyes were in a dreadful con pi Her appetite failed. She had pain in ff Joints and bones. Her kidneys were de sawi also, and no one thought she could be rat Dr. Glllam recommended B. B. B., clshe used until her health was entirely H Aiones' Atlanta; Ga., writes: "I was with copper colored eruptions, loss of -rpftue, pain in baric, nnhincr mfnta Howin-Tr wjflitlon, loss of hair, sore throat,and great fcemesa, b. b. b. put my system lnflne .bunion." : hmes C. Munds, Agt , DRUGGIST. 1 mi LINE OFIPURE drugs and KnPrsicians' Prescriptions a spe &r TanaTollet Articles in great va &SnSM1Iieral WaterfSmeln )rown!s Beach Restaurant AND BATH HOUSES. j 0CLD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE I mlc tnat my Restaurant and Bath t3 00 wsntsiiie Beach, opposite the ppSg wno maJ" Iavor me hJSCraba and Sandwiches I VTh J 01 all trains. h iKSSJf ?5s are clean. wn vpr.tntrt Haiuufflh. Yater clean towels ; K. E. L. BROWN.' IVieat. SUGAR CnRTrn n 1 sold at oncp 0Uuarrel3 Of MULLETS. 20 LEMONS. 1J5 Xorth ro?AS-'P' BROWNE, Act, alSrWater St., Wllmlngto NC -.H is roiinil'tundaTa d Mondays iSST CarUna Beach an3 ; &h &t:raii13 returning, leave lt5Ta?e feat 9:45 m- 5 pi m. ttft, e Mhport at 60S) a. m. and LQCA.L ISTErS- jndki to nkw advibtisimknts Buknktt's Extracts B P Pinny clothing Martin t Davis For Sale W M Ctjmming Mattresses M UN ns Bkos Pharmacists At 1 o'clock to day the thermoine" ter in this office registered 82 de grees. . Peaches areigain high and scarce. A good article will command 50 to CO cents a peck. A few more canteloupes were in market to day. The last of tlie crop will probably be brought m to morrow. Last night was melting arid un comfortable, giving promise of rain. But little has fallen, however, up tq 4 o'clock. A cable dispatch from Havana reports a cyclone off San Domingo, moving northwest. About $32,000 of the stock of the Carolina Insurance Company has been subscribed for and most of it paid in. The many remarkable curesHood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes are suffi cient proof that it does , possess pe. culiar curative powers, j We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw.-Co t The valuable stone lost by Mr. Will West and advertised in yester day's Review has been . found. Somehow we gekhere about every time. " The town was almost depopulated this afternoon. Almost everybody succumbed to the attractions of one or; the other of our popular places of resort. Mr. Barnard Goodman has turned from a visit to Shelby. re There is said to be . sport for fishermen at now. some good the Rocks f500 I' Wats lean nt -1 Beach t?& 25cents. T. ,fcLinJInanvr.; -aiea upwards or ttnbanueior inlet calculated fihS1 byltrnitDj?.y lne Pleasures of Wn&iM? oteer?ing the plain S2a?i iJKSSSL 2: supplied SSSo?? also aW-.4 HllA5 JOUN W. IUPKR, ' General Manager : Mayor Fowler gives the Fowler Base Ball Club an excursion to Gcean View this evening1, and' will treat them to one of Dan Howard's nice fish suppers. ; Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of m inferior quality. I am closing out everything AT COST FOR CASH. No humbug in this. Making room for new goods, at I. Shrier's, S. E. corner Princess and Front streets. tf Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They rare cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Paint your .house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint. It is the best and cheapest. You will find all col ors.in any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. " t A game of base ball was played vesterdav afternoon at the Seaside grounds, between the Dread Nots and the Blue Bells, both colored clubs of this city. Tn score was Blue Bells 15, Dread Nots 9. The remains of M,r. Henry. Ger hardt. formerly of Baltimore! Md., who died at Anniston, Ala., recently were brought here -yesterday for interment, accompanied by his daughter. Mrs. Alex. Oldham. We did not report the sale of the wreckage of the Queen for the sim ple reason that we were requested not to name the amount of the sale nor the name of the ; purchaser hejiad bought on speculation. Su is life ! Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw.'Co. t To Dispel Colds. Headaches ind Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per manently cure habitual eonstipa -tioii, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, u.ce Syrup of Figs. t . : f 1 . Refreshing pd Inviffpratlnc Delicions Soda Water as drawn from Munds jarotners luagnmceut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fmit Syrup,Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. It was a veriatable Sunday on Market and Front streets to day, so many of the stores were closed. It is rather rough on the newspaper man to know that he must keep on toil ins: while all the world and the rest of mankind are takinga holiday City Court. The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor to-day: Alex. Aman, drunk and downj guilty and fined $10. Judgment sus pended on the promise of sobriety and the payment of costs. Sarah Fulford, disorderly conduct, guilty. Sarah is a juvenile of de cidedly roguish proclivities but judg ment was suspended on condition that she be properly punished by her parents. At the Hammocks Last Night. The most brilliant assemblage we have ever yet seen under the pa vilion at the Hammocks was that which gathered there last night. It was the first time, in fact, that the pavilion has been given a fair show iner. The lights have heretofore been very poor but last night the nlace was brichtand beautifnl. The assemblage was made up almost en tirely of home people and the young folks had turned out in large nuin bers for the dance. Prof. Miller' Baltimore band rendered some . de lightful music. They do not in any way disappoint those who had look ed to them for good music. Of Interest to bounty Treasurers.. The different county treasurers o the State should note well the pro visions of an act of the last Legis lature relative to their duties, as a failure to comply with these provis ions will subject them to indictment with heavy penalties. It provides that each county treasurer shall, at everv examination, of his books and accounts, exhibit a full, perfect and itemized statement to the commit tee. of the use made of every dollar of Dublic funds in his hands since a. the last exhibit of his books, and if anv nart of said funds has been loaned out, the statement shal show to whom loaned and what se curitv. and the amount of interest 9 paid on such loans shall be covered in the county treasury. The state ment shall be sworn to, and pub lished in a connty newspaper or at the court house door. Nothing in the act shall be construed to allow eounty treasurers to loan out any public funds. Medicinal Properties of Vegetables. The following information may be useful to some at this season of the year, if not new to many: Spinach has a direct effect upon the kidnevs. The common dandelion, used as erreens, is excellent ior me .same trouble. . Asparaguss purges the blood, celery acts admirably upon the ner vous system and is a cure for rheu mat ism and neuralgia. Tomatoes act upon the liver. Beets and turnips are excellent appetizers. Lettuce and cucumbers are cool ing in their effects upon the system. Onions, garlic, leeks, olives and shallots, all of which are similar, possess medicinal vlrtes of a marked 1 1 X 5 11 1 cnaracier, sumumiug uie circula tory system and the consequent increase of the saliva and the gras- tric juice promoting digestion. Red onions are an excellent diu retic and the white ones are -ijptfom-mended to be eaten raw as "a rem edy for insomnia. .They are a tonic and nutritious.. A soup made from onions is re garded by the French as an excel lent restorative in debility of the digestive organs. Don't liead This for S50O. For many years, through nearly every newspaper in. the land, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly re sponsible, financially, as any one can easily ascertain by proper en quiry, have-offered, in good faith, a; standing reward of $500 for a case: of nasal catarrh, no matter how j bad, or of how long standing, whieh , they cannot cure. ?a recast a. For North Carolina, local showers and stationary temperature. For Wilmington and vicinity, ligh1 showers. ; , ' Surprised and Delighted. Mr. Sol. Hass, Traffic Manager of the Associated Railways, and Mr. E R. Drake, General Freight and Passengei Agent of the Piedmont Air Line, paid a visit yesterday af ternoon and last night to the Ham mocks and Wrightsville Beach They expressed themselves as great ly surprised and delighted and say they will take the first opportunity they can find to spend a 'day or two here and visit all of our seaside re sorts. ; k ' Sudden Death. Mr. William A. Aldrich, a well known citizen of this place, died suddenly last evening, at his resi dence, corner Third and Redcross streets. He had been sick and in capacitated for business for some years but yesterday joined a fishing party bound for the Rocks. On his return last evening he was taken ill and soon passed away. . Mr. Aldrich was about 65 years of age. He was a native of Rhode Island but had made this city his home for the past thirty years. The funeral se vices will take place to morrow, from St. Andrew's Church. Removed to California. Gen. Johnstone Jones and his es- tunable wile nave many warm friends as well as attached relatives in this city, and they will regret to learn that they have removed to a great distance from them. They left Asheville, on Wednesday morn ing for'San Diego, Gal., where they will in the future reside. Mrs Jones has a brother, Mr. John O, Miller, formerly of this city, who has been a resident for many years past of Kern county, California, and this mav have in a measure in fluenced their removal; The Ashe ville Citizen says: Gen. Jones has filled positions o high importance and dignity in North Carolina,. and filled them with conspicuous ability and fidelity For twelve years he was Adjutant General of the State. Upon assum ing the duties of that office the State had no citizen-soldiery worthy the name, but through his unremit ting efforts, great skill and soldierly qualifications be organized and es tablished the State guard, which for emciencv in all respects is not sur passed by the troops of any State. He also served a term as a mem ber of the Legislaturerom Bun combe county and won high dis tinction in that capacity, proving himself an able, conscientious, faith ful and useful member. His official record in North Carolina is one of which not only himself and friends may be proud, but the State is very proud of him. , As a member of the bar of Cali fornia Gen. Janes will deserve a high position, and will prove worthy of the fullest' conndence ot the peo pie, I while socially, he and Mrs Jonas will be an addition which the best people of their new home will gladly welcome. By the Sad Sea Waves. We have an aldermanic friend who is spending the Summer at Carolina Beach and who is as full of fun as a sand fly is of iniquity. He carries a bottle of epicac in his vest pocket sometimes for the baby and he mav be known by the label on the bottle. He plays the fiddle, too, and is one of the orchestra engaged in advance for a dance at the hotel at" the Beach1 next Tuesday night. He was practising last night for the occasion ana some very aoieiui sounds issued from the interior of his cabin. They didn't exactly draw the fish up out of the sea to listen to the delightful strains but theydrove them a hundred miles to the East ward of the Gulf Stream and a hun dred fathoms deep, wliAh for all practical purposes amounts to, the , . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I RENOVATE Old Mattresses. f5S esq f 8i!l JnoA 8-1 J AW ' w. R2. cufuniirac, WILMINGTON,- N. C. ' CM . - , V. " . 52 i .:; j .-I.- ' . i." W ";. ; ' B"? ' .'. ' i :'. ; i ten OKI . GS - , ;,.. Shirts, we have got them by the million, made by good and skilful hand; come and see us, we can save you over fifty five per cent. ! We'll . ; X i. not charge, you lancy prices, ueuuj ToT . TTr.m-r.T- be afraid, therefore XOUill.JLi JDJjilUri JCLUIijIj. WANTKI A MAN OP TEMPERATE AND ,5t1idy-al)lt8' spekhur employment, to represent an old establlshea house in his own State. Salary 60 to ioo per month. Ref erences exacteo. j. G. BLANCUARD, aug 5 4w Gen. Manager.Locjc Box losS.N.Y. i re m i . ... samel thing. ; Upon 'being monstrated with by the neigh bors he declared that he was simply practicing hymns for the choir, next Sunday and that his recalcitrant neighbors did'nt know good church music when they heard it. In coming ; up from the Beach his morning he rode on the engine over to the pier and as he is in the fire insurance business he proceed ed to caress a hot pipe, with the re" suit of a blistered hand and a few i m t m explosive, more practical man po- ite, and fit neither for the ball room nor the choir. He tried to make those on board the boat be lieve that the furnace on the loco motive was on fire ami that he was trying to put it out when.t!ie ncci dept occurred, but no one would take stock" in the tale. He is - now seriously discussing j the visability of establishing', a . State ageuey for insuring railroad . you well, don't come and patronize; us money sav ed is money made, at the Wilming ton ShirtFactory, 122 Market street, j Sign of the blue awning. tf N EWADVEBTI8 EM EN TV . H For Sale. OUSE CORNER TflliiD AND CASTLE streets: house on Queen, between Third and Fourth streets; house and vacant lot on Fifth, between Queen and Wooster; store and dwell ing corner Castle and Seventh streets; two houses on Ninth, between Queen and Woos ter; house on Church, between Third and Fourth streets; house on Ninth, between Nun and Ann streets; house on Tenth, between Church and Castle streets; two houses on Sixth, between Princess and Chestnut streets; house on Fourth, between Princess and Chest nut streets; house northwest corner of Market and Eleventh ! streets; three houses corner Eighth and Walnut streets; three houses on Market, between Fourteenth "and Fifteenth streets; two houses on Campbell, between Ninth and Tenth streets; store and dwelling corner Ninth and Campbell streets; vacant lot on Second, between Queen and Wooster streets; house on Fifth, between Hanover and Brunswick streets; vacant lot on Seventh, be tween Brunswick and Bladen streets; house corner Eighth and Mulberry streets, and sev eral houses and vacant lots In desirable loca tions over the railroad. t MARTIN T. DAVIS, Real Estate Agent, aug 19 2t mpn frl 133 Princess St. rjnE HOTEL AT THE HAMMOCKS ISrNpW in the hands of the Wilmington Seacoast R. R. j uHu isjunuer tne management or the Super intendent. . it has just undergone a complete renovation and has been put in first class order. The rates of board for September have been - materially reduced. s ..- The best the market and the salt water af fords win make upjthe bill Of fare. Careful, attentfw and polite servants and none ethers will be tolerated Prof. Miller's Band, from Schueteen Park. Baltimore, will furnish music, both morning and evening. . ; , i . 1 Facilities for sailing and fishing unsurpass ed bare, comfortable boats and experienced orews. - The object of the new management is to please and no pains will be spared to accom plish this result. -Enquiries by mall as to promptly responded to. . . accommodations aug 23 tt JAMES 3D. jTTJTT3 THE DRUGGIST. 318 NORTH FRONT STREET. . JJNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR PRE- j paring Prescriptions, night or day, at the very lowest price. Purity guaranteed? auff 21 tf Look, Stop and Think! North State Headache Cure. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK I WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS MY ENTIRE LINE OF j Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING OF Clothing;, Hats AND FURNISHING GOODS AT NEW YORK COST We have lust finished taking stock and I will leave In a short time for the Northern markets. I MUST HAVE MONEY TO BUY FALL AND WINTER GOODS WITH, and hence no reasonable cash offer will be re fused. i B. F. PENNY, TnE CLOTHIER, aug 23 tf 110 Market Street. 5faHdarI Flavoring HIGHLY HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; they are true to their names, full measurej. and highly Concentrated. aug 23 d&w 6m eod nrm rjlHIS PREPARATION WILL S CRELYCURE Neuralgia of the Head and all kinds of Head- acues; no matter irom what cause arising. . , MUNDS BROTHERS, &ug31tf 104N. Front St. Sale of Real Estate Under Foreclosure. TY VIRTUE OFJ THE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain Indenture Of mortgage executed by David Deal and Lucy A. Deal, his wife, to "The Citizens' Building: and Loan As sociation of: Wilmington. N. c. tdttaint having been made therein) the undersigned, as attorneys for said mnrfo-ncw urn? nn Thursday the 5th day of September, 1889, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, sell, by public auction, for cash, the lands and premises -conveyed In and by said mortgage deed, which are sit uated in the said city of Wiiminetnn nni Hi-a bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East Une of Ninth street 198 feet North of the Northeast Intersection of Princess and Ninth streets, and . running thence with Ninth street south 33 feet, thence East parallel with PrineiRss strppt. i-w thence North 33 feet, thence West parallel with Princess street 132 feet to the East line of Ninth street, the beginning being the West part Of Lot 3. in Block IM. acr.ordi nc ti t.hA official plan of said city. MAKSD.EN BELLAMY, A.G.RICAUD, it . , Attorneys for "The citizen's Building and Loan Association of WilmlngtonTlC C" aug l 30t ; BRANCH DRUG STORE, William HrGreen & CoJ Corner 8th and Market Sts. .- - - --- -- t ' - WE nAVOJ PURCHASED THE ABOVE Drug, Store and have refitted and stocked it with' a fresh and desirable stock of Drugs. Medicines. Perfumery.' Toilet Art icirw-Mc Tobacco, and everything usually kept In a First Class Orug store-. ... it . . - Customers mav relv unon nht,niniTior'inrrt Medicines. ' " ' Physicians' Prescriptions and Family W-'- accuratly compounded by educated ;. aug2B2t cipe's Registered Pharmacists. JACKSON & BELL, printers and binders; Archie Freeman'o WILMINGTON, N. C. STHE PLACE to Largest and Best Equipped Printing Establishment in the City. locomotives against taKing fire. Orders Promptly Filled. Still on Deck. IVERYllODY OF THE MALE PERSJA Zi slon visiting Wilmington darinjr the En campment la cordially invited to call and ave a suave, or a inampoo. or a Haircut, at my establishment, 29 Market street, between Front ana water. ' only 10 cents for a Shave , i isu tciiio lur n Buuuipou, cents . iox a Hair cut and SO cents ana upwards for Dyeln. i RespecKully. JOHN WERNEHL jy 9 tl Pracucal Barber and Perfumer. GET FRESH PIU FIBH, . A ti . - 1 WvllPil PraViO riom VriUnra nwtri nfl delicacies of tne salt water. When you to to Carolina Beach, ask for Archie Free&ftnu.: place and anybody will tell you. , ;. , t . A- FREEMAN, jy2jlm i Carolina Beacn. Making Room for Fall Goods TirniLE OUR STORE IS BBLNG EN- larged and remodeled we will close out Da I - ance or bummer Goods at prices. -.Ti? VestatOc, White linen Vests v?At &fl 10 UAn' 200 Casslmere -i11 French Percale Shirts at STRAW HATS at less than SOld. - . " vvw SOX; BBiAiR,' aug 9 im - -so Market street, greatly reduced 4 3 A ? V A