s Arnica saive i v , i Absolutely Pure Tnls powder never vanes.; A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. M ore econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be Bold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Soldtmhr in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDKlt CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 36 diwly tenrm 41 hpd Sidpw is tick leu The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Itisguar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert. R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. T2i Daily Eqviqw. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1889. STATE NEWS. Charlotte News: , Mr. Robert Wallace, one .of the leading farmers of Mecklenburg, was in the city to day. Ho says the crops about East- field beat anvthing ever seen tnere and that cotton will commence com ing in shortly. Wilson Mirror: The mind of ex- Sheriff Lewis, of. Nash, has become so seriously impaired as to necessi tate his confinement in the Asylum at Raleigh. A colored Presby terian church has been organised in Wilson. A number of our best and most highly respected colored peo ple are members. Winston Daily. Among the many famous things that Forsyth county is noted for, is a baby boy 10 months old that weighs 51$ pounds. He measures 32 inches around the waist, 19 inches around his thigh and 11 inches around his arm. He is what you might term a jumbo for his age. The baby is the son of . Mr. Joseph Tise, who resides in Lewisville town ship. He has given him the name of Zeb Vance. The boy is finely de veloped. Reidsville Review: We are proud of such a mammoth concern as the tobacco factory of A. H. Motley & Co. One day last week they made a shipment of about 40,000 pounds of tobacco to Australia, lneir export trade has grown to be immense. The first shock of the week to our oeoDle was the announcement early Monday morning that Mr. D. E. Morris, a prominent merchant and a citizen of loner standing in Reidsville, had been found dead in bed at his residence, corner Main and Lindfey streets. Mr. Morris died of an overdose of choloform, which he had taken to ease pain. Clinton Caucasian: Mr. J. M. Qaccrttno tin a a fiolfl rtf ftnrn til ft t. averages 7,536 hills to the acre, and 100 ears to the bushel; it will make therefore 75 bushels to the acre. Many of the stalks have two good ears and the field will" probably average near a hundred bushels to the acre. Mr. Sherod Barks -dale, a man well known to the peo ple as merchant ' and large farmer, died at his residence in Clinton on last Saturday, the 17th inst. He was a sufferer from Bright's dis ease, but the immediate cause of his death were paralysis and softening of the brain". He was 42 years of age and leaves a widow and five children. Rockingham Rocket: We very much regret to hear of the serious illness of Capt. Laurence Everett, of Laurinburg. He has never fully recovered from the effects of a severe attack of pneumonia that camo near proving fatal two years ago. But we are glad to know that his condition is somewhat improved the last few day.. It is general ly conceded tnat there will be an unusally large crop of corn this year, while the cotton, if seasons are, favorable from now on, will begood. We have on our table an ear of corn, of the white "Dent" variety, plucks ed from a 14 acre field on the farm of Mr. J. A. Harrington, of Welf Pit township, which measures 12 inches in length,. It is but a fair sample from the field. j Xove In a Cottage. - 'Chally,'' said Amarantha Jane, "I notice that your spirits recently seeiu to be bubbling over with hap piness. I am gjad to see it, but do tell me dear, what has caused it?V "I will," said Charley, as he encir cled her waist and imprinted a kiss on her inviting lips. "You know for a while I was melancholy, blue us indigo had- no appetite, was bilious and dyspeptic, but. the use of two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has brought me out and I am 'bright as a button. I feel like a new man now. Jane, name the day soon; there is more of this medicine at the drug store." University of North Carolina J1HK NEXT SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 5, 1889. - Thorough Instruction 13 offered in Literature, Science, Philosophy ana Law. Tuition $30 per session -: " VAUUUIK ; HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, U 5 it - . President. LEMON KL.IXIK A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For" loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir wril not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. i Prepared only by Dr.. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Fifty cents and. $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. m th s Rkv. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. A Great Farmers' Mass Meeting. In view of the fact that the sates for transportation are the lowest that can be obtained and therefore put it in the power of the largest number of our farmers, especially those at a distance, to come together- for conference and discussion, and fcr the further fact that a great deal of interest in this way of dis play in stock and farm products will instruct and benetit them; and the further fact that excursion will be run from Northern cities to Ral eigh during that week, where an opportunity will be given to owners of land to meet t hose wno are ciesir- ious of Inspecting them, it is deem ed advisable andor advantage to cai I a grand mass meeting of the farmers of the State in the city or uaieigti Oct. 15th and the subscribed com mittee have consented to act as a board of management: S. B. Alexander, Prest. State Al liance. Elias Carr, Prest. Ag'l Clubs. J. Van Lindley, Prest. State Hor ticultural Society. V. R. William's, Master State Grange. John Robinson, Commr. Ag't. L. L. Polk, Sec'y State Alliance and Prst. So. Ins. F. Assts. H. T. J . Ludwig, Sec7y Grange. J. A. Lineback. Sec'v State Hort. Society. Distinguished speakers from other States and this State will deliver addresses on special subjects. The occasion will be made one long to be remembered, and it will be the endeavor to make it create in the, farmers a new and firmer spirit, the J results of which will be of lasting practical value. The AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Bfantifullf Illustrated. 25 ck $3 Year ITS SCOPE. THE AMKUICAN MA -ZINE gives preference to national topics an scenes, and Its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer All its pares with a wide variety of interest lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and,ln short. mis magazine is Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. It Is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the mgn-ciass mommies. WILMINGTON MARKET. Aug. 23.-2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 42 cents. No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at 75 cents for strained and 75 cent3 bid for good strained. - - ' j TAR Firm at $1.00. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $2.25 for yellow dip and virgin. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. CLEANED. Steamship Benefactor,' Tribout New York, H G Smallbones. Steamer D Murchison, Robinsdn, Fayetteville, T D Love. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 54 pkers tudse, 80 bags chair, 111 bags brand, 184 bags rice polish, 42 bags nee, 10 bbls crude, 476 do tar, 257 casks spirits, 395 bbls rosin, 176, 843 ft lumber, 135,000 shingles. Wilmiugton Seacoast E.R Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for. PROVISIONS. LIME M LIME 4V LIME " LIME LIME sept; " GROCERIES. : " DRY GOODS " " HARDWARE. . " LUMBER. ; " CASE. i FRENCH BKU8., Rocky Point. TO THE FRONT! n rrm . t-i rr . . r rr"a. A Jrew More'Davs In which to close out at i-mI PETS on hand., , u,e stk of C i RERiro ANTS OFlCARPETo Say 8, io, 12 to 15 yards, extrem,.!.. i. We have thousand. in a MflatMtuJ iT"l 1 : BE FOLLOWING CHANGE IN THE TIME the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad will take effect on Monday, 22nd lnst: Table of WILMINGTON. Leave. . Leave.. Leave. . Leave . Leave . . 6.00 a. m. . . 9.H0 a. m. . . 2.33 p. m. . 5.00 p. m. . 6.35 p. m. HAMMOCKS. Leave 8.30 Pjna. "HAMMOCKS. Arrive 6.50 a, m, Arrive .... ..10.10a. m. Arrive 3.10 p. in Arrive 5 35 p. m. Arrive 7.15 p. m. Arrive 9.1U p. m. Leave Leave... Leave . Leave... Leave... Leave. . . . 7.45 a. m. .10.25 a. m. . 4 00 p. m. . 5.45 p. m. . 7.30 p. m. .10.00 p. m. WILMINGTON. Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive , Arrive.. Arrive . 8.20 a. m 11.05 a. m. . . 4.40 p. m. . . 6 20 p. m. . . 8.10 p. m. . .10.45 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS LKAVE AND ARRIVE AT WILMINGTON. LEAVK. Leave.... Leave Leave a 30 a. hi. 2.30 p. m. 6.35 p. m. ARRIVE. Arrive. Arrive. Arrive. .11.05 a. m. . 6.20 p. in .10.45 p. m Supper Train will be, leaving w llmlnffton. the 6:35 p. m. train Round trip tickets will be sold at 25c. for l his train to parties return ing the same night. J. 11. NOLAN, Jy 23 tf GenT Manager. The National Life -AND- Maturity Association XF WASHINGTON. D. C. Tn n nvto ri t A Specimen Number, with X ill pur Lull t niuStratd Premium List. and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable Premiums to Club Raisers, will be sent on re celpt of 15c., if this paper Is mentioned. Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at oncefer exclusive territory. Address, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., fetr 749 Broadway jow.vrir. POMONA HILL WUKSERIES POMONA, N. C. Two and a Half Miles West of Greensboro. N. C rjih. main line of the R. & D. R. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains makestops regular twice daily each way. Those 1 interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery In the State, and one of the largest In the South. Stock consists of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots, Nectarines, Mulberries. Quince, Grapes, Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English Walnut, Pecans, Chestnut, Strawberries. Roses, Evergreens, shade Trees, &c. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new catalogue for 1SS8 will show. . Giveyour orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. correspondence solicited. Destriptlve Cata logue free to applicants. Address J.' VAN LINDLEY, . POMONA, Guilford Co., N. a W Reliable Salesman wanted In every County. A good paying commlasJoa will be glv : j Table Board. FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO- dated "with TableiBoara on application at mchS tt" ; SfH. THIRD ST. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - - $600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - - None. HORATIO BROWNING, President. SAMUEL NORMENT, Treasurer. GKORGR li. Li. KIDGE, Secretary. Manager an- Actuary. GEO. ,T. HASTERDAY, Ass't Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost, A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestlble Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age Annual cost. Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years; P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D.' Medical Director. W H. GIBSON, Special Agent Home Office, Central National Bank Building, Washington. D. C. JOHN UAAR, Jr., Local Agent, oct 20 Wilmlngtonj N. C. "STOKLEY'S." Full-Stock! Bottom Pr'ces a WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF PAPER BAGS, WRAPPING PAPER, BU1K BOOKS,! STATIONERY, TWINES, AND EVERY THING IN TH E ' Paper Line in the State. Get our prices and terms before placing your orders for any thing in the -AS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS, AND PRICES ROCK. BOTTOM. OFFICE AND SALESROOM. 114 NORTH WATEK STREET. Wilmington Paper Go. aug 7 1 f SPECIAL NOTICE ! WE ARE TnE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WhoIesa?e Liquor House in the State, having established business It 1868. Twenty-one years' experience taught us all about it, and since we buy our brands of WHISKIES MADE TO SUIT OUR TRADE, WE CAN AF FORD TO GJVE YOU Better Goods for Less Money THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS STATE, AND AT LEAST As low as any Firm in the United "States. Give us a call and we will prove to you all we say. Bnmhild,Simon& Co., Ill N. Friir St., Dealers In Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos. Jy31tf great variety by;; the hundre doTty A great variety of sizes at something less th , ! A GOOD CLEAN STOCK DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMtm , AT, ALL SEASONS. - A1V1JVUNG$ LACE CtrRTATNS. : Thcpe wer claim to sell at remarkablv 1nr . n3. wcirjTiRp ; great variety. aup: 20 ear ind 3A2AAB ers c in J THAT TAYLOR'S Is the place to p-et Fashionable ;Gbods and arp I j - iuio ,vav.ii, l ine jLfress btrawH reduced to 48c each. - Flowers, fine French Flowers for ' price $1.98, now selling at :75c each. Ices, Uce FHof Net and Brussels Net. Maline andVeilinp- at nnpVS value. The Crescent Bustle, just received, and in demand. Silk Mitts, warrantedklirsilkfiltc 'aValr "P?t and Sun Shades in all shadesFanWimmense stock to sp 1 lectfrom. Corsets of every make: -1 HandkerchiVfc . up. Gents' Linen Hemmed-Stitch Colored Borders la each; and lots of other desirable and Seasonable Pwwi; . reinarKiiDiy low rrices. . ; , , Cape Fear Eou8. i FIRST CLASS KESTAURANT HAS BEEN opened at the terminus of the Ocean View It. it. irresn I'ignsn, ciams and Beer always on hand. In connection with our Restaurant we. nave a nrst class Dining Room for our white customers. Give us a call and we guarantee to give you ennre satisiaction. je an NEW YORK OBSERVER 118 Market St Jf&r Big discount1 to the trader Orders bv -IL promptly fulfilled. ' 1 HtT , . : , '1 ' Summer B ard. pLEASANT COUNTRY BOARD, miles from Llncolnton. TWO Dally mail. One.free visit to Llncolnton dally, if desired. i Table satisfactory, with abundant supply, of Meats, Vegetables and Fruit. -U ' cool, pleasant rooms. $20 per month, dren less. Address . I ' MRS. J. M. RICHARDSON, e ltf 1 woodside. Llncolnton, Nl 6 THE STATE CHRONICLE Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic t tj : r - the Chronicle) . XTnder iNe Manaigeine:' en a WE ARE NOW PRE- pared to accommodate all who may call upon us with the Finest Oysters to be had on the Coast. We have made sped a preparations for the Season. Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters : always on hand. Served promptly and in any W. II. STOKLEY, Wrightsville, style desired. oct 10 tf Orrell's Stables, QORNER THIRD AND PRINCESS STSo are well equipped with everything necessary In a first class Livery and Sales Stables. I Good horses and comfortable vehicles and careful drivers ready on demand. j Attention Is .specially invited to our large stockyard and our facilities for housing horses and cattle in the basement of our large sta bles. I ! Rates as low a3 can be found elsewhere. I Give us a call and we will do our best to pleaseyou. j Jy29tf Proorietor. Lawn n3owers9 Beat on tlie Market! i QARDEN HOES, RAKES, &C., SrRINK lers. Rubber Hose and' Attachments. Bottom prices on above at . i W. K. S1RINER & CO'rf. apl 30 tf it Front SU. Wilmington, N. Ct For Sale. YOUR LD NEWSPAPERS FOR 'SALE, A own price at j VOg I KEYIBW.OFPJC ESTABLISHES ZA7 18 f The Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors: Special Cot respondents at Home and Abroad Stories. Reviews, Condensed News Departments 1 for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional Men Students, Boys and Girls. This year the Observer will pubj isn more tnan FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, and the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col umns. Poets and prose writers, au thors, editors men of science and women of genius Will fill the col umns ef the Observer, and it wil give fifty-two unexcelled papers in the coming year.' Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1889 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub scriber, for ONE DOLLAR. 3. Any subscriber sending his own subscrlp tlon for a year in advance and a new subscrl ber with $5.00, can have a copy of the Wren aeus Letters," or "The Life of Jerry McAuley.' 3. We will send the OBSERVER for the re mainder Of this vear. anr! t Jamm-nr i iceo to any new subscriberlsendinB us his name and address and sj-ou in advance. To such subscri bers we will also give either the volume of 'Irenajus Lttter3'' or "The Life of Jerry Mc Auley.' Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal ter Larere commissions. Sample c free. Address, New York Observer, NEW YORK Don't Delay. VEND I OUR BROKEN OR INJURED FUR nlture to me and I will repair Itpromptly an at low prices. ' I propose to make my living this way and will do the work well and will not charge too much for doing it. call ana see some of the repairs I have already made. , I will also re pair sewing Machines. Musical Instruments1 c, as well as Furniture. Will cheerfully glve'esUmates or. probable cost of repairs. Come and see me. t ' - " J. B. PARBAK. oct' No. u N. geconast; Honey,Honey,Honey, rpHE FINEST BROUGHT TO THIS MAR- ket for years, put up in onp pound Boxes, call auu iuu& ub it. WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE MARYLAND . i ' " . ; v.-.,' :jt;..i:::-;l'' Creamery Butter, Packed in Refrigerator Boxes.' The only place in town you can secure a solid one pound print Of nne BUTTER. My ' , 5 PAROLE FLOUR - ' - - still stands unparalleled, and la certainly pro nounced by those that once try it to be the best sold In town. Also, a very fine FLOUR for less money, which. Is guaranteed. . Cakes of all Kinds, Crackers, Preserves, Jelliesj PIUlvLE3tDKIED FKUI'lt; and an endless variety of Canned Goods. In fact I keep everything which ,can found in a first class Grocery Store. ' call and examine my Goods. be Jno. L Boatwright, Jysa NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN Iv; UP ITH THE TIMES. StATI8 rCHRONICLB WIU I rpnE what its name lmplles-a State Papa- J; not the Raleigh "Chronicle," ana ijiw local or sectlonaL-It wiu aim to with thernews fromJMurpHy toMaa the poUtlcians put it, from cnerotoel ItwUJ be the organ of no maBO re- section, no party, it fiu je fW pontics, but; will not neataw to Democratic measures and rmocrauc TERMS OF SUBSCEOTIOJ: One Year... Six Months....' Shree Months.... J i CLUE'S Sew orK & TTllnic Steamship Co 15 17 So. Front St, ; h FIG FISH ! PIG FISH ! I ALWALYS KEEP A SUPPLY OF FISH on hand. As I have my own boat and seine I always keep from 300 to 300 on hand. Pic nlc parties can be served with Fish ct Coffee. Meals 35c. or $1.00 a Day. TA A. HEWLEIT. ; ' Restaurant in 100 yards of Switchback. ,. Good CIGARS and IW CWl BEER always on Jiand. - ' - - Jy u tt FROM PIER 29. EAST Located between Chambers ' ' At 3 o'clock, P. , ' '- ' . , ' :" saxvr&x BENEFACTOR. jantaJ GULF STREAM 'ueaK BENEFACTOR. . . PION BER. y; FROM WILMl' .. GULF STREAM.. "TUO'i BENEFACTOR TharsW' GULF STREAM rVS'l- BENEFACTOR 'l".nd V pr ThroughBUis pcs Rates guaranteed to and irw y and South Carolina. nptf'W.v''- ' TnEO.I,KGKKvTrafnct P.CLYIJB aug 15 A Photographs pnoioc s i?TTmc AND at reasonable 2Jo aj

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