irffTS PAT - . - ... . ... . -r.'-, f-- i4 - 9-W ffJ!!0!rOSTAQKFAID::; x.Unths $3.00. Three . ,e month, 35 cents. - geramiiatsrciiut j $ 'fi i; f Tn& rizjii 01 tL3 wriur muri alTraj be t :r4 "corrmijilCaUC3 "taui; to witttck oat.'bul ;Anai4bDCIW stood tbit tt&E410oH,to atwirOhOorstj the news of coixesponOcntA ciiif saso. et4tea I CdeUverW carriers, free oitnecltr.attbq above wWdUDeraL " f nBlease report any and VOL XIII. i WILMINGTON, N, C.VMONI)AYv SEPTEMBER 2, 1889. NO 207. i their paper - ,t, .. tat V-. u the most clesant form , . LiuTlVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE Trt-- rir THE PCS OF CALIFORNIA, tritli'lthe medicinal beneficial to the human forming an agreeable .V Active laxative to perma- cure -" j 2 and tiejmany ills de- iViie on a weaK or inactive v' ' ..IIIMiM LinUiVERAriUbUWtLb. tost excellent remedy known to jasEMsnm effectually I f iaoneis Bilious or Constipated i S-JTHAT - . ' jtfttOOD. BEFRESHltJQ SLEEP, I ffiUTH and BTRENQTH J ... . . UATJRAU.Y FOLUOW. ryone is using it and all are flighted with iti I ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB ttoui9 of xca-o HANUFACTURED ONLY BY , ; UUORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAK FRANCISCO i UAL. , : ; milE.fl. j HEW YORK. N. Y RMtfKUT ME LI A Hi Yf: . WHOLESALE DliUGGIST,' rSUdiw Wilmington, N. C Herrarial rolson. , - t - iswrj is frequent injudiciously used by jftaoctotsl cases -of malaria and blood r ixau lis atter effect i3 worse than the V'toaiiistix. b. i:. 13. (Botanic Blood pijcortaDsao mercury, but will eliminate raHilptSson from the system. Write to oJ laim Ca, Atlanta, Ca., for book of fads? proof of its 'curative virtue. IF. Button, Jacksoa, Temi., writes: "I JJMlarlam Louisiana, and when the ? Isst broke my system was saturated -on; and I had sore? in my mouth and iiny tongue." 1 got two bottles of B. ,fiteh hetiled my tongue and mouth and ;ewman of me.-' fiWcamond, Atlanta, Ga.. writes: "Aly I said tardly see. Doctors called it syph- -sjius. utreyes were in a areaaiut con i Her arnetite failed. She had nam m fjtts and bones. Her kidneys were de-1 aiiso.andnoone thought she could be Dr. Gillam recommended B. B. B., flM. , rLy0,?63 Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I was tlth copper colored eruptions, loss ot f lhU.u m uacK acning joints, debility, H10!L 10SS Of hair snr thiviol- o-nii rrmat pBwsa. B. B. B. put my system in fine LOOATi 3STB"WS- 1NDKX TO NEW advrtisemknts Jas D NuttU rug-ist Munps Bkos Pharmacists Wm A Wiixson city Taxes W M Cumkino Mosquito Nets Ciias P BrOwnk, 'Agt Mullets Mabtim Newman Horses Wanted Jno W Harper Schedule of Boats This is glorious October weather had early in September. Mr.M. M. Katz will probably leave here to night for the Northern mar kets.' - i One hundred colored excursionists came up from Southport this; morn ing on the Passport. ; The moon 'enters on its second quarter at 20 minutes past 2 o'clock this afternoon. 1 The grand masquerade ball at Carolina Beach, the last of the sea son, win. take place to-morrow night. I Mr. Gurtis, choir master at St. James'1 Church; has returned to the city and will remain ;here until De Chief Newman advertises in this issue for three pair of good horses for the use of the Fire Department in this city. - .i - Do not be. induced to take some other preparation when you call for Hood's Sarsaparilla. j Be sure to get Hood's, which is peculiar. Wehaveafew Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw.gCo h t Mr. David S. Cowan, who has been with His family at Lincolntoh for the past month, is in the city for a few days. Peaches are selling on the line of the. C. R. R., West of Charlotte, at 40 cents a bushel and apples at 10 cents a bushel. For Rent- pa A5D DWELLING, CORNISH SEV- feiW"1 0ne dwelling vvlth iX;1 ?ne Nation. One' dwelling, K in a very desirable location! FSroacL h0U8es in fine locations 3 muii t MARTIN T. DAVIS. 123 Princess street. State Headache Cure. aiutipnUvillsdeely,cuk ftr T CaUSe ;j3 L-jUS BKOTnERS, e Fear House; 1 luss RESTAURANT HAS BEEN ae terminus of the Ocean View R. 5 kcoKinn1 and Beer always on f'SS"11 our restaurant we lVe 119 l noil - "anaiucuon. arantee e 22 am Dn't Delay. plot BROKEX Ci rTTrtTT?T vnrt m I wm repair It promptly an . . rhV v ail and A enma nf tin MfoAV aliana sw RnmA "rr i5lte2:.Muscal Instruments' or tT1. "if- wni cheerfulU jyor probablo cost of repairs. J. B. PAIIRAR. r Na 11 n. Second Et. "STOKLEY'S." ' ARB jow p ' itPoaua with the Jtoest Oysters , ' 13 tor the sTo e Ve nav0 mad0 specla v -vejiynQcue ana rP Spund Oysters The city tax books are now in Treasurer Villson's ! hands and he notifies all to come forward prompt- y and jpay up. The breaks on the Carolina Cen- tral R. R. nave been repaired and trains will to-morrow run through direct to Charlotte. The occulation of the moon with he planet Jupiter will take place o morrow, night at 9:42. No post ponement on account of the weath er. The i steam tuer Alex. Jones left Southport for Morehead Saturday night, at 9 o'clock, and arrived there at 2:30 to-day with one of the dredges in tow. Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices Utat you pay for those of n inferior quality. m Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks ri t on your, piinus. uney are cneap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N, Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Paint your . house with Regal Readv Mixed Paint. 1 It is the' best and cheapest. You will find all col ors in any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t - Rev. Mr. Leitch, the evangelist, who is in the city on a few days' va tion, will lead: the meeting at the Young Men's Christian Association www ' -a . rt t? rooms xuesuav eveninc ui o.xo o'clock. i . My very low prices for Cash have proved a success. Every tioN lar's worth of goods will be sold 2Q per cent, lower tnan av Hy ouipr store in the city, I. Shner, 3. Jb. corner Princess and Front, sts. 'tf Stoves. We. have a very large line made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cookvell and to give general satis faction. Oar low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi ildw. Co.. WrightsYiile. Mr. Leopold Simon has returned from a visit to relatives in Qermany, and returns . lookiner . in canital health. He traveled over much of Continental Europe during his ab sence. . .. I.'' . We have received a complimentary ticket to the fifth annual exhibition of the Hickory Catawba Industrial Association, to be held at Hickory on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th inst. . -: . Rev. Mr. Ieitch was . present yes terday afternoon at Fifth Street M. E. Church, at class meeting; He did not preach a regular sermon but made a fine talk to the largo congre gat ion present. I A colored preacher of this city went down into the water yesterday to administer baptism to a number of converts and forgot to remove his watch. As a consequence it is "in soak" to-day in oil. ; ! A good time may be confidently looked for by all who attend the grand german to oe given at tne Hammocks to -morrow night. The last train will leave for the city at midnight. The police made 202 arrests dur ing the month of August; 129 col ored and 73 white persons: males 174, females 2a The court fines collected amounted to $355.30, which is the largest "on record. The pound fees were $7. I Resident Engineer. Mr. Jos. HJ McRee has been ap pointed Resident Engineer on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. and has arrived here to assume the duties of the position. He is a native Wilming tonian. a son of the late Dr. James F. McRee. and we welcome him back to his old home. Harbor Master's Report, The Harbor Master's records show the arrival of only 21 vessels at this port during the past month ;5 steam- ers, 1 Spanish and 4 American, and 1G schooners, barques and brigs, 12 Ameriean and 4 foreign. Twenty one in all, and aggregating 9,983 tons. I The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect ana the per-j feet safety with- which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle yet effectual in acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels. For the Rocks. A party is being made up to day or a fishing frolice at the Rocks- They will carry down lots of good bait, of various kinds, and expect to capture some of all kinds of fish, from a shark to a shrimp. Some of them are expert fishermen and we expect a good report from them on the return. Probably the Iast. The regular regatta of the Cara Una Yacht Club was appointed for to morrow but another "Ladies Race" for Friday next has been substituted. The start wiflbe made at 4 p. m. and it is probable that there will be an entertainment and a dance in the Club House at night This will probably close the racing season. i Farewell Sermon. Rev. G. M. Tolson. who has so long and so acceptably filled the pul pit of Brooklyn Baptist Church, has accepted a call to Seattle, Washing-! ton Territory, and will leave aj few days for that place. He preach ed his farewell sermon last night. Rev. Mr. Scruggs, of Virginia, has been invited here on a visit to this church, which may become a per manent engagement. J Meteorological Summary. The Meteorological Summary is sued by the Signal Service observer here gives the mean barometer for August as 30,110; highest 30,242, on the 9th: lowest 29.885, on the 15th,. Mean temperature 76 degrees highest, 87.S, on the 11th; lowest, Ladies will find a very handsqme ! Aq 7 on he 17th. I andcQUiptete Jiqe of ladles Muslin j The prevailing direction of wind Underwear at astonishing low prices wft from the SOuthwest:the extreme at the Wilmington Shirt Factoryf ; velocity was 34 miles an hour, on the 133 MurKex street, oigu 01 iuo oiue.1iM , i . 1 " ;- -; CountyjKoardof Healtlii r - There will be a meeting of ithe County Board of Health at j the of fice of the County Commissioners at 8 p. in. to day for the , purpose of electing officers for the ensuing term A large meeting is expected;' ; i Scrlbner's for September. There isas much solid information in Scrlbner's this month as usual. Twenty five pages of it are devoted to "Safety of Railroad Travel," with numerous descriptions'and pictures orbrakes, signals, etc. Fifteen pages are given to the "Small Arms of Eiropean Armies." Andrew ; Lang writes enthusiastically aboutv ther elder Dumas, of whom a fine por trait is given. The Nepigoh River and its attractions to fishermen re ceive careful attention. "The Place of the FittingSchool in Ameri can Education," shows how the coli lege years of a boy might be short ened were our high schoolsjworthy of their name. v I In fiction the magazine gives the first instalment of a novel "In the Valley." The -opening chapters promise a story with a great' deal of adventure. "The Master of Bal lantrae" brings some of the chawic- ters to America. "Out of New Eng land Granite" is severe on ! a wo man of a type which has too few ex emplars the woman who, can like men without falling in love : with them. "Night Witchery and "Three Dream Heroines," are quite as imaginative irnd tender as any love story. The departments are as usual, full and complete. j Weather Crop Bulletin J I The reports of correspondents of the weekly Crop Bulletin, publish ed by the North Carol ina Experi ment Station and State Weather Service, show there has been a slight excess of rainfall, a deficiency in temperature and very little sun shine during the week ending Ati. gust 30th. The excess of rainfall oc curring chiefly in the Northern part of the State has injuriously affected crops wnien were oeginmng to re cover from previous excessive rains. In other portions an average; rain fall has been favorable to the growth of most crops. The? tem perature has peen too low with in jurious effect;, and there has been too little supshme, There isr pros pect with a few weeks of fair weath er of great improvement in the con dition of the cotton crop. Cotton on stiff soil is reported to bet fruit ing well. The cutting and curing of tobacco is progressing in 'many lo oalities. The curings are reported bright.. Tbe condition of j other crops continues very diversified Late corn- has been benefited' by the weather during last weekj The saving of fodder has been , greatly hindered and stopped in some places . -- ' j I A Disturbance Yesterday. : Five young men from this city, who went down to the Sound yes terday, returned during the jafter? noon and boarded a street car. They had imbibed pretty freely and were somewhat the worse for wear. They were boisterous on the car and a colored special policeman who was there told them to be quiet. They resented this and the man snowed his badge and attempted to arrest the party. It was a rather rash proceeding as they "piled m on him.?' Jle called, for help and pther policemen-arrived and the entire party were arrested. They were be fore the Mayor this morning and were bound, over for appearance at te Criminal Court. The colored special policeman's badge was call ed in as it is said that he wad also much to blame for the disturbance. ,The affair has created muchl ex citement in the city to day. There are a number of colored men! ap pointed as special police officers, but it isaid their duties are specific. They were appointed principally for the purpose of ferreting out the authors of-the many burglaries which have recently disturbed "our people ajid. one of; them has already done efficient service in that direc tion. But the city administration N EW A I V E KT I S KM ENTJ NEW ADVJSltTISEMENTfl. Ott ', ... ,: A SOLID IRON HAIR PICKING MACHINE, KNOWN AS THE i fcfi EC 1 AND I GUAR ANT EE, TO Make Aiiy Old Mattressras Good asrHcTViir AND RETURN ITT HE "NEXT. DAY; AND THUS AM THE PROMOTER 'a kCn nif rv T r4- c fii nnlA rAt.n1 .T?A? P. S.- Mosquito Nets for sale several ; qualities. j i Mattresses of all kinds iqade to order. '" A Springs made to fit your, bed. . r v, AV. M. C. j Vale nti no's ISweet dum. Forecasts. For North Carolina, rain and stationary temperature. For Wil-'i i..P stkictiot mmgton and vicinity, generally fair first class Chewing Gun in the city, fimr noncm weather. Footinsr Up the Damages. . Sheriff Smith, of Richmond counj. ty, has told the Charlotte New that the damage' by the recent floods: is greater than our people have any idea of. Friday a corner, of the Pee Dee mills tumbled do wn, leav ing a gaping wreck four stories high in the building. The Great Falls For sale by- : 213 North Front St. JAMES D. NTJTT, V - Druggist. WANTED LADY, ACTIVE AND INTEL? ligent, to represent, in her own locality, An old firm. -References required. Perma- nent position and good salary. Address Gay's Mfg. House, Lock Box 1585, N. Y. Orreil'o Stablo: CORNER THIRD AND PRINCESS vy - , are vfell equipped with everything' necessary sts.; mills will be able to resume opera tions within two months, but it will t n a first ciass,Llvery and Sales stables. be from four to five month's- before the other mills can start up again. The damage to mills, railroads and erops will foot up $175, 000. Portraits of Bishop Atkinson. : , A fine portrait of the late Bishop Atkinson is on exhibition in Mr. I. L. G reene wald's store cip rRfarket . street. It is a copy of . 6e in the vestry room of Qt; , James' Church, which was painted by Mr. W. Garl Brown. The copy was made by a promising North Carolina artist, Mr. W. G. Randall, of Marion. It was done under an order from Bish hop Lyman, and is to -be placed the Ravenscroft Seminary,-; at Ashe ville. Another copy is to be made by Mr. Randall for Col. John W. Atkinson. . ; in The people of Wrightsvilleare very much exercised over the stop ping from to day by the Ocean Vieiy R. R. of the running of their oars from the Hammocks to Wrightsville and return. It is to be hoped that some amicable adjustment may be made by which these trips maj be resumed immediately. - ' ! NEW ADVERTI3EMENTfe. IVIullefs. - i NOTHER LOT OF FINE FLORIDA MUlt lets. Also, 7,000 pounds MEAT, that I will ...... ... r- ,r. .... - , .y. sell at a bargain." . . .f;, j- - . CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt, 128 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. scp 2 tf d&w j; . CITY TAXES. TTAVING RECEIVED THE BOOKS CON JUL . - TAINING THE . Lists of Taxes due for the year 1889, - Tax-payers are hereby notified to pay promptly, thus SAVING COSTS and aniioyanee. ' : J '-' WM. Aj WILLSON,i 1 sep 2 It Treas'r and Tax collector. J HORSES WANTED. THREE PAIR OF GOOD D r a ugn t Horses FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Must be sound of good action and true ptiU ers. Each horse to weigh not le3S than 1,350 vuuua, tLXXKJk J fcv ii tvAA u auu O J tUl O V1U MARTIN NEWMAN, , Chiet Wilmington Fire Department. Sep 3 It ' :.'-.:'' - r''- ' Vr' CAROLINA BEACH. CHANCE OF UHEDUJLiE. is Democratic and people say plain., j after Wednesday, th iy inai 11 coiorea men are to jbe ,J awning. tf Kefre ailing and Invigorating j -The total tnonth was precipitation for the 7.81 . ; inches; excess invested with plenipotentiary police Grove and Passport. will be-as foUows: , powers then they should be clothed ' , ' ' : ',V' ' , . vc .wiuv steamer Sylvan Orove will leave for Carp- ana arrayed as such and appear una Beach at &30 a. m. an 2-30 p. m. ; i i steamer Passport will leave i'or Southport at &2Q a, m., Returning, will leave Soutbport regularly on the force. Ti.nCn WnforMflrnwn frmn 10 iftnth-total excess in nrfM nir.t inn Uon I iiawK, Hawk, blow, snit,and . a, P-m Munds Brothers' magnificeut new f Januarv 1st. 1.93. : . A!?f y."'Vt,y yor pffen- Kteainer Passport will leave tv? Carolina mi.. v mt w v 1 v mm m m r KSMSSSfrSUI ! SjWSSirH.- ThCTe'were 10 clear dayi and Natural Mineral Water. . : . days, and 9 cloudy days. . . . . sive breath, bit ukc; Dr. Sage's Ca- Beach only at ti p. m. Passport:wiU leave v 12 falf ,ta.rrh Remedy and end it. 50 cents, acu at 7 j m: - 7 ' - . V 1 fiv drnWist ' - '1 JOHN, W. HARPER, Qood horses and comfortable vehicles, and careful drivers ready on demand. Attention is specially invited to our'large stockyard and our facllitlesl&r housing horses, and cattle in the basement of our large sta bles. ' , Rates as low as ean be found elsewhere. Give us -a call ami ,we wijl do out beitfto please you. - ' v L ,-- 'n iiA - R. C. ORRELL, Jy 29 tf Proprietor. Sale of Real Estate Under Foreclosure, r t i - v iirui'iiiuiirH. j- . BY VIRTUE OF; THE POWEK OF SALE contained in a certain indenture of mortgage executed by David Deal and Lucy A. Deal; his wife, to "The Citizens' Building and Loan As sociation of Wilmington, N. C,? - (default having been made therein) the undersigned, as attorneys for said mortgagee,' will, on Thursday, the 5th day of September, 1889, at 12 o'clock m , at the court House door, in the cjty of Wilmington, sell, by public auction, for cash, the lands and premises conveyed in and by said mortgage deed, -which are sit uated in the said city of Wilmington, and are bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Ninth street 19s feet North of the Northeast Intersection of Princess and Ninth streets, and running thence with Ninth street South 33 feet, thence East parallel with Princess street 133 feet, thence North 33 feet, thence West parallel with Princess street 132 feet to the East line of Ninth street, the beginning being the West part of Lot '3, in Block 186, according to the official plan of said city. , MAR8DEN BELLAMY. Attorneys for "The Citizen's Bulldlni f9n Asenr1otlAn nf Wflmltiortin 4' and C." Loofc, Stop arid Thinkl t Ti IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK I WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. ii i MY ENTIRE LINE OF, tit Spring and Summer Goods " CONSISTING OF ' ' ; Clothing, Hata -. ; ' AND - FURNISHING GOODS i ' -- . V AT- ' ' NEW YORK COST: wenave just hnisned taking stock and' will leave in a short time for the Northern ' markets. I MUST HAVE MONEY TO'BUYV FALL AND WINTER , GOODS WITH, ' and : hence no reasonable cash offer will be refused.- - x t '"" " 'V' - '.'.I'Sl " 1 . jr..'. .',1. r " THE CLOTHIER, aug 23 tf 110 Market'Street. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL. . rjrHE HOTEL AT THE HAMMOCKS IS NOW in the hands of the Wilmington Seacoast VU K. and 13 under the "management of the Super-, '-'v,r , - - ' ' t i r; - ntendent. . , .' i It has just undergone a complete renovation nd has been put in first class order. t I . The rates of board for September have been u materially reduced. . - - '.. ' " The best the market and the salt water at-. fords will make tip, the bill of fare. " ' V j carefuV attentive and polite 8erranf.fl and. 1' none others win be tolerated. TT Baltimore, irmtunusa music, both laornlns and evening. : r f - - a9fuJLle3 feaUlne and fishing unsurpass-d-5aIe' ComlorUUe boata ana experienced "' crews. . "j - . 4 .The object of .the nasynent b t "a pJfo.nd n0 Vt&m will to tpru . 4 to plisathiresiuu. 'Inquiries ty. mil as fo t" :l:z rrcrr.rtlrrc' mo. r- ;t;'