.1 r We vrtU fceciaatorcceivo c;iwrr.t!cr.s from cur frienda on .ear and aa rlbi:cts. ' 1 1) I fcT, nn PAID: - general lntcrpst, tit : , - 1" trtfS, Thoaaaiot theroltir must always ,bs fur - w months $2.00. Three nlshod to the Editor. " ' ; one monUi, 35 cents. tmtnuTUcatlcma must .wfltttn ca Itu, nna Rlrtn rif tttff nftTtPT. '"' ' - l;rsoiiantife niTist bo avoided, . v- ' AnrtU.WpRnfiefftlir and nartleiilariv nnriH stood that t ha "EfiitAVSoea hot alwars endorser VOL XI 1 1. WILMINGTON, N, C . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ll, .1889: NO 215. the views of corrospondents onlesa so stated- m Uie editorial columns.! ; ? , . -ta i The average of the twelve English Bislibps is 76 years. !' The public schools opened in New York on Monday and about 150,000 children answered to roll call. ; Gen. Algerseems to be building quite a number of fences for '92. Pine is the principal material used. .u. most eleeant form Pi ' ....m-rinil.Q.mKQE UiiXATTVEANDMU.. fit o?THE flGS OF CALIFORNIA, . iLdirith the medicinal Ess -ofplanfc-ifnown w uc iTtencfcial to the human Q, forming au agreeable Motive laxative to.perma- gfSe Habitual ConstR f.- and the many ills de 2i? onaweak or inactive . ' .'jjonof the " .UVERftflD BOWELS.; f litkeKWt excelled cmedy known to ySETBSrS7EK EFFECTUALLY 1 fi one is Bilious or Constipated . r - I J SO THAT 'KttboDt REFRE8HIS1Q SLEEP, I HEM-THandOTREWOTH . I KATURAU-Y FOLLOW. - 'rjoce is csingjit and all are ; filled with it. --- j ' MANUFACTURED ONLY BY , , - ; 4 , dUTORMA FIG SYRUP. CO. . .. w mncisco, cal- v.-: ;' j jsJeUT : i .----, r- -lEOUEKTR IFLLASIY;5 ' . WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, v- ' ; iS&4iw Wilmington, N.' el " Contagions Blood Diseases. - llcers, sores, pimples, i itch, salt "rheum t, Eeertdences of contagious Wood disease. to naiSlEsUr a duty; to eradicate blood pot from the sy stem by a use of B. B. B, btalcBloot Bairn), tMs enabling the'sore ImtokH, and thereby removing all pos rMUjotmhcT members ol the family be- psfltewise anuctcd. send to Blood Balm WZJanta, Ga., tor book that will convince, Ul Outlaw, m. Olive, U. C.-. writes: "I turning sores on my shoulders and arms. SKtle B. B. B. cured me entirely.7' jiWmsoD. Belmont Station, Jiiss , writes: ;il B. has worked on: me like a charm. My : J iBd body was covered with sores, and Pialr came out, but B. B. B. healed me iU.Kinnin, Ilutchens, Texas, writes: "B. 1 1 las cured my wife of a large ulcer on tliat doctors and all other medicine pEotcttre.'' ' s ' ll. Kossman, a prominent merchant of fSNtoro, Ga., writes:;. "I know of several aof blood disease speedily cured by B. B. f m bottles cured a lady of ugly scrofulous U,Birciimore;co.Maxey, Ga., write: ,ilB. in curing Mr. Kobert Ward of blood effected one of the most wonderful uut ci tr came 10 our knowledge. .' -The sad news of the death of Hon. S.S. Cox (Sunset Cox) has been re ceived here. He died in' New. -York last night. I , ome of those Ohio Democrats are siting real cheeky. jThey really setm tothink that the great Por- akjpr will not be elected this time. , - ! ( Leon Abbett was nominated yes terday for Governor by the Demo crats ol New Jersey. The. nomina tftn was made by. acclamation. . : Two widow ladies of St. Louis, who were prominent in social cir cles have entered convents in that city. : Theyr are Mrs. T. C. Mitchell and Mrs. Julia Rogers.! The ninth jargo of j material ; for the Nicaragua Canal has been ship ped from New York; It includes sixty miles of telegraph wire, stel water pipe and railroad material. The revolt1 against Mahone in Virginia is getting to be a serious thing. He has got soiue of the best men in his party fighting against him and it is about time to be get ting scared. M State Ijeadache Cure. PREPARATION WILL SURELY CUKB fSS? Dead anil all kinds of nead- M fir SS by rom wi;at:ause arising. ttffltf MUNDS BROTHERS. I 104 N. Front St. Lawn Rlowerc, Beit on the AlnrlrAtf HOES, RAKES, &a,: SPRINK- So?eftailCl Aaacnments. Bottom U Front su. Wilmington. N. C ALEX. JACfiSON, p ana lommission iHfrcpnt. -solicits S,GNMENTS OPCOTTOIf AND-AMi WSfts OP COUNTRY PKOpUCK. " rand Mulberry Bts, Wilmington, N.O. H GRQNEN BERG, Rq axd superbly executed JSUGA SPECIALTY. -narKet St.. south sld& isident. .V. P. TOOMER, ' i Cashier. on Saviqgs & Tfqst (Jo,, WILMINGTON, N.C., l?"ost onT.11313-"01 security. mch 23 tf STOKLETS" Wi ARE noW pre. Pafol to arcnmmnrt:ita KflMMtft cm uPn ua with the ; v " ': Finest Hvwtfvt v oeP Je'e have made specia f f!e rpvej Middle' apd 5SS Promptly and in any 7U W. .TOKLEY. wrightsvlile. V The marriage of Mr. Emmons Blaine-to Miss Anita McCormick, of Chicago, will take place on Septein ber 2G at Richfield. Springs, N. Y.. wherethe McCormicks have a sura mer cottage. , . mm One of the largest tig orchards m the United States is about to be set out in Pomona Valley, Califor nia. It will consist of 11,000 white Adriatic fig trees and 5,000 Smyrna fig trees, planted eighty to the acre. -o . The ciiraretfe habit is increasing faster than the ciar habit. Xast year. taxes on 2.151,515,300 were col lected, an increase of 289,789,260 oyer the year before. For the same period 3,867,385,650 cigars were tax ed; an increase of 22,658,990. 1KDXX TO NKW ADVKBTI3KKKNT3 Wilmington Paper Co . Munds Bros Pharmacists W M Cumkinq Mosquito Nets Rev Daniel Moerelle School notice No New River oysters and no rice birds in market yet. : -' I Mr. W. A. Johnson, of Clinton, was in the city to-day. Rev. Daniel Morrelle leaves here to night for a visit to Vance county. Mr. Edgar Bear left here this morning for the Davis school at La- Grange. : in the cents a Scuppernong grapes sold market this morning at 20 peck. . - . There are said to be nearly fifty boarders now at Island Beach Ho tel. That is good for the season. The water in the Cape Fear and Black rivers is getting pretty low and steamboatmen are beginning to look anxiously for rain. Do you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum or other humors? Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. 100 doses one dollar. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. . N. Jacobi Hdw.:Co For Rent. Desirable Store corner Front and Mulberry Sts. Possess ion given, at once. Enquire of I. Shrier. cor. Front and Princess, tf Mr. John F. Garrell had in mar ket vesterday some. of the finest mutton of the season. Sampson. The Island got half of it. It was from Beach Hotel Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of in inferior quality. Burglars. Be secure from them by-puttidg our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Not only Newbern, but the State at large, has lost a; most valued citizen, in Maj. John Hughes. The Diocese of East Carolina in particu lar has sustained a severe loss. Maj. Hughes was in the 60th year of his age. we was a native oijNewoern. -'About thirty Maine 'shipyards, employing from 1,30Q to 1,500 men, iare in operatipn. The total number of vessels in course of construction is forty, of which thirty-six are schooners and three ships Many of the schooners will be three -mastedi double-decked and range from 1,000 to 1,200 tons. !. Mrs. Stephen Danf'orth, of Man chester-bysthe.Sea, is another vc" tim of the tobacco habit. She learn ed to sniptte in Virginia, where she was born, and though she does her own work and looks after her hus? band, who is old arid infirm, she is rarejy without a lighted pipe in her mouth. - She smokes twelve" pipef uls liaily. Mrs. Danforth will be 97 years old on her hext birthday. , Dr. H. J. Menniflger. a Republic pan who. drifted down this way after the "war &nd was Secretary of State when flQld.eq was Governor, died in Brooklyn on Supdky, He mar ried, while in North Carolina, the eldest of tHe two daughters of Col. David Heaton, who represented the Newbern district in Congress at one time and was the father of James Heaton, at one time Clerk of ; the Superior Court of this county. ;. John M. Laugstpnj has gone to Ohio to help Fo raker. He declines to say positively whether he r will support' Ma.hpr4e. Hej eays that ; thd ylly Will needs eyer colored vote ill YlrsfrUft antr atlds' pi the SAle breath til ftt aswuU pnipf h, n col ored 'ex-Senator from Mahone1, ovO district, has saidj publicly that Mahone is no friend tp the colored man and that .he would rather lose his vote'than vote for him . - Time-tried, Truly X iL'rieq . tor years; savereiy .tesieu, amlstillgr'owing' Jn popular1 fa vdr and use, is It lie recor'd enjoyed by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel letsthe little sugar coated laxative cranulesr sold bv druggists,- antl- bilious and cathartic. Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, Jt is the best and cheapest. You will find all col orsjn any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. :, t Rev. F. D. Swindell will preach for the Market Street Methodist Mission, corner Eighth and Princess streets, Tuesday night, Sept. 12th at 8 p. m. The public are cordially in vited. Ladies will find a very handsome and complete line of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt Factory 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. tf Rev. Mr. Morrelle's school has completed its 30th year and isabotit to enter on its 31st. There are men with families to day who were born years after this school was first opened. The 31st arpmal session of Rev. Mr. Morrelle's English and Classical School will begin on Tuesday, Octo ber 1st. For terms pr other parti culars apply to Fo. 420; Orange street, oornef of Fifth. The private german spoken of by us yesterday will he given in the parlors of the Island Beach Hotel to night, A marsh hen supper will be one of the attractions. The last train leaves at midnight. Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to. h,ae and cook well and tc give general satis factfon. ' Our low 'prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. - t The Wjhuipgton PAper Company will reanoye in a few days to -the (milding on North Wafer street, pext North of their present losation, pow occupied by Mr, R, W. Ilioks whenthey will greatly. enlarge their stock and add other goods in their line. In the meantime they invite attention to the largo stock they carry, especially school supplier, vhich are now in" suoh demand?' - ' ' ' - ' . Kcfreshlnc and Invigorating New Fall goods are arriving quite freely now, ' This .is golden October weather had in September. The dust is something fearful and at this writing there seems no pros pect of rain. ; . The golden rod, the glorious Sep tember flower, fills the woods now with its bloom and beauty. It grows plentifully almost everywhere Some few watermelons continue t o arrive in market but the demand for them is limited.. The last can teloupe has long since gone to seed. The Standing Committee of the Diocese of East Carolina were in session here yesterday but the pro ceedings were not given out for publication. Mayor Fowler being absent Alder man Craft,Mayor pro tem,dispensed justice at the City Hall this morn ing and will attend to other duties pertaining to the Mayoralf y. The high tides ontinue at the Sound and the marsh hens are slaughtered by the hundred. By the way, why is it that they are al ways marsh hens and that we never hear of a marsh rooster ? To-Night! Rev. D." S. Saulter, of . Raleigh will preach at the Central Baptist Church to night, corner o.f Seventh and Red Cross streets. Subject, "Africa." Everybody is cordially invited. - ; - The Signals Continued. The Northwest storm signals were: ordered continued for this city and section at-10:30 o'clock this morn ing. The violent gale North of Hatteras continues, with Northwest winds. South of Southport the winds were not considered as dan gerous. Thus far at this place there has been no indication! of a gale beyond the cautionary flag flying over the signal office. Wlggs to Wayne. David Wiggs, the burglar, will be sent to Wayne county - for trial. They seem to ' have an absolutely sure case against him there and hence this move. It may not be so easy to convict him there but if he slips through the meshes of the law at (ioldsboro he will be retuned here to be tried on the pending in dictment. Wayne county court is in session this week. , Killed Alniost Instantly. An acqidept occurred at Messrs, Parsley 4f Wiggins' mill about won to day by which a colored man, whose name we could not ascertain in time for this issue, lost his life. The man was employed about the saw and a piece- of scantling be came entangled and was thrown back with great violencev striking the unfortunate uun in the. breast. H,e lived, only about 20 minutes af ter Ue . was struck. We "have, since learned that the man's name was George Lewis and that he was between 35 and 40 years of age. Forecast. For North. Carolina, fair weather and stationary temperature. For Wilmington and vicinity, fair wea ther. NEW ADVBBTISBMBNT8. City Court. There were but two cases before the Mayor 2ro (cm this morning and these were, disposed of as follows: Lizzie Scott, disorderly conduct guilty, $10. : ... Jas. H. Herring, disorderly con duct, $20. The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect and the per fect safety with, which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid- neys, liver ana ooweis. Family Kellgion. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of this city, is contributing a series of very in teresting articles to Charity and Children, published at the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville. They are entitled "Family Religion" and in the number before usthe eminent author dwells particularly upon family influence in its promotion of virtue. He pays a compliment to the chastity of the Jews, both in a'aeient and modern times, and very pertinently asks: "Who ever heard of a divorced Jew?" He also speaks of the difference, in a point of mo rality, between the Latin races of the South of Europe and the Teu tonic races of the North, the French with the English, the Italians with the Germans, the Spaniards with the Scotch and the Austriaas with the Danes or Swedes, all being in favor of the Northerners. j English and Classical School hyrevVdaniel morrrllb, a: m., i No. 4iS) Orange street, corner of Filth street.. The thirty-first annual sessiori will begin (DA v.) TUESDAY, the 1st of October, issa. For , terms or any information: apply as above, f T -. .- seplltd SCHOOL SUPPLIES OP ALL K1XDS. Pa p er j Twines. INK, PENS, PENCILS Butter Cups, WI GLOW WARE, &c,.: AT? FACTORY PRICES PLUS THE FREIGHT. To Piill the Fire Steamers. . Mayor Fowler, Aldermen Post and Morjon, the Committee on Fire Department of the Board of Alder men, Chief Newman and Assistant Chief A. D. Cazaux, met yesterday afternoon in the Mayor s office, to arrange for procuring of horses for the Department. Chief Newman was authorized to. purchase two horses for the Cape Fear engine, two for Wilmington Hook & Ladder Truck No. 1, two horses for the "Atlantic" engine, and one horse for. the hose reel of the. same com pany. After maKing these purchas ers, with the serviceable horses now on hand, the department will again be thoroughly equipped in this particular. The horses have already been contracted for and will be", de hvered in Wilmington in the next thirty days. They are to weigh be tween 1,350 and 1,400 pounds each, and be between six and eight years old. . "Wide Awake, Wide Awake for September opens the new serial, "A Little Knight of Labor" one of those stories that are enjoyed equally by young and old, TJie Peppers serial is full of good times. "Maria Mitchell at Vassar!5 is writteh by one of her old pupils; there is; a good portrait of the famous woman astronomer. "My Dinner at Kensington Palace" is an amusing glimpse of royalty. "The Story of the 'Magic Flute' " relates a romantic incident in, the young f& of Mozart. Lieut. Lou ? on tlls a bright Indian story, "The Race Between Mr. Deer and Mr Antelope." A bit of Capadlan ex perience is called, A Yoyage on a Ra(t,'V An accpunt pf a North Car olina oating,; illustrated from photon graphs, is entitled MThrough Hick ory Nut Gap." The DaisyPattie tetter is of importance to the girls. A unique bit of a story is "Gypsy Juno " The; poems are nnusually good. Public School Codkery cop cerns fish and eggs. The Famous Stones story j is aout the Austrian Yellow." Vvof. Starr has another Geological Talk, this, time abou1 VA Forest of ,Bouqnet-Greens.'t The boys will enjoy the article about "ewimmiriir.T The Men and v A Terrible Storm. ' There are lumors here to day of an immense destruction by the flood in New York City but they are thought to be exaggerated. One report has it that Trinity Church, which is on Broadway and about 30 feet. above the level of the water at ordinary high tide, has been flood ed, but this report lacks confirma tion. Certain it is, however, that the lower part of the city has been badly inundated 'and the damacre pvill be very great. The tide is said to be the highest ever know there, but it is expected that the flood will subside to night. Many disasters to shipping are already known and many more are probable. The storm is alsj very severe at other points along the North Atlantic Coast. It is probably the same storm th at started down in the Carribean sea and that was lost sight of and re ported to have probably recurved. It seems to have gone out to sea arid then made its way in to the coast. ' .1 M ueiiciousooaa water as drawn from Tliiims" naxeare full of bright an-Munds-Brothers' magnificeut n$W WAloteH an! wnrth-rhiutiirr itr7 sodafountain at - a tcmperAturof eH. a"u worth-whi le talks. Wide I grid Natutaf Mineral Vater, Co., publishers, Ho$ton, Mass. - The note of the prima donna is negotiable only when endorsed by the public Life. n kvv AOVEirris kmisntj Cape Fear House. FIWST CLASS RESTAVRANT HAS BEEN oiienedattho terminus of the Ocean ViewR. It. Fresh Pigflsh, Clams and Beer always on hand. In connection with our Restaurant we have a first class Dining Room for our white customers. Give us a call and we guarantee to give you entire satisfaction. je 22 :un Notice. O ALE BY THE SOOT11ERN KXpRESSCOM k? pany of all Unclaimed Freight on hand six months and over. on Tuesday, October 8th, at 10 a.m., will be sold by Cronly. & il orris, Auctioneers. a, i 19 South Water street, mi .Unclaimed Packages that have been .on hand rt. mAntka n n . t . . ' nr.. . a. it...' hand bills. Terms spot castu '-Vv...... W. J. CUOSSYVKLL, J. U. WILLIAMS, sepiotf , jsupt.. Agent. - FULL LINE OF i PAPER BAGSj GUARANTEED AS TO QUALITY; SIZE AND COUNT. I 4 - Wilmington Paper Cemp'y, 1141 NORTH WATliK STRKKT. Look, Stop aild Tliinlt! IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY. , FALL AND WINTER STOCK I WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS MY ENTIRE LINE OF" 7 to . - 'J4 . Spring and Summer: GorJdB, CONSISTIKG OF . V -Y . ; " - 1 - - i.j?' Clothing, Hato AND -; t-s ' FTJRNISHIN&- GOODS-1 at . r ' IN C VV X URfVUO l vve nave just nnished taking stock and I will leave in a short time for therKorthera 0 C! T HfTTtjril TT A ITT VT TW, mv ...r.r iuiani). x inuot ijvvia itiui?irx ivjiui FALD AND WINTER ROODS WITH . and hence no reasonable cash offer. wlllibe re- fused. ,. -I- ... ,;v i . B. F. PEWPYj THE CLOTHIER, aug23tf lio Market Street. NOTICE. OFFICE OF.SECRETARYANP TREASURES OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL 7t. R. CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. loth, 1889. - i i w i .l r - -M- - uits cstocKuoiaers or ine Carolina central Rail road company will be held at the4 office of the " Old Dominion Steamshin Comnnnv. enrripr hf . Beach and West streets, in the city of New. York, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Thursday,' the 10tu o October, rpro.Imo. " ' V'.. JOHN H. SHARP, . sep lOLtn UVUiUl KEEP YOUR ORDERS; E. KAlAiS, Merchant Tailor r O Orton in Wilmington on Monday, -the th' inst., with a display of the very latest styles oi custom xanonng. can ana see mm. one week only. - sep 9 lw ' F NEW YORK OITY, WILL ; BE AT TAB Just Received pULL STOCK MASCOTTE TOOTJTBBtSlI. Price 18c, regular price 30c. ! ; Only at 218 North Front St. JAMES D. NUTT'S, ' ; ThA Tinio'fiis.f, CAROLINA BMCH " .1 AND ' , SOXJTHPORT- TpILL FURTHER NOTICE THE SYLYANV l. - ... i G RO YE t will leave for Carolina Beach ' ana . Southport at 9:30" im. dally. Returnlnar.leaver Southport at 3 p. m., calling at Reach. "" Leave WilmlrtonfGr Carolina licach onii uw4r. nun mug, ivuve illicit fiem iuorn. ' Ins at 7 ociock. ' " ." . JOHN W. HARPER,. L k sepiotf nac General Managers Wn2IJTLADY; ACT1VB ANP INTEf Ilerent. to renresnf in tior r- iftMnftf an old firm. References requlredT prma nent rositlon and good salai AddresV , , 1,000 L.B3, 9lbmaian;: aud la eorr condition, will be sold cheap; - vl, t, Apply ar.. 4 mjnU i THI3 OFFICE .

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