PLEASS 1JOTIC2. We win t3 to recclTO r" T ""--;f i ' trora-c&'t&&s&'tjL dLZl'is ins tl tho Writer must liWilxs 1 3 ft: V nishedta the Editor, 4 T- : . comrmiTHnano tnustr; te wTttten cn tut -. one sua ot Uio paperc i-., ; v r. Personalities nnst be avoiaeL 2 - - !And it la especiany afiA pamculariy; tmder -stood that the Editor does not always endorse- . the views ot correspondents entecar so In the editorial columns- '-7 NE W A D VEitTIS EI CNT8. ' Dfil 7,A3lES.fitor anarrop ff pnsTAGE PAH) ) w . one month, 35 cents. . ..urM w carriers, free .tefartoittedtr.attBeaTe ..rweek. urates w . vwfll Please report any and tir paper regularly. . VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N. C. PRU)AY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. NO 217. ' .Hl" 1 i i j ucs VLn II j s - ; a in the most elegant form ' fQ V. lYlTlVt AN3 NU I KH IWUOUUIM pGS OF CALIFORNIA. Jved with the medicinal S beneficial to the human Sa, forming "an agreeable Seftctive laxative to perma Svcnre Habitual Consti sad the many uw on a weak or inactive Sea of the . " CmiiVERfiND BOWELS.; taicEXst excellent remedy known to THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY ' Ticacis Eilious or Constipated ' SO THAT MJSiriOOD, REFREOHIMQ SLEEP, HEALTH and OTRENCTH , HATJHALLY FOLLOW. ' ' ray one is using it and all are Hgfctedwith it. 1 , ASX YOUR DRUGGIST FOB . gYIlTJX3 OP PIG gAMUf ACTUREO ONLY BY, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAf FRANCISCO. CAW"" taaail. KEW YORK. N. Y ' Ifcrsale by EUiiEKT K I"' IAiX M Y. I WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, . diiriLfcw Wilmington, N. GV Contagious I Mood Diseases. " tars, sore, pimples. Itch, salt : rheum, it, wendctccsof contagious Wood disease. Tli taiifesfly a dnty to eradicate blood :flisoulraatliesjtoni by a use of,B- B. B. EAiikKMUaim), thus enabling the sore ias:ka3,inil thereby removing all pos- Jtatjefixm members of the family be- itfllicted. Send to Blood Balm .Uilata, fia., lor book that Trill convince, laomiaw, u.0Uve, N. c, writes:' "I JmsfljEg sores on my stoniaers and arms. wiie u. K. is. cured me entirely." ! .fltnson, Belmont Station, Miss., writes: il B. has worked on me like a charm. My iind bodjjJwas coveml virri sores, and rtar came but, but i;. B. tf. healed me -y." I - i U.Klnnln, Uutchens, Texas, writes: "B. i-iHas cured iy wtte of a large ulcer on i ft mat doctors and all other medicine totcure.V UKoesman, a prominent merchant of fcisboro, go., writes: "I know of several Wood disease speedily cured by B. B. i 9 bottles cured a lady of ujrly scrofulous iScres." - a Biitamore & co. Maxey, Ga., write: u B. in curin? Mr. Robert Ward of blood saeilected one of the most wonderful a mat ever caiac to our knowledge,' ALEX, JACKSON, ft! i?al ami Cmm isslon Merchant -SOLICITS " GXMEXTS OF COTTON AND AM. SDS OF COUNTRY PKODUCE. 'raod Mulberry St s, Wilmington, N.C. Lawn Mowers, fWton the Market! H QCi HOES, KAPES, $C SPRINK, &?eQ?tan(i Attaclimeats. Bottom li Front St.. Wllmlnston, N. C , Just Received P-STOiK MASCOTTE TOOTH BRUSH. regular price 30c at . james d. surra. . 7 Front sr. Mronenbebg9 . PHTOGRAPnER, -J 510 SUPERBLY EXECUTED s?!a at reasonable prices. " )StrMlXU A SPECIALTY. j lTii Snt, W.P.TOOMER. . 1 u Cashier. -juhis a lfUSl LiO,, 'IfBJ?8 ST., WTLMIKOTn'Nr " N :!: nnyn.tl3factory security fft - . r , on 7? onsatlsfactory sccurl 1 Unda. ' mch 29 1 ARE NOW PRE- i accommodate - ipon us with the ' jJ;vWe have made specla 1?e 6rTe, Middle and UlnP Soiinrf OuRtArc i I1- "" Promptly and In W. H. STOKLEY Mr. Edison smokes a great deal. The more work he does the mora cigars he consumes. " The Woman's National Press Association intends to erect statue to Mrs. R. -B. Hayes in Washington- Dr. W. U. Wood, of Scotia ad Neck, Halifax county, was yester day elected Superintendent of the Insane Aftyluui,at Raleigh, and Dr.J. K. iearsall, of J Fayetteville, was chosen as his assistant. i : A traveller can go 150,000 miles hy railway in the United. States. The tourist who" might explore all this involved and elaborate system, if he should live to get through with t, would have a very proper idea of the girth and greatness of the coun try. - - r LOCAL. 3SJi:W fc3wt ikdxx to nw Avrnnsswum , R M K cInttm CarpetB .- . . MtrnM Bkos Pharmacists Wk Cumcixo Mosquito Nets A W Watson Crockery and Glassware : Mr. R. D. Cronly is at Cleveland Springs, with his two sisters. They say that Ihe slaughter of j marsh hens yesterdayjwas immense. I Nothing has been heard here to Jday as to Rev. Dr. Robey's condi tion. ! The white population in Texas increases more rapidly than the black. In 1880 the .white population of the State was 1,197,237; .colored, 394,512 In 1887 the figures were: White, 1,619,459; colored, 395,576; showing a vast increase of the whites, "with a trifle increase of the blacks in seven years. The stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina R. R. met yester day at Morehead City an1 elected Mr.Winfield S. Chadwick, of Car teret, President of the road. Mr. Clement Manly, of Craven, is State's proxy. Mr. F. C. Roberts, present incumbent, was chosen Secretary and Treasurer. Thus ends a 'very vexed" question. Corporal Tanner has resigned and a man by the'name of Wanamaker, a near relative to the man who gave a big pile of money to carry on the last campaign and who was re warded by being made Postmaster General, has been appointed to the vacancy. Now let us hear frm Foraker, for it has been asserted that Tanner's removal would have a disastrous effect on his campaign jn Ohio. Ex -President Groverv Cleve-Iind, it i announced in several OlnoDem oc ratio papers, will visit that State and make several speeches in advo cacy or " tarill reform during the present campaign. The Columbus Daily Press, -independent, says Mr. Cleveland would draw unusual crowds to hear him. All the indi cations are that the Democratic campaign is to be the most active and aggressive conducted in Ohio for iuany years. An Illinois syndicate that had the contract for building theTexas State House has been fined $ 64,000 for im porting sixty four foreign laborers in violation of the Federal statute As the syndicate has in its member ship a UnitedStates Senator and a member of the House, an arrange ment was effected between the two attorneys in the case, by which the fine is not to be paid pending an a peal othc case to the Admimstra tion at Washington. This is pecu liar. . . 11 - Berezovski, the Pole who tried io avenge his country's wrongs by shooting at the Czar, ; Alexander II, during that monarch's visit to the Paris Exhibition of 1867, is now a white -headed old convict in the French penal settlement of New Caledonia, off the coast of Australia. He is well treated by the authori ties, for his condact has been unex ceptionable from the very first day of. his transportation.. They allow him a room to 'himself apart from the other prisoners, and he is at lib erty to roam about the islanas he pleases. Capt. Alexander, president of the North Carolina Farmer's Al liance, announces that the Jute Trust has offered the Alliance that if they will go back to theuse of jute bagging it will be sold at cents on time, and that the Jute Trust will pay the ' farmers .j $2 more j per ton for all their cotton seed than is offered at any of the cotton seed oil mills. The Charlotte Chronicle 're gards this as proof positive that the jute gentlemen are in bad straits, and thinks "it ought'to be sufficient to encourage the fanners in their decision to stick to tlr cotton bag ging Mr. E. A. Hawes, of the Point Caswell section, was in the city to day. .. ,: ; J ,...J,.fv;;.:r:;.- Both of the compresses are at work to-day busy compressing cot ton. ' ' . ' - J John Robinson's circus shows in Goldsboro next Monday week, the 23d inst. The scuppernong grape crop is very fine this season. They are cheap, too. There are a few very nice North Carolina hams to be had, at I65 cents a pound. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw.:Co t The Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. is now constructed 14 miles from town. They crossed Moore's CreeV yesterday. "I cannot praise Hood's Sarsapa rilla half enough," says a mother whose son, almost blind with scrof ula, was cured by that medicine. For Rent. Desirable Store corner Front and Mulberry Sts. Possess ion given at once. . Enquire of I. Shrier, cor. Front and Princess, tf Mr. Donafd McRae, of this city, has been appointed a commissioner from this State to the American Forestry Congress which meets in Philadelphia October 15, Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of n inferior quality. Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The deer tongue or dog tongue industry is assuming large pro portions. Thesteaiushipwy Stream which sailed for New York this morning, carried out 62 bales of it. Miss Agnes Herndon is booked for the Opera House in this city on Tuesday next, the 17th inst. The piece is "La Belle Marie. ' She plays in Raleigh on Monday night. Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, It is the best and cheapest You will find all col ors jn any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mi. Julian S. Carr, President of the -' North Carolina Confederate Veterans' Association, telegraphs that the dateof the Convention has been changed to Wednesday of Fair week. Ladies will find a very handsome and complete line of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt JFactory 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. r - . ( tf Mr. I. Shrier leaves here to-morrow night for the Northern markets, He will gq to, Cleveland, Ohio, first, qnd get his daughter, who fa there at school. She will accompany him to New York and return with him to this city. '. Stoves, We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. -Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. " - t ' Refreshing and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from j M nnd a brothers' macrnificeut new: crwln fnnntnln f.t. .n. teiunerature of .oto' Pnroct T?rnir: R vriiri. M Ilk Shakes EVA. A4.V m mmw " ' I K 1 -- oiuauikl. I , -t a -a r , 1ITi. Wright sYiile. I ana natural iuiufrmtticr. The model of Rev. C. L. Arnold's palace car has been on exhibition to-day in a window p,f the drug store of Messrs. W. H. Green. & Co. Mr. Arnold has been on hand to show its workings. It has attracted a great deal of attention, there hav ing been many ladies, among the in terested visitqrs. ' ' :r-(i'. i - The last of the season the Friday afternoon half holiday. : Many new buildings. are going up in almost every direction. ! Capt. R. M. Mclntire leaves here to night for New York for the pur chase of new Fall and Winter goods. Hon Chas. M. Stedman returned to the city last evening from the Western part of the State. j Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cowan, and their daughter, Mrs. ) Hull, of Sa vannah, who have been at Lincoln ton for some months past, are now at Asheville. I i NEW A OVERT IS KM KNl S A Large Lot of Kiigs Mr. A. W. Watson has completed the removal of his' stock of china,' erdekery and glassware to No. 17 Market street, between Front and Water. .He has fixed up his new quarters in beautiful style and when all is finished it will be about the handsomest crockery store the State. t in The Ladies Delighted. I i ne pleasant enect ana tne per-i feet safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their fayonte remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the .taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the -kidneys, liver and bowels. City Court, i The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor this morning: Rayford Nichols, charged with rescuing a prisoner, guilty, $25. Ed. Swan, rescuing a prisoner, not guilty and discharged. Alex. Sauls, rescuing a prisoner, not guilty and dischared. . F. R. Heath, disorderly conduct, guilty, $20. At West Point Va, High tides are reported , all. along the Atlantic coast, and cities on the bays. A letter received to-day from Mr. A. H. Kelley, of West Point, Va., to his brother, Mri E. Kelley, stated that the tide was so high that boats were used in going from the railroad offices to the upper part of the city. !: Ve should be thankful indeed that this'storm has passed us by. Merely a Iligh Tide. - - . t There was a big j scare last night at Wrightsville Beach. Some of the residents thought that the storm seemed to be working to the South and they thereupon packed up and came to the city. But it was a false alarm, and they went back this morning. There was an un usually high tide last night and in some places the sea washed clear over into the Sound but this was something that has happened be fore and is not considered specially dangerous. No damage was done. ' The Present Schedule. As stated by us yesterday the Sylvan Grove has tied up for the vVinter and the Passport is now do ing schedule duty between the city and the pier. She will ; make two round trips a day. She! will lie at the Beach. Pier every night and run to'the city, every morning.. She will then leave at 9.30 a. ra., will touch at the Beach and then proceed to Souihport. On the return trip from South port she touches at the Beach and arrives here in time to leave agaiji at , 6; p. m. for. the Beach. What sort of a schedule is to be run later on, and during the Wiuter months, has not yet been deter mined. i:Ak r':' JUST OPENED AND EMBRACING A STYLES. VARIETY OF SIZES AND Carpets Cnming in by Every Steamer. The assortment is not yet complete though we are showing many good things. : ; ' , WINDOW SHADES. ; THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK. a grea" i. sep 12 FOR OFFICE PURPOSES, HALLS, TRACKS, &c. . . . A FEW NICE STYLES IN SIZES 21x3, 3x3i 3Vx3, 3x4i r ' Respectfully, '.y - - '"v:..:- :;"::,i-t;;--;;;tsj.,;. c 'x?, R. m. IWcl WTIRE NORTH FRONT STREET. The Mulligan Guards. ' The Mollies made their last ap pearance for the season at Carolina Beach last night. They raised cain and had no end of fun. Their harm jless sport was taken in good part ancLeverybody had a good laugh at breakfast this morning. They visit ed Mr. -Kure, intending another serenade, but that gentleman was eaual to the occasion. He had his scouts out and when they approach ed. his cbttaee thev were all invited in and handsomely entertained. They then proceeded up the beach, piling sand: and blowing tin horns as they went along until they reach ed the residence of a gentleman whose excellent wife is famed lor her pastries. They raided the back piazza and finding the safe unlock ed appropriated a number of. pies contained therein to their own use The lady, by the way, took it all in good part and sent word this morn ing that she would get. even with them, even it took all winter todp U in; so these '''midnight marati ders11 will dp well to keep an. eye to windward, las she will be sure to get there. The Mollies then re turned o the hotel and routed out the professor of the triangle: They carried his bed out of doors -and laid him very gently down on it, kindly fanning him the while with a shovel and an old spade to keep off the sand flies. They then started for the railroad track and uncoupling a car gave it a touch and . sent it down grade Then wakhig up Jim, the fireman, they told him that a car had broken loose and gone, but Jim merely turned over and muttered "Guess she'll git back dar 'gin bymornin'," and fell asleep again. Their, next prank was the maddest of all. Finding the room of a resi dent in -the1 hotel building vacant, and knowing that he would soon re turn to 3t, one of the number hid himself -there and when the old gen. tleman Entered he screamed and in a falsetto voice ex claimed: "Go Sew Fork & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER NEW .YORK. Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. . . At 3 O'clock, P. M. t. BENEFACTOR . GULF STREAM. PIONEER BENEFACTOR., ....Saturday, Sept, 14 .Wednesday, Sept. IS . . .csaturaay; sepc 21 Wednesday, Sept. 25 . ; ; ' FROM WILMINGTON: ; ; , v v B ENEFACTOR ............. .Thursday, Sept. 19 ; ULF STREAM....: ....Tuesday, Sept. 24 pioneer .......Thursday, Sept. 2 benefactor Tuesday,' Oct. l tw Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' , 1 Rates guaranteed to and from points In North . and South Carolina. t , ' .. . For Freight or Passage apply to . r , ; r II a. smallbones, Superintendent, Wilmington. C. : theo. e. eqer, Traffic Manager. : ' . . . . '..:,.-.. NewYork4"'' WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents, - sep ia s Bowling Green, New Yorfc. , ; North State Headache Cure, rjllllS PREPARATION WILL SURELYiCURE . : Neuralgia of the nead and all kinds of Head aches; no matter from what cause arising. For sale by -: J MUNDS BROTHERS, .' augSllf 104 N. Front St. . .. WANTED LADY, ACTIVE AND INTEL ligent, to represent, in her own locality,' an old Arm. References recruired. Perma. nent position and trood salary. Address Gay's Mfg. House, Lock Box 1585, NY. sep 2 4w ; ; : . , . English and Classical School BY REV. DANIEL MORRELLE, A. M., No. 420 Orange street, corner of' Fifth street. The thirty-rst annual session will begin ? (D. v.) Tuesday, the 1st of October, im .: For terms or any Information apply as above. seplltd away wretch ; room,y gentlenf stum bit j Tlwely Wise'! For Sharp Eyes I "Nor love, nor-honor, wealth, nor si power, .. ..j Can give the heart a cheerful hour When health is lost. Be timely wise: ." r - . With ill health all taste of pleasure ; flies." - - ; ;';'-. T : So speaketh Gray, and who denies? No surer fact beneath the skies. Alas 1 for him who early dies Because he is not timely wise. Alasl for hiui who will endure The ills he might so quickly cure; Night sweats, and cough, and hard caught breath, j Consumption's heralds, signs - of death. i .' To be cured, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery; Thou sands have; been cured by it who, ! otherwise, would now be filling un-; timely graves. For all liver, blood, : and lung diseases, it is specific. The "Discovery" is guaranteed to cure in all cases of diseases for; which it is, recommended, or money paid for it j will be refunded. L V I OW, M. Cumming Nets and Bars,; sells . Mosquito m ; nere, you nasty oia What are you doing in my old viper!' whereupon the thinking that he had by accident into the wrong -3 r room, neat a nasty retreat, only to be confronted by a chorus of mas culine "smiles" on the outside. He tried to join in the laugh," but it was against him and his grins were very dry. Contenting himself with the remark, "I believe in fun, but this is against the law," he entered his room and locked the Mollies out. Well, the season at the Beach has nearly closed. But few of the Sum mer residents have yet returned to the city but 'they will be up next week, bag and baggage. Mr. Kure says, however, that he will remain there until cold weather sets in and possibly he may stay-out some of that. It has been a delightful sea son there, and this is the verdict of one and all. So pleasant, indeed, has it been, that the resident popu lation there will probably be trebled or quadrupled next Summer. NEW AOVEHTISICM KNTfc. A. W. WATSON, DEALER IN China, Crockery' and Glassware, , LAMPS, cC, Has removed to No. 17 Market Street, between Front and Water, Wilmington, N. C. sepl31m: . ' . '. ', : -i Table Board. A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO- diitMl with Talt Rninl nn aflTiltnoInn of: ": J I mchJfttfV 7224 N. THIIU) ST. T f. TJOTIOE. OFFICE OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. CO. Wilmington, N. U., Sept. 10th, 1889. ; -ie IF -4piiA: rjHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OP the Stockholders of the Carolina Central Rail road company will be held at the office of the Old Dominion Steamship company, comer ot Beach and West streets, in the city ot New York; at 1 o'clock p. m. on -Thursday, the lota of October, proximo. - , JOHN H. SHARP, sep 10 lm secretary. KEEP YOUR ORDERS. E. RAINS, Merchant Tailor , QF NEW YORK CITY. WILL BE AT THE Orton in Wilmington on Monday, the 9th inst., with a display of the very latest styles of Custom Tailoring,. CaU and see him. one week only. sep 9 lw Notice. 0 ALE BY TnE SO OTHERN EXPRESS COM k.7 pany of all Unclaimed Freight on hand six months and oyer. On Tuesday October 8th, at 10 a. m.. will be-sold by Cronly & Morris, Auctlonecs, No. 19 South Water Street, all Unclaimed Packages that have been on hand -six months and over. For list of articles see handbills. Terms spot cash. - -.. . .Ti W. J. CROSSWELL, -v f. R. WILLIAMS, : r sep 10 tf , supt. . Agent.'; 7 PIG FISH! PIG FISH I I ALWALYS KEEP A SUPPLY OF FRESH FIGH dn hand. As I have my own boat and Seine 1 always keep from 200 to aoo on hanCU PIC fcla parties can be served with Flsa or Corree.': Meals 35 c. ;rS -'JAB.; A; IlEt7XiEtrT Restaurant in 100 yards of Switchback." ' ilmvl fin a Tu 0,1 . . ...... V, uviw luwi tijknn always oa hand...... . . .. . - . lnut It