i rl :. v PL2JL316 SOTIC2. : . ' Wo. wai tc zlzl 1 3 receive ? ccr.-rT :&ti( r. 3 froraour rruiiaa ca any jrttdsjitatjccts gczieraitttrcsixrrrt i f J. i TH3 of tu8 witter must always do fur ' nlshed to the Edltori "V1' ' ; ' ' ; . " coranjanicatlons taust do written on tut Editor and nop. r 1 nV9 FOSTAGE PAH): $2.00. Three 02c month, 35 cents. one sido or tnarpapcr.t ? v - v c - - Pera(maUcsmtistl avoided. ' ... And it is espedauy and pamcuuriy tmder cents Ir trees. 10wandliberaL report a sood that the Editor does not always endorse VOJ. XIIIJ WILMINGTON, N, C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1889.. NO 221. the news ot correspondents unless bo stated m the editorial columns. " - J rip wj p ilEf I EW t ,.athe most elegant form Jsl' -or THE . PCS OF CALIFORNIA. Ud with the meaicinai gbeneficial to the human (L forming au agreeable fv5cctive laxative to perma Cvcuib Habitual Cptisti Q and the many ills de- on a weak or inactive lotion of the CEIS, LIVER AHD BOWELS. (t tst excellent remedy known to ipCEfflSYSTEM EFFECTUALLY (fiaoteis Bilious or Constipated : I -SO THAT 's&OOD, REFRE8HIMQ 8LBEP, iKALTHandCTRENQTH I WTUSAaY FOLLOW. hy one is using it and all are rvhtedwithit. I ASK YOUR DKUUUia i rwn White op pigo MANUFACTURED ONLY BY . lUTORNIA FIG SYRDP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, Ml. If. NE W YORK. K. V rorsiiebr . iiMrifr if II F l.i i A 111 v WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, tivdtw Wllmlnorton. N. C V . o. . Contagions Blood Diseases. hs, sores, pimples, itch, sajt rheum, si evidences of contagious blood disease. maaltesili a duty to eradicate Wood a from tlw system by a use of -B. B. B. 'c Ktxti Mm), thus enabling the sore total, and thereby removing all pos :j of ofhrr members ot the family he- ttferrise afflicted. Send to Blood Balm ktofa, c. a. , tor book that will convince. .QKlaw, Mt. OUe, N. C, writes: "I rnns sores on my snouiaers ana arms, kie 15. l. B. cured me entirely.-' I tson.'JLk?lmont Station, Miss., writes: il has "worked on me like a charm. Mjr sA body was covered ulf h sores, and wr came out. but B. B. B. healed me ft1 Lnnln, Hutchens, Texas, writes: "B. Scored my wife of a large ulcer on 1 0at doctors and all other medicine iEoEsman, a prominent merchant of sioro.Ga.. wrltesr know of several f t Wood disease speedily cured by B. B. vwtucs curea a lady or ugly scrofulous I'O fit writ a i-lln curing Mr. ltobert Ward of blood Mwected one Of th most. wnT.rJorfnl pa ever came to our knowledge.' 1NDBX TO NKW AbTERTISElfSKTS Wiijxingtc"n Paper Co K 51 McIntike Carpets Jas D Nutt Brady crotlne Mcktjs Beos Pharmacists Cboweix Ellis Painters Oronly & Morris Auction Sale J no P Oabrell Beef, Mutton, etc; Forecasts. 1 For North Carolina, clearing wea ther and lower temperature. For Wilmington and vicinity, fair wea ther. ' ' ' - 1 . The Ladies TDellfibted. The pleasant effect and the per fect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, "Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make It Scuppernong grapes still hold out at 20 cents a peck. r xt t, 7777t .! their favorite remedy. It is pleasing Mr. H.JI. Gieschen returned from n aa n, ui Ti- York steamship Benefactor. mornirifr on the Sortie nicei soft peaches were in market this morninjr celling at'50 cents a peck, or 10 cents a quart. Read the ''Political Note" on this page and then go and buy a Mos quito Net from W. M. Cumming. tf Economy and, strength are pecu liar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, the only ai-s swauu vs. niiiuii sJ J-rtfOtTO Vllt? Dollar" is true. . : . . :. m , We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See theui. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co t r For Kent. Desirable Store corner Front and. Mulberry Sts. Possess ion gien at once. Enquire of I. Shrier, cor. Front and Princess, tf yet effectual in acting, neys, liver and bowels. on. the kid- Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders1 Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of n inferior quality. Burglars. Be"1 secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Acme iSUFAOTURINGOO. HANCFACTTJKERS OP ffflzers, Pine Fibre and Pin? Fibre Matting. I.MINGTON. N.C. CTATIQN Of QTJJi FERTIUZBK8 hS 5r?M' 13 now established., and J' use the hands ot Prrfinof tals and otner States will CSrma a na eraae manure -v N ii ii Jnaae Irom the leaves of our . equal to . an j iit iV r lu, t aaa auraDiuty ana tn iEL is esrteasively used for 'Er1' antr s & VlUnz for fcuS?l.reUabte Parties, usinjf our our office, or will be maii- and (jhemicttlFj I . TATENT MEDICINES, - -. mcu uay or mgni. at F. C. MILLER'S, fn t, DrS Store, wrner Fourth and Nun Sts., Notice, ii i rSST1IERN EXPRESS COM , JMit:.nclalmed Freleht on hand sli wiiv- n Tuesday. Octoher Rth e SOld hv -VrTiltr - Xlnvrlo V Pmnlv MnrHa k. y U OUfh U'otr. rost oil t TVe.r- l or list of articles see apt iILLIAMS, Agent. CTvTr; f ARP. Vnin rT t t0 accommodate niLil I.IIH J'nwt Oyster? Ak ... Q'fe Middle and - rrvea promptly and In any . v- niUtOlUbliAI,... . ? WrishtSYUle, Ladies will find a very handsome and complete line of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, 123 Market street. - Sign of the blue awning. tf Paint your house with ; Regal Ready. Mixed Painti It is the best and cheapest. You will find all col- ors.in any desired quantity at the factory 8 agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. . t i Rev. R. C. Beaman, pastor of Fifth Street M. EJ. Church, will preach at Giblehi Lodge, on the cor ner -of Eighth and Princess streets, on Thursday (to-morrow) - evening, at 8 o'clock. The next entertainment at the Opera House is "The Streetsbf New York," which is booked for Wednes day next, the 25th inst., on& night only. They play in Raleigh nexc Saturday night. Mr. Paul M. Knobloch, who had intended sailing for New York last week, but who was unexpectedly detained here, will leave to-morrow. accompanied by the best wishes of his many friencjs. Attention is invited to advertise" mentof Messrs. Cronly & Morris, offering for sale, at 10 o'clock, to morrow morning at the wharves and yards of Union Distillery, still fixtures. boiler, car trucks, office furniture &c, ; Miss Agnes ff erndon and troupe were to have left here this morning, at 5 o'clock, on a special train, but the lady was taken sick and could not go. She is still at the Orton House, If she is well enough the troupe will leave to night for Char leston '- - Stoves. We have a very large line, made bv the best factories, of w m the latest and most improved styles which we cruarantee to bake .and . - cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N, Jaepbi Hdw. pp. ; t fcfeftr Paint House. Messrs. Crowell & Ellis, of Dur- riam ' Hi trentlemen of whom we spoke yesterday, have already be gun operations in their line of busi ness in this city. Their card ap pears in this issue. They have al ready secured consicjerab.lP work. hut of course want more. They do house, sign and ornamental paint Ing in all of the branohea and do the work well and at low prices. For the present their headquarters are with Mr. J. B. Farrar, No. 11 North Second street, where they solicit r , orders.- . ,; , ; : Kefreshinc and Invifforating Delicious Soda Water as drawn froin, rtnnda !Rrftthprs ma&hiflceut new rcuIsv fnnntnin at a "temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Hineral,Water. ., A New Iodse. r' "j-yj Mr. B. H. Woodell, of Raleigh, and the Grand Secretary and State Lecturer of the Order of I. O. O. F.v arrived in the city yesterday after noon from Clinton, where he or ganized a lodge. Last night be ex emplified the unwritten work of the order and lectured at Cape Fear Lodge.. lie will do the same to night at Orion Lodge. Criminal Court. In this Court to day Edward Lar- kins was tried for larceny. The jury is still out. Mary Ann Elizabeth Taylor was found guilty of larceny. Annie Ballard was found guilty of an affray. The grand jury found two true bills against William Owen, for false pretence. A-Bad Woman and a Bad Mother. A colored woman by the name of Martha Smith is in jail serving out sentence imposed by ' Mayor Fowler. She has a child of four years old with her. She is ; a very bad woman and she maltreats the child, which will die if it stays there. Judge Meares requests us to say that if any responsible person will take the child he will have it turned over to the party and bound out, if desired. The Play Last Night. The Opera House was not exactly crowded last night but for a first night, and thus early in the season, the attendance was considered very good. The piece, -La Belle Marie," adapted from the French, was good and the presentation was a credit able one. Miss Ilerndon scored a success and her support in the main was good. Later on in the season, with the same piece and V the same support, and with the enoourae ment of a full house we believe her success would be a signal one. A Little Lively. A squall struck the city last night, about 11 o'clock, and for a time old Boreas "erot up and got" pretty lively around these parts. Some rain fell then but not more than enough to lay the dust. At, S.Q'olftolc this inqrnjngf another squall struck vs and caoorted around for a few minutes "in its own. imimitable style" at the rate of about twenty five knots an hQUf. Same ?ew branches pf brittle trees broke here and there hut up damage was done. Later we had a little rain but the nromise tins afternoon is ror tair weaker, j Preserving Receipts. . A citv correspondent writes us: m "The importance and necessity of preserving receipts was .practically demonstrated by a German resident of this city" on Monday last. A few weeks aero he was fined i2.75 , and made to pay t wo dollars for a badge for a dog that he claimed he did not own, as he had given him away and ssrit him in the country, previous to the dog law going ! into operation the present year. On Monday last a policeman was sent after W fe? the fine a?d necessitated his leav inr his work and going about 20 squares to and from his residence for his receipt. When he appeared and presented it the policeman was ordered to strike it out. If he had misplaced, lost or destroy edh is re ceipt he would have had to pay the fine the second time and, tlsiftUwg tfye imPRrnpo of taking and pre serving receipts, for money paid. We understand that there are several comnlains of a similar character which shows the necessity of some better system being adopted so that a citizen will not te put to" annoy ance and .trouble for a fine which he has previously paid". : . . , Attend to It in - time uo not peg- lactUfor It may become serious and nil in Consumption. You ncr's Coush Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds urotners. Onslow Item from Catherine Lake. '.- (Reported for the Review.) Autumn has come and harvest is near. -: - -,;- 1 Farmers are busily engaged sav ing fodder, taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Crops are very good notwith standing the immense amount of rain. Cotton is very small but well fruited Potatoes bid fair for a most excellent harvest. Col. S. B. Taylof has taken a fly ing visit to Baltimore where he will purchase fFall and Winter goods. Geo.-WFloydf of Bertie county, is fn bur inidst introducing a medi-v cine for the cure of hog cholera. vt' We are prou'd to add that-our lit tle village is blessed " with one among the best public schools the county affords. The Farmers' Alliance are to have a pic nicat Catharine Lake on the 24th inst. We specially invite those who feel an interest in the cause to attend and brinir their baskets and participate in 'the pleasures : of the occasion. . The attendance will be entertained with music and addres ses will be delivered by a number of gentlemen. Political Note. Our esteemed contemporary, Cab- a 'mm a man Jones, informs us mat ne can not support our nominee, the mos quito, for the dignified office of national bird. He says the mos quito does not soar high enough. Indeed, he says that he has lived in countries where mosquitoes filled the air chock full down near the earth, yet on going up fifteen feet above the ground he always es caped them. The Post is not an oreran. It means to be fair to all parties, and it must say that Cab man Jones, if his testimony be act curate,, has presented the only real argument we have heard against the mosquito. Surely this proud nation will not accept for its bird one that never flies higher- than fifteen feet from -the earth. However, before we foresake the mosquito we mean to obtain, if possible, the evidence of somebody who has slept in a sec ond or third story room without a mosquito net over his (or her) bed Nata Bene Mosquito Nets which will last for several years for sale at No, 17 Princess street by W. M, Gumming, Mr, Camming also Ren ovates old Mattresses and makes them as good as new. tf Citizens' Buildlne and Loan Association. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens' Building and Loan Association was held last night in the City Court room. and. a good crowd wfts present. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. W. H. Chad- boturn, and the annual statement was read, showing a net profit Of 9 per cent, r Messrs. J. C. Chase, Joseph S. Mitchell and ,T. Donian were ap pointed to verify proxies, and nine hundred and thirty-nine shares were represented, which were a majority. The constitution was amended so as to allow any stockholder hereaf ter to hold fifty shares instead of twenty, as heretofore, and also to permit any shareholder who has paid up all dues to .withdraw And receive the amount which had been paid in by him, with three per cent. of the profits which had accrued. Upon motion of Dr. W. J. H. Bel lamy, the secretary was asked to cast tHe solid vote for the following directors: W. H. Chadbourn, H. G Smallbones, M. Bellamy, W, Ax Riach, G. M. Altaffer, A. G. Hank- ns,! J. T.3liley, J. H. Sharp, ,W. F William St J, W.: Jackson, John McEntee, E. F.Johnson and T.'J Pratt., All of these gentlemen were directors previously, except Mr. J. T. Riley, who takes the place of Mr. E. G. Barker, who has removed from the city, ' AJtef the stockholders' meeting, there was a meetihsr of the directors at which Mr. W. H. Chadbourn was "elected President, ; Mr. II. G. Small bones Vice President, Messrs. M. Bellamy and A. G. Ricaud attorn nies, and .Tosejh S. Mitchell Secre tary and Treasn re r. It was decided j to open a new series of 1,0QQ shares at once, as tlere & considerable demand for stock. Those interested can secure Stock by calling upon the Secretary and Treasurer. I . Fouthern Lutheran Synod. ' Fhe general body of the Evangeli cal Lutheran Church of the South is to meetjin St. Paul's Lutheran Church in our city, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, .pastor, early in November. Two Synods from Virginia, the North Carolina Synod, tire South Carolina Synod, the Georgia Synod, the Tennessee Synod. ' and the Holston Synod of East Tennessee will be represented. It may be, too, that the Middle TennesseSynod and the Lntheran interests of Flor ida will also be represented. j Besides this, there will be repre sentatives from two of the leading Northern general bodies, known as the General Synod and the General Council, and which number 1,800 ministers, 2,914 congregations, and nearly one haif million of members. Tlie Western' and Northwestern general bodies, which number more than half a million, will not, how ever, be represented. ' " . The people of St. Paul's Lutheran Church are making preparations to provide entertainment for the mem bers of this body which will be in session at the time mentioned. The Lutherans of our city having al ways shown their kindness by en, tertaininff members of the variou church bodies that have met in Wil mington, it is to be hoped that their kindness will be ! reciprocated, and that they will receive offers of en tertainment, homes, &c, for the ministers and delegates who may be our guests at that time. ; The committee on securing homes and entertaidment consists of the Pastor, Messrs. August D. Wssel, H. Cronenberg, L. Vollers, J. D. Doesher, B. H. J. Ahrens,L.Hansen C. Schulken, Win. Oterson and M. J. Dinglehoef. i ' W. M.' Cumming sells Mosquito Nets and Bars. t NEW ADVEKTlSEiW ENTS, AUCTION SALE M CKUNLY. Auctiotjeer, BY;CRONLY& MORRIS U PON WBAliVES AND YARD OF UNION DisUUery, between Queen and Wooster streets,on to-morrow (THURSDAY) 19th inst., at 10 o'clock a m., we will sell all the Fixtures ana Appointments of. a First Class turpen tine distillery. A lartre Trucks, (64 wheels) and AxIe ture. Desks, &e. Conditions Cash, and all articles to be re moved immediately. . sep 18 It Boiler, Axles, Office 10 Car Furnl- I Mutton! Mutton! Mutton! Veal ? Veal ! Veal! ! NEW ADVEBTI8EfilBHTd CROWELL S; ELLIS. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL Painting m all its Branches, executed at ... .- short notice, with neatness and dispatch, and very low conslstlntfwith first-class work. The senior memher of the nrm, having, had an experience of 23 years in the business, pledges umi&t-ii iu please me most iasuaious,.ana . begs a portion ot the patronage of Wilmlng tonlans. Orders lft with Mr. J. b; Farrar, ji isorin second street, will be .attended to. correspondenipe solicited, and estimates cueerruuy lurnishf d. - v - sep 183m THE VERY BEST NATIVE MEATS, STALL i FED, FROM - ; Sampson, Poplin, Onslow and Brnnswick. BIG MARKET THIS WEEK. . . W Polite attention and prompt delivery always. ' Respectfully, John F. Garrell. Stalls l and 2, Front Strtet Market, south side, sep 18 tf hi Whisper in Your Ear, Please 1 t . .. IF YOU WANT TO Save at Leasft 25 Per Cent. IN-YOUR PAPER BILLS SEND YOUR ORDERS TO 114 ft. Water St. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING IN THE PAPER LINE. For Rent. : FROM OCTOBER 1ST, HOUSE- ON Fifth and Dock streets. Apply to . ?ep 16 3t E. PESCHAU. Brad j crotlne S 'A HEADACHE MEDICINE. IT is for . " "VWVlMilU V111J 111 v UW OnerOd fVS ft riirO fnr onvthlnrr it- HaaHathn and Headache in all its forms it certainly will utuu mji uuj cruLiuc is ior sale dv .TAMPsin "NTT TIT 218 North Front St. The Druggist. " North State Headache Cure. .: 'jriHIS PREPARATION WILLSURELY.CUK . Neuralgia of the Head and all kinds of Head- . aches; no matter from what cause arising. ,? For saioby - - MUNDS BROTHERS, aug2Itf - 104 N. Front St. BLANK BOOK", . STATION EKY, TWINJSS, ,1NK. PENCIL., PENS, MUCILAGE, SLATES; PAPEtt BAGS, Wrapping papeu, FLO UlC SACKH, BUTTE JC PLATE3, BASKETS, &c., &c. fails. 50 cents, by druggists. H4 souin water street. PatrnniyA Vnnr TTnniA rnmnariv f The Carolina Insurance Company j jpj AS THE LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL ' of any State Company. - It is the only-Company that hasa speclalde- ' posit for the protection of policy-holders; .! f 10,000 being deposited for this purpose. It snould receive your support, as it offers undoubted security and Is the only Fire In- . . surance Company organized -In Eastern Nortk J Carolina,- , t ( , ' 0. W. WILLIAMS, President. M. s. WILLARD, secretary. . . ' . Office: 210 North Water street. ' " 7 A". W. WATSON, DEALER IN . 7 China, Crockery and Glassware; LAMPS, Ec., Has removed to No. 17 Market Street, between -Front and' Water, Wilmington, N. C. , sep 131m English and Classical School BY REV. DANIE MORRELLE, A. M No. 420 Orange street, corner of Fifth street. The thlrty-flrst annuaf session will begin (D. v.) TUESDAY, the 1st of October, 1889. ' For terms or any information apply as above. . seplltd ALEX, JACKSON, General Agent and Commission Merchant. -SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND AIX KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. cor. Water and Mulberry Sts, Wilmington, N.C. aug29Dn d&w WOTICE. OFFICE OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. CO. Wilmington, N. C.f Sept. 10th, 1889. rjHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stackholders of the Carolina Central Rail road company will be held at the office of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, corner of Beach and West streets. In the city, of New York, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Thursday; the WtU of October, proximo. - .lonN II. SHARP, sep 10 lm Secretary. ' SPECIAL NOTICE I E ARE THE SOLE OWNERS OF THE W following finest and well known Brands of WHISKIES in the market:, Southern Star Rye, - - Cabinet Rve, Our Standard Rye, 1 Bouquet Rye, State Guard x x xx Cabinet. There is nothing better- sold anywjieTc, !an4 aUnrstiassbarrpoma sell all or Clle Of the : above Brands. , : . , . . , BrunhUd.Simbn&C Ill K, Front St., Dealers In Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos. aug27tt 7:

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