a tits THIS rXPSR ..xies: Editor and Prop. " rtr,ths 12.00. Three U.00i NX 'l i.oo. one pontn. 33 cents. M delivered W carriers, free -inwulineral. Jrtlti5!!:hpwiiipleUe report any and '35S their paperreguiar. , izl-A Ptnnthemostlelegantform - tttttlVE amd NUTRITIOUS JUICE . - PG3 OF CALIFORNIA, Cocbined with the medicinal . S of plants known-to be . S beneficial td the human Sea, fonning aa agreeable effective laxative to perma- -.fly cure Habitual Consti- -Son, and. the nany ills . de-v. Eafin'on a weak or . inactive 7 gStionofthe SETS, GERARD BOWELST: liithf test excellent remedy known to , 0ssE the srsmi effectually Wti os is Bilious or Con&lipatcd j' - v' sothatj mHELOOD, RSFRE8HIMQ SLEEP, - KOLTH and OTRENQTH V - Evoyone is using! it and all are -delighted with it. j ' . ASKTOUB DROQOIST-FOW -. ' HANUFACTUREftONLY BY - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SM FRANCISCO, CAL. - . NEW YORK. N. f ' tsxmit. v. c Ftfsalebr 'B0KF.lt r K ! IXVM Y; ; VHALESALR DRUGGIST,- 1, id a U dJrnr Wilmington , N. C . . - .4 . ' CMUglous Wood Disease. . ' -: rvctrs, sores, plaiplcsj itch, salt rheum, at, ireevidences of contagious blood disease. it b ifestiv a duty, to eradicate blood pais trm the system by "a use of B. B. B. iBank Rood Balm), thus enabling-.the sore nft.v tn fcw Ami iKamKw Mmnrfner oil rwC! (wuwwaj, aim i uv f t is J vuxwuo jv, M?t of other membra of the family be- raty likewise afflicted.' Send to Blood Balm XAtlanu, Ua., lor book that will convince. I H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N. C writes: VI ji raanicg sores on my shoulders and arms, bottle B. B. B. cured me entirely. -I Johnson, Belmont station. Miss writes: IB. B. has worked on me like a charm. Mr ad and body was core red with sores, and stair came our, but B. P.. B. healed me w.j.Kmnln. Hiitehens. Texiis writes? "R- IB. has cured my wire of a large ulcer on mat doctors and all other medicine widBOt cure,' JLJ. Kossman, a prominent merchant of freasboro.ua.. writes: fcnoAv of several as of Wood disease speedily cured by B. B. JTwo bottles cured a lady of ugly scrofulous t C. Birchmore & co. - Maxey, Ga., write: B. In curl n? Mr. Unlwrt U'nMnfMnml Jjton i effected one or the most wonderful ever came to our knowledge.'' Englishand Classical School K REV. DANIEL MORUELLE,A. M., a Orange street, corner of Fiftn street, ilifffi annua session will begin terms or any information apply as Cape Fear Academy R?SHTS SEVENTEENTH SESSION ic Pt. 2Jd. Leadlne male school Mthflmn VllcorPS of teachers. Careful instruction. Preparation for aaw' Please enter sons at do ft ui I : . . ' I ! ' : i t VOL XI II. WILMINGTON, N, C TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 18S9. NO 226. Rosa Bonheur, who works, as in Straw hats havfi hail a nnnr show- -i . 1 . . ; ucmii-auiy as ever, is maKin? some ing to day. studies oi tne Indians and the anis inals of Buffalo Bill's troupe, at Pari?, for a large painting she in tends to execute. I Many of the white children in the 6th public school district of Cincin-. nati have refused t attend the school because colored children Some very nice r roasting ears, from late crop corn, sold jin market this mornings at 20 cents a dozen.- Nota New River oyster in mar ket yet but the promise is prolific for next week. i Mr. W. H. Yopp has removed to have been admitted, and a juvenile new quarters, three doors bejow his race war, with stones, lis being daily .! old store and that much nearer carried on. Foraker uiav have to I Front street market. call ot the militia ' to quell the re bellion against equal 1 rights in the pnblic schools. The death is announced in Wash- in gto of John W. Lane, a million aire of Portland, Me. Mr. Lane was interested in the telegraph business with Thomas T. Eckert before the formation of the Western Union Telegraph Company, had interests in the Providence horse railroads, and owned fiftv housed in Portland. He was 71 years old. j The Boston Herald says: "It is Mrs. Cleveland's fate that she is still famous. It is six months since she flourished as the first lady of the land,' but the private station "bhe now occupies doesn't give her ob.i scurity. She is no sooner recog- nized wherever she g,pestoday than she is followed by a crowd. She complains that this sort of thing has it is doubtful ridding her-j grown wearisome, but ifho will succeed in self of the penalties of the populari ty she enjoys. The peopie are with her, and they can't be shaken off." At 3:15 p. m. to day instructions were received here to change the storm signal to cautionary South west; ajid this was done. Our young friend, Mr. Charles C. Hall, will open very soon a first class grocery store on the corner of Orange and Seventh streets. . There was not a watermelon in market to-daj, good, bad or indiN ferent. We have seen them here as late as the middle of October. There is a pile of old lumber and trash on the corner of Orange and Seventh streets, the removal of which would greatly improve the street. Headquarters for Sasji, Doors and Builders1 Supplies is the .N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of in inferior quality. i session. AddIv to w. catlext, mndpal. 406 N. Fourth eit. fsses Burr and James Y BEGIN THE 25TU ANNVAL SESS- ieir school for young ladles and c'bll- en ! ' j . . ' ' , Mnday, October 7th, , 80,1001 House, odj Third street, imine- Xorm of st. Johrf s Church,. ruction Thoroncb and rras treasonable. 'ACTION ESlcs The colored people oT Florida are indignant over the recent ap)6int ment of Gen. McKee as the receiver of public moneys for that State, for tey remember a speech made by that gentleman shortly after the last Presidential election. In this speech he read the Riot Act to the colored voters, telling them that t he tinie had come when the good of the Republican party demanded that they should take back seats ami let the whito leadership in the party previiil. At. that time Gen. McKee was -a candidate, for post master at Jacksonville. Nor barque ifyhrussie, Gausel, cleared to day for Bristol, with 1,401 casks spirits and 057 barrels rjsin, valued at $37150, shipped byMessfS. Paterson Downing & Co. Burglars. . Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t x INDEX TO NKW ADTERTI3I3MENT3 B F Pkjjny Clothing I Munds Bros Pharmacists JasD Nutt Dutch Flower Koots. W M Cumiiing White Curled Hair IN VOCAL MUSIC. CALIS- AXD NEEDLKWOKK W1TD- l"T EXT HA CIIAKGeI on Piano Forte or Organ ' cw.Ta .J18?- Pupils attending lf desired, Ae accommo i laan7? en,ent liours at the residence i roStir?ron Water color and !JhJrJTe ans. tauirht at reduced rates. stnr "iculars Inquire at 224 North, JUSi 'ISSSfi1? BENEVOLENT SOCIETY ? able at thpir Hall, on Third tl .crJSte citv lion r,,Z ht ur ciuslc ror dancing. : Kef resh Lwncd b" te ladles. Tickets, fct in nhldren s tickets 25 cents. The !H it Pfent fr all who attend. - i . t ... PEST SO A p r im rrTt c uititr rr p- Browne's Ubor-SaTlng Detersive sorth W JJ f P- BROWNE. Agt. t 1 04w ater s. Wilmington, N. a m&x copy.) For other local see fourth page. New moon to-night at 28 minutes past 9 o'clock. The sun crossed the equator yes. terday and the storm was on time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. French have returned .to the city from a visit to Baltimore and New York. We have a few Fluting Machines which, we are closing Out aless than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co j - t . Mrs. W. E. Mayo has removed to the city from Wrightsville Beach; The hduse at Switchback has been closed for the season. Market street was flooded, as usual, in consequence of the heavy rains this forenoon, but the water soon ran off when the rain ceased. Get rid of that tired feeling as quick as possible. Take Hood's Sar saparilla, which gives strength, a good appetite and health. .... -1 ; For Rent. Desirable Store corner Front and Mulberry jSts. Possess ion- given aA once, j Enquire of "I. Shrier, cor. Front and Princess, tf Paint your house; with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, It is the best ami cheapest. You will find all col ors in any desired quantity at the factorv's agents, N. i Jacobi Hdw. Co. , : " . Ladies will find a very handsome and complete line of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, 123 Murketrstreet. Sign of the blue awning. " - tf Stoves! We have ja very largo line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee; to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low pribes will aston ish and oar Stoves please you. ' N. Jacobi U&vri Cow?? r i i.ftL Kef res hi nc and Invigorating ' , . ! Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers! magnificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural MinerallWater North Carolina can challenge the world on fine beef. - Mr. Garrell had on his stalls to day in Front street market some Ashe county meat that can safely challenge Baltimore and New York to beat it. Parties from the Hammocks and Wrightsville Beach tell us that old ocean presented a grand sight this morning, '-The waves of the sea are mighty and rage horribly," as the Psalmist described ; it, and one told us that the waves were Vas high as the houses," Mr. James F. Post, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer of the W. & W. R. R. Co., gives notice in this issue that three and a half per tent, interest on the certificates of indebtedness of the road will be paid October 1st, at his office in this city, to all hold ers of record on that date . The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect and the per fect safety with which, ladies may use the liquid fruit "laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their fayorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels. ' 1' ' ." Forecasts. For North I Carolina, rain 'and stationary temperature. For WiU mmgton and vicinity, fair weather. 'f J The Sociable To-Night. The Hibernian Benevolent Socie ty will give the first sociable of the season fco-nigtyt at Hibernian Hall, on .Third street, between Princess and jChestnut. There will be music for; dancing and refreshments will be served by the ladies. The com mittee promise a pleasant evening to all. who may attend. Mayor and Magistrate. But one case was adjudicated by the Mayor this iiiorning and that realized $20 for the city when it is collected. One case, Jesse Lewis, charged with disorderly conduct, in cursing and abusing the driver of a street car, was removed on affidavit to Justice E. D. Hall's court, where the defendant wtas found guilty .but judgment was 43tispended on pay ment of costs. Scholarships Awarded. The competitive examination for the two free scholarships allotted to New Hanover county in the North Carolina College of Agriculture - and Mechanic Arts, begun yesterday afternoon before the Board of Edti- cation and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, was concluded to day. Messrs. Henry E. Bonify, of Wilmington and W. T. Canady. of Scott's Hill, passed a successful examination and to them the schol- ships were awarded. The Wind and the Itain. The first effects of the storm re ported in yesterday's ilKViKW. as moving Northeast from Pensacola were felt here about dark last even ing, when rain began to fall. It rained all night and about midnight the wind was very high. The maximum velocity nere was so miles an -hour and at Southport, between 7 and 8 o'clock this morn ing, it registered 36 miles, with the wind from the Southeast. Theen tire rainfall at this station has been 2.15 inches since the beginning last evening. The storm centre moved this morning to the North, to Kentucky It is accompanied there by excus sive rains and the winds are highj On the coast the wind has veered to the Southwest, although at this writing, 12 o'clock, the cautionary sigual is stlil up. The predictions of the Signal Office as to the storm have been verified in every particular. They told:u9 it was coming, and from what direction; that there would be high winds last night and that the wind would shift to Southwest this morning, and all of these things have come to pass exactly as fore told. - - ' - Streets of New York The New York Herald, an excel lent authority on theatrical affairs, says: That old time melodrama, "The Streets of New York," . with a real fire engine, lots of red sparks, in numberable supers in red shirits and threatrical looks and various other things, was presented at the Grand Opera House last evening, and suc ceeded in deeply interesting a large audience in the lower part of the house and thrilling a much larger in the gallery. To say that the gallery was filled would be drawing it mindly. It was packed, and when its occupants were not engaged in applauding the manly deeds of the hero arid the virtues of the heroine they spent' their time in loudly hissing the villain." Though : many of the "supers' forgot to appear cold during the snowstorm, the au dience was made to forget these little things by the fine acting of Mr. W. C. Donaldson as Tom Bad" gerj who is all that could be desired in the part and makes .it go with a vim quite refreshing in these days of self styled stars." It will be presented at the Opera House on Wednesday and Thursday evenings by the strongest cast seen in the play for years. Care Your Catarrh, or Get S500. For many years,the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, finan cially; as any one can easily ascer- their tain by proper enquiry, have offer eu, in goou laun, mrougn neany every newspaper in tiie lana, a Superior Conrt. In this Court the following, cases were disposed of: Florence V. Bagwell vs. John G. Bagwell. Continued. B. F. Penny vs. The Brunswick Bridge &. Ferry Co. Continued. W. H. Howe vs. Alice Howe. Non suit. . J v ....... Meigs, Dale & Co. vs. Sol. Bear & Bros. Non suit. Wm. Watson & Co. vs. Sol. Bear & Bros. et. al. Non suit. Emanuel Scherin vs. Sol. Bear & Bros. Nonsuit. Peterson's Magazine. "Peterson" for October comes "to us with a handsome new cover, which the publishers announce to be the first of a number of improve ments about to be made in this ad mirable periodical These changes and additions cannot fail greatly to increase " PetcrsotC 's" wide cjrcula tio, which has long been far beyond that of other lady's magazines in the country. ,The contents of tliis number are, as usual, of the first oriTer of merit. The itlustra tions are excellent, the stories capi tal, and the fashion and ' household departments are models in completeness. It will soon be time to decide on a magazine for next year landing reward of 500 for a case Our advice to families not familiar of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad with . "Peterson" r is to send-for a or of how loug standing, which sanrnly copy.-Add ressKrson- tbeyr cannot, cure. -The. Remedy, ' . o -i - -i m which is sold by druggists at only Magazine, 306 Chestnut street, Phil 50 cents, is mild, soothing, cleans- adelphla, Pa. ingt antiseptic and healing. - - NKW.ADVElfTISKM ENT8. . ' rLEASE NOTICE. . iwe wo rxj ;iaa to receive c: ",' - ::atit ns from oTur'trienOs on any. cua til ttZ ts eenerar irtefest, tut i . r- . The name or tte writer lust anrays to far- nishedto'tnb Editor. " 'V:: communications, must toe written on hut , one side of tx&'tisxior.,''-:S:1 ! ' :-v l'ersoniiities must toe avoided.. "--- ; And it is espcciailx.aiia parucniariy niadcr ... stood that the Editor floes not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the edltorlai Wnmns. r " w NEW AD VERTI8EJS1EHTS HAIR ! HAIR! HAIR r HAIR! IHAC I WHITE, CURLED, PURE, HORSE AND CATTLE' TAIL PERFECTLY CURED.AND CCTRLED. ' ' " . - T t I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FINE ; . CURLED HAIR MATTRESSESil -.-: 1 I use the finest Ticking, best Filling, Patent Leather Tufts,, make two rows Stitching around Boxing, and GUARANTEE WORKMANSHIP AINJ) FIT, as well as material. ' " . SEND IN YOUR ORDERS EARLY. I f . -.. ' - f . i. j .:. '(i.-je Manufacturer and Renovator of Mattresses, Cushions,- Springs, Pillows,cV HUTCHIES' PAPERINE. PATENT APPLIED FOR. : A SPLENDID IMITATION OF WALL PAPER.1 5 . o TRADE MARK, en 1 K ..T. 'lit, It is a new Invention for wall decorating in imitation of wall paper. It Is the discovery Of It. L. Ilutchlns, one of oiir most enterprising Painters, audi it is very highly endorsed by a number of our leading citizens. County and town rights sole. ' ' ; - IRE-AJD T'BSTIMoilSriAL.S.?; 1 Wilmington, N. c, July. 15, 1889.' occupied by me, are coated with nutchlns' new This is to certity that the walls or the office occupied uy me, are coated with nutchlns' new process, "Paperme." it is undouhtediy t ce oest ana cneapest BUhstitute for Paper or Kal- ' somlning. I am very much pleased with it, and do not hesitate to recommend, it to any one hulldlng now, or renovating old houses. !-. ... MM. X. FKiSNCII. Postmn.c(tr. kVlLMINGTON. N. a.. .Tulvfl ISSfi ' Jlutchins' Paperine has been used by the inventor in decorating one of the rooms of mr residence on Wrightsville sound, and it gratifies me to be able to say that my family are en- tirely pleased with the process. JOHN WILDElt ATKINSON. ' WlLJUNGTON. N. C. Julv lfl. IflRd. ' . I have had a part of my wall finished up by nutchirs' new process with IL I am well pieasea ana rase pleasure in recommenaing it 10 ouisrs. -:0:- N. C. EVANS. WILMINGTON. N. C. JulvR lftflO. I have had JJutchins to Paperine my office and am perfectly satisfied with it and recom mend it to aDy one that want their office or rooms renovated. t. j. SO UTHEItLAND. 1EH. L. 3E3ETLT'0D,O3E3EIKr, PRACTICAL-- PAINTER AND DECORATOR ! ' DEALER IN F-insTTS, oil3 GrX.A.ssa ;sca.3 5co" AND MANUFACTURER! OF- .1 Fresco and Artist's Combination 1 12 N. Second Street, Wilmington, N. C sep23tf Almond Meal Soap FOR THE COMPLEXION. JJ IGIILY KECOM.JIENDED FOll WUITEN- lng, softening and beautifying tlie skin and removing tan, discolorations or other im purities. For sale by MUNDS BltOTHElrtj, sep 24 tf - 104 N. Front tit, OFFICE OF SECKETAItY ANDTREASUliER OF TIIE WILMINGTON & WELDON IJ.lt.CO. A- Vilmington,;N. C, Sept. 24th, 1889. rjlHREE AND A HALF PEH CENT. INTEK- est on the Certificates of Indebtedness of the Wilmington fc Weldon Railroad Co. will be old to all holders of record on October 1st, 881). at the office of the Treasurer. The Trans fer Books will stand closed from this date un til September :th, 1889, inclusive. ' . JAS. F. POST. JK., secretary and Treasurer Wilmington Wcloon R. It. Co. sep 24 flu oct 1 OPERA HOUSE. D utcli Flower Boots. ; jj yacint: IS, TULIPS, CROCUS, Etc. - v Direct importation. Finest selection. Illus-" trated catalotrue now ready and freo on n plication. T JAJIES D. NUTT. i The Drugvtst... 218 North Front St. ' Wilmimrton. n. g. ,t 3 NOTICE ! ' J AYING JUST RETURNED FROM NEW ' uik i nuv nun;, ojienns . tne trade a i ine of CLOTHING, HATS -AND -' Thursday, Sfpk ij and H. DION DOl Clt 'AULT'S IMMORTAL COM ED Y DRAMA. ... "Strecis of Sew York," with the popular favorite, W. O. DQNALD SON. as Tom Badger, the Eccentric Bohe mian, startling scenic effects. Union Square, New York, by moonlight, the Five Points, Baxter street, and tiie GREATEST FIRE SCENE ever produced on any stage. - -Reserved Beats secure at Yates! Boot Store Tuesday.- - ; sep23tf Furnishing Goods I THAT FAR SlilUASS ANYTUIN W QUaL . . ITYJjND PRICE IN THE CITY. ' ANY O LATEST BROADWAY BLOCK IN " " . oibk ha res 1 ONLY U.OO. NE I2f N EED' OF AN YT IIINOI N THE BOVE LINE WILL . ' - . ---.-' , . . - 1 - . . M r. , B. F. PENNY scpsitr .110 3Iarket Street.