; ' . tsucklen'8 Arnica Salve I Absolutely Pure. T&ls powder never vanes, a marvel lof pu rity strength and wholesomeness. Moreeoon "V?.. .Sriv h nnitnrv winds, and cannot be sold fn Smpcmion w ill the" multitude of low f?Lllsh?rtweightalumor Sif only in cans. ltOYAL DAklNG lOXNDMl (. 106 Wall St., m. 1, ' c c 1 28 dwly tenrm UhDd 3rdpw THURSDAY, SEPT. 2G. 1889. COHJUEKCIAL NEWS. The Besr Saiye in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Ban Rheum; Fever bores, letter,; iium Ha nhiihlfl-ins. Corns, and all tiirin Rrnntinns. and nositively cures s s w, Files, or no pay requirtu. xi, is anteecl to give peneci DauBiuuii, or money refunded. ; Price 25 cents per box. ,, For sale by uooerr. xv uciwmj, wholesale and retail druggist. -- LKMON KLIXIIl A 1'Icasant L.einon Irink. For billiousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. , For indigestion and foul stpmacli, take Lemon Elixirs ' , t For sick and 'nervous iieauacne&, take LtMiioh Elixir. : For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. . For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver; stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. ; ; Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Gi. Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold.. by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, witfi great nervous hillionsnass. disordered i.-iMimi-u ittid rnnstination. I have been cured by Dr. iMozley's Lemon Elixir and am nowia well man. m th s Rev. 0. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. STATE NEWS, nimrlntr Chronicle: John W. Glenn, of Gastonia, died suddenly at k last Sandav nieht. He leaves a wife and four boys, the oldest of whom is about 20 years. Mr. Glenn was a millwright and carpenter by trade, and was not long ago employed on the Charlotte Cotton Seed (til and Fertilizer Works. He was about 42 years old. Carthage Blade: John C'.Canipbel Esq., a gentleman who is intensely fond of geology and has a keen eye for discovery, hasdiscovered emery corundrum in Moore county. He bad it tested on Tyson & Jones' (carriage manufactures) emory wheel at Carthage and it proved to be harder than the wheel. He says he believes there is plenty of it in the county, and he says also there is ruby corundum in this county. Durham Sun: The property of Capt. J. F. Freeland, on Railroad, street, including, dwelling house, out-houses and lot, containing three and a half acres, was sold yesterday at. noon, under.-a mortgage trans ferred from W. T. Black we 11 to the Raleigh National; Bank. It was first sold iu lots, and the bids being so low they were rejected, and the property was sold as a whole. F. O. Moring, purchaser, $1,700. Newbern' Journal: Among the trophies taken by. Gov. Fowle's hunting party in their recent hunt in rrtpTAt countv. was an alliga tor, over four feet in length, which v?as killed by the Governors son Daniel, a boy of nine years, who is an excellent shot with a rifle. Mr. Henry R. Bryan has in his pos session two seals of the city of New bern which have lately been sent to Col. W, P. Beasly by Mr. F. V! Smith, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and then forwarded to Mr. Bryan by express. These seals were given to Mr. Smith by a Federal soldier who obtaineil them in the usual way. Charlotte Neivs: Parties from down the Carolina Central say that cotton is opening out rapidly in that section. The receipts have been heavy at Laurinburg and Maxton. Mr D. E. Morris, an aged man of Reidsville,died under suspicious circumstances, and .his wife, a young wjman who married him against her will, was suspected of having'munlered him. An investi gation was made and the coroner's jury has just returned a verdictthat the deceased came to his death by chloroform, administered to him by his wife, Cora Scales Morris. Mrs. Morris has been arrested. It is announced from New York that the Massachusetts and Southern Con struction Company, that are build ing the Charleston;' Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad, has completed . negotiation for $0,000,000 of their first mortgage bonds with a syndi cate of New York and Philadelphia capitalists, aiuFIe Jtaken and paid for as fast as the road is completed. The bonds imituro iii sixty years, and are issued under a mortgage to the Boston Saf if Deposit and Trust Company. The rate of the interest is 5 per cent per annum, payable quarterly, January,, April, July and October. The road is mortgaged for the uniform amount of $25,000 per mile of the road, and the issue of bonds is limited to $20,000,000, the mortgage bonds covering franchises, sidings, stations, terminal facilities. branches, extensions and equip- niente acquired and, to be acquired . . Never Heard of "Davy? Crockett's Coon"? That's otieer! Well, it was like this: Col. Crockett was noted for -his skill as a marksman. One day bf leveled his crun at a raccoon in a tree, when the animal, knowing the Al's nrowess.trrffMiout. "Hello. there! Are you. JDavy Crockett? If you are, I'll just come down, for i know I'm a srone coon." Just take a nose or Dr. Pierce's Pleisant Pur gative Pellets, and see how quickly your biliousness and indigestion will emulate the example of Davv " Crockett's coon," and "climb down." They are specifics for all derange" ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. THE MAIL SCIIEDULE, fhe trialls close and arrive at the City Pos office as follows: OUTGOING MAILS DAILYj. ' 1 CLOSK. LKAVE. WlLand Vash.(78)lst DIS.. 7.00 A. M. 9.00 A. M WlLand Vash.(78) 2d D13.. 8.15 A. M. 9 00 A. M Vri?htsvllle 8.4- A. M. 9.:h) a. m- SOUtliport 9.30 A. 1, 9.4.') A. M Wil. and Ruth 1.S0 P. M, 2.2' P. M. Clinton and Gold. (sped al) 3.30 P. M. 4.00 P. M- Wll. and Jack. (23) 5 30 M. 25 P. M Wll. and Kuth 6:50 P. !. 7.: 0 P. M. Wll. and Jack. (27) H.30 P. M. Oil. P. M. WiL and Wah, (11) 11.15 P. M. 12 05 P. M- TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Brunswick! G.0OA. M Cape Fear River mall 1.10 P. M. 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow 7.00 A. M. INCOMING MAII DAILY. ' ARRIVE AT P. 0. Charlotte an(? Maxton 7 f5 A. M. Wll. and Jack H.40A. M. Clinton and Goldsboro .11 50 A. M. Wll. and Ruth 125 P.M. Wrightsvllle B.00 P. M . Southport 4-40 p- -M WIL and Wash. (23) 6.10 P. M. WIL and Wash. (27) 10 00 P. M. 1L and Jack. (14) 11-55 P. M. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick?.: 5.00 P. M 'TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Cape Fear River 7.00 A. M TUESDAY'S AND SATURDAYS. Onslow 7-00 P. M GEO. Z. FRENCH, P. M. July 22nd. 1889. 8fdariSF!ayorin HlbrlLT s i HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; they are true to their names, fuH measure) and highly ctmeentrated. aug 23dw 6m eod nrm i . u f-pr p b e ruAtieu PENNYROYAL PILLS Safe ud mXwkjt reliable. Ladle. ask vrogKin lor jjtanuma xiraw, ui red, meuiuc Dozes, seaiea wua diub IKknn T1ta ia nlk. All Dills , in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are I . . .1.- Slanil As (Atmpa) for particalars, testimonials ana "Keller for Ladle," in Utter, by return smlL Tame Paper. IfcUaestcr Ckes'l Co., MaOiMm Sq PWlaPai A. 1889. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED." K171U uiirmntlmiH In iniLlTitRfn IJAUI UX. J . ' ACAl. ..... i j i-nnntnttnn noi n n unonilivllpfl f amilv lOlirnaL II.) 1 V IIVHV'. .... M J.'rf . , ' ml J i . at . , A . I v. ' . ' ' itD iterature la or the choicest kind, and its-ITash-inn and Household departments of the most nmprif.sil iiiirt ofnnomlo.ftl character. ! Its' vat . . . , i.Mnn wlnt-rO teru-sneeii suppieiuuiiia ujiu luaunun iiuito ..inrA will c o vo Itc rnrlorsi tfn Hmfts t.hfi COSt of the subscription, and Its articles on decora ery. etc., make it indispensable to every house- noid. lis Drignt snorv kluiius auu i.uucijr es says are among the best published; and not a line is admitted to its columns that ccuW ' - fend- the most fastidious taste. Among inea tract ions of tne new volume win De senai ij j riAohvtirs Proniva TlAfUrsnn rtiimett Mrs. IIUO 1 . i invcnHm. Wiltl'im IllnnL-nnrt Thnmns llnrrtv ; L tlllV.v l , , , a iiiuua . - , and a series or papers on nursery managament oy io vunaiiiLv iciuuu uviiiLA WILMINGTON MARKET. Sept. 26.-20 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 44 cents. Sales of receipts at 44 cents. ROSIN Firm at .75 cents lor strained arid 80 sents for good strained. TAR Firm at $l.So. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm n 1.20 for hard, 2.3o lor yellow dip and virsrin. COTTOJN i?irm at iv cts ior niiddlinfT. : MARINE NEWS. CLEARED. '-Steamship Pioneei, Norton, New York, II U HmaiiDones. Steamer D Murchison, Tomlinsoh Fayetteville. T D Love. EXPORTS. COASTWISK. . J Now York Steamship Pioneer 50 bundles hsrhtwood, 50 pkffsmdse, 25 bbls rosin oil. 315 do tar. 191 do sulfite. -1091 bales cotton. 26.000 ft lumber, 75,000 shingles. and an endless variety of Canned Goods. In fnr. T tnpn PVArvt.hlncr whlfh ran found in a first class Grocery Store. can and examine my uooas. OFFICE OF SKCUETAKY AND TREASURER OF THE WILM INGTON & WELDON R.R.CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. ?4th, 1889. Still on Deck I7IVERYBODY OF "TnE MALE PERSUA Zt sion visiting Wilmington during the En campment lS jCordlally invited to call and liave a Shave, or a Shampoo, or a Haircut, at my establishment, 29 Market street, between Front ana Water. Only 10 cents for a Shave , SO cents for a Shampoo, 20 cents for a Hair cut and 20 cents ana upwards for Dyeing. Respectfully, JOHN WEiiNElt, ij 9 tf Practical Barber ana Perfumer. HARPER'S PERIODICALS per year: HARPER'S, BAZAR $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 ) HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 rostage Free to all smfysn ibers in Live United SS(Wf., tatuiau, or iut-iiw. .1 itvio vninrn'os nt the Kazar besln with tn first Number for January of each year. When -1.ro la monHnnPI SUhfrlntlOnS Will llPCTin with the Number current at time of receipt of oruer. Rnnnd Vninmpd nf TTftmpr'R Hazar. for three raira hank- in ripnf. r.inth bliirdincr. will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided tne ireignt aoes not exceea Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, wilt be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $100 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce xtnno-v nrdpr nr Draft, to avoid Chance Of lOSS. AHWUV. - T . Xetpspapers are not to copy tins advertisement wltJiota si e express or aer oj uaruera. urutiifra Address , ua nrxtii v- oitu i n cjvo, nov 15 New York For Sale. j nnnLBS- OLD type metal, clean 1,UUU and In good condition. Apply at myntf Will be sold -cheap, TH13 0FTICS. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND. SEPT. 20, 1889. Cotton ashore, 2,229; afloat 2,265 total 4,494. Spirits ashore, 4,978; afloat, 955 total, 5,933. Rosin ashore, 39,521 ;aflostt, 5,561 total, 43,082. Tar ashore, 1,243; afloat, 000; total 1,243. Crude ashore, 497; afloat, 44; total 541. RECEIPTS FROM SEPT. 13 TO SEPT. 20. Cotton, 4,698;spirits,l,222;rosin, 3,607, tar. i,0; crude, aoi. EXPORTS FROM SEPT. 13 TO SEPT. 20 DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1,299; spirits, 879; rosin, 1; tarj .864; crude, "489. FOREIGN. Spirits, 2,378. noRoy,Hoiiey,Honey, rilllE FINEST RROUGHT TO THIS MAR ket for years, put up in one pound Boxes. Call WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE MARYLAND Creamery Butter, Packed in Refrigerator Boxes. The only place in town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My PAROLE FLOUR still stands unparalleled, and Is certainly pro nounced by those that once try it to be the best sold in town. Also, a very fine FLOUR for less money, which Is guaranteed. Cakes of all Kituls, Crackers, Preserves, Jellies, PlClvr.E-', DRIKD FItUII K, be Jno. L Boatwright, 15 Sl 17 So. Front St. maREE AND A HALF PER CENT. INTER- est on the Certificates of indebtedness of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Co. will be paid to all holders of reeord on October 1st, 1QCO or f lio fiflnpo rt ta TronQiirpr. ThfiTr!1T19. rer Books win stand closed from tbis date un- Secretary and Treasurer Wilmington & Weioon R. R. Co. sep 24 till oct 1 NOTICE. OFFICE OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER OFtTIIE CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 10th, 1889. Y 7I!i . ... HE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Carolina Central Rail road Company will be held at the office of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, corner of Beach and West streets, in the city of New York, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Thursday, the lOtli f October, proximo. rm tt - o tt a r t MISCiiiiiANEOTJS. The Carolina Insurance Co. H sep 10 lm Secretary. THE STATE " CHRONICLE, Sn ccess-or to the Farmer and Mechanic the Chronicle.) and Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. AS ALREADY ISSUED POLICIES OF insurance to some of tne largest property owners' in Wilmington and Is Increasing Its number of policy holders every day. Every citizen; of Wilmington who has insurable property now bas an opportunity - to Help build up a home -institution which Is organ ized on a sound basis and whlcb offers perfect security to its patrons. Address a postal card to the Secretary re qesting him to give you the rate at which this Company will Insure your property. G. W. WILLIAMS, President, M. S. WILLAKD, Secretary. . sep 33 tf 210 North Water Street. Catch ; On ! ! Your orders for Print ing, Killing and Binding, will be executed as ex peditiously, delivered as promptly, and guaran teed to be as satisfac- tory .as aijy first-class establishment. We have none but reliable work nien, and our material and presses are all first class. Largest stock of paper to select from. 1 JACKSON & BELL, Leading Printers and Binders. PARKER'S HAIR SALSA! Cleanses and beautifies the hau' Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Falls to Restore Grai Hair ia its Youthful Color. Prevents Dandruff aiwt hair faliuig 6c. and $1 OOat lrupr'!Ht. UI8CELLAU EOU6. sep 2 4w H NOTICE! AVI NO JUST RETURNED FROM NEW York I am now offering the trade a line of CLOTHING, HATS i . AND Furnishing Goods ! THAT FAR SURPASS ANYTHING IN QUAL ITY AND PRICE IN THE CITY. LATEST BROADWAY BLOCK IN SILK HATS! ONLY $3.00 ANY ONE IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN THE ABOVE LINE WILL Save From 10 to .15 Per Cent. BY CALLING AT B. F. PENNY'S, se 24 tf HO Market Street. SPECIAL NOTICE! y E ARE THE SOLE OWNERS OF THE following finest and well known Brands of WHISKIES In the market: Southern Star Rye, ' Cabinet Rve, Our Standard Ryf Bouquet Rvef State Guard xxxx Cabinet There is nothing better sold any whereJ and CHRONICLE' rpHE 'STATE. what its name Impllesr-a State Paper. WILL" BE It is not the Raleigh 'Chronicle," and will not fee local or sectional. It will aim to keep up with the news fromJMurnhy to Manteo, or, aa the politicians put it, from Cherokee to Cur rituck. ? It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be Democratic in B antics, but will not hesitate .'to .criticise emoeratlc measures and Democratic officers. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year. .S2 00 Six Months. i 1 00 Shree Months....: 60 1 r ur tt ittiuuic lAipji uuuicaa THE STATE CHRONICLE, - - Raleigh, N.C. all first-class barrooms sell all or one of the above Brands. Brunhild,Simon& Co., Ill N. Front St., Dealers in liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, aug 27 tf Wilmington Seacoast B.-B yS AND AFTER SUNDAY, . SEPT. 8TH, 1889, TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: Leave Princess street at 7:00 a. m. dally, ex ceDt Sunday. Leave Front street at 2:30 and 6:15 p. m.dally. Leave Front street at 9:00 a.m..Sunday only. Leave Hammocks at 8:00 a. m. dally, except Sunday. Leave nammockg at 5:10 and 9:00p.m. daily. Leave Hammocks at 9:50 a. m Sunday only. Arrive Front street at 8:40 a. m., dally, ex cepf. Sunday. Arrive Front street at 5:50 p. m. dally. Arrive Princess street at 9:40 d. m. daily. Arrive Front street at 10:30 a. m. Sunday only. The 6:15 p. m. train from Front street Is the Supper Train. Round trip tickets will be sold for this train at 25 cents each to persons wisning io reiurn tne same nignu J. R. NOLAN, sepQtf " Gen'l Manager. Don't Delay. OEND YOUR BROKEN OR INJURED FUR niture to me and I will repair It promptly an at low prices. . 1 TIT OflOSe tO makR mv ltvlncr triKi wnv nnrl wllldo the work well and will not charge too much for doing it. Call ana see some of the riftlr Sewlncr MaehlnAa iniAini Tnotmmonta &, as well as Furniture, will cheerfully cavuuawo ui yrvuixuu COsli oi repair?. come and see me, J. B. FARRAR. - oct . No. 11 n. Becon sr. HHP 114 "WATER :V IS THE PLACE FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND , .--N V . '- - - - . : ' ..- J " ""5 . "- ' ' ' Everything in the Paper Li HIHAHQUAKTElfi. FULL STOCK AN l lm., I'HICES. . BOTTO! A Large Lot of Ruqs JUST OPENED AND EMBRACING A VARIETY OP STYLES. HIZR8 AKi Curp' ts C min in hy Every Steamer. The assortment is not yet complete 'though we aro show! 5 luanv food things. - ;i -.. Rrca WINDQ MM S H A D Esl I ! TH E MOST COMPLETE STOCK Art Squares. r A FEW NICE STYLES IN SIZES 2x3, 3x3, 3x3, 3H R. rj.T.1cirJTIREf xi kj Ki rl i? RONT STREET. Respectfully, sep 12 t 2X J) This la a ITew and Masterly Medical Treatise, and fajdiepenflable to every Y0UNC. KIBB!? ACED, and OLD MAN who ia suffering from Weakness, Languor, Loss of Memory.lu&Jr Depression of Spirits, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseasea dependents Aoeident, KTBflMM, Polly, Vice, Ignorance, Nervous Debility, Vital Exhaustion, and TOia;ll;ll.l;.-i.lll)iiliNnll;iWii Bound in leather, full gilt. Price, only one dollarrby mall, sealed in plain imropr,wr; CONFIDENTIAL. Address Hknbt DuMont,M.D., No. 881 Columbus Avenue, or P. 0.1 3462, Boston, Mass. Prefdtory Lecture with numerous testimonials from high sonrcet, free t This is the only ELECTRO-MEDICO PH YSIOLOC Yever published, and is abeolnteJj sob; and perfeeL It is invaluable to all afflicted, aa it reaches the very roots and vitals of diKaw. For all Diseases of Men, by the distinguished author, niiriT JJUMont, jvl. XJ., woonu DISCOVERED THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES. SENCE OF MANHOOD, may be consulted in strictest confidence, in person or by letter, at his Electro Medico Iaflrinary,No.381 Columbus Av.,Boston, Mass. ir lDlnMfirlftA? s. i s u 1 1 i i 1 1 f i r i . v a si in ii i I HEARD A VOICE IT SAID, '(COKBK AND SEE.' HUTCHINS' PAPERINE. PATENT APPLIED FOR. A SPLENDID IMITATION OF WALL P APEfi, Eh S3 s m &4 itr Z ' iV i4 - H. ft c ? 0 c . W XX3L decorating in Imitation of wall paper, b i tMTS enterprising Paintera, ana it is very hlgnly enaorwu T la a now tnvpntlnn fnr wall i . . a.WM Al7rna PAnnfir o-nt TAWT1 T1 (Tn iQt flHln BEAD TESTIMONIALS.;; ,f Thia i oprtif v that the walla of the office occupied by me, are coated vnia process, "Parlne -Itjs ffSSSSSfi building now, or renovating old houses. . GEO Z FRENCH, rosB j - ' . i . - " Wilmington N. C, Jpts Hutchlns' Paperine has been used by the' Inventor in decorating one v ,oiXtw wht.iiio snnnrt- nnrl it. crratifies me to be able to say tnax mj K.vsy tireiv nleased with the process. - - JU1U." - ., ttrely pleased with the process. I have had a part of my wall finished up by Hutchlns' new process c jri pleased and taKe pleasure in recommending it to others.' . - . . vt WILMINQTOX, N. C.,f W, f I mend have had Hutchlns to Papcflne my office and am perfectly satisfied .jBnl 1 it to any one that want their office or rooms, renovated. ' 0 -PRACTIGAL- I PAINTER AND DECORATOR DEALER IN ' TSS OIL, GLASS, ScC ANP MANUFACTURER QF- I W MP. ' ' sep23tf 12 N. Sr coDd Street, Wi lmiton, N. C- II. liRONENBERG, Soap pnoroG 1RAPUKB, - , I rpHE CHEAPEST SOAP ON UPKHULY lXlCUTKl)Jis Chas. F. Krownes w . f A KTISTICJ AND SUPKI Photographs at reasonable prices. -. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. " Jy 2? tf lWtf Market sc., south side oap. - irto!W - lNorth Water F. scv stt dEflr -

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