Absolutely Pure- n.i.i..iFnivprv9rui A marvel Of P'l rn v ..oii ciiii en iiavj ..v . Oinlcal tnan mc onunurj. wuu.i, V"""" " sold In competition wtththc luulut ude of low t c ti short weight alum or phosphate po wrtcrs. ;.. 106 Wali sr., N. V. ! iti2rtd&wl ten rut jtljixl Jrdpw "lieu Dair3rreview- TUESDAY, OCTOBKlt 1. 1889. STATE EWS. Durham S'wn: The internal reve nue collections at the Durham stamp office for the week ending to day amounted to $22,647.9G. For the month of September the collections have been $64,593.36. Newbern Journkl: The fanners along Trent river ire organizing a stock company for; the purpose of putting a steamboat oil the river this fall. We have women of muscle as well as jbeautyv Two of the fair sex were seen in the woods up Trent river cutting timber for the saw mill tne otner iay. Quite a destructive lire occurred at Washington Friday night, the prin cipal loser being Mr, Hayt, a dealer in hardware, whose loss is estimated at $10,000 with no insurance. Charlotte News: The Presbyter ian Synod is to meet in Charlotte October 8. The members of the committee on arrangements have been actively at work securing homes for the visiting delegates and attending to other details, and have secured homes for all the delegates yet "spoken' They say that one trouble is the slowness of delegates in reporting their iutentions. r The Pearson meetings have closed and the evangelist, accompanied by Mrs. Pearson, left on the C. O. & A. train this afternoon for Rock Hill. Mr. Pearson's last service was held in the Y. M. C. A. building last night, and it was -quite a notable one. It was foruien only, and the hall was crowded. -The results of the meetings were 00, conversions. A good many backsliders were re claimed, and altogpthera very heal thy religious interest was awakened. AsheviMe Citizen: Owing to an unusually heavy docket, the Board of County Commissioners will be asked to call a special session of the Criminal Court for Buncombe to be convened immediately after the ad journment of the Federal Court to be held here in November. We learn from Mr. Otis A. Mllier that the New York parties who leased his hotel for the next live years were so well pleased with it when they saw it that they concluded to purchase. A sale was'consummaied yesterday and deed made to E. A. LeVene of the property, the consideration be ing $9,750. James ltogrs, a white man, residing in .Leicester township, was lodged in jail here yesterday afternoon, charged with having co'mmitted an outrageous assault upon the person of one Mrs. Pressley, also living in the same township, on Tuesday morning last. Rogers vas committed by a magis trate, and will be tried at the ap proaching term of the Criminal Court. 4 hat IS beauRnl more than "Like sunshine in a shady place," The poet called a woman's face That gladdened .all who saw its beauty. A face, no doubt, with health. That blessing which wealth, And lightens every daily duty. O how can woman, whose hard lif? With many a wearing pain is rife. Escape the grasp of such alTection, And be a power to bless and cheer? The answer coines both swift and clear TakePierce'sPayoritePrescription. -Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, of satisfaction being given in every case, or money refunded. See guar antee printed on bottle-wrapper. isucklen's Arnica Salvo The Besr Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains; Corns, andall fckin Emotions, and positively.cures pilesr no pay required. It is guar-; auteed to give perfect sansiauuou, or money refunded. Price 25 erits per box. I For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. LEMON KLIXIR A Pleasant L.einon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. I For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. j For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. . For joss of appetite; and debility, take Lemon Elixir. j For fevers, chills jand malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of- the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. i Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. ; Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle.. Sold by druggists. A iM-omiiivnt Minister Write, After ten years of great suffering troin indigestion, with great nervous prostration. lillioiisne:s, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Moz ley's Lemon lilixir ami am now a .veil man. m th s Rkv. f, 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tat nail bt., I Atlanta, Cfa. NEWS. THE MAIL SCHEDULE. flie malls close and arrive at the City Pos office as follows: i j OUTGOING MAILS DAILY. ; close: LEAVE. Wll.and Vasb.(78)lst Dls.. 7.00 A. M. 9.no A. M Wll.andWash.(78),2d Dis., 8.15 A. M. 9 00 A. M- Wrtghtsville 8-4o A. M. 9.P.0 A. M Southport i 9.30 A. M. 9.45 A. M- W1L and Kuth 1 1.30 P. M. 2.3" P. M- Clinton and Gold. (special) 3.31 P. M. 4.00 P. M. Wll. and Jack. (23) 15.30 l M. 25 P. M. Wll. and Kuth 6 : P. M. 7.:0 P. M. Wll. and Jack. (27) 9.30 P. M. 0 If. P. M. W1L arfd Vah, (11) 11.15 P. M. 12G5P. SI. TUESDAYS AND, FRIDAYS. Ifi.00 A. M i 1.10 P. M. 2.00 P. SI. Brunswick Cape Fear ltlver mall. MONDAYS AND ; FRIDAYS. ; Onslow .7.00 A.M. INCOMING MAILS DAILY. I ARRIVE AT P. O. Charlotte an(7 Maxton 7 55 A. SI. WiL and Jack 8.40 A. Si. Clinton and Goldsboro.-.i. 11 50 A. Sf. Wll. and. Ruth 12.5 P. M. WrightsVllle ; 6.00 P. Si. Southport 4.40 P. SI WIL and Wash. (23. fi.10 P. SI. Wll. and Wash. (27)....,.... 10 00 P. SI. ll.,and Jack. (14) 11.55 P. SI. SION DAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick. 5.00 P. SI TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Cape Fear River 7.00 A. SI TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Onslow ' t!g0 P. Si GEO. Zl FRENCH j P. SI. July 22nd. 1889. I SkwbrtfS Flavorin g x HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; they are true totheir names, full measure and highlyconcentratedT aug 23 d&w-Cm eod nrm for am ohly A DfKITIVP rorioSTo'rFAlXIKO MANHOi H r UOI llffC General and KERV0US DEBJXIT1 1 I I V "T Weakness of Body and Kind: Effee W U ll IJ of Errors or Excesses in Old or Youq vat, HoM MAXHOOD (tallr Restore. lUw ( Kalarr m StrnMriaeaWkUK.tSiDKrKLoHcD ORGANS PARTS of BOD khlaMy nfaJlia HOSK TRIATMEST BttrlU la a 4a m Utir? from 41 tiUtM, TrrrHrW, um4 Frria Cutri) turn mm writ Um. Bc. fall xlaa,Ura. aa4 praafti at all t) ctm. AUnrn CUE MEDICAL CS.. IUFFAL0. R. At CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEnnvnovAL pills Bare ana aiwaja reuau. umumi ask Drarzlst Cor Diamond Brand, in swA. Mciaiiia bases, araied with Mm , riDDon. Tit atier. au piiu ia pasteboard lxxea, pink wrsppcra, ara 4aaareras eaaiatuelta. Band 4. (tampa) for .prticalar, testimonials and -Klkf for EiaaUea, IttUr, fcy retarst saau -nam nper. lalcfcarter Ckst1 Ca HasJaM St TkBtV For Gale. 1 000 LBS OLD TYPB MJETAL clkan tuidln gool condition. Will' te sold cneapl AppU at Vk BJlT tt - . THIS OFFICF, Scribnor's Magazine l 'or 18851. The publishers ot SCRIliNER'S MAAlNJi ai! to make it the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all limes pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of Its contents (notably the Railway-articles), and it closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNEK'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papeis; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster: General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." Ill 'infrared. ; SIR. iROlSERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel "The Master of Rallantrae," will run through the greater part of the year, m A CORRESPONDENCE - and collodion o manuscript memoirs relating to J. r. Millet and a famous group of modem French Palntei s will furnish the substance of several articles, i Illtislraicd. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis, Stevenson, will be repluced by equally interesting contributions by dlffere t famous authors. Sir. Thomas (Bailey Aldrich will write the tirst of them for the January number. , Many valuable LITERARY' ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, illustrated from original MSS.. a second ' Shelf of Old Rooks," by Sirs. James 1 Fields, and marry other articles equally noteworthy Illustrated 1 Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence cook, E." IK- Blashficld, r Austin Dobson and many others. lllimlraled. , FlsitlNu ARTICLE-alescrtbing sport in the itest fishing grounds will appear. Salmon, Winuiutsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The aut hors are well known nbitsmeu. Itin(Mted. 1 LLUSTRATED A UTICLE of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will eppeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated. Among the most Interesting I in the list of scientific papers for the ear will be a remark able article by Prof. Johu Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. "A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by a grout) of papers upon ELECTRICITY tn its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether interesting papers. , ' Unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers, which include allthe Railway Arti cles, as follows: ! A year's subscript ion (lSSJt) and the num bers for 1888 4jdt A gear's subscription (1 m) and the num- oers ior 1888, rxund in cloth rux) S3 a year; 25 cents a number Charles Soribner's Sons, 743-745 Broaawaj, n.Y. WILMINGTON MARKET. Oct. 12:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at 4G cent?. No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at 75 j cents for strained and 80 cents ! for good strained. ! TAR Finn at $1.75. nRTTlYR TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2.35 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Firm at 10 5-1G cts for iniddlinA MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Gulf Stream,. Tribou, New York, II. G. Smallbones. Steamer A P Hurt, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Roblnso Fayetteville, T D Love, i Schr Ph(be, Medero, Barac Cuba, Jas H Chad bo urn & Co. EXPORTS. FOltKIGN. Haracoa Schr Phoebe 70,550 ft lumber, 8 bbls tar. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND SEPT. 20, 1889. Cotton ashore, 2,229; afloat 2,265; total 4,494. Spirits ashore, 4,978; - afloat, 955; total, 5,933. Rosin ashdre, 39,521 ; afloat, 5,501; total, 43,082. Tar ashore, 1,243; afloat, 000; total, 1,243. ' Crude ashore, 497 afloat, 44; total, 541. RECEIPTS FROM SEPT. 13 TO SEPT. 20. Cotton, 4,G98;spirits,l,222;rosin, 3,G07, tar. 1,028; crude, 361. EXPORTS FROM SEPT. 13 TO SEPT. 20. DOMESTIC, Cotton. 1,299; spirits, 879; rosin, 1; tar, 864; crude, 489. FOREIGN. Spirits, 2,378. Honey,Hoiiey, Honey, IJIIIE FINEST BROUUUT TO THIS MAR- ket for years, put up in one pound Boxes. Call and loo!; at It. " WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE MARYLAND Creamery Butter. Packed in Refrigerator Boxes. The only place in town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My PAROLE FLOUR still stands unparalleled, and Is certainly pro nounced by those that once try It to be the best sold in town. Also, a very fine FLOUR for less money, which is guaranteed. Cakos of all Ki dv Crackers, Preserves, Jellies, PICK LIS, lUfvi FRUITS, i 1 i and an endlpss variety of r-anned Goods. In .fact 1 Keep everything: which can be found in a lirst clacs Grocery Store. call and examine my Goods. Jno. L Boatwright, 15 & 17 So. Front St. Still on Deck 1J1 VERY BODY OF THE MALE PERSUA !i sion visiting Wilmington during the En campment Is cordially invited to call and have a Shave, or a Shampoo, or a Haircut, at mv establishment, 29 Market street, between Front and Water. Only 10 cents for a Shave , 20 cents for a Shampoo, 20 cents for a Hair cut and 20ents and upwards for Dyeing. Respectfully, JOHN WERNER jy 9 tf Practical Barber and Perfumer. NOTICE. OFFICE OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER I OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 10th, 1889. - 21 ' HE REGULAR ANNUAL. MEETING OF the stockholders of the Carolina Central Rail road company will be held at the office of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, corner of Beach and West streets. In the city of New York, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Thursday, the 10th of October, proximo. JOHN II. SHARP, fcep 10 lm Secretary. Misses Burr and James ILL BEGIN THE 25TU ANNUAL SESS lon of theirSchool for young ladles and chil dren, j on Monday, October 7thj at the School nouse, on Third street, imme diately North of St. John's. Church Instruction .Thorough and Terms Reasonable. INSTRUCTION IN VOCAL MUSIC, CALIS THENICS AND NEEDLEWORK WITH i OUT EXTRA CHARGE. Instrumental Music on Piano Forte orOrgan taught by Mrs. Cushing. Pupils attending other schools will, if desired, be accommo dated with convenient hours at the residence of t he Instructress. Classes In Crayon, OH, Water Color and other decorative arts, taught at reduced rates. For further particulars inquire at 224 North Third street- sep23tf MISCELLANEOUS. ALI X. JACKSON, Gtntral Agml ami romraissioo Mfrchanl I . ' SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON ANDALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cpr. Water and Mulberry Sts, Wilmington, N.C. - The Carolina Insurance Co. JJAS ALREADY ISSUED POLICIES OF insurance to some of , the largest property owners in Wilmington and Is Increasing Its number of policy holders every day. Every citizen of Wilmington who has insurable property now has an opportunity to help build tip a home Institution which is organ ized on a sound basis and which offers perfect security to its patrons. Address a postal card to the Secretary re qestlng him to give you the rate at which this Company will Insure your property. G. W. WILLIAMS, President. M. S. WILLARD, Secretary. sep 23 tf 210 North Water Street. OFFICE OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER OF THE WILMINGTON & WELDON R.R.CO. WILMINGTON, N. C, Sept. 24th, 1889. rjiHREE AND A HALF PER CENT. 1NTER- cst on the Certificates of Indebtedness of (he Wilmington & Weldon Railroad co. will be paid to all holders of reeord on October 1st, 1889. at the office of the Treasurer. The Trans fer Books will stand closed from this date un til September 30th, 1889. inclusive. JAS. F. POS JR., Secretary and Treasurer Wilmington & Welcon R. K. Co. sep 24 till oct 1 ; SPECIAL NOTICE! MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELT. 11 UTri . A TT ' ,yr . . . IL""0. r Large i Lot of Ruas JUST OPENED AND EMBRACING A VAmiiW STYLES. . SI2ES , Carpets Coming in by Every Steamer . The assortment id not yet complete though w n. , . .. . ! n e e siini-t many gooa tnings- j : . a f WIRIDOW SHADES.- TH hi MOST COMPLETE STOCK FOR OFFICE PURPOSES, HAIJ.stracSs&c!-' A FEW NICE STYLES IN SIZES 2ii3, 3x3 31., , . Respectfully, ! v . " . ' ' . re--. M. aicirJTiRP sep 12 I. 1 UMadaHHBMHMHHBBHRBmBiRiHmVMWK UraShlilTrJIhrW. HHMWVPVWiWMai mi hum - ' J J j fHEPROOfTGGulSlS Y1JML yE ARE THE SOLE OWNEKS OP TllE following finest and well known ISrands of Wll ISKI ES in the market-. i : Southern.Star Rye, Cabinet Kve, Our Standard Ry f Bouquet Rve, State Guard x x x x Cabinet. There' is nothing better sold anywhere, and all first-class barrooms sell all or one of the above Brands. Brunhild,vSimon& Co., Ill N. From Si Dealers In Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos. aug27tr Wilmington 8es coav t R.R 1 AND AFTER SUNDAY, SEPT. 8TH, 189, TItAIKS WILL Rl'N AS FOLLOW S: Ieave Prlucess street at. :0i n. rn. rt.iily, ex cept. Sunday. Leave Front street at 2S?0 and fi:l" p. m d-illv. Leave Front, st 1 ee at. fti'ti a.it:.,sunda- only. Leave Hammoci.s at 8:ti a. in. !ail. . epf Sunday. Leave Hammocks at r,:lt) and :(Ki .in. dali.v. Leave IlamniocKs at t :so a. ni.. Sundar only. Arrive Front, street, at. 8:4ii a. in dailv. ex- cepn Sunday. Arrive Kront. street at 5.rl) p. m. dailv. Arrive Princess street at ft: 4ft p. m. inily. . Arrive .Front street at ifl::io a. tu. u'nday only. The 6:15 p. hi. train from Front street 13 the Supper Train. Round trip tickets will be sold for this train at 25 cents each to persons wishing to return the same night. J. R. NOLAN, sep9tf i Genl Manager. The Acme MANUFACTURING CO MANUFACTURERS OF i - Fertilizers, Pine Fibre anr Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON, N.C. o J1HE REPUTATION OFOUKFERTIL1ZERS the ACME and GEM, Is now established, and the results of three years' use In the hands of the best fanners of this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made trom the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It. is dally Increasing. It has vir tues not found In any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses 13 almost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against Insects. certificates from reliable parties using our goods can he seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. tan 4 tf Mew York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 29. EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts i At 3 O'clock. P.M. SEhFJFjte-- Saturday, Sept. 28 v.it' weanesaay, ict. z BENEFACTOR Saturday, Oct 5 FROM WILMINGTON B NEFACTOR. Tuesday, Oct. l GULF 'STREAM .Thursday. Oct 3 PlONEEIt Tuesday, Oct. 8 Throuerh Bllfc iJuMnrr guaranteed to and from points In Nort b and South Carolina. . For Freight or Passage apply to n G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, - ' - Wilmington. c. THEO. E.GKR, Traffic Msuoaglr: WM. p. CLYDE & CO., Gem Agents. Y0T sepgi . , s Bowling Green, New Yorr, ii i jh k m r. m m mm i Bound In leather, fun gilt. XTice, oniy one.aoJiar, Dy mail, sealed la plain rrm.. ' CONFIDENTIAL. Address IIekrt UcjMost, M. D., No. 381 Columbus ATenE'i 3462, BostoB, Maus. Prefatory Lecture with numerous testimonials from high. Kmnm til This is the only ELECTRO-MEDICO PMVSIOLOGYever pubUshed, and is tSw and perietu it is mvaiuauie 10 au amicicu, aa iy reacaes uie very rooia and vit&Ia of diaij, i For all Diseases of Men, by the distinguished author, Uxnbt. DvMost, M. D., who has DISCOVERED THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES SENCE OF MANHOOD, may be consulted in strictest coniidence.in person or by letter, at his Electro Medico Inlixnaary.No.381 Columbus Av., Boston, Mass. l HEARD A VOICE? IT SAID, MCOWE AMD CEE. I 1 D fe HUTCHIN5' PAPERINE PATliKT Al'I'I.IKD'FOR. j A SPLENDID IMITATION OF WAI t PAPE a m 2C o 1 I . m . . .'-'"Uj-'c It is a new invention for wall decorating In imitation of wall paper. It is (the dw R. L. Hutchins. one of our most enterprising painters ana n i yery number of our leading citizens. Connty and town rights sold. read rr-Bsa?iixd03sri-A.x.sv ' ' Wilmington, N.C.,JnIri' This is to certify that the walls of the office occupied by me, .are coated jug process, "Paperine." It is undoubtedly the best and cheapest substitute for somi nlng. 1 am very much pleased with It, and do not hesitate to recommend h ( building now, or renovating old houses.. qeo Z FRENCH, Fostt :0: - Wiimikgton.VmJu Hutchins' Paperlne has been-used by the Inventor in rationeo iw residence on Wrightsville Sound, and it gratifies me to be able to say tnat my tli-ely pleased with the process. i - jouroww , ., 1 :k. :- Wilmington, N.C.,Jol I have had a part of my wall finished lip by nutchlns' new process wium ft p pleased and take pleasure In recommending it to others. : , WILMINGS: I mend ' :0:" WILMINGTOKS have had Hutchins to Paperlne my office and am perfectly satlsflea ,TBij. i It to any one that want their office or rooms renovated. 1 " i '! PRACTICAL PAINTER AND DECORATOR Dealer -IA.IXsTTS, OIL, GLASS, 3cC& and manufacturer of - FrAcno and Artist'CoiTlPin sep23tf 12 N. Second Street, WII m i ugton, (- Catch On J . . t Yoiir orders for Print ing, liuling and Binding, will be executed as- ex; peditipusly, delivered as promptly, and , ; guaran teed to be; as satisfac tin;y as any first-class ' establish men t. - We liav;e : none but reliable - work- men, and our material and presses are all n'rst- class. Largest stock . of ; paper to select from 7 "STOKLEffi' , - WE ARB NOW f mr to all who may cau - Leading Printers and Hinders. Finest to be had on the wasL. . . . , pi-eparatlons for the Stump Sound 01 alway,'onUand.;t " wit io tr 0 J.W. ATKINSON -J Wilniinslon Savings - cr - - ..... roroaie, .. rta-vnEte - " - ' J intcro;C on vt"r: 1 KJETIliiw umCJB k execute 'iro-tsoi ---ir-r MTfa f m i r S f f . . 4 This is a Kew and iiasieriy Meaicai Trc"e, ana indispensable to every YOliwr .. ' AC ED. and OLD MAN who is Buffering from Weabness, Languor, Lobs of Memorf'irl1 TiT)rsion erf finirits. Liver OomDlaint. Diseases of the Kidnev. nrl n i ifi. Aocidept, Excesees, Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Nervous Debility, Yital Exhau8Uon,Md ependw own price at