THIS PAPER . flvery evening. Sundays excepted, W .a TOSTAOK PAID:" months S2.00U Three rvra na n iJ ' one month. 35 cents. m be delivered by carriers, free i v Dart of the cay. . wto Scents I wee' . , JrateslowandU rs will Please report any and. p " - to receive iuc. prtitnu in the mostlant form ptAXATrVE and NUTRITIOUS! JUICE flGS OF CALIFORNIA. Cabined with the medicinal es of plants known to be teneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable. ; effective laxative to perma--gatly cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive . condition of the . ' DIOS, LIVER ftHD BOWELS. Itii the most excellent remedy known to (UUiSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated - SO THAT-i 1 WJKK.OOD, REFREEHIMQ CLBEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Everyone is usinglit and all are dented with it. j . ASK YOUR DKUOatST FOR . -V MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO. CAL. . mm, ki. . ' 'new roRx. et. r Forsaleby j -"'-.- B015ERT R. BELLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, . i Wilmington, N. u ,. Inherited Blood Poison..! lot many people there are whose distress tames, aches, pains .'and eruptive ten lodes are due to inherited blood poison. laiuood passes from parent to chlld,and It la ttetftt Is the duty of husband and wife to tepatfbloodpure.; This is easily accom jStod tj a timely use tof B. B. JL (Botanic tax! Balm), t-cnd to Blood Balm Ca,At- luu. (or boo it ot most convincing proof. - Jimwj TTVU k'tla-nta Hoi wr4tia ' i1lfir twn bbs were afflicted vnth. blood DOison, vrhlchJ wore ma was hereditary. They both broke a in sores and enmtions which B. B. B. iraptly controlled and; finally cured oom- Ira. 8. M. Willlama. sahdv. Tas- writes: " three poor afflicted children, who inherit- Wood poison, have improved rapidly after twofB.&B. it is a Godsend." .R. Wilson, jlen Alpine Station, N. a, RUl 1885. "Vrrlfrf;- "Ratib gnu hliwl rtntsnn Jfcw me to have my leg amputated, and on wBtumD there rj)m 3 iorc-A ntMr whlrTi pw worse every day until doctors gave me -J 10 file. I OnlT WPlcrhod: 1 nnnnrta vhn T J$tt to taie B. B. b., and 12 bottles Increased V 2ht to 180 pounds and made me sound paweiL I never knew 'what pood health b before." Dsses Burr end James tpL BEGIN TOE SSH ANNUAL SKS- of their School for young ladles and chll fc, on r Monday, VyOLULTOI I lllj 1 tt school House, on yhlrd stiset, imme- Sorth'or st. John4 Church. -t: - " l"trnciou Tli o ron srh niul 'irms Iteasonable. IN VOPAT. VITSTn nAt.isu. TBEX1CH AND NEEDLEWORK WITII , (H T EXTltA CHARGE. . . mAMA.a . . . 115 7" ai asic on nanororte or organ Cushlng.' lmplls attending Sttrtw??13 wUl- " desired, be- accommo- 3SrSiS!rnt houra at t?25?I!?c? in Crayon, Oil.t Water Colofind hr ft,i ari9t taugnt at reduced rates. ftJrtSer Particulars Inquire at 224 North PSJSS12? YOUR REGULAR CROCK- need from taut . il artet street, between fciL.?.0 Water. Look for the slem of the sign. sira ' n't miss the place. Look W'a une ot TT a Kant r vtrf amI In Watsh vn Eet 800(1 Ware "ben you buy - ; 11 WSEKEEPERScin prove by a single . theseExtracare thecheapest; i'namesT fulTmeasurei eod nrm W. P. TOO ME It. !, cashier. resl(jent. gtoa Savings & Trust OoJ IftO T, 1 fcW ienia?SS 8T- WILMINGTON, N. C iy lnS.MoiT oa atlsractory security. Its.- 13 empowered to VOL XIII. W I 3STEWS. 1NDXX TO NZW AhTKRTI8BMINT8i ' B F Pinky- Clothing j ' Wilmington Paper Co ! Huxos Bros Pharmacists W M CmnciNO Mattresses J A Spkikokb coal and Wood 'Chas f Browne, Agt Headquarters . Habriss & Mack ay insurance Agency - J- Lanndry Ironing Stove are sold by theN.' Jacobi Hdw; Go. t We now have the! best Pocket Scissor made. N. Jacobi Hdw Co. Some nice New River oysters In market this morning but they sold high $1.20 per gallon. The new telephone: wires are be ing strung on the poles recently erected on Front stree t. Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and ammnnition of all kinds for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. You will find a nice! assortment of Rifles at. the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make your boy happy.- , f Heating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We will give you substantial goods and low prices. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t j I - The cautionary signal was taken do wn last night and the wind came to day. It jhas beenj blowing at a pretty lively gait. Hands wanted on fine Pants. None but those that can do first- class work need apply. 1. Shrier cor. Front and Princess. i tf Free Love Lodge,Np. l,4G9,colored Odd Fellows, celebrated its 18th Anniversary at Ruth Hall lastnight. The attendance was large. Keep warm and you ought to keep well,. jMr. J. A.j Springer will help you in this respect, lie can furnish both wood and coal in large or small quantities. Mr. R. W. Hicks' new building, on North Water street, is as handsome a building erected solely for! com mercial uses as can be found any where South of Baltimore. j L . , ' Messrs. Chas. F. Browne & Co. received lo-ciay tne nrst large con signment of Florida !oranges here this season. They offer them at their store on North Water street. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely vegetable preparation, being free from Jnj urious Ingredients. It is ne- culiar in its turative power. On and after Sunday next the 7 a. in, train from Wilmington and the 9 p. m. train from the Hammocks will be discontinued. The train will lie over at the Hammocks at night. : Cutlery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line thatjou can pjOssibly desire, and our prices are the lowest. Drop in and look at our assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Ladies will find a very handsome and'complete line of: ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt Factory 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. tf - Two fine entertainmentsare book ed for next week. These aret lA Night Off" on Monday night, the 21st, and "Arabian Nights," by the same company, on Tuesday night. We are assured that they are both fine plays and will be presented by a good eouipany. j. . Our country cousins seem to be holding back their cotton now. They are. holding partly for better prices and"partly for j more cotton bagging. As for the former they can get the top of the market here, as we have been paying more for it than nnv of our near-by sister cities. Mr. A. Roder, proprietor of the new- Purcell House, has terminated his engagement with the Island Beach Hotel and is here to day for the purpose of inakiiig arrange ments looking to the opening. He will go North in a few days to en gage help, and purchase furniture etc. - 2 Syrup of Figs, Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of California .figs, combined with themedicinaj virtues of plants known to be most benefi cial to the human system acts-gen Iv. on the kidneys, liver and boVels effectually cleansing the system, dis nellin? colds and .. headaches, nd LOCAL chring imt?itual-oristipation.. ' 4 . " ' - - - ' - ---gM,;MMiM LM I NGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER Down Last Night, Up To-Day. The cautionary Northeast signal was lowered last night but inslruc ttons were received here this after-, noon to hoist the cautionary North- j west signal, which was done. It j was also ordered op at Mo re he ail. There is a storm off the middle At lantic Coast. Northerly winds, backing to Northwest and clearing weather locality. were predicted for this, . I City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing eases this morning: Ralph Hnske, disorderly conduct, guilty and fined $10. Louis Peshau, disorderly conduct, case continued. David Jacobs, selling or offering liquors for sale on Sunday, guilty and fined $20 andcosts. Joseph Wright, disorderly con duct, guilty and fined $10. . . - Still Pufhtng Ahead. Capt. Phil Sasser, who has for some time past been employed on the W., O. & E. C. R. R., has given up that position. The road is now graded 20 miles, which is within two miles of Sloop Point and about half way to New River. 'Some little iron has been laid at this end of the line and we are told that a construction train will soon be at work. We may yet get some New River oysters by rail this season. The Donor are Unknown. One day during the past week some one, unknown as yet, gained admission to St. Andrew's Presby terian Church and caused to b put up on the rajl to the choir loft, in the rear of the pulpit,ja very hand some silk plush certain, "or dosel, with brass rod and ring accompany, ments. The curtain and fixtures are very handsome and give an ap pearanoe of marked improvement to the church. We understand that the Pastor of the Church, Rev. Jno. W. Primrose, has no idea who the donors are but he may rest assured that some of the ladies of his con gregation can tell. . Death of an Old Citizen. Dr. Lorenzo Frink, a native of Brunswick and a life long resident and highly esteemed citizen of that county, died yesterday at South port and his remains were brought here last evening for interment. He was brother to Mrs. Thomas B. Smith, of this city, Mrs. W. E, Boudinot, of Richmond, and the late Mrs. rfenry Nutt. He was 77 years of age. The funeral services were held this afternoon at St. James1, and the interment was in Oakdale. The pallbearers were Messrs. William Watters, T. C. Mcllhen ay, David S. Cowan, W. T Daggett, E. D. Hall, Clayton Giles, Isaac Bates, James G. Burr and W. I. Gore. Aldreaa at Duplin lioad. ... On. Saturday evening last, the 12th iust., at Clement Hall, Duplin Roads, the citizens of the village and surrounding vicinity were treat ed to a fine address on the "Far mers1 Alliance" question by . the Rev. Colin Shaw, of Magnolia. The speaker kept his audience spell bound for an hour and a half with his eloquence and 'sound, logical talk. Many of the readers of the Review and of the Journal are well acquainted with .the reverend gentleman, for he has been , a mem ber of. the Wilmington Presbytery for over fifty years". During the war he was chaplain of the 18th Regiment The Rev. Mr. Shaw is 78 years of age, but any one not ac quainted with him, would . hardly take him to be more than 60, so well does he carry hi9 years. We hope that many years yet may be spared his profitable and valuable life. Do Not Think Jor a Moment that catarrh will in time wear out. The theory is false. Men try to be lieve it because it would be pleas ant if true, but it is not, as all know. Do not let an acute attack or cold in the head remain 'unsubdued. It is liable to develop into catarrh. You can rid yourself of the cold and avoid all chance of catarrh by using Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If al ready afflicted rid yourself of this troublesome disease .speedily by the same means. At all druggists. Kefrealilnc and InTigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers magnlficeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34.?. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Nataral Mineral Water. " -spi Duplin Dots. i (Reported for the Review.) On laat : Friday, the 11th On laat : Friday, the 11th irtst. there was a very interesting trial in the village wherein Arnold Teachy was plaintiff and K. Carter was de fendant. The case was begun at 11 i ,V , 7 was going on a j iuuv tue suiue nignt. ueienuam was represented by Mr. R.W.Dixoii, ' of the io!dsboro bar, and the plain- tiff plead his own case. It was orie - if . . . . . . , T listened to. and the defendant dis- , - . .- , j piayea mucn shrewdness ana mane the witnesses plumb the line. j Mr. L.J. Butler, of our village, was in the past week' united in the holy bonds of; wedlock to Miss C. S. Carter, of Sampson county. The writer of this wishes them a long and happy life. " On Friday evening last, as the South bound train stopped here, the accomplished music teacher of the Warsaw High School stepped from the cars and you just ought to have seen the smiles that were upon the faces of our young men. She is a daughter of Pender county. I spent last Thursday night with one of Duplin's best farmers, Mr. K. H. Dempsywho does not buy West ern white-sides and Eastern hay but on th e "other hand he sells corn, meat and fodder. That is the kind of farmers we need in the good Old North State. . The farmers through this section are busily engaged housing their crops. Corn is turning out tolerably well but cotton is almost a failure. This fact alone ' ought to inspire those wlto got supplies last summer on time, to strain evsry nerve to pay the merchants, and ail others who have aidedthem through the past summer, so that they may not hesitate. one moment in furnishing them another year. Th'ere is noth ing more pleasant to an honest man than to pay his debts. Several of the fairest daughters of Pender county were visiting in our vilIageon2Wednesday,last. Some time ago there was a peti tion sent, to Capt. J. F. Divine, Gen. Supt. of the W. & V R. R., from many of the best citizens of this place asking for a larger warehouse than we have now. We under stand that he will heed their re quest, and will give us a nice, com modious, brick warehouse in place Of the old wooden structure that now stands here. The officials of the W. & W. R. R. are always will ing to aid in improving and up building a town or a village on thier line when the citizens will manifest any interest therein. After coming in from the country on Friday, about 12 o'clock, onej of the students of Prof.. Clement's school came up and'riolitely invited me. to go down on that evening and hear the scholars make their speeches and read compositions. I did so and never did I hear better from the : students of any school. Their behavior was excellent and showed that they had been trained in a m anner which was a credit to their teachers. I must mention a composition on the history of Virginia, by little Lillie Boney, about 12 years of age, which was written and read in a manner that would be a credit to any young lady. The larger boys of the school had compositions on the question. "Is the present system of public schools beneficial?" They were all very good indeed but I. must make special mention of Mr. O.T.BoneyV at the close of which there was applause after applause. Trie Eastern Baptist Association iuetr:,:at Concord Church, Duplin County, on Tuesday, the 8th instant. There Were at least 2,500 people present. The Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D; lX, of Wilmington, preached one of the ablest sermons of h life on Wednesday. A spirit ' of love and harmony seemed to prerail during the session o the association. Con cord Church is about five miles distant from the railroad. The hospitality of the people around Coucord was. unbounded and the strangers who visited this meeting of the Association p 11 long re member the kind manner in which they were treated. The Jersey Lily has become quite famous ;for her beauty, and she means to keep it too, for, hasn't she learned in the great United Estates : to cure colds with Dr. Bull's Cough j SyrupT - " , j 15, 1889. NO 244. ' Forecasts. For North Carolina, fair weather and stationary temperature with frosts to night, i For Wilmingtoif j and vicinity, fair weather. Gone After tlte KnaL j. , this' port the new transfer 'st earner ' 0f j1(J ( F. & Y. V. R. 11. left here this iuorninr for Wi!in!nhrn T1p1 They wi urrlve. there "to morrow ;f . - . . , i : .morning and if the boat is g-eady , . - "i can leave to morrow anernoon or Thursday -morning and with fair weather may be expected here on Sunday or Monday. They can take the inside passage nearly all of the way and probably will. The Little Tycoon in Aslieville. Ladies and gentlemen in Aslieville presented the Tycoon in that city on last Friday night and to a large audience. The Citizen ventures the opinion that "in no other city, large or small, could such a performance be placed on the boards by ama teurs.v Has our cotemporary never heard of the rendition of the same piece in.Wiliuington? Leading parts in the, entertainment, by the way, were taken by young ladies from ihis city, and the Citizen compli ments them very highly. The piece was produced on two nights in sue cession, last Friday and last Satur day. The. Citizen thus speak s of th e entertainment on the. first night, MissDeRosset being the only one mentioned by name: We have never listened to so sweet a voice as "that of Miss De Rosset, of Wilmington, who took the leading part of Violet. Her singing of "Tell Me Daisy" was ex quisite, and brought rounds of ap plause, which she gracefully ac knowledged with that dear old Southern song "Way Down Upon the Suwanee River" to the intense delight of all who heard her. ! Of.the presentation on Saturday night the Citizen speaks as follows of all of the young ladies from this city who were represented in the cast: j To the charms of the young ladies from Wilmington who so ably assist ed Mrs. Martin, it is impossible to do justice. It is needless to say that those who have met them'dur ing their short stay here have been completely won by their many at tractions, and they will lea ve be hind them many warm friends and admirers. Miss AnnielDeRosset in the lead ing character of Violet "The Little Tycoon" is: charming in every way. Her voice is 'rich, and remarkably sweet. She sings with much feel ing'and expression, and when add ed to this is her beauty and skill as an actress, there is little to"be' de sired in her performance of the part. Her rendition of the two songs "Tell Me Daisy" and "The Moon Song" elicited rounds of deserved applause and she was encored several times. Miss Amoret 13. Cameron, as Miss Hurricane, displayed much exquis ite grace and j-emarkable talent for acting, approaching many of the best professionels in vivacity and finish and far exceeding them! in grace and daintiness of expression. Her entrance at the opening of the third act in the Japanese dance is the embodiment . of grace, and was received with great applause. Miss Jean ; Cameron and Miss Carrie Myers,iof Wilmington assist ed in the chorus, performing their parts gracefully and skillfully, and j showing thorough dwll and atten tion to their duties. The balance of the cast was made up of.Asheville talent, most . of it well known to our readers. I My boy metlwith a serious acci dent by pulling a can of boiling wa ter over on himself and scalding his face, hands, and arms dreadfully. Having a bottle of. Salvation Oil! in the house I applied it immediately to the parts scalded, (as per direc tions) and am glad to state, that he is now well, and the wounds healed nicely without leaving a scar. Mrs. A. CAMPBELL 2 Uoberts M., liaito. NEW AUVEKTlSEMENTft Insurance Agency. rjiHE UNDERSIGNEfi n.V FORMED A copartnership for the transaction of a General Insurance Business, lnflrm nameof II ARRIS'S & MAC KAY. W. W. HARRISS, " J. J. MAC KAY. i Oct. 1st, 1889. ; ! Oct 15 It Q0AL AND WOOD! . 2.000 Tons Coal OF BEST.VAlilETIES AND SIZES NOW IN STOCK AND: SELLING AT POPU LAR PRICES. ., - - " . 200 Cords Wood OF THE BEST KINDS READY FOR - r PROM PTJDEL1 VERY. . cut lor Stoves, etc., when so preferred. -!- J A SPRINGER. We wui to claa to rccclra c:.:r i::iti jfroa car frlciu ca esy llI tni ejects general mtcrcsS.ttit .' 7! : The name ot the writer must attvay: be nished to the Editor; communications must bo written on but one sioe; pi;tM WPtt,; -. "4i v. Personalities raxBt fc avoiibi -M f : And it is esieaally .ana i'utlCuMlt under the viewa of wiTesponaeir:cn. stated ui'the.ealtoilal'imnna-.',- i . r" 1STE W ApV lUTlSEriNTS. arters T70R APPLES. CAKHAfilc--srTnTise h ac 1 ". v .1 . kets. Brooms,- Vinegar, PeaclTaod Apple Cider." Lorth Water SL,:'nmingt$,'N. v. oct tf d&w , r.(st oopy r,. & .r ucle(s;Jiiiiis, Blank Booksr Stajfionety, SCUO0L SUPPLliES.;ac. ' 1 X t:t? Full Stock ! Botfopi' Prices ! 1 - Wilmington PPriip'y, 1 1 NORTH WAiidtXl ; . 1 j. 1 " ,i -jutt-i; t ,t ,- 0- Hyaciritft rr. rpULIPS, CROCUS, FRBESIAS, ANfONI, At JAME1S D.. NJJTTJJJ.t 4ft ; OCt 10 tt The Druggist Notice. TTAVINQ OPENED A FIRST-CLASS BAK-- jla-kky at store No. 130 Marker-street. I would be glad to have my : friends fand the public generally to call, las L-guarantee to M l- -I 1m.- vnto a 4- M.U m . jveep iiuuiiug juju nuai . is iiuji. -i. luive my Bread and cakes baked every day. Respectfully; , octHlw . i W.'-A. PATTEN. " Is it Mattress,1 Matras' or nr-iijn i v ' .if. Our friend; MW.Sll. Cumming, ,of th6"A Mattress Factory, says Tie ' hsarCeclu -cated people pron6rnde; the name of this kind of.eddino; in so many different- ways that he is-gettipgn;xjjpiis;t6. know which" is right, tt-exalls the word ''MATTRESS"; and authorizes. u. . to ;ft'oER: for him a Pp.IZE to the one who will first show JiinVa good authority for any otherlspell ing or , pronunciation TJie PRIZE is to be given 'frris way: A IEDUCTIONtOF 10 PER CENT;t'frwrj1f his regular prices to the. diie jifst sending in the infortnatibn desired on' any -lorxlSt Tor' goods in his line, which "shall accompany information. '"This is a liberal offer and:-should be taken -up. 'm 't 4- Almond Meal Soap. FOR THE COMPLEXION. IOHLY RECOMMENDEh FOU WUITEN- log, softening and beautifying .the akin and removing tan, dlscoloratlons or. other Im purities. For sale by - . :; MUNUS BROTHERS,' , sep 21 tf ... .. lot at, rrenUJL . rooticjeij J HAVE REMOVED MY "lApKYWtOM Market street to North FronF bj'tAfWa Chest nut and Mulberry, where I-wiil-Vi pleased to see all of my friends aiid 'flic yhblltf gen erally. -.' san'lee,'-,; oct 8 lm . Proprietor 'Clilnesl; laundry. . The Carolina : Insuranctpmpany ' ' . ,". . li " . ; iS TIIEONLiT nV Jmmtt. "Ccrapiny h ijrori t.fari I fail . HAVING A-it-' i SPECIAL DEPOSIT FOR THE PR6TECTlpNlqP;g; POLICY H0LfiMs .:rt : i 1TV Ilk IT FURNISHES trf if r" Perfcctlj fafe' mmftHlffi 3 hit . And solicits the, patronage ptihijo i. tntyilty. 'J' v ay. WILLplMS.Tjsldf nt. SL 8. WJLLARD, SCcrc(ao ' ; oct 7 tf - . . . 1 n . -..-Kt-iZy mcnu