nvndni4 cures JAver Complalnfl VLXmXMAJM. munttm Affection and Ii Cwrtfwxn. At drnggista. Price 25 cts. hie SALWTIOFJ Price only 25 cents. Sold by alt druggists.) Believes quickly Rheumatism, neu ralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Lumbago, Sprains, Headache, toothache, Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Sores, Backache, &c. rmi-irtLANGE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco An GnClY tidote! Price 10 Cts. At all druggists. The dyspeptic, tbe de?lli tated, wheth er from excess of worlt of mind or Ixxly, driiils or exposure in Malarial .Regions,, will find Tutt's Pills the most srcnial restorative ever offered the snf ferine invalid- i Try Them Tairfyo A vigorous body, pare blood, strong? nerves and a cheerful mind will result. SOLD EVERYWHERE. VOICE from Ohio. Here is portrait of Mr. Garri son, of Salem, Ohio. He write, : VWas at work on a farm for SSO a month; I now have an agency E. C.Allen & Co albums nnd pu on ion, and often make giSO a day. (Signed) t W. H. Garrison. William . Kline, Harrisburg, Ta., writes: "1 have uever known anything to sell like your album. Yesterdar I took orders enough to pay me over S$2i.'; W. J. El- fnore, liangor, Ala., writes: I ske an order for your album at rmost every house l visit. My :-- profit i often as muchas!$SO for a single day's work.' Othersarttdoineonlleaa well . sj'we have not space to give ex """tnicts from their letters. Everv on wh($ takes Mold affhls eranrl business j.iles up grand promts. Shall we start YOU in this business, reader T Write tons and learn' all about it for yourself. We art starting many ; we will start yoa if yon don't delay until another gets ahead of you in yokjr part of the country. If you take hold you will be able to pick up rold fast, tif j?Se:il Chi account of a forced manufacturer's sale 1 Sit,000 lr: aiollur Jhotogripli Allillino arrto behold to the people for 3 each. .Bound in. itoyal Crimson silk Velvet l'lusli. Charmingly decora ted insider. liaml.oiiiest nilmiu in the world. Largest fcize. U rent est bargAins ever known. Agents wanted. Liberal terms. Big money for agents. Any ontran become a successful atrent. Sells itself ou si;;lt little or no talking necessary. Wherever shown, every cue wants to pur chase. .Agents take thousands of orders with rapidity uever before Known. Great profits await every worker. Agents are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men. You, reader, can do as well as any one. Full information and terms free, to those who write for same, with particulars and terms for our Family Bibles, Books and Periodicals. After you know all, sboulj-vou conclude to go no further.'why no harm is done. Address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Aigista, JIaie. 7 1880. i ar a m w Harper s jxasrazm. illustrated; Harper's Magazine is te most useful, en tertainlng and beautiful ! periodical in the world. Among: the attractions for 1889 will be a new ffovel an Ameilcantory. entltlPd "Ju piter Lights7' by Constance F. Woolson; illus trations of Shakespeare's pomedies by E. A. Abbey; a series of articles On Russia, illustra ted bv T. De Thulstrup; papers on the Domin ion of Canada and a characteristic serial by Charles Dudley Warner; three "Norwegian Studies.-by Bjornstjerne Bjornson, illustrated; "COmmodus," a historical play by the author of "Ben-Hur," illustrated by J. R. Weguelin. ptc. The Editorial Departments are conducted by (ieorge William Curtis, William Dean :iovei!s .and Charles Dudley Warndr. r H ARP E KS7 PERIOD! CA LSI FKR ykAr: HARPER'S magazine..-.! HARPER'S WEEKLY ARPER'S BAZAR. HARPERS YOUNG PEOPLE.... i Postage Fiee to atl sii'wri'xT. S.ates, Canada, or Mexico, j ...1PU0 4 cm i 00 2 00 iu i.'ir Unite The volHmes of the Magazine begin wit h t he Numbers for June and December of each year When no time is spec! lied, subscriptions will oegin with the Number current at time of reT celpt of order. "j Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three years back, in neat cloth binding', will lx? sent by mail, post-paM, on receipt of 5 00 per volume. Cloth cases for binding1, 50 cents each by mall post paid, ? Index to Harper's Magazine. Alphabetical, Analytical and classified,;! or volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, IHottj to June, 1K.S5. one vol., 8vo. Cloth, H 00. Remittances should be made by Post-ofii e Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xwospaperit aiv not to roji'i tfiix ado'rfint'-iiu'H ithaut trip expi rss orfrrof Harper & Brothers Address HAUPKU & BROTHERS. nov ir i New York T8S9. " r i Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. . ; Harpek's Wkeklt nasi a well-established jplaco as the leading Illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorial Com ments on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of, all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its iite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, . fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range -of tastes and pursuits. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense Is spared to bring the highest order of artist ic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A new work of fiction from the pe in of William Dean flowells. and one by; Charles King, will be among the leading features of the Weekly iori889.. HARPEJTS "PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY. . . . ; HARPER'S MAGAZINE. HARPER'S BAZAR : HARPEK'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. Portage Free to all subscrinoi s States, Canada, or Mexico. $4 0 4 4 00 2 00 in the UniUd The Volumes of the Weekly be-In with the first. TMiimrwr tor. Jannnrv nf 5vh vror U'liPn no Ume 13 mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of Bound volumes of Harper's Weekly, for i three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be: nt tov .mail. TKsr5fi -nsilrt. rr hviTim5 frw i laid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does le ireisrnt aoes not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 Oo per voL ' Cloth. Cases for each' rolxune. suitable for; binding, rtll be sent byi mail, post-paid, on j receipt of $1 00 each. j ; Kemirxances snouid be made by Post-office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Aeicfjxipersarenottocopvmis aatxvtisemen l'-' L"TT 1 it iipt ,,,C1 i ew York 1 SOT 5 r- sf C . a . , I tor r v i V Tho -Dsolsr Bsviow. Josh"."t. Jamks, Editor & Prop'r. Wilmington. N. C. SATURDAY. GOTO 'HER 20. 1&S9. Entered at the Postomce at Wilmington, N.C.r as second-clas3 matter. M. Joseph Diiffniol, Mr. Vander- bilt's ex-cook says that he and air. Viiriderbilr, belong to two very dif ferent civilizations. The cook has giveu-up his $10,000 job and return ed to Paris, lie ad.nits that he. was a failure in New York and attri butes his failure to the inefficiency of the servants. M.' Dugniol says the secret of a snccessful dinner is expressed in these few words: "Feed your guest well, serve him assidu ously, but not officiously, and he departs with his solf-esteein raised, as he attributes your solicitude to your perception of his importance " ti f-i ,;v. nrk in. D.UI"1, , " yasion of cholera. It is , raging at Bagdad and has spread to the Eu - ph rates and Tigris. It is now ap- Tfii.i whiVh has several tiiues been the point of departure of cholera for Europe coining from H indostan., Reshdbr Reshtisa town of Persia in the Province pt Gdilan, on the Gal.f of Enzeli, an indentation on the Cas pian Sea. The port of Reshd is Enzeli, which is in direct commiinU oation by a line of steamers with Baku, a town at the eastern ex tremity of the Caucasus, and via this route the cholera would make its wav into Russia. , i I " : Alt'l rough English and American excavating parlies in Assyria have been unusually hampered this ye.ir by the authorities, the results of twelve months are ai;d to be exceed- iriiTiV valuable. Almost the whole! of SiMinaeherib's great palace at Konyuiijik has now j lun cleared out, including the .library andeham- bers, and the result j is that some! 1,700 new table!-', etc, have been secured tor the tfritish ftluseuui. The Americans were rehitively for tunate so far as finding things went, but they got into trouble with the Arabs and were obliged to abandon the work and'seek refuge in Bagdad. Kaiser Wilhelm is not contented with the imperial crowns his grand parents wore and which date no further back! than 1872, and so is having new ones made for himself and the Empress. His weighs three pounds and has a huge sapphire at the top and contains 100 diamonds. His wife gets no sapphire, but has some l,ouo diamonds and 11 unusual ly large pearls. Konigsberg has pricked up her ears at the news of these diadems, and begins again to nurse hopes that William will come to that ancient roy;l city to be crowned, as all . his ancestors have done. If anyi plans, however, have been formed for a coronation cere- nony they are very closely guarded. Mrs. Margaret J. Preton, the Vir inia poetess,1 is not blind, as several newspapers Have announced, but she is suffering from the merciless t m a use oi uer eves m ner generous el- forts to help Southern literature in the years which followed the civil war. This incessant Work, day and night, wore out her. eyesight, and for ten years Mie has been compelled to dictate her. literary work, and also her letters, to a type-writer. In spite of this great drawback, she brought out three books! last year. She is now 70 years of j age, but she works still. Her husband, Cof. J. T. L. Preston, is a professor at the Virginia Military Institute, at Lex ington, Va. lie was a classmate of Edgar A. Poe at private school in Richmond, as far back as 1823. j- Gathered Hoses. "We thought her dying when she . slept, And sleeping when she died." But the bitterest sting of such a sorrow is to think she might have been saved! iThey saw the rose fade !n her cheek and the eye grow dim. ad they but kno mi of Dr. Pierce's SJolden Medical Discovery, who can bell but slie might still be with them, :he,sunshiue of theirj home. Take the remedy jin time,! and youill ind that consumption (which is crofula of the lungs) can be cured. The "Discovery" is guaranteed to ;ure in all j cases of diseases for which it is recommended, or money aid for it will be promptly refund"- d i , . Example is more precept. Cecil. forcible than A DUTV TO YOURSELF. It is 'surprising .that people will use a common, ordinary pill when 1 . ...',. 1 .' t,l ir I 1 'J Crtl ,er4,ul " &ur1?'1 One lOf ttlB Sailie lllOIieV. I Jr. ACK- Ler's English pills are a positive cure ! j fur jpj. headache and all liver ' trouoies. ineT are fsuiau. sweer, ; easily taken and do not gripe, i - .. -. t Sold 5 -i bv Munds Bros-. drugirists. Have You a Corijch ? Attend to it in timd do not neg lect it-for it may become seriousand iend in Consumption. Young's Cough. Ualsaui will cure all Uiseasea ot ;tne Throat ana li.ungs. For sale by Mundi Brother? "Tho Now Discovery. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking" about it. You may yourself be .one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the won derful thing about it is, that when once given a tria, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. -If you have never used it and should., oe amicteu witn a i. ..M.nTK. T.,n Chest trouble, secure a hntf a tt once and give it a fair trial. - It is guaranteed every time, or money re funded. Trial Bottles Free at Rbt. R. Bellamy's drug store. OCTOBER ODUS. In his loneliness the teamster tells his horses of his whoas. Railroad men report collections dull. Nearly all trains are com pelled to run on time. ,The water-lily keeps its head above water about as well as any thing we think of. "Good morning, Mr. Good; you've I . : l t - 1 1 ... ,1 : ,J i i an I veil, x sav. nuw uiu yuu lfitvo ! vour wife?1' "I left her talkin'." , - fc every. cbailtry. that-has, juke tne United States, the free i choice of a national bird.. Russia i would be a turkey gobbler, if she dared. Stern Parent (to a. young appli cant for his daughter's hand): Young man, can jyou support a family? Young Man (meekly): I only wanted Sarah. ! x- "Aren't you ashamed to be seen lighting with that brutal Jenkins bov on the street?" asked Johnnie's irate mother. "Ashamed?" repeated Johnnie, in surprise. "Ashamed? No. why should I be? I licked him." Says a physician: "Good health demands that the mouth be closed while asleen." We have known instances where a uian'rf health w-juld have been materially improv ed if he had Kent his - mouth closed awake. , Salt Itlieum i i With its intense itching, dry, hot 'skin, often broken into painful cracks, and the little watery pirn nle.s, often causes indescribable suf ferimr. Hood's Sarsanarilla has wonderful power over this disease It purifies the blood and expels the humor, and the skin heals without a scar. .Send for book containing manv statements of cures, to C. I Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.. We often console ourselves for being unhappy by a certain pleas ure that we tind in appearing so. PKOPLK EVERYWHERE Confirm our statement when we say that Acker s fc.nghsh Kemedy is in everv way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and fJronn it is maiic and relieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Reme dy is sold on a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. It is better to sacrifice one's love of sarcasm than to indulge it at the expence of a friend. CAUTION TO MOmEKS. Every mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum or pare goric; it creates an unnatural crav ing for stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother, is specially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. A well in the south, from which a strong breeze rushed for years, has suddenly taken to spouting water. Consumption Surely Cured. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases liave been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy, free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York.' : The Chief Reason for the great sue cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla is found in Xh9 article itself. It is merit that wins, and tlid fact that Ilood's Sarsaparilla actually ao-' eompllshes what is claimed for it, Is what oas lven to tis medicine a popularity and 8:116 greater than that of any other sarsapa- rilla or blood puri fier before the public- IVIorit WinQ Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors Dyspepsia Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That TJred Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens tho Nerves, builds up the Whole System, flood's Sarsaparilla. is sold by all drug-, gists. $1; six for $5. Prepared by C I. Hood b Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass , Janl lyrfl&wnrm , V fmws 91 The Fall Courts. The Fall terms of Superior Courts in this State will be as follows: First' (Edenton) District Judge Kilmer Currituck. Sept, 2; Cam den, Sept. 9; Pasquotank, Sept. 1G; Pprnuiruans.SeDt. 23:Chowan, Sept. 30: Gates, Oct. 7: Hertford, Oct. 14; Washington. Oct. 21: Tyrrell, ' Oct. 28: Dare, Nov 4: Hyde, Nov. 11; Pamlico, Nov, 18; Beaufort, Nov. 25. Spp.nnd f Halifax) District J udge Rovkin Warren. Sept; 16: North " 1 i - - CI ,-L. Ort. 771 .1 1 amnion, oe ut. ou LUKeuuuuir, uci. ' lit Lici tic. i , w . . - i : . ikT. rer uraven. nov. zo. Third (Wilson) District Judge MacRae Martin, Sept. 3, Dec. 2; Pitt, -Sept. 16; Greene, Sept. 30 Vance, Oct. 14; Wilson, Oct. 23; Franklin, Nov. 11; Nash, Nov. 18. Fourth (Raleigh) District Judge Arm field Harnett, Aug. 5, Nov. 25; Johnson. Aug. 12, Nov. 11; Wayne, Sept. 9, Oct. 14; Wake, Sept. 23, (criminal term) Oct. 22 (civil term). Fifth (Hillsboro) District-Judge Graves Granville, July 22, Nov. 25; Orange, Aug. 5, Nov. 11; Person, Aug. 19, Nov. 18; Guilford, Aug. 26; Dec. 6; Chatham, Sept. 30: Durham, Oct. 14; Alamance, Oct. 23. Sixth (Wilmington) District -Judge Bynum Duplin, Aug. 5, Nov. 25; Lenoir, Aug. 9, Nov. It: Pender, Sept 9; " New Hanover,' Sept 23; Sampson, Oct. 7, Dec, 9; Carteret, Oct. 21;Jones,Oct. 28:Onslow,Nov. 4. Seventlv (Fayetteville) District Judge Shipp Cu nberland, July 22, Nov. 11; Columbus, July 29; Moore, Aug. 12, Oct 28; Anson, Sept. 2, Nov. 25; Brunswick, Sept. 9; Rich mond, Sept. 16, ' Dec. 2; Robeson, Sept. 30three weeks term); Bladen, Oct. 21. f Eighth(Salisbury) District Judge Merrimon Iredell, Aug. 5, Nov. 4; Rowan, Aug. 19. Nov; 18; Davidson, Sept. 2, Dec. 2; Randolph, Sept. 16; Montgomery, Sept. 30; Stanly, Oct. 14: Cabarrus, Oct. 28. Ninth (Winston) District Judge Brown Rockingham July 22, Nov. 4; Stokes, Aug. 5, Nov. 11; Surry, Aug. 19, Nov. 18; -Alleghany, Sept. 2; Wilkes, Sept. 9; Yadkin, Sept, 23; Davie, Oct, 7; Forsyth, Oct. 21. Tenth (Morgantou) District Judge Phillips Henderson,,July 15; Burke, Aug. 5; Ashe, ;Aug. 19; Wa tauga, Aug. 26; Caldwell, Sept. 2; Mitchell, Sept. 9; Yancey, Sept. 23; McDowell, Oct. 7. Eleventh (Charlotte) District, Judge -Connor Catawba, July 15; Alexander, 'July 29; Cleveland, Aug. 5, Oct. 21; Mecklenbnrg, Aug. 26; Union, Sept. 16: Lincoln, Sept, 30; Gaston, Oct, ?l Rutherford, Oct, 28; Polk, Nov. 11. i Twelfth (Asheyile) District Judge Clark Madison, July 29,Nov. 18: Buncombe, Aug. 12, Dec. 2; Transylvania, Sept. 2; Haywood, Sept. 9; Jackson, Sept. 23; Macon, Sept, 30; Clay, Oct. 7; Cherokee, Oct. 14; Graham, Oct. 28; Swain, Nov. 4. CHI CHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYBQTOLP ILLS RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. Safe Qa alvay reliable. ladleSf uk Drageiat for Diamond Brand, In red, met&llio Doxca, seaiea witn oiae nooon. iin no ovner. au puis in pasteboard bozea, pink wrappers, are danscFsai eouaterfeltsw Send 4e. (stamps) for particulars, testimonials an! f Relief for Ladle," in letter, by return mall, namtfaper. Chichester Cnem'l Co., Badlson SqH FhUkira; Still on Deck E VERYnOUY OF TB 12 MALE PERSUA- slon visiting Wilmington during the En campment is cordially invited to call and have a Shave, or a Shampoo, or a Haircut, at my establishment, 29 Market street, between Front and Water Only 10 cents for a Shave . m cents ior a snampoo, 'M cents ior a nair cut and 20 cents and upwards for Dyeing.- Kespectiuny, juun weunek, Jy 9 tf , Practical Barber and Perfumer. "CAST WELL PL1CE" FOR SALE. A NY ONE WISniNG TO BE THE HAPPY possessor of. one of the best places in the Stat should own "CANT WELL PLACE." "Cantwell Tlace?' is situated on the W..O. & A. R. R., 17 miles from Wilmington. It has all the attractions for a good country home. Place contains 100 acres of land, a fine $1,200 residence, fine orchards and vineyards, kitch en, dining room, pantry, c, and all that you could wish for to make a fine home. Suitable for any kind of farming, trucking and a splen did place for a canning factory. It Is a SDlen did place for mercantile business. Crorily is within three-fourths of a mile, where $3,500 cash is paid out every, week to hands, &c. i wane to sen: reason ior sening. l am go ing to Western TSorth Carolina. Price of place $2,500 $1,000 cash and balance In one, two, three, four and nve years time. A big bargain. Address J. L. ANDERS, oct 19 2t d&w i Hallsboro, N. C. 1889. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar win continue to maintain its reputation as an unequalled family journal. Its art Ulustrations are of the highest order, its .lterature Is of the choicest kind, and its Fash ion and Household departments . of the most practical and economical character. Its pattern-sheet supplements and; fashion plates alone win save its readers ten times the cost of the subscription, audits articles on decora tlve art,, social etiquette,, house-keeping, cook ery, etc. , make it Indispensable to every house hold. Its bright short stories and timely es says are among1 the best published; and nota line is admitted to Its columns that could i ' - ; fend the most fastidious taste. Among theat tractlons of the new volume will be serlal3t9 -rles by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett. Mrs Alexander, William Black and Thomas Hardy, and a series ot papers on nursery management by Mrs. Christine Terhune llerrlck. j HARPER'S PERIODICALS PER- YEAR: i HARPER'S BAZAR. ........ j $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE ' 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY. ........ i.. ........ . 400 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. Postage Free to all subscriber Ssate, Canada, or Mexico. 1 I . 2 00 in ITup. United The Volumes of the Bazar begin with tn first Number tor J anuary of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will -be "-.ij with the Number current at tune of receipt of order, ; Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $l OOeach. - r x 1 t . ' Remittances should be made by. Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. 1 vMhtstte exjnvssora of Earner & Brothers! Address . I i A VtVWVt TT DDnntTTma - EOT 15 NCTfTorfc MISCELLANEOUS. The Acme MANUFAGTURIN& CO. MANUFACTURERS OP Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON. N.0 SMSg-gitf O- rpiIS KEPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME anl GEM, is now established, and I J3 'fpedy is taken I the results or three years' use in the nanus or ? S? SfS111 rehef lor the na-,..erei!! the Dear, tariners of thls"and other States will attest their value as a oigrh grade manure -The MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand tor ir. is aauy increasing, it has vir tue3 not -found in any other fabric - . Th FIBKE or wool ts extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as" a tilling for Mattre3ses is almosc equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against, insects. certificates from reliable parties using our gooas can oe seen at our ornce, or wm De mail ea uporiappuo ir.nn. tantr Tho National Life -AND - Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON,. D. C. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - - None HORATIO P.llOWNING, J President. SAMUEL NORMENT,. Treasurer. GEORGE E. Er.."JRIDGEf Secretary,1 Manager an Actuary. geo.;j. eastekday; JAss't Secretary. ssssss. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A uuaranteed Policy. An Ineontestible Policy. r Matunty value in cash at Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years? P. S. KIDDELLE, M. D.? Medical Director! W H. GIBSON. Special Aeent. ' Home Office, central National Bank Building, w aamiigxuu, u. kj. - john iiAAit, jr., Local Agent, oct 2 Wilmington N. C. iomes in North Caroiirra nv. 20 flours Side from New York ! v 9 MlBouiija of lialeif? o . ttf BalGlsrh and Ausrusta Air-Line R B. AOlialP OF IAND - US THE OVf loaf pine region . For sale on easy terms ii lots to ault -purchasers. our aorei iot '2( Larger tracts $5 per acre, -In monthK pa tnentaof10. Thla land adjoins the 'ouU- em Pines", a recently established health re sort (ot sanitarium), and la specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all the cereals. A number of N5"w England people have bought lota In the town of ysouthern pineh, ; and it is the desiro of the owners ot this land to In duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle 8tates, as wen as elsewhere, to locate here. o state u the Union offers ; greater Inducements o set tlers than North Carolina- o where can better tannine country or as fine a climate be found. This is the opinion of Northern men who have settled in North Carolina. This 1f bonafldt offer, and Is limited - - - " r " - a or further particulars write at once to 1 JOHN T-Jf ATiiICK, i Commia'r of Immhrratlon, Raleigh, N. C , or B. A. RICHARDSON. ?r tan 21 tf Chronicle Offlo r :i8t Pi; JTsnly Tior, "Weakiy-ss or Lcs of '"Memory tei Xajie itly Tefctored by the use of -an entirely uev . rm . x j . m 1 . n xrocnecs never tan. uuriiiu6tnited.5aDace bool 'd testimonials, (sent eealed. Every man shouli ad it. VON GRAEF TROCHEE CO cki 59 Park I'Lace. fieir York. , . tTei POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C., Two and a Half Miles West of Greensboro, N. C rphe main line of the It. & D. Ii. - R. passes through the grounds and within' 100 feet of the office. Salem trains mafcestops regular twice aaiiy eacn way. xnose . interestea in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery In the State, and one of the largest m the South. : l stocK consists : or Apples, : peach. Pear, Cherry,-Plum. Japanese Persimmons. Apri- cotsr Nectarines, Mulberries, Quince, Grapes, Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries Currants, Pie .riant, jfingusa wainut, pecans, encstnut. Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens Shade Trees. &c. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 Will ShOW. : s ' " " V r. Give your orders to my authorized agent or oraer aireci irom me xsursery.: - correspondence solicited. Destrlptlve-Cata- logue free to applicants. , AddreSS j ir- -. j J. VAN LINDLEY, - ! i - - - POMONA, Guilford CO., N. C tw Reliable Salesman wanted In Tevery County. A good paying commission will be gl i : ' u y Summer B ard LEASANT COUNTRY BOARD, TWO miles from Llncolnton Dajly malL bne;free visit to Llncolnton daily, if desired. : ' Table satisfactory, with abundant supply of Meats, Vegetables and Fruit. . ' '? Cool, pleasant rooms. $30 per month. Chll dren leas. Address MRS. J. M. RICHARDSON, I woodsiae, Llncolnton, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. Pnrtfter VSl terauvtj in 8;- vanish loathing of food tlu to' lNTEMPEa'i ?Lnlarge75c?;VYE than this article. PutupiniVYE ties. Sample packages iu tff t j address on recefeu by mai iq stamps. The resuarli 'Pt Of 10 fortnran, sent by mail. MEXIUAN MPrnr?,n,M)t b 400 North Srt St ttPlClNE in? 400North3dSt., Philadelnhik V UP W BIRD LIAI'IKA! k . o '"senin, . Rood condition. If eivon tn , ? Ihux u cases carry the little musician wH"&o4t critical period Hi WithUtlOSSOf ionftXJ T : 'OOD CO.. 400 N. Srd St. Phu&. Bttfi '.ease m ention this paper. , ,. Tf8 ept tuth ut - . ' Can learn the exact cost pi anj proposjtt .line cf advertising in American Papers-. "by addressin? Geo. P. Howell & Co.,: n -":' Ul Newspaper Advertising Bureau, V IO Spruco St.; New York. . 5eod 1 0 cts. for. IQO-page Pmph) ' & POSITIVE MSTrTAnnro iroc fiTTRB?? of Bodysjii EiadiU, nuun!, nooi nu.inwu rniiy itwtorM. Ilsirtolalsmt 8tren4tkeBWXlK,i!(DKrELOPKD OR0U8 FAlTSef vli AbMtatol n(kilin UOUt TKJUTMUT-Mi ts h Be tostlqr tfm 47 States, Tcrritariss, aal fnitCto 100 caa writ them.' ' Book, fall sinlsastioa, tai pmH md Mkj fcw . Ad.4rta, ! ttE4lCAU8,l3lmi,, If BOt Bead for DOG BUYERS' rv: 7CJriiE, cxnUininf eolorod pl&tM, Mt 100ei4traTiiyricf di?erat breads, prices xaaf aaa wann, ana wnere w 3. buy tbem. DictioM to Training V ' Xos8ndBrMdiscerreta. UiWd I w ior in fjents. aim vnts 01 vtg FornUuinr !1 ot 3 kiodi Then BBBklfar fntMlenl POUl J i 4 r , TRyBOOtt.JOOpnesjtess.V ' faftu cwloid plate t Mcrn.Tiotr 1 of neub &D kinda of Towle: deocn'D- .n - tiona of ihft breed: how to CRDoniza: 1 1 piana ior voanxy oogamy uuukuuui chont irvmbaiorii. a.nd nhrrfl to bov 7 Sgg irom pest Btocis. t Mw r from t per lttinsr oena tot .'ia srni , 111 vu ,1:1s If 0 lUuf.1 tnttloB Treatme: loml platckl otsilkiMiUc! Dtandbredixic hirda. let Tilftiuaim and and their core.' Bow to bmld l.tock an Ariary. AU 5 A Cent9.. The Tore 906. 40 Cts, & -ASS6CIATEt FAcrfiits. 289 Sooth Eighth Stmt, Philadelphia, ft. Lime. Li mei LIMB in exchange for PBOYISIONS,; LIME LIME LIME LIME UMK GROCERIES. " DRYG0ODK HARDWARE " LUMBER. . CASH. FItENCH BKOS.. KockyP11' sept On Corn, Peanuts . : and Potatoes fllRY CARBONATE OF LIME, MIXED W RE ULT3 ASTONISHING. : Addref: ' " 'FEESCHEBOi. Eockv Point V-f University of North Carolina ''CHAPJSIi UlLh, 5. c npHE NEXT SESSION BEGINS SI 1 '--'-.-' " v 5d Literature, Science,, PhUosopW Tuition 130 per session. For Catalogues, Ac, address, r : : . t -X.:-A. noN. KEMP P, BAi", JyStf ThaNorth.CaroliDa1 mi 1 k 1 .1 nnciw t tri ana- aevoveu w rrae."' r1 spiritual interests ffiSffiS r it. niJTTihers among Its cornxy-r yr of thry besrwrirers or hvtOTlan Church.l 16 IS "REi;?We tf"1 on quesflons of doctrme, quesuon5- spoken in Its views onaUop & awsandlavltesfreediscassiu stantiy advancing. It is The Paper fbrtfierS and present inltiun and instruct all ages, ciaa- of the people. m gg. or for one , . fnrMt propnetor, 1 m ; The frreat secret of tho canar vs..,. of the Hart Mountains in Gem . wanna win restore the sonir of caK:, ADVERTISERS 11 Mr, I 11,

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