THIS TAPER . every ewnin. Sundays excepted, W .inoSB. POSTAGE PAID: b jtioc fli montfca 12.01 Tnree rrJJ fl.oo. one montn, 33 cents. 10051 " slivered oy carriers, free 154 P ,n in part of t ne city, at the above orWwni3i tf rM iow and liberal. iirertWJ1Wi will please report any and suWive their paper regularly. frrtarea"" presents in the most elegant form . LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUIOE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal rirtues of plants known to-be oost beneficial to the human srstem. forming an agreeable Jid effective laxative to perma iitly cure Habitual Consti Jatioa, and the many ills de-' pending on a weak or inactive couditioiiof the HONEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. ;t U the ir.ost excellent remedy known to MIKSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is EJious or Constipated so -rp.T URE tLOOD, REFRE8HIMQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Ever- one is using it and all are delighted with it. . ac YOU9 DRUGGIST FOR MANUFACTURE? ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. HAS FtiAWiSCO. CAL, VUMVIUF. . NEW YORK. AT. Y For s aU1 by KOISCRT R BELLAMY. WHOLESALE PKUCGIST, null -y, ly .tvr Wilmington. N. C. HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; ftey are true to their names, full measure nd highly concentrated. auj23diw6m cod nrm KT O T(I OB ! SOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YODK Fall and Winter y 4 Olo-tlxxxisr fUEATEIi THAN THE CHEAPEST. B'-ys and Children's' SUITS A SPECIALTY, AD SOLD AT. Mew York PrlceD. Ciliatoncc and be convinced. Donnpor Set(Miritnfor TEST 1JUOADWAY BLOCK IN SILK n.vrs only aa.oo. B. F. PEN N Y, THE CLOTHIER,' : 110 Market Street. 17 tf J-W.ATKINSON. ; i 'resident. W. P. TOOMER. Casnler. wngton Savings & Trust Co.. 108 FRINCESS ST- WILMINGTON, N. C, Pav. i Lenda Money cn satisfactory. ecurtty, 5KL.nt.?Pest on Deposits. Is empowered to "te i rusts of all kinds. . men 29 tf H. CR0NENBERG, PHOTOGRAPHER, . jHTlSTlc AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED oTapna at reasonable prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. llStf I163tf Market St.. Souta side. Christmas. Cards, QHHisTMAS NOVELTIES, PORCELAIN. oS? A ,fev handsome Plusn Cases. All 5e rniS wltn care and veT reason- dwi.f MUNDS BROTHERS, LL' " 104 N. Front St, Table Board. ! ?EW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM MO OZ;a . 224 N. THIRD BT n VOL X1Y. IjOOAIj 2STE"WS. 1KDEX TO nbw AbVERTiawiiwrra J D kctt Druggist Mcnds Bros Pharmacists W M CritMiNG Mattresses OrERi. HorsE Kate Claxton II A London Important sale Opera. XIocsk Princeton Glee Club J For other local see fourth page. Laundry Ironing Stoves- are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. e now have the best Pocket i Scissor made. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Only two small cases before the Mayor to-day and they were not worth reporting. TheL'Arioso Pleasure Club will give a Christmas gerraan at Concor- dia Hall to night. Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and amuinnition of all kinds forsale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. MK W. L.Lucas.of Durham, is here for the holidays on a visit to his brother, Mr. A. F. Lucas. It is said that more money was spent for fireworks this season than at nnyS Christmas for many years past. You will find a nice assortment of Rifles at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make vour bov happy. f Hearting Stoves of all kinds and size8-We will give you substantial goods and low prices. !N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. " f Nearly all of the weekly papers in the State suspended for Christmas and hence their next issues will bo dated in 1890. New Iliver oysters are scare. . It doesn't pay to bring them here when the weather is as warm as it has been of late. Keep yonr bloody pure and you will not have 'rheumatism. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood.and tones the whole svstem. The ladies will give a grand New Year's ball at the Oi ton House to, strangers now visiting in th eity, gentlemen as well as Indies. The children of St. John's Sunday School had a Christinas Party, this afternoon in the school house next North of St. John's Church. The Raleigh Call and Visitor took three days for Christmas and the Ncivs and Observer suspended for two days, just as the Rkvikw did. The Princeton Glee and Banjo Club will give a concert in the Opera House on next Monday night. The box sheet is now open at Yates'. Rev. Dr. Pritchard will preach at the SeamenVHethel Sunday even ing at 4 o'clock. Seamen and the public generally are invited to at; tend. Cutlery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line tbat you can possibly desire, and our prices are the lo est. Drop in ami look at our assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. A Christmas tree was given at the Brooklyn Baptist Church last night to the children of theSunday school, It was under the management of Mr. J. W. Taylor, -the 8uerititens dent of the school, amlmany hearts were made glad at what they saw and received.- The Robert Portner Brewing Co. are now manufacturing a new brand J of beer, called "Culinbacher," and some' old beer drinkers pronounce it even better than the excellent Tivoli and Cabinet brands. It is made from imported hops and costs mbre to 'the manufacturer. The girls will have their fireworks as well as the boys. They are to give a ball pouclre (now what does that mean bat a powder ball?) at the Orton House on next Tuesday night, New Years' Eve. Mesdaines Charles M. Stedmau, Jno. " W. Atkinson, James Sprunt and Pembroke Jones will chaperone the party. Mr. Preston L. Bridgers gave a . rooster nartv'Mast night, to a num-' ' ber of his friends, at Mr. Pembroke ' ! Jones' place on Wrightsvilla. There - were present some forty qrflfty gen. J tlemen. . There was a fine spread and a genuine good time. A spec-1 ial train on the Seacoast R. . R. ! brought the party back to the city ' about 1 o'clock this morniug: ' r WILMINGTON, N C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 Col. W. 1. Canaday, Sergeant at j Arms of (he United States Senater, j is here for the holidays. ; Mr. Alex. T. London, of Mont- j gomery, Ala., is here on a visit to j his father, Mauger Loudon, Esq. Let us be thankful that no unto- ward accident and no disaster by e .llf oc5Urred to ar thepleasnt Chiistmas season here. i iuu can m mi sites 111 iroou nuu xr j. -ii t " i heavy Canton Flannel Drawers at 50 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, No. 122 Market street. t f The influenza has not yet reach, ed Wilmington but if this warm,dry unseasonable weather continues there is no knowing what may happen. A meeting of the Ladies' Benev" olent Society was held thid after noon at 4 o'clock for the. purpose of adOpt ingresolutions expressiveof the sense of the Society at the death of Mrs. Kennedy. See ad. of Mr. H. A. London, in this issue, giving notice of the sale, on Friday, January 24th, of an un divided half of the large brick building on North Front street, next South ot the Purcell House. Jay Gould's wonderful new yacht will, it is said, be most completely and elegantly furnished. Among other useful and indispensable things ordered for it was a box of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. CJen. Manning, Sheriff of the county, treated the prisoners of the County Jail to a splendid Christmas dinner on Wednesday. There was plenty of turkey, pig, pie, pudding &c with all of the necessary side issues. Cornelius Harnett Council 231, Royal Arcanum, will celebrate the anniversary of the Council on the 13th of January, prox. The Rev. F. W. K. Peschau has consented to do -liver the address, and further ar rangements will be announced here after. GlatUlenins Their Toang ltoart. The hearts of the children of the McTyeire Mission School, in the Southern part of the city, were made glad and happy at a Christ mas Tree festival given them in the City Hall last night. It was under the management of Mr. Jas. F. Post' Jr., the Superintendent of the school, assisted - by the King's Daughters of Grace M. K. Church. The school consists of about 75 child ren and nearly all of these were present. Masonic Installation, The public installation of the offi fpr nf St. JrlinK f.ndfre No. 1. WiK mington Lodge No. 319 jind Orient Lodge No. 395, A. F. & A.' M., will take place tonight at the Opera House, at 8:30. o'clock. The order of Exercises will be as follows. Invocation by Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., Chaplain; Music under the direction of Mr. E. P. Boatwright "Arise, shine, for tliy light U come"; Installation of ofll fcers by Messrs. H. II. Munson, Past Grand Master, and E. S. Martin. Acting Grand Marshal; Music 'Charite": Address by Hew C. L. Arnold, Chaplain Orient Lodge, No. 393, introduced by Mr.. Sol. C. Weill' Masonic Hymn; Doxology "Be Thou, Oh God, Exalted High." The committee of arrangements consists of Mr. II . P. West, Chair-, man; Mr. Isaac Bear, Mr.J.C, Chase, Col. W.C. Jones, Dr. J. F.Matthaws, Capt W. P. Oldham, Dr. W. E. Storm and Messrs. M. S. Willnrd add S. P. McNair. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to be presentand witness these installation exercises." At the close of the exercises a coN lation will be served and at this only members and their ladies 'and invited guests will be present. In this connection we are requested to state that members of the fraternity who want extra tickets can procure tjiem from the committee. V If you don't want to disgust every body with your offensive breath cure vour Catarrh upon which it, .depend3. $500 reward is offered by ,the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ch :arrh Remedy for a casa of Catarrh which they cannot cure. It is sold by druggists; 50nts1 Refte.hic a mviKorttnfir Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut newj soda fountain At a temperature of t U. Purest Fruit 8yrup,Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. . I Forecasts. For North Carolina, fair weather on Friday and Saturday and lower temperature. tJratifyins to All. The high position attained and j the universal acceptance and ap-) proval of the pleasant liquid ' fruit j reined' Syrop of Figs, as the most , ... ,. . ' , . . i the value of the qualities on which r . ; . 1 , , , ' ; its success is based and are abun! dantly gratifying to the California J Vig Syrup Company. - , PntThem Out oCSisbt. Mr. E. T. Coghill, superintendent of the Telephone .Exchange here has sent in a communication to the Board of Aldermen,, for considera tion at the regular -meeting on the first Monday in January, calling at tention to the rather indiscriminate wayin which the telephone and elec tric light wires are getting mixed up here. We append an amendment and suggest that the Board take the buli by the horns, promptly and at once, and require all wires put un der the ground. The necessity for this is already becoming apparent and in a few years' time, at recent rates of progression, it will be found absolutely necessary to do this. Death ofKev. Joseph AVheelcr- His friends hero have received-a telegram announcing the death of this divine at King's Mountain, N, C. He was a good man and had been a faithful and acceptable itin erant Methodist preacher for at least 40 years past but was on ac count of his declining health placed upon the superannuated list by the last session of the North Carolina Annual Conference. In the earlier years of his ministry he served the Fifth StrTet Methodist Church in this city on two different occasions and for the past two years served the church at Fayetteville. His fiist wife was a native o.f this city and was a sister of MrsAV. H. Shaw of this place, and Thos. H. Sutton1 Esq., -of Fayetteville. Until Hie Ttesurrwt ion Mom. All that was' mortal of the-venerated Mrs. 0. (i. Kennedy was laid away to vest yesterday in Oakdale Cemetery. The funeral services took place at Grace M. E. Church and the spacious edifice was throng, ed to its utmost capacity. The church was appropriately and be comingly decorated in mourning. The services were conducted by! Rev. Mr. Creasy and Rev. Mr. Swindell, of theMethodistE.Chu.rch, and at the grave prayer was offer, ed by Rev. Robert Strange, of St.! James' Episcopal Church. Mr Creasy presented a floral tribute from the Sunday school of-, Grace Church, and Mr. Swindell a similar offering from the Ladies' Missionary Society of that Church. The Ladies' Benevolent Society, of which Mrs. Kennedy was President, attended the funeral in a body. The pall bearers were :Col. Roger Moore, Mr. W. M. Poisson, Capt. A. L. De Rosset, Dr W. G.. Thomas, "Hon. George Davis, Mr. James F. Post' Jr., Capt, Chas. D. Myers and Col. W. L. DeRosset. Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain, has "no. equal. Per sons suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia, or from cuts, bruises, sprains, &c, should not be without it. Cures .are effected in an incredi bly short time. Price only twenty five conts a bottle. For. sale by al! druggists. NEW A t V E ItT IS KXL UN T8. OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, DEC. 28TH ' - - : Kate Clax ton's LATEST AND GREATEST SUCCESS, "BO0TLES' BABY." Original cast of characters, including Miss GABRIELLE DUG A OLD AND Mr. CLAHENCE nANDYSIDE. Box Sheet opened at Yates' Book Store t his (Friday) morning. dec27 2t For Rent- STOKE WITH DWELLING AT ' JiTSn Jtaoned. sroxi -location, situatert on W iajjVVooster street, between Eighth ana I'riiydstnth. - Apply to 1 - . ,1. C. MILLIS, r.10,n T. Davis, 1C KA L. KSTATI2-. AU KN'JP, ' rriucen Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. dec24?t - - ' , 27, 1889. NO 11. NEW AOVEKT1SK01 KKTS j . " - O P E R A H () U o E. f J PRINCETON (JLKE CLUB ONE NIGHT ONLY. . . . COLLEGE THE P1UNCETON GLEE AN1 HANJO CLUB WILL C.IVE A CONCEPT IN THE OPEKA HOUSE ON ; Monday Evening. Decenikr 30tli3 at 8 O'CLOCK. Tickets on safe at Yates' liook-Store'. dec. 27 3t 1 " V" " Important Sale. JgY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE su perior Court of New Hanover Comity. I '".will sell," for Cash, at i. o'clock M. on FRIDAY, the 24tU day of January, 1800, at -the Court House dojir of said county, the one-half undi vided interest of the late Mrs. Sully J. Moore, deceased, in and to certain real estate situate in the city of Wilmington, on Front street. South ot Toomer's Allejr, consisting or that valuable Brick Building now occupied by Louis II. Mearcs and others. H. A. LONDON, . doc 27 Oiiw Aw iri Commissioner. i Oysters and 80 Forth. E VERY DAY IN THE WEEK I OFFER FO"R none but the very b2St and never otter an im- sound oyster. Every backet guaranteed. Also. cy - V1 - - ducts," c. The best of everything and notli- I, i . 1 1 1 1L1 tLCM7l9L i-L t ' f I 1 UllLi 1 I . r HI III lltl ing but tJie Rrst fj. G. A MAN, dec fcjeodif Front Street Market store. I laving boiiiflit the Icantiful for Cliristmas, now come buy the Use ful for New Years,, viz: Mat tresses, Springs, Pillows. W. M. GUMMING. Gash & 3P 3EEL JL O 3SS S 2 20 Per Cent. Less Than Regular Rates. Vou can now find at our Store a choice selection of CAUPETINGS. Our variety includes every grade, from the least expensive ' , - - - INGRAINS TO THE FINEST BRUSSELS AND VELVET. . We have made arrangements with one of the : most .prominent ' We'w York Wholesale Houseo to supply us with samples of all the new designs as they appear, and to mi an our oruers at prices mac -Win enaoie us to- - Sell Yoii Carpets as Low as You Could Buy Then at Any Retail House in New York or Elsewhere. WK SHOW VOIJ THIS T " TlSLlSnBllSr&tt STO OK : by samples of from one-half yard to one yard of any pattern, with the aid of r . ' RICHARDSON'S PATENTED EXHIBITOR, - -- -.-' : -'- : . .- - -"- so constructed that any pattern placed within is multiplied for-an indefinite- spice, and appears as though perfectly matched and fitted to a room. - Selecting Carpets in this way is much : more ''satisfactory, than the old way of - ; . ' . matching loosely upon the 116or," - , : . Requiring no extra room, having no capital lnvestel;nor interest or III3UUUHC uu me 8iuui, iiw i cuii jini tt, iiu uiu stocK or i)aitern3 left :' over, reducing tlie profit, we can afford to send for an get vou any pattern you may selecc at a cheaper price than you ' could buy the same, were you in New York yourself. Any Style or Quality Kequireri, not Found til Our Stock olSam IIcm, Can bo Procured by Kettiru Express. j All orders for CARPETS forwarded to our New York House will It promptly Tilletl and sent bv return express or freight. - : , 1 ... Y rpnectfnllv vomw ' ' - U-J . - . . . , er respeciiuiiy ouis, r, .. . ' ; ' . . : M M- K ATZ :- .". - DRY GOODS 11G r.larfidt Gt., PU2ASS NOTICE. we will te glad to recelYO cccxm'unic&ti from our frteacu on any ana en BufcjectsT: : . Tiannsio ci tra yrztcr mzzt always to nisaeOvtli3Eii:or. CoisjnaaTcrt!05s caust to written - en tu : Pcrscnauticajitss be avoided, .. And it la esCliilj and partlculirty urier stood taattfiS Efllor floeS not always encore tni views of correEpgnaeuts taxless bo Btatca Inthe editorial columns. - N E W A p V EKTIOE RXEN TM . " JilJi 10 l iUdO ; LLtli 1YU l ... 4" I 13E M YFliiKNIWAND THiT PUBLIC generally to note the "inct that "l: have made ample preparations for u '- :r : 'X: V First-Class Christmas Markef.rv I propose to feed everybody and the rest Of mankind and have received a car load of . . v some ot the 1JEST EVEK SEEN ON VTIIIS MAKKKT. which has been Ordered exnrcsslv for the - --. . -r-j , .'-.r..vvw-'- '"i? V-iZir' H0LIDAI TRADE; there'is none better to be had anywhere,.; It .J will .be offered on my stalls ' V kt 1 in :i iHr ii'i h iirin rinA n 11 f i A-.uiiiuuv unit n rhi itj . - thereafter durlnsr the Uolldarkl ' ' ' .... s. , 4 1.. . : .. n. Tl . m -r,Yi rt- - -r t , '" some splendI.13IUTTON, VEAL, POHK,' SAU- " , Respectfully, ' .lOtIN F. AREEIiL v Stalls 1 and 2, Front Strtet 3rarket,B0UtU SldcT I f V:. ,,,X A Card. Ache hard, r ! t PEOPLE ARE A liPTTLE DISAP- "turnincr in'' the flr-alarm -. v am vnrv' sorrv that we can't, e-iva them fl .flrsr..cts I I I 1 " lllil, II. 1 .1 hlllll ill IIHIIII. W IIII 11 HIT I 1 1 1! - - v. mmw v f m vu vcr &. vs & r ing things promptly. l)on?t you see? x ery truly. Arc.-, JAM ES D. NU TT. -, 21 IMorrn Wnnt Kf. TlnnlAr In Pnro liu - 4-ines. :l)rutrs. &c. XKillT lSELt. - dee ??tf ' -AT- :0:- carpets AND OARPErS,' " Wilmington, b.

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